LOLA and girl stuff

Today’s post is about girl stuff so I’ll just warn my dad and brothers right now that this probably isn’t the post for them;)  

I’ve been pretty open (too open?) over the last five years about periods but I figure that the majority of my readers are female so we can all most definitely relate on this stuff.  For way too long I struggled with amenorrhea (absence of your period) from running too much and eating too little.  This broke down my body and it resulted in weak bones and stress fractures.  I worked hard for months to increase my body fat percentage which meant that I ate more calories and that I also exercised less.  Now this isn’t always the solution for everyone that has this problem but it is what worked for me.  I was able to get pregnant with Brooke shortly after and it hasn’t been a problem since.  I now know that the loss of your period can be a HUGE warning sign from your body that something is not right.  For me it was my body’s way of warning me that I was undernourished and that I needed to make some major changes in my eating and exercise habits.  I know that the female athlete triad (energy deficiency with or without disordered eating, menstrual disturbances and bone loss) is a problem that a lot of female athletes struggle with and so if you are experiencing the female athlete triad then PLEASE get help now.  Talk to your doctor asap!  We get one body and one set of bones… let’s nourish our bodies so that we can do our best to have a menstrual cycle, be at a healthy weight and continue to train healthily.  

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Okay, let’s talk some more about periods.   Periods most definitely affect our running.  For some it may be different weeks during our menstrual cycle that affect us more than others.  Maybe our cycles affect our running because we struggle emotionally with the ups and downs of different hormones.  I think that when I am on my period I am approximately 400 times more tired than normally and a little blue and so that slows me down.  Did I tell you about the time I started my period the morning of the Boston Marathon?  Yeah.  That was fun.   I have heard from some women that they actually feel stronger when running on their periods.  Some cramp up, some feel fine, some may have different cycles throughout the year that affect them more than other ones.  I think what I have learned over the years when it comes to running while on my period is that I just gotta go a little easier on myself during that lovely time of the month.  I know that I’m not just being a wuss and that I am actually more tired than usual so if I don’t hit the mileage or paces then it is not a big deal and I’ll feel like myself again in a few days.  I keep up with my training even when I am tired from my period or I am having cramps because like usual, running always helps me to feel a better afterwards.  I just ease back a bit:) Running while on my period is not my favorite but…

I am excited to share with you an awesome company that I have found that makes that time of month a little bit easier because we already have to deal with enough during those lovely days each month;)  


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LOLA delivers tampons right to your doorstep!  This means that I don’t have to run to the store last second for just a box of tampons because I am forgetful and usually forget to buy them when I am at the store because of all of the food distractions.   You choose exactly what goes in your boxes, (a mix of light, regular, and supers) your number of boxes and how often they deliver it to you.  I bet husbands/boyfriends will be grateful for this service too so they don’t have to run to the store to pick up a box of tampons either;) 

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I thought this was funny from their website—>  “And not to worry, commitment phobes— you can pause, adjust, or cancel your subscription anytime.”  So don’t stress, you aren’t tied to anything if you sign up.  They just make life a bit easier for me and I love being able to choose exactly what I need, when I need it and then they bring it right to me.  

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LOLA tampons are 100% cotton with BPA-free plastic applicators!  Other major brands use a mix of synthetic ingredients in their tampons (stuff like rayon and polyester and sometimes they are treated with chemical cleansing agents etc) but LOLA doesn’t… they just use cotton. Another reason I have switched over to LOLA!

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Oh yeah, and they are a great deal too—> $10/month for 1 box, and $18/month for 2 boxes!  

The first 100 readers to use the code hungryrunner will receive 50% off their first order (new customers only)!!!  LOLA is only available in the continental US (they do not ship to Hawaii or Alaska).

This post was sponsored by LOLA! Thank you for supporting me, the Brookers and our awesome sponsors!!


How does your period affect your running?

Ever struggled with the female athlete triad?  What did you do to fix it?

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I’m just happy I won’t have my period for this weekend’s marathon! Perfect timing right before. I’ve been lucky to have pretty regular periods, especially since having kids, although I do think making sure I eat a lot of fat helps.


I love the idea that I wouldn’t have to make an extra trip to the store! Tampons are one thing that I ALWAYS forget and end up making a special trip for! This is a great idea! I’ve never had any issues with my period other than irregularity, which I’ve had since I was a teenager!


What a great idea for a service! Just like you, I always forget when I’m at the store..and then I have to do the dreaded asking the boyfriend. Of course he always gets the wrong thing, so it’s just a mess! I also feel horrible and running is the worst at that time..I wish I was one of those super powered women who get stronger. Me- not so much!


I was diagnosed with female athlete triad earlier this year. It’s sad that its almost become a “badge of honor” to lose your period- like yes I’m definitely running/working out enough! NO. Not good! New birth control + lots of healthy fats (um recently discovered coconut oil and I swear I could drink the stuff)= periods now twice a month. Yep too regular now but hoping it sorts itself out soon. Bone scans in a few months to see where I’m at :)


I’m excited to try Lola!!


I’m with you, my period always makes me feel a bit more sluggish when running. I don’t typically cramp up, but I get bloated and have that heavy feeling. I was feeling this way during last night’s run and thought it was because the humidity was at 94% (which didn’t help) but then I also started that time of the month as well! FUN! haha


I get really bad stomach issues when I’m on my period, which is not fun on those longer/harder runs. :/ There was a time shortly after college when I wasn’t having periods and dealt with weaker bones/stress fractures. Thankfully I was able to get healthy and have regular periods (and no fractures!!) now. Being a girl isn’t always easy, that’s for sure.


I definitely feel more sluggish when I’m on my period and go running. I’m happy it timed out that I don’t have mine for the NYC Marathon this weekend lol!


I had it while running a marathon in April. I had such heavy legs and felt defeated the last ten miles but I think it was more lack of training. Then after the race I noticed my period stopped. But the next day it returned. Marathons are stressful on the body.
I am usually fastest right after my period when I have so much more energy.


I just signed up for this because I am ALWAYS forgetting to buy boxes until its too late and I have like 2 tampons left over from the month before. Thanks for the promo code. This is the first subscription I’ve ever joined.


This is something I struggle with, but am curious because the doctor didn’t act like it was a big deal. I eat more than anyone I know and consume well over 2,000 calories a day and don’t appear like someone who doesn’t have their period. After reading this I am a little worried about weaker bones although I have never seen any signs of it.


Since I have a fertility/menstrual disorder and don’t get periods, I mske sure I eat enough fat snd calcium to prevent the other symptoms of female athlete triad, since I can’t monitor the obvious marker of amenorrhea. When I do get my period, running helps me deal with the pain and blues so much!


I love that LOLA gives you the option to pick your mix; I always buy multipacks at the store but never use them up evenly.

I was a gymnast when I was younger, and it was always a badge of honor to lose your period. If you didn’t, you were “eating too much” and not “working out hard enough”. Incredibly unhealthy, but it’s not something I’ve ever had an issue with.

Thanks for talking about topics like this! As women, we need to share info and take the taboo away from important health issues!


I struggled with the athlete triad about a year and a half ago. I also recently heard another term that I definitely had which is “excercise bullemia.” This is where you become so obsessed with exercising that it affects your mental health and also your social life. After I saw my family become really concerned about my weight (I’m 5’3 and was down to 92 pounds) I knew I needed guidance. I didn’t want to stop running because I loved it for therapeautic and emotional reasons but I knew I needed a change. I also knew I couldn’t be the only girl going through this, so after searching the Internet about this topic I actually had found your blog! :) By going to a nutritionist, gaining more knowledge about my body, and reading your blog, I’ve been healthy ever since and gained a healthy 20 pounds ( fat and muscle). Your blog is so inspirational and honestly was the most relieving thing to read each morning to know I wasn’t alone. Thanks Janae!


Wow that’s awesome!


Good to know about a brand that is 100% cotton. I’m period free for about 40 weeks right now but I will look into this once I have to deal with this fun again after baby. I have recently started looking more into the products that we put next to and in our sensitive bits.


So often we are on the same wavelength! I wrote a little bit about amenorrhea today too! And ugh, I struggle with racing during my period — I have low blood pressure and get real sensitive when exerting myself during that time of the month. It has caused me to faint on more than one occasion and I dropped out mid race during a half marathon a few years ago because I didn’t feel right and knew I needed to stop – turns out I had my period. I am really cautious now about scheduling my races around my cycle which is annoying but I don’t want to feel sick/faint during a race! It’s not worth it. I am just glad I get my period on a regular basis!


My period definitely impacts my running. I feel sluggish and fatigued but running helps with my cramping. Getting a period regularly is a good sign that you’re in a good spot weight wise and the female athlete triad is a concerning thing. I’ve had non-runner friends and family voice concerns about my running based on how my body has changed since I started which is frustrating because its making assumptions without knowing the real facts. I’ve learned to trust a (good) doctor and I get my period regularly so that’s what’s important.

Its scary to hear about what’s put in most tampons! Eek!


I struggled with the triad off and on but not to the point that I would skip multiple periods in a row. But then when I was 20, I had that happen for two or three months. I didn’t notice until the second month had gone by and I waited to tell my parents that something was up until way into the third month. We went to the dr. They put me on birth control to regulate my period and the first month with my period back hurt like labor! So I’m really glad that hasn’t happened again. It might sound nice not to have a period but, unless you’re pregnant, there is a reason for it!


Very informational post about a subject I think a lot of us don’t give enough thought to. It’s important that we all listen to our bodies, because often we tend to keep charging ahead and ignoring little signs that something might be wrong. Also, it’s pretty cool that there’s now a subscription service for this!


My periods were very random when I was a growing teenager and running but have never skipped one since I was about 18. My period usually only affects my runs on my heaviest (2nd) day when it’s really difficult to time a run between bathroom visits. And, although I love the idea of LOLA and all cotton tampons (if I remember correctly, the risk of TSS is lower with all-cotton, too), I need extra-super tampons for a couple of days and they don’t carry them. :(


I find that running while on my period makes me cramp up MORE, so I just pray that I don’t get my period the day before or of a race. Usually if I am two days in I am ok, but definitely not feeling as good.

I also get my period MORE when I am training (as in 21 day cycle)! Anyone else this way? I have been told by my doctor that is not normal.


So I saw an article on runners world about men’s tusk cups and all of the comments convinced me to try one out. Best thing ever!!!! I have the diva cup and it’s so great not having to worry about changing a tampon so often and buying tampons. And no risk of toxic shock syndrome which I have been totally paranoid about. Definitely worth a try!


I’ve heard REALLY good things about this. I have so many friends that use it I’m right there with trying it.


Def try it!! I just bought mine from Amazon. And read the comments and reviews cause there is some good advice. Some say there is a learning curve with putting it in but I thought it was pretty self explanatory and had no issues.


Darn auto correct! I meant to say menstrual cup not men’s tusk. Lol


I’ve read many positive reviews about the Diva cup, but I am queasy about it since I haven’t mastered the tampon yet. :o(


Ya if your still working on the tampon maybe master that first. Also I think if you be given birth it might physically and mentally be easier and less intimidating although they have different sizes for pre birth and post birth. But when you are ready I highly highly recommend!


The Diva cup is amazing! Used to use tampons but the cup is so easy, safe and not to mention cost effective!


My first half marathon this year was during my period and it was awful. The cramps held me back and I thought I was going to hurl the whole time. Now I’m bad and alter my birth control pills to make sure I won’t be riding the struggle buss come race-time. It’s probably not the healthiest way but it works!


check out runners connect podcast on the female cycle + training cycle. i really loved listening to this!


That podcast was awesome, thanks for sharing. It answered a lot of my questions.


Woo hoo, periods! I actually switched over to using a Moon Cup (also called a Diva Cup or MCUK) back in 2007 and I have NEVER looked back. Can you believe I haven’t paid for tampons in over 8 years? If anyone is interested in trying out a silicone cup instead of tampons to see how it jives with their systems, check ’em out here:

I’d also be happy to answer any questions about it if anyone is interested! Thanks for sharing and being period positive, Janae!


Diva is same idea as the moon cup but a bit different, I def. prefer the diva! It’s just another brand. But totally agree. I have used a Diva Cup for over 10 years. No tampons/ pads for me!


I LOVE Diva Cup. Will never go back.


I’ve been on birth control for a long time because I’m so irregular, and one major perk of BC is being able to regulate my period a bit more. So if I have a race coming up, I’ll skip it, which I’m incredibly grateful for. I’ve never had to race with it before, but that dreaded week of training once a month with it is horrible. I’ve also found that my cramps get MUCH worse after a hard workout. Does this happen to anyone else? They subside DURING the run, but after it’s like they’re trying to kill me.


I’m more tired and especially cranky when I am on my period. It makes running fast difficult, so I have to ease up on myself during that week. I have never had my period during a race in my 8 years of racing! I was supposed to get it the day before my last marathon and it came a week early – crazy luck.

When I first started distance running I lost my period for 3 years. I didn’t realize that it was such a big deal. When I eased up on my training and my diet my period returned and I haven’t had a problem since. I was lucky to not get injured during that time period, and I’m hoping that I didn’t do any permanent damage!


During those 3 years you lost your period, were you on the birth control pill at all? Did it still not return while on the pill? How much running did you cut back on before it returned and how long did it take for it to return once you slowed down?


I have never dealt with amenorrhea but I do notice that my periods become less regular when I am training very heavily. Deep into a marathon training cycle they get further apart and it becomes harder to predict when they next one will come (which is difficult when planning for things, I think.)

Lola sounds cool and I love that they are 100% cotton. I use a diva cup, have for about 10 years. Here’s an article Runner’s World just ran about that: I really love my diva and can’t imagine going back to tampons!


Such a great idea! I always forget to buy tampons then have to run to the store last minute.

I agree with you – I definitely am more tired, especially the day before I get my period. I usually need a nap that day and wonder why I’m so tired. Glad it’s not just me!


As I’ve gotten older (I’m 41) my periods have gotten worse, to the point that I have to take the first day off – no running – I give myself that one day a month to curl up with my cat and heating pad and watch Netflix. My doctor assures me all is normal – this is just part of my changing hormones. Wahoo. The few days leading up to “the bad day” I slow waaaayyyy down and do my best not to beat myself up about it. Usually it is only one or two craptacular runs/month so it is not the end of the world. As far as tampons I use organic. I didn’t even realize the rayon thing, but the cotton in the non-organic ones are treated with pesticides and chemicals. Not what I want to stick in my yoo-hoo.


I have noticed my performance varies depending upon where I am at during my monthly cycle. It has helped to have that knowledge, to accept the variations as opposed to trying to fight it. I wish more women talked openly, banish the shame and empower our daughters to understand and love their bodies!


I had amenorrhoea for 5 years. Every doctor I saw told me it was ok. It wasn’t until the stress fractures started last year that someone listened to me and finally helped. Our medical system is beyond frustrating.

Now I have periods, but they are horrible. I bleed like crazy, they’re irregular and have horrible cramps. It’s effected my quality of life.

You can read more about my battle with estrogen here ->


I always forgot to buy tampons too until I NEED them and have to rush to the store. This is a really cool company and home delivery is awesome. I get our 30# dog food delivered now so why not my tampons. Thanks!


This is the greatest thing ever! For the life of me I cannot remember to buy these when I go to the store… much like you I am distracted by all the food :)

First order placed!!


I’m 51 and hopefully seeing the light at the end of the period tunnel! Of course there is a whole new set of challenges at this stage of life ~ insomnia, anxiety, basically PMS on steroids! I definitely notice a difference in my energy level, but it’s life…

I’ve had low blood sugar since I was a teenager, so I’ve never struggled with eating too little – my body won’t let me. I had my first bone density scan last year and was happy to see no bone loss!


I love this. My husband does the Dollar Shave Club and months ago he told me this would be the next thing to come. He was right :)


This is a tough subject to talk about (not periods but the lack of periods). Too many girls out there are unhealthy or are unaware of how unhealthy they are by not having their lovely Aunt Flo visit. I really appreciate how open you are speaking out about this!

I think I am one of the lucky few that perform better athletically on my period. The more active I am, the lighter the period is! I have a few healthy body fat percentage so I never worry about losing my period. I actually just did a full Ironman on the last day of my period with no issues!


Thank you for talking about hypothalamic amenorrhea (the technical term for lack of menstruation due to an energy deficiency, which is commonly caused by over exercising and under eating). It’s infuriating to me when doctors don’t recognize this as a serious problem or when they prescribe birth control to “regulate” your periods. Birth control only masks the underlying problem and does nothing to correct it. The only way to fix the real problem is, like you said, gain body fat and cut back on exercise.
I struggled with HA for years before finally facing the problem. I was eating around 2,500 calories a day, which I thought was plenty to fuel all of my training. But it was not nearly enough for MY body. Reducing exercise was SO difficult b/c I love it and gaining weight was also mentally very challenging to deal with. But SO worth it when my periods (and my health) returned!!!


I am so glad that you were able to get back your health (I LOVE that you put that in when talking about getting your period back). I had a doctor tell me that it was totally fine to not be having a period because I was a marathoner… ummm NO! We should be having a period whether or not we are marathoners. Thank you for sharing your story Amanda and I’m so happy you found where your body needed to be!


If both of you could answer this. I gave birth last year. Stopped pumping in February, my period returned in March with a normal 28 day cycle. I got my period in April, May, and in June with the start of my period I started on birth control pills. My husband and I didn’t want to risk it. My period returned 45 days later. I am like clockwork at 28 days. It hasn’t returned since July 30th, almost 3 months ago. Middle of August we bought a treadmill. I run 10 minute miles but I doubled my mileage. I am not a dieter. I weight 5’8″ and 135lbs. I didn’t lose any weight since starting running more and I eat normally. I eat dessert, steak, pasta, etc. I called the gyno nurses twice last month and expressed my concerns and all they wanted me to do was try a higher estrogen birth control pills. A month ago I just stopped the birth control pills cold turkey. I know I exercise a lot but I eat over 3,000 calories a day, I am at a healthy weight, and got pregnant in 2013 when I was exercising just as much but only with the elliptical. I can’t figure out if my period is gone because of the running or the birth control pills. Both doctors said they would have no way of knowing. When you guys lost your periods, were you on birth control pills. Did the birth control pills always induce a period? I have no food issues but really want to pursue running. Is it possible if I am this sensitive to 10 minute miles??


Hi Nikki, I’m not a dr so I can only answer based on my personal experience and the research I’ve done on HA when dealing with it myself. HA is caused by physical or psychological stress. Physical stress usually derives from over exercising and under eating, while psychological stress is more mental. Are you under a lot of stress at home/work, etc? You may have lost your period due to a combo of increasing exercise plus other mental stress you may be feeling. That said, some women’s bodies are super sensitive to the stress of exercise and running is one of the most stressful forms of exercise b/c of all the pounding, high intensity, etc. …although I think we can all agree that it really is the best exercise ever :) Also, your bmi is 20.5, which yes is technically in the healthy range. But it may not be healthy for YOUR body. Some women’s bodies just naturally need to carry more fat to function properly. Again, I’m not a dr so please keep that in mind. Can you ask your dr to order bloodwork to check your hormone levels? He/she should check fsh, lh, and estrogen. Ideally the test should be done on day 3 of your cycle (the third day after you start your period). But since you don’t get a period right now, the test can be done anytime. Women with HA tend to have low estrogen, lh, and fsh. Low hormones are one way to diagnose HA, usually in combination with looking at your lifestyle. Unfortunately, many dr’s aren’t well educated about HA and don’t recognize it as a possible diagnosis, especially when a women is at a relatively normal weight and exercising fairly moderately. Some dr’s think HA only happens in women with obvious eating disorders and/or professional athletes. I know how frustrating it is to lose your period, especially when you think you’re otherwise healthy. I really hope you get some answers soon. Wishing you all the best!


Thanks, Amanda. I actually prefer hearing from others rather than what the nurses have to say because they give a one solution fits all kind of response. While I totally get that it is different for each person, I think hearing what others did to correct their issues is encouraging. My question for you is when you initially lost your period were you on the birth control pill or not? I guess I am just very confused because I have read a lot about this online and initially women lose their period and then go on the pill and it comes back. But I had a cycle while off the pill and then going on it, I get just one and then it disappears. I stopped the pill begging of this month because if I have lost my period because of exercise, I will never know because of the pill. I still believe there’s a 90% chance it’s related to running because I do that and HIIT workouts but the birth control pills must factor in somehow. If I can’t even get a period on the pill does that mean I have super low estrogen? I just don’t understand why so many women say they get their period on the pill while they have HA yet now I can’t get mine either on or off it!


Also, can you tell me what you used to do and for how long and then what you did to cut back. Once you cut back, how many weeks/months did it take for your cycle to return?


I was at a healthy weight and not training super hard when I first went on birth control so I did get my period while on birth control for the first few years. But, over the years I got leaner and started training harder and eventually stopped getting my period even while on birth control so I believe I developed HA while I was still on birth control. When I stopped birth control to try to get pregnant, I didn’t get my period for months. I had my hormones checked to determine the problem even though I had a feeling my low body fat and exercise were the problem. My estrogen was super low. So yes if you’re not getting a period while on birth control you could have really low estrogen. To recover from HA I had to stop all high intensity exercise, including running :( I only walked for 30 minutes and did light weights 3-4 days a week. I also gained body fat. It took about 9 months of less exercise and gaining weight before my period returned.


I guess I will have to give up running. Sad face. Can I ask what your body fat percentage was before and then after? Did you introduce any supplements into your diet?


Do you mind sharing what your body fat percentage was before and after and your weight? What I don’t get is I am 135lbs. now. I was 133lbs. when I was menstruating fine and got pregnant. It’s not like my weight is too low!


I got my period back. 3 weeks ago I cut my running in half and just 6 days ago I cut out all running. I didn’t gain any weight, it was all just because of running!


This is genius. I just placed my first order. I hate having to continuously run to Target just because I forgot to grab them the last 20 times I was there… or having to use the super when I really need a light because that’s all I have left. This is perfect – thanks for the info! The BPA free is certainly a plus!


Just FYI there is a hornitas tequila pop up add that keep comings up on your page. Not sure if you wanted to advertise with them or not but thought I’d let ya know! (I’m on my iPhone when it comes up)


I just emailed them a second ago! I am super annoyed with it too (I’ve never had a drink in my life so I am definitely not wanting to advertise for them ha)! Thank you so much for taking the time to write me… hopefully it will be fixed within the next 24 hours!


Oh good glad you caught that! I figured that wasn’t something you’d necessarily want to advertise ;).


Thank you for bringing that up. It comes up every time on my iPhone too.


Thanks for writing about topics like this!

After my divorce, I was running more to handle the stress and lost my period for about 10 months. I started eating more and running less and it returned. Thankfully I’ve never had problems with stress fractures but know many women who have.


How long after you started making changes did you see results? What was your bodyfat percentage before and after?


I just got super excited about this and the fact that I could get a 50% off deal and then I realized…oh yeah, I’m pregnant! But I’ll keep this in my headspace for when I’m not. :)


Pretty soon it won’t be necessary to leave the house (other than to run) – everything can be delivered right to our door! :)


Why don’t they ship to Hawaii!!!!!!!! So bummed


I’m struggling with the opposite–too heavy flow!! It has drained me, legs feel like lead, out of breath at .3 of a mile and can’t be out longer than 45 mins for fear that everyone might know my situation! (I know, TMI, but it’s real!) Having surgery next week to fix the situation so I can get back to training–marathon in January! I could probably use this Lola but could they keep up with the every 45 min change? ugh!


I’ve heard of LOLA before. I also know that there’s a company that does a box for girls who just started their first period too..

I definitely feel like crap the first few days of my period. Ick! Then I slowly start feeling a lot better. ☺️

I’ve never had a missed or absent period so I’m not sure about that… But I do have infertility and the infertility docs say to not run during the 2 week wait… But other than that I haven’t noticed a difference or had issues with the female triad.


This is such an important topic to talk about especially on a running eating blog! :) It causes so much damage and from other blogs, articles, and videos, I realized this is a huge issue in the running athletic community. From the information I gathered, many women flirt with the line between being healthy and not healthy but it can do so much harm to the body. Thanks for bringing more awareness to everyone! :)


Sadly I have not had my period since May 2011. I had gone on BC which I know just covered it up after one stress fracture. Then I went off to try and get it on my own and got another stress fracture. I have gained at least 5lbs now, I am trying not to look at the scale anymore and listen to my body. But I am still struggling with no period. The stress of gaining weight gets to me but I know I want to have kids one day and need to fix myself. =(


Several months ago I switched to the Diva Cup which I love, though I don’t love that it’s a synthetic material. My friend recently told me about Period Panties, and I’m considering giving those a try!


Diva Cup is the best thing I ever did. Seriously – life changer!


I actually just wrote a post about my own experience hypothalamic amenorrhea on Tuesday. Not too many people talk about it, and that bugs me. I wish more women spoke up about it because so many of us go through it!

Mine was as a result of my eating disorder, and thankfully after 10 months of absolutely no exercise and eating 3,000 calories, I was able to regain my cycle. It was the HARDEST experience of my life, but I am grateful to now my body has begun to trust me again. I still have to work everyday at my recovery, but thankfully it is getting easier, and I have a great support system.

Thank you for sharing your own personal story about your experience.It helps to make others (like me!) feel less alone in this crazy world.


What was your body fat percentage before and then after? I just lost mine this summer from increasing running.


Thank you for sharing – I think it is SO important to share your story re: your eating disordered issues honestly…especially with young female athletes – Bravo to you for getting healthy and taking good care of yourself! Runners need to be STRONG! :)


As women age our bodies produce less estrogen. This in turn, ups the risks of stress fractures. I’m 40, still getting periods but have had two stress fractures. And yeah, right before my period my runs are terrible. I feel totally wiped of energy. But if I do t exercise my PMS, sore boobs and cramps are much worse. When I exercise regularly I don’t get cramps at all and my periods are shorter (but that could be age-related too).


My paces slow substantially when PMSING and my fatigue is outta control that week too. I’ll check out this website!


I just place my order with LOLA. thank you for sharing!!!!

Oddly enough I had very irregular periods in High School-probably due to cross country and track, but every swim season I would get it back. Geez!!! Although it was intense training, swimming is a lot different for me and my body than running.

Thanks again for the great girls day posting today!


This is such a good idea! Lol at the comment about grateful boyfriends and husbands, I do feel for them sometimes being sent out for tampons and chocolate! I don’t actually know if I suffered from the triad- I’m on a contraception that means I don’t get periods anyway- but I became severely underweight earlier on in this year and I’m pretty sure I ran the risk. I put on some body fat (including lots of grilled cheese for added calcium) and I’m now confident that everythings ok. As a precaution I also got blood tests done and everything came back within normal range-phew!

I actually want to write a piece about the female triad soon, inspired by an article about how women in sport aren’t educated properly about nutrition, and that as women we’re often designed to thing ‘less is better’ whenever food and weight are concerned. It’s something I’m very passionate about as it affected me severely this year.

Lol at my rambly comment, but thanks for sharing :)


What a great idea!!! They’ve literally thought of everything these days! :)


I think I’m done with tampons for the most part. I’ve been using the diva cup and have had some decent results!


I’ve had an ablation so my periods are virtually non existent. While I don’t bleed much, I do still have most of the other symptoms related to PMS (not cramps so much anymore, thankfully). However, my cycle really plays a part in my running. For example: mid cycle I have sore breasts, which is probably the worst thing I deal with. I don’t suffer from fatigue that I notice but during my “period” I still have mood swings. Thankfully, running is my sanity then.

I’ve never been victim to the Triad, but I’ve know girls that were. It’s really, really important to pay attention to our feminine cycles. The damage to our bones can have detrimental long term effects. Thank you for this post. I hope that it reaches out to someone who needs to read it.


That is a great service! Because never mind the fact that I know my next period is coming (and I even know when) I still forget to buy them and then make a mad dash to the store. Also … am I the only one that hates buying them from male cashiers? If there are two or three stores within walking distance I check each one to see if there are any female cashiers. I once bought chocolate, tampons and painkillers from a male cashier. I am sure he thought I was a walking stereotype. :D


So crazy because I had just been talking about this very issue with one of my best friends, and functional hypothalamic amenorrhea which is essentially exactly what you were saying…hormones off because of exercising too much and eating too little. Boy don’t we all fall into that trap and it feels so good to get out of it! You are awesome for sharing your experience about it!!


I was anorexic/bulimic for years. I got my period at the age of 13… and then again at the age of 32. My bones were crap. When I recovered, it started right back up again (at 32) and has been regular ever since. I’ve had a DEXA bone scan since then and my bones have actually improved. Yay, recovery!!
I don’t think women realize how dangerous the triad is. You don’t have to have a “full blown eating disorder” (though I hate that term) to struggle with getting in enough calories to maintain a period. It’s your body’s defense mechanism… it thinks it’s being starved, so it doesn’t want to carry a baby. You’re right, it has a horrible effect on bone health, along with everything else estrogen and progesterone do.
Periods rock! haha!

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