Heart bursting/legs falling off feeling and you are doing better than you think you are.

I think I’ve told you this a trillion times but I prefer running medium/hard for longer distances WAY over running heart bursting/legs falling off hard for short amounts of time.  Getting myself to start .5 mile or .25 mile (THURSDAY AHHHH) repeats is always a struggle because I know what kind of hurt is in store for me:) But I also know the post-speed workout high is pretty incredible too.  Getting really fast at the short distances will translate into helping me get faster at the 1/2 marathon and marathon so I just remind myself that it takes work to get to your goals and that these short/fast workouts are most DEFINITELY going to be work.  I was beyond done by the end today. 

2 mile warm-up, 8 x .5 miles with 2:30 recovery jogs, 2 mile cool-down.  10 miles total average pace 7:11—>  I should have gotten a slurpee from 7-eleven to celebrate afterwards.

How the 8 x .5 mile repeats went—>  2:58, 2:51, 2:52, 2:51, 2:52, 2:55, 2:53 & 2:51.  Average of 2:53 (edited this—>  I was looking at the wrong paces when I first wrote this post).

A few weeks ago I was doing ten of these at a 2:45 average so there was definitely fitness lost over the last little while but I have time to build it back up and see those 2:45s again.   

Speed portion= angry music, and my PureDrifts and warmup/cooldown = PureCadence 4s, gloves, a jacket and my thoughts.  

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Speed workouts always make my calves sore for a bit because I run more on the balls of my feet than I do for easier paces… I have a feeling my calves will remind me about this workout for the rest of the week.

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 It was a gorgeous morning and Brooke being in school means that I get to do these workouts in the sunshine.  I spy a little bit of snow.

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Rewind to Monday—>  we finally made it up to Trader Joe’s to stock up on all things pumpkin (and their salted almond butter because we can’t live without it). 

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Brooke loves their mini carts and cruises around TJ’s like she owns the place.

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Brooke got to pick out some treats at TJ’s… she is all about pancakes these days and so when she saw the picture of them on the coconut pancake mix she was sold.  Looks like Brinner is going to go down at the Jacobs’ residence tonight.  

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I stocked up on their Minestrone soup because I love it so much and it is getting close to time to hibernate in our apartment for a few months.

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And later on we had to stop at Target for a minute.  It was raining so a hood selfie was necessary before going in.  

Random parenting moment below that you can completely skip over and that won’t hurt my feelings:

While we were at Target we had one of those 3 year old situations that happen sometimes and I took her aside to talk to her… as we started walking again I was having one of those ‘I am doing this whole parenting thing completely wrong’ conversations in my head. A second later an old man came over and put his hand on my shoulder and told me that he was watching me and that I was doing a great job as a mom (he could probably see it in my face that I was a bit defeated and he wanted to help:).  It made me cry (don’t worry, I cry over everything)… the littlest actions from other humans make the biggest difference.  That old man telling me that turned my whole night around.   And as Jeffrey R. Holland said—> “To all mothers in every circumstance, including those who struggle—and all will—I say, Be peaceful.  Believe in God and yourself.  You are doing better than you think you are.” 

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PS this actually might be the best news ever.  Gilmore Girls and Parenthood are my all-time favorite shows. 

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What is your absolute favorite distance to run?  To race?  Do you like the shorter fast stuff or the endurance side of running more?

Any can’t live without items from Trader Joe’s for you?

What are you having for dinner tonight?

Any other Gilmore Girl fans reading??

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I LOVE long runs and racing trail ultras. I’m not really fast, but I can keep running for a long time.
Dinner tonight: Chipotle!
I can’t believe it, but I’ve never seen the Gilmore Girls. I need to fix that!


I used to be so similar and hated doing anything short. Now I’ve really forced my body into that training mode of 5ks and honestly I love it. I feel as if I’m making really solid gains and have felt faster since. Right now my favorite distance is 5ks…plus if you take out a 5k too fast, realistically you only have 1-2 miles to hang on…versus that last 10k if a marathon LOL.


Half Marathon is my favourite distance so far. We’ll see after my first marathon (AHH) next week!

I love what that man said to you at Target. I have moments where I question my parenting, especially my reactions to things, and it’s kind of nice to hear from an outsider that you’re doing a good job. Brooke seems like a VERY happy child so I’m sure you’re doing a million things right mama!

I wish TJ’s would come to Canada!!!!!


I just saw the Gilmore Girls piece today too! I’m so pumped! I even got my husband hooked on it!

I think we are doing soup for dinner tonight. Doesn’t feel like fall yet but I’m going to pretend it does anyway!

I would totally start crying at something like that too. I’m also a sympathy crier, so I would cry if I saw it happen to someone else also!


I think I would’ve cried too! Any random stranger act of kindness deal just pulls my little heart strings. so sweet of him, and girl you are amazing! never doubt yourself and your parenting skills :)

I believe I’m going to start incorporating more speedwork into my training. I’m really wanting to get faster at short distances (specifically 5k) and know I need to bite the bullet and just do it. Any tips for starters…especially those without a track? :)

looking up the Gilmore Girl situation right! now!


Elder Hollands talk was SO uplifting and I’ve rewatched it when I needed a little morale boost. And you ARE doing an awesome job with Brooke!!!


Oh thank you Laura… seriously that talk had me bawling and I also just kept thinking about my mom the whole time. Best conference yet in my opinion:)


Those little moments are the best when you are going through a rough moment. I don’t have kids (yet) so I don’t know it on that level, but have seen it through my sister and cousins with their kids, and I commend them for the hard moments. Gilmore Girls coming back = me freaking out at my desk and reading a million articles, in hopes of it being true. I’m contemplating restarting the show…


I am SO excited about Gilmore Girls!!! The series was cancelled so suddenly. I think Lauren Graham even said last year that the Parenthood finale felt better because they knew it was coming and had a chance to say goodbye – apparently the GG cast and crew didn’t. But no Richard Gilmore :’-(

I’m jealous of the Trader Joes action…..nothing for me for awhile


The ten-miler seems to hit my sweet spot. I love that distance!

If you haven’t tried the dried bananas from TJ’s, you must! They are unlike any other banana product I have ever tried before…almost a fruit leather.


AHHH I will have to get those next time. They sound amazing!


Girl – I can relate to the three year old moment. I recently went on a blog retreat and brought my three year old son along. I struggle with him A LOT. He’s such a sweet kid, so smart, but he just doesn’t listen to me. Everyday I question what I’m doing wrong that he doesn’t listen when I really need him to. Anyways, I struggled with him having a meltdown one afternoon and later one of the other girls, who doesn’t have kids, came over to give me a big hug and told me she things I’m an amazing mom. I mean, her dad just passed away and I should have been the one hugging HER, but that little gesture just brought tears to my eyes. Parenting is hard. Single parenting is especially hard when you don’t have the support of the other parent during moments like this. With no one there at the end of the day to tell you that you’re doing a good job and that three year olds can just be jerks sometime and that you aren’t royally screwing up your kid. We just have to trust that we are doing the right thing.


Wow. That gesture gave me goosebumps. It is amazing how a few words can help so so much! You nailed it on the parenting/single parenting thing too… nailed it.


I’m with you there on preferring longer, easier distances to short, intense distances. I think my favorite run is about 12 miles at a fairly easy pace. And if we’re getting specific, it’ll be a nice mostly cloudy morning, about 60 degrees, and I won’t have any classes or work for the rest of the day.

I’m also new to Trader Joe’s, I need advice on what’s good! So far I’ve only tried their jalapeño-cilantro hummus (it was pretty good, but not amazing) and their cookie butter (which at first I thought was overrated, but it’s definitely grown on me).


I LOVE racing the half! It’s by far my favorite, but I also really like the 15k.

I can’t live without Trader Joe’s Cookie Butter and the Cookie Butter Sandwich Cookies. SO.GOOD.

I am a huge Gilmore Girls fan and watched it in high school and all through college. I basically felt like I grew up with Rory. I am so excited about the Netflix news!!


I am excited over the Gilmore Girls. I loved that show.

Dinner is tuna steaks, mushroom garlic quinoa and some green vegetable that I haven’t decided on yet. Broccoli? And a salad because salads happen here at most meals.

I their sunflower seed butter and the chili lime chicken burgers.

My favorite seems to be 10 miles. I feel like I worked hard but I’m not beat up.


I think I should run more 10 milers. 10ks are too short and half marathons sometimes drag the last few miles.
I have no food in the house. I might cave and order pizza or just make pancakes.


Those are great yasso times! You are totally still in range for that sub-3!

I love half marathons and HATE 5ks. I swore off marathons, but I’m currently training for my 3rd in Phoenix this Feb! I love training for them more than the actual race. This time will be different. :)

I’m not a vegetarian, but I love TJ’s veggie breakfast patties! I also love everything in their frozen section and their prepared salads. The green bean/chicken/dijon one is just fab.

Speaking of the devil- I have some left over TJs frozen BBQ chicken pizza waiting for me in the fridge.

I’m still in the middle of watching Gilmore Girls, this will fuel me to finally finish! I’m currently obsessed with How To Get Away with Murder and just love seeing Liza Weil all grown up.


Sooo what time is brinner and I will be over? Cause I did not know such pancake mixes existed and now I won’t be able to stop thinking about them until they are happily hanging out in my tummy.

You are doing a great job with Brooke. Parenting is hard. Like harder than I ever thought it would be. But I think that is why it is the most rewarding too. Just like your run. If you could nail all those paces the first time, without much effort, then it wouldn’t be as sweet as when you put all that work into it and reap the reward. Speaking of, way to go on your run today. I am tired, sore and hungry just reading about it. Guess I should go eat something and take a nap. I’ll get right on that.


Oh my goodness! I’ll try to say this in the least creepy way but I love kind old men :) They make me cry too. That was super nice of him.
For dinner I’m meeting my friend at Whole Foods. We always pick out a different protein bar to sample. I’ll probably get a yogurt, fruit, a coconut water, and hot tea too. Have a great afternoon/evening!.


Trader Joe’s has the best frozen cauliflower. You can toss in the over for a quick roast, add Sriracha & you have yourself a bowl of yum!


I straight up almost peed myself when I saw the news about Gilmore Girls yesterday.

I love when people go out of their way to be kind – it makes me more inclined to do so myself.

You are a rockstar mom, and I’ve never even met you. I can just see in the pictures you post that Brooke is full of joy – and you’re the one who creates that joyful atmosphere around her. You are DEFINITELY doing better than you think you are.

Oh – and combine your TJ’s coconut pancakes with the maple syrup from Costco and you’ll find yourself in a sugary breakfast coma win. :)


The TJ pumpkin pancakes are the best!!! I love TJ black bean quinoa tortilla chips…they’re one of my favs. The salted caramel ice cream sauce is pretty awesome too. I love it with a fresh cut up apple for dipping.
My favorite distance to run is 10 km…it’s challenging if you put effort into it without a huge time commitment.
As I mom I can relate to the 3 year old moments. Unfortunately I didn’t have a positive experience like you did, but at the end of the day I had to believe I was doing the best I can. My daughter is 16 now and so far so good.
I miss the Gilmore girls. I was so sad when that series ended. I’ll be sure to check out the new series. Enjoy your pancakes!!


Definitely prefer the half marathon or marathon. Nothing beats the accomplishment of a marathon.

Trader joe’s Greek yogurt is amazing and I also love their salted dark chocolate and caramel candy bar. They also have a pretty incredible cranberry Gorgonzola cheese around the holidays.

Also I LOVE the Gilmore girls and the name Rory.


I LOVE Gilmore Girls! I have to know more. This is exciting news. I started watching Parenthood on Netflix because you had talked about it and now I am addicted but it is hard not to look at the character Sarah and think she’s Lorelai!


I prefer the longer distances!! Whenever I attempt to sprint 100m I pretty much end up running half marathon pace ha :D
I had a salad for dinner, it included my favourites avocado and sweet potato. And just to make sure I’m not too healthy I had cheesecake afterwards.
I don’t know you personally but based on what I’ve read/seen you are doing an excellent job as a mum!


I was supposed to do track work this morning but talked myself into going back to bed. I didn’t have it in me to face the track in 39degree weather this morning. Now I have to do it tonight after work, but it beats freezing to death this morning. Only two more track workouts until NYC!! I can’t wait to be done.


I had a couple of those parenting moments when my girls were young and I make sure now to try to pay that forward because I can very clearly remember how a few kinds words from a stranger can make such a huge difference.


We had a 2 year old moment in Costco last week. And while my 2 year old was screaming and kicking on the floor while I tried to talk her into calming down, the same thing happened to me. Several people came and gave me some encouraging words. It’s great when people are kind about it and willing to be positive and helpful.


Love love love Gilmore Girls!!!


What a sweet man at Target!! You are an awesome mom!! Children are and never will be perfect. With your assistance as a parent, they learn from their mistakes just as we learn from ours.

Here is one blog that I think you will enjoy reading:http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=f63562b3be485ea0ae33acf18&id=f673674fea&e=b790c4b7e0

5ks are my favorite. Here is an article from Runners World regarding Luke Puskedra who stayed with the Kenyans at the Chicago Marathon: http://www.runnersworld.com/chicago-marathon/with-210-pr-luke-puskedra-makes-comeback-at-chicago-marathon

Oh lastly, be careful of the soup. It has tomatoes and I thought I remembered they bothered your tummy.


That is so sweet that man told you you’re doing a great job. From what I’ve been reading you definitely are! Setting a good example of living a healthy lifestyle at the very least :) If you are looking for a fun/funny book on life, marriage, and parenting check out Carry on Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton. I’m not a mom but I really enjoyed it!


I do not think there is a wrong/right way to parent, otherwise there would be a book!!! You just have to do the best YOU can. It was nice of that man to speak to you. Toasted coconut pancakes sound amazing. I have never watched Gilmore Girls.


Well thanks because you just made me cry!


I loved gilmor girls!!! One of my favorites… You are doing an amazing job as a mom, trust me, we all have mom guilt – no matter what we do, we think it’s never enough or right — but it is.


I definitely prefer easy long runs. I am not a fan of speed workouts! The half marathon is my favorite distance to race.

I haven’t been to TJ’s……….don’t think they are in my area.

I am having homemade nachos tonight and we are having a Back to the Future party! Tomorrow (10.21.15) is the year Marty travelled to in the second movie!!


So sweet what the man said to you. Parenting isn’t for wimps!

Dinner tonight – Chile Colorado Burritos – 2 ingredients in the crock pot all day. Might be a little spicy for you right now, but when you’re ready for something spicy – http://www.plainchicken.com/2012/07/chile-colorado-burritos-slow-cooker.html.

I’d been avoiding speed work for the past couple of years, but now I kinda love it… especially when I’m done.


Thanks for the recipe link- that looks delicious! Pinned to cook soon!


Aww.I love that guy.I think as moms we need to hear that more often!!And,pretty sure we all have those “I’m doing it all wrong” thoughts too.Mine are 9 and 15 and I know I do.They’re pretty awesome though.
I like longer stuff-a 90 minute run is my fave.But I love intervals in the pool!!
We are having some homemade pasta and pesto.
I love the take and bake breads from TJ’s….also love many of the frozen stuff(they have some great pizzas,steamed bbq pork buns)…the trail mix with the peanut brittle.The caramel corn/cheese corn mix.


Speed work is such a love hate relationship! Crazy how such a small amount of time off makes a difference in speed. Silly bodies. Coconut pancakes sound delicious! Better bet my butt over to trader Joe’s!


I heard the Gilmore Girls news today too, and it’s so funny that you mentioned it here! I almost commented (but didn’t want to ramble) on your 5 year anniversary post about how I probably love reading your blog because you and Brooke have a relationship that’s, from a spectator, totally Lorelai and Rory and I am a huge Gilmore fan. :)


Even though you were a few seconds off from your last .5 mile repeats, YOU ARE STILL SO CRAZY FAST!! I had to read those paces like three times before I could comprehend how fast you were running. That’s awesome! Get it, Janae!!

I just bought both of those pancake mixes for my mom last week since she doesn’t live near a TJ’s. You’ll have to let us know how they are! I can’t wait to try them when I visit my parents again. :)

I’m not even a mother and just reading about your interaction with that man made me tear up (I also cry over everything as well – you’re not alone – ESPECIALLY over happy things). This makes me both excited and terrified to be a mother one day. ;)


Those three year old moments can be hard~remember us moms, we can do hard things. Also, Target brings out the not so best in most kids (I know I have lost my own mind in there many times).

I love the marathon. It centers me and remains me that running is hard and joyful. I take for granted that running ten miles is nothing, the marathon humbles me. I am running the marine Corp Marathon this weekend; hoping for a pr but I know I will celebrate with a donut!!!! I did my last speedwork session today, I am so ready!

If your trader joe has small chocolate cake covered pumpkins, get them!! They will change your life!!!


P.S. I like to add banana slices to my pancakes for extra flavor – I did this with the coconut pancakes before and they were amazing!


I am so glad that I am not the only Mom having those parenting conversations in my head! With three kids and a husband that works two jobs, I feel like I am constantly questioning my parenting.


Janae, you have to try the TJ cookie dough butter! It is to die for!
Gilmor girls was my high school tv show, I am si excited for the revival!


Yes! Someone else who loves Gilmore Girls as much as me. I wanted to be giddy with someone all day about this news, but everyone I know does not watch the show.

My favorite race distance is 10 mile, but unfortunately, there are not too many of those. So half marathons would be my close second.


I WISH I could get into that mental state of just zoning out on runs. I don’t think I’ve ever had that happen to me, but I am determined to make it happen! Love reading about your good runs though as they inspire me to continue trekking.

WHOA GILMORE GIRLS. I am watching the show for the first time ever so this is AMAZING. I’m on season two so this is further incentive to continue watching.


You are a GREAT mom.


Parenting is tough and you are doing awesome. I wondered all the time if I was doing everything right and ou know what. I totally didn’t and he’s a wonderful human. Love is the most important thing and you obviously adore your little girl and she you!! Kindness and love and your doing it right!!


You know what :)


-I don’t have a Trader Joe’s anywhere near where I live. But by the sounds of it, I am missing out!
-We had a “veggie salad” the idea came from a favorite of my husband from Chipotle. Rice,pinto beans, lettuce,salsa, pico, guacamole, and sauteed onions. I was impressed by his suggestion, it tasted great! We are trying to eat more of a plant based diet…we are on week 1 day 3..so far so good!
-Love Gilmore Girls, at my wedding my mom and I danced to the theme song because she was a single mom who raised me and my sister and it was a show we always watched together. :)


Thanks for sharing your target story… You make parenting look so easy :) most def. going to remember that quote!


I love Gilmore Girls!!


I go nuts at TJs! Their cinnamon almonds and tomato less corn and chile salsa are in my cart EVERY TRIP. But honestly I am obsessed with 90% of their products.

Huge Gilmore Girl fan.. I remember when it premiered.. It was a big deal each week to watch it with my mom, I recently found an old journal entry from 2002 when I was angry at my mom for being on a phone call during the start of the show haha! This year was 10 years since my mom passed away.. I re-watch the series each year around her birthday. While on one hand I’m beyond excited for the revival, it is a little sad too.

On the mom note.. My mom was my best friend, but our life was pretty challenging towards the end of her life. Honestly you can live in terrible circumstances, have no money, have a ton of money, have a “perfect on paper” life.. All that matters is that Brooke feels loved. I tell all my friends that who’ve had their first baby when they get nervous. Every day I felt loved by mom and none of the rest of it mattered.

Hope this isn’t too, too heavy! But, the mother/daughter thing will have ups and downs.. (Amber/Sarah – the Rory and Logan years ;) Just do your best and it will fall into place.


Sometimes I wish I was a fly on your wall because Brooke seems so happy, sweet, and obedient. I often wonder what you are doing because you are doing it right! She adores her mama, too. I’m struggling with my 3 year old’s lack of obedience.

I’ve been a skeptic about short speedwork sessions, because I wasn’t convinced it translated into fast marathon times. I’ve been doing a lot of long tempo runs, but it hasn’t produced the results I want. So I will take your word for it and start doing those short fast sessions.

I love Gilmore Girls, but I will only be happy if Rory ends up with Jess!!!


Do you tend to do speed workouts by yourself? Does that get lonely and ever demotivating?


Remember that moment in Target and maybe one day you can pay it forward to another mother and turn her day around.


Parenting is a tough job. I was reading yesterday on Proverbs 31 wife (they have short Bible studies). Yesterday it was about not judging your parenting by the decisions your children make. Sometimes kids don’t make the best decisions, but they are kids and it isn’t their job to be perfect. It can be a good teaching moment, but it doesn’t make or break your parenting journey. As moms, we doubt ourselves, but that is because we love our kiddos and we want to be the best we can. Kids have off days too, and that is ok. You’re a great mom. Keep your chin up, this phase does pass!


Parenting is hard. Every parent questions themselves. Sometimes I just remind myself…this is hard and we are all just doing the best we can. It usually works out pretty good.


I love both of those shows! My favorites of all time and I cried when they were over.


Brooke with the mini shopping cart kills me! She is way too cute!

xo, tara


When I got back from a year long deployment (somewhere not nice with lots of sand) my oldest was just turning 3. She was noticeably flummoxed with how to deal with this newish parent in her life. My wife was exhausted and sick from doing it all at home. Lovely daughter became a full born nightmare to me, which was completely understandable.

We purchased some things a coworker had told me about long before. Love and Logic books and CDs. It was worth it.

We didn’t do everything L&L and sometimes btwn the two of us we disagreed on using L&L, but it made things so much better, so much faster.

By all indications, you ARE doing awesome but everyone always needs some help sometimes. Try L&L it just might help. (If you get to see this father son team they are worth seeing in person too)


That is so nice of that man to have come up to you. We should all take example to support each other better.
Total Gilmore Girl fan, I will have to watch them all once they are on netflix.


I love love Gillies! My almost 13 year old’s middle name is Luke. If it was a girl she may have been Rory :) PS you are an awesome mum x


Honestly, random love from strangers is one of the most beautiful things in the whole world. From watching on, you are not just a good mom, you are a GREAT mom.

I love long distances much more than short, but I like doing long distances fast so it is a dilemma…


i need to get to TJ’s to get their pumpkin cookie butter. Also- I heart the half marathon. I definitely lean toward longer distance over the short intervals, but i do them, they make us all speedy!


I love the motherhood quote! Parenting is the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my whole life. Ever.

I enjoy more of the endurance side of running, although I understand how much it helps my running to do both!

I must try coconut pancakes!!

XC meet tonight, so dinner will probably be cereal ;)

I am sooo excited to check out the Gilmore Girls revival!! That’s probably my all time fav show.


Oh my goodness that EXACT same thing happened to me about 7 yrs ago when my then 2 yr old son was having a meltdown. He was out of control and I was about to lose it when an old man came up to us and said almost the exact same words! I started crying too :). His kind gesture calmed my son down and reassured me more than I could have hoped for. To this day I think about that moment and I wonder sometimes if he was even real lol.


You are doing great as a mommy!! That is so sweet that the old man noticed and said something to reassure you! Toddlers are tough. We are having brinner tonight too! I am SOOO excited about Gilmore Girls. When I was on maternity leave with my first son I watched every episode again and it was amazing.


I am a HUGE Gilmore Girls fan. Fun fact: my fiancee and I just finished watching the entire series together. He actually ended up falling in love with the show too!


LOVE Gilmore Girls (and Parenthood)! Super excited to hear about Netflix. What a great Target story…taking time to encourage a stranger with kindness. Wonderful…


I’ve had one of those same moments! And it was from a wise old man too. Made me cry too. I can so relate!


That man was so sweet! I try to always encourage other moms I see who might be struggling. This mom job is hard and we need all the support we can get!


Ohhh Brooke has GOOD taste- that pumpking pancake mix from TJ’s is AMAZING!!!



I’m a bigger fan of long runs right now. I mentally have such a hard time getting prepared for a 4-6 mile run than I do a 20 miler! And the Gilmore Girls news is actually the best. news. EVER!!! Love everything about that show SO much :)


I’m happy to know that I’m not alone in the parenting arena. Our girls are only a few days apart and some days I feel utterly defeated and that I have no idea what I’m doing. She’s gotten to the point where she has brought me to tears by the end of the day. And then the next day she’s an absolute perfect angel!


I started racing with the 5K distance, then 10K. Ran a marathon. Last Sunday I did my first 1/2 marathon!! I absolutely LOVED it and I totally understand why so many people love the 1/2 distance. It was a challenge but I felt great the entire race plus I’ve felt good enough continue light walking/running every day since (I didn’t feel that way after the marathon).

So my question: how can I learn when I’m giving enough but not too much in a race? I’ve been basically paranoid about bonking. I think I might be too conservative with my energy but it’s hard to tell. This race at mile 8 I was thinking, I feel SO great! I wish I had pushed myself just a little harder. However, this does leave room for a new pr…


I am pregnant and due in May. As I was reading I truly thought (before you made the comment about doubting your mothering abilities) that I want to be a fun mom just like you, like letting Brooke “shop” with her little cart at Trader Joes! She’s a lucky little girl!


I am so stoked for gilmore girls!!!!!!!! i have all the seasons on DVD and play them as background noise all the time. I quote lines from them all the time.

tonights dinner is Shrimp Perloo…..from Blue Apron!!!!!


I am super excited about Gilmore Girls!! As soon as I heard the news I text my friend (who happens to understand my love of the show too!). I can’t wait! You know lately I’ve been doing sprints at least once a week and they aren’t that bad. Maybe I am just finally building that endurance!


Not gonna lie, that story about the old man almost made ME cry! And I’m not even a mom! So cute. People can really be awesome sometimes.




I have every season of Gilmore Girls!!!! Weird fact…I can relate any and all life situations to GG, Friends, or OTH. GG and OTH are easier than six degrees of Kevin Bacon (separation).


Favorite distance to race = half marathon
Favorite thing from TJs = PB cookies
What I’m having for dinner = airplane food
And I love love love Gilmore Girls, I hope it’s true that Netflix is bringing it back


Yay for Trader Joe’s – best time of year with all of the pumpkin stuff!

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