14 things from our Thursday!

1.  Spent many hours at my sister’s house.  I sure have mastered living in workout clothes.  

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2.  Brought her our favorite twinner salads for lunch.  
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3.  This little dude was the life of the conversation.  
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4.  My favorite type of KIND bar for a snack.  It pretty much tastes like a candy bar to me.  
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5.  Attended Megan’s bootcamp more for the social reasons than the physical reasons (I took it easy so that I’m not too sore for my fast finish long run on Saturday morning).  Nothing like catching up with a bunch of amazing girls while we get some good endorphins.
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6.  Walkers Club was reunited afterwards.  
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7.  Sleeping babies (okay, she is definitely not a baby but just let me hold onto that every now and then) are the sweetest.
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8.  THIS JUST OPENED IN OUR AREA.  I have waited for this for a very long time.  Now I just need a Trader Joe’s close and I will be set and probably never ever move away.  
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9.  Burrito bowls at 9 pm.  First dinner was before bootcamp—>  an egg sandwich.
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10.  My almost midnight snack.
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11.  This stretch——>  I probably stopped to do this approximately 60 times yesterday.  Those IT Bands love this one.  
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12.  Spent some time reading up on mental training!  Loved this one, this one, this one and this one!   Working on being mentally tough.  I’ve done most of the physical training for this sub-3 but need to really work on the mental aspect.  
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13.  Just a string cheese filled smile.  
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14. BirkenSOCKS… get it?  I’ve always had a strange sense of humor. 
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Just a few miles on the agenda for my workout today and lots of hydrating, foam rolling, resting, carb loading etc in order to prepare for a great long run this weekend.   
What are your weekend plans??

Any restaurants/stores that you wish would move into your area?

Chipotle fan?  What is your typical order there?

Favorite late night snack?

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Your nephew is getting so big – he’s gorgeous!

That KIND bar… – YUM!!!!


We are having a get together this weekend for the season opened of the Bears! I am also doing my last long run before my half next weekend!

I LOVE Chiptole. I always go with the sofritas bowl filled to the brim with veggies!


Not much this weekend beyond a 20 miler, or at least my brain hasn’t gotten there yet. Bootcamp definitely requires two dinners :)


It’s supposed to be gorgeous in TN! Long run, Greek festival and celebrating my Gran’s birthday!
I wish your Cafe Rio was here.
LOVE chipotle! Sofritas taco salad
Fave late night snack: hot chocolate


I have nothing specific planned for the weekend other than my last 20 mile long run! Then bring on the taper!

Love Chipotle. I always get burrito bowls, never the same one, but always the bowl. I wish we could get a Panera where I live. But then I would eat their mac and cheese All. The. Time.

Your nephew is so stinkin cute! And he’s getting so big!


My soccer coach in high school always used to tell us that if we felt like we couldn’t run another step we were only halfway there. He always thought that our mind stopped us way too early. I’m not sure I completely buy it, but I’ve always thought back to it when I bonked out during a run.

Weekend plans –> WE GET OUR NEW COUCH TODAY. So date night on the couch with Mad Max.

I wish In & Out would move over here to the east coast.

I loooove Chipotle. Chicken burrito bowl is my go-to.

Fav late night snack? Probably string cheese? I try not to snack after dinner, since we don’t eat until 8 or 8:30 anyway. Good luck on your run tomorrow!


Chipotle is the best! There’s one near my work and you can order online…it’s the best. I usually get the chicken bowl with corn and mild salsa, cheese and sour cream and guac! So good :) Have a great run Janae!


Can’t wait for a relaxing weekend, though I am going tomorrow to try to find a new place to live. Would love not to stress about that anymore!

And I wish we had a Fazoli’s near me! I love that place.


Baking several items, grocery shopping, hanging with Zachary, and running. Which is pretty much every weekend. Memphis needs so many things to make it right, Trader Joes, Publix, the list goes on. I have never been to Chipotle, maybe this weekend!!!!
have a great day


The only real plan I have for this weekend is a 15 mile run tomorrow morning! I wish that we had a good fro-yo place close to where I live. I used to have one right down the street, and now I have to drive 15 minutes to get to one- that just doesn’t seem right.


It’s crazy how big your nephew is getting! Also, congrats on the Chipotle. It;s basically all I ever eat.


I love Chipotle! I always get either the vegetarian or pulled pork burrito bowl. My weekend plans are an 18 mile long run and not much else. Cereal is one of my favorite late night snacks.


Brooke will always be your baby. The other day someone asked my mom if she could believe I was 29 years old and she said no I still think of Kristina as if she’s five hha ha. Hope you have a great weekend of running I can’t believe that I’m in my final two weeks of build before Chicago! Can the taper really be around the corner?!


Going to the Badger game Chris and some other friends tomorrow.

Trying to decide if I should long run before, or on Sunday? Decisions.


Ohhh girl I’m so excited you have a Chipotle now!!! It’s AMAZING!


mmm Chipolte! We don’t have one in our new town, but we stop whenever we travel. We have 18 miles planned for this weekend, a long nap, and some household chores. We haven’t finished unpacking our basement yet so I’m hoping to make some progress there.


I love those dark chocolate kind bars :)

I wish I had a Jamba Juice where I lived… I’ve been craving the strawberry surfrider big time!


It’s bad enough that Canada doesn’t have a Trader Joe’s, but even more of a bummer that my university town doesn’t have a Starbucks! What’s with that! Only two cities in Canada have a Chipoltle (neither of my cities of course)
Weekend plans include celebrating a birthday, lots of yoga and Sunday morning pancakes:)


I’ve got a 10k on Sunday as part of my half training. The rest of the weekend will be baseball & soccer games!


I’ve been traveling this week – beautiful Lake Tahoe … for work. So I’m ready to get back home to the family and go to soccer games and lots of hugs!!!


7.5 miles to do tomorrow, and I wish Chick fil’a was in front of my house!


i’m hoping to get in a good long run tomorrow morning but not sure quite how many miles i’ll eek out! good luck with yours. we have Chipotles all over the place –there’s one a block from my apt even — and i can count how many times i’ve gone on one hand in the past 5 years since i’ve lived here. i always forget about it and opt for salads at the organic market on my corner.


haha your birkenSOCKS.
you seriously got me dying for peaches- yours always look so juicy and perfect!
Chipotle- my brother taught me this- order a buritto bowl but ask for a tortilla in the bottom. all the chipotle goodness gets soaked in the tortilla and its AMAZING.
favorite late night snack- any kind of cereal.
Have an awesome weekend!!


If I want something late at night, it usually ends up chocolate chips :) I don’t go to Chipotle often but I like it better than Moe’s.


I really wish a trader joe’s would come to our area. We heard a rumor that there were plans for one, but they were worried it’d take business away from the closest store…which is an hour away! :(

Chipotle is my absolute favorite! I usually either get the veggie burrito w/ chips and guac (and split it with my husband), or get the veggie burrito bowl (which I get all to myself). :)


Just went to Chipotle for the first time a few weeks ago and loved it! Sad we are moving to a place (Alaska) that doesn’t have any around.
Weekend plans; to have a baby. Nervous as heck


Good luck this weekend ;-)

And moving to Alaska sounds amazing! Where are you going?


Thank you! We are moving to Fairbanks!


My weekend plans include the Lehigh Valley Marathon this Sunday, ahhh!! Love the excerpt on mental toughness – I’ll definitely be using that for this race!

I wish there was a Cafe Rio in Philadelphia! I was spoiled living 10 minutes away from one in California, but we don’t have any in Pennsylvania. :/

Favorite late night snack –> apples with almond butter!


It looks like you are having an enjoyable time. I’m a big chipotle fan, although I haven’t been there in a few weeks. It’s awesome for takeout, etc. My weekend plans involve just working…so boring…


have a great long run Janae! :) I wish we had a souplantation close by, love that place. :) have a great weekend!! my daughter is almost 19 & she’ll always be my ‘baby’ girl. :) it’s hard seeing them grow up so keep taking all those pictures & videos my friend.


HOW IS SHE ALMOST NINETEEN!?!? Time flies. She is absolutely stunningly beautiful just like her mama! Sure love you and can’t wait to see you in 21 days!!


Thanks, I needed that advice about the mental training today. I’ve got a marathon on Sunday and I know my mental game is always the hardest for me. Gotta just keep going!!!
Have a great Friday :)


Chopping my hair today and donating to Pantene Beautiful Lengths, date night with hubby, a long run tomorrow, and some quality time catching up with a good book.


Yeah for Chipotle! This weekend my best friend is coming to visit and I really need to see her too. I was in a car accident broke my leg and on crutches and have a concussion.


You seem to get to sleep pretty late! Do you get up early? Does it affect you? Lack of sleep is a huge issue for me and I know it affects my workouts (and daily life)…but hard to break bad habits.


It really is hard. I think trying to combine being a mom, working at night when Brooke is asleep, the fact that I am a worrier and it keeps me up, attempting to be social to meet people and dating are taking a toll and sleep is the first to go. Some nights I get in bed at 1 and some nights at 10. My coach gave me a lecture just recently about the next three weeks and getting way more sleep. It definitely affects me but it is hard to find different solutions ya know? I hope that you start getting more sleep, keep me updated. Let’s work on it together.


I was excited to have a chipotle move into our area but it’s just a smidge too far so I still haven’t gone.

My fave late night snack is yogurt with chocolate chips or (even better!) a chocolate protein bar chopped up in it.


That is so true about the brain!! In my 94 degree marathon I wanted to stop so many times and my brain kept telling me I couldn’t do it, I was going to slow down and not make my goal –I had a mantra ready I’d found: ‘It’s a beautiful day and I’m doing what I love’ and ‘power through’ from Jeff Galloway’s mantras because I knew it was the pain side of the brain talking to me and I was NOT going to let it win. Soon I pushed past that ‘wall’ and was in my final victory lap of the 6 hr endurance race and had surpassed my goal I’d set. Yesterday I learned I was only 1.16 mi away from being the Masters female winner for age 40-49 but I’m OK with that, I left everything I had on the course! ?


I love both of those mantras so much. Thank you for sharing Tricia. Huge congratulations on your SIX HOUR endurance race (in 94 degrees!?!?). You are beyond strong mentally and physically and you rocked that race! Wow.


Why do I get so hungry when I read your posts?


There is a Pinkberry semi-close to me and then a Yogurtland about a mile away but I really wish a Sweet Frog would just open up next door :)

Favorite late night snack … Toast w/ Nutella or cookie butter from TJ’s!

Good luck on the long run this weekend! What do you have scheduled?!


No big weekend plans over here… and it’s a cut back week which means lots of time to watch movies on my couch! I really wish there was a Jimmy John’s around here… Best late night snack = frosted mini wheats. They never get old.


We don’t have a Trader Joe’s either and I’m desperately waiting for one! For a long time, New Frontier’s had a monopoly on the area, so nothing could move up the mountain to Flag and now we have so much TJ’s says the market is too saturated. NOOO! I’m holding out hope.

I have a dentist appointment this afternoon (booooo) and then my last longish-run before my half marathon next weekend! And lots of laundry. Have a great weekend!


I love your stretch in #11, too. Did you know that you can do it by supporting the leg you are stretching across the edge of a desk/table/couch/counter instead of your other leg? That gives you the additional options of sliding your leg left/right, leaning forward/upright, and/or bending and straightening your supporting leg for different heights. All of a sudden you get 6 awesome IT stretches per session! (Some people may be able to all that the traditional way you showed us…but if I tried the variations without an edge, I’d land on my face.)


Great idea! Thank you so much… off to try that out right now:)


Oh man my favorite KIND bar is maple sea salt pecan. It is the most magical thing ever made.


Looking at the picture of Brooke with the string cheese….I know she bit into it. I can tell…and it makes me shudder just thinking about it. #ImNotDramaticAtAll

Last night my late night snack was dipping freeze dried bananas from TJ into PB and sprinkling them with chocolate chips #IShouldHaveJustHadIceCreamWithRoss #SameCalorieProbably His concoction last night was vanilla ice cream, marshmallow cream and m&ms #InfoNoOneCaresAbout

Good luck on your run tomorrow. If you want to celebrate after with fro yo, you just let me know. #ImSoSefless


Favorite late night snacks: Oreos, salty things (chips and popcorn), or chocolate! YUMMM.


After a morning run tomorrow, I am going to a Humane Society Event tomorrow with my pup and my mom and her pup! My sister works there and helps organize it so I am looking forward to going and supporting the cause!
I LOVE Chipotle!! Its my favorite “fast food” place. I usually get either the chicken or sofritas burrito bowl with brown rice, black beans, corn salsa, Pico, little cheese, guacamole and lettuce. My mouth is watering just thinking about it ;-)
I would love to try Café Rio if they were in my area!
I hope you have a great weekend and good luck on your long run!


My long run is “only” 10 miles tomorrow. You know you’re marathon training when 10 miles is preceded by “only.”


Long run tomorrow morning. And then we have a few options. I am leaning towards Oyster fest (or at least dropping by the festival for oysters). A birthday party for my local park and an all day folk concert at the park 2 blocks over from that. (yes, they really have a party for the park’s birthday complete with birthday cake).

I want a Fairway Market (grocery store) and a Whole Foods.

Chipotle’s ok, I get the burrito bowl. I only go every few months though. (generally after a long run).


FYI…the Sherpa blanket that I bought @ Costco last year, thanks to your advice, is back in stock. I couldn’t wait to go back for more after falling in love with mine from last year. It is shown on the back of your sofa (stretching picture) :-)


AHHHHHHHHHH THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME KNOW! I will go today. It is my favorite ever and I love to give them as gifts. THANKS KRISTINE!


I’m running a little, working a little and spending time with the boyfriend.
There is an amazing tex mex restaurant only 15 min away but it’s over a bridge and the toll keeps me from going. If they opened a location on my side of the bridge i would be so happy!


I love love love Chipotle! Actually, I was just there last night. I always get their veggie salad. YUM!!!

I would love for a Fuddruckers to open here, but it’s really for the best that they don’t. ;)

I’ve got 9 miles on the schedule tomorrow, and then it’s the Fit2Run Ambassadors season kickoff party. I’m really looking forward to it!

Good luck with your run tomorrow!


I would ADORE it if Cafe Rio would open a store closer than about 1000 miles from my house. I got to try it in D.C. when visiting a friend (who did not understand I HAD to try it because it is the Hungry Runner Girl place). It was as delicious as you advertised and I have missed it since!


I hope so badly that you get one within .5 miles of your house ASAP!! I am so glad that you got to try it and loved it… that place is the best. Hope you have an amazing weekend Chastity!


-LOTS of family time! My little girl has had the roughest of toughest weeks at Kindergarten!
-I would love a whole foods near by, I think the closest is 1.5 hours away…
-Late night snack: apples and pb! :)


Janae what color is on your nails? Love it!


HEY!! So they are shellac and I get them done… next time I am there (in 1.5 weeks) I will get the color and post it/comment back to you!


I had to chime in and (randomly) offer that I am trying cottage cheese and grapes for the first time right now as I eat my lunch … I could not wrap my head around the concept even after all of your attempts to convince us readers .. until your most recent shout-out to the combo. I finally thought “okay, I’m going to try it to see if it isn’t as weird as I think it is.” Um, yeah, VERY tasty!!!! I’m sold :)


My hubby is headed to Erie, PA to try to qualify for Boston next year. He missed it by 12 seconds at boston (well technically 2.5min if you really want to get in.) He’s done it for the last 8yrs so I’d be a little sad if he didn’t make it.

The Great Reno Balloon races are this weekend. Sis and I are taking the kids early tomorrow morning. I love being on the field with balloons. The look on the kids faces are the best! Then, my sister and I are pushing the kids in the jogger for a local 8k race on Sunday. The only way I could talk my sister into doing it was volunteering to push the double while she got the single stroller. Fair right?!

Good luck with your fast long run tomorrow! Have a great weekend too!


Love chipotle and had actually had it for dinner last night as well. I get the sofritas bowl everytime with brown rice, etc. I am sure you will get a trader joe’s soon – only a matter of time before there is one in every city/town in America!


So I actually went to Chipotle on the day of their soft opening because I had no idea that they weren’t actually open to the public. They told my sis and I that today was invitation only, but since they weren’t busy we could come in and eat for FREE! I almost cried I was so happy! That was my first time eating Chipotle and I thought it was delicious. So fresh and yummy!!!


hahaha I’ve always called it Socks N’ Stocks when my husband does it!! I wear the sandals with the toe divider so I can’t really wear socks with them even if I wanted to ;) well, unless I pulled out toe socks from the 90s!!!!!


I LOVE Chipotle – I hope you get a TJ’s soon too!


Love Chipotle!! I have been loving the Sofritas burrito lately!!
Late night snack: popcorn or dark chocolate
Running this weekend and enjoying every moment!! :)


We call that “socks & ‘stocks” up in Oregon :)


Janae- I read a couple of those mental training articles earlier today during a break at work… really really liked them, thanks for sharing :) I am currently doing a lot of mental training and re-training in more than 1 aspect of my life right now, and I like that you really can apply it to all aspects of life- including running! xoxo


Random question – Do you eat the skin on your peaches?


I do! Do you?


No I don’t like the fuzzy texture of peach skin. Now I do with nectarines – aren’t they similar fruits?


Medford, OR (I live just south in Ashland) just got the first Oregon In-N-Out, whoop whoop! The line is estimated at 3 hours long. Hollay mollay.

I’m gonna get me some animal style protein style burger in probably a year.

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