Zero and a tour of Utah.

My coach had me test out the foot again yesterday with a 4 mile run (7:57 pace).  The result—>  zero foot pain.

I really am so thankful for the reader that emailed me with the tip that my feet problems could be partly due to my flip flops/sandals with zero support.  I guess I never thought that they could be to blame because I have worn flip flops my entire life and they had never caused problems in the past.  Maybe they started to bug my feet because I am training harder than ever before and/or I am getting older and my feet just need more support.  Either way, I was very happy on my run to have two happy feet. 

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Just another zero with my hand.  Also, loving the PureCadences.  I have tried them out in the past and they really aren’t much different than the PureFlows (in my opinion) except for the extra stability which is exactly what I need at this point.  

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Yesterday was my dearest cousin’s birthday.  We’ve been extremely close since we were just little girls.  

We totally look like we are related;)

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The family met up at Sundance for lunch and some walking around.  Sundance is a MUST if you ever come to visit Utah.  

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The Foundary Grill.

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We started with my favorite restaurant bread.  

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Cobb salad—>  my go-to salad.  I love bleu cheese.  

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We did the present thing.

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And then the girls had a race.

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Another highlight of our Friday was going to see Minions.  Brooke will only be free at the movie theatre for another month (HOW IS SHE ALMOST THREE??) and so we are getting in as many free movies as possible until then.

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The last stop on the tour of Utah—>  downtown Salt Lake City.

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Pizza eaten outside on a summer night.  I prefer as many toppings on my pizza as possible.  

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What are you doing today?  

Pizza—>  minimalist or lots of toppings?  Deep dish or thin crust?

What are some ‘must go’ places in your area?

Sleeping in today a bit or rising early?

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I’m so glad your foot pain has resolved! Remember to rotate those shoes too! Mad far as pizza, the more toppings there are the better!


Rising early today for a 14 mile long run and then hiking with my husband.
I like both deep dish and thin crust, and the toppings really depend on ny mood. Most of the time when I have pizza I make it at home and make a medium crust and use a few toppings but not a ton, so I’m right in the middle I guess.
Have a wonderful weekend!


Love hand tossed pizza. Had an easy six on schedule for today. Long run tomorrow.


So glad your foot is feeling better! Huge relief!


So happy to hear your foot is feeling better!
There is SO much to see here in New England, Mystic Seaport, The Mark Twain House, Dinosaur state park, the list goes on.
Enjoy your day!


Hope the foot stays ok :) be sure not to overdo it!


I am normally not a crocs girl but I have to tell you that I swear by their rubber wedges. They are amazing on the arch of your foot and they feel awesome after a long run. I live in them when I travel to Disney because I can wear them for 12 hours and my feet don’t feel tired and they provide tons of support.


I wear those Crocs too! They are honestly soooo amazing & your feet will be “happy feet” in them!


While there’s nothing like an original plain slice of great pizza, I do LOVE a loaded roasted vegetable slice from my favorite pizza place. They pile the veggies on so high covered in cheese. Yum!


I’m hanging with my sis, having froyo, and going to try pool today. I love Saturday. :)

Utah looks gorgeous!!

I didn’t sleep in but ran early with my friend Andrew at the lake. White Rock Lake is a must-go place in Dallas for sure!


I’m so glad your foot is feeling better! I hope that keeps up!

I love any pizza. I LOVE deep dish pizza with spinach and garlic. I also pretty much love any topping on thin crush pizza.

In Chicago there are so many must go places. The whole city is incredible!

I ended up sleeping in an hour today. I had been getting up around 5:30 for the past few days and I needed some extra rest!


We barely took Max to any movies while he was three – he did go to Frozen and was ok. Paddington the Bear – no way, he thought the bathroom was more interesting…

We went to see Inside Out the other day and he loved it – he yelled out “again!!!” after it finished. Minions Movie is next!

I like a cross between a thin and thick crust… is complicated ;-)


I love a thin crust pizza with as many toppings as possible! My favorite is broccoli because when it comes out of the oven it’s all nice and crispy. I also love crumbled tempeh and sun-dried tomatoes! And pesto!
And I slept in a little this morning. We went to the 10:00 showing of Minions last night which kept me up way past my bedtime.


I’m a pizza minimalist. I love a good margherita pizza with fresh mozzarella and basil.
Mmmm- I had pizza last night and now I want more.


Nice to have your foot pain resolved! Today I was up early for 16 mile bike ride. Later we will attend our town’s Cherry Pie Festival. In Colorado there are so many must sees places: Rocky Mtn. National Park, Red Rocks, Garden of the Gods just to name a few. I feel blessed to live here!


So happy about your foot!!!! I’ve been thinking about you and hoping things get better. Yay!

London will be 3 in October so we have been doing the movie thing a lot lately too. We actually saw Minions yesterday too. He loved it (crying when it was over because he wanted to see it again ha ha!)

If you come to visit we need to go to Banff Nation Park and Waterton. Both are absolutely gorgeous!!

Pizza–minimalist with toppings and I like thin crust :)

Happy Saturday!


I’m glad you found the answer Janae. I know how frustrating it is when it seems like nothing is bring resolved.

Anything with Bleu vheese, feta or goat cheese has they key to my heart.


I try to sleep in but my 3 year old gets up at 6:30 no matter what. She’s pretty ornery already today and it’s only been a half hour (she went to bed late last night and still woke up early) looks like I’ll be doing a lot of warning and punishing today.


Looks like you are having a great time with Brooke and your cousin. How was the Minions movie? I feel like I would be laughing the entire time because their voices are so darn cute!

Today I am heading out to cheer on several friends in a local triathlon race. One of my friends is doing her first tri, so I’m excited for her. This afternoon I have a bunch of friends coming over for my baby shower! Yay! Looking forward to time with my girlfriends.

There are too many ‘must go’ places in Bend to count. The mountains, rivers, Old Mill District, breweries…. It’s heaven here. ☺


So great that your foot is feeling better and better!
I’m headed to my grandma’s for her birthday party and we are also celebrating that she is now cancer free!!! Such a blessing :-)
I’m a thin crust girl and bring on the toppings!
I slept in a bit today, not feeling the best so trying to rest. I have a 10k race tomorrow.
Have a great Saturday!


I like the wall art in that restaurant yout guys are in. I love when restaurants have interesting things like that.
But yea, slept in a little, but still up early today :)
Won’t be asure busy of a day as you. I have to work, gonna get a run in, and that’s about it:)
Brooke is almost 3.!? Crazy how time flies


Hooray for zeros!


Come eat pizza outside with me! It’s super nice here :)


i LOVE lots and lots of pineapple on my pizza. My favorite! Looks like you all had an absolute blast, love the one of the girls racing :)


Wow I need to check out Sundance! It looks gorgeous!
I got up at 5:30 for 12 miles. My race is on Friday for Pioneer Day downtown. I’ve done this race for nearly 20 years!


I have to work all day but then going out for some yummy dinner. I love a bunch of stuff on my pizza, veggies is large quantities on the pizza makes it 100% better!


I loved the Minions movie. I think Despicable Me was better, but it was still SO good. Who would you say you are… Kevin, Bob, or Stewart???

Mmm. Stinky cheese. I hate hard boiled egg yolks and don’t eat bacon, so I always skip cobb salads. Although, I love love LOVE blue cheese.


Yay! So glad to hear your foot’s feeling better. As for pizza -> I love a good thin crust cheese pizza (New York style) and other than that, my favorite toppings are tomato slices and garlic.


I am moving so I am trying to sell #ALLTHETHINGS on Craigslist. If anyone has ANY advice or tricks of the trade, PLEASE HELP A SISTA OUT!

Yaaaaaaaay zero pain. Why are runs back after injuries better than Christmas, birthday, and thanksgiving all in one?!


CONGRATS on your pain free run! What a victory. I am also guilty of flip flop love. I wear Reefs and they have a bit more support than some, but I agree. It can’t be good for long term.

I woke up early to walk the dog before it got to terribly hot. Now I’m getting ready for the day. Hair appointment! Yay!

Have a good one!


16 mile mountain bike ride today, now packing for a last minute trip. I have a 30 minute layover in SLC tomorrow!

I love all kinds of pizza – love that it’s a flexible meal option. We usually do a half-n-half with whatever toppings we’re in the mood for.

I live in So Cal, so there are tons of things to do and see, but my town (Simi Valley) is home to the Ronald Reagan library and it is fabulous – it sits on a hill with beautiful views. Great exhibits including Air Force One and part of the Berlin wall.


Minions is the one of only two movies that I want to see this summer. I can’t wait til I can go.

My plans for today are studying and taking a test for my anatomy class.


Nice to hear about your foot recovery!
I am in the same boat, my feet hurt so bad it is hard to walk or stand. SO I did the right thing and bought a new pair of running shoes just to roam the streets. The moment I stepped out of the house I realized that I had changed the way I walk due to the pain, so I was making it ever worse!
Maybe buying shoes every three years is not a good choice!?!?


That’s great news! I just ordered a pair of Brooks PureCadence and Brooks Ravenna the other day. I typically wear Mizuno Inspires but the newer models just aren’t the same and I keep getting “nagging” injuries and aches (hips, quads, feet) that come and go. I’ve never tried Brooks before though so I’m super nervous – also worried the size may be wrong because I just ordered the same size I wear in Mizunos. I was told the Ravenna have more support but I couldn’t decide between both shoes :)

Definitely thin-crust!! Agree – more toppings please.

Slept in. I always feel bad about this – Saturdays are my long-run days and I don’t get out till mid-morning…when I could have it done and over with it by now, thus avoiding the heat and getting on with my day. But it’s been a stressful week and night, sleepless and it doesn’t really bother me – I enjoy running so I don’t feel like I need to get it “out of the way” and I don’t have any kids at home to rush back to so I’ll take advantage of it I guess.


I woke up early today for a 5-mile group run. It was great!

I love lots of toppings on my pizza. I prefer deep dish pizzas, but usually like those to be a bit minimalist. Thin crusts can be topped with anything and everything!

Must see spots in Tampa? The downtown Riverwalk and Bayshore Blvd.


If you like blue cheese, you might want to try these Blue Cheese Potato Chips….

I slept in, and I have just been eating watermelon all day because it is supposed to feel like 105 in Chicago. I think I will re-watch an episode or two of Mr. Robot–so good.


I hope Brooke loved Minions! It was a cute movie, however I like the other ones better. She is so adorable with that popcorn bucket almost bigger than her! The views in Utah are always so breathtaking too!


today I am RELAXING, had a fun and busy day yesterday. I prefer just regular crust on my pizza, not too thin or thick. prefer thin over thick. i have a very specific make your own pizza order that i get every time i go to this one pizza place near my house and it is SO. GOOD.

i live in pasadena, so when people come to visit we tend to go into LA. usually venice boardwalk, hollywood sign, the griffith park observatory, hollywood blvd, and then a good hike near my house to get a really good view over everything.


Your need of a supportive pair of flipflops instantly reminded me of Fitloop. Have you tried those?


Fitflop! I meant Fitflop!


Chaco flip flips…amazing arch support and they’ll last you for years.


Chaco flip flops…amazing arch support and they’ll last you for years.


Glad your foot is responding well. This is finally a good time for a zero!! It was for those same reasons that I switched to a stability shoe and because Newton had those lugs on the bottom of the foot, I thought it would be another layer of stability protection for my foot. The lugs really buffer a lot in each foot strike and give a bit of a pop. I love the Brooks Pure Connect and the Pure Flow and still wear them. One of the reasons I transitioned so quickly to the Newton Kismet is because it is very much like the Pure Flow with a 4.5 drop but offers an extended medial bridge. The Newtons have been a Godsend for my running. There is a bit of an adjustment period to the lugs but both my husband and I adjusted fairly quickly. Only 8 and 8.5 left at the sale price (they have other models at a higher price). Use the code RunBlog10 for an extra 10% off. I had to use a different insert for my high arches.

Here are a couple of other things that have also helped me:

The Features sock: It has compression, keeps my foot stable, and keeps the blood flowing throughout my foot.

Lastly, my husband bought me some Compression tights to keep the blood flowing while exercising and for recovery. He is a triathlete and bought a me 2XU (2 times U) pair: 2XU Outlet:
2XU bottoms: They made a huge difference. I gave a friend of mine a pair because she got knee pain from a half marathon(training and at mile 10) and she said they have helped her so much that she ran the Firecracker 5k in them. Enjoy your weekend!!


I did a 15 miler and we have family visiting!
Pizza: soft thin crust with lots of veggies
Early riser today!


To add to my earlier post, I can’t go without wearing flip flops (Florida). Thanks to all who posted flip flop suggestions. :D


I am chillaxin today – TIGSaturday! I like thin crust with as much cheese and vegetable as possible – YUM. Obviously, Disney but winter park and downtown have some pretty beautiful parks as well – a lot of people don’t know Orlando has a lot more than just the parks (even though Disney is pretty awesome). Definitely slept in today (only day of the week I do) . . . YAY for your foot feeling great! I hope you can get back into your hard training. I am really routing for that sub 3 for you later this year!


What are you doing today? Well…we sandwiched our trip to the grocery store between two playground play times (and the playground located right outside the grocery store made that extra convenient). I did my first treadmill run during Baxton’s nap (I have run on treadmills sporadically at gyms or hotels occasionally, but this is the first time on MY treadmill. It was hard. Hot, boring, I turned the A/C to 18 C and tried to watch my iPad in lieu of obsessing over the display. What’s your secret(s)?

Pizza—> minimalist or lots of toppings? Deep dish or thin crust?
Minimalist. I like the marinara which is red sauce, mozzarella, and garlic oil on a thin crust. Sometimes I add fresh tomatoes on top.

What are some ‘must go’ places in your area?
The National (Bulgarian) History Museum and the 10th century Boyana Church are both in our neighborhood.

Other must sees are Alexander Nevsky Cathedral (1904), Royal Palace Vrana (1898), and the Dragalevsti Monastery (1341).

Sleeping in today a bit or rising early? Slept in till 06:02. My son is a clock! 06:00 wake time every day.


I woke up early and did a *very* easy 8 mile run. Thanks to the supportive shoe suggestion my foot/ankle is actually significantly less angry with me today even after my run. It hurt to walk just a couple days ago. It still hurts to walk barefoot, but as long as I’m wearing my old running shoes (or the new ones), I’m fine. I even took a nap today wearing my shoes so I wouldn’t forget to put them back on! I’m going grocery shopping later today and actually not dreading the walking. I’m really glad your foot problems are resolving too. I’m sorry you had to experience it, but ever so grateful that you did. Thank you!


As I sit here in my flip flops, icing my heel, I’m thinking, maybe I shouldn’t wear flip flops EVERYWHERE!! Whoa! I too, am training for a marathon and have suddenly felt a teeny tiny amount of foot pain (I’m being proactive so I don’t get injured). Never even considered it may be because there is zero support in these cute flip flops. Sigh….

Thanks for the tip! :)

So, what are we doing today? We (my precious 3 year old) went to the gym and I did body pump with extra heavy weights since I wasn’t running (day 2 of resting due to a teeny tiny amount of heel pain). Then went swimming with the hubbs. I’m pretty impressed that I taught my child how to swim! She is officially a swimmer. And by that I mean, she can swim at least 2 yards away underwater while kicking and moving her arms. I get pretty excited and use my high pitch teacher voice cheering her on (drives the hubbs nuts).

We are attempting to make homemade peach ice cream tonight. We went to Fredericksburg (precious town in Texas) to pick fresh peaches. My MIL made us some last weekend with store bought peaches. I think ours will be better because we actually picked these ourselves. ;))

Pizza – everything with thin crust with ranch dressing. And must be from Mr. Gattis. Tell my you’ve had Gattis before???

We slept in this morning until 7! It was wonderful!


Your Grandma is awesome!


Minimalist with thin crust.

Love trying out new restaurants so it’s hard for me to choose one fave.

Woke up at 04:00 for my 16 miler with my running buddies. I see a nap in my afternoon plans. I am headed to Park City and SLC next weekend. Going to try out Cottonwood Canyon for my upcoming marathon there in Sept. Looking forward to running in UT!


-Saturday was…Family time and staying cool in the heat!
-Pizza= GF thin crust w just cheese.
-Up early at 5:30 am to beat the heat and run my 5 miles :)


I have a pretty high arch, but have had good luck with Chaco brand sandals if you’re looking for sandals with more support.


I love my chaco’s! Though they are hard to break in… I’m still working on it after a few years! But they are so cute!


What did you think of the Minions?? I liked it but didn’t think it was as good as Despicable Me.


Saturday was spent together with my hubby (it’s our anniversary Sunday – but since we don’t go out on Sunday – we did everything on Saturday). We went Kayaking and then took the dogs to the lake, and they had a BLAST!

I just love a good cheese pizza, definitely deep dish!

I got up at 4:50 to get in an 11 mile run because I had to be somewhere at 9 and I knew I would take at least 2 hours to complete my run.


I am so excited to take my little girl to the minion movie! How is Brooke almost 3?!


My favorite pizza is pineapple and onion. But a good loaded veggie is also delicious. Thin crust over deep dish for me.
Tomorrow i get back to training for my half marathon after taking a week off due to a bad stomach bug.


Thin crust. Lots of cheese, chilli or olives and I’m a happy man… :)


Looks like a great day celebrating your cousin’s birthday!

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