I’ll take it as a hint….

Gloves this morning.  I actually kind of like it when my body is cold while running but I do NOT like my hands to be cold while running.  I don’t deal well with cold hands so my car is currently stocked with three pairs of gloves that are appropriate for three different cold levels.  Today I used the light pair because it wasn’t too bad but still, they did their job and kept my fingers nice and toasty.  These ones are from Costco… somehow that store has every item that I could ever need or want.  

6 miles @ a 7:58 pace.  

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Thought about this quote a lot as I was running along…  


Let’s rewind to 4 a.m. this morning.  

3 little taps on my shoulder (for some reason that scared me half to death) and then a little voice said, ‘mama, can we take a nap together?’  

So we did… well, one of us did.   But it was kind of perfect because she will be gone this weekend and some extra snuggle time this morning was needed. 

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She was clearly into polka dots on her way in to gymnastics.  During the warm-ups (they do some running) she was passing up all of the little boys and while I won’t ever pressure her to be a runner, you know it made my heart happy;)  

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Back to joining the girls for lunch sometimes.  

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Rice, chicken broth and applesauce… I do not miss you one bit.  It is nice to have real foods again (it still hurts a little bit but not like it used to.. I go to the dr. tomorrow to check up on how everything is improving and any tips he has for me wahoo!!).  

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Pumpkin something samples for the win.  

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One of the problems that I was having with running leading up to the St. George Marathon was that I was just too weak because I wasn’t able to get the calories I needed.  Luckily, I figured out pretty quickly one food that felt pretty good right before a run—>  bananas (a little late to the game on that one).  They are working wonders these days with how they make me feel energy and stomach wise while running.  Brooke is a die-hard banana fan too so the two of us plow through these babies pretty quickly.

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PS I made it to one of Megan’s bootcamp classes at the end of last week and I am still a little bit sore… I’m just going to go ahead and take that as a hint that strength training needs to become a priority again.  

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I hope the rest of your Wednesday is a good one… you can find us on the slides.  

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Parents reading—>  are your kiddos pretty good sleepers?  What time do they normally wake up in the morning?

You sore from a workout recently?  What was it?

What foods work the absolute best for you before a run?  Anyone able to eat ANYTHING before a run without it affecting your stomach?

Had anything sweet today?  What was it?

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I do well with easy carbs (bagels, toast, etc) or fruit. I use applesauce packets during a run sometimes and they are easy on my stomach.

I just ate a popcorn ball. It was pretty fantastic!


I really should try applesauce packets while running… that is such a good idea (and it tastes so much better than Gu!). Popcorn ball–> a classic. You can’t go wrong with those:)


applesauce packets sounds genius/delicious! but i’ve never seen them in a store.


Target in my area carries applesauce packets.


Costco carries their brand and they are organic!


Graham crackers are my jam before I start a run. The only problem is they make me so thirsty that I’m extra full of water when I start! Happy Wednesday!


I have never even thought about having those before a run… brilliant and delicious! Those things are so good.


I am the same when it comes to cold hands–I can’t handle them at all!

My stomach tolerates a banana and Wheat Thins well before running. That’s my go-to pre-race fuel, too. I normally don’t eat before my morning runs during the week because they are so early, but if I do eat something, that is what will not make my stomach feel blah.


Good call on the wheat thins… I will have to try those!


My kiddo is hit or miss with sleeping. I don’t mind when he wants to sleep with me, as a I know soon enough he won’t want anything to do with me!

I haven’t had any sweets today :( My marathon is Saturday, so I’m trying to fill up on nutritious foods. I’ll definitely have some sweets post-race!!


My boss brought in rugulah for us from an amazing bakery. So good!


For some reason, I can’t do bananas. They sit in my stomach like a rock. I like to have cantaloupe. Much easier for me to digest! Sweet treat today was a mounding spoonful of almond butter with chocolate chips on top. Can’t ever get any better than that!


Glad to know I’m not the only one who eats spoonfuls of almond butter with choc chips! Best treat ever!


yep me too, also try spoon of almond butter with coconut flakes. Yum.


My son still crawls in my bed around 4am each morning and not sure if it will ever end! I’m the same with the gloves – my hands freeze but I hate being too hot so I’ll put them on before I break out a long sleeve a lot of the time.


I agree that I really like when the weather is a little bit more chilly. I’ve been much better in it. Maybe I’m just getting more in shape too LOL. Today I ran 4×1 mile repeats and I’m sure I’ll be sore from those.


YOU NAILED your mile repeats today and on a hilly course. Nailed it. Girl, I am amazed by your 5ks… you just keep getting faster and faster. You speed demon.


Bananas always work really well for me before a run, as do raisins and rice Chex (easy carbs and really light on the stomach). I’ve heard a lot of people say that Fig Newtons work well for them as both pre- and mid-run fuel, so I bought some of the wheat-free Newman’s ones to try.


I eat toast with almond butter or some oatmeal before a morning run. (I can only eat 1/2 a banana and not to close to the actual run). I don’t like tasting them again. In the afternoon if I need something I eat a Honey Stinger Waffle – gingersnap is my current fave.

I had an apple with chocolate coconut sea salt peanut butter.

I am sore from the hilly half marathon and yesterday’s Cardio Kick Butt and Peak Performance mashup. (my calves hurt from the latter)!


I love bananas and like to spread peanut butter over them before a long run or race. It’s a perfect balance of calories, protein, and potassium.

Today I did my FIRST run postpartum!!! It has been almost 100 days since I did my last run. Needless to say, it was amazing → and now I am pretty sore. But definitely worth it. ☺


AHHHH YAY KRISTEN!! I am so so happy you are back!!! And the best is finishing the run and cuddling with your new little baby:)


My niece is the same way with gymnastics and running. I LOVE it, and my sister loves when I come to visit because I just run Liza around like crazy hahah.

i had a donut today!! one of my coworkers is leaving :( but it meant we got to have a potluck! so I had a donut and it was DELICIOUS.


Bananas work so well for me before a run! Very easy for my stomach to digest. I can’t eat too much before, otherwise I feel super sick :(
For a long run, I’ll eat a meal 2.5-3 hrs before. That works well for me :)
My 5 year old daughter is always a early bird – she loves to wander into our room at 4:30/5 am for snuggles (or food requests!)
I wish it was cold enough here to wear gloves!!!


I saw those gloves at Costco the other day and was wondering how well they would work! My hands are always cold- my hands tend to turn purple when I’m cold. In the winter especially so I need to invest in some gloves for running! Looks like a Costco trip is in my near future! :)
Today’s sweet treat: a Reece’s peanut butter cup pumpkin! Why do they always taste so much better when they are in holiday shapes?


I hate bananas. The only thing banana I will eat is banana bread and banana cream pie. For some reason I just really don’t like them.

Both my girls are up around 6:30-7 every morning. Not too early, but still a little early for me to want to wake up and get ready for the day before they are awake.


I can always eat a soft pretzel. No matter how off my stomach is.
I had s Reese’s pb cup today.


My girls are pretty good sleepers but they are early risers (like 5:30 or 6) but I don’t mind it too much. It’s like our special time just hanging with my girls before dad gets up.
I usually just drink coffee before a morning run sometimes half a protein bar.
I just got unsore from my long run over the weekend but I have another one this weekend so I’m not getting too used to walking normal.


I had some pumpkin snaps (like ginger snaps except with pumpkin) topped with some cashew butter. It was the perfect amount of sweetness and I don’t feel bad about my excessive consumption of the cookies because I’m trying to convince myself it was reasonably healthy.


I’m SO GLAD you are feeling better. Also, Brooke asking you to nap together? My heart is melting.


That mini mouse coat is too cute!!


I did a million and a half pushups yesterday (slight exagg) and ohhhh am I sore!

Hope all goes well tomorrow at your appointment!


I did a body pump class last week that left me sore for days!! I would love to find a boot camp class to join!

I usually stick to toast and peanut butter before a run. Simple.


Before I run, I love Picky Bars, oatmeal, or banana bread! I once at eggs…that didn’t work!
I had a giant slice of vegan chocolate cake from Whole Foods!!!!


I had horrible sleepers! My youngest did me in but she had several GI issues and for her night time equaled pain. She did not sleep more then 20 min at a time until around 4 months. She slept through the night at 2 1/2 thanks to wonderful reflux meds. And now at almost age 5 she is awesome! We did some behavior training this summer and it worked but was fairly easy. Both my kiddos get up around 6:30 or sometimes earlier but I love that. We are morning people. My eldest gets up about an hour after we put her to bed for various reasons and sleep walks. But since she is 8 it is fairly easy to get her back to bed and technology removal threats are golden. She sleeps with me when my husband travels, it is sweet.


For races, I’ll eat just plain bagels before running, but on a day-to-day basis, I like to eat a piece of toast with a fried egg on top. It gives me a lot of energy, so I’m not tired by the end of the run, and is easy on my stomach!

My sweet treat today was dried pineapple from Trader Joe’s…sooo good and super sweet, almost like candy!


My almost 4 year old will NOT open her door ever!! It used to be nice but now it prevents us from nighttime potty training. She will seriously potty on the ground and cover it up…

My girl has always been a wonderful sleeper. I am pregnant now and I’m due for a horrible sleeper, I just know it!

I’m glad you found something that makes your stomach feel better! I make sure not to eat too close to a run or I get the stitch.


I have started “moving weight around” at work (gym) and it makes me quite sore but I love it! Hoping to get stronger before I start training for my second marathon.
Pre-run I eat peanut butter toast, banana, and low-fat milk!


If you need extra calories, try dates and dried mango as well —- and then try and stop ;)


I usually stick to bananas, and my PB oatmeal before my runs. Though it doesn’t matter what I eat, I sometimes get runners gut about half way through my run.

I’m sore from my Barre class Monday, and then I did a Piyo class last night.


I’m a little sore from my aerial class yesterday, but that’s nothing new since it is always super tough.
Bananas I can handle 30min-1hr before a run, a clif bar if it’s an hour plus is about all I can handle pre-run.


Loved that quote it was exactly what I needed today!


I can eat a banana right before running and feel fine! Perfect running food. I always eat before I run, usually oatmeal, and it sits really well in my stomach, always does actually :)


My Mr. 8 still sleeps in my bed, not a warning, but they are hard to move out once they move in. I keep thinking he will move on his own..so far, I am wrong.

I am happy to hear you are feeling better.


Lunch with friends on a Wednesday sounds so perfect and your salad looked delicious!

I hate to be this girl, but yes, I can pretty much eat anything before a run and not affect my stomach, but I am still careful because it could affect my running!

I made some banana, chocolate, almost butter, date, and other yummy stuff muffins yesterday that I can’t stop eating!


I can pretty much eat anything before a run………………..BUT I always wait about 2 hours between eating and running (I do my runs in the evening, so it works for me). If I happen to run in the am, I just go without eating and have some snacks with me.


My kiddos get up at 6am on school days and 7ish on the weekends. My daughter likes her sleep much more than my boys.

My right hamstring is giving me some small issues :( I’m rolling and icing often.

When I run in the am, I typically eat nothing before a run. When I run with my kiddos at 3, I have lunch at 10:45 and I try and keep it relatively small and simple.


Janae, would you consider sharing what you’re eating these days and what is taboo? I have similar stomach issues and wonder if I’m eating the wrong things! Thanks! I love your blog. :)


Yep that BRAT diet works!

For a big long run I’m usually doing plain Bagel Thins (or maybe the real thing) with Reduced Fat Jif peanut butter, sometimes with banana too. for some reason I like the reduced fat better – even though I’m pretty sure it has added sugar. Not a bad thing pre-run.

Last time I did 2 Homestyle Eggos with the PB and banana and some syrup. Yum.

I’m doing my race 2.5 hrs from home so I’m planning on hitting Denny’s for pancakes and taking some extra to the hotel for the next morning. I’ll have some bananas with me too.

I try to eat whatever an hour or more before race time. Then hit up my first Gu 5-15 minutes before. (I’m with HRG on the Salted caramel. Just tried the new Maple bacon, cannot recommend it).


My oldest son (2.75 yrs old) is a TERRIBLE sleeper, and always has been. He still wakes up during the night and 99% of the time wants to come snuggle in our bed. I may have created that monster. ;) My 3 month old is a great sleeper though! He only wakes up once during the night to eat, but usually sleeps all night! I’m pretty sore from my last 2 runs as I’m building back up after having the baby. Glad to see we’re not the only ones who buy a billion bananas at once!


Slides are my favorite right now, we play EVERY night on them!

Little man has always been a bad sleeper…. He usually gets up about 6:45 but that’s what time we get him up during the week so I think he’s just used to it. Bedtime is another story it’s anywhere from 7-9pm because he doesn’t settle down very well.

Bananas are the best, especially in smoothies!


If you’re looking to make bananas even more delicious (without adding a thing):


Last night was another brutal night of sleeping with Felicity. Oy vey. I hope yours went better.

Lunch was fantastic. I am still dreaming about that salad. I love it so much #causeavocados

I had red mango yesterday. And those pumpkin chocolate chip cookie samples. And a honey mint from TJ and maybe a spoonful of chocolate ice cream as I was scooping some for my kids. The struggle is real.

I used to eat a larabar an hour before my runs. Fall running is my favorite. It truly is killing me not being able to run in this amazing weather. So glad you are able to run again though!


My ten year old has always been an early riser. She will get up by 6am any day of the week ready to go. My 8 year old has always been the BEST sleeper. She actually has told me before “I was born to sleep” :) She usually wakes up on her own by 7 but has been known to sleep until 8 or 9 on occasion! :) So glad you are feeling better!!!


I was sore for a few days after the Chicago Marathon! But I loved it and want to do it again!


Bananas are always in my house – my work provides fruit twice a week too so I get some extras to keep in my office as well :o)


-My daughter is a good sleeper, once she goes to bed…which bedtime seems to be a surprise to her each and every night. She gets up around 6:30-7. Later in the week I let her sleep in until 7:15 because all day Kindergarten really gets her tired!
-Yes: weights!
-I like toast and tea. :)
-Left over caramel from caramel apples last weekend…yum!

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