Maybe this is why I blog (5 years today!) AND running shoes GIVEAWAY!

Please note this was written at 4 a.m. so it might be especially random…

But first… my favorite picture of Brooke.


Sometimes I wonder why this blog has stuck for FIVE YEARS (3,134 posts) and why it gets the traffic it does.  I make as many grammatical errors as a 4th grader, my pictures are usually poorly lit and from my iPhone.  Most posts include so many random tangents that I get confused reading over them myself, I don’t know a thing about the technical side of it all and I eat the same 4 meals on rotation.  I make a lot of mistakes and a lot of times the same ones over and over again and yet you guys still stick around (THANK YOU).

I then wonder why the hardest stuff (along with a lot of great things too and the greatest thing ever= Brooke) for me didn’t come until I had a lot of people watching me on the blog—>  femoral stress fractures (those really hurt), overtraining and eating disorder side effects at the very beginning of my blog (osteopenia/ammenorhea and ps I haven’t had any relapses since then).   My divorce from a person I was deeply in love with at the time and thought I was going to be with forever, loneliness that my chest still hurts when thinking about how hard those days/nights were (and still sometimes are) and the many ups and downs of post-divorce dating.  The pain that comes along with your little baby/toddler/kiddo being away from you for the weekend or holidays.  Dropping out of a million races due to injuries/sickness/mental exhaustion, my sister’s divorce and my mom’s health (heart surgery and now a stroke).  Feeling so sick recently that I wore sweatpants way too many days in a row and some other things that I have dealt with privately while at the same time trying to keep a smile on my face.

And maybe a part of why I keep blogging (and why you stick around despite my lack of blogging skills) is because of the above reasons.  I am an extremely open human (I am that awkward person that shares their life story within 20 minutes of meeting a person) and maybe I just really like connecting with others about all of the ups and downs in life.  I have incredible blessings (my family—> I’m looking at you) and my life has NOT been any harder than yours (because EVERY human has trials and most have a lot bigger ones than mine) but maybe I love blogging about the good and the bad so that you and I can relate a bit over a computer screen.  Whether it be emails back and forth with girls struggling with the loss of their period from running too much and eating too little.  Or for people like a a non-runner that I bumped into the other day that told me she reads my blog just to see, as a newly single mom herself, that life can be beautiful as a single mom and that you can in fact make it through a messy divorce.

We might relate because you and I both know how a break-up wrenches our hearts.  Our connection might come through the two of us understanding how hungry marathon training makes us and how ice cream sometimes just solves all of the major problems in the world.  We might just ‘get’ each other because we both understand how much we miss running when we don’t get the chance to lace up our sneakers each morning.   Maybe we connect because we are both trying our hardest to hit a goal that we have had for many many years.  I know for a fact that a lot of us can all agree that the perfect day includes a long run, plenty of refueling and some Netflix watching from the couch.  Our ‘reasons for running’ might be pretty darn identical and that helps us both to realize we aren’t crazy.  I think you and I know the feeling of failure and the decision we have to make to either give up trying or to be resilient and come back from the set-back stronger than ever.

I hope that when you read this blog you feel a sense of community.  I think humans crave some form of community or group and that is most definitely what feeling I get from you guys and why I love blogging.  I think that is a part of why we all love running/races so much.  It allows us to feel like a part of something bigger, and something that is really great for our health takes it to the next level.

I really want you to know that we are all in this together and when the going gets tough, you’ve got some random girl in Utah cheering for you.  Maybe this is one of the reasons that I will blog for as long as I possibly can because I know that your comments/emails and support are always a huge source of strength for me in the good times and the bad.  Goodness gracious, those amazingly sweet comments/emails during the first few months after filing for divorce are what got me through some really dark days and your comments over the last few weeks—> wow.

So although this blog might seem like a showcase of froyo and running shoes I hope you know that I really want it to be a place where we can all relate somehow.  Whether it be over how amazing endorphins are, the joys of dessert, our addiction to races, the amazing feeling that comes after completing a tough track workout or how hard it is to keep going when you want to quit.  We all have ups and when we have downs, we keep looking forward and have hope that there are a lot of really great things in store for all of us in the future.  We just gotta keep pumping our arms when our legs get tired, count our blessings and take the hard things a mile at a time.

Here’s to another 5 years (well, I have no idea how long) of getting to know each other better, sharing the beautiful parts of life along with the hard stuff, growing, running and connecting.


And to celebrate five years of blogging I’m going to buy a pair of Brooks running shoes (whatever ones you want) to one lucky reader!

To enter:

1.  Leave a comment with whatever you would like to say.

2.  If you want more entries then share the giveaway on twitter or Facebook or email your mom about it or Instagram and leave a separate comment telling me that you did!

Giveaway ends at the end of the week.

Thanks again for hanging out with me on the internet:)

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Congrats on 5 years…I enjoy your blog very much as I do not miss a day!


I love your blog because you are so relatable. You are open, like you said, and inspirational in a way that isn’t sappy or fake. You are real. Plus I like to live vicariously through your frozen yogurt outings. ? Oh and you have the coolest name ever.


I have been following you for years. You are sweet, funny and real. I come back for so much more than running!


Love your blog Janae. You are a real inspiration. Couldn’t believe it when you replied to one of my comments and encouraged me during the preparation for my first marathon!


I like your blog because of the randomness, honesty and fun! Congrats on 5yrs, Glad you’re feeling better.


I really enjoy your blog, I hope you have many more years to share with us!


I always enjoy your blog posts so much! You just come across so much more real than some other glossy fake bloggers. Congratulations on your blogiversary :)


I look forward to your blog every day! I’m running my first half marathons this year – started at age 59! But I can relate – divorce, single mother, eating disorder, ups, downs and somehow even with the age difference we are alike! I’ve even considered having my own blog because of what I get from yours. Keep it up – we are all cheering for you!


I read your blog everyday, sometimes twice, because I totally get you and on some weird level I think you would probably get me!!!. We share many things in common, single, parent, runner and you get it. Life is unpredictable, I thought I was going to live happily ever after~didn’t happen. So you do what you have to do to make it. Thanks so much for sharing.


I remember first reading your blog shortly after you started. I was reading Skinny Runner and she had her Cat Lady Blog features and featured your blog and I have been hooked ever since. I also had the privilege of meeting you a few years ago in Arizona. You are just as kind in person as you are online. Thanks for sharing your life!


You’re blog gets me out the door on my runs!! Whenever I need motivation, a laugh, or to feel better about eating so much food because of running I know you can relate! Thank you!!


love reading your blog! I have never run in brooks but would love to try them, I have battled a lot of stress fractures and have been switching shoes around lately


Some weeks I read your blog twice a day, every post, and other times I miss a week or so and then have to scroll through to catch up. But I love how personal you are, how much you share, and it’s what keeps me coming back. Sometimes, I feel like my blog is just the New York version of yours – that’s how influential you are to me, and I know a few other bloggers who feel the same way about you.
I am sorry to hear about your mom’s stroke. My dad had a mini stroke some years ago too but he recovered perfectly so I am hoping the same for your mom.
All the best to your blogging future. That photo of Brooke is absolutely perfect.
And I hope I win the running shoes. I could use a new pair.


I love your blog! You’re such a great inspiration and I love how open you are.


I too went through a divorce. It was the most painful thing ever. I have two wonderful kids that make me proud to be a mom every day. I follow many blogs but your’s the one I never miss. Thanks for 5 years of entertainment!


When I started running about 6 months ago, I just went out and ran on my own in my attempt to train for a half. After my first half, I was hooked and wanted to read all I could about running/training. I googled running blogs (as I wanted real life people telling me how they did things, not a random running article) and I found several blogs. I read through a lot and while I enjoyed most of them, yours was the only one that I subscribed too. I don’t know your entire back story but I do love your current story. You offer great tips, advice and always come off very real and honest. Thank you for your blog!

And I would love a new pair of shoes- who wouldn’t??


I’m 40 weeks pregnant and have been running my WHOLE pregnancy and a lot of it has to do with the comfort of having read your previous pregnancy entries where you continued running! So, thanks for that :D


Congrats on 5 years! The time goes so quickly. I started reading around 3.5 years ago and have been inspired by your determination and your natural ability to be positive. Thanks for being real :)


I love your blog! It’s probably the only one I read regularly, but I’ve kept reading it for various reasons – eating, running, managing life. It’s so good to see a runner who’s a great runner – but also eats ice cream and things like that. I think that’s honestly a healthier way of living than only eating salads all the time. I love your attitude, your posts, your honesty. If I ever do a race in Utah, I would love to meet you, because I kinda feel like we’re friends! If you’re ever in Atlanta, you’ve got a host : )


I used “You are comfortable,” over and over on the last mile of my Saturday run when I felt like I just couldn’t be fast anymore. I was amazed at how well it worked! Thanks for that little mantra and everything else you give daily!


Thank you for always sharing your life (which I know can’t always be easy) and encouraging us along the way. I found your blog right after I started running and even though our running may be completely different (aka slower) I can relate to so many of your experiences. Thank you again for bringing us along for the ride!


I’m hanging in here waiting for you to get that sub 3! ? Also encouraged greatly as another mom trying to keep on running! Congrats on 5 years!


You know….I can’t remember how I found your blog. I’m not a runner, nor a mom, but I’ve read every single one of your posts for about a year and a half now. I think it must be your infectious smile and positive attitude. Congrats on 5 years! :)


I just want to say I found your blog from hearing about a girl who ran a marathon on a treadmill. That’s wild!


Or maybe the blog has lasted as long as it has because you are a genuinely nice person, and your honesty about your life and your struggles inspires us all.

I hope your mom is doing well after her stroke. Having had one myself a little over two years ago, it’s terrifying, and she’s blessed to have the support of her family.


Happy Blog-iversary!! I love how genuine and honest you’ve always been with your blog, which is very refreshing for me as a reader. Your blog is often times the motivation I need to lace up my sneakers and get out the door for a run, or else it’d be couch city for the remainder of the day. Thank you, Janae!


I love REAL! And I love running.
Thank you for sharing both with us ??


I look forward to reading your blog everyday. Thank you for sharing!


Congratulations on 5 years! I love reading you blog and appreciate your honesty and excitement about running. Runners are obsessed with all things running, and reading your blog makes me feel like I’m not the only one that feels that way! (And I also “run because I am hungry!”)


This is a post that I will send to a friend who is struggling with some personal issues and has decided to start her own blog. I see so many similarities here. Thank you for this lovely post.


Hello from the UK!!

Can’t remember how I stumbled across your blog but was in my hour of need a few weeks ago as I remember correctly and so glad I did. I was unable to part take in a half marathon i had trained for due to an injury and was really bummed. Reading your daily blogs really inspired me and made me see there was light at the end of the tunnel. I Really feel like I can relate. I am pretty new to running but like you have battled through ups and downs of life divorce, being a single parent to a 7 year old daughter, dating again, missed periods, over training and food etc running i feel gives me the escapism I need from reality and without it I feel so lost. I look forward everyday to your posts and pictures. I’m not too fussed about wining the trainers to be honest if I do then great but my main reason for posting was to say thank you!!!! You have really got me through some tough days when no one else understood. I look forward to reading your future posts and wish you and your gorgeous daughter brook the best of luck for the future. Keep us the great work :) x


Congrats! I really need to get a new pair of ravennas!


Been reading and following your life for years. Thank you for sharing, inspiring, and being my morning read every day. You are amazing and your happy attitude is what brings me back each time. Yay for five years!


Sharing on Facebook.


Happy 5 years! Thanks for opening up and being real. While you may see some of your posts as random, I think that, at least for me, it is just a representation of people being people and “hanging out.” Know what I mean? You have created a fantastic community and I hope that the community has helped you just as much as you’ve helped us!


You were the first blog I ever read and when I found it I went back and read every, single post you had done since the beginning. I feel like we are friends in real life and I often speak about you in conversations as my friend. Congrats on five years and can’t wait for many more!


JANAE!!! Why did you have to make me start crying at work! Seriously, this post gave me goosebumps…I haven’t missed a day of checking your blog in years and it’s a privilege to read about your ups and downs as I go through my own ups and downs in this thing called life. XOXO from Washington D.C.!


You are one of my favorite blogs. Keep writing, running and loving Brooke! We all appreciate all your hard work. :) Happy Blog-anniversary!


congrats on 5 years.


you rock!!!! happy blog-anniversary!!!


Congrats on 5 years, I think I have been around for 4 of them and I still enjoy reading. You are such a genuine person and it feels like I am catching up with an old friend with each post I read. Thanks for being so open and real :)


I read your blog everyday and just want to say thank you for sharing. Too many times we think we are the only ones in the world with our problems or feelings – so knowing there is someone else out there going through things too is so comforting. Thank you.
Congrats on 5 years.


Hi Janae, I find your blog really refreshing… yep, life is tough at times! Its part of being human!
All the best in your recovery…
Do you have any trick when you get the tummy problem on the run? I’m training for my first marathon and on Sunday I couldn’t tell if there was going to be a vom or a code brown explosion…. I walked the last 5k. Miserable experience!! I’ve only got one more big run left, and want to nail it! Any help appreciated!!


I have never posted a comment before but I thought your blogging anniversary would be a good time to start. :)
I started reading your blog about a year and an half ago and have always thoroughly enjoyed it. Your upbeat, positive attitude is very refreshing. When I was injured, last year, and couldn’t run for 3 months, i went back and read some of your previous posts about when you were dealing with an injury. It was so nice to know I wasnt alone in my situation, that others had dealt with it too; and that I wasn’t crazy for feeling so devastated because I couldn’t run!
Congratulations on 5 years!! Your blog is so much more than a running blog, it is a glimpse into the life of a real woman with real struggles and life issues. I believe that is what we all are and that is why it has been so successful- because we can all relate in one way or another. Thank you for your openness and honesty and good luck as you begin your sixth year! :)


We really are all in this together…. I don’t know how you manage to write exactly what I need to hear….. Loving your blog all the way from Australia :)


wao !!! congrat – I really really like your blog !!!


Had spinal compression surgery on my birthday in August(WHAT… Who does that?)- I had to say goodbye to my full in November and simply knowing we’re all
in this together makes it all ok. And, yes I cried like a baby. Hurts to see the race advertisements… BUT.. Today I can run. Just not a full… But I can run! ?


I stick around because you make me feel like all the ups and downs of my life are NORMAL!!! To many of us you are a “celebrity” and the fact that you are “normal” makes all of us feel normal!!


emailed my besty about the giveaway!


You are awesome. Thank you for sharing for five years. I hope I can be half as brave as you when it comes to opening myself up to people. You’re inspiring!


Thank you for being human! I find your blog (and you) extremely refreshing! Keep up the good work.


I’m not a runner, but I still end up reading your entries daily. Your blog is such a real, warm, and positive place. The way you handle life and all of its ups and downs along the way is beautiful. You’re an inspiration to me that joy can be found somewhere in every day. Congrats on 5 years!


Congrats on reaching 5 years! I read daily and love hearing all your stories!


I love your blog because you inspire me. You make me want to be a better runner and live a more balanced life. You are light hearted and I love that about you. You make your readers feel like we are some how your friends. Thanks for putting the effort in to keep your blog going!


I love your blog! I check almost daily, and love how open you are.


I love how honest you are on your blog. When I see that you have a down day when you are a more experienced runner than I it makes my down days not seem so bad. I also love reading about what Brooke is up to. I have my own “Brooke”, Brooklyn is 9 now and miss the days when she was that little. Enjoy!!


5 years…congratulations! And I also like your honesty about not knowing exactly why your blog is so popular. It is what it is and for some reason we all like it. Sometimes for running, sometimes for froyo motivation and sometimes life. Best of luck with your next 5 years. Beats teaching drivers ed, right?


Gaaahhh… this was such a beautiful post. I read it a couple times to take it all in. I really love this blog (these days it’s the only one I come to daily to check in). You are so inspirational and I admire you. Thanks for sharing your story!


Congrats on 5 years!


Shared on FB! Here’s to 5 more and beyond :)


I’m so thankful my sole sister sent me your blog a year ago. It was the same day I decided to try and qualify for Boston (not a coincidence for sure). I’ve since qualified 2x and I’m not stopping there. You give me hope that I’ll go from being a somewhat fast runner to a really good, fast and fun runner as long as I dedicate my time and heart to it. Cheers to 5 years and here’s to many, many more!


I love your blog Janae! The thing that makes you totally rock is your incessant positivity! No matter what awful injuries and illnesses come your way, you smile your way through and you inspire everyone else to do the same.

Congrats on the 5 years!


Shared on facebook and instagram!


Congrats on 5 years!!

I’ve been reading since the beginning when you wrote in tons of different colors and if you’re still blogging 5 years from now, I’ll probably still be reading. I wanted to say that you and I don’t have much in common. I’m not a runner, I’ve never been married, I don’t have a kiddo, and I’ve never had any serious injuries sidelining me from workouts. However, I think I keep coming back because you’re such a positive person. Obviously, I don’t know you personally, but your optimism shines through and your openness makes me feel like I know you and it just makes me happy. Is that creepy? Haha I guess I’m trying to say thanks for blogging and giving me something to smile about :) and even if we don’t have much in common on the surface, I can still connect to the things you blog about (especially yogurtland).


Love your blog! If I get busy and miss a few days I ALWAYS go back to where I left off:)


I can’t believe it’s been 5 years! I’ve been with you from the beginning (which I’m sure like many, also included the start and end of my own blog!)
our inspirational, really, your positive attitude is amazing! Happy blogiversary!


I’m old enough to be your mother (actually have a daughter your age) and initially thought the difference in age would make me uninterested in your blog. But I love it! I love your honesty and your randomness. I love how close you are with your family. And of course, your running (and the ups and downs that come with it) inspires me.


Thank you for sharing your life experiences with us!


Thank you for being open and honest.sharing your Ups AND downs make you more relatable and that is what makes you a success!


Your blog is the best and you have brought me to so many other bloggers who admire what you do as much as I do! Now go get some birthday cake fro yo to celebrate! :)


Thanks for blogging, Janae! My sister introduced me to your blog a couple years back and you motivated me to train for my first marathon! I qualified for Boston and hopefully will be able to run it this spring! Thanks for sharing. :)


I don’t actually care about winning the shoes since I just bought a new pair, haha. But I wanted to say that I’ve only been following your blog for a couple months, but reviewing your posts from four years ago about coping with femoral stress fractures greatly has helped me cope with my own (much less serious) injury that I got recently. Thanks for being so inspirational and authentic!


Janae, I have been reading your blog for awhile now and I love it, you are so open and honest and funny and reading your random-ness is always fun. Plus, you inspire me to run harder and faster :)


You keep it real, and I think we all appreciate that more than anything else. Congrats on five years! Also, I’m glad you’re feeling better and better each day!

Shared on twitter too!


I’m glad you like what you’re doing, because there are a lot of days when you remind me to like what I’m doing. I think if we were all a bit more open about our fears and insecurities in everyday life the world would be a better place to live. But at least for now, you’re making it a much better place on the web.


Love your blog and your relatableness :) Here’s to many more blogging years–cheers and thank you!


Thank YOU for blogging. To me you’re like the “Taylor Swift” of blogging. You’re always there when other people need you, and your readers are always there for you. You inspire me daily and just thank you for sharing your life with us<3


I love starting my day with your blog every morning! you are inspiring and relate-able… keep doing what you’re doing girl!


Yours is the first blog I ever read and I’ve been reading daily ever since. The feeling of community is what makes it so great, I enjoy reading others comments as much as I enjoy reading your daily input. I find it helps keep me accountable to myself for my runs knowing there are so many out there that have so much going on and still find time for their workouts. Congrats!


Love you! I’m always excited to read about your day, your training, and your family. :)


Congrats on the blog-o-versary, and I hope you keep writing for many more years.


Newish reader here from PA and I think you are awesome :) I love reading your genuine posts because me makes me feel a little less crazy.


Wow – congrats on 5 years! I read every day and love it :)


I’m a newish reader (about 8 months) but I love your blog! The randomness of your posts sometimes is what draws me to it! I’d love to win a new pair of shoes!


Twenty three year old student in New Zealand, I’ve been reading your blog for the last three years and love it! Running ftw! So in awe of your mental toughness, in general and particularly over the last few weeks x


Also I posted to Twitter!


I fell in love with your blog the moment I read your first post! You’re funny, supportive, encouraging, strong, and inspiring. I do not comment very often, but I do read every one of your posts. I really do feel a sense of community through your blog, and I love reading what you and other readers have to say. I do not have any friends who are runner, so I love reading about similar experiences to mine that you and other readers have. When I read your blog it makes me feel so happy that there are other people out there who love to run crazy amounts of miles and eat A LOT of frozen yogurt!!!! Also, I LOVE reading (and watching the youtube videos) about little Brookie!! So, thank you so much for creating a blog where everyone can feel welcome to share advice, comments, experiences, and more. Thank you for always being so honest and sharing your hard times and good times; it makes feel like I really know you (even though I have never met you). Oh and I also love your positivity, even when you are going through rough patches. Thanks for blogging!!!


All the yes’s.


Isn’t it crazy how much changes in 5 years? I have only been reading your blog for a little over a year, but I love checking in when I can and seeing what advice I can get from a much more experienced runner than myself. Connections are important to us as individuals…………..if they weren’t blogs wouldn’t exist. Twitter and Instagram and Facebook would be pointless. We just want to see that someone out there goes through the same stuff we do. It validates our successes and failures. And we grow from connecting with others.

I love your blog, keep up the great work……………..and I like doughnut and froyo so keep those posts coming too!


Wooo! Congratulations on 5 years!!! And YES, so many of the reasons you listed are why we follow your blog! It’s because you’re REAL and you write about REAL-life things that so many of us are dealing with and you’re totally right about the community. Everybody wants a sense of community! Thanks for providing one for us :)


I’ve been a follower since the beginning! You’re very relatable, open, and accepting of others. Plus, you have a really fun life full of family and friends, and enviable fast racing times. You are a sweetie and if I ever had the pleasure of meeting you in person, I’d give you a hug.


Your blog is my favorite–you helped me though a divorce and to see that everything would be okay. Thank you!


Congrats on 5 years!! That’s some serious dedication :) I found your blog in June, and have been a daily reader since! I love that you are constantly posting! I especially enjoy the tangents!


I love your blog, because you are real and doing your best. Keep at it, girl!


When I first started running in 2012 I was feeling a little lost and searched running blogs your site came up and it was exactly what I needed. Inspiration, motivation and advice all from someone who seemed real unlike a magazine or book I have enjoyed hearing about your successes and failures and everything in between. It is nice to not feel alone :) Thanks for everything!


Also, I liked and posted on instagram!


Your blog got me through some rough times as well! I love your spirit, and I really feel like I have a friend in Utah :)


Congratulations on 5 years! That’s awesome.

I’ve been following your blog since early 2012. At first I was interested to read about how you trained while pregnant. Then I trained for my first marathon & I read for tips and encouragement. You went through your divorce as I went through fertility treatment = lots of running as therapy for me too, and your ability to keep your head up (even when it felt like you couldn’t) inspired me. Now I have a baby girl of my own & I’m back to hunting for running tips for pregnancy/new mums!

The main things that kept me coming back are your enthusiasm, your determination & the camaraderie your blog provides. So thank YOU for being so positive & for being such an over-sharer! ?


I love your blog because you are real. Bad and good. It makes it seem like you are just like the rest of us, because you are and not afraid to show it!


I read your blog for “runspiration” thanks for sharing!


Hi Janae – I’ve followed you for so long that I feel like you’re part of my running family. I’ve cried at big moments (when Brookers was born and when your sis ran with you for the last 6 miles of your Utah Valley marathon). I’ve cheered for you through some tough training and races and tough times in life. I think we all love you because you’re real and you exemplify all that we love about running & life (warts and all). You have such a gift, thanks for sharing it with us!!


When I first started getting into running I somehow stumbled upon your blog and have been tuning in ever since. I so appreciate your openness and letting us into moments of your life from little things like the joy that can be found in sweet potato, the setbacks that sometimes come along and also the immense happiness that comes from meeting your goals. Your passion for what you do is a beautiful thing and I’m grateful you choose to share it with the rest of us. Cheers to you and the last 5 years!


I love your blog! There are a lot of blogs that I don’t really read anymore, but I always enjoy seeing what you and Brooke are up to, and I love being inspired by your running!


I love your blog! You are real! If I can’t read everyday, I catch up during the week and read several days worth. You provide encouragement, experience knowledge and humor! I have tried many different workouts due to your posts and have tried recipes too! I only wear Pureflows now due to you professing your love for them! You provide a great balance of Faith, Family, Friends, Feet, Food and Fun! Keep up the great work! You are an inspiration for so many!!!


Happy blogiversary! I was just telling my fiance about you this wknd. We were on a walk & were talking about the local marathon that was going on right then downtown, & I told him about your recent marathon disappointment & your future goals & your great attitude, etc. Your blog has definitely touched me in many ways over the years. Recently I try to focus on the parts of my body that feel GOOD when I’m running after you found that worked well for you. Most of all I’m in awe of your constant positivity despite having gone through some hard times. I’m rooting for you, Janae, & I know you will find someone great to spend your life with! I was a single mom for 8 years beginning when my daughter was 2. I often look back on those years fondly (which would probably surprise Younger Me). Enjoy these moments w/ Brooke, & keep on smiling that beautiful smile. :)


I don’t remember when or how I found HRG, but I’m glad I did. Thanks for the inspiration.


I shared your giveaway on Facebook ;)



I love your blog! Look forward to reading it everyday :)


I LOVE your blog! Been reading since the very beginning. Very weird I know so much about you and you have no idea I even exist!? love from Tennessee !!!!


I look forward to this blog each and every day. As a child who grew up with a single mom, I know that little Brooke will respect and adore you that much more. You also keep me motivated to keep running, when people think I am crazy! Thank you Janae!
P.S. Utah is the best place to run ever. :)



I have never left a comment before but wanted to let you know I love your blog because you give me a glimpse into your personal life and give me useful info (recipes, running advice, etc.) that I implement in my everyday life! Thanks for everything but especially for the best chocolate chip cookie recipe EVER!


I love reading your blog. I have drawn so much running and life inspiration. Your blog is the only one I consistently read and I feel like you’re my real life friend. Let me know if you ever visit DC and need a running buddy :)


I am not a blogger, runner, or mother….but Hungryrunnergirl is one of my favorite blogs. One of the things I love most is your big supportive family. I am one of six kids and so many of your family stories remind me of my own. We are blessed.


And I emailed my sister and my mom about the giveaway! Both are both getting into the run-walk method :)


I am a relatively new follower – just in the past few months – as I train for my 3rd half-marathon one year post hip surgery. I truly enjoy reading your ups – seeing photos of your adorable little girl and your good runs and your downs – having to drop from the race, and bouncing back from the gastritis – reminding me to enjoy the journey. It’s about living and enjoying the best of each day and learning how to bounce back from the not so perfect days. Congrats on the blogiversary and thanks for the posts. :)


As an 18 year old girl just trying to figure out all her shiz, you are absolutely a role model for me both in terms of running and in life in general. The way you have overcome all the trials in your life is inspiring and i’m lucky i found your blog :)


This is why I stick……motivation… are incredibly driven. It motivates me to see someone so determined to meet their goals….as well as get injured almost as much as I do……Another benefit, we run almost the same paces… gives me other ideas for training runs as well as to stay ahead of you.

Thank you

Skip Oliver


Congrats on 5 years! Love reading your blog, I relate to so much you say!


Congrats on 5 years!


I really enjoy reading your blog everyday and your positive attitude.


Love reading your blog, it truly brightens my day!


Happy happy blogging anniversary!


Thank you for sharing your life with us, it truly is a joy!


I for one love how open and honest your blog is :) It does feel like a community. Thank you for staying true to who you are and for sharing it with all of us!


love your genuineness! Often times I only read the “good” on blogs without any mention of a persons struggles. Sharing of it all, the “good, the bad, and the ugly” is helpful to all! Thank you!!!


This was such a sweet post, thank you for sharing your life with us readers! I think my deep love for Brooks shoes came from you and for that I am grateful!


Obsessed with your blog. You are incredibly strong and so inspiring. Thanks for always sharing!


I’ve been reading your blog for about a year now, nearly every single day! I think the reason why I love it so much is because you post everyday, and you always keep the posts short and sweet. I love hearing about your life and I know every day when I visit your blog, there will be something new and positive. Congrats on 5 years :)


Congrats on five years! I love following along your running journey from afar!


What I love about your particular blog is that is not all sunshine and daisies! Running can be hard! Life can be hard! Your approach to both is genuine and real, so people can relate, and that is what keeps me reading. Plus, your little one is precious!


What a great post. You continue to be my role model and inspiration!


You rock! That’s the first thought that came to my mind when I read your post! And then I got excited to see your giveaway because I love my Brooke’s–and you can never have too many, right?


I love reading your blog, because even though we’ve never met and live in different areas of the country, I feel like I can relate to you, and that we’d be great friends if we actually met in real life! Congratulations on 5 years!


Love your blog and your real-ness! I feel like we are best friends and I remember when I read about your divorce I was devastated for you. So much so that my husband was a little worried. :) Thank you for blogging and sharing your life!


Congratulations on 5 years! You have been a great inspiration. Keep up the honest work of sharing your heart. I’d love to win a pair of Brooks running shoes! I could use some again (mine are topping their milage!) and I actually have never had a pair of Brooks before.


Congrats!!! I love reading your blog each day. I’m at least 10 years older than you, much slower than you, but relate to your blog and your journey. I was also divorced and a single mom and love to see how you make the best of it, because there is so much to be thankful for. Keep up the great work!!!


I read your blog because you are funny and relatable :) And Brooke is adorable. Let’s be honest, I come just to see pictures of her :P


I’ve been reading your blog since… Well, I can’t remember a date, but I know you were still teaching drivers Ed back then. When you posted about your divorce, I was so shocked and saddened to know something so awful had happened to you. I emailed you to say so, and you actually wrote me back within 24 hrs. You are inspirational not just as a runner but a strong woman. Thanks for your blog. I love reading :)


I have to say that you are a huge running inspiration for me. I was out of running for a long time and recently got back into it. I like to come here and see that someone as seasoned as you still has issues…that I am not the only one. Thank you for being so honest and relatable!!!!


Congrats on five years of blogging! I admire your authenticity!


My mom actually told me about your blog in the context of your divorce happening around the time mine did. I love your simple & healthy meals…hello sweet potatoes!


I recently went thru a similar breakup and was devastated and a real mess. Reading your blog helped me as we have a lot in common. I dedicated my time to getting myself better and I honestly feel like I am the best version of myself that I have ever been. You are a great person with lots of blessings and you have a bright future ahead of you!


I liked the giveaway on Instagram.


I liked the giveaway on FB.


I LOVE BROOKS RUNNING SHOES! And your Brooke is simply adorable.


What a beautiful picture of Brooke….congrats on 5 years! I love your blog and it helps me get out and run every day!


Congrats on 5 years! I read because your blog makes me happy and inspires me (thank you for that!). Being open about your struggles has helped me realize everyone goes through things (so often we only see the good) and has given me comfort when I faced my own challenges. Please stick around for the next 5 (and beyond)!


I enjoy your blog for so many reasons! You are inspiring as a runner but also so relatable as a person. Love seeing you (and Brooke!) grow throughout the years!


Your positive spirit shines through your blog! Love reading what you have to say so much!

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