When the motivation fades a bit—> Just know that it is normal.

The outdoor pools are closing here real soon so we are trying to get in some serious swim practicing before they do.   

Her look of determination while practicing her kicking just makes me happy. 

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The pool also brought along some great running talk with this speedy friend of mine—>  she runs track and cross country for BYU.  Her mom will be running the St. George Marathon in just a few weeks too.  WHO ELSE WILL BE THERE for the marathon?  

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We needed some snackage fast and so we went straight over to our favorite for the good stuff…

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She stood there just staring at all of the goodness for quite some time.  We like our fruit.  

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For dinner, it wasn’t very pretty but it hit the spot, we had baked potatoes with bbq shredded chicken and avocado.   Along with peaches because they just go perfectly with every meal.  Second dinner included pizza because I ate first dinner at 5 pm.

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My mom had pb cup gelato in her freezer and I attacked it.  

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Three fun things to talk about…

1.  This friend of mine.  The other night she said, ‘hey. I have an extra ticket to see Taylor Swift this weekend.  Wanna go?’  

My heart skipped a solid 13 beats and I answered yes.  It is all that I have thought about for the last 2 days.  

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2.  Did you see that Kara Goucher is putting together another Podium Retreat?  A good friend of mine went last year and said it was the greatest thing ever.  ever.  

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3.  Saw this on Candice’s instagram and it made me really excited for all things pumpkin.  

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I’m getting to that point in marathon training.  Peak training weeks are happening right now and so I am feeling extra tired.  The momentum of those first few months have worn off a bit and I am not quite to the taper yet or close enough to the race to be really counting down.  Long story short—>  I am lacking motivation today.  

Here’s the thing, this happens to me EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. that I train for a marathon.  At around weeks 10-12 the motivation dips.   I just have to remind myself that it is normal for me and each time I run through the lack of motivation and it comes back again.  I think that is what will make hitting my goals on race day feel even better.  Knowing that we push through the times where we are lacking the excitement/motivation to get up and nail our workouts makes us runners even more hardcore:)  So, just know that it is normal to lose some motivation throughout your training cycle.  It will come back, just stick with it and keep on enduring well.  


Where is your running motivation level at right now?

Are you a pumpkin fan?  Favorite pumpkin treat?

Did you run during your college years?  High school years?

Do you enjoy going to concerts?  Best one you have ever been to?

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Yes! The dreaded motivation dip. Whenever I train the same thing happens to me and it’s just so easy to start skipping workouts.

I LOVE pumpkin. I like any type of pumpkin beer or pumpkin baked good!


My motivation is high, but unfortunately I can’t run because I’m injured :( There is nothing worse than not being able to run when you really really want to. I loooooove pumpkin everything. My favorite is pumpkin beer :)


I have the same problem with motivation at this point in my training too. I know its just from all the miles and in my case not enough sleep, but it happens every time.

I ran in high school, I was the only girl on my cross country team for three years and my freshman year the only other girl on the team was my older sister. I didn’t run in college, a good friend who did run in college told me that if I still wanted to love it and have it not feel like a job that I shouldn’t do it. It was good advice and I’m glad I didn’t.

Have fun at the concert, that will be so fun!!


I feel like midway through marathon training this always happens to me with motivation. Can’t “taste” the race yet and the peak weeks are hard! You’re totally right that it’s normal and we just get through it. Yes, I’m a pumpkin fan, this season makes me very happy!


My motivation is still there but I have been frustrated as I have been sick for 4 of the 5 weeks of my training! I can’t wait to feel better and be able to get a better sense of how my fitness is.
I had the same gelato a few weeks ago- so good!


I feel ya. I blogged about finally feeling exhausted from marathon training today too – but this is what we’re supposed to feel like! It’s part of the package deal when we sign up for a marathon. We get a race entry, a medal, a banana and a side of exhaustion! ;)

… Who just has an extra Taylor concert ticket lying around?! Ahhh! I bet her show is amazing!


OMG TAYLOR! it was the best show EVER!! I’m so incredibly JEALOUS!!!! I’m not even kidding when I say that I’ve been going through a Post Taylor Swift 1989 Concert Depression.

I’ve been in a rut the past few weeks. Finally feels like I’m getting out of it!


This makes me feel better!! The post concert depression is real!!! Janae, you’re going to die, it’s amazing.


Give me ALL the pumpkin, please!!!! Though, we’re having (hopefully our last!) a bit of a heat wave this week. Ick.


My motivation dips around this time of training (I’m 5 weeks out) and I rely instead on habit and discipline to get me through.
I love pumpkin everything (except pumpkin spice lattes) – pumpkin in my oatmeal, baking with pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice, and pumpkin beer.
I didn’t run xc in college, although my friends on the team would try to get me to join. It was tempting for the free shoes!


Oh my GOSH that PB gelato. I need it. That sounds AMAZING!

Also did you ever run competitively in school? College or high school? I know it’s far too late (I am 28) but sometimes I get major blues about it. I got into competitive running so much later in life and I always wonder what kind of runner I’d be now if I had gotten into it back then. Not a very productive way to spend my time, but just wondering if anyone else feels this way?

Also Kara’s retreat is just one more reason I need to move to Colorado ASAP!


My running motivation has been strong lately–FINALLY!!

I like most pumpkin things–especially pumpkin muffins!

I’m not a huge concert person unless it’s Taylor Swiff (going next month in Dallas) or Matt Wertz. I think I went to way too many in high school and college, but I’m old and like early bedtimes now :)


-My motivation is low. I actually skipped my run this morning after having a terribly nights sleep. I am not currently training for anything so I’m not making myself accountable…bad news bears!
-Love pumpkin! Favorite is pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, there is something so right about pumpkin and chocolate:)
-I haven’t been to a concert in about 6 years, last one was Kenny Chesney. He is awesome in concert!


See I’m extra motivated since a a soleus strain has put me on slow on the treadmill and mostly in the pool. I can’t wait to get back out on the streets at my normal pace. Regardless, I’ll be at St. George but I’m already planning to do Utah Valley of i miss my BQ. My husband and I both BQd 3 years ago and then I took off running to have babies 3 & 4 so we are hoping to both BQ at St. George and actually do Boston now that we can financially and with our last baby growing up. Have fun at TS. That would be amazing!!!!!


I’m two months from NYC, so I’m feeling really motivated!!
I LOVE pumpkin spice cookies!
I cheered in school and didn’t start running until I was 29.


My running motivation is actually pretty high right now (thankfully!). I still have 6 weeks till race so I hope this keeps up. I’m sure you’ll get back there, and thank goodness you know this is normal :)


My motivation is pretty high right now. I may not feel like running some days, but then I think about race day and get super pumped!
I am a huge fan of pumpkin iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts and pumpkin donuts! Yum
I started seriously running my freshman year of college (when I started racing). I decided to run because I was no longer playing field hockey, which is what kept me active.
I LOVE concerts! The best ones I’ve been to are probably AC/DC, Fleetwood Mac, Third Eye Blind, and Modest Mouse!


1. My motivation is high but I am on week 5 and I also just got a Garmin 610 for my bday so seeing my paces and realizing I am faster than I think, has me super pumped and working even harder on my speed and tempo days! I do get the motivation dip about halfway thru as well.

2. Pumpkin spice latte

3. I ran CC and track in high school

4. I love concerts! I really liked all of them that I have seen – Rascall Flatts, Sarah McLachlan, 3 Doors Down


I went to the Taylor Swift concert when she was in London and it was amazing. One of the best ever!!

I am right there with you in lacking in motivation- Chicago is 6 weeks out and I’m actually really looking forward to taper time! Today’s workout is 10 X 800s!!


My motivation is also wavering right now. It will come back, especially if I don’t quit all together and take a few little breaks when I need them and remember to make running fun again. I think that’s one of the biggest reasons I get unmotivated sometimes.

Pumpkin cookies or bread is as far as I’ll go. I hate pumpkin pie and everything else pumpkin. But my aunts pumpkin chocolate chip cookies are the best and I’ll eat several in one season and be glad when pumpkin season is over until the next year.


I don’t love concerts but I always love to see Billy Joel! Celine Dion believe it or not, many years ago, was an awesome concert too.


Ahhh our pool is closing this weekend too and it makes me a sad pregnant lady.


I can’t believe you are going to see Taylor Swift!! :) So fun!!! Wish I could join!


I just had my motivation dip but I am coming out of it although i seem to have a stomach bug and fueling/energy level is off right now. I’m only eating bland stuff and basically just having broth and toast. So if my long run this weekend feels really painful I will know why.
I ran track for one year in high school and was so terrible. The poor coach. He basically put me in relay events so the other girls could make up some time. Lol.
I didn’t know then I would become a distance runner. I’m still slow but 26 miles is still a feat even if it takes 5 hours.


I can relate with how motivation can dip during peak training. That’s when I try o just be in the moment and just focus on what’s in front of me.
I played soccer growing up and picked up running when I was 28!
I love all things pumpkin! Candles are my favorite.
Those peaches look so good- can you ship some to me? ;-)


That gelato looks amazing as well as all those peaches!! Have fun at the concert!


My motivation dips all the time! It’s been pretty low for a year though after unexpected weight gain. I still keep at it though or else the weight gain would be far worse. Have fun at Taylor Swift concert. She was just here in San Diego but I wasn’t able to go. I wonder who her guest will be?? :)


I am so OCD about running that I never have waning motivation. I get unmotivated about eating vegetables, though.


I also experience a dip in motivation around the middle of marathon training and then gain more excitement/become increasingly nervous as the race approaches. I ran two marathons in a calendar year last year and that was too many for me. I have not found the energy to train for anything this fall; this coming fall will be the first in 5 years I have not run a race. I am hoping that this break will allow me to once again find the motivation and energy to train for Boston in the Spring (crossing my fingers my time is fast enough)!

LOVE pumkin and cannot wait to use it in so many recipes this fall: pumpkin chili, pumpkin chocolate chip blonde bars, etc.


I’m in a taper for a marathon right now, so I feel all ramped up to go run, but I shouldn’t. So that’s a bit frustrating! I like to get my morning run on. It balances out my day. Along with a nice iced coffee reward :)
I heard that Taylor Swift in concert is simply awesome. That will be a great time!! Enjoy!


Bring on the pumpkin! I love pumpkin spice lattes and muffins. I also like those little pumpkin candies… so sugary, but so good!

My motivation to run is extremely high right now, but I haven’t been able to run in a few weeks due to pregnancy (38 weeks!). I am really looking forward to getting back out there in November!!

I would see Taylor Swift in concert in a heartbeat! So lucky.


My motivation is definitely on the low side, but it is super comforting to know that I am not alone! Luckily I am physically ready for my race in October, it just might not be the PR I was hoping for. And that’s okay too.
I love all things pumpkin – don’t make me choose!!
My sister and I saw Taylor Swift in July. Best concert ever. I still get tears and goosebumps just thinking about it. You are going to LOVE it!!


My motivation fluctuates more based on how my workouts are going than on where I am in my training cycle. When I’m doing well, I feel great and positive, but when I’m tired and my workouts suffer, I feel way less motivated.

I don’t like pumpkin everything, but I do like pumpkin baked goods, if only because they make my boyfriend (who is obsessed with autumn) so happy. Just last night, I asked him when pumpkin pie becomes acceptable, and he said, “Ummmm, September 1?” So I’m looking forward to making some pumpkin pie for him soon. :)


I’m so glad you posted about your motivation struggles! I’m training for a half on the same day as your race. I have really been having a hard time pushing myself to get in my runs! Glad to know it’s normal.

LOVE pumpkin. My fav is pumpkin ice cream.

Didn’t start running until I was 40!!!! Fan my first half at 41 and now running my 2nd half at 43!

Love concerts. Been to lots. My fav (and I’m not a country fan) was George Strait.


My motivation is mid-point right now. I had a great long run Saturday and an excellent hill workout last night. After being injured this was really a nice motivating boost. On the other hand I feel like I’ve been training forever and kind of want a break. My race is Oct. 11 so maybe a break for a few weeks and then train for spring.

I like pumpkin spice coffee as long as it’s not sweet. Just add the spice to the coffee grinds and I’m good to go. I also like pumpkin ravioli, ice cream and pie (without crust).

I love concerts. My favorite? Probably Bruce Springsteen – the band knows what they’re doing, they’re still entertaining and they play for hours.


Nina , I feel the same way about my motivation. My first marathon is October 11, I am ready and excited. I feel like I have been training forever and want a little relief. I went camping last weekend and while there ran some amazing trails that over looked the ocean, and ran some huge hills down to the ocean and back up to the cliffs. That really made me feel alive. Yesterday , I had a great 20 mile run in and feel better that I only have 3.5 weeks of training before tapering and only 1 long run left.


I trained for a full marathon before this race, got hurt and ended up doing rehab and running a 15k (and it was an amazing race). It was hard to do all the training and not get to do the marathon though. And I really didn’t take much time away from running while rehabbing. Funny, when I can’t run I am wishing I could! Your trail runs sound lovely, glad you enjoyed it.


Wow! That is crazy Nina, I trained for a full marathon before this race(in October), it was May 3. But in taper I hurt my foot, went into rehab and learned how is change my running form. It is really hard to train fully for a marathon and then not be able to run the marathon. You are right, everyday you can not run you wish you could. Good Luck on your Marathon!


I’m on the front seat of the struggle bus when it comes to running lately! I have no motivation or desire to run at all :( I’ve taken the last three days off and just done other workouts. I have a half marathon next weekend, and I don’t even remember the last time I ran more than 7 miles… oops! I think between injuries and summer heat I’ve just hit total burn out. I know my motivation will come back someday!

I’m one of the “buy all the pumpkin flavor things” people, so yeah, I’m excited!

I’ve seen T-Swift in concert, and it was one of the best ones I’ve been too. Garth Brooks is definitely THE best concert I’ve been to though! Have fun!!


My running motivation lev,e has been at a meh. Since my mom won’t allow me to run my first half until May, I’m feeling unmotivated to keep up with my 10 mile long runs. I’m much more content to stick with 3-5 miles in preparation for my 5 miler and 5k in September.

I absolutely love pumpkin but the only time I’ve tried it in treat form is pumpkin pie. I’m trying to find a good recipe for pumpkin spice oatmeal!

I started jogging to lose weight at age 12, started building my speed and endurance at 13, and now I’m doing road races at 14. I haven’t ever joined a running club or a team though so I don’t know whether I should this year in HS or if it’s worth it.


I TOTALLY feel you. I am in a super-long marathon training season (24 weeks-> it’s done through a local organization and is mainly geared towards novice runners) and we are at week 12 and I JUST WANT IT OVER. I learned very quickly that I do not do well with long training seasons. My last one was 18 weeks and even that felt 1-2 weeks too long. So after my long run this weekend I am stepping back and taking a week and a half off to sleep, recharge, rest and just not feel like I *have* to run. Then I can come back with 9 weeks left and kick butt (we have already hit 16 miles on our long runs, so the long run distance is ahead of where we should be-> this training plan has us doing three 20’s, which I won’t do). You learn something new every training season! How long is your current training plan? I think 16 weeks is probably my sweet spot because right now would be very near taper time!


I just ate my last peach this morning. I am about to google where those peaches are at because I need to go and buy some. They look mighty tasty!

Annnnd T Swift?? Holla! I am so excited you are going. It’s going to be fun! I have no shame in acting like a teenager and admitting my love for her.


Also, that gelato is bomb. My mom always has at least 4 of those talenti in her freezer. One of the many reasons I leave her house sick every. time.

And your marathon will be here soon and you are going to kill it. You are so mentally tough that I know this lack of motivation (while totally normal) will not last long.


I have almost 0 motivation left for my half at the end of the month. My 10 miler this am was sooooo difficult and it doesn’t help that I have to run in the dark these days. Somehow though, when I was presented with an opportunity to run another half on the 12th – I got really excited. How can that be? I have 0 motivation yet I’m excited to run an extra half?!
I love pumpkin but I’m in denial that summer is over so I refuse to partake until October. I can’t support anything fall until then. I’m weird like that.
I didn’t run in college. Or high school. Or even jr high. I ran for my community league for like a hot second when I was in elementary school and that’s it. I was always into soccer, baseball, skiing, etc. I played soccer for 3 different teams for about 6 years and when I started hanging out with the “partiers” in the high school, fitness went out the door. When I graduated high school I was a full on smoker and partier and wanted nothing to do with fitness. I had lost my way and didn’t care.
That lasted through my 20’s and it wasn’t until my late 20’s that I realized how foolish that was and got back in to working out. I didn’t quit smoking until we started planning for kids about 6+ years ago.
I’m definitely making up for lost time and so so so proud to have found my way back to health and fitness.
Sorry for the long rant!


Hey I know that cute girl that runs for BYU who also had a blast with you at the pool yesterday! I miss her! Whenever I feel a lack of motivation I think of the crazy hard work outs she does and that inspires me to get moving! My favorite thing in the world is running with my girls and watching them race!
Oh and we love pumpkin pie oatmeal!! If you want to try it I’ll have Bryn pass along the recipe. We top it with fresh peaches, bananas and frozen pomegranate perils! It’s amazing! Have a great day!!!


My favorite pumpkin treat is 2-ingredient pumpkin muffins. Because it’s pumpkin spice and only requires two ingredients! 1 box of spice cake mix and 1 can of pumpkin. Yum!!


Motivation is in the middle. Some hip/groin pain is growing. Working on it as I ready for a 30k this Sat.

Do not like pumpkin anything.

Concerts are great but haven’t seen anything super in many years. U2 was the last best thing I saw. (I saw the Rolling Stones in Prague, that was prob. the best concert ever).


Hm, you know, I was given a great piece of advice when you’re working towards something and motivation is waning. Since you write so much, I think you’d find it useful. When you feel like that, draft up a fake blog post where you pretend you hit the goal. Tell us what it felt like and how your hard work paid off. I guarantee it will give you a boost and help you see the light at the end of the tunnel. Also, peaches.


Running motivation level is steady right now, but I have to admit I am feeling fatigued this week due to the extreme heat here, and powering through a race and higher mileage last week.

Love pumpkin! Favorite treat is my mom’s homemade pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.


I love pumpkin. I made pumpkin granola yesterday and pumpkin chocolate chip bars. So so good!


I’m pretty motivated right now!

I love pumpkin everything with pumpkin pie being my fave!!!

I want to see T Swift!!! My favorite is New Kids On The Block! hehe LOVE THEM!

I didn’t start running until 4 years ago when I was 37 years old & now I’m hooked!


Week #7 of marathon training, so my motivation is good. Driving an hour this Saturday to run 16 miles on the marathon course so I’m super excited about that and taking it extra easy the next couple days.

Mmm on all things pumpkin! Easy pumpkin muffins = 1 can pumpkin + 1 spice cake mix + 1/4 cup milk, mix together and bake according to instructions for cupcakes. Your house will smell amazing! I got this recipe in today’s email – Cheerios and Pumpkin Spice Puppy Chow (www.pillsbury.com/recipes/cheerios-and-pumpkin-spice-puppy-chow/2d69800e-7f51-49c9-a998-40fde7062f45)


I love all things pumpkin! I had a shake the other day and it was amazing! I have been lacking running motivation since July! I came back from pregnancy so eager to run. Ran a half in July with some training and it didn’t feel super fun. I’ve been lifting weights more and loving that. I set some time based workouts for this week so we’ll see what happens! I saw Taylor Swift a couple years ago and she was amazing then, you’ll have a blast!!


Best concert I’ve ever been to….hands down… TAYLOR SWIFT!! You’re gonna love it. Have a blast! Can’t wait for your recap. And to see what stars come to yours! We had the Weekend and the US Women’s Soccer team!!


Yes on the motivation dip. When I feel it coming on I try to change something up – try a new trail, buy a new pair of extra cushiony socks, do some kind of cross training you haven’t done in a while. Seems like little things can help get you through til your mojo comes back.

And love pumpkin but like to hang on to every last bit of summer so steer clear from anything pumpkin as long as the tomatoes, corn, peaches are still on.


I finally have been able to get back to running after skipping 3 runs because I just didn’t feel like it! Life had totally caught up to me, but now I know that my body just needed some rest and I am back into it with less than 6 weeks until the Chicago Marathon (my first)!

I do love pumpkin, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies are my favorite.

I started running when I was 29 and instantly fell in love!

I love concerts and the best one I ever went to was Bruce Springsteen with my dad. Since his passing, every time a Bruce song comes on the radio or while I am running, I know it’s going to be a good day:)


I’m taking a much needed break from training. It’s been so nice to sleep in. 5a runs are hard! Training starts up in Dec for Big Sur so I’m enjoying bootcamp for now.

There’s a local breakfast spot that serves the BEST pumpkin pancakes ever! I try to duplicate them at home but they just aren’t the same. I can’t wait!

T swift! So lucky! She always brings out the best surprise guests. I can’t wait to hear all about it!


My motivation for my marathon training is on the rise. It tanked this weekend after I crashed and burned on my long run, but yesterday’s TEMPO TUESDAY rocked, so I’m feeling better.

And…also finding out about the Star Wars themed race coming to Disney World in April has me super stoked and super motivated.

I love PSL!!! I can’t wait for my first one of the season!

I did not run in high school or college. I really wanted to try out for cross country in high school but I let my social anxiety get the best of me and never went out for the team. I’m trying to be more of a social runner now.

Best concert? I’ll always hold a special place in my heart for NSYNC because it was my first. I have loved all 5 Sevendust concerts I have attended- they really just get better the more you see them.

I really want to go to Taylor Swift in October, but I’m not sure. I’m cheap, and she’s not! ;)


OMG I can’t WAIT for everything pumpkin! I tried the new Chobani pumpkin pie flip yogurt last week and it was phenomenal. I’m obviously excited for the PSL, any pumpkin baked goods, pumpkin oatmeal….Last great concert I went to was Jason Aldean/Florida Georgia Line!


Taylor Swift?! Awesome!! That’ll be so fun! Fun fact: I interviewed her about 9 years ago when she was opening for Brad Paisley. She was really sweet!

My motivation is okay. It’s tough to get up so early in the morning (run before toddler wakes up) but I feel better after!

Keep pushing, you got this! :)


I love going to concerts!! and I’m pretty jealous (and excited for you) that you are get to see Taylor Swift! How can anyone dislike her? I’ll admit, I tried to for awhile, but I just can’t. I also love Pumpkin Everything. Bring it on fall.


I love her look of concentration! haha She’s a little guppy!


I’m a huge fan of pumpkin pie, but I don’t usually end up having too many pumpkin flavored things during the fall (like coffees). Way to go pushing through the motivation slump!


It’s funny, I lack motivation a lot during most of marathon training, EXCEPT for peak weeks. Then during my taper, all I want to do is run!
I ran throughout high school and college, but not on the school teams. I kinda wish I did, but then again, maybe I would’ve been burnt out by now.
I love pumpkin spice things, but it’s still way too summery out now to start craving them.
Going to concerts is one of my favorite activities, and I’ll even go to bands I think are awful just to people watch and take in some live music. I was a HUGE Smashing Pumpkins fan as a teen. I’ve seen them many times, and they still stand out as the best shows ever.


I just came back from my biggest race this year and am slowly rebuilding for the fall season so motivation is high. But I am exactly the same – motivation wanes about half way through for me.


This might sound weird but I am not a huge fan of pumpkin. I can tolerate it but definitely don’t love it. I do love pool days though, and haven’t had enough of them this summer! Motivation can be tricky – I sometimes feel like the time when I’m most likely to wimp out of working out is when I’m lying in my warm bed thinking about how great it would be to keep sleeping… But once I”m up, I’m gettin that run in!


I’m just getting back on an upswing after being in quite a slump. And best concert has to be ZBB!


I’m so jealous of your Taylor Swift concert. I went some years ago before she blew up and now I can’t believe the craziness of her concerts! I’ve been following her IG and it’s nuts!

Also, I miss fresh fruit from the orchards. Now that I’m in Chicago, that is definitely few and far between!


Where is your running motivation level at right now?
-I am in LOVE with running right now so I am at a level 10 motivation. I wish that I could run every day but know that an injury is bound to happen if I do it.

Are you a pumpkin fan? Favorite pumpkin treat?
-I do like pumpkin but feel like it gets a little overused this time of year. Pumpkin sugar cookie bars might be my all time favorite.

Did you run during your college years? High school years?
-I ran “mid” distance track in high school. Ex: 400, 800, 1200m My favorite was the 800 but I like the longer runs now!

Do you enjoy going to concerts? Best one you have ever been to?
-I have a huge passion for music and it’s even better when live. The best concert I ever went to was John Mayer and Maroon 5 at Red Rocks in Colorado. Look up the venue and you would understand. This was before either group was super popular so it has been fun to see then grow so much. It’s even better because it was the first date my husband and I ever went on.


I can’t even put into words how jealous I am that you get to see T Swift!!! I hope you have so much fun :)


My motivation level is HIGH…it’s 8 weeks til the scariest race in my life
My aunt makes this pumpkin crumble…so so good. I ran track in HS, 1’s, 2’s, and would occasionally fake an injury to get out of the 4’s. I actually run in the masters division now. Best concert, (oh now I’m dating myself)… 1992, TLC


I am so jealous of you getting to go see T.Swift!!! Lucky Lucky YOU!!! I have always wanted to go to one. The last concert I went to was about a year ago, I saw Imagine Dragons, It was a great concert!
And YES, I LOVE PUMPKIN!!! I even had a soy pumpkin spiced latte today! It is never to early to enjoy pumpkin!


Running motivation is taking a backseat to life this week, nice to know I’m not alone with the training womps!


My motivation is there right now, but the heat and the humidity are still making my long runs suffer………….today was planned for 18 but my body was done after 17. I still have a while until my November marathon, but I want that autumn weather now!

I love pumpkin candles from Bath and Body Works!

I did run cross country in high school………one of the first girls to run all four years!

And I love country concerts…………..not sure I have a favorite…………I enjoy almost all of them!


I want to try Fresh Market’s pumpkin almonds and pretzels.

Also, i’m not sure if i missed it or not but did you ever choose a winner for your ray ban give away from a few weeks ago?


Motivation is pretty good, I’ve had a few really good runs in a row and I’ve recently started listening to podcasts as I run. Best thing ever!! So feeling good. Have my first half coming up in a month.

I ran XC in high school and loved it. Ran recreationally through college and now I’m getting into races!

Love concerts and live music! Third Eye Blind is my all time favorite. :)


yeeeees to all things pumpkin spice!!!!

those peaches look fantastic and glad it’s still warm and sunny to get in the pools there! have so much fun at taylor swift!

i went a few weeks back when she was in seattle! fantastic show but didn’t love her stage presences, it felt contrived when she spoke to the audience. i’ll be curious your impression of her!


Thanks for this!

I’m in week 12 of my first ever marathon training cycle (18 weeks) and I have been feeling a little lacklustre this week. I also signed up for a 30k race (my longest race yet) this weekend and so I’m using it as an excuse to taper a bit ;). So glad to know it is normal.

Hope I feel my A game this Sunday!!


I definitely have times when my motivation goes down during marathon training. Right now I am flying high with super extra motivation because I am running again!!!
I have heard the Taylor Swift concert is AWESOME!
Love, love pumpkin = bread, cookies, pies – you name it!
I ran cross country + track in high school and college!! SO FUN – you make lifelong friends!


I’m normally a pumpkin fan but this year I’m dreading winter and trying to make summer last as long as possible. I’ll get into pumpkin spice stuff in October.

I ran off and on in high school and college. Never on a team or anything, just as a way to get out of the house And to be in shape. And ’cause I thought it was cool.

Congrats on Taylor Swift tickets!! I’d love to get tickets and take Girlie. Can you imagine that as your first concert?! I’m not a huge concert goer, because crowds. But I can get myself in the right mood.


Janae my heart actually skipped a beat when I heard you say you’re going to see Taylor!!!! I’ve seen her 10 times (I’m embarrassing) and am seeing her in two weeks from today!! SHE.IS.AMAZING.LIVE. Have so much fun and I can’t wait to hear all about it :)


Perfect timing on this post! Thank you so much!
I am less than two weeks from a half and I am not feeling it. Also it’s so hot. But I realized, since this is my 3rd half, this is how I have felt every time at this point. Like I can see the after times and I am already ready to be done. And I know that I could pull it off even if I slacked on the rest of training, but that wouldn’t be fair to myself after I’ve worked all summer. So yeah I am in a tough spot but I’m almost there!


I love pumpkin spice everything. Lattes, muffins, soup…..EVERYTHING. My blog basically becomes an homage to pumpkin september-december…sometimes through march ;)


I’ll be there at St George too, running my first marathon!


I look forward to pumpkin everything every year! I just can’t get enough :) I saw Taylor Swift on her very first tour. She was fantastic then so I can only image how much fun you will have at the concert! One of my life goals is to see Tim McGraw perform. I love concerts!


YES pumpkin everything! So far I’ve seen pumpkin Pepperidge Farm cookies, Keebler cookies, Entemann’s doughnuts and frosted cake, and Chobani yogurt – I’m always on the lookout for more!


I’m doing St. George, too! I’m alternating between being pumped and being very afraid of how my quads will handle going down.

Definitely Pumpkin bread. Nom.


I feel you on the lack of motivation. I have been struggling with a new pair of shoes and just cant get back into the swing. I have a 1/2 marathon in 2 weeks are really need to get out of the funk!
I do like pumpkin…in moderation. I am not a coffee drinker so at least I can avoid that, but mmm pumpkin bread


I feel like I am in the EXACT same place as you. I’m worn out and not loving each of my runs right now! I’m glad to know I’m not the only one. :)


I’m so jealous! I’ve been trying to win tickets to T-Swift ALL week!

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