Sentence Per Picture!!!!

Brooke wanted to join in on core work with me this morning and she made the whole situation 4 million times more fun (I would choose running over core/strength training ANY DAY but you gotta do what you gotta do…)

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I did some planks and then the good ol’ classic—>  8 minute abs with the best dressed peeps in the video.

Brooke stayed with my mom and I drove on over to my favorite running trail.

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October running temperatures of 52——>  why running in October is my favorite.

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How did I blog in the old days when our phones didn’t have self-timers to take pictures of us while we are running?

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Best feeling run in a VERY LONG TIME (thank you medicine and switching up my diet a bit)… 1 mile warm-up, 4 miles at 6:52 pace, 1.2 mile cool-down.

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Guess what is tasting good to me again… sweet potatoes and turkey burgers… hallelujah.

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I have no idea where she learned to do the peace sign with her hand for pictures (kiddos watch our every move!!!).

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Still just eating the sprinkles and leaving the cookie behind… I refuse to try to understand this method. 

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I miss you dearly ketchup but I don’t know if we will ever get along together again… you hurt me.  

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What is your sentence for today???

How often do you do core work?  What do you usually do?

How were the temperatures for your run tolday?

WHO raced this weekend?  How did it go?

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Ugh. Temperatures here are still nearing 100. I am so over it! I want to be running :(

No racing this weekend for me, long beach marathon was too hot. And I tend to do core work throughout the week, whenever I remember to… but lately its been happening more often since i’m not out running!


WAIT… 100 degrees?!?!? MOVE TO UTAH!!!


For real. 100’s Thursday-Sunday, today “only” got to 95. Well into the 80s, mid 90s for the rest of the week. Supposed to rain and be 75 on Sunday, and then right back up to the 80s. I am soooo over it. I miss fall!


I’m really bad about core work. Once a week probably? I need to be more consistent and do it more frequently!

It was 95 degrees in Kansas yesterday. We have not gotten the memo on Fall yet. It is 79 right now. Still too warm, but I’ll take it over 95!

I didn’t technically race, but I did run the last 6 miles of the Prairie Fire Marathon with one of my friends who was struggling quite a bit! She rocked it though and finished the race!


Okay, that is WAYYYYY TOO HOT!! Come run with me in Utah please:) That is seriously so sweet of you to help your friend through the last 6 miles!!! I love it and tell her congrats for me:)


No race but my 20 miler before taper for NYC!! It was warm (24 degrees Celsius) and windy but I’m glad I pushed through.

I need to do more core work…

Sentence: “I am thankful.”


I’m so happy that you’re back to running and feeling better. I know you must have missed your sweet potato and turkey burger combo. Is this the longest you’ve gone without eating your favorite meal?! ;)

Chicago did not go as planned for me. My piriformis syndrome did me in and I had to call in my first DNF. What an awful feeling, but DNFing has lit a fire inside of me that is burning strong. I want to come back a smarter, stronger runner and own Chicago next year! I was able to complete 9 miles and they were great – the crowd support in Chicago is so awesome and the part of the course I saw was so great!


Oh Kristina, I am truly so so sorry about your DNF. I want to give you a big hug! YES.. next fall we will both kill our marathons.. deal?!? Hope you are feeling better soon!!!

PS yes, that was the longest amount of time I went without it!


It’s a DEAL! I’m in :)


So sorry about your DNF, Kristina! If it helps, I DNF-ed Chicago, came back a few years later with a healthy hammie and PRed (by 17 minutes!) Commit to your recovery and you’ll be back!


I want to like your comment Mo… so so true!! You’ll come back healthy and stronger than ever. HUGE congrats Mo on your 17 minute PR!


Mo, thank you so so much for sharing your story. That makes me feel a million times better!

Congrats on that PR too! I am going to use your story as inspiration when I start training next summer! :)


I didn’t race this weekend either, but I had my last “hard” run before a little taper and a race on Sunday!

My core work is entirely yoga!


AHHHH good luck on Sunday! You are going to rock it. You are so right about yoga, it is a great core workout!


Woo hoo for your run! It must have felt great! I never do enough core work, but I did today! Hoping that I can get back in the groove of things :)


I am so happy that you’re feeling better and having strong, feel-good runs again!
I try to do core work at least twice a week, usually weights/bodyweight 1-2 times and then Pilates as I feel like it. I also started doing MYRTLs since hips and glutes are important as well (and connected to the core!)
No racing this weekend – I raced last weekend and am enjoying the recovery phase! Although now I’m eager to go run again.


That picture of Brooke and the peace sign!! It was 90 degrees here yesterday, and I decided to try to run in the middle of the day. DUMB! It’s amazing how you get used to the cooler temps and then one day the heat strikes again and I was pretty sure I was going to pass out ;) I would rather run in snow…

Glad you felt better today and had a good run!! I used to be very dedicated to core work, then I started slacking. I’ve really been trying to focus on it again, because I always notice a difference when I do.


Yesterday was my last long run and it was 14C – perfect conditions except for a nasty wind.

No racing this weekend for me – big race is next weekend!


The temp was warm and humid… Visiting my parents in Florida. 14.5 weeks pregnant and so happy to be feeling better and still able to run!


YAY for feeling a good again.. that first trimester is TOUGH. Hope you are having a blast with your parents!


It’s triple digits here in Phoenix and I am so jealous of your cool weather! It’s been hot forever and I’m ready for sweater weather. What did they find out about your stomach after all?


Gastritis, ulcer forming and some colon problems. But the medicines are helping and switching up my diet a bit! AHHHH I can’t even imagine the it being so hot right now! Come visit Utah now!


I have Fall Envy! Mid-90s here in So Cal (about 70 at 5:30 a.m.) Sadly, this is our norm. September and October can be really mean. I just keep telling myself that my November marathon is going to feel wonderful.


Glad you’re doing better! Also… That purple hoodie is so cute. Where’d you find it?


Thanks girl!! Here is the link… it is so comfy!


I’m glad I searched the comments, I NEEDED to know where you got that hoodie :)


Me too!!! :)


Me three! Can I ask what size you have on?


I’m grateful for another gorgeous day in DC!!
Core work: daily planks, push-ups, crunches
Run weather: mid 50’s
I had so many friends that raced over the weekend and I had a blast stalking them all!!


Yay for feel good running and for a healthy appetite! Go girl go!

Temps here in NJ were perfect..maybe 72-ish. Not one cloud in the sky. I will take it considering the unrelenting cold of last winter.

I do core work everyday….but disguise it as yoga! Our classes always incorporate the core…either with targeted moves or engaging while working other poses. I’m with you…I’d much rather run and don’t think I’d do it on my own.

Heading to San Francisco this upcoming weekend to run the Nike Women’s Half!


Pure barre tricks me into doing core work a few times a week! The planks get me every single time.


I am so happy to hear you are starting to feel better and better each day! Can’t wait to hear about what goal race you’ve chosen to set your sights on. You will be even more ready to tackle the challenge when you get there.

I often pair the 8 minute abs (thanks for clueing me into that) with the Core H video that can be found on Youtube. If I can hold all the moves for a minute on Core H I know I’m in pretty good core shape. :)


Yay! So glad you’re feeling better again!! :)

I rarely do core work anymore, but really need to get back into it. I always feel so much better running when I have a strong core!

Temps are perfect for running here in Pennsylvania. Hoping it stays like this for a while!!

Sentence for the day: Massages are amazing and we should all get them once a week.


I’m so glad that you had a good run and are eating turkey burgers and sweet potatoes again!
My sentence is just one word: Ouch!
I convinced my daughter (age 10) and my husband to run a 5k around the Washington Monuments and completely wiped out in the first half mile! I have major road rash on both hands, from my right knee down and landed really hard on my right hip. I didn’t want my daughter to freak out, so I got right up and ran the 5K at her pace (9:25 with negative splits!!!) and my hands were dripping blood. So pretty! But, she kicked butt and now I’m hobbling around. Fingers crossed I can manage 6 treadmill miles tomorrow!


Oh my gosh the comment about running and self timers!!! HAHAH! How in the world did we do it!?!?!


You and Brooke doing core work is too cute. It reminds me of the picture of you doing core next to her when she was a tiny baby. Most adorable thing ever. I’m glad you’re feeling better!!


beautiful 72 here today, so not looking forward to the cold temps

kids completely pay attention, which is why I don’t swear and don’t yell.


Sentence for today: I need a laundry maid. Didn’t race this weekend, but excited for NYC in three weeks. It’s 93 degrees in Arizona right now. Wake me up when it’s 75. Is using a self-timer while running a skill that can be put on a resume? I don’t have a resume, but it’s always good to be prepared, right.


I did a half marathon this weekend with my mom. This weekend had emotional sentiment for her, so it was always the plan to run with her. Reminded how in giving you get so much back in return.


My sentence for today is Back at it. I think I’ve finally got my head back in the game and this stupid cold is almost gone.


I did not race this weekend, but I had so much fun tracking my Chicago runners. Every time I got a new text alert I jump at my phone.

My sentence of the day…? “Can I go to sleep now?”


s entence for today: Vacation begins!!! 10 yr wedding anniversary this week, going to the beach!
It is in the mid 90’s here, so running is being done on the treadmill, bummer. I winder if we are ever going to get a fall here. :(
I do core work 5X week currently 50 hangin leg raises-50 bicycle crunches on bosuball- 50 (each side) side hip dips on bosu ball-and 50 heels to ceiling on slant bench. I also do a 45 minutes TRX core workout once a week. I LOVE core work and it is also the thing that keeps me injury free. What I DONT like is foam rolling! OUCH.


I’m glad to hear you are able to start running well and enjoying your runs again Janae. I cannot even imagine how hard it’s been. I feel like I say that a lot! I cannot wait to see which marathon you choose. Maybe come out to CA like we discussed? ;)


Did a 5k this weekend. It went ok but not great. It was way too cold for running with asthma an no inhaler. But it was still fun


The weather is nice and crispy here in MI. This morning was 57*F. Delightful! :)
So glad you are starting to feel better!


I see so many different answers on how often people do core work. I haven’t done a lot of it, but I know I need to. I’ve been trying to figure out how often I should shoot for as an initial goal. How often do you do core work, Janae?


Hey girl!! Yes… so many different answers for this! I personally do it about 3-4 times a week!


I’ve been doing a “core challenge” with friends during October. I am starting to dread planks immensely! I’m more of a crunch girl :)


My sentence for the day: “Why do I have to work?”
I mean I know why (hello money), but man is it rough some times! I’m so glad you are starting to feel better!


I ran Lake Tahoe yesterday and it was INCREDIBLE!! The course was breathtaking … Literally. It was at 6,000 feet and I was nervous about dying.

I didn’t … And ended up finishing at 24th overall and 2nd in my age division!!

I’m so jealous that you get to run in the mountains all the time. So beautiful.

And I’m so glad you’re back to running and feeling okay!!


So glad you are feeling better!! It’s been over 100 over here in Southern California – can’t complain about year round sun, but we’re getting a little anxious for boots :) Also – do you mind if I ask where your purple long sleeve is from? So cute!!


AHHH that is way too hot! WAY TOO HOT. Come take a break in Utah:) Here is the link for the purple top… so comfy!


First time poster.Glad to hear you are on the mend and back to your love of running.I too have been diagnosed with an ulcer.Was having a lot of the same complaints as you were.It didn’t matter what I ate (although I tried) I had pain,especially at night.I’m curious what foods you have eliminated from you diet.
My sentence of the day: Don’t take you health for granted.


Your sentence of the day is mine too:) I am so so sorry about your ulcer too… I hope you are starting to feel better! I am sticking to pretty bland foods and lots of veggies. Ketchup, citrus, sugary, fried foods hurt the most so I don’t eat them now. What things hurt more for you?


The list is long at the moment but I am hoping with the meds and healing of the ulcer I can reintroduce some of these..Garlic,Onions,Tomatoes,Citrus,Dairy , High Fructose fruit like apples and pears and fried foods.Let’s hope we are both much better soon and back to being not fearful of foods.


I dmonutes. Race this weekend but I ran the longest I’ve ran in a while–since may! 85 minutes.


Stairs and I are NOT friends today – holy cow my quads hate me.

I do core work once a year or so…I really should work on it.

I didn’t run today, but we had nice weather, low 70s

I ran my first full this weekend! It was so challenging, but so much fun!


I do core work just about every day! I think that’s one of my strongest parts!


Barre class kicked my butt today! I haven’t been for 3 weeks! It felt good though. :)


You posted that 8 minute ab video a few months back, and I remember trying it and dying! It’s so hard, but so so so good.


Sentence for today: Is it FALL yet? It was 94 today. Had our friends over to swim today as we had the day off from school. 97 tomorrow – yikes! Luckily the nights and mornings are nice and cool.

I do core work pretty much every day. One day I focus on my entire core, the next just hips/glutes. I alternate this schedule. More core work on my longer/harder runs, less on my easy runs as in making my harder days harder and easy days easier, if that makes sense.

So good to see you having an appetite for your favorite foods again. Hopefully not much longer until you are back at Cafe Rio again. ;)

Have a fabulous week Janae!!!


This past weekend was perfect running weather and I didn’t get a chance to run in it! I love fall weather as long as it isn’t raining!

Love the peace sign!


My sentence is I can’t believe I’m on day 5 of this cold.
I didn’t race but I did run 2 half marathons this weekend. They were both supposed to be long runs for me. Basically instead of my longest long run before the NYC Marathon I opted to do the 2 half marathons (one Saturday and one Sunday). I finished Saturday’s Rock n Roll Brooklyn half in 2:25 and Sunday’s Staten Island Half in 2:34. Best part is that i’m not sore at all!
Sorry to hear ketchup has been one of the culprits to make you feel bad….that’s gonna be a hard breakup.


Those cookies look great!


It is so, so HOT here. 97 degrees in Santa Monica on Saturday!! Crazy.
So hot for today’s run also.
We are all melting away!! Please send your cool beautiful weather to us.
Abs: right now every day because my PT wants me to build back my strength.
Planks, side planks, bicycle crunches, push ups, etc.
Yay for your running and eating again!! I am so glad you are feeling better!!


So jealous of your running temps! It’s been so hot over here in San Diego. I’m lucky if I can get high 70s by the beach. For the most part they are still in the 80s


That 8 minute abs video… oh my gosh. That brings back memories from early morning workouts before high school (middle school, even?) Gotta love the outfits!


Sweet potato and turkey burger always sounds good to me! I have to force myself to do core-work as well. Gosh Brooke is so adorable, I wish she could help me do mine!


Yay to feeling better!! And I love your purple top!
It was 100 degrees yesterday during our run! Eek!


Yay! Great run :) Incredible considering only a week or two ago you were still sick. I need to do some kind of elimination diet myself to determine what bothers my tummy.


I love your nail polish color in the picture of you holding the sweet potato! What is it?


Sentence: No more pain please!
Core: FitnessBlender’s Abs videos, PiYo
Temp: HOOOTTTTT (As a desert dweller, I’m so envious of your Utah temps and gorgeous weather!)

Glad you are feeling better and are able to run again!! I’ve been going thru something similar to you with constant abdominal pain & nausea for almost a week now and finally got a GI doc appointment today! Hopefully they can figure it out quickly . I haven’t had the energy or pain tolerance to go running or do other workouts – even walking around can irritate my stomach and it’s no fun. Reading about your successful recovery from your issues makes me feel better and hopeful that my own symptoms can be resolved soon! :)


It is so adorable that you and Brooke workout together!! <3 I'm a little ways from having kids but when I do I really hope they will enjoy doing physical activities with me! :)


I have that same purple top! It’s the best; I love it!


I wont be jealous of you when real winter hits but omg 52 degrees sounds magical. I wake up to run around 6:30 and this morning it was already 79 when I walked out the door. Happy October!


I ran the Hartford marathon! It was my first ever marathon and I loved every moment. I’ve been recovering from injury (plantar fasciitis), so I threw out any time goals and just focused on enjoying and finishing. :)


Ooh Olivia – that is one of two October marathons I am considering for my first ever next year. (that and the Baystate.) That is great to hear!


I raced a half this weekend. I wasn’t super prepared for it so aiming for sub 2 hour and that adrenaline kicked in and got 1:55. (Fast for me) it wasn’t a pr but I enjoyed the challenge….88 degrees here today. So glad I’m in rest mode!!


I took your Health class at Timpanogos High School when you were a TA. I love your blog and it really got me into running. I just finished the St. George marathon which was my very first marathon ever! Thanks for all you do!


I’m glad you’re feeling better!


Haha my BF loves that 8 minute abs video. It’s a classic in our apartment :P

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