So about that whole marathon thing…

Wednesday night was miserable.  I was up for 4 hours in so much pain that I was doing that thing when you feel so awful—> you reevaluate your whole life and what you are going to do better when you get a chance to feel well again (I’ve got a long to-do list now).  

Later on in the day I finally got to make an appointment with a Gastroenteroligst.  I was sick of being sick and the urgent care doctors guessing based on symptoms and then filling me up with medicine.  It was really nice to meet with a specialist that knows this stuff really well and what tests I need.  This doctor was awesome and spent a long time with us asking every detail possible which was really nice.  

To be honest, I have no desire to run right now.  I’m too weak and too sick.  That doesn’t mean I am not ridiculously bummed (there have been a good amount of tears) about missing this race.  I know at this point that if the idea of driving 3.5 hours to the race is too much for me there is no way that 26 miles of running would be okay.  Plus, I’m not looking to run a marathon for fun right now, I’m looking to run it at a 6:48 pace.  

Even though I know my body isn’t in a place to run a marathon I still asked my doctor his opinion (so I didn’t feel like a wuss) about the race and he said absolutely no.  He said that it would make the problem worse and set me back even more.  I agree.

So… he wants me to get a scope today (I am just excited to not feel sick for 4 hours while I am under;) and blood work.  I can’t live off of rice forever and feel nauseated all day so I am very grateful to be working with someone that is just as eager as I am to get me feeling better.  It will all work out. 

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I have a lot of thoughts about the whole thing and I have no way to organize them into a paragraph so bullet points are where it is at:

-I am even more hungry now for that sub 3.  Once I am better and running again this whole situation will motivate me even more.  It will make the finish line of my next marathon that much more special.  

-Even if all of this training goes to ‘waste’ I’m not mad about it.  I would be mad about the last four months of training hard without the opportunity to race right now if I hated training and I was forcing myself to do it… but I actually really love the process.  I love pushing myself, I love how training makes me feel, I love seeing the growth and I am stronger mentally because of the last 16 weeks.  So, those early morning runs/yassos/tempo miles weren’t a waste at all because it was all work but it is my favorite kind of work.

-I have the perfect race lined up and I will tell you all about it once I sign up and it is for sure.  My coach is ready to adjust things accordingly so when I get sad thinking about St. George I think of the new race.

-Speaking of my coach, a quote from him when we were talking on the phone yesterday: “Shiz (I think he said a different word though;) happens.”  Yes, yes it does.

-I killed my half-marathon in August and I am just going to keep feeling proud of that 1:21 race.  

-I definitely think that stress has a big part to do with whatever is going on.  When I was telling a friend (a friend that knows the details of my past marriage/causes for divorce/post-divorce situation) about how big of a wuss I feel like for just having a bad month and my body going nuts because of it—>  she reminded me I have had high stress (with some breaks in between) for the last 2.5 years straight and maybe my body just had enough.  Megan D is always right.  

-This quote though:

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-There are a lot worse things going on in the world right now and my heart really breaks over those things. 

-Before seeing the doctor I kept worrying about ‘what will my blog readers think if I don’t race’ and then I realized it would be irresponsible for me TO race.  I would be a bad example to put a race above my health and I won’t do that.

-The downs in life make us grow.  I’ve got a lot of growing to do and I have the choice how to react.   

-What elite Tina said when I asked her before seeing the doctor.  Running will always be there for me when I am ready again.  PS she might stop texting me since I always take screenshots of what she says and post it.  

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-This little face.  She’s my world and I’m so beyond lucky to have her.  She gave me 50 hugs yesterday.  My family is ridiculously good to me and I am really blessed to have them.  

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Just a few more things:

-I think we both have 101 Dalmatians memorized by now.

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-After the doctors we stayed at my sister’s and I had a pretty great view from the couch.  

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-My nieces played with Brooke for hours and made this for me so yeah, they are the best.  

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-I’ve got an incredible recipe for you (it will probably be pinned like crazy;).  Rice and broth.   I can’t stop making it.  

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-This quote that my sister sent.  It’s a real good one.

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-I can’t thank you enough for all of the sweet comments yesterday and emails.  You guys really are the best and I hope I can be a support for you too WHENEVER you need it.  


What are your weekend plans?

Last movie you watched?

-101 Dalmatians… 101 times.  

Ever had to drop out of a race?  Which one(s)?

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Much love and happy, healthy, positive vibes being sent your way! Your health is so important – and you are right, Megan D is spot on. Feel better dear!


My heart breaks for you but honestly you are SO WISE….way beyond your years…and you are setting an amazing example for your sweet girl. Thank you for sharing your journey – the highs and lows, not just the highs. Your honesty is a gift! Rest well. xo


I’m so sorry, Janae, but I think you’re making the right decision. Sometimes, life happens. I hope you feel better soon.
I had a marathon scheduled on my 30th birthday a few years ago. I trained hard for it, and it was going to be this big vacation for my whole family. I ended up getting two pelvic stress fractures a week before and had to cancel everything. It sucked big time, but now I rarely even think of it. I went on to do another several marathons since, including Boston a few times. You’ll get your sub 3. I just know it!


Janae you are always an inspiration! I am so sorry about your news, but think you have the best attitude about it. Good luck and feel better soon! :)


I’m sorry you are so miserable, but I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself and being smart about your race. Sometimes it’s really hard to make the “right” decision like that.

This weekend I’m driving the boyfriend to an adventure race that he’s running with his friend, and trying to get our house (which is currently a construction zone) a little organized…

I can’t remember the last movie I watched all the way through! I see a lot of them on tv and I start somewhere in the middle. Iron Man 3 was on the other day, so that’s probably the most recent.


It’s awesome to see how much support you have! I think everyone is rooting for you! I am sure you will bounce back from this and hit your Sub 3 goal in no time! You are awesome and thanks for the daily inspo!


Sending love your way!! <3


Maybe I’m wrong but the last 16 weeks of training is not a waste. All that training has made u mentally and physically stronger so that’s a huge gain!
And if there is anyone that reads your blog and thinks badly of u for not running the marathon, who cares? They would be huge jerks to hold something like that against you and they would not be the type of people u need in your life. It’s their problem not yours. I wish u wouldn’t worry about that. You are focusing on yourself getting better and surrounding yourself with love and support. Way to go Janae! It’s always great to have a sub 3 goal and u will get there someday. For now, enjoy the journey AND I Hope U Get Better REALLY Soon. Love ya!


Oh, Janae, I’m so sorry you feel so awful! That’s just the worst. The only thing I can recommend is peppermint tea to make your digestive tract feel a little better. And deep breathing – weirdly, it makes me feel better (stress = upset tummy for me). Sending love and hugs your way!


I think I have an all-new respect for you girl! You were the one that motivated me through training for and completing my first marathon. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog everyday since I started last year.

I know how bad you wanted this (St. George Marathon and sub-3), and I’m so sorry you’re not going to be out there this weekend, but I am proud of you for keeping what is really most important in sight- you and your health.

Running doesn’t make you who you are, it is just something that you do. And, when you are back to feeling like your healthy self, running will be there with open arms. :)


My heart breaks for you! I hope you figure out what’s really going on and feel better soon. I feel like the wuss for whining about my little head cold! You’re amazing and know that when you do come back, you’ll come back even faster! You are a wise woman to call off the race. Isn’t is something that we worry about what other bloggers or our social media followers will think? I have found, however, that they think even more highly of us when we are raw, real, and honest. Cheers to you and I’m sending positive vibes your way!!!


I’m so sorry you’re feeling so sick, and I truly hope you feel like yourself again soon! Please don’t ever worry that you’re letting your readers down; I am inspired by your positive attitude and rational, smart approach to taking care of your body and your health! I struggle with rheumatoid arthritis, and from time to time just have to surrender and let my body heal itself, no matter how inconvenient or disappointing it might be for me. Rest up, and keep us posted on how you’re feeling- we are all pulling for you!!


We all love you Janae and you will get that PR and we will all celebrate with you! Running is for a lifetime, and everything will get stronger while you rest and get better. I am so sorry that you got so far in training – that really sucks. I am sorry for your heartbreak too, I have also found this year that running is so mental that sometimes when you feel bad running pays the price. I gave up on a fall marathon too, but hey, we did BOSTON this year, not too shabby! Let us know how you are doing, and I bet this will help others know that even though you could have pushed through it, it would not have been worth the repercussions. You are always teaching us!! xoxo


Sending love and healing prayers, Janae. Although I know you through your blog, I, like many of your readers, can say that you are one tough, bad-ass chick.
You seem to have a great perepspective on running and racing by acknowledging that there is more to life, ESPECIALLY health. And yes, your friend is spot on…running will always be there for you.
So, do not have one single ounce of doubt or guilt that your readers may think anything less of you for not doing this (THIS) marathon. It is actually the reverse. It is encouraging to us mere mortals (hehe) and takes more strength for you to listen to your body and take care of yourself first.
You owe that to yourself, your family, your beautiful baby girl and all of us!

I wish you a quick, painless, easy recovery…lots of rest and recuperation and please know that I believe everything will fall into place as it should.

Love & prayers


So glad to read that you’re skipping tomorrow’s marathon, your poor stomach! But a scope sounds terrible. I guess you’ve traded one hard thing for another. But if your mom’s brain can rewire itself to help her not notice blind spots, then you can do this too! You have great genes. :)

Get some rest and enjoy conference!


I don’t comment a lot… but I read a lot. ;) But as soon as I saw your headline I thought… oh no! I’m going to comment and offer some support, but then as I continued to read your post I realized how good of a handle your mind has on this situation. You are going to be just fine. :) I’m proud of you. Your heart will ache and you will struggle, but keep letting that smart mind of yours remind yourself what really matters, cause you know. And what a good opportunity this weekend to relax and listen to some inspiring words. :) Love you and thanks for all you do. Whatever the ‘life equivalent’ of a sub 3 marathon is… you’re doing it. ;)


bless your heart for thinking of others and the example your setting by putting your health first..if that’s one of the life lessons in all this then you just passes it tremendously well! You will get thru this just like everything else that has ever come in your path that is uncomfortable..I promise! I had exactly what you have for about 3 came on after my parents got divorced, the relationship that I thought was leading to marriage ended, and I was excercising more ( this pushed my body over the edgle) to deal with the stress of my family and my emotions and my job was also stressfull at the was awful..way too much stress for a young person..I had the whole world on my shoulders and the working out and running and poor diet was just the last straw..I ended up in the emergency room, urgent care’s, had a colonoscopy, saw many doctors and went on meds and none of it helped because the stress wasn’t leaving life and my heart so I had to deal with that so I went into counseling and learned how to manage stress better and along the way I met a nutritionist and it changed my life forever..I ended up going back to college for holistic nutrition to major in disease and stress prevention and during those years I healed right when I changed my diet…I gave up white sugar and everything bread and my intestinal inflammation went completely away and this lack of inflammation instantly impacted my body’s ability in a positive way to mentally manage stress. So, I threw away all the meds that weren’t working anyways..and I learned how to work out in a way that doesn’t make my body feel will find your body’s balance too, it takes time and patience and right now yours is telling you that you have too much stress, and not enough proper nutrition to carry it thru stress so listen to your body, it trying to tell you something, but it can be hard to hear bad news even when its from your own body, but hang in there, there is a light at the end of this tunnel!


I am so sorry you are struggling and are feeling ill. I hope you can find a resolution and begin healing. I am proud that you were able to choose health over the race it is a hard decision to come to.


I am SO sorry to hear this Janae. I have loved following your sub-3 training, and I know you have it in you. I think you are absolutely, 100% making the best, healthiest decision for yourself. I am wishing you a speedy recovery and even speedier legs at your backup marathon!!


So sorry you are sick and can’t run in this race that we all know you worked so hard for. Focus on getting healthy. It’s all downhill from there. I KNOW you will get that marathon PR!!


I feel sad that it will take you a *little* while longer to accomplish your goal, but I know you’ll get there. Chin up, as the Brits say!

This is going to be an AWESOME weekend. A Dutch Oven Harvest Feast (future tradition?!) at my house with some old friends from High School and their families. I’m half Chilean so I will be making WAY too much food. Here is a sample of what I’m making:
Then General Conference and celebrating my daughter’s third birthday.

I’ve never missed a race, but I did run someone for one who dropped out… I know.. oh so illegal. I hadn’t planned and it was just a 10k but it was the Boulder Boulder. Hands down the funnest race I have ever run. I was running for my husband’s (then just boyfriend) aunt who was unable to go due to illness. I as a 28 yr old got 8th place in the women over 60 category! :) Yep, seven 60+ women beat me! Still had a blast!


Oh I am so so sorry that you are going through this. You are ready to break that 3-hour barrier and your training will not go to waste. Your perspective is so positive and I’m certain you’re doing the right thing for your body. I’m with Tina this weekend and we’re all thinking about you and hoping you feel better soon. The right race will be here for you when you are ready. xoxoxoxo


I know how hard you’ve worked for this and I’m so sorry things haven’t lined up for you to run. I made the decision to drop a marathon (to a half) over the weekend. My heart wasn’t in training and I just wasn’t feeling it, and forcing myself to run is never a good idea. I needed to read your post today – running truly is a lifelong journey.
Question – are you running Rebel? :) I know it’s also a net downhill and the timeline might fit? :)


I’m so very sorry to read you will not be able to run your marathon this weekend. You have a great positive attitude and knowing listening to your body is the smart thing to do. All your training definitely will not go to waste and I can’t wait to continue to follow your journey in achieving your sub-3 marathon!


I am so bummed for you, Janae! But you are right, the hard work is not wasted. Hard work is never wasted. I love the entire training process, too. I feel a little lost post race. But taking care of you is #1 on the list right now.

I’m running a 25k on Sunday. Trying to decide what pace to run because I have a marathon in 5 weeks.

Hope you’re feeling better really, really, really soon!! Hugs and aloha from Honolulu!


Hope you feel better!

I love 101 Dalmations! The last Disney movie I watched was the Little Mermaid………it has some really scary parts!


And they still make those beads you melt together?! What are those called?


I hope all goes well with your scope and you’re able to get to the bottom of things. From someone who has suffered from extreme stomach issues, I wish you the best and a speedy recovery.

Tina is one of the best motivators out there and more importantly, she really speaks from the heart. I just adore her. You have a good support system with her on your side, :)

Whenever I’m upset about missing a race or an injury or just not being able to run when I want to, I think of this verse:

My only goal is to finish the race that the Lord Jesus gave to me. ACTS 20:24

Sending healing wishes your way!


I have IBS also, but I don’t think I’ve ever had an attack as bad as what you are having right now, I can’t even imagine. Good on you for doing the smart thing and foregoing the marathon. Your health is too important and you could do serious harm if you pushed it. Like you said, running will always be there!

I feel for you, I know that weak depleted feeling you get from a digestive system that is fighting against you. Soak up the love and support you’re getting from your friends and family. I’ll be praying for you.


We are all here to rally for you and each other. No judging here. I’m so glad you’re taking the time to rest your body! You’ve got Brooke to look after so a sick mommy is not a fun mommy (we know you are an awesome fun mom.) You have the best family, coach and virtual friends supporting all the way! Enjoy snuggling with your little buddy, watch as many movies as you can and say yes to every helping hand!


I’m SO sorry you are this sick. I hate this for you, but you should know that by sitting this one out you are setting a great example for all of the aspiring runners that read this blog. You are doing what is best for yourself and you are showing everyone that IT’S OKAY to sit out when life throws you curve balls. And basically you just built an amazing foundation the past 4 months and you are going to crush your next race!!


I am super proud of you. I know the decision does not come lightly for you. Take care of yourself so you are there for Brookers. Your health is and should be your top priority.

I’m running my 2nd half marathon this weekend. I’m running to prove that you can’t bring me down. My husband and I had failed adoption in May. We had the baby girl for 5 weeks and then the birth mother went off her meds and attacked my character and me personally. She blamed me for things that were absolutely not true. I really struggled that I was the reason the failed adoption when in fact I know I’m not. I needed to run to pull me out of an emotional place. My pace will be a turtle pace, but I will do it to prove to myself that I can’t be torn down. Running has amazing power.

Last movie: Babe with my 6 year old son.


Good for you for putting your health first!
Feel better soon, We are all thinking/praying for you!! :)


I think this is such a smart decision and I know what a hard one it is to make! I am so happy for you that you have such a great coach and support system to help get you healthy and to help you change your plans so that you can still go for your dream! Such a good idea to not put yourself in danger or set yourself up for anything less than your best! Get better soon!! Keep us posted on how you are doing!


So sad for you but I’m sure you will bounce back, better than ever. You have just the right attitude. History lesson:

During the Civil War things were going poorly for the Union at Shiloh. One days actions ending in a retreat.

Sherman looked at [Grant] then, “moved,” as he put it later, “by some wise and sudden instinct” not to talk about retreat, he said: “Well, Grant, we’ve had the devil’s own day, haven’t we?”

Grant said “Yes,” and his cigar glowed in the darkness as he gave a quick, hard puff at it, “Yes. Lick ’em tomorrow, though.”

You post training times that make me green with envy. Lol. You’ll lick em tomorrow.


I think you are awesome and strong. It is not fun feeling sick. You will crush your next marathon. Jealous of your training times. One day I am hoping to go sub-3. Need to knock off 16 min. Definitely need to up the speed work. I am so impressed with all of your training and dedication. I know the feeling of worrying what others would think. We only want to run and see ourselves as runners but when we can’t…what are we?!

I have had to sit out on 2 races…both for stress fractures. One was a marathon and it stunk because I am trying to complete a marathon in all 50 states so that means I have to fly back to AZ to do that one, but I did get to cheer my dad on for his first half marathon. Then this past July I had to sit out Chicago’s half marathon where I was supposed to pace my friend for her first half marathon. Can always provide support though yes?! Or I should not go to races where it is people’s firsts =p

I know I have a lot to work on in my life, I have not had your struggles and think you are super tough. Glad you have such a good support system!


Sending big hugs and big prayers your way. I hope you get the answers you need asap.

When my ODD was younger, we were also obsessed with 101 Dalmations, but the book. I think I read that book to her every night for months.


Short time lurker here, I’m sorry about the race. Sucks big time! But I agree with all of the other posts, there has been so much gained! Sometimes in life we need reminders of what’s important. Your post has helped remind me of whats important in my life. So if it’s any consolation you are helping others deal with their own personal non-running issues. Thank you!


Oh, J, I cannot imagine your disappointment!! You’re a tough cookie and you’ll bounce back, stronger than before. You’re time is coming…I just know it!!


I’m so sorry this is happening. I know you must be disappointed, but you are doing the right thing, taking care of yourself. You also seem to be taking it as well as you can, so be proud about both of those things. There will be lots of other races, but that’s only true if you listen to your body. I sure hope you feel better soon!

Weekend plans – going to see my stepdaughter and celebrate her 18th bday!

I can’t even remember. I’m watching Season 2 of Reign on Netflix.

Ever had to drop out of a race? Which one(s)? No, but I had two that really sucked. My first half ever, I started the race w/my husband’s pj pants on because it was freezing out, and at mile 9 discovered my monthly visitor had come so I had to finish in them and just keep them on a while, and was cramping and all. No fun. Another, a 10k, I had some tummy issues like you and got really sick afterwards. I probably should not have run that one.


Prayers for a speedy recovery! You are right not to race, but I almost cried for you ready this post. I know your “backup” plan will turn out to be just the right race.

I haven’t (yet) had to pull out of a race, but I think I will be soon – this fall’s New York marathon – I’ve had a stress fracture since the end of August which just isn’t healing.

I’m so glad your family is nearby to help you rest and get back to healthy!


I’m so sorry that you’re having such horrible stomach issues and won’t be able to run St. George this weekend. But I’m so impressed by your attitude. You continue to inspire me, and I can’t wait for you to feel better so that you can get the sub-3 you’ve worked so hard for!

And while I don’t know the source of your problems, I can relate to stomach/digestive problems generally. I had my gallbladder removed last year after suffering a lot of pain and nausea while running and during everyday life. Finding out what was wrong and being able to fix it was a huge relief. Hoping you find a similar relief soon!!!


Oh Janae, I’m so sorry. I have been horrible at commenting, but I read all your posts. Thinking of you and sending healing vibes and lots of hugs. xoxo Jess


I’ve been thinking and praying for you all week! Keep your spirits up! I cannot imagine how upsetting this is for you but you WILL get that sub 3!! Thank you for always being such an inspiration to me! Not only do you inspire me to be a better runner, but an overall better person! Sending positive vibes your way!


I’m so so sorry to hear about your marathon. I also had to drop out of my fall marathon because was injured for 3 of my peak training weeks, and couldn’t run at all. It’s so hard to “quit” because all runners are super determined people, but you’re right… long term health is way more important. Stay positive and I hope you make a speedy recovery!


Janae- my heart is sad for you, as I know how hard you have been working towards this marathon… but I am super proud of you for practicing self-care and making the decision that will be the best in the long-term :) You always have the best attitude towards crappy situations, and it really is inspiring. Sending you lots of healthy well wishes so that you start to feel better soon …. and really looking forward to when you crush your marathon goal :-D


I’ve never commented, but I’ve been reading a lot. Yours is by far my favorite email of the day! You’re such an inspiration, open and honest — and I know I’m not the only one who appreciates that. I’m actually sitting here eating a Wendy’s baked potato, because all your posts about them made me crave one! And, I’m also sitting here pondering whether or not to run the upcoming Haunted Half. I’ve been training for it, and just a few weeks ago, my leg has been giving me major problems. The pain onsets earlier and earlier into my runs. I took 2 weeks off, cross-trained, rested, rolled, iced, etc. etc. and when I tried an easy 2 mile run last night — the first mile was GREAT, and sadly the pain came back during the second mile. I’m devastated. I really really want to run this race. I wanted to run it last year too, and thought I could at 23 weeks pregnant! But after stomach/bladder issues during my 9-miler, I walked home crying, knowing that I couldn’t do it. I barely ran the 5k. So now this race, will be my white whale. I don’t know if I can safely continue training when the race is in 3 weeks, and I can’t even run 2 miles comfortably. :(

Anyway, I say all this because you are such a good role model. And knowing that it’s ok to listen to your body — while also knowing that yes, running will still be there. And if not this year, next year.

Thank you for inspiring all around you. And also, hugs from family and friends after these kinds of teary decisions, are the best.

Very best to you Janae!


And at the end of the day, so many people have it soooo much worse. I guarentee you one of the parents from Oregon who lost a child yesterday would give anything to have what you’re going through to have their kiddo back.



Good god, this must be tough on you – training so hard and doing so well only to be taken down by something out of your control. And then to feel the pressure of “disappointing” people. But know that your readers are only EXTRA proud of you for choosing YOU and YOUR health before everything else. You are a role model and inspiration to so many so thank for being a good one. Wishing you all the best as you recover and looking forward to following you on that journey.


I had been super sick for most of my life. In 2009, I was diagnosed Celiac. Helped some, but Summer 2014 I got super sick again. I am anal about making sure I do not ingest any gluten. My allergist found my cause. By November I was feeling better than I had felt in years. He asked what I wanted to do. I said, run. I had not been able to since I was in elementary school. December 8, 2014, I began Couch to 5k. I have now run at least one 5k a month and even did the Navy 5 miler. My next goal is a 10k in March. You can figure this out. Doctors are awesome!!! Good luck!!!


I’m sorry you’re having to deal with feeling sick and disappointed right now. I’m glad you’ve got good medical care and a supportive family. Prayers going out your way to help you heal quickly so you’ll be back stronger than ever soon!


I’m just SO sorry to hear this. You just don’t deserve it after working so faithfully and hard. I’m sure many (most?) of your readers have had this happen and are aching for you right now–perhaps you can take some comfort from that. Two years ago, I myself had the Dallas Marathon cancelled the day before because of an ice storm–but it was at that point that I learned that, disappointing as it was, I had loved the process, as you say, and that made it okay somehow. Another time, I had to drop out of a half marathon at 5K because of tummy issues. I beat myself up until I realized, as the problem continued all day, that I COULDN’T have finished. Again, that made it okay. So please take heart. We all know you’ll run another day and just continue to get faster and better. Yay! We love you, Janae, and send along prayers and only the best wishes for you.


Hi Janae! I am praying for your fast recovery. You are strong and will be okay. Rest, get strong and look forward to get that sub 3 as you are doing. You WILL do it!

We will not be put off the final goal. We have it hidden in us to attain.
– Robert Frost


Sending you lots of healing thoughts and prayers. My favorite “tough times” quotes:

“Sometimes painful things can teach us lessons we didn’t think we needed to know”

“Trust the process”

“The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.”
― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Best wishes! Take care!


You are DEFINITELY making the right choice. You’ll get better soon, and you’ll get your sub-3 later this fall.


Health is always > races. If any of your readers judge you, then that is on them. Way to be smart about it :) Good luck with the scope!


Sending all the health and happiness during this time! I know how hard you have been training but as a reader I would be MORE dissapointed if you ran this race then if you don’t.
Health is most important. Running comes second, but you my gorgeous friend are number one always.
Lots love healthy and healing vibes being sent your way.


You are one strong lady! Strong mind! I hate this situation for you, and my heart breaks for you, but you are a great example for us all. Amazing attitude! You go girl!


I’m so sorry you have to miss your race but you are being amazingly positive about that so kudos to you. Your training will definitely not be a waste, you’ve learned so much from it and you’re definitely going to get your sub 3 when you’ve recovered. Here’s to a speedy recover.


Sending prayers your way<3 stay strong and you will be back and better in no time. This setback will only take you further!


I am so sorry that you are missing St. George but you are absolutely doing the right thing in the long run. Take care of you and get better for your Plan B race, or whatever your next race will be.


Awe! Praying, I know how disappointing that can be! Great job doing the right thing though, that can be a tough choice sometimes :)


Hang in there girl. The best is yet to come.


I can feel the tears springing to my eyes…
You are doing the absolute right thing!! You health is most important!
Your blog readers send you love and support and they aren’t going anywhere :)
Just think how awesome you are going to feel soon and kick major butt in the new race!
For now, wishing you rest, peace and a happy weekend with your family.
Feel better!!


Don’t ever worry about disappointing your readers…this reader enjoys your blog not just because of your blogging about running or racing, but first because it is so clear you blog from your heart. Remember, the people that mind don’t matter, and The people that matter don’t mind. The only people you answer to are that sweet little daughter of yours and your family. I sincerely hope you don’t put additional pressure on yourself from a sense of responsibility to your readers…think of us more as silent, distant cheerleaders! Relax. Heal. All in God’s timetable! Best wishes!


Praying for your quick recovery and that you feel better soon, Janae :)!! You will do awesome in the new race!!


Take time to rest and get healthy! Sending prayers you way :)


Praying for you to feel better soon! I’m glad that you are listening to your body and taking a rest.


UGH! So sorry to hear about your race-and yes I have bailed on several races due to injury! Darn running; I love it so much but tend to overdue it to the point that I am sidelined! I am actually bailing on a marathon this weekend that I pre-registered for last spring-just couldn’t kick my shin splints to ramp up my mileage enough for a full. I did do a half and like you said I’m stoked about that! You are not alone in this; your readers are runners and we totally understand how it feels! I am so happy to hear you are being smart and doing what is best for your body b/c so often as runners we don’t and just push through despite the messages being sent from our body! Good luck in your recovery and take some down time to enjoy life!


My heart breaks for you. I know the disappointment, Janae. I fly from DC to Portland, Oregon every year for the marathon (a special marathon for personal reasons), and I’m sitting here in the hotel room with a miserable cold. It’s not looking good for Sunday. And like you, I feel so awful that trying to push through it doesn’t even sound appealing. Sending hugs and hoping you recover soon.


I am SO, SO sorry to hear that you have to drop out of the race :-( I am in the same boat, except the problem is my groin, not my stomach. When I made the decision to drop out, it was only after realizing that a) I would not have the results I wanted – a PR, and b) I would most likely end up injuring myself further, which would have probably taken Boston off the table. Not worth it! You are in pain and should definitely take some time to care for yourself. Especially since you have your little one, who depends on you. It’s hard, but anyone who can pull of a sub-7 minute marathon can do anything! Take care of you. I hope the doctor can find and fix what is wrong, so you can get back to being healthy and kicking ass ;)


Awwwww Janae I’m so sorry! I hope you get well soon!


hope you feel better soon! 100%better! I agree your health is the most important! What an amazing role model and example you are for your daughter!! :)


Making the right decision and not running this race is way more inspirational than running in when your body’s saying “no” ever would be. I’m so sorry for your disappointment and for the misery you’re clearly going through, and I hope the doctors are quick with the right diagnosis and treatment, and you’re able to get back to running and feeling amazing soon. Keep taking good care of yourself.


Feel better soon Janae! I hope you are on the road to answers and will come back even stronger than ever before. You are so brave and truly an inspiration for listening to your body and sharing your honesty with everyone. That sub 3:00 is coming, and is going to be so so so amazing when it does.


Putting yourself & health first? I think Meryl expresses it best-

Thanks for setting the BEST example for us all.


I hope your healthcare team figures out what’s going on and you’re feeling better soon, Janae! That sub-3 will be waiting for you!

I have to drop out of my marathon this coming weekend–dang IT band! But there will always be another race! I’m going to cheer my heart out for the other runners (and probably cry a little, too).

take care!


Ugh, I’m so sorry!! So glad you ate taking the steps to get better and have such a feat supposed system! Can’t wait for your next race, you can do hard things!! Enjoy this conference weekend :)


You are amazing and wonderful! You will get through this and become stronger because of it!


agreed about what everyone else i saying but i’m so glad you are taking care of YOU. as you’ve said there will be more races and running will always be there for you. hope the doctor’s can figure out what’s going on soon! take care of YOU


Sending you healing mojo-jojo. Take care of yourself so you can take care of your family. As you’ve said, running will always be there waiting for you.


I hope you feel better soon! You’ve been such an inspiration for me leading up to my half and whole marathons. Every one of your runs got me out the door and on my own. Thank you so much for doing what you do. Sending happy thoughts your way!


You are being smart–no need to put your body through an extreme stressor right now. I feel for you as I am sure you are very disappointed. However, it will make your sub-3 feel that much more special when you reach it :))


thanks for sharing your story. i can totally relate to it. be well. get yourself well everything else then falls into place! you’re super young, too, an have plenty of time to achieve your sub-3 goal. no doubt you will do it. xoxo


Get well soon! And try ‘Lady and the Tramp’ for Brooke! If she loves dogs, she’ll love that movie :)


Sorry to hear Janae, but it sounds like you have a great head on your shoulders and know what is truly important. It’s all about perspective…are you bummed because you can race your goal race? Absolutely…but there will always be another race. Running isn’t going anywhere and will be there for you when you’re ready. You have a great support system and I know you will kill your next marathon! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your blog and can’t wait to read further about your journey in running and in life!:)


This absolutely breaks my heart. I have been praying for u, hoping you would be okay. But everything happens for a reason and you weren’t meant to run this marathon. You have worked so hard and you are going to rock the next one and get that sub 3!! <3


You are absolutely, 100%, without a doubt, making the best decision. Your body will carry you to that sub-3 marathon one day but you have to take care of it now to do that later (though I know it sucks!). REST. REST. REST & cuddle with that cute little Brookers! I have no doubt they will get this all figured out & you’ll be back to yourself soon so take care of yourself Janae!


I’m so hoping you feel better soon! Are they looking for ulcerative colitis or proctitis ? I have struggles with both and ran my first marathon last year during a flare. It was horrible! Take care of yourself above anything else!!


Wishing you a fast recovery and know you will nail the sub 3 when you are back to feeling good! Just found your blog after hearing you with Tina. Love you honesty and attitude. Brooke is just adorable!


I can’t imagine how disappointed you are. But you are making a wise decision. Your body is telling you to take a step back at the moment. I can’t wait to hear about your new target race once you’ve got it on the calendar. Prayers for you that you figure out what’s going on and feel better soon. xo


I think it’s when we are faced with adversity that our truest self comes to life. I know that it’s not just those amazing accomplishments that I admire about my mentors but it’s the tests, the struggles and the tough choices they go through and how they are handled that I truly admire.
You are one kick butt girl. There will be another race and even if you didn’t get that sub 3 this time, I know that you will take away some amazing experience from this training time.
I’m glad you are putting you and your health first and thank you for continuing to inspire so many of us! Hope to see you back to 100% soon!


You are definitely doing the right thing not running. You have probably heard this all before but stop being so hard on yourself, you inspire me everyday


I’m so sorry you are sick and unable to run. Don’t beat yourself up- you are a source of inspiration to many! You’ll get back when the time is right and we will all be cheering for you!


I am so sorry to hear about all of the pain you’re in right now and that you’ll have to miss your big race. I’m glad to hear you’re trying to look on the bright side of things and not be too sad about it, even though I know you much be upset. You’ll get your sub 3 in due time! Feel better!


Chin up, buttercup. You’ll come back wiser, stronger and faster than ever before. Can’t wait to witness it.


Health is by far more important than any race. There is no doubt that this is the right thing to do. I’ve been there and never regretted not racing due to injury or illness.

So glad that you have such a supportive and loving family to be there for you.

Get better soon! I’m looking forward to the race recap where you crush that sub 3 hour.


Hang in there. I think you are a ROCK STAR! I’m in the middle of an injury myself. March 12th, I jacked up my back at crossfit and have done ZERO activity the last 18 weeks (128 days). 2 Bulging discs and tears will do that to ya. I have had to put running and crossfit, my two loves, to the side. I have my good days and bad days, that’s for sure. I firmly believe that every thing happens for a reason and I am making it my job to figure out what I am supposed to learn from this. Stay positive. You will come out of this a stronger person… and kick some sub 3 hr marathon’s booty!


Janae – prayers going out to you. You HAVE proven that you can overcome obstacles. I hope you can find relief and everything comes together soon. Your health is #1 and the people who love you will take care of the rest :) Plus we are all thinking good thoughts for you. Sounds like you are doing everything right! Your attitude and dedication is always an inspiration. Thank YOU!


Good decision! There are always more races. We wish you a super speedy recovery and want nothing but the best for you. We simply adore you! That sub-three is yours, Baby!


Dear Janae,
This phrase “then I realized it would be irresponsible for me TO race” should be highlighted, you should put it in red with orange background and some flashy border (ok, maybe this is not the best combination ;)). This is remainder for all runners, if you have some health problem to DO NOT race. As you said: “running will be always for you” and that’s the point.

I hope you will better soon and than we can have again yours hard workout reports on daily basis.


Reading your blog has been a HUGE support for me during my own tough training cycles and life events, and I feel your pain about making the decision to not race. However, in the long run (pun intended :-) ), it was the correct one: health comes first!! I’m trying for my first sub-4:00 marathon tomorrow, but if my stomach decides to not cooperate (I’ve been having fueling issues…), it won’t happen. Will I be disappointed? Oh yeah! But you better believe I’ll still be running! And so will you! You’re gonna rock that 6:48/mi and all of us in the real and online worlds will be cheering you on! Keeping you in my thoughts and sending good vibes your way for a quick recovery!


Janae. I was due to be running the London Marathon this year, but 8 weeks out I got a femoral stress fracture (sound familiar?) Reading your blog kept me going and helped me stay positive when I was unable to run, and yesterday I finished my first 12 miler in over 6 months. I know you will get better and all will come good again, please stay strong!


Feel better! You will get that sub-3. I’ve been following your whole training and cheering you the entire way. I envy your drive and determination–you’ll get through this!


I’m so sorry to hear that you aren’t feeling well. I have been training for the MCM at the end of october and am no longer able to run because of the stress of life and new circumstances in our family. Long story short, I am bummed but am reminded as well that other marathons will be there when I am ready for one.


Janae I feel all the feels for you! I won’t lie, I’ve been chearing you on for years for this sub 3 ever since you had to drop out a few years ago from life happening. It’s so true though, there is always another race and you are ready for it. You have a great attitude and support system but also its good to have some good cries over the situation. Every setback will just make your victory that much more sweet. It will feel 1000000 times more amazing when you reach your sub 3 than it would have years ago!


So proud of you for putting the real life out there! Real life isn’t smooth and calm, the real life has doctor visits and plans that don’t always work out. I’ve been there before and I understand the frustration. God has bigger plans for you!


So sorry to hear this update, but I so appreciate you sharing it. It’s heartbreaking, but your honesty, perspective and resilience are so inspiring. Having dealt with a few different running-related injuries myself (resulting in missed races and, even more difficult for me, massive frustration at not being able to “just run” without pain or discomfort), I have gained appreciation for the amazing ways my body can heal with time, patience and learning how to care for myself better.

One thing you said in your post the really resonated with me was your reflection on all of your training for this marathon: “I actually really love the process.” For me, this is what it’s all about. Having little goals, challenges, struggles and triumphs throughout a training cycle and feeling grateful for the opportunity to take all of that on in pursuit of bigger goals, all while knowing that the process itself is a victory in and of itself.

Hope you feel better with each passing day and take comfort in all of the wonderful support you have in your life!


You made the right choice. You are an inspiration. Every time I read how mindfully you train it inspires me to do better. Looking forward to seeing you healthy! Sending you all my best!!!!!


Ditto all these comments! You have such a beautiful attitude, such a blessing to all your readers:) Take care, dear heart. You’ll be back at it in no time;)


Love and prayers coming your way, Janae! I’ll be thinking about you on my last long run before my half today…you’ve always been such an inspiration in my running.


No matter what, you’re still a big inspiration to so many people… Me included!


OMG, Janae I am so sorry! But I am sure your decision is right and I hope you feel 100 % better very soon. You need to have this figured out by true professional. That sub 3 should not be done with an underfeed body. You are great runner and amazing inspiration! :o) Sending hugs and thoughts from Czech Republic <3


<3 <3 <3
Rest up and feel better! Your positivity, respect for the sport, and determination is SUCH an inspiration! That sub-3 will be waiting for you when your health is back in tip-top shape. Until then, enjoy the snuggles with Brookers!
I'm so thankful to have found this blog. You constantly remind me to stay positive. Life is only worth living if you can do so with a happy heart and a smile on your face! :)


Thinking of you! You and your friend are right. Health is the most important thing. And you will achieve your goal but right now you have to get well! I hope you feel better soon! You have a great family to support you! :)


Thinking of you and hoping for a speedy recovery!


Cheering for you to get better. It is funny to me too how some of the “smaller” things stress me out a lot more now than the big stuff I got through now but yes, bc it is all adding up. But that hit home, I have also had 2.5 years of constant stress.

Really hoping you have a speedy recovery. You are strong, you are amazing, and you help out a lot of people by sharing yourself. I appreciate it and appreciate you. :-)


Feel better and best wishes for a speedy recovery. If anyone can come back stronger – it’s you.


Another recipe to try is the same thing but with miso paste/broth. I don’t know why, but it makes me feel better every time. :)


I’m SO SORRY you’re not feeling well & had to miss your race, but that being said, I have to comment on your concern that you’d be letting your readers down if you didn’t race. Janae, your positive attitude & outlook on life is WAY more inspiring than running a sub 3 marathon. You impress me so much w/ your resilience & positivity, & you’re also rockin’ this single mom thing, btw! (I’ve done it & know how hard it is.) God bless!


I was supposed to run my 2nd half marathon october 25th but just had to schedule surgery for the 23rd so i know how you feel!!!

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