Last long run, jumping (well attempting to) for joy and Christmas is up at our house.

Well, I finished my last double digit run before the marathon and my friend suggested a jumping for joy picture afterwards so we went for it.  I don’t know what I am going to do with myself on Saturday mornings after the marathon… between training for Boston earlier this year and then this extra long marathon training cycle it feels like every weekend in 2015 has been lucky enough to have a long run thrown in.  It will be nice to get back into strength training a bit and letting my body recover for a few weeks though!

1 week from today!  Who else will be running Tucson?

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The reason for the long run on the treadmill… we woke up to the sidewalks all looking like this.  The workout went like this—>  4 miles @ 7:30 pace and 6 miles @ 6:18 pace = if done outside I would have slipped pretty much the entire run.  

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Brooke actually does a much better job than I do at running on the snow.  

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Right after I finished we went over to meet some friends and Brooke went for a jumping picture too!

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College roommates—>  we spent a lot of time eating chocolate and watching Gilmore Girls and the OC together.  

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Waffle Love.  I don’t know what they put into their waffles but they are ridiculous.  

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Brooke and I went to lunch a little later at Oteo (in Lindon)!! The best tacos (and plantains) you will ever have!  We are working together on a fun collaboration coming up and so we chatted, ate these beauties and I’m already craving more tacos again.

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After lunch we did probably the most important thing we have done together in awhile… decorated for Christmas.  

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Brooke played with the Nativity set for quite some time.  

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And before bed the two of us went on a mini walk to hear the snow crunch with each step that we took.  

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Real or fake tree?  When do you decorate for Christmas?

-I grew up always having a real tree but I’ve got a fake one at our apartment.

Who else got snow?  Did you run on it or inside?

Three things that you have going on today?

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We always had an artificial tree so I dont know any differently.

We haven’t gotten snow yet but we did get a lot of ice the last couple days. The roads have been bad and it forced my sisters here an extra day.

Today my sisters are leaving, I have a long run and since I didn’t sleep well last night, hopefully a nap!


We have always had an artificial tree……….they’re easy and save money!
No snow in Tennessee yet, but maybe near New Year’s…..if we get any it is usually in early January. Today I have work (penguins!), a quick run (100% chance of rain today) and decorating for Christmas!


Definitely a fake tree! It’s too dry in the dessert. A real one would require an irrigation system to keep it alive until Christmas! I haven’t gotten mine up yet but plan to later this week.


I’ve always insisted on real trees but with this move from New England to Florida I’ve agreed to a fake one.


Real tree for me. I live in ME, balsam everywhere.

No snow yet. I want some. I have some snowshoe races after the New Year I need to train for. I do run in the snow. It’s the ice that makes me nervous.

Not sure what I am doing yet. Too early to tell.


We’ve always done a real tree. I love the smell of them! No snow in the Seattle area, although there’s plenty in the mountains!


We do a fake tree but I always put those things on it smell like a real tree :). We got it from a friend of ours and it is a super nice fake tree!
We usually do it the day after Thanksgiving, but it was so busy this year that we still haven’t done it yet! ASAP!
We didn’t get snow and I am glad. I am on the hunt for winter boots and I am looking for ones just like the ones you are wearing in the last picture! Are they a recent purchase? If yes do you mind me asking where from?!!!


I had snow– just about half an inch. I still ran outside, and by the time I ran, the roads were mostly just wet and not snowy. But there was one section where the roads were still snowy, and I definitely felt it. I could feel different muscles working. :)


No snow here in NY! Actually, it was over 60 degrees yesterday, how crazy?! Love Brooke’s coat!


Real! When I moved into my apartment, I got both. The main tree is real and the two smaller ones are fake. You can’t beat the smell of a Christmas tree!
We haven’t had any snow yet. We had random flurries a few weeks ago but nothing actually stuck. We’ve had beautiful weather these past few days.
Three things: run, grocery shopping and cleaning. Enjoy your day!


We have a fake tree. Our first tree was a sad looking thing, then my mom got a new tree and gave us her old one to use. It’s beautiful.


No snow here and none in sight for the near future. I miss snow!


Always had a real tree growing up but now that I have my own apartment I just have a little table top tree. I only have a handful of decorations so it only took me a minute to put them out :) You can keep the snow, I do not want it!
Today will consist of an off day from work (yes!), church, 80 minute run, gym strength training, and job searching. Have a wonderful day!


We put up our tree yesterday and it’s the best! Our house smells so good.


My Solomon trail shoes are great for running in snow and slush but yeah, not at the pace you were hoping to hit. I love winter running. I’m actually going to put some screws into my shoes this year for extra grip when it gets icy.


I prefer an artificial tree, my dear husband prefers real so we alternate. :)
I am usually fully decorated the weekend after Thanksgiving every year. I am so NOT in the mood so far this year. I hung a wreath on my front door, (thanks Costco) but cant muster the spirit for any more at this point. Boo.


We have a fake tree, it is much cleaner. We have been enjoying our quiet 4 day weekend. Today is the last day and reading needs to be completed, and I am thinking about making homemade waffles, homemade bread (this will be my first attempt in some time) and we are going to be making a beef roast for supper. If I have my wishes, I don’t even want to leave inside today. :) PJ day!!


We are real tree people. We love the smell of the real tree and it is a one time of year thing so I figure we can buy it instead of hauling out the same tree every year that is fake. My husband won’t let his parents even get a fake tree. It is a childhood memory for both of us.


I always say I’m allergic to the treadmill, but if I walked outside to that snow I guess I wouldn’t have a choice either! We’ve only ever had a real tree growing up so I say that I’ll do the same when I have my own house one day, but they are expensive and a pain in the neck! But I think it’s worth the smell. Today I’m going to church, visiting my grandmother and then driving back to Memphis!


I loved having real trees growing up – they smell so amazing! But fake ones are just more practical, so that’s what we have.

We have only a dusting of snow on the ground right now, but that’s enough to keep me inside. I’m a big weenie when it comes to running in the cold – once it drops below about 40, I stick to the treadmill.

Today I’m cleaning, running, getting a little bit of work done, and relaxing before a busy week!


YAY to your last long run! You have a beautiful Christmas tree, and Brooke and her girlfriend are sooo cute!

LOTS of snow here in western Canada and the temps are really nice and mild for this time of year! I love running outside in the snow. :D


Awe it sounds like you had a really good weekend. We’ve always had a real tree at my house so that’s what we will have again at my house. I think we will decorate in the next week or so.


Fake tree all the way! The one we currently have is probably on it’s last season. I LOVE Christmas, and the tree is always up right after thanksgiving!


Congrats on finishing your last long run! What a journey this training session has been for you. You are SO ready!!!

My husband and I always have a real tree. Usually we go out in the forest and cut one down, but this year we bought one at a lot because the temperatures have been in the single digits (and we have an infant). We hope to make it a family tradition when out son is a little older to go out and cut one. We decorated for Christmas yesterday – love this time of year!!!

We have tons of snow on the ground. Most of our sidewalks are covered, so I have been running on the sides of the “less traveled” roads with my studded running shoes. Six miles today!


Where do you live that there is tons of snow and it’s already single digits?? I love how you say you normally cut one down in the forest, sounds so picturesque and adventurous, that is a cool memory for a kid :)


Hi Brenda! I live in Bend, Oregon. When it snows here, it snows hard! :)


I know you’ve mentioned before, but what do you do lately to keep your mind occupied on the treadmill? Winter is fast approaching here in upstate, NY and I need some new distractions :)
I’m so excited for your marathon!!! Watching you train so hard and be so heartbroken so many times… your tenacity is admirable. You got this, girl!!


Congrats on finishing the! Have a great race next weekend!

We go for a fake tree because we’re on the third floor of our building; far easier than trying to get a real tree up all those stairs!

The snow is beautiful – wishing for a little more seasonable weather here in central NC. Not that 70 degrees isn’t nice, but it just isn’t “holiday” weather for me :)

Went on a run/hike with the dog, wrapping some gifts (yay!), and eating more leftover pie. I can’t even get over my mom’s apple pie this season. It’s a meal.


We are doing real tree this year, I love the smell!


Hi Janae!

I’m looking for a running coach – how did you find yours? Do you have any recommendations?

I’m running a marathon in a week, too, and also hoping to break 3 – I’ll be sending lots of speedy thoughts your way!



Always a fake tree, I love the concept of picking out a real one, but I don’t love the sweeping up the floor after it.

No snow yet, YAY! Some flurries last weekend, but I did my go away snow dance & they promptly stopped.

Going on today? Eating cookies, heading to PF Changs for dinner with my momma & returning a few online shopping outfits that just do not work.


I love the smell of a real tree, but despise the clean up. Fake tree for us!

Today will be spent with a whole lot of laziness.


We always have a fake tree at our house. So much easier for me and my girls. We are putting it up tonight. My parents always get a real tree. We usually go with them to pick it out and help them decorate it.

No snow for us yet. Thank goodness! We’ve had rain and freezing drizzle coming down here since Thursday. It’s not suppose to stop until Tuesday. No running or anything else outside right now.


My family has cats, which means a fake tree is necessary. I think we’ve only had a real Christmas tree once in my life, when I was really young.

So glad I don’t have to worry about running on snow here in Florida… I’m a big enough pansy about running in the rain.


I am home in IN for the weekend and no snow here but I’m seeing a winter storm warning waiting for me back in Minneapolis. I’m not ready!


Real tree!!

I am running my first marathon next Sunday. It’s the Rock and Roll Marathon! I’m really excited!

I wish you the best of luck next weekend! :))


Definitely a real tree for me! Put it up yesterday a little ahead of schedule, but so nice to enjoy for the entire month of December! Good luck in the snow! It’s been chilly over in Boston but no snow yet!

Happy taper week ahead!


No snow around here but its been raining all day! Yesterday it was almost 70 degrees! I also grew up with a real tree but now we have a fake one. We put up the tree and decorated yesterday!


I’ve only had a real tree once in my life… I was 10 and we managed to hatch a whole bunch of preying mantis. They were EVERYWHERE!!!


Fake! Because I like to decorate the weekend of Thanksgiving and leave it up through Christmas. Real just doesn’t last that long….or at least doesn’t look good in the process.
No snow. Just rain. Ran outside this weekend.

Good job on the training run! Good luck!


I’ve been running on the treadmill because of the snow/ice on the ground. It’s also super chilly so the treadmill is definitely winning. Got in 7 miles this morning while watching a Christmas movie on Lifetime. That’s a win!


WOW! What a winter wonderland. It’s nearly 50 degrees in NYC! Happy tapering!!


So crazy that you guys have snow and freezing cold weather, but here in South Georgia you need a jacket in the morning, but by noon you don’t need any jacket and can wear a short sleeve shirt

I was able to get my 13 miles in this morning…… ran with a friend and the miles flew by!!!

Then I had to work…. so no Christmas decorating here…… but I so love your tree!!!! We tend to go with a real tree. Next Saturday, the plan is to go tree shopping!!! YAY!!! Christmas lights are going up everywhere! I love this time of year!!!


We always had a real tree growing up too… but this year it’s a fake!


Real tree for us but had fake growing up. I ran a quick three on the treadmill to breAK in my new shoes. So far, so good.
The butternut squash tacos you posted a while back are delicious! I added black beans and onions. I’m eating the leftovers for lunch tomorrow. Yum!


Yay for your last long run! Taper time is upon us, and I hope you enjoy the bit of rest you get. You’ve certainly earned it! Love your Christmas tree! We’ve always had a fake one but that was because our kitty would eat if it were real.

Happy sunday!


I’m running Tucson next weekend! Hope to see you there :) I ran the San Carlos (Mexico) Half Marathon today and it was an amazing race but I kept thinking I have to run double the miles next weekend. It’s marathon #11 and last one before Boston training starts so just looking to end the year with a good race!

I loved having a real tree but since kids a fake one is just more practical. I especially love our new tree that has the option for either white, colored, or alternating lights. This makes us all happy!


Hi Janae,

I love reading your blog everyday and seeing your running and life updates and reading the responses to your questions :) I read yesterdays post and noticed that someone commented about how you mentioned that you missed Brooke but then did your run and went to the movies on the day she got home. I saw your response too and was just going to leave it at that, but I am still thinking about it today so I thought I’d write it down here… Just know that I am sure that all your regular readers KNOW where your priorities are in life (Brooke&family come first, second, third – tenth, and then maybe the rest of your life/running come in) and it is so easy to see what an amazing mum you are and how much you love Brooke. I just thought I’d put that out there in case you too thought about that strange and negative comment! You are awesome and so inspirational! Keep it up!

Ps. I might as well answer the questions too now! :)

Real tree when it’s possible, but unfortunately I’ll have to make do with a fake one too!
No snow here (we live in Australia so it’s 30+degrees C at the moment, so I still ended up running inside because it’s so hot…..) I’d looooove some snow!
I’m at work now, then going to the gym for a weights workout, then I’ll go home and make some nice dinner and chill out on the couch with my husband :D


Eveline! I seriously cannot thank you enough for your sweet comment! It really means the world to me and it was just what I needed. I hope you have a fabulous week and thank you for taking the time to write me! I need to come visit Australia and we can go on a run together! Hope your night with dinner and your husband was a great one!



I ran a half marathon in Budapest once (I am 21), and I know that it is huge for you and for your family.
Respect From Serbia, and have a nice christmass!


Oh my gosh, it looks like Christmas over there!!!
Three things I’ve got going on today, getting my run in, cooking and working!


those waffles look soo good!!! i love waffles…not wait i love pancakes…no wait…the struggle is real! i sometimes wish it would snow hear, I have always wanted to hear the snow crunch under my feet after a fresh snowfall but alas, no snow here :(


Aw I love your tree!

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