This is why you can’t take running too seriously.

Yep, ended up here yesterday but we will get to that towards the end…

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I woke up yesterday, felt kind of nauseated and so I decided to wait to eat until after my run.  I did 4.5 miles on the treadmill (PS yes, my legs are orange… it’s not from too many sweet potatoes but from a sunless tanner) and I felt kind of like myself again while I was running which put me on cloud 9.  

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8:30 pace with 4 x 45 second strides (6:00 pace) thrown in there.  

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Our next stop was gymnastics for the Brookers.  

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She pretty much ran for an hour straight with a few front rolls mixed in for good measure.  It makes me happy to see her so happy there.  

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This is where things went south… I started eating a plain skinless baked potato from Wendy’s at the end of her class and within minutes I hurt so badly I could barely hold back the tears.   SO… we went to Instacare.  My doctor is sure that this isn’t just IBS right now.  He gave me a bunch of prescriptions to help with gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining) and a possible peptic ulcer.  At this point I am down to rice and baby apple sauce being the only things that don’t hurt to eat.  Also, giardia (I had it 1.5 years ago) was ruled out because I am lacking the main symptom for that and without that they won’t even test you for it.  My doctor (he was a runner too… love it when that happens) said yep, go run St. George if the medicine kicks in by the race and if I don’t feel better in time then I should not run it.  

I will be following his orders 100% because A) my health comes before a marathon and that would be pretty miserable to run 26.2 miles feeling the way that I felt yesterday B) I respect the marathon distance… I don’t mess around with it.

I cried a lot to my mom, rested like a champ (aka hung out in bed for awhile), said lots of prayers and I am going to keep hoping for the best.  I DO have a plan B that I have discussed with my coach so that all of the training won’t go to waste because there is ALWAYS another race.  I’m going to remain hopeful I will feel good enough to race (and to be able to eat SOMETHING other than rice and applesauce) on Saturday.  I will just be playing it by ear and seeing how each day feels.   

PS this is why you can’t take running too seriously—>  there are so many ups and downs and uncontrollable factors.  You do the best you can, keep your head up and your spirits high.  With running you control the things that you can and let go of the things you cannot.  

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Races are important and we love them but this is what the really important stuff is all about:

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PS We got our car back and fixed after our pole incident and Brooke was pretty happy about it.   

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I LOVED this picture of Samantha rocking her Hungry shirt with an awesome look of determination on her face!

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Any songs that you are especially loving right now?  The more the merrier for my playlist (whether I use it Saturday or soon after)!

What has been the best part of your week so far?

Who will be running Boston 2016?  

Ever been crazy sick?  What was wrong with you??

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Yikes! I hope that medication works and you’re feeling better! Sending good thoughts your way!

I wish I was running Boston next year. My goal is to qualify for Boston next year!


So sorry to hear this Janae! This totally sucks and I’m sending you good vibes to feel better soon. But you’re so right – things happen and we can’t take it all so seriously or we’ll go nuts. I missed my half a week ago because of a random stomach bug, we can’t put everything on one race and it’s so important to take care of ourselves first!


You never know what life is gonna throw at you, and what really matters is your health and happiness! Running should never come before either of those things. I really hope you feel well enough to run Saturday, but if you don’t just know that you are doing the right thing by listening to doctors orders!


I have had c. diff twice. That’s how I learned to run on the treadmill because I couldn’t get far away from a bathroom. I am confident that you will be feeling better by Saturday but if not, you are absolutely right that your health is much more important and there are always other races (especially in October, it’s Marathon Month!)

I have a half day of work today then am going to Minneapolis for the Twin Cities Marathon and to see my best friend!


I suffer from gastritis from time to time and I ran a half marathon once and had an attack half way through. I was shocked I finished but I had to walk most of the second half and I would NOT ever recommend that.

Gastritis has a tendency to recur so it’s important to find the foods that work for you and stick with them.

And as a side note, sugar is horrible if you suffer with IBS or gastritis. I love my sugar too but I hate those stomach pains, they are sooooo painful.

I hope you feel better and I really want to see you sub 3, and be healthy :)


Janae I hope those meds do kick in on time! But a plan B for the marathon won’t be so terrible… like you said, there are always marathons!!

Get Low by DJ Snake gets my running fast these days.


I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I have been training for the MCM at the end of this month and life has thrown many curve balls for me to not be able to run it : ( I feel as though I am missing out on a chance of a lifetime, but I know that this kind of thinking is not healthy and will leave me feeling discouraged. You are right, there is always going to be another marathon to run. Take care of YOU!


Hi Jenn-
I will be @MCM this year as well, and I am sorry to hear that you might not run! Just know that you are so right, and that there will be other marathons and goals. As Janae always says, running will always be there for you when you’re ready. Your health and life situations take priority. Good luck!!


Hope that everything works out for you! We’re all rooting for ya! I admire that you put your health first & respect the marathon distance :)

I love that song too but read the lyrics LOL!! Other good songs I’m loving right now are Roses by The Chainsmokers, Downtown by Macklemore, and Scud Books by Hudson Mohawke (just beats, really good!!!)

Good Luck!!


Yes, that song is definitely about loving yourself in a very literal, hands-on way. ;)


Oops… I guess I was just loving the beat for running. Song deleted!


Oh my gosh I’m dying! I totally did not know that song was about that either!


I’ve struggled for years with chronic pancreatitis. I’m so sorry for your pain and praying for you!! I love your positive attitude–running is wonderful, but you have to remember that you are more wonderful.

I love any song on Matt Wertz’s new album, Heatwave. I highly recommend!


That’s horrible timing! I’m so sorry to hear that and I hope that the meds work ASAP!!!

The best part of my week so far has been that my school got cancelled for today!

I really wish that I would be able to run Boston next year but alas, I’m not quite old enough to run a amarathon yet :P I am running my first half marathon next spring though, hoping to BQ the year I turn 18 though but that’s four years away!

I have had the H-191 virus but I don’t really remember that. Last time I remember getting really sick was on vacation this year and I had a really high fever and almost passed out.


Oh my gosh I hope that medicine kicks in TODAY! But even if it doesn’t I’m glad that you have a back up plan. Best part of my week –> i AM running Boston 2016! First time as a qualified runner! I’ve run it twice before as a charity runner, the first time being the year of the bombing so I didn’t get to finish. I got to go back and finish what I started in 2014 though, which was amazing. My boyfriend coaches the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Team (TNT)—it’s how we met—so I’ll still run for the team, but at least most of the pressure of fundraising is off AND I’ll have an earlier start time on race day. Pretty dang excited about it!


Congrats, Annie! What an accomplishment (especially in a year where the cutoff was so high!)


Thanks Mo!


I hope that you are better by Saturday!! Sorry you aren’t feeling good.

You should check out Cecilia and the Satellite by Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness. It’s not one that you would run to but it’s a sweet song that he wrote for his daughter, his music is da bomb!!


Janae, I am so sorry to read that you are sick. I really hope the medicine works.
I really love your positive attitude, I should have you as my life coach.


Please rest up. So sorry this is happening so close to race day. You have a plan b which is great. Plan b’s make possible plan A mishaps easier to swallow.
I’m just going to listen to Shut Up and Dance by walk the moon for 5 hours straight when I run NYC in a month :)


So sorry Janae! Sending good thoughts and prayers your way!! You have such a positive attitude! I love it!


Oh no! My heart is breaking for you but I know you’ll have
a great back up race once this is figured out. First priority is your health. Hope you feel better soon!! Xoxoxo!


I hate to hear this:( I know how hard you worked but you are so right, health comes first and there will always be another race. I hope the medicine helps and that you feel better ASAP!


Oh, I’m so sorry! I know if I were in your place, I would have a *really* hard time keeping things in perspective. I hope you start feeling better in time for the race!


I hope you start feeling better soon!! Love your perspective on why you can’t take running too seriously! The sickest I’ve ever been as of late was last December through March when I had vertigo (aka the room spun anytime I moved). Being sick is no fun!

The best part of my week so far has been baking! I made some chocolate chip cookies and banana bread. :)


That is such a heartbreak! I really hope you feel better before the race! I am constantly battling with taking my running (training and racing) too seriously. Is it sad that my mantra sometimes becomes “remember to have fun?” But when you’re competitive and after all the hard work you’ve put in, it can be pretty easy to get caught up. But as you said, there is a plan B and there will always be another race!


I, so sorry to hear this. There is a grand plan in place (although it’s super hidden at the moment) and good things will happen. Thank you for sharing!


I have gastritis and superficial ulcers. I kept having spells of pain that would leave me laying in the floor. My doctor has me take an acid reducer every day to help and I just go to Walmart and get the equate 150mg that compares to Zantac for like $5 a bottle. Works like a charm.


As a blogger you are SO excited for unsolicited advice, right?? :) I vote to not run on Saturday, wait until you are perfectly healed, and run another marathon – there are so many around this time of year! All your good training should be put to its best use. Okay, that’s my thought – all in good humor of course. I really hope you feel good soon.

I am debating on Boston 2016!! o I can get a number through work since I did not run a marathon last year and therefore don’t have a qualifying time. BUT I’ve qualified before so I kind of feel like cheating by using a work number even though we have plenty ( I know, it’s a CRAZY awesome perk). The “problem” is that if I use a work number, I HAVE to run the race – it’s a lot of pressure. Whereas when I have my own number I can decide day-of and see how the Boston weather goes this winter ( I live one mile from Heartbreak Hill). Decisions decisions :) Are you definitely planning to run Boston 2016 ? I know you qualified – just wondering if you were running it again.


Hey Amanda, can I have your number!? I qualified but missed the unusually high cutoff this year by seconds- very disappointing!! Just kidding about your number though– I 100% think you should run!! It’s a race of a lifetime. I am going to try for it again :) Good luck!


Hi Jane – I know it’s for that very reason why I feel guilty taking a number! And also guilty for NOT taking it because I know how coveted they are. I also have this philosophy – do things NOW because who knows what will happen tomorrow or 2017. I feel like I should earn the number again – maybe run a different spring marathon. As you can see I go back and forth within 10 seconds :) Anyway, Boston is a great experience and if you want to run it you WILL qualify, no doubt.


I’m so sorry to hear this. Stomach problems (especially unexplainable ones) aren’t fun, particularly when they interfere with life. You have a good head on your shoulders and I’m hoping that medicine kicks in ASAP!


Goodness, I hope you feel better very soon! I can’t believe how upbeat and put together you are still! I would be a hot mess with a bun and sweats miserable! Go you, girl!


I’m so sorry for you, Janae! You’re being smart about seeing how you feel and keeping a backup race in mind. Health always comes before running, no matter how big the race.


Are you sure you don’t have leaky gut? You might want to look into that. :/


I really admire your positive attitude. It can be beyond frustrating to deal with stomach issues (Crohn’s is so unpredictable) so I totally feel your pain. I hope you start feeling better soon :)

I will be running Boston! Will you be there!?


I am so sorry that you have been feeling bad lately. It is a good thing that it happened before hand and you are able to catch it before it develops into something more serious. You are absolutely right, there are always races, waiting to be run. Brooke it the most adorable little gymnast. Stay positive


….And seriously, it’s the worst when you can’t get to your race line. This would be year number 4 for me. Yes, 4 times now I have gotten injured during training and could not make it to SGM. 4 years in a row now Janae :( If you can’t make it there Saturday. We can hang out. ugh.


Oh no! I am SO sorry Janae. I know you have worked so hard for this and have no doubts you will get that sub-3. If it has to wait and happen at your Plan B race, then so be it! Take care of yourself first and get to that start line feeling strong and healthy. Sending good vibes your way!! xo


Oh man!! I hope this all clears up for you, and soon. It sounds so miserable, but you are taking it like a champ. I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!!
I qualified for Boston 2016, but didn’t make the cutoff time announced yesterday. So, I did some crying to my Mom yesterday too :( But like you said, it’s only running, right? (maybe in a day or two I will think that, but right now it’s crushing my dreams! boo on that)


Hi Lisa! I am so sorry to hear that you didn’t make the cut. I didn’t either and was very disappointed! We both deserved to get in to the race. I think BAA needs to change their registration system- the BQ guessing game is tough! You will qualify though– take all of that energy into another race or charity! I just signed up for another race in April as a new goal and distraction from Boston :)
Good luck!!


I would totally do the charity route… but I’m not sure I could raise that much. Maybe if I had 150 friends kick in $50! :) Yes, I am sharing your pain. Time to refocus on the next goal. Good luck on your goals too! Boston will see us both in another year!!


My husband missed the cut off too! He was devastated! This would have been his 10th race grand fathering him into 10yrs in a row so you automatically get in years after. He’s now considering running with a charity.


Ugggggh!!!! Would he still get the streaker “benefit” if he ran charity? He would, right? I would *totally* do it in that case!! My husband will be running his 6th. My first was last year, and had that sucky rain. I just want a re-do with the beautiful race day I was hoping for :)


Missed the cut also! Such a bummer day yesterday!


Sorry to hear that about your husband, Christy, and Kristen!! We will all get it next year!


I’m so bummed about your tummy issues. Glad you went to the doc and feel like a few days of meds and you’ll be in a great place. I was thinking of you on my 10 mile run last night, I was tired and not in the mood. I kept saying, but Hungry Runner Girl is running with stomach issues 2 minutes faster than you, if she can do that, I can do this!! It worked! :) You are such an inspiration and I love your blog. I hope good things happen Saturday but if you need the rest, I know the Plan B will be amazing too!!! Your sub 3 is coming no matter what! Not running Boston, I’ve been really in to trail runs and have a trail marathon coming up in November. Best part of my week was getting in last nights run!


Just take it one day at a time. You will run an awesome race and you will feel better!


I am SO sorry! But yeah, you can totally grab another race if you have to!
I’m glad you’re not experiencing active giardia, but the sequelae can persist for years, so I’m sure you are a little more sensitive. I’m hoping for a miracle reversal and a good race (St. George or otherwise) after that.


I understand your disappointment totally but you’re totally right that there ARE other races and your fitness and training will not be wasted if you skip this weekend. Focus on staying positive. :)


I wish I was super smart and could give you some advice but I’m glad you’re smart enough to listen to the dr and to your body.

There really is always another race. That recently became a little mantra of mine for when a race doesn’t go as well as expected. Because it’s true, if you want to keep racing, there is always another race option.

On of my favorite songs right now is Fight Song by Rachel Platten


Stomach issues are the absolute worst…I have IBS and a mix of sensitivities that flare up if I am not careful or stick to my routine foods…kind of stinks sometimes because I want to eat pizza with everyone else once in awhile.

Currently obsessing over my fall music and that would include Ben Howard – These Waters. It is relaxing and refreshing and sometimes in the middle of the run brings me back to being in tune with myself.

Also, I am beyond flattered to be featured on your blog!


Oh my goodness. I’m so sorry to hear about the stomach pain. I’m really hoping the medication kicks in for you! I’m sorry you have to deal with this so close to your big marathon day.


Ahhhh… this sucksssss. You have such a great attitude about it all but man oh man, this blows! There are other races, for sure. You’ve got the sub-3 in that body of yours, so as soon as you’re better, go and get it!


I sure hope you can run this weekend and feel better. If not, of course, there is always another race. I so relate to how you feel after my stomach bug last month that left me in crazy pain as I tried to eat normally. It took almost 3 weeks and lots f oatmeal, bananas and potatoes. And bread. I know I said this yesterday but oatmeal with banana, every few hours as to not let your stomach get too empty, really helped me. And probiotics.Best thing the pediatrician ever said to me( I was at the dr for my son and his cold when my stomach pain was unbearable – dr recommended probiotics to get my gut back to normal).


Oh no, I really hope that the medicine kicks in for you. If not, you are SO RIGHT, there is always another race. Since we’re entering marathon season there will be plenty of races to choose from!

This may sound crazy, but during the Portland Marathon last year I really enjoyed listening to Day That I Die by Good Charlotte (#ThrowbackThursday). I’m going to add it to my playlist again for Chicago! The song made me laugh because I thought I was one step away from dying, but I *was* happy to be in the middle of my first marathon!


No fair! Stomach stuff is the worst–mostly because it seems like it’s so hard to treat. I know missing the race will be a huge letdown, but I hope you can get your stomach back to normal soon. It’s one of those things that make you not want to do ANYTHING, let alone run a marathon. Take care of yourself!


Sending good and healing thoughts your way! Hope you start feeling better ASAP so you can run your race and feel great doing it. But if not, glad you’ve got a plan B, because that’s a lot less pressure on your body and mind to be ready for Saturday. :)


Ugh, I’ve been here. I didn’t know if I was going to be able to run my marathon until literally the day before. It’s heartbreaking and so many emotions all at once. I’m thinking positive thoughts for you and hope that you’re feeling better soon. Even if you’re feeling up to it, plan B may still be the way to go so that you can really reap the benefits of all your training.


Ugh! I’m so sorry! I’ve trained for my first half marathon 3 times but have yet to complete my training because my knee goes out when I get to my 10 mile run and then I’m down for the count. So frustrating! Sending you looooove for quick healing!


So sorry to hear about your stomach pains! Hopes and prayers that you feel better by Saturday!!

“Octahate” by Ryn Weaver is one of my faves right now and is a great mood lifter!


Oh man. So horrible, I’m sorry! I had something similar happen about 10 years ago. I ended up going to the ER twice, convinced I had stomach cancer or some other horrible disease. Turns out it was severe acid reflux and just GI upset mostly due to stress. It’s crazy what our minds can will our bodies to do – this is both a good and bad thing! I had to keep things super bland, I lost a lot of weight/ muscle but eventually recovered. Now I am more conscious when I start feeling sick.

I hope you bounce back quickly, and that you are to rock St George!


Stomach problems suck!!!! Sorry to hear and hoping to get better by race day.

Thank you for the reminder about running not being the most important thing in life. I’m still not able to run. It’s been 12 days and counting since I was able to go for a run and my marathon is the 25th of this month. Praying that I can get back to running by tomorrow night.


Ok, so this is going to sound crazy, but I had c. diff. 8+ years ago and had flares pretty regularly until 2 years ago. What stopped them? I started taking the supplement regimen from the book Clean Gut by Alejandro Junger. Within a week or two, my symptoms were GONE. For about 6 months I took every supplement every day. Now, I rotate them, so that I get 1-2 dose each week of each one. The supplements=monolaurin, colostrum, L. glutamine, oregon grape root. I was already taking probiotics. I was skeptical, but also desperate as I was in a monthslong period of being so sick I missed a good friend’s wedding. I was about to have more testing including a colonoscopy. Mind you, I did NOT do his elimination diet, I just added the supplements.

I don’t know how you feel about supplements, but that’s my story. It’s worth a try to get to the starting (and more importantly, finish) line!


Saying prayers for you!! and sending you positive vibes from Richmond VA!


Fingers crossed that the medicine kicks in really fast. Be well!


Prayers and lots of love for you, Janae, that you will be feeling good again. Keep your chin up because you’re wonderful, and everything WILL work out!!!!!!!

Songs to add……some are kinda cheesy, but I like running to them!

Honey I’m Good
Xs and Os
I Can’t Feel My Face
Cool for the Summer

Prayers and lots of hugs for you!


So sorry you’re not feeling well. :( That’s the worst. But you’re still going to rock St George! Sending up a prayer for you now!
I’m going to a concert tonight, so that’s probably going to be the best part of my week.
I’m loving basically anything by Sleeping at Last or Ben Rector.


The Champ by Nelly, best running song EVER! I’m So Sorry by the Imagine Dragons too:)


So the question is: Do you run and potentially be satisfied with less than your PR or desired finish time? Or wait for the next, better opportunity?

I’m in favor of running your race. This is a classic stress illness flare up. You’ve been through so much in the last few weeks it was bound to build up. (Sorry for the unwelcome diagnosis!) A few posts ago I told you about my own experience post 9/11.

What do they say about training? Undertrain and you might not make it to the finish. Overtrain and you might not make it to the start. That ain’t you. You’ve got this and we all have our fingers crossed. You can do it.

BTW I have a trick knee right now so I’m going through the same anxiety. (Physician heal thyself). But I’m signed up and I paid my entry (yesterday after visiting the PT). Luck is when preparation and perspiration meet opportunity.

Prayers and happy thoughts. Smile.


I hate seeing others go through this! Make and drink bone broth. It has helped heal me immensely…make sure thou make it, store bought has too many additives. L-glutamine helps too! It will help bring down the inflammation of the intestines. I’ve been put through the ringer the past 7 years and it wasn’t until 6 months ago I was able to take steps to feel better – you’ve got this!

I felt like a crazy person at first, but now I swear by it. I hope you feel better! I’ve been reading for a number of years and know how hard you’ve worked to hit your goals.


I’m so sorry to hear about this :'( I hope that the medicine kicks in for you ASAP! There is still a couple more days to go! *fingers crossed* I know how much it sucks to have your body revolting against you- I’ve had a herniated disk and all the pains that come with it for over a year, and right now I’m on antibiotics for an infection :( I had been losing weight but I’ve started to gain it back over the last few weeks because I’ve been stuck in bed whenever I’m not at work :(


The best part of my week so far was snuggle time with my kiddo and our dog this morning. I kinda wish we could’ve stayed home today.

I had pneumonia really bad once. I was down to less than 30% lung capacity and spent over a week in the hospital. It was awful. The weirdest part was I thought it was a stomach thing ’cause my main symptoms were nausea and vomiting (and fever).


Janae, I am so sorry to hear about your health issues. Think positive thoughts and just know that running will always be there (as you always say!). I know that it’s very disappointing when you can’t meet a goal, but you never know what will happen! If now is not the time, you will bounce back again soon when you are ready and will tackle this ambitious goal- or other ambitious goals you may have!


Uggg, I am so sorry to hear about your stomach issues, they are the worst ? I have been there… literally (at the ER). Luckily, I have mostly figured out what foods trigger it and have been able to avoid recurrences for a few years. I will say some prayers that your stomach behaves for St. George!!
I should be tapering for my marathon on 10/11, but was forced to defer b/c ot is taking longer than I had hoped to come back from my injury. I can’t think about it too much b/c I get all weepy. It sucks. But, you are right, you say that you can’t take it too seriously. Setbacks happen in life and you have to learn to roll with it. There will always be another race. Fortunately for me, it will be Boston 2016! ?


What you’re describing with your stomach sounds exactly like something I went through years ago. I remember everything I ate hurt my stomach severely, to the point that the pain didn’t even make sense. Once I ate saltines and within minutes was curled up in a ball crying. I was tested for a bunch of stuff, including ulcers and everything was ruled out. I think we finally decided it was stress related and I was put on some medicine to reduce the acid in my stomach. I don’t remember the name of the medicine but I think it eventually came out over the counter as Prilosec, maybe…. I just remember it was really expensive at the time and I was young and single and couldn’t afford it so stopped taking it after 2 months, by then the problem had gone away. I don’t know if the medicine did it, or if the problem just left…. Have you tried something like Prilosec or Nexium?


I haven’t but the pain you are mentioning is identical to mine. I’m going to ask my doctor thank you Leslie!


You poor thing! Thinking about you and hoping things turn around quickly!


Hang in there and decide Saturday morning. I understand SO well. I’m supposed to run St G as well, but I’ve come down with a nasty cold. A cold of all things! I’m so frustrated. I’m hoping I can push through and run – although my A goal is out the window, I’m sure. I’m crossing my fingers for both of us. :)


Thanks for the reminder that there is always another race. I’ve been so caught up in worrying about St G that I didn’t stop to think of that. There is a local marathon in two weeks that would make a good Plan B. Not St G, but at least all the training wouldn’t go to waste.


I am so sorry to hear about what you’re going through! You are in my thoughts and hopefully things are much better by Saturday. I do want to share a similar situation I had to yours when I was in high school (over 10 years ago, yikes!). I had very similar symptoms and couldn’t even keep down dry toast. I had to go to about 4 different doctors to finally be told I had an ulcer (due to stress they believe). I took a prescription Prevacid for a month and it made everything 100% better. I just needed something to neutralize the acids in my stomach. It helped a ton and I finally felt like a normal person again. I don’t know if that helps but I know how awful it is to feel sick like that every day. Keep pushing the doctors to find out what is wrong. Best wishes and get well soon!


Happy, healthy thoughts going your way! You have a lot of people rooting for you!


I’m thinking of you and hope your medication starts working soon. I was diagnosed with chronic gastritis when I was going through my divorce, and it seems to only rear its ugly head when I’m stressed or anxious about something. I am so sorry you have to deal with that pain and really admire your attitude. I have been found many times crying on the side of a trail because the pain really messed up my run for the day. I wish you the best of luck with everything. Stay healthy and run happy!


I couldn’t keep food down until 3 days before my marathon:( I ended up PR’ing but definitely wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t feel good. Best wishes to you!


Hoping for the best for you! Read your blog everyday!! You’re amazing whether you run this race or not!


Oh, I hope you feel better! On the other hand your health is the most important thing, not a race.

I missed my first marathon due to a hip injury. Yes, I could have run but it was strongly advised against and I listen to my PT and orthopedist because they know what they’re doing. There is ALWAYS another race.

The best things about my week is that my husband is up, moving around pretty well and feeling better after his surgery. And my friend gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.


I really hope you feel better soon. I once had norovirus the week of a race. I was in the hospital overnight, had the best sleep I’ve had in my life due to the nausea and pain meds, one day of recovery and then almost got a PR. Just make sure you’re 100% healed before attempting the marathon. I’m glad you have your mom to cry to. Moms rule :)


Oh no!!! So sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well! I can’t imagine how bummed I would be, but keep your head up! If its meant to be, you’ll be back 100% by race time :)


You’re positive attitude WILL get you through all this. I am in awe of how amazing your thought process is. It is inspiring. Prayers that you have a speedy recovery and nail your goal Saturday!


Oh girl! Sorry to hear of your stomach problems. I hope it clears up before the marathon. Thinking of you!!!


I did have giardia cysts without having diarrhea as a symptom. I couldn’t drink coffee, eat foods that were too acidic, and my stomach just HURT all the time, sometimes too much for me to get out of bed. I got tested by giving a stool sample and the lab report came back positive for giardia cysts. Just FYI in case your doctor won’t test for giardia because you don’t have diarrhea…it still can happen. I ended up being on antibiotics for 5 days, which totally wiped my energy levels and messed up my digestion. I hope it is not this serious.


Noooooo!!! Janae, my heart breaks (and my stomach hurts) for you! Such a frustrating thing to know you were so ready for this race and then to have this happen. And super annoying to not have answers for it! I rrrrrreally hate not having answers, but that seems to be a theme in my life. lol.

So something similar has happened to me 3x in my life. The Summer of 2000, the Winter of 2003 and then the Summer of 2007 where literally anything I ate made me so sick I curled up in a ball and moaned/whimpered until it went away (not dramatic. Nope. That’s not me) I kept food journals, tried removing fat from my diet (they thought maybe it was my gallbladder) salt, kept things bland, etc but it was just so random and for no rhyme or reason. They thought it could be ulcers and put me on prescription strength ant-acids. Sounds like that is what maybe you are experiencing and I just feel so bad cause it sucks. I hope that the meds the dr gave you help and that you start feeling better soon. Ya. You have a race and all, but like, FOOOOOOD. ;)

I love you girl and I am glad you have this awesome perspective and attitude. You are a great example to me.


Sending you many positive thoughts! Rest up, feel better, and kick that marathon’s tushy! :)


A fun and upbeat song is Shake by MercyME. Hope you are better by the race. Sounds like you have a great attitude about the whole situation. Your positive thoughts inspire me.



I felt like I really should suggest that you check out endometriosis and pelvic congestion syndrome. I was told I had IBS on my mission and went on meds. I didn’t stick with them and then got married/had babies and my symptoms were way better/relieved with pregnancy and breast feeding. They came back probably way worse after I finished breast feeding Eleanor and I searched for answers, not wanting to accept “IBS” (which I feel like they say you have if they don’t know what is wrong).

I tried diet, ultrasound for gallstones, CT scan for kidney stones, etc. Finally I stumbled upon endometriosis ( and went to a doctor in Los Gatos who is super good (Dr. Andrew Cook: He recommended I go in for surgery, and I’m so glad I did! I had endometriosis, an ovarian cyst, and large varicose veins in my pelvis (see I have been so much better (along with some physical therapy after surgery) and I definitely recommend checking it out!

Doctors are so slow to recognize/suggest endo/pelvic congestion syndrome. If your symptoms fit at all, please check it out! (see my blog for my info about the surgery)


I remember a few years ago I had such terrible IT band problems two weeks from
My first marathon. I literally couldn’t run a mile without walking. However, I went on to qualify for Boston during that race. Sometimes the mind can be tricky… It can make you doubt yourself, but it can also carry you through the hardest times. I truly think a positive attitude and a little bit of race day adrenaline can help push a person through the toughest obstacles. Keep up the great attitude! I hope you feel well enough to race. And if not, you’ll get ’em next time…and the time after that too!!


I so understand this. I have friends who have run the marathon through everything. Risking injuries that could keep them from running ever again. I think that’s the most foolish thing because if I never ran another race again I’d be okay as long as I get to just run. Priorities. Take care of you.


I hope you feel better soon…………whatever marthon you end up running next I believe you will crush your goal!

I love Sam Hunt’s “House Party” right now and Thomas Rhett’s “Crash and Burn”. Also Teen Beach Movie (soundtrack) “Crusin’ for a Bruisin”…….I love Disney movies!

I had a good 20 miler yesterday, and as cheesy as it sounds, when I hit mile 19 and was getting tired, “The Climb” came on my IPOD…………you know, the one from the Hannah Montana movie ( I love Disney stuff and I don’t care who knows it!!) and I was in the zone to finish my run!


You definitely have your priorities in order. I am saying some prayers for you that you will kick this stomach/GI issue and feel better by race day. I can imagine the frustration, but at least you have discussed a plan B with your coach. You are right, there will always be races and no marathon is worth risking your health. Thinking of you!!!


Awww, I’m so sorry you’re not feeling well. I have Crohn’s disease so I’ve been through many ups, and downs, when it comes to stomach issues! Praying you feel better and can race Saturday but, if not, I like your attitude that there will always be other races and there are more important things. Take care of yourself xxx


Thinking of you and saying prayers & sending good thoughts your way to make a complete recovery for the marathon. Buttttt, you are exactly right, our health & family is what is most important. I’m happy to see you have a plan B, just in case, because you are going to totally rock a sub 3!! : )

PS – Are you purple shorts and gray tank above Lulu? I’m hunting for my marathon outfit for Chicago and really like your outfit above.


i hope you feel better quickly. I can relate to the feeling, I was hospitalized with norovirus this year 2 weeks before I was to run Boston and London back to back. Horrible feeling after putting so much work in, on top of feeling horrible. Hope you’re able to get lots of rest and take good care of yourself in the next few days.


Wow, I’m so sorry. Feel better. Sending good vibes your way.


I am so sorry to hear this and am sending healthy healing prayers your way!
I can sympathize with what you are going through…for years I had “GI issues” last year before Chicago I started what was to be a major Crohn’s flare (unknown at the time I had IBD) and basically cried the majority of the race and was in the bathroom every mile. I ran NYCM after that and then threw in the towel, realized something was seriously wrong and have been pulling myself up from that since diagnosis in December. I am finally mostly in a good place but will NEVER do what I did then and put that much stress on a very sick body…twice, because yes I am dumb.
Compromising health is never worth it, you have an amazing attitude and outlook!


fingers crossed you feel better in time!! you have worked so hard, but your coach is right there is always another race especially with fall here there will be plenty to choose from!


Hi so sorry to hear about your GI issues and oddly enough, I am going through something similar ahead of my Half on Sunday. Mine has been diagnosed as c-diff as a result of a round of antibiotics I was on for a sinus infection. I am on meds and the advice nurse also is a runner who completely understood my desire to run on Sunday. Good thoughts to both of us that are meds kick in quickly. All my best to you.


I’m so sorry you’re not feeling well! I’m flying out from virginia to run st. George and I was so hoping to meet you afterwards! I hope you have a speedy recovery and then a speedy race! :)


i am so sorry to hear this.
any chance your back up plan is chicago?!


So sorry, Janae! Hope you’re better soon!


Your perspective on this ROCKS, Janae! You’ve got this, whatever “this” turns out to be. Thinking of you!!


I got a peptic ulcer this year the week before Big Sur. I had waited years and years to do that race, finally got in, and felt absolutely terrible for the days leading up to it. I did end up doing the race (I had flights, hotel, and a friend meeting me so bailing didn’t seem like an option), and I basically walked the entire thing. It was really hard and kind of ruined the whole experience.

Hang in there.


Sending a big hug and wishing you a speedy recovery.


This post was exactly what I needed today! I am 2 weeks out from my marathon and am suffering from TERRIBLE shin splints :( feeling so discouraged and really struggling to give my body the rest it needs!

That being said, I feel your pain and am SO sorry to hear about your health issues!!! Training hard and missing a race is so tough. But you have an amazing attitude and have inspired me to change mine :)

I’ll be praying for you! I hope you are able to feel strong and rock that race!


I love the pictures of Brooke at gymnastics–so stinkin cute!! :) Sorry you aren’t feeling well, that is such a bummer so close to your race. You definitely have the best attitude though, and like you said, there is always another race. :)


Oh man what a bummer!!! Life is so unpredictable. I hope you’re able to overcome this by Saturday but hey, if not? It wasn’t meant to be. Seems like you’re remaining positive about the whole situation which is awesome! You’re a great role model.

Hang in there!


Hate that you are having a tough time right now. Praying for a speedy recovery and fingers crossed a speedy marathon time on Saturday! :)


There’s nothing worse than being curled up into a ball from stabbing stomach pain. I hope the prescribed meds work their magic by race day. Stay positive, your attitude is inspiring.


I am learning now about how much our health and happiness comes before running…even though running makes me happy. I’ve had some knee pain that I’ve ignored a bit….and now I think I’m paying the price. Take care of yourself first for sure. Sorry you’re going through all that. I hope you feel better soon!!


How scary!! What a disappointment but hopefully the new medicine will kick in and work. It is such an emotional situations because even if it works, you have not had the amount of food you normally take in to feed yourself for the race. On the other side, you have put in so many training hours and work in preparation. It seems everything comes at once, this, your mom, your breakup, buying a new car, the pole etc. But for me when that happens, it is a time where I learn the most on my journey. I was really sick one time (it was a long time ago) where I was chronically fatigued (I had three hours of energy a day that is it). The doctor told me it was depression but I knew it was not depression. It was different. I went to this chiropractor who used this probe on my hands and feet. He told me I had a severe yeast problem throughout my body from taking too many antibiotics (as a result of several sinus infections that would not go away). Everything came at once. I did some research and knew how to solve it but back then doctors did not believe in it so I tried other methods first (changed diet). When it did not get better, I found a doctor who prescribed the medication to me and in a month of taking it, I got better. I have not been that sick since. I learned a lot during that time frame even though it was one of the toughest times of my life.

I absolutely love Brooke’s running form in the gymnastics picture. :)


I was randomly sick for an entire year once -I could eat plain white bread, skinless white potatoes, apple sauce, and white rice without getting sick -that was it -for an entire year. I was tested by Drs for everything and given a ton of perscriptions for various “it could be” illnesses, but nothing helped until I started with various forms of alternative medicine to figure out what was wrong. In total it took me 3 years to feel completely better and to be able to eat everything again.

-You should buy those wrist bans that help with nausea -you know the ones I’m talking about? the ones that you find in the dramamine section of the drug store -they are tight fitting and put pressure on the nausea accupressure point. They absolutely helped my during my year of illness.

Anyway, I’ve been saying lots of prayers for you (and your mom too) -I hope you start feeling better soon!


I hope you feel better soon!!

I like to sneak a lot of really random songs in my mix that will make me laugh. One that I always leave in is “Big Band Bossa Nova” by Quincy Jones – AKA the Austin Powers theme song :) It always comes on at a time when I need to loosen up and laugh the most, and it works EVERY time.

Also, Florence & the Machine – Heartlines. So amazing.


I’m sorry you are having such a tough time. With 119 comments I don’t know that you will see this comment, but I wanted to share a short podcast with you that may serve as an inspiration for you. It’s all about running your race – and keeping focused on what you are capable of. Steve Wiens is a pastor here in MN, and he speaks of running his 10th twin cities marathon.

Hope it helps.


I was curious so I checked it out. Wow, he is pretty interesting!!! I listened to the 1st podcast in the series and I really enjoyed it. I am also going to pass it along to others.Very interesting!! Thanks for pass it along!!


One thing my coach told me……. something terrible is going to happen, it is just about how you deal with it! For me it was terrible hip pain and a cortisone shot 2 weeks before race (doctor ok’ed me to run with same limitations as you have). I gave it everything I had and ran a 3:28 and then rested (well as much as a PE teacher can rest) for the next week. Hoping this is your “terrible”


Oh Janae, be good to yourself. So sorry you’re going through such a tough time, hang in there.

I’ve been listening to Bright by Echosmith. It’s such a great song! Check it out!


I hope you’re feeling better! Smart move to just listen to your body!


I am so, so sorry. Illness sucks at any time, but now?! I love your positive attitude and perspective, but I’m sure you’re also having your low moments. Keep your chin up! Just said a prayer for you!


good for you for listening to your body and taking things in stride! your health and happiness should always be #1, and it can be so hard to keep that mentality when things aren’t going our way. rest assured, everything always works out — even if it’s not in the way we planned. fingers crossed that things come together in the best way possible for you!


I know it’s just baked potatoes, but I got diarrhea the last time I ate at Wendy’s, so there’s that…
Hope you recover soon :)


Ugh! I’m so sorry you are going through this. This was me last January- February. Honestly I’m sure you’re heard it already but bone broth and rice were what pulled me through. I didn’t even have the energy to make my own broth (good on you for running! I barely left the couch!) but luckily Portland has a paleo food cart that makes and sells quarts of the delicious brew! The gelatin coats the stomach and intestinal lining for like a sherpa blanket for the insides. Be patient and gentle with yourself…sending you healing energy!


Hope you’re feeling better today and ready to rock it on Saturday. But you’re right, we can’t take it too seriously. My dad was hospitalized in 2012 before my second marathon – he was 300 miles away so several of my Saturday long runs didn’t happen because I was visiting him. He died in 2013 and I don’t regret a single run I missed. Life is more than running – even thought it doesn’t feel that way sometimes! Really hoping you start feeling better ASAP.

Favorite tune right now is Mandisa’s “Overcomer.”

Best part of my week was helping a tourist find his way to Diamond Head this morning. Love being an Oahu local even though I only live here part time.


Hope you are feeling better by Saturday! I take running way too seriously! I just had to end my running season, due to tendinitis in my foot and bursitis in my hip. Will miss the Granite State 10 miler and the Philadelphia Rock n Roll half. I am way beyond upset, but you are so right, running is not as important as your health. I guess I needed someone else to say it. Hope you are able to run, but if not, there is always the next race!


I sooooo hope you get to feeling better! Will be thinking about you the next couple of days!!!!


Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear that you’re in so much pain! I really hope they figure out what’s wrong and you get this cleared up before the marathon! I’ve been sick for 11 months now and haven’t been able to run that whole time. I was gutted at first since I’d only been running a year & fell in love with it but like you say running isn’t everything and it certainly can’t come before health problems! Stay positive and I’m sending good vibes your way that this clears up real soon :)


Hope you feel better….I’m glad that you’re putting your health first, especially with a potential ulcer – stressing the system could make things much worse, meaning sitting on the sidelines for A LOT longer.

Best part of my week has been reuniting with a running partner I haven’t seen FOREVER.

Haha. (1) I’ll never be fast enough to run Boston and (2) I am much too crowd phobic to even enjoy the experience.

I ran my second 50 miler with a stomach flu. I spent a good 30 minutes (at least) in the bathrooms along the course and was throwing up in the last five miles…I basically had no gas in the tank. It was not an experience that I’d wish upon anyone but actually….I feel proud to have finished even though it was stupid and reckless.


Maybe they already ruled it out, but my sister had gall bladder problems.. it hurt to eat.
I hope the medication works and you sort it all out and are back on the trails soon! Best wishes.


Feel better!!!!! I’m so sorry to hear you’re not feeling good. At all. And with such an exciting important race coming up. No bueno. I’ll be thinking of you and sending positive vibes that you’ll feel well enough to run this weekend. Or, if this race doesn’t work out, then the next one will.
You are such an inspiration. Rather than focusing on the negative, you’re focusing on all of the positive and you sure do have a lot of positivity in your world and a lot to be thankful for :)
So… best part of my week has been getting back into the gym with no agenda except to work my butt off.
Musically – I got nothing! I can’t wait to hear your playlist since you always rock it outta the park (get it lol!)
Crazy sick – well yes. yes I have. I got sick during a 10k. Finished the run but mostly just so I could use the toilet :( I knew something was up in the morning but figured it was just nerves. Well, those nerves never let up. I ran with cramping and a heavy need to use the toilet. It. was. horrible. I was sick all day and then sometime during the night I magically got better.


Yeah, your health is number 1 priority… hope you can find out what it is soon and get better… Then you can start worrying about races again :)


I’m so sorry you feel so crummy :( I totally feel your pain. Just got news that what I thought was tendonitis is a stress fracture, so no Chicago for me next weekend :(


Janae I am so sorry! I hope you feel better in time for the race!! You’ve worked so hard for it.

I am reminded how hard it is to get a PR. Every single stinkin’ thing has to come together perfectly, like the weather, health, injures, etc!

I am so very sick because I am pregnant. I’m overwhelmed right now about how much longer this sickness might last. Worth it, yes, pleasant, no.


Jane I am sorry you are going through this. I remember when I had an ulcer. It was so painful and I lived off of white rice and baby food. The stomach pains were unbearable. I am hopings things turn around for you and you are able to run on Saturday. But you are absolutely right…your healthy comes first!


Be good to yourself and don’t let all your training go to waste just trying to get to the start line this weekend! Hopefully having the plan B will help you relax a little and I hope you feel better soon!!!


Sending love your way!!


Oh no, I am so sorry you’re dealing with this. I’ve been rooting for you throughout this training cycle, and you’ve been doing so great w/ injuries, and now this! Bummer!! But, as you said, there is always another race. Get your tummy figured out. Prayers and good thoughts sent your way!


That is disappointing news. I’m sorry to hear that :(. I guess all you can do is pray and know that things will unfold the way they are supposed to!

If you happen to be looking for another marathon to run, come run the Toronto Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon on Oct 18 :)


I second this suggestion :)


I follow your blog too!!! Good luck at the marathon :). Scotia will be my first!


So exciting! Thank you and good luck to you too!


Sending get well wishes your way! You have had it so tough lately but the way you have put running in perspective in light of this has been inspiring. Whether it is at St George or elsewhere, by respecting your body and your running, you will absolutely nail the 26.2 miles xx


Fingers crossed you feel better in time for the marathon.

I got in to Boston and have already booked my flights from Australia. Can’t wait!! I knew it might be a struggle to run another qualifier so I had to take the opportunity. I’ve never flown halfway around the world to run a marathon before, I’d only do that for Boston!!


Sending prayers your way for Saturday! I know how hard you’ve been working at this, I too want my half marathon PR on 10/31.

My newest favorite songs are:
Downtown by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
Hold my Hand by Jess Glynne
Alive (Zedd Remix) by Empire of the Son & Zedd
Electric Love by Borns
Black Magic by Little Mix


I really hope you feel better soon are back to 100% (or close) by race day! Good Luck!!!!


Prayers headed your way! Hope that medicine kicks in and you are able to have a great race. :-)

The best part of this week will be tomorrow morning when I finally get to sleep in.

Back in 7th grade, I randomly came down with a horrible horrible stomach bug. I know there was more too it but i can’t remember what exactly it was. I do know that I was bed ridden for a week and a half, and my mom thought I had Leukemia. I didn’t, praise the Lord, but it was a very scary time!

I love making playlists.. a few amazing songs I’m hooked on right now are Ex’s & Oh’s by Elle King, What Do You Mean by Justin Bieber, Recess by Skrillex, and ANYTHING by Imagine Dragons… if you’re looking for angry/pump up songs… look up Kid Rock. :)


Rooting for you. And your health. And that sub-3. This is going to be huge!


Hey lady! I haven’t commented in awhile, but just wanted to say that life sure has the strangest way of doing things, but we always seem to end up EXACTLY where we are supposed to be, ya know? His plan is greater than our understanding, so if you don’t get to race this weekend, that just means your PR course is the next one :). Prayers and thoughts your way!


Hope everything works out; it tends to for the best. Sounds like you’re listening to your body, which is definitely the most important! Runner docs are the best – sounds like you are in good hands :)

My all-time faves for running are:
“Everybody Talks” (Neon Trees)
“All I Do Is Win” (DJ Khalid)
“Shake It Off” (Taylor Swift)
I fist pump when I run – no shame :)

Positive vibes from NC to you!


Oh no! I’m sorry you’re still feeling crummy! Your definitely in my thoughts, but you have to make sure you don’t push yourself. There’s nothing wrong with sitting one out.

And, I’ve really been digging some older jams lately: “Rollin” Limp Bizkit, “Butterfly” Crazytown, AC/DC, Bob Seger, Metallica…and it just goes on and on. ;)


Oh, Janae.

I am so sorry to see you dealing with this. I am sure that you will make the right decision. I have been battling chronic IBS or ulcerative colitis for the past ten years-through my divorce. Please take care of yourself. I know exactly the pain you are feeling as I am having a flare right now, too. Sending you healing thoughts. Thank you for sharing your issues. It makes me feel so much better knowing that we aren’t alone!


Thank you so much for sharing what you’ve been going through with not feeling well. I’ve had stomach/digestive system issues pretty much my whole life but it comes and goes pretty quickly (usually only lasting 1 day to a full week). It’s frustrating because a lot of the time I’m not sure what causes the pain and issues (sometimes dairy, sometimes beans, etc) and unfortunately I’ve been having issues this week and am now only 2 days out until my marathon.

My favorite song I’m adding to my marathon playlist right now is “Nearly Forgot My Broken Heart” by Chris Cornell.

Best part of the week so far was a spur of the moment date night Monday at one of our favorite spots in town- black and white movies, free popcorn and poutine :)


I have gotten sick every time I’ve eaten a Wendy’s baked potato. Just an fyi.


So sorry for your health problems but I love your attitude and keeping things in perspective!
They did rule out your appendix right??


I hope you get well soon!

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