15 things that get me through my races and she is back!!!

I feel whole again (yes, I am probably a tad bit dramatic but I don’t know how to change).

Brooke got home to me at 8 last night and it really is crazy how I finally feel like myself again now that she is home.   Back to normal life which is my favorite kind of life.

Also, she always pats me on the back with her little right hand when we hug.

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After catching up on things and putting her stuff away we went for our nightly summertime walk.

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And an ice cream cone happened along the way.

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Rewind to before Brooke got home…

I had dinner at 5 pm.  That is just what happens the day of a long run… I get hungry early and end up having a second dinner later on.

I had some steamed broccolette with a baked potato (non-sweet.. just a normal one) with grilled chicken, bbq sauce and an avocado.

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The other half of the avocado was eaten with a spoon while the guy was eating his dinner.  The more avocados I eat, the better I feel.  I swear they are a magic food.

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Also, this is pretty exciting—>  a reader sent me a link to a donut shirt, I fell in love, bought it and it just got here in the mail.

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One more picture of the moose from yesterday’s run.  He doesn’t look very happy that my dad was taking his picture to be on some weird running blog.

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Easy 6 on the schedule today with 12 x 30 second strides.  My legs (body/brain/every ounce of me) are tired after yesterday’s run and so they are begging for an easy run and lots of stretching.


Scott Jurek posted 15 things that got him through his 46 day race (he climbed to the peak of Mt. Katahdin in Maine to finish running the Appalachian Trail from beginning to end—> 2,189 miles on trails).  It got me thinking about the 15 things that get me through my races and so I thought I would share (I’ve told you about most of them in different posts but I like them to be all in one list:)

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1.  The scenery.  Luckily, race directors usually pick race courses that are pretty entertaining—>  beautiful mountains, historic parts of cities, oceans, rivers and the best parts of the area.

2.  Spectators with signs.  There are some pretty darn funny signs from spectators along the course and they always make me smile.

3.  AID STATIONS.  Thank goodness for aid stations and all of the volunteers… I love when you can see one a little ways ahead because a cold glass of water/gatorade always gives me a zap of energy.

4.  My pre-race fuel/supplement—>  white bagel (or bread) with jam, a Honey Stinger waffle, Beta-Alanine, some gatorade and lots of water.

5.  Knowing I will take a few days off before working hard again.  I remind myself to leave it all on the course because I’ll have a few days off/easy so I might as well push it.

6.  All of the other runners.  Knowing that everyone else out there running has trained hard and is pushing themselves out of their comfort zone too helps me to keep going.

7.  My PureCadence 4s.  For years I was all about the PureFlows and recently made the switch to the PureCadences to help with some feet problems.  These are my new besties and they most definitely helped me get my latest personal record.

8.  Race fuel.  I used to have a really hard time taking it but now I love it!

9.  A diet coke and a donut.  I know.  The worst recovery foods but sometimes they get me to the finish line.  I usually have these things a few hours after the race and after I have had a nutritious meal.  It is actually kind of sad how much I think about my post-race donut throughout the race.  I just really like them.

10.  4 layers of lip gloss.  It is ridiculous but if my lips are chapped/dry during a race it is game over.  We all have our weird quirks but some of us just have a lot more than others:)

11.  Mantras.  “I can do hard things.”  I have probably repeated that to myself while running close to a bajillion times.

12.  Music.  Music.  Music.  Music.  A fast beat with awesome lyrics = it will go on my running playlist.  Music has helped me to get through many many races.

13.  Counting steps.  When I get really tired I start counting steps so that I stop thinking about how tired I am and focus on counting instead.

14.  My finish line peeps.  Knowing that Brooke, my mom and anyone else that comes to cheer me on is waiting at the end keeps me going and pushing hard!

15.  My garmin data.  Sometimes I keep running hard throughout the race just because I am excited to pull up the splits, data and nerdy runner facts that I love once I get home on the computer.


What are some things that get you through your races??

What are you most looking forward to this weekend?

Favorite long run distance?  Who has a long run this weekend?

Any race pet peeves?  Running in general pet peeves?

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Aww, so glad you two were reunited last night!! She is so adorable with her little hugs :) I need that donut shirt!!! Somehow I kind of just zone out during races. I never do training runs without music but for some reason I can’t listen to music or anything during a race. Just something about the atmosphere usually is enough to push me through!


Singing Taylor Swift songs often get me through races. That and loads of pre-race lip gloss or chap stick, too. Oh! And post-race cookies or Popsicles.

I’m looking forward to rest and froyo this weekend!

I’m running long with my friend Andrew tomorrow. Love our Saturday runs at the lake!!

So glad you have Brooke back!! Love y’all’s sweet relationship!!


Welcome back Brooke! Definitely going to read that Scott Jurek article, love him. Have a fabulous weekend :)


Lately I have been all about the turkey + avocado combination! Mmm!

I love your list and I love Scott’s list too. He is so incredible. During his whole FKT push I was glued to Facebook waiting for updates.

My biggest race pet peeve is when people form a wall and don’t let you through easily so you have to run around off the road to get by them. UGH!


I know you’re so happy Brooke is home!!!
Things that get me through races: crowd support, the energy from other runners, music, following a race pace game plan, and mantras!
Weekend: I’m excited to long run with friends and have a weekend at home!
I love 17 mileers. It’s random, but I feel like it’s a legit long run but I’m not exhausted lie from a 22 miler.


So glad Brooke is back! Wanting to achieve my goals, looking forward to rest after training, and a post race beer get me through the tough moments of racing. Have a great day!


That moose is so scary, lol! We don’t have them down her in South Africa, so to me they’re super scary! :)


It’s not dramatic. It’s tender-hearted, loving, and attached. You’re a sweet mom.


My biggest racing pet peeve is when walkers line up really close to the front! I like corral starts because you’re running with similar paces, but when I have to weave around walkers at the start of the race it really bothers me.

Have a great weekend with Brooke! Love that she pats you on the back..so cute!


I agree about your pet peeve. We have the corrals set up at races here too but people OVERestimate their race pace, go out too fast with their friends, then start walking blocking the entire run course. Having to weave just adds more miles and time :( I even had one runner almost run directly into me when she spotted her spectator friend crossing over to chit-chat with her. Wait, isn’t this a race??? No, social hour. :(


Went to look at the donut shirt – it’s sold out – sad day! But I am very happy that I have now found that website. There is a ton of great stuff on there!

I have a 12 mile long run this weekend. I’m just starting to ramp up for a November marathon!


It’s Mt Katahdin, in Maine.


Thank you! My autocorrect changed it and I didn’t notice!


Yay Brooke being back! I’m dreading my measly 6 miler this weekend… The 95 degree temps are killing me! But it’ll feel great when I’m done!


-Getting through a race include: my family support, sideline energy, water, music!
-This weekend I am looking forward to the extra $$ I’ll make from picking up an additional UC weekend. School shopping is on the horizon.
-I like a 10 mile run. I can usually get one in on Sundays before work, and getting into the double digits makes me feel like a bad@**.
-The majority of runners are friendly but I seem to run across people who can’t even give a smile or a hello. Drives me banana’s.


Yay!!! Glad Brooke is home. Her hair looks so cute with the French braids!!

I thought getting a new race outfit or something to do with a new running outfit would be on your list.

My husband and I are doing a race this weekend and he wants to look for a new race bike after we eat. I am hoping for good weather, low humidity, and no rain in Florida. Good luck, huh? They are having music on the course too. It will be fast and fun.


10 miles is my favorite long run.
I think about that post race diet soda too. No apologies, that stuff is darn good after a race, in fact I have it after long runs too. Yep, no self discipline.


Music is always my ultimate cheerleader and motivator. This weekend we are having our annual friends weekend on the lake!!


I always feel a bit off when my boys are away from me – I understand completely! Glad you are back with your little one. She is so darling and she is a lucky little girl to have a mother who loves her so much : )
I am looking forward to two nice early morning runs.


Not dramatic at all, I would feel the same! So glad your other half is back!


This is my first weekend since May with no homework (I wrote my final on Tuesday), so I’m going to enjoy relaxing!


So happy to hear that you have your Brooke back! I’m sure that is the BEST feeling. :)

Things that get me through a race:
– setting little mini-goals along the way
– imagining my husband waiting for me at the finish line
– playing mental games, for example, what is around the next corner, how many steps will it take to get to the top of that hill, how many people can I pass in the next two minutes… etc.

This weekend I am looking forward to going on a mellow hike with my husband and doing some last minute baby prep… only a few weeks before we meet our little guy!

Running pet peeves – when I smile or say hi to another runner and they look at me as though I don’t exist. Why be so negative?


It’s Mt.Katahdin not Katharine. It’s the very famous end of the AT.


Thank you AMY! My autocorrect changed it and I didn’t notice. Hope you are having a great day!


So glad your little bestie is back! I’m looking forward to an annual family fishing trip.


Yay for Brooke being home! So is broccollette the same as broccolini? That’s what I call it — and it’s delicious! Hope you have an awesome weekend with your little lady! I’ve got a bunch of relaxing on my agenda after traveling the past two weekends.


So glad brooke is back!! Have fun with her :) I am looking forward to almost a whole day to myself tomorrow because my bf has work stuff, so I get to be lazy and watch tv all day! WIN!


Awe glad you got her back and feel whole! I used to race with music but I’ve since stopped. My iPod once died at the start of a half marathon and I never looked back!


Music is definitely key. Also, I tell myself that I can do anything for 10 minutes, or 2 hours, or whatever distance I have left to run. It puts it into perspective.


Seeing people I know on the course always makes my race. I race so many races completely alone, so when I see someone I know, it perks me up a bit. Ottawa Race Weekend is always fun because I generally see a whole pile of people.

Race pet peeves are when people who are walking are right at the front of the race and walking across the middle. I don’t really care when I’m more in the middle/back – but when I’m at the front and wanting to run fast, it irks me a bit. Especially on races that are on paths.


I always feel like I live a double life – my regular life as a divorced mom and then my alternate life when my son is with his dad. It’s such a weird feeling but the best when he returns home and I wake up at night knowing he is asleep in his bed :) Love that donut shirt!!


YES YES YES. I completely know what you mean!


My youngest is a back-patter when we hug (he’s 3) and it’s so comforting and wonderful and adorable. It’s odd to feel nurtured by your own kiddo, but that’s how I feel when they give me big hugs – they’re so restorative.

On hard runs, sometimes I find myself just thinking “this is who I am, this is what I do” which is a strange mantra, but somehow it propels me forward.


I have recently adopted your “I can do hard things!” mantra. I love it and as simple as it is – it really does the trick sometimes when I find myself struggling to keep putting one foot in front of the other.


“I can do hard things. I can do hard things. Oh this is a great running song…” All through out a race for me.

Yay for Brooke being home. I hope you have a great day together today.


I have 12 miles to get through this weekend. I always look forward to 16 and 18 milers.
Most looking forward to coffee with my boyfriend on Sunday morning on his deck with the dogs at our feet. :)


Some things that get me through my races are the excitement of seeing my family at the end, thinking about the good food I’ll consume after, and the beautiful scenery and excitement of running a completely new route.
I am most looking forward to running my second Falmouth Road Race in Cape Cod on Sunday! I absolutely love the route. It’s soooo pretty
My favorite long run distance is 15 miles. It’s not too long, but it’s longer than a half and is definitely challenging!
My race pet peeves would have to be when a group is running together in a race and takes up the whole length of the course so you cannot get by. Also, when people spit RIGHT in front of you without looking back to make sure they don’t hit anyone!


Starbucks chocolate cake donut and hot tea. One time around mile 17 of a race my husband waved the donut bag at me and told me it would be waiting for me at the end! Motivation!

I don’t like when races start later in the morning. 10am start…not what I’m used to! I don’t want to get up at 4am and not race until 10! Also, the race should start on time. If it is supposed to start at 7, it should start at 7!

So glad Brooke is home again!!


Yeah for Brooke being home! Now time I birthday celebrations. Hope you guys have an amazing weekend!


Thanks Kelly, (above)…this is my mantra too when times get tough when running. Reminds me of the song ‘Immortality’ …Celine Dion says “So this is who I am…and this is all I know” .

Brooke patting your back is freaking adorable! Just like you, she will be an amazing mom one day :)

Thanks for the Scott Jurek article, I will definitely read it! I met him once in Seattle!

I’m racing a 10 k this Sunday but my all time favorite distance is the marathon.


People are definitely what gets me through the race. Spectators with great signs are definitely helpful. My favorite one was “Ryan Gosling is waiting for you at the end with a puppy.” Unfortunately it wasn’t true. =[ I don’t use music racing so something else that helps is chatting with other runners. Just make sure they are other runners that like to chat too.

I’m sick so no long runs for me this weekend. But this cold won’t stop me from exploring Philly, it just is now a good excuse to not have to find time to run while away. =]


Music is always necessary in races! Aid stations are lifesavers and I love the signs that people come up with.

I’m looking forward to catching up on some sleep this weekend, for some reason I just could not get to bed at a reasonable hour this week!

I have 17 miles coming up this weekend – it’s my longest yet!

Race pet peeves: when race walkers line up in the same pace area as me and also big groups that run together and block the entire path during a race. Move over!


My race pet peeve is when the rules state no headphones, I show up with no headphones and there are runners WITH headphones and no one is there to enforce the “rule”. Guarantee the next time there is a race that states no headphones and I show with headphones I will get yelled at, ha! Granted sometimes I don’t mind a run without music.

Looking forward to a food truck festival on Saturday! Cupcake trucks, bacon trucks and waffle trucks, oh my!


Totally agree about the no headphones! I did the Napa Marathon, and they are VERY serious about the no headphone rule…a woman was DQ’d after the race director saw a finish picture of her and she had headphones in! Follow the rules, people!


Welcome back Brooke!


I love Half Marathons … And I really wanted to run one this weekend but can’t find one within driving distance from me!

This week is our cut-back week so only have about 8 miles on the calendar for Saturday’s run … But I might tack on a few more and run an unofficial half :)

Enjoy your time with Brooke!


Happy Friday!! I hope you enjoy your time with Brooke this weekend!! I love your jeans Janae! Can you share with us where they are from?


You count steps too?!?! I count steps, it helps for some strange reason! And welcome home Brooke!!


Brooke is such a cutie! I’m glad she’s home!


I’m with you on picturing an amazing treat for motivation! Seeing family and friends along the course/at the end helps so so much :)
Staying with my sister in Montreal and this is our last weekend together before I head to Iceland on Monday. We have big party plans for tomorrow night!!!
Will do 10 miles tomorrow (Marathon in Iceland next weekend) I am getting so excited!!!


I had no idea that moose live in Utah! That is so cool! Things that get me through long races are the scenery certainly, seeing my husband and toddler intermittently along the embrace course, my garmin which is a love/hate situation, and my brooks!


Yea for Brooke being home.
Your dad is great to drive along like that! Love the moose.

I think it’s a 9 miler tomorrow, maybe 10?

I would like to go the beach this weekend, I’m going to see if I can talk the husband into it. Otherwise, no real plans.

I generally use mantras and I tell myself there is no law against walking if I want to. (I usually keep running, but I like knowing it doesn’t honestly matter if I don’t. I’m not going to win either way).


Lip balm is a MUST when I’m running, but it doesn’t matter how much I slather on pre-run, it’s almost always gone at the end! I love EOS balm, but it’s so bulky; I wish they made a special runner’s container that’s slimmer.

I’m most looking forward to the IOWA STATE FAIR this weekend! I’m going to eat my weight in fried everything on a stick, which is what will get me through my run tonight. (Mmmm, fried apple pie on a stick, fried pb&j on a stick, fried butter on a stick…)


Looking forward to my fist race since the Boston Marathon this weekend. It is a community 5k and for some dopey reason, I’m super nervous about it!

I run with tunes during a race…then without…then at the end when those bad inner voices are telling me to quit? More Tunes REALLY loud!


Pet peeve: Definitely people that don’t hello back! Rude. Marathon Sunday!! All the support from my friends and family get me to the finish.


I tagged you in the link to that tank on Instagram but since I’m private I wasn’t sure if you would see it!!

Glad someone sent you the link because I couldn’t think of anyone who would appreciate more than you lol!!

On that note… I need a donut…


Hooray for Brooke being home with you again!!!!
15 miles is great for a long run – although I always feel like I accomplished something big when I run 20.
During my races, I always think about all the hard work I put in and that I shouldn’t leave anything on the road. I enjoy looking at my Garmin splits too!
Looking forward to sunshine, a nap and the beach this weekend!!
Happy Friday :)


I remember pats on the back like that when my kids were young. It’s an awesome feeling, and just makes want to snuggle them in closer.

It’s really the other runners that help me get through a race. Literally sometimes. I’ve had people come up to me if I was have difficulties and say, you can do it. My favorite was when someone told me they’d been following my ponytail for miles and that they needed me to stay with it.


I often remind myself (like 100 times) to get out of my own head during a race —- meaning stop thinking about how much it hurts and just run. It works a lot of the time.
And the signs. I love the signs too.


Yay! I’m so glad that Brooke is home :) And that tank is so cute! I need it too :)


I love your list! I could not believe I agreed with so many!
1. I accidentally had gu’s during a race once and now am hooked,
2. I am TOTALLY motivated by other runners during a race – I feel like I’m part of a super supportive team even though I’ve been training alone for months
3. I have counted steps to get through the last few miles on LONG runs,
4. I <3 garmin stats,
5. Must have music (I TOTALLY lip sync while running – I hope people who see me wonder if its a silent scream for help.)
I am running my second half marathon this weekend in San Diego and thought, lip gloss could be very helpful!

Thanks for your amazing blog. Keep running, eating, writing and inspiring!


Oh my. Her hugging your sweet little leg just absolutely burst my heart. Sweetest reunion ever. I am sure she missed you more than you will ever know! I can’t wait to see you and celebrate with the both of you when I get back!! MISS YOUR FACES!!! xoxoxo


So happy Brooke is home and I LOVE that donut shirt!
I think about food to get my through my races too – NO SHAME!! :)
My running pet peeve is when there are NO bananas in the house to eat before! I just can’t run without a banana first! Ahh siblings;)


I seriously agree about avocados! They’re THE BEST. I eat one every day..or every other day.

Love that donut shirt!

Glad Brooke is home! :)


Geez, avocados and donuts. I’m now thinking of avocado filled or glazed donuts. Yumyum! :D It would totally be perfect to get me through the race or a stroller jogging trail. Haha! Happy smiles for Brooke and you! Cheers! :)

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