IT IS BACK and St. George Marathon Training Week #12

Just the normal Sunday went down over here.  Sleep in a bit, eat pancakes and wear something other than running clothes all day long (I stay in my workout gear for way too long on the other six days of the week).  

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Like usual, I changed into pajamas approximately 3 seconds after church.  

Brooke was extremely proud of her necklace that she created in nursery and she wanted to show you.

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My strange favorite food combination is back in my life.  A baked sweet potato, avocado and bbq sauce.  All three ingredients taste amazing on their own so of course they taste delicious together.

Don’t knock it until you try it.  

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Chocolate milk afternoon at the counter.  

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And a spontaneous trip up to Salt Lake City to visit a new park.  There aren’t any parks near us with awesome sandboxes so going up north for this park was definitely worth the drive.  

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Brooke met a new friend too.  It is going to be a sad day when she stops calling cats ‘kitty cats.’

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We are also still eating way too many peaches each day.  I just never want to get to the end of peach season and realize that I didn’t take advantage of the best fruit of the year. 

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Week #12 of marathon training is done and done!

Monday:  8.78 miles @ 7:24 average.  8:00 pace warm-up and cool-down.  10 x 1 minute @ 5:39 pace with 1 minute recoveries.  (treadmill)

Tuesday:  5 miles @ 7:59 pace (trails!)

Wednesday:  2 mile warm-up, 2 x 3 miles @ 6:13 average pace (with .54 mile recovery), 2 mile cool-down.  10.54 miles total.

Thursday:  4 miles @ 8:37 average

Friday:  22 miles @ 7:29 average pace.  Longest run that I will do before the marathon.  Things are getting real up in here.   

After my long run I was weirdly really cold—>  a blanket while I stretched out help quite a bit.  

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Saturday:  3 miles @ 8:30 pace (treadmill)

Sunday:  OFF!

53.32 miles total.  I think the highest weekly mileage so far this training cycle.   50-55 miles per week is my happy place.  

Also, random… does anybody else end up with dirt on the inside of their legs from kicking them as they run?  When I first started running my ankles would get bloody because I kicked them so much while I ran.  Somehow that transferred into kicking my legs every now and then instead.  

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Have the day off today?  What are your plans?

What was your best run last week?  Hardest?

Have any random things that you do while you run (like how I kick my calves sometimes)?

Have any food combinations that you love but that other people think is strange?

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Love the peachy smile!

I also sometimes kick the insides of my ankles bloody when I run – hate when that happens!!


I’m always cold after a hard workout. I’m told it’s from my blood pressure dropping.

Strangest food combination would be almond butter and sweet potato. So very good!


Oh, THAT’S WHY! That makes a lot of sense! I’m always freezing after I run. My lips turn blue and everything, if I take too long to warm up in the shower.


I love almond butter on my sweet potato, especially with a sprinkle of cinnamon.


I’m always freezing too. And ya, it’s from BP dropping – which I have a problem with anyway. I actually pack a heavy hoodie now so that I can grab it from my Hus after I cross.


My plans today are to have a baby. I don’t know if baby shares those plans, but I’m due today so here’s hoping!


Here’s hoping! Prayers for you to have this baby. September 7th is a great birthday.


I have the day off today. So excited for an extra day added to the weekend. Especially since I have no specific plans in mind.

I think my long run was my hardest last week. It was 16 miles which isn’t crazy long but it was mentally tough because it was really warm out when we finished.

I put gravy in my salads sometimes instead of salad dressing. My husband thinks it is super strange.


My legs get that inner dirt, too! I’m surprised I’m not super bruised with how much I kick myself.

I love to eat avocados with ketchup and Wheat Thins. People think that’s weird, but I don’t! :)


I’m really in my running/workout clothes way too much, they’re just too comfy though! Plans for today are lots of errands, nothing all that fun BUT my sister just got married yesterday, so that was clearly the weekend highlight!


I get cold after my long runs, too, especially in the summer when I come home to an air conditioned house!

My toughest runs lately have been my mid-week long runs. I love my “real” long runs on the weekends and have no problem waking up early for those, but for some reason knocking out an 8-10 miler in the middle of the work week just kills me. Oh well, only two more high mileage weeks and then the taper begins…can’t wait! Best of luck with the rest of your training!


sweet potatoes with avocado and bbq sauce is one of my most favorite combos! I have it with dinner a few nights a week. Really good if you add black beans :) I am always cold after I run!


We have the day off today – we’re going to a bbq/pool party at a friend’s house, which is good, because it’s supposed to hit 90 again today.

My best and hardest run this week was my first ever 20 miler on Sunday! I’m not insanely sore today, so I guess I’m doing something right! :)

I have scuffs on the inside ankle of most of my shoes from kicking them. It’s not all the time, but it’s enough to mess up my shoes.

I really like snacking on fake crab. It’s not a combo, but people definitely find it strange. :)


Gosh, I need to get on the peach wagon! There are tons of them here in China, but most Chinese like their peaches hard like apples. Crazy right?!

Love your black dress in the first photo!


My only plans today are to rest and relax! I have the day off so I’m planning on doing absolutely nothing but watching the US Open! My best run last week was my race- I took the week easy so none of my runs were bad at all and my race went really well!


You inspired me to put BBQ sauce on my sweet potatoes and I was not disappointed. I have also been known to put peanut butter on my sweet potatoes which is even weirder (but actually very delicious)!


Sweet potatoes with peanut butter is one of my favorite foods!! But yes, some people do think its gross, lol.


For me bloody ankles are a sign that my running shoes are getting worn out and need to be replaced. Scuffs happen but kicking ’til bloody means my gait is off. Could just be me though.


I find the same thing with kicking my ankles. It’s so dang annoying too!


I LOVE your outfit and shoes!! Please share where you got them! Have a wonderful Labor Day with your beautiful princess!!


Thanks Kristin!!! Here is the dress: ($36!!!!)



I always get cold after a long run as well! My favorite weird food combination is baked sweet potatoes with peanut butter. It’s so good, especially when the peanut butter melts!


My husband told me I needed to buy more clothes that aren’t gym clothes. Apparently my comfy clothes have out stayed their welcome. Lol. I’ll be sleeping today since I am coming off of night shift. Enjoy your Labor Day!


I always end up with loads of mud/dirt up the back of my legs, even when walking. I must really flick up my heels when I walk and run! How many weeks do you have until St George?


I get FREEZING cold after long runs, to the point that I have to turn on a space heater, even during the summer.

My favorite strange food combo is cottage cheeze, pretzels, and salsa. So good!


That sounds yummy!!!


I am off today! It’s raining out, so I’m thinking it’s going to be a lazy day with some meal prep mixed in.

I don’t know, I think your avocado-potato mixture looks selfish!


haha.. I always kick the inside of the leg and ankles, especially when I’m tired and particularly in trail running.


I sometimes get dirt on the inside of my calves too…not sure why but I do notice it happens more when my legs are tired, so maybe related to form?
I’m planning to spend today at the pool- so sad that its closing after this weekend!


I’m very grateful I have today off. I start back to school tomorrow, so I’m glad I have one more day of freedom!


I kick myself all the time when I run. I also noticed that I stick my tongue between my top back teeth. Weird, I don’t know why


Great training week! This is my peak week and I’m a bit nervous, but just trying to take it one day at a time!


i kick myself sometimes when I run too. Usually just in the first mile!

Way to go on your peak week and long long run! The taper will be here soon!


Yes! My ankle bones on the inside have permanent scars from being kicked. It hurts! Cute dress!


Thanks Autumn. I have those permanent scars too!!!


I do have the day off today but tomorrow is the start of school, so I have a million things to do! Fun! I did go to the beach yesterday!

My best and worst run was yesterday’s 5K. The best because it was the first time I ran over 4K since mid-July but the worst because it was humid and a hard run :-(


I have permanent callouses on the insides of my ankles from all my self-kicking.


I have no plans for Labor Day, just baking and probably hitting up the gym. I swear when I run I hear, wait for it, water or fluid of some sort swishing in my boobs. It sounds crazy, my boobs are real, and I wear awesome sports bras, it is the craziest… Maybe it comes from all the mayonnaise I put on my fries that people scrunch their faces up when I eat it. In Germany it is cool to do it. Have a great day


I always kick my ankles when I run! Maybe I should work on my form ;-)

No running for me still but I’m going to the Red Sox game with a friend I made in london( she’s visiting boston this weekend) I’m super excited!


My best run was yesterday’s 8 miler. My hardest was my long run……….supposed to be 18 but the heat did me in by 17. It was hard.

I work today but rest from running. Going to give my legs some TLC today.

I occasionally scratch my ankles with my shoe, but not too bad.

I love eating bbq sauce on my sweet potatoes, and my husband thinks it is so weird……….he is not a sweet potato fan!


I kick the inside too, not bloody, but definitely dirty.

Best run was 11 miles on Saturday. I got a really bad stomachache for a few miles in the middle but simultaneously my legs felt amazing and the weather was beautiful.

I’m glad I’m not the only one that goes straight home from church (and work and workouts) to their pajamas. Also, her necklace makes me miss being young enough for Sunday school.


I don’t have the day off today so I’m catching up on my blogs at the office because I don’t want to be here. Womp womp. Time for coffee.

My best run last week was also my hardest. My training group did 19 on Saturday (next week is 22 for peak mileage). The first 14-16 I felt AWESOME and then I just fell apart with this hip issue that’s been popping up and by the end I was basically crawling to get back to our end point. Good times.

I end up with dirt on my legs a lot. I’ve had to get over my aversion to running in rain so mud puddles attack me often.

I don’t think I’ve met a food combo I don’t like. Salted watermelon and cantaloupe…that’s a good one.


i tend to kick my ankles when i run. I’m off from my regular job today but have lots of freelance work i need to do. I just finished the slowest 15 mile long run of my life. Underfueled, not well rested, and had a stitch in my side for almost the whole run. Walked a lot but it’s over and i’m moving on =)


Hmmm…you would feel if you were kicking your legs wouldn’t you? And then your gait is way off! I get that dirt too and I think it’s just the trails/roads whatever kicking up dirt as we run and sticks/settles to our skin…so I assumed.


I thought it was just me but I get cold after I run too!! So weird!

My best run last week was probably my speed work and long run. Nailed them both :)


I missed my half marathon training long run on Saturday due to having company this weekend. My goal was to get up early today and get it done. That did NOT happen. My half marathon training is struggling this time around due to leg pain, being sick, traveling, and terrible humidity that I am not used to. Let’s hope I can turn things around before marathon training begins in December! Keep up the good work! I lived in SLC for 2 years and LOVED it!


I almost always end up with dirt on my calves after a long run. I’ve worked really hard to not kick myself, but I revert back to my old ways when I get tired :) Favorite weird combo: cottage cheese and baked potato. It’s not too out there, but none of my friends will try it!


I used to get cold after my long runs, now it only happens once in a while. I do kick the inside of my ankles occasionally, the PT told me that’s due to the imbalance in my hip. Mostly now the dirt is what I kick up, sunscreen and sweat make it stick.

In the winter I get a bloody nose when I run and now I have to use saline spray and vaseline on frigid long runs. Every year it’s something new and freaky.

Funny, my easy recovery run felt the hardest last week but technically, it would have been the hill run. (which was tough but felt okay).


Is that a ‘new to you’ park or a new park? Either way, we need a new one too! Where is it?


Hey Laura! It is a new to us park:) Seriously… in the most beautiful area of SLC. I want every house around it ha. It is Laird Park.


That kicking your calves happens because you probably pronate a bit! Happens to me too.

I’m eating an HRG inspired weird combo for my lunches this week: cottage cheese + cut up nectarine!


There is an amazing park near us in Highland (Highland Glen) that has a huge sandbox and a LAKE! The sand area is separate from the lake so you don’t have to worry about the kids wandering over and falling in the lake but close enough that little legs can walk between the two and enjoy both. It is an amazing park. One of my favorites.


WHAT?!?!!? Thank you Amy for letting me know about this. I can’t wait to take Brooke!!!


Brooke is so cute! My little girl loves creating things in nursery too :) And what a fun park! My daughter would be in heaven! :)


I’ve never tried that sweet potato combo, but when I was in college I started eating “cheesy” rice – rice with a bunch of shredded cheese mixed in! I’ll still make the combo every once in a while. One I retired was shell noodles with veggie dip mixed in :)


I don’t kick myself when I run, but I might try it because you are fast! =)

We are currently waiting for the rain to stop so we can go swimming. Come on out sunshine!

An odd food combo I like is vanilla ice cream and Ranch Doritos. I don’t care for either of them alone, but together they are crazy good!


My PT says when that kicking happens that it’s a sign of tired legs and that I need to step up my strength training, specifically all the muscles in legs and feet.


That makes total sense. Looks like I need more strength training!


Brooke’s necklace is beautiful!

I used to see scuff marks on my ankles after long runs but haven’t for a very long time…you might consider a change in shoes kiddo, I know that sounds horrifying because I know how you love your shoes.


I kick myself when I run, no matter which shoes I run in and I have several different types in my rotation.


I always get dirt all over the inside of my ankles and legs….I don’t understand it. Haha. That sandbox does look awesome. Good find!


Awesome week of workouts lady! You crushed your 22-miler. A great sign of things to come in just a few weeks. I’m so excited for you and St. George. And love your black dress :) xo


I’m so craving avocado now!

I definitely kick dirt up when I run, the backs of my legs are always dirty after I run!

Today is a long run, normally I like to do these in the morning but trying out an evening run because the morning was packed. We’ll see how my first evening 9 miler goes!


Have the day off today? What are your plans?
-Off but being 100% lazy!

What was your best run last week? Hardest?
The best and hardest was my 24 miler on Saturday. It is the longest distance I ran alone.

Have any random things that you do while you run (like how I kick my calves sometimes)?
I like to sing and talk to myself.


My best run last week was definitely a 3 mile run in the mountains. . . I <3 our mountains.

And your pants that you're wearing (the gray ones) look like some Nike pants I have? Are they Nike?


I work from home super part time so I feel like most days are days off! :) Every once and a while I kick the inside of my leg, and man does it hurt. I love toast and chocolate milk, like dipping the toast in general chocolate milk. It’s so good I promise.


-Yes, day off spending as much time enjoying the “last day of summer” before kindergarten starts tomorrow.
-Best run was Sunday because I was finally on the rail trail and off the TM!!
-I started listening to Ginger Runner via podcast…best thing ever!!
:) Have a wonderful week!


I spent the day relaxing at the beach, trying to soak up the last bits of summer :)

Can you, please, share your church outfit details??? The dress and shoes are SO cute!!!!


I had a 21 miler this weekend! I also kick up dirt and my ankles get dirty!


That avocado creation looks delicious!


I have scars on my ankles from when I started running and occasionally still knock my feet together mid stride, it’s so weird!


My long run last week was actually my best – I think the cloudy conditions really helped, as well as the route I took this week. Hardest right now are my hill repeats, but I feel them getting easier each week, so that is encouraging.

I totally eat the sweet potato, avocado, and BBQ sauce creation because of your posts. The first time my husband saw it, he was intrigued, but I think also slightly disgusted. :) Sometimes I elevate the combo to your salad bar level – adding more veggies like broccoli and tomato and also chicken.


I love the necklace! I wish we could do things like that in my nursery class but we have so many wild boys I count it as a win if I don’t have to chase any runaways that day — necklaces would mean attempted stranglings. :P


we just made grilled peaches for the first time ever yesterday and YUM! I love peach season, but I think strawberries are my favorite (yum strawberry and nutella). My weird running thing is scrunching my toes. Its so weird, I can feel myself doing it then tell my toes to relax and then they just do it again!


That photo of Brooke with the peach is too cute!

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