Running deposits, a moose on my run and it arrived.

Things started off bright and early today up in a canyon.  My coach wanted me to find a route that was similar to the last 16 miles of the St. George Marathon course and so that is what I did.  I ran down the canyon a bit, then I would run back up the big hills and continued to do that for the first 8 miles so that I could get some killer ups and downs in to get my legs ready for the marathon course.  

My dad joined me for the first 8 because he is a saint and likes to drive by me when I am running in the dark or alone in the canyon.  He saved the day.  

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It was a gorgeous morning out and it wasn’t very warm but for some strange reason I was sweating like crazy for the entire run.  Weird.  

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Have I convinced you to come run with me in the Utah mountains yet?

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My dad saw this little dude hanging out right next to the road.  I don’t know how I missed out on seeing him but I must have been in the zone… I’m actually really glad I didn’t see him because I think it would have scared me.  

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The first ten were at my normal long run pace (around a 7:20) and the last 6 were at tempo pace.  I did those last six on a gradual downhill/flat portion to mimic the last 6 miles of the marathon. 

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I was beat by the end.  But it is done and it is a deposit into my sub 3 marathon goal bank account.  Gotta keep making some really great deposits over the next few weeks.  

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Another deposit—>  taking an ice bath afterwards (even though I hate them) to help me recover fast so that I can work hard again soon.  Yep, I wear a parka for my ice baths.  I sit in the bath tub and the ice water goes to just right above my hips and so I wear the parka for my upper body:)

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180 Tacos with this girl was a huge deposit in my happiness bank account.  

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Two random things…

-Brooke’s red hat arrived in the mail.  She has been asking for a ‘red hat for her birfday’ every day for the last month.

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-Thank you Target for always having the best wrapping paper.  Well, thank you Target for always having the best everything.

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How is your Thursday going?  Any fun plans tonight!?!

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Oh my gosh that moose!! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a moose in real life, but I love in NC haha. Great job on your run!


Thanks girl! SERIOUSLY… doesn’t that thing look huge. I get a little freaked out just seeing the picture because I have heard that they aren’t the nicest animals.


Your running scenery is SO much better than my morning route here in the DC suburbs. Inhaling fumes from rush hour traffic vs. beautiful Utah – you win! I ran the Big Cottonwood marathon last year and fell in love with your state.

I like the running shorts – who makes them?


HEY JENN!! The brand is SUGOi and I think they are actually biking shorts ha. Come back to Utah and run:) I really want to do Big Cottonwood someday! I hope you have a great night!


Thanks, Janae! Highly recommend Big Cottonwood if you enjoy a net downhill like I do. You probably already know about them, but Revel has 3 “downhill” (let’s be real -“down mountain” is more like it) marathons (UT, CO, and CA) and I ran their Revel Rockies race in Denver last month. Stellar. PR by 10 minutes, although my legs were more torn up than usual in the following days. ;)


Jealous of those mountains!

My Thursday night plans include Body Pump and buying a new planner for the school year (yes, paper planners still make me so happy even though I also use the calendar on my phone/computer!)


I LOVE PAPER PLANNERS still too. I rarely use my phone calendar ha. Enjoy body pump!


I wanna come run in Utah!! It looks gorgeous!

My Thursday has been fun but chaotic at work, and I’m really excited to meet with two girls I mentor after work. Then it’s time for froyo, dinner (yes, in that order) and relaxing!!


I love thinking about workouts that way- deposits to get to my goal! So much easier for me to run than to actually save money ;)

Had a great easy run with a friend this morning followed by a 4 minute sprint Tabata and now I’m totally free tonight and have zero plans besides re-watching The Mindy Prj for the 4th time. SEPTEMBER 15th!!!!!!!!!!!!


bahaha I have the same money deposit problem… running is easier:) Sounds like an awesome morning and enjoy MINDY!


I would have been scared that it would have charged at me or something.

Speed work tonight. And looking for people to guest post for me. And watching Fixer Upper…hopefully.


Jeez, that is one big Moose! I don’t think I’ve ever really see one in person. I think I might have a mini heart attack.


That view really is amazing! I’m packing and running around like mad trying to prepare for our trip Sat. Only a ton of packing, last minute blogging, and a 17 miler to get out of the way before I leave! At least it will feel that much better once I’m there!


I hope you have an amazing trip Michele and you will rock your 17 miler!


Moooooose!! So big!

I want tacos. like a lot of them. dangit. Tonight I am going to my run club, running 5 miles fast (for me. so like, 9 minute mile.) and then going home to eat aaalll of my ice cream. And I have the day off tomorrow, so thats fabulous!


OMG I can hardly believe it’s her birthday again, she is getting so big, you are a proud mamma!! But she can’t join the red hat society just yet, that is for old woman like me!!

Moose would scare me toooo

Packing for vacation – Lake Tahoe here I come

Your Dad is a trooper!


Have so much fun at Lake Tahoe Nancy!!


Nice moose!! I’ve never seen anything more than a snake on my path!

I’ve only flown over Utah and it does look nice from up in the sky :-)


Wait, can you explain the parka in the ice bath situation? Like do you just plunge in parka and all or do you just soak your feet? This might be a dumb question but I am so curious haha!

My Thursday plans include a run and packing up my apartment for a big move on Saturday!


Yeah… I didn’t explain that very well. I sit in the bath and the water goes just to right above my hips. I wear the parka for my upper body:)

ENJOY your run and good luck with the move!


Awesome run! And your dad is a saint!

I am on my way to the airport to head to Charlotte to see some family!


It’s date night with the boy! I can’t wait. And I went shopping today and bought foundation and bronzer for the first time in my life. Almost 42 and realize I need to grow up lol.


Your view is seriously amazing. That in itself would be daily motivation to run. Today I hit the pool for 60 minutes of laps and drills. Then this afternoon I had a private Pilates session to keep my quad and hips strong while my leg heals. I’m still nursing a tibia fracture. :(


Are you kidding me that that was your time?!?! Speeding bullet and you definitely should have ordered like 12 tacos to fuel you after that one!

Thursday plans-good stuff. Unpacking. And maybe a hot date in my pj’s with popcorn when I’m done. Thanks for getting me out of the house today! I needed it!! Love you girl!!


I bought that same doughnut paper for my 4 year old niece’s bday yesterday. It’s awesome!


Great minds think alike:)


Great job on your run! That scenery is gorgeous, I love mountains. I think about each workout as a deposit towards my goal also – a great motivator through tough workouts!


Today was the first day of school so I’m exhausted! The kiddos were happy to be back and wore me out :)


So pretty! Your pics always make me miss the mountains.

I can’t believe your dad’s moose picture! That would totally freak me out if I saw that on my run. No, thank you!

Tonight we have a Back to School event for my oldest daughter. She is a high school senior this year! =(


You’re running on the wrong side of the road girl! Careful!


Great job on your run!! I knew you could do it!


I am going to pretend I have that scenery when I am running my 14-miler on Saturday in glorious Indiana – cornfields are so beautiful :) Although I do get to travel to Denver next month for work, and will get to do some running there – so excited!!

Tonight is a rest night so it is chicken spaghetti for dinner, hanging out with my boys, and the pups.

Enjoy your time with Brooke tonight when she gets home – I always count down to when my boys come home from their dad’s house, and they are 10 and 13. They will always be momma’s boys.


We just get each other… nothing better than when the kiddos get home. Enjoy spaghetti, the boys and the pups. Oh and I hope you love exploring Denver via your running shoes!


Great job on the run! Moose are scary! I run in Salt Lake, and I’ve seen one almost every Saturday morning this summer on my long runs. Yikes!


SERIOUSLY!?!? That is crazy… and scary.


You’ve totally convinced me to come running in the Utah mountains!! I’m jealous every time I see your pictures. Utah and Colorado are on my bucket list. Coming from New Zealand though, so that may be a ways off yet…… :))


How about I come to New Zealand first and you show me the best places to run there:)


I was just telling my husband the other day that I don’t want to leave the Northeast (we’re hoping to move to California from New York) until I see a moose in person. We’ve even made trips up to Vermont specifically to see moose, but we’ve never even gotten a glimpse of one. I think seeing one on the side of the road during a run would scare me too. :)


Your running pictures and beautiful trails always make me want to move to Utah specifically to run!


I didn’t even know there were moose in Utah! I’ve seen coyotes on occasion but no moose! Killer run girl!


That moose would have scared me silly!
Great job on your run!! :)
-Thursday’s plans were a drive up to my families cabin for a full day of swimming and sandcastles. :)


Way to go on our long run! My sis use to live in Alaska and they would have moose in their backyard!

Aren’t dads the best?! My dad biked the entire way with me for my 20 miler training last year – it’s a wonderful memory I’ll always cherish!

Tonight was pizza and the pool! I’m also learning the world of blogging since I just started my own. It’s exciting and nerve wreaking!

Also I got my I’m hungry because I run shirt today! So u can ignore my other comment and I’m wearing it for my tempo run tomorrow!


My last trip back “home” I learned a new (at least to me) ice bath trick: If you don’t need it for your hips/butt/lower back, fill up a tall trash can (like you put out on the curb on trash day) with ice and cold water and stand in it. Voila…ice/water all the way up your thighs but not any higher than you want.


Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.


Great run!
Tonight get I went to get a hair cut. The head massage was the best.


Great run!
Tonight I went to get a hair cut. The head massage was the best.


My Thursday was great! And, your running scenery looks awesome!


I love that running shot of you! Very pretty!


Omg I thought you meant you ate 180 tacos. Phew.


i love that mentality – the “running deposits”


Great running pics :) My boyfriend bought me the Garmin Forerunner 220 as a gift this week and I love it! Gave myself an at-home mani/pedi tonight. Essie gel setter = pretty.


Seriously. Target really does have the best everything! We moved to a new town last month and the closest Target is almost an hour away. I’ve already planned my weekends so that once a month I can make the trip to stock up on the ‘necessities.’

I love the ‘deposit’ lingo :)


that wrapping paper! so cute!! And a red hat for her birthday– brooke is so funny! :)


Wow that moose looks huge! I’m glad you didn’t see it while you were running haha. I love Target party supplies, I have way too much already but I always buy more wrapping paper/bags!


Your dad ROCKS! Really.

My nephew is turning 3 same days as Brooke and he LOVES to run too. Whenever I visit he immediately asks to go “run fast” with me. So tonight I’m making some energy bars to send to him to make sure he stays speedy.

Excellent long run!!


Love, love, love your blog! And the moose, of course!

Gotta ask…are you running on the wrong side of the road? Gotta watch out for the safety of my favorite running blogger!


Random question for you! I noticed your headphones in the picture and was wondering what you think is the best way to run with non-wireless headphones. I have one of those arm bands for my phone and the cord is always getting in my way, and I think the arm band messes up my form a little. I’ve thought about putting it in the little back pocket of my running capris, but am afraid of it getting too sweaty. Just wondering what you do! I’m training for my first marathon so thinking of investing in wireless headphones, but haven’t splurged yet.


Janae! My friends and I were driving up through the canyon and I think I saw you!! I was so excited to go through the Salt Lake area on our road trip from Denver. I love your blog!! :)


Utah is so beautiful and looks like an amazing place to run!!
Love the Moose! We saw at least two when were in Wyoming a couple of years ago. They are such neat animals.
Nice job on the run and Dads are the best!!!


You are so inspirational! And I will never get over how gorgeous Utah is and how grateful I am to live here :)


Wow, beautiful running trail – those mountains are breathtaking!


Love the Utah scenery and AWESOME pace on your long run. Your dad is so sweet to make sure you are safe (and take some cool pictures)! Happy birthday to Brooke – the donut wrapping paper is the coolest :)


I need to know where that tank to is from!

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