Thoughts in my brain while running and we looked beyond cool.

Yesterday’s run started out nice and early which meant it was a little chilly out which meant it was the perfect running weather which means I will probably cry when it starts snowing here.  Winter, please just wait until Christmas to show up.   

I talked about this a bit on instagram yesterday but my new thing to tell myself when running faster is—>  ‘I am comfortable’  because I really want to train myself to be comfortable and relaxed even when I am working hard.  The first half of my run was at an easier pace and then I was supposed to do a fast finish for the second half.  Just a few minutes into the second half of the run and I was wanting to quit and feeling like I had lost a lot of fitness over the last few weeks.  It was annoying.  I decided that it was time to trick myself so I told myself over and over again, ‘I AM comfortable.’  It worked and the pace started to feel more comfortable just like that.  I think the theme of my life the last few months is to learn about the strong connection between our minds and body and I think this is especially true with running.  Whatever we expect to happen will happen.  If I let the doubts creep in then I don’t hit my splits but if I am able to stay positive (for the most part) during my run then good things happen.   I think that I’ll really be able to take my running to the next level as I train my brain to be more and more comfortable with being uncomfortable and pushing the limits.   

Thanks mom for the picture… she has become quite good at running photography over the last few years that I have blogged.  

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30 minutes at a little under 7:30 pace followed by 30 minutes (and one second) at a 6:35 pace.  It felt good to get into my groove again, sweat a bunch and to feel my heart rate get up into those higher numbers. 

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 She’s really into the post-run hugs and kisses.  

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And onto the rest of the day:

Brooke and I met up with my mom to get some errands done and this happened.  Blue stripes were just the thing to do yesterday…  we looked beyond cool.

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Afterwards we went to a doctor’s appointment for a follow-up on how everything is going.  I’m trying a different prescription out for a bit and really working on eliminating the things that aggravate my stomach (gastritis is the main issue right now) the most.  A work in progress:)  PS how is she tall enough for drinking fountains without my help?

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And then we did our cool tongue trick in the car afterwards.  

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Our friends came over last night and one brought a dog with them.  Brooke played fetch with her for an hour and then..

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she read her princess books to her.  They bonded.  

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Luckily she didn’t try to put lip gloss on the real dog like she does on her toy dogs.  

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Okay, two last things about Trader Joe’s because for some reason I am more obsessed with them than usual.  

1.  This.  This.  I might just put it on every item I eat leading up to Halloween.  

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2.  Has anyone tried these yet?  I saw them on instagram and I stared at them for a solid 2 minutes.  Seasonal foods trump normal foods.

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Actually, I need your opinion on one more thing.  How do these compare to Reese’s… I don’t buy things until I get your opinion on things.  

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What are your weekend plans? Any races?  Any long runs?

-14 miles!!!

Dog owners… how long have you had your dogs?

What mind games have you been playing lately to help your running?

Bloggers—>  how long have you been blogging?

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Also running 14 miles tomorrow :) I love the “I’m comfortable” because I have the same problem, feeling that only easy miles are that way.


I’m officially tapering for NYC and only have a 16 tomorrow!!
I totally tell myself that I’m comfortable and relaxed too. It really helps me to drop my shoulders and keep my heart rate down.
My dogs are 8 and 6!
Mind games: I broke up my 22 into smaller loops and picked up friends at certain mile markers. I convinced myself that it was just. 6, 6, 7, 3
I’ve been blogging for 1.5 years.
And…I need to try those pumpkin rolls!


I have 12 miles this weekend but I have to do it on Sunday since I have to work tomorrow morning.

I always ask myself if I am really feeling like something is wrong or if my mind is just wanting to be done. Usually it is just my mind so that’s the muscle that I need to work the most!

My husband got his dog from his dad 6 weeks before he passed away. We have had Sam for just over 10 years now.


Been blogging for 3.5 years! It turned into my full time job after two years. Can’t imagine life without it now.


I’m running nine miles on Saturday, and since I’m traveling up to Idaho for the weekend to meet my new niece, I get to run with my dad! I’m excited. :)

And I’m a new blogger… I’ve only been blogging for about three months. But I’m enjoying it so far! Even though I don’t really have a readership, I find that knowing I will be writing about something keeps me more accountable for my workouts. Also, because I like writing, doing the blog post for a tough workout or race is kind of my reward.


Running 10 tempo today, 10 easy tomorrow! Been blogging for 2 years :), Have had our puppy for 6 months, and getting through tough runs i’ve been repeating to myself “You’re body is stronger than you know!”


I am in a drop back week so “only” 12 miles! One more 20 to go before the taper begins!!!

I have been blogging for 6 years…it comes and goes in waves!

My mind games have mostly been around being ok with having to wake up earlier for the longer weekday runs. I will be so excited when I don’t have to run 10 miles before work and can just do whatever mileage I feel after work when I am done training:) I have been so tired lately!


Haven’t tried them yet, but those PB cups can only be good…


IMHO Justin’s pb cups aren’t sweet like Reese’s but they are still good! :)

I am going to try your “I am comfortable” mantra during my next hard run … whenever I get to do that!

It’s hard to believe but in January I will have been blogging for three years! I found your blog right after I started blogging so that means I have been reading here every day for almost three years!


Yes. I feel the same! The Justin’s PB cups are delicious, but not as sweet as Reese’s. I feel better eating them, but sometimes I still need a Reese’s. :)


Running the Nike Women’s half in SF! And will be eating all the California food I love, as I’m flying in from school in Boston. Give me all the tacos.

The Justin’s peanut butter cups are so amazing. I like them better than Reese’s because the chocolate is more rich and tastes better quality than Reese’s. The ratio of peanut butter to chocolate is less than Reese’s, but if you’re in it for the chocolate go for the Justin’s. The white chocolate and dark chocolate versions are amazing too.


I tried PB cups and really disliked them. I thought they were pretty gross. But I’ve heard of some people liking them! Maybe buy just one to try it out?

Also accidental matching is a simple joy in life. Love it!


Oops. To clarify I didn’t like those PB cups specifically. Reeses are THE BEST! :)


I love that mental trick you’re trying. I need to do that because I’ve been slightly uncomfortable lately trying faster paced and harder workouts than I’m used to.

I need that Pumpkin Spice Cookie Butter. Now.


Mentality is HUGE! Trying to take control of your thoughts and strengthening that brain is a toughy for me. Working on it :)

Good luck with your 14 miles!! I’m running my first race of the season… a 5k. I’m interested to see where I’m at!


I like the Reese’s better but probably because I prefer milk over dark chocolate!

12 miles Saturday. My last double digit run before NYC!!!!!

I’ve been blogging for two years :)


Those Justin Almond Butter cups are SO good!

I’ve only been blogging less than 4 months! I tell myself all sorts of things while I’m running. I had a terrible long run on Wednesday and my thoughts were unfortunately negative. On a good day I tell myself that I’m fit, strong, and tough.


I try a similar mental trick. I tell myself “this doesn’t feel that bad” during harder runs.
No long run this week—I’m reverse tapering from my marathon and keeping it easy.


I’ve had my dog for a little over a year now! She just turned 4 and she’s the best thing that’s happened in a long time…she makes every day so much better. Love her! Good luck on your long run this weekend :)


Those PB cups are definitely different than Reese’s but I will say that I think I enjoy Justin’s more! It tastes more… real? I prefer the dark chocolate over the milk. I love the “I am comfortable” mantra :)


Great idea to tell yourself that you’re comfirtable. I’ll try to remind myself when I’m running my race tomorrow!! I like the Justin’s PB cups, but they’re not as good as Reese’s. Really, is there anything better than a good ol’ Reese’s cup?


Racing a half this weekend – 15 miles total on the agenda! Last long double digit run before NY! And I’ve had my yellow lab for 5 years… he’s the best highly suggest getting one :)


I need to try those peanut butter cups as soon as possible! I am the Queen of mind games in a lot of areas of my life. I need to stop over thinking everything.


I adore those PB cups! They make me feel slightly less ill than Reeses do when I eat 8 at a time. :) And they are dark chocolate, which is always better.

When I am having a tough time (mentally) during a run, I do this one visualization trick. I picture an ocean, with waves crashing around on the surface (representing physical pain, exhaustion, doubts, anger, etc.). Now matter how stormy it gets, deep down, miles and miles below the surface, the heart of the ocean is always still and calm. Imagining myself like an ocean helps me reach past the superficial emotions/sensations and tap into a deeper sense of strength, tranquility, and ease. (this is a trick of transcendental meditation, if you are curious!)


I’m going to try this out, thanks for the tip!


22 miles tomorrow morning! …and then the taper begins :) I have big plans to lay on the couch and catch up on Grey’s Anatomy & Scandal. I haven’t watched any of this season’s episodes yet. I’ve been blogging for almost 5 years. I really just got into it in January though and started posting regularly.


20 miles tomorrow! I will get through the hard parts by telling myself “taper starts on Sunday, taper starts on Sunday…”
My yellow lab turns 14 early next month.


I’m new to blogging but I write about my dog!! She’s 2 1/2. I run wih her every day because she’s crazy and needs the exercise :). The Justin’s are really good. I like them because I think I feel better after eating them vs regular candy.


grand rapids marathon this weekend!!!!!!!!!
once you try justins pb cups you will not be able to eat reeses anymore….. way better! they actually taste like peanut butter and chocolate :)


10 miles tomorrow. My longest run EVER!
Justin’s are sooooooo good…. the dark chocolate is to die for!


Last weekend I had the pumpkin rolls for breakfast, but they weren’t as good as I had hoped. The frosting that comes with it was way too sweet. I kept the rest of the rolls for this weekend so I can make my own pumpkin frosting.

I got grocery shopping every week at Trader Joes…. This weekend I am picking up a jar of that pumpkin cookie butter and I CAN’T wait! =)

This weekend my husband and I are finally putting together our guest room. We have been living in our house for a year and a half and haven’t done anything with it. We are painting it, putting together all the ikea furniture, and probably eating lots of take out =)

I have had my lovely Doberman Mix for 6 years now! I love her so unbelieveably much… I end up talking to her like she is a (very hairy) person living with my husband and me. We got while we were still dating.


I am running the Nationwide Children’s Half Marathon in Columbus, OH this weekend! It is my second time running it, but my first with a goal pace – trying to hit the 2-hour mark!! So excited and nervous!!!


I’m getting packed for my trip to Columbus right now… I’m also running the half. Such a great race. Good luck to you!!


30 mile bike ride tomorrow and a 5k on Sunday.

I am a fan of “just keep swimming”. :)


Brooke and the pup are just too cute!! Love that you all accidentally matched!


Now that the temps are finally manageable in Florida, I might go for my first run longer than 5 miles since the spring! Summers I usually focus on crossfit and speed work on the treadmill. This actually works nicely, since I really miss running by the time fall comes around and am ready to get into some race training again. But I always miss the perfect fall running weather I used to have in New England!

We also have two dogs, who have been with us for about 3.5 years now. They are such money-sinks, but I love the furry buggers.


I just bought those justin cups at Target b/c they are on cartwheel, haha. I like the big ones but LOVE the little ones. So tasty. Totally recommend.


I’m running the Nike Women’s Half Marathon in SF this weekend with some of my college roommates! I’m so excited for a fun girls weekend and to get a good long run in :)

Those PB cups… so good. Not as sweet as Reese’s because they taste a little more natural. But WORTH IT


I just hit my year mark with blogging this week!

I had a dog from the time I was 2 until I was 14. He was a cute little wiener dog. When we get a house that has a big enough back yard we will be getting another dog. But not a wiener dog because my husband doesn’t like small dogs.


Two things. That cookie butter though!!!! Send me some :)

Second, the dark chocolate PB cups by Justin are great!! They are not exactly like Reese’s… Don’t get me wrong I love Reese’s but you can tell Justin’s have more real chocolate and PB without as many added ingredients as Reese’s. And they’re dark chocolate YUM I Think they make a milk version too if you prefer that over dark


18 miles Sunday morning. 8 weeks until Dallas!!!
We’ve had our rescue Shepard mix, Bax, for 11 years now. He was our 1st baby. We only have 1 kiddo and she calls him her brother. As a matter of fact, she will tell total strangers about her big “brother”. I love it!!!
I wish we had a Trader Joe’s where I live. I have to drive 3 1/2 hours to go to one. It’s in Santa Fe though so I’m not too sad about that. ;)


Mind games are so important! I like the ‘I am comfortable’ idea since that is something I want to trick my body into feeling. I also like ‘I am balanced’ for when my muscles are feeling lopsided, it’s nuts how it reminds me and forces me to straighten up.


I am planning a short run of a few miles or so since I just ran the Chicago Marathon (poorly I might add).
I don’t own a dog. :)
I am working on the mind games. I had a really bad race on Sunday (4th marathon) and I’m still mentally trying to get past it. I’ve been pretty bummed. I will have to work on positive thoughts while running!
I have been blogging for 3 years!


I love the striped picture!!! I don’t know how many times my daughter and I have come out of our respective rooms with almost the same outfit on, same colors especially. It happened so much we now tell each other what we are wearing so one of us doesn’t have to change.

My daughter and I found these: at Trader Joes. They are so Yummy!! I put them on my oatmeal in the morning (they were so good on the oatmeal) and I put them on the Paleo Pumpkin Bars I made this morning but haven’t tried them yet.

Long run is 9 for this weekend, maybe later today. I enjoy them during the week a bit better than the weekend. I love the mantra!! It is true, mind over matter. I am working on doing more of it.

We had a dog for 17 years but she passed away in August. We miss her terribly! She was the best dog and we all talked to her just like her was not a dog. Her vocabulary was quite high and at times we did not want her to know what we were saying so we started spelling. She learned those words too.


24 miles for me tomorrow and then… we taper :)


We’re finally going to check out the Halloween doings in Salem MA this weekend! (I’ve only lived in New England for about 3/4 of my life, why would I have gotten to this before?)

I think our Boston Terrier is 3. But he could be 4. Time is flying on me.

I think those (and the Newman’s ones) are even better than Reese’s ’cause I love dark chocolate!!


I prefer justin’s PB cups! they are less sugary and more rich


Blogging for just about a year now- loving it and learning so much!

Justin’s PB cups are good; a little less sweet than Reese’s, but still candy. To me, I think if you want a Reese’s once in a while, you should have one – organic candy seems kinda gimick-y to me!


I’m running the Monster Run which is just 5 miles but should be fun!
I’ve had my dog Milo for almost 10 years! Dogs are the best and I highly recommend you and Brooke get one :-)
I like to tell myself to embrace the discomfort. It helps to think about the discomfort in a more positive light instead of making it so negative.
I’ve been blogging for just over 7 months!
Have a great weekend!


We’re going to the lake (Lake Michigan) for the weekend. Time to relax! It’s cold and will be snowing, so it will be good to snuggle in with hot coffee and a book. :)
Our pup, Abbie, is a Jack Russell terrier that we rescued four years ago. She five now, and a great running partner!
I’ve been blogging for about four years, though it’s pretty casual. I’m a photographer, so I blog a lot of pictures of my clients and the locations I go to shoot, but I’m also an avid fly angler, so there’s a lot of fish pictures, but I’m also a runner obviously! There’s lots of race recaps in there, and tons of miscellaneous stuff. I couldn’t pick just one topic. :)


Oh, so happy for you that you’re able to run again and that you are being taken care of by your doctor. I’m racing a 10k on Sunday and I find the shorter distances so hard to race! It’s all about trying not to barf.


Those PB cups are good, but not great. Reese’s are great!! I want to try those pumpkin rolls too, lol.


no long runs or races this weekend as i ran my marathon last Sunday, but i’m back to running shorter runs already so looking forward to a 6 or 7 miler hopefully!


I don’t like the Justin’s PB cups. I think the peanut butter is dry. If they sell Theo chocolate in your area, their peanut butter cups are awesome!


I am headed to Nashville Sunday night for a 5 day vacation!! I need it. We have been busy moving and it will be so nice to relax a bit! I plan to run almost every day I am there, including a 20-23 miler! My marathon is in a month!

I tell myself “I can do this” on my runs alot, and then I think of all the things I want to drink………I never fantasize about food on my runs, but I start thinking about drinks……….green tea, strawberry lemonade, dr pepper, cherry mello yello, cranberry juice (this usually wins…………..I love cran grape 100% juice).


Timely reminders, Janae! I am running a half marathon tomorrow…my first race in a year and a half and the longest number of miles I’ve run in like a year. I took kind of a break this year after getting burned out so I’m really nervous to see how this goes LOL I’ve been working hard the past couple months and know I’ll finish, it’s just terrifying me to think about. I have to keep reminding myself that I LOVE to run and I love the race I’m doing! I’m going to try the “I’m comfortable” thing and see how that goes :-D


I’m 100% enjoying my recovery week and don’t have any long runs planned! That said, I do have a run-date tomorrow morning with a friend to catch up on life things and that may very well turn into an unscheduled long run!

Thumbs up to Reese’s. They’re just so classic!

Happy Friday & Enjoy your 14-miler tomorrow!


Ohh, I lovvve the Justin’s peanut butter cups! They also make almond butter cups! ;) I almost bought the pumpkin pie spice cookie butter a few days ago, but was worried that I’d eat it too fast!

Great mantra, by the way! I’ve been struggling to run faster for a while, so I’ll have to try that…

Weekend plans: 5k with my students! :)

I’ve been blogging since around April and am trying to be more consistent, but it is definitely a full time job!


Justin’s are my FAVORITE. Reese’s were my favorite candy as a kid but I think these are so so much better- I love the dark chocolate and white chocolate ones


Blogging for just under 2 years and honestly I REALLY DO LOVE IT. I can’t imagine not creating content and connecting with people like you. My life was so boring before blogging and it’s opened so many opportunities.


Long run tomorrow not sure how many miles but it’s going to be coldest morning so far this year!


The Justin’s peanut butter cups are okay. I prefer the Newman’s own brand. They are more creamy, although they are also way more expensive. Honestly, I like the Trader Joe’s peanut butter cups the best.


I have been blogging for almost two months, still a work in progress for sure. I have never had Justins peanut butter cups. I am not sure how they would compare to Reese’s I hope you have a great run tomorrow. Saturdays are my double spin class.


My Missy is 12 years old and I’ve had her since she was 10 months old. She’s still spunky and has a ton of energy.

Is your friend’s dog a Wheaten Terrier? (I love dogs on the same level as Brooke).

The Justin’s dark are my absolute favorite. I find the Reece’s too sweet and/or fake tasting. Justin’s are amazing.

I’m running a short easy run this weekend. I’m taking a bit of a break for the next couple of weeks.

I’ve been blogging for 3.5 years, feels like longer…


22 miles tomorrow!! That number scares me to death and thrills my heart at the same time! Goal: to start out easy and finish strong.

I tripped while running yesterday morning (no major damage) but I’ve pretty much had everything go wrong that can go wrong since I started training for this marathon (I’ve had some great training, too.) So I’m telling myself, “you are gonna rock the race because everything bad has already happened!”

I started my first blog in 2008 (it’s currently private) and started my running blog in 2012.


Weekend plans include pacing a friend at a half marathon. Ever since my accident, I am just taking it easy and having an off-season.


As a huge PB/Choc fan and firmer Reese lover, I prefer Justin’s Dark Chcolate PB cups. They are definitely less sweet but o like that, the peanut butter is creamier (as opposed to that gritty texture Reese’s have) and I feel less sugared up after eating one. That being said, I still love my Reese’s eggs, pumpkins and Christmas trees because they really do taste different than the originals! ? Thanks for all the running inspiration Janae! I use your “pump you arms faster when your legs are tired” trick all the time and will try this mind-over-matter trick too.


I am running my 18th half marathon Saturday!!

I had my dog for 11 years! Dogs are the best companions!

Mind games and running…they never end. Mine has been I am not strong/fast enough. But looking back at all my races in the past, I have come a long way.


I love Justin’s…and I’m a massive pb&c lover, so that’s saying something. :)


So glad you are feeling better and getting back into your running groove!

And Justin’s are the BEST! I like them a lot more than Reese’s believe it or not. They are also really good in the fridge :)


The Justin pb cups are delightful! :)
-Weekend plans: working
-I have 2 cats, but my mom has a golden retriever (Tanner) and he will be 14 next week! He’s seriously the worlds best dog! :)
-Telling myself I have done WAY harder things *cough cough birthing a child!** And there are a ton of people who want to do what we do, so be grateful you get to!
-I just started a new blog that’s focusing on healthy living in about 1 month!


Did you ever tell us the songs on your playlist for the marathon? I discovered Imagine Dragons because of you. I could use some new music! Thanks and I am sooooo glad you are feeling better!


Glad you are feeling better and enjoying getting back to running longer/ quicker paces again!

Running a local 10k this weekend, should be beautiful weather and a small field. It’s actually the first time I’ve run a race in my town- usually run in NOLA, 30 minutes away and has way more events.

Have one dog, a 13-year-old black lab- we’ve had him for 11 years. He’s my decrepit little sweetheart. Poor guy, but he’s still happy and shows some pep in his step enough that we know he’s got some life left in him! We are starting the process of looking to adopt a puppy, though, and I hope to turn puppy into a running partner. :)

I’m trolling these responses for tricks to up my mental game, but I love the idea of using “I’m comfortable.” I’m trying that tomorrow!

No blog, but I do think about it on occasion. :)


No. Just no. Justin’s has great nut butter but terrible PB cups. Reese’s. Only Reese’s!


Ah! I want those pumpkin rolls. And lots of things TJ pumpkin I read about in their monthly ad I got at home. But I have a half marathon Sunday so I am trying to be good until then. Then bring on the pumpkin!

Impressive your mileage and pace for after all you’ve been through lately! Keep it up girl!


I’ve had dogs my whole life. My current two are 5(mini dachshund) and 7(black lab). Currently only the dachshund can run with me and his legs are so little that he can only do 2 or 3 miles. The lab has hip issues, poor thing. I lost my 3rd dog to cancer 2 years ago, she was a walker hound and ran all the miles with me. I’m not kidding, girl could do 20 miles in a clip, no problem. The only thing she ever wanted to do was run and swim and always with me. I’m pretty sure we were sisters in a former life.

When you’re able you should get Brooke a dog. She’ll bond with it and she’ll learn responsibility and compassion among other things…..okay, I’m done, stepping off my soapbox. Obviously I’m big on adopting all the dogs. LOL Have a lovely weekend and I hope those 14 miles are the most comfortable ever :)


Justin’s are 1,000,000x’s better because the chocolate is Fair Trade. No child slavery or exploitation involved!!


Those matching stripes are adorable! My weekend plans include my SECOND RUN EVER back from injury. I’m allowed a 20 minute run at a very slow pace, and have to concentrate on kicking my feet up more behind me when I run. This makes me feel like a newborn cow and my facial expressions show how confused I am!


Justin PB cups are tasty — the PB is just, so good, and when you cover it in chocolate, heaven.

I’ve been blogging for five years (holy smokes!) and we had had our two hound mixes for almost three years.

Happy Friday!


I think I like the Justin PB cups the best. I think it’s a better chocolate. I have been blogging for almost 2 years now. And I am currently dogless. :(


I will race the Columbus 1/2 marathon this Sunday!!!!!! As always right before a race, the doubts and aches and pains are starting to show up. But I will be running with my husband and he gives me all the confidence I need. And we just got our pup (half pointer, half lab), 12 days ago. Her name is Martha and she is sweet!


Good luck on your race! I’m running Columbus half too. :)


Just saw your reply. Hope you enjoyed the race! What a perfect day and great race to run. Those kids along the course are so inspiring and did you notice the polka ladies?


Polka ladies were one of my favorites! Along with those people on stilts (fairies maybe?) and the musicians dressed like an angel (guy) and devil (girl)! Good race!!


I’ve had my dog, Darby the goldendoodle for three years now! The best decision I’ve made in my adult life :). Just started blogging a couple of weeks ago after years of reading multiple blogs a day. Happy Friday!


Today is my bulldog’s 10th birthday! I got him at around 7 weeks old. Life expectancy on bulldogs is 10 years, but I think mine will live to be at least 25 ;)


My long run for the week is 8 miles, which I ran on Jekyll Island this morning with my husband. Our local track club is holding a 3 mile Fun Run this weekend and we’re going to run that with our 6 year old son. Gotta start him early!!

I’m not a blogger but I love to read running blogs!


Weekend plans — I’m in Kauai on vacation and doing easy three-mile runs every other day (unplugged) and loving it!

Dog–We’ve had our delightful King Charles Spaniel for 10 years now. Missing him like crazy!

Head games–What haven’t I tried? This week I’m trying hard to be in the moment. It’s so beautiful here and I only have a few days left.

Blogging–I just started blogging one week ago. Visit me at


This is my first week in marathon training for my first marathon! 6 miles tomorrow. I’m gonna try your trick out – I AM comfortable.

Our 5 year old labradoodle has been with us since he was a baby. He’s just my big baby now! I don’t really run too much with him anymore because I worked at a specialty veterinary hospital and saw too many injuries and heat strokes come in from running, but he does a mile or 2 with me when it isn’t too crazy hot (in Austin, TX)


I love the idea of the “I am comfortable” mantra. I’m going to try that next time I’m trying to get through a really tough workout.


It’s like tricking yourself when you’re sad by smiling because them you actually start to feel happier!


I just ate a donut.


Baltimore Marathon tomorrow 26.2!
We have a Shih tzu who is 15 yrs old. She is still active and super sweet.
Not a blogger but, enjoy reading and appreciate all your hard work!


In Wyoming I am no where near TJ’s so all these pictures make me so envious! I am training for my 3rd half which will be on Thanksgiving day. Run then eat! I am considering blogging – any thoughts or suggestions?


I love that running picture of you!


Brooke needs a doodle!!! Aren’t they the best??!? We have a 3 year old golfendoodle who we absolutely love!!


It’s good to see you running again! I’m debating doing a virtual 5k race tomorrow morning but I didn’t sleep enough last night. So if I can get a nap in this afternoon & sleep well tonight, I’ll do it! Some of my mind games are “I feel cool” because I overheat so easily and I live in blistering hot Arizona. Another mind game is “Cute guy ahead” so I can keep running;) Have a great running weekend!


No Saturday long run for me this weekend, since I’m going out of town for the night with my brothers. It’s cool though because I haven’t had a rest day in a week, and I’ll get some running in on Sunday.

I find lately that the thing I repeat most often to myself when I’m running and I start to think about whatever discomfort I’m experiencing is “Just keep going.” I hardly even think about telling it to myself, it’s just a reflex by now. But it usually works, I just keep going and think about something else.


I am on the fence about the Justin’s PB cups… I had the white chocolate ones too, they had them in a two pack at Target and then I got the dark chocolate individual ones. I love all things white chocolate, so those took the top spot in my book. My boss makes INCREDIBLE cheesecake, and today she brought one with mini Reeses on top, soooo good :)


I am seeing Janet Jackson tomorrow!!! So excited for this. Oh and I have two dogs I’ve had for 4 and 3 years. They are my babies and I spoil them. My four year old lab was my running partner but then when we got another lab puppy it was too hard to run them both. I swear labs just can’t seem to walk in a straight line. :)


Personally i don’t love the Justin’s peanut butter cups, i love their indiviaul peanut butter packets, they are wonderful for work lunches!
My weekend plans are car shopping for my first car i am buying myself Ahhhhhh!!!!!
technically i have been blogging for about 3 year but one of those years it was a class assignment. I have just seriously picked it up in the last year and a half. I am still getting the hang of it.


Forget Justins!!! Go and get the dark peanut butter cups from trader joes…I had them once and never looked back. Seriously…they are THAT good.


Those pumpkin rolls though. Mmmmmmm. Love them a little too much. :)


I’m less than a week post-marathon, so I’ll be cheering my friends on at a Halloween 10k in Sleepy Hollow this weekend. I’ll probably get a few easy miles in at some point.

We’ve had our dog a little less than 2 years. He’s a goof.

I’ve been blogging a little over 2 years. I started blogging to keep family up to date with a cross country road trip, and now I mostly ramble about running and food…


Justin’s peanut butter cups are amazing!!! They are even better than Reece’s! I have been blogging almost 3 years?


I have a jam-packed weekend, and will somehow find the time for my 17-miler. :)

I have a weimaraner at my parents house; we’ve had him for 4 years. Earlier this year we had to put down our first family dog that we had for 12 years.

And, I started blogging in January.


Justin’s > Reese’s. FACT.


Justin’s are good…but not salty enough! That said, I would only eat the Justin’s because the Reese’s aren’t as healthy :-( I’ve also been known to eat chocolate chips (dark!) and spoonfuls of salty PB to get my ‘fix’!


I like that PB + Chocolate chips!


Swimming 1000m tomorrow instead of running – just for kicks and giggles. I haven’t swam since August… I am also weeding and pulling out our garden.

We have had Hurley for 7 years and Pepper for 2! They are such a joy to us.

I’ve been blogging for 8 years now, but only started my running blog last November. So I’m still a newb when it comes to that. :)


funny you talked about the weather…it rained immediately before and after I started running… check out my fitness blog guys


I enjoy pumpkin/pumpkin spice fall treats… but what about apple?! I love making hot cinnamon apple cider, apple pies, apple cereals… etc. I want more apple stuff too :( How does the TJ’s Pumpkin cookie butter compare to the regular stuff in taste? I want to know before I throw money down on another extravagance! Haha.


Yes, get the pumpkin rolls!!


That coat you are wearing in the photo with the horse is beyond adorable. Where can I buy one??


Hey janae! I thought of this blog post all morning during the Nike Wonen’s Half in SF today. I said “I am comfortable” in my head more times than I can count and it worked! I even PRed :). So THANK YOU!!


The Justins cups are good – not as sweet as a Reese’s, and the PB is creamier – but they are so expensive (as with anything “healthy”) I rarely buy them.
I’ll take a Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkin alll day :)


Janae, I love that mental trick – “I am comfortable.” I’m going to try it as I try to increase my speed and endurance. I am a big believer in that our bodies respond to our brain. Love this tip!


Loving all the stripes

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