Maybe this is why I blog (5 years today!) AND running shoes GIVEAWAY!

Please note this was written at 4 a.m. so it might be especially random…

But first… my favorite picture of Brooke.


Sometimes I wonder why this blog has stuck for FIVE YEARS (3,134 posts) and why it gets the traffic it does.  I make as many grammatical errors as a 4th grader, my pictures are usually poorly lit and from my iPhone.  Most posts include so many random tangents that I get confused reading over them myself, I don’t know a thing about the technical side of it all and I eat the same 4 meals on rotation.  I make a lot of mistakes and a lot of times the same ones over and over again and yet you guys still stick around (THANK YOU).

I then wonder why the hardest stuff (along with a lot of great things too and the greatest thing ever= Brooke) for me didn’t come until I had a lot of people watching me on the blog—>  femoral stress fractures (those really hurt), overtraining and eating disorder side effects at the very beginning of my blog (osteopenia/ammenorhea and ps I haven’t had any relapses since then).   My divorce from a person I was deeply in love with at the time and thought I was going to be with forever, loneliness that my chest still hurts when thinking about how hard those days/nights were (and still sometimes are) and the many ups and downs of post-divorce dating.  The pain that comes along with your little baby/toddler/kiddo being away from you for the weekend or holidays.  Dropping out of a million races due to injuries/sickness/mental exhaustion, my sister’s divorce and my mom’s health (heart surgery and now a stroke).  Feeling so sick recently that I wore sweatpants way too many days in a row and some other things that I have dealt with privately while at the same time trying to keep a smile on my face.

And maybe a part of why I keep blogging (and why you stick around despite my lack of blogging skills) is because of the above reasons.  I am an extremely open human (I am that awkward person that shares their life story within 20 minutes of meeting a person) and maybe I just really like connecting with others about all of the ups and downs in life.  I have incredible blessings (my family—> I’m looking at you) and my life has NOT been any harder than yours (because EVERY human has trials and most have a lot bigger ones than mine) but maybe I love blogging about the good and the bad so that you and I can relate a bit over a computer screen.  Whether it be emails back and forth with girls struggling with the loss of their period from running too much and eating too little.  Or for people like a a non-runner that I bumped into the other day that told me she reads my blog just to see, as a newly single mom herself, that life can be beautiful as a single mom and that you can in fact make it through a messy divorce.

We might relate because you and I both know how a break-up wrenches our hearts.  Our connection might come through the two of us understanding how hungry marathon training makes us and how ice cream sometimes just solves all of the major problems in the world.  We might just ‘get’ each other because we both understand how much we miss running when we don’t get the chance to lace up our sneakers each morning.   Maybe we connect because we are both trying our hardest to hit a goal that we have had for many many years.  I know for a fact that a lot of us can all agree that the perfect day includes a long run, plenty of refueling and some Netflix watching from the couch.  Our ‘reasons for running’ might be pretty darn identical and that helps us both to realize we aren’t crazy.  I think you and I know the feeling of failure and the decision we have to make to either give up trying or to be resilient and come back from the set-back stronger than ever.

I hope that when you read this blog you feel a sense of community.  I think humans crave some form of community or group and that is most definitely what feeling I get from you guys and why I love blogging.  I think that is a part of why we all love running/races so much.  It allows us to feel like a part of something bigger, and something that is really great for our health takes it to the next level.

I really want you to know that we are all in this together and when the going gets tough, you’ve got some random girl in Utah cheering for you.  Maybe this is one of the reasons that I will blog for as long as I possibly can because I know that your comments/emails and support are always a huge source of strength for me in the good times and the bad.  Goodness gracious, those amazingly sweet comments/emails during the first few months after filing for divorce are what got me through some really dark days and your comments over the last few weeks—> wow.

So although this blog might seem like a showcase of froyo and running shoes I hope you know that I really want it to be a place where we can all relate somehow.  Whether it be over how amazing endorphins are, the joys of dessert, our addiction to races, the amazing feeling that comes after completing a tough track workout or how hard it is to keep going when you want to quit.  We all have ups and when we have downs, we keep looking forward and have hope that there are a lot of really great things in store for all of us in the future.  We just gotta keep pumping our arms when our legs get tired, count our blessings and take the hard things a mile at a time.

Here’s to another 5 years (well, I have no idea how long) of getting to know each other better, sharing the beautiful parts of life along with the hard stuff, growing, running and connecting.


And to celebrate five years of blogging I’m going to buy a pair of Brooks running shoes (whatever ones you want) to one lucky reader!

To enter:

1.  Leave a comment with whatever you would like to say.

2.  If you want more entries then share the giveaway on twitter or Facebook or email your mom about it or Instagram and leave a separate comment telling me that you did!

Giveaway ends at the end of the week.

Thanks again for hanging out with me on the internet:)

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You are so positive and motivating! You are the reason I bought my first pair of pure flows :)


I started reading your blog through I believe. I have really enjoyed seeing the fun stories and adventures. I also love the fact that what you have proved to me is that you can be a good person, be involved in this crazy thing we call life, and still take time to take care of yourself. I oftentimes find excuses or reasons I can’t fit in a workout or a good meal before a night out. It helps to see from someone else that it is possible!

Thank you!


I love your blog and have been reading for years. Thank you for sharing with us all the stories that you have. You give me so much running inspiration. Oh, and you make me laugh! I hope you blog many many more years.


I enjoy your honesty about life. Thanks for sharing!


I think you are awesome and you make me happy every day!


Janae – I have tears in my eyes as I am reading your entry today. I adore you for so many reasons. And admire how true to yourself you are. You are REAL and so relatable for so many of us. Your positive spirit is the reason I check back every single day. Thank you and all the best to you and Brooke!


You are awesome!


Cheers to 5 more years! Keep spreading the love!


Thank you for sharing your adventures with us. I love reading your blog, looking at your pictures and reading your stories. Thank YOU!!!


I’ve only recently started running, and have really enjoyed the site. Thanks for sharing all you do! I got my first pair of Brooks just last week and would definitely love another :).


You inspire me. Brooke is amazing because of you. Thanks for being real and letting us in for the good the bad and all the feels in between.


What a lovely post and a lovely picture.


I started coming here for the running posts but continue to read to watch you and Brooke grow


Thank you for sharing your life with all of us. I relate in a lot of ways, and may not in others, but I love reading what you have to say no matter the subject :) I really feel like you mean it when you say you are cheering all of us on. We appreciate it. And know that we are cheering for you too.


I started following your blog in April 2014 bc I was having trouble wuth my running (I was training for an Ironman Tri) and I thought I needed some motivation. What I found out was that 2 weeks later I would need open heart surgery to replace the aortic valve and fix the aortic anureysm that stopping my breathing and slowing my running. I read your blog every day in the hospital and now every day since (I was a little bummed by when you went to one post a days instead if 2 a days!). You have no idea how much you helped my recovery and return to training!!


First time reading your blog but I love the message you’re putting out there about humans connecting and sharing their experiences with each other.


I like looking at pictures of froyo. :)


This was so sincere and heartfelt. You’re a class act!


I just completed my second Melbourne Marathon on the weekend. When things got tough (and there were plenty of tough moments!), I remembered your mantra of pumping your arms and your legs will follow – how very true!!!!! I got my PB of 3:59:21 (was aiming for under 4hrs) so I’m stoked, but have decided that marathon running is too tough on my body (and stomach!) so will stick to half marathons from now on. Well that’s how I’m feeling two days post marathon anyway :)


Love your blog and love Brooks! My 11-year-old (Pure Flows) and 7-year-old (Adrenalines) both represent as well. Thank you for all the quality insight, motivation and inspiration. You’re truly an amazing human being.


You are truly inspiring! I thought about you this weekend during my half marathon and when it hurt I thought about how tough you are and I pushed for you. I think about things you have said on many runs. You are so open and its great to read the things you write. Brooke is so adorable and I love seeing pictures of her, she is such a happy little girl. She reminds me of my niece. Thank you for all your inspring and down to earth posts.


Thanks for sharing and being open with us. I really enjoy your blog and your sunny outlook even during the really hard times.



Thank you for today’s blog (which brought tears to my eyes), it was heartfelt, understanding and empathetic to all of us experiencing life’s trials and tribulations. Although I lost twenty-five pounds from a heartbreak it was one of the best experiences that ever happened because I got my “game” on and started seriously running and placing in my age group. It helped me to focus, re-prioritize and find people like you who believe in “girl power” and living through life.

Keep it up Sister, we’re all in this together.


Just found you blog. You are one motivated woman. Your daughter is gorgeous btw. I shared to twitter and facebook.


I’ve loved following your blog from the beginning! Your positivity is so admirable. Still rooting for that sub-3 <3


Love your blog! Thank you for being so real and honest. Keep doing what your doing!


i don’t run (only use an elliptical), but i follow your blog b/c i appreciate your dedication to your physical health (find it motivating to keep at my own routine). i also appreciate any/all food photos. :)


Hi Janae. I just want you to know that your blog has been such a comfort to me. I’d say I’ve been reading it for about 4 years but lately it has been especially helpful. My divorce was finalized in August and I have been navigating a new life. Watching you go through what you did prepared me (without knowing it) for some of the hard things, but also showed me amazing ways to cope and thrive. I have never felt more hopeful and strong and that is because I know that me and my kids will be ok and that loving the life I have instead of what I thought I wanted or needed is so much more fulfilling and beautiful. Thank you for your blog. You are an amazing lady!


You’re an inspiration to all of us!!! I found your blog early in 2014, and I look forward to reading about your adventures everyday! If I’m on my phone too long, my husband asks, “How’s Hungry Runner Girl doing?” :) You, after all, are the reason I knew to try Cafe Rio in the SLC airport on our layover! Anyways, I hope you understand how amazing you are, and keep up the best blogging ever!!!:)


I loved this post! Thank you for being an inspiration to me. I look forward to your posts each day just because you are so positive and have a great outlook on life. It also helps motivate me to set new goals and try to achieve them. Thanks for being you and sharing that with all of us:)


Love your blog, Happy 5th Anniversary!!


You are my favorite and I miss you. The end. <3


Ah, congrats on five years! So many have already said it, but the fact that you keep it real, show emotion, and just talk about life and running in general is much of the reason why many of us keep coming back for more. I think it makes me feel like I really know you. Some of my favorite aspects are seeing pics of your canyon runs, all the meals, girls nights out, and Brooke’s latest antics. :)


We live very different lives, and I love to read about your journeys. I’m rooting for your success with all of your goals. I know you will get that sub 3 and all of your hard work will be worth it!


Ive been reading your blog for 3 years now! I didn’t even know what a blog was til I found yours, and Ive stuck with you ever since! I love the food finds , running help/motivation/inspiration, of course the many pics of little Brooke. Here’s to the next 10! #cheers


Your blog helped me realise how much I truly love running and has inspired me to keep going even when it’s tough – all the way from the other side of the world! Thanks Janae :)


Hey Janae,
I just ran my first half marathon this past Sunday. I get up at 4:30 am to run before my 2 kiddos get up and when I’m home with my coffee I check in with you. You are a source of humour and inspiration for me and my running and I want to thank you. I like your blog for all the reasons you mentioned. Most importantly, we all have the same struggles and we’re all in this together.


I love reading your blog- running and ‘real’ life aren’t separate, and I love that your blog is really about all of it. Thank you!


Your blog is one of my favorites! How open and positive (yet real at the same time) you are is so refreshing!


I have only been reading your blog for about six months but I greatly enjoy reading your posts every day. You inspired me to decide to run my first marathon, which is coming up in less than two weeks (NYC!), and I also learned the BEST way to cook sweet potatoes from you (with coconut oil, of course!). I know there are many great things in your future and I look forward to reading about them all!


Beautiful!!! You, your spirit, your truth,your daughter and your family. Thanks for letting us all share.


You’re blog is very inspirational! I’ve been reading your blog now for almost the entire five years–whoa, time flies! I’ve battled my own share of injuries, diagnoses and personal struggles and have been chasing the 3 hour marathon goal like you. I’m amazed at how you are able to stay so positive and persevere through the tough stuff. Keep being your genuine and authentic self!


You rock Janae! Thanks for putting your honesty and your world out there to help form a sense of community that makes your readers feel hopeful. xoxo


I love hearing about the good and the bad, it makes us all feel human. Have a great day!!!


I’d love some new shoes! CONGRATS dear :)


I started reading your blog after I read an article you wrote for a women’s running website. I was training for my first 1/2 marathon at the time. I look forward to getting Hungry Runner Girl in my inbox every day, you encourage me to keep going :-)


You are inspirational and a motivation for me to get out the door.


I’m so glad I found your blog a few years ago! Your motivation is so inspiring! Thanks for sharing all of you up and downs with us (and the froyo pictures, of course).


I emailed my mom about the giveaway ?


Best wishes to you as you navigate through your health issues. GI issues are no fun!


I LOVE this blog! I am a first year medical student and my roommate turned me on to it. She just started running and I have been running for years! Everything you write about is so easy to relate to for me! I have been training like crazy for a half marathon in December and have my heart set on a new PR. Running 30 miles a week has me hungry all the time!! My current running shoes have about 300 miles on them so I am in the market fora new pair! Never stop blogging!!


I just stumbled across your blog some weeks ago, while dealing with my third stress fracture in 4 years. From that moment on I stuck to you and your stories even though our lifes are different in terms of “social and family life”. Yet, we struggle with the same issues in running, eating and everyday fun :) Even more, our PB’s are scarily almost identical…

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, fears and happy moments with me! It makes me feel comfortable for some minutes everyday.
Hugs from Hamburg, Germany


I think the reason so many of us follow you is that it is so very apparent that there is a genuine person behind each post. No one’s life is perfect, and we all have major ups and downs even though they might not be the same. You’re so brave to share all of these ups and downs with your readers, and you help more people than you could ever imagine. I even wrote to you a few years ago after a (for me) devastating injury, and you wrote right back! Your words were so supportive and you didn’t even know me. That’s the kind of person you are. You care, and in return your readers care about you. Please don’t ever stop blogging!


Thank you or writing. I can relate to a lot of what you’ve been through and you are an absolute inspiration. It gives me hope.


Great post Janae! I’ve been a long time reader and my favorite thing about your blog is your openness. It’s nice to see that I’m not the only one who has struggles during a training cycle, but what I love even more is seeing how you work towards your goals and succeed DESPITE the obstacles you come across


Your posts always help me get through my worst of times. Keep writing!


Shared on FB


and twitter


Your positive outlook is infectious and that’s why I love starting my day reading your blog! Thanks for being you.


It’s easy to see that you are a wonderful person, just from reading your blog. I love this post – thank you for sharing!!


and I sent it to my friend who also reads your blog!


Thanks for writing and an awesome giveaway.


You are amazing, inspiring and so darn funny. I look forward to your posts about anything and everything. Please don’t ever stop blogging!! ❤️????


I found your blog a year ago, the day my divorce was final, and I don’t even know how I got to your page. After 18 months of mental exhaustion my divorce was final and I found myself a single mother who had gained 50 pounds in one year. Hello eating disorder. Reading what you went through on your blog gave me hope, pulled me out of a major depression and made me want to run…seriously…your words and thoughts did that for me! I’ve lost 30 pounds and have worked my way up to running 10 solid minutes before I need a walk break. I signed up for a half marathon in April of 2016 and I am excited and nervous already! I’ve been running in shoes I bought at Target because I can’t understand what the difference could possibly be $20 shoes vs $100 shoes?! I’d love a chance to win Brooks shoes because you rave about them and honestly I love the logo!


Love your blog! Thanks for being such an inspiration!


This was beautiful. And you don’t have to buy me shoes for me to say that :)


It’s all about being yourself. That’s the winner. Too many people are trying to be something they aren’t and it is refreshing to see someone happy in their own skin!


I love reading your blog and loved everything about this post. I enjoy blogging for a lot of the same reasons – the blogging community is an amazing group of people! You blog has helped me connect with a lot of new friends :)


I have been reading your blog for over to years and love love love it! It inspires my running so much along with so many other areas of my life! THANK YOU!


I look forward to reading your blog everyday when I first get to work. It takes me a couple of minutes to get into work mode and your blog and some coffee is just what I need. Thank you!!


I really enjoy your blog – I love following your training and also like the kid/friend/family stuff – it’s a nice balance. Brooke is very lucky to have you for a mommy! And I love that you surround yourself with girl friends and family :)


I love your blog! I’ve been following for awhile now and I check for a new post twice a day. :) I’m not an awesome runner like you, but you are my inspiration. I’m pregnant with my 4th and will have 4 under 5, but my goal is to run a half marathon next year. Slighlty terrified, but ever since finding your blog I’ve wanted to! Thank you for your awesome posts and for being so open, real, and so easily relateable!


I love reading your blog every morning for a few years now! I so appreciate that you are genuine and are so easy to relate to. I love forward to reading your blog for many years to come. :)


Grammatical errors are a part of life. I enjoy it more because it makes you seemed unfiltered, not like you’re getting graded on a paper. Happy 5th birthday to you and your site!


Thanks for your honesty and real life living. You have been through a lot and still have a smile on your face. Keep going You’re amazing!


Thank you for always sharing the truth with us. Love your blog! I am always amazed at how strong you are. I don’t know how I would have coped with all that you have gone through. Keep running strong!!


I read every day, Brooke is beautiful and am rooting for you to get that sub-3!
I’m much slower than you with my running (10:15 pace) but still find you very relatable and encouraging. My older daughter is going to be 3 in November so I love reading about Brooke as typically she gives me an idea of what to expect with my girl a few months later ;)


I need new running shoes, mine were stolen at the gym! ; (



I started running last Spring in an effort to shake off years of post-secondary education weight (undergrad + law school = chubby bunny). I hated it at first but started reading blogs (including yours) to keep myself motivated and to know that I’m not the only one who struggled through those first few weeks of “OMG am I going to make it through this mile?”

I ran my first marathon this past weekend and when I hit the wall at mile 18 I met another runner who was also struggling. Together, we talked and jogged (and walked a little) and we made it to the finish together! The running community is just kind of like that I think. We are all a little crazy and we like to share our little crazy with everyone else.

I love this blog and I hope it sticks around for another 5 years!


You are one of the few blogs I go to everyday because I know there will be new content. I love your approach to life and how you share everything from the highest highs to your greatest disappointments. I’m fairly new to reading your blog but I have gone back and reread many of the older posts to get a feel for your life and who you are. Keep smiling that great big smile of yours and showing us how wonderful the world of running can be.


i love this. love.


I’m not really saying anything that someone else hasn’t said, but — you have a wonderful sense of humor, an optimistic outlook that I try to emulate, and there’s always new posts!


I really enjoy reading your blog and wih you many more years to come!


I did email my mom & my best friend about this great giveaway to celebrate your milestone!


I love reading your blog precisely because you’re an amazing athlete and a lovely human being.


Shared with my mom and sister! Thanks Again for such a great blog!


Love the blog. Cherish the time you get to spend with your daughter. Before you know it she’ll be in college.


Thanks for being you!


I tweeted!


Shared with my friend


You nailed it! I read because I love your openness, and am always thrilled to revel in your successes and boost you up with my thoughts when you struggle. Thank you for sharing with us, Janae!


Your blog is one of my favorites because of how open and honest you are! Keep doing what you are doing!


I love this blog for all the reasons you stated above…….I love all your random pictures and think it’s amazing that you have such a beautiful record of your days :) I wish I was as dedicated to taking photos of me and my kids……
I talk about your entries all the time to my running girls – you always have something relevant for us to talk about that seems to impact us…and I’ll be telling all of them about your giveaway! Thanks so much and keep up the great work :)


Happy Blogiversary!

I enjoy reading every day :)



love this post; happy 5 year blogiversary!


I love your blog – its so inspiring!
I just ran my 4th marathon Sunday and PR’ed by 17 minutes! I am 5 minutes away from a BQ…its blogs like yours that help me keep going when I want to quit/slow down/die.
You’re awesome!


Thank you for sharing your running (and non-running!) life with us! I have enjoyed getting to “know” you and wish you all the best for the next 5++ years to come!


Happy five years! And yes, your honesty is absolutely what brings me back. You are a super fast runner, far faster than I could ever be, but you are so HUMAN about it. Here’s to another five years of blogging!


I have been following for years because I feel like you are so honest about everything- good or bad. And because pictures of Brooke are adorable!


Your positivity and willingness to share your life (the good parts and the bad parts) with everyone is so inspiring. Happy 5 year blogging anniversary.! :)


I found this blog right before mother’s day when I was looking for running motivation. I struggle with the balance of my careers (one civilian, one military), my marriage, being a mom and trying to fit in running/strength training. You brighten up my day with all your pictures and stories.


Happy 5 year blogiversary! Reading your blog definitely motivated me to start running longer distances (when previously I had only run 3-5 miles at a time)… and now I’m running my first half next weekend :D


You are such an inspiration!! You’re blog is the first thing I read each morning and offers so much inspiration for the day ahead. I’d like to remind you just how great you are, and truly one of the most kind- hearted genuine individuals ??


Love this and cheering you on!


I LOVE your blog! Thank you for the past 5 years.


Always a reader, never a commenter :) I am in awe of your running skills – even when you post about a “bad” day – your times are so much faster than mine! But – we all move at our own pace, I’m five years into the running game, still only a 11:00 miler at best – but on my 6th Half Marathon (this sunday! Cocoa Beach Half Marathon) – countless 5k and 10k’s, and my first Duathalon last weekend!
I read for inspiration, tips, and dessert ideas :) The beautiful pics of Utah don’t hurt either ;)
Your daughter is a gem, treasure her. Her personality shines through in the pics you post, she is such a beatiful little girl, when a day gets rough, be reminded you are a very blessed woman.


Long time reader. Thanks for doing what you do!


Although I don’t catch every post, anytime I do read, I catch up as best as I can. You are so brave to share every point of your life. Thank you for being the random girl from Utah cheering us all on :) Keep on running!!


I love your blog! I like the randomness, I like the running tips & I like how you eat because I eat the same way. LOL! Brooks are my most favorite running shoes!


Shared the giveaway on Twitter @tracit1997


Yay for five years of blogging! Yours was one of the first blogs I started following after I began running 2.5 years ago!


I came across your blog about a year ago and am so happy I did. So many days when I haven’t wanted to get up and run, your posts have motivated me to do so. I also love that you are from Utah and always look for you on the Provo Trail, hoping to spot you. Keep on writing and running :)


Thank you for sharing everything! It’s always good to know I’m not the only person who shares everything with anyone I meet!!


Shared the giveaway on Twitter : tessabridger1


Reading your blog helps motivate me to get back into running.


You should be proud of what you have accomplished, and you can see, just by how many comments you need to scroll through to bet to the bottom, that you have people who feel that sense of community with you as well.
This really resonated with me, while I am not a single mother, I just started a blog myself, and that is exactly what I want out of mine as well. Just to grow that sense of community, where people can relate to you, share tips, experiences, ups and downs.
I hope you have many more years ahead of you!


You are never down for long Janae! Your attitude is inspiring.


I think your real. I love your honesty about life. I am a runner and enjoy your tips!


Happy Anniversary Janae! A beautiful picture of Brooke! Thanks for providing a running community for me and for inspiring me everyday. I have actually signed up for the 2016 Boston Marathon! I have also become an avid Brooks sneaker fan. :) Thanks again for your authenticity and for your willingness to share you life with us.


Your blog motivates me to run, even when I don’t feel like it. We all have those slumps once in awhile and I caught myself feeling so inspired by you that it’s contagious and it would make me get my butt into gear and I would be lacing up those running shoes before I knew it. Thanks for being so open and honest about your life.


Janae, I read your blog because you seem like a genuine person and I’m really rooting for you in life and in running!


I’ve never worn Brooks, but I’m ready to try! I’ve learned so much from your blog.


Shared on twitter! wendylikesbooks


You inspire me- even though I’m a hundred times slower runner than you I find you so relatable. Thanks for all you do!


I’ve been reading bloke the beginning…you know back when you typed in a million different colors. Thank you for not doing that anymore :)
I’ve always loved running and also went through a eating disorder for years when I was younger… and that was our first connection. But then we also went through divorces around the same time. And I can’t explain how helpful it has been to have someone, who I technically don’t’ event know, relate to about life after and moving you. You are truly and inspiration.


always love to see your photos.


I’ve been reading your blog for years and I keep coming back because your blog makes me smile. I feel like I’ve known you for years, you are a genuine, caring person and I wish I lived closer to Utah so we could go out for gigantic salads and froyo. :) Your mama should be proud, she raised such a beautiful woman! xo


I love reading your blogs. You are a great runner! :)


I read your blog daily, because of how real you are. I don’t feel like you try to present a perfect life- you talk about the good, the bad and the ugly and everything in between. The fact that you are so willing to open yourself up to thousands of internet strangers is pretty awesome.


You are awesome and I love reading because we went through some of the same stuff at the same time. You handled everything with such class and I admire you!

Also, Brooke is just THE CUTEST.


You have the birghtest outlook and your love of running is so contagious. Brook’s a doll! What a great 5 years!! I’ve loved tagging along these past 3 or so years!


I don’t know you at all but heard about your blog years ago from my sister, Liz Lyons(now Selk). I have been a daily reader since then:). I ran cross country in high school and will never forget something my coach told me then. He said that this decision to run cross country in high school would have a positive impact on our life for thirty years to come. I think he knew a thing or two about running and the influence for good it can have in people’s lives. I graduated high school almost fifteen years ago and still consider myself a runner. I am currently pregnant with my fifth baby and cannot run while pregnant but it is my sanity and I am grateful for your blog and the “real” inspiration you are to so many people. Keep it up, you have a very positive influence in the running community!!


It is because of you and your blog that I found my love for running and brooks shoes. I have made it through 2 half marathons and 2 pair of pure flows, happy and injury free! I’m on my 3rd pair (pure flow 4) and searching for my next race!


HI! Happy blogiversary :) When you first started blogging, how did you find time to blog, and what did you always write about? I have a blog but I have been pretty quiet on it the last year or so. I would love to start again, but I never know where to start.
Enjoy getting Brookers back!


your blog was the first one i started reading, and continue to read despite a couple years later :) congratulations on 5 years!


I don’t even remember how I found your blog – I think it was mentioned on someone else’s blog so I clicked over. I’m so glad I did! I love reading your honesty and your realness shows through your writing.


Thank-you for your blog and being so open and honest, you have helped keep me motivated.


???? – that sums it all up!


Happy blogiversary Janae. I think this might be the best post I’ve ever read on your site and definitely my favorite. I remember that you shared your story with me when we first met (maybe you waited 45 minutes instead of 20 ha!) and it felt like I knew you forever. I think the reason people heart you is because you are simply a wonderful person. You are strong and inspiring and kind and so positive. I wish all your readers could meet you in real life and see what a special human you are :) I’m grateful that the world of running and the blogosphere have brought us together, and I look forward to seeing what the next five years bring you :)

P.S. If I win the shoes, please give them to someone else who can experience our love of Brooks as much as we do. xoxo


I absolutely adore you and your blog! Thanks for keeping it so honest and fun.


I really appreciated this post, and your honesty! Stoked you are back in the running game, and rooting for that sub-3!


My goodness, I don’t know where to start! I can’t remember how I found your blog, but I have been absolutely hooked since Day 1, and it all comes down to what a genuinely good person you are. Thank you for sharing your life with all of us – I find you to be very inspiring, on many levels! I hope you’ll continue blogging so that we can continue to share in your adventures – and gaze at Brooke’s adorable, little face! Take good care – sending a big hug!


I am training for my 1st NYC marathon and was looking for inspirational blogs that I could read along my training journey and came across yours. Its real life with ups and downs that most runners and non runners deal with. Looking forward to many more blog post!


I’ve been reading your blog since you were pregnant with Brooke. I love how you post about the ups and downs of real life. I get bored very easily when it comes to blogs, but I look forward to your posts every single day!


Can totally feel the love and heart-felt nature in this post. The past year I went through a pretty rough break-up. We were together for 6 years. I thought he was the one. Your posts helped me to get through that. You inspired me to channel the tough times into becoming a tougher, better runner. Through all that, I was able to cut 20 minutes off my half marathon time in my race over the weekend!!! I was thinking about you and channeling some of the good race vibes towards your healing.

You and your mom have been in my prayers daily and will continue to be!


Congrats on five years! It’s so refreshing to read your honesty week in and week out. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us and for always being an encouraging light in the running community (and really the community in general)! We’re all rooting for you! :)


I love reading your blog! I feel like if I met you, you would be the same kind, genuine person you are on your blog. I really appreciate bloggers who seem real- real ups and downs like the rest of us! Thank you for sharing your life with us.


This is the awesome thing about runners…and women in general: we may be so different but we immediately can connect on some level and we go with it. We nurture our relationships and make them grow. This is how we get through the day. Amazing friendships and people that show us the good when life is turning towards a rocky path. I am happy for the connections that I have made by sharing your site. Keep doing what you are doing. You change lives.


Thank you for your inspiration. While I still consider myself a new runner…I’ve been running for 2 years. I will never be as fast as you, but you are an inspiration. I look for your daily posts and I feel like we are best friends when I don’t even know you. Your journey is amazing and your daughter is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Thanks for sharing your stories, great stories, bad stories. Thanks for sharing your runs…your good runs and bad runs. Thanks for sharing your food – it all looks yummy. I’ve run 2 half marathons and my running partner tells me I don’t smile while I run. I thought running was hard…and you know what, it was hard. But I joined bootcamp for the summer and now when I run…it’s easier. I just wasn’t strong. I’m still learning, still growing. Thanks for the inspiration.


I enjoy your blog because I love running, food and my children. Not necessarily in that order ;) I relate to all of these things.
I also love you’re not compromising your religious beliefs to suit our current day and age. It’s inspiring and a breath of fresh air.
I love Brook’s pure flows, am in desperate need of a new pair for the marathon I have coming up in January.

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