We don’t just figure it out overnight…

Back to our Sunday morning tradition of pancakes/waffles.  We are big fans of the Kodiac Cakes (protein version) with loads of blueberries.  

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The highlight of our day was a trip to Utah Lake.  Quite the adventure (it’s like a 10 minute drive) but I brought my real camera for once so I decided to take a bunch of pictures on our walk.

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We found a pretty sweet swing along the way.  Brooke is a very very very cautious kiddo so instead of going on the swing herself she wanted to push me.  

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Even her grumpy faces steal my heart.  

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Utah people—>   let me know if you have any recommendations on the best places to go on walks because we are kind of hooked on summer night walks.  

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Two more things from Sundance last Friday:

1.  If you ever go you must get a 7 Layer Bar.  My mom goes to the bakery counter first thing when she gets there to get one for everyone to share because there really isn’t a better treat out there.  

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2.  Just girls being girls.  

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Kristin looking awesome in her shirt!!!

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St. George Marathon Training Week #5 (and the last few days of week #4) did not go as expected.  My foot was bothering me and I was dealing with an annoying cough that made any of the miles that I did run (20 total for the week) feel pretty lousy and as though I had lost all of my fitness.  My feet are back to normal again and my cough is disappearing but I started getting kind of down on myself for not reaching my goals yet (I’ve been wanting a sub 3 for like 5 years now) and for making a lot of mistakes in my training and nutrition along the way.  I came across this quote from Jenny and it was just what I needed:  

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It is so true.  We are all trying our best (progress not perfection:) and it takes time to figure it all out.  It takes time to work on our nutrition and change habits.  It takes a lot of trial and error to figure out how to avoid most injuries.  Understanding how your body handles high mileage, speed work and hills comes with some successes and probably a lot of failures.  Getting down on ourselves for making mistakes gets us nowhere but recognizing what areas we need to work on and trying our best to improve will get us where we want to go.  It won’t happen overnight but it will happen. 

This was from my coach and I wanted to share it with you to remember about yourself too mkay…. I’ll stop being cheesy now. 

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How was your running last week?

Have any good running quotes to share with us today?  I’m a big fan of them.

What was the highlight of your weekend? 

How does your body handle high mileage?  Speed?  Hills?

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My running was horrible last week, I just can’t handle the heat!

Highlight of my week, catching a 26.75 inch Sea trout! It was awesome!


Highlight of my weekend = finding a gorgeous formal dress on clearance for my first military ball next week that fits my 33 week belly!


One bad day, week, month or year does not define you. We all have our own hard. This too shall pass and you will be stronger for it too.


Last week’s running was so tough. The heat and humidity kicked my butt.
Highlight: having family stay with us!
My body handles high mileage as long as I don’t make too many hard efforts like track and hills.


I had a pretty good first week of marathon training! My body craps out around 50 miles per week, can’t sustain it for more than a couple of weeks without problems creeping up! Had to learn the hard way, of course.


Last week was my first official week of training and we were also moving last week, so my training wasn’t remotely what I was hoping for. But that’s life. A week of low miles isn’t going to hurt and I can still go after my goals. Just try not to let it get to you and be positive! You will get your sub-3!

Highlight of my weekend – finishing moving! Now I just have to find everything…

One of my favorite quotes is “he who runs against time has an adversary not subject to casualties.” I also love “to give less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.”


Running last week was great, especially yesterday! I drove to my hometown, and my parents biked with me while I ran, and it was definitely a confidence-building run!

The highlight of my weekend was my Sunday froyo tradition, hanging with my sis, and pool time with my best friend. I even got a nap in yesterday. It was awesome.

My body doesn’t do well with super high mileage. About 50 miles per week is usually my limit.

I LOVE that dress you’re wearing on the swing. Where did you get it??


I’m dying to know as well on the dress!


That 7 layer bar looks delicious! Highlight of my weekend was my bachelorette party in Savannah, GA! It was sooooo much fun and even though I didn’t get much running in it was totally worth it!


No running last week or recently for that matter. A lot of biking and walking for right now. My body is not adapting well to exercising again so Drs orders are slow and low impact.


Love that last quote – so true.

Love your and Brooke’s matching stripes!


How was your running last week? Two of my workouts got derailed by outside circumstances (work ranneth over into my scheduled run time, and I had to sit at the car repair place during my previously scheduled run time). I did take my 2.5 year old for a run in the running stroller to try and make it up, but it’s just not the same….and I tried to do a treadmill workout during his nap but could not stick with it. How do you do treadmill running?

Have any good running quotes to share with us today? I’m a big fan of them.
Hmmm. Kara Goucher That’s the thing about running: your greatest runs are rarely measured by racing success. They are moments in time when running allows you to see how wonderful your life is.”

What was the highlight of your weekend?
Seeing my hubby for 1.5 hrs Sat night and 3 hrs Sun morning between his two work trips.

How does your body handle high mileage? Fine. Although my marathon mileage usually caps out at 40 miles per week (22 marathons down, next up is Athens). Speed? I dread doing it but have fun doing it but feel sore after usually. Hills? Fine. I am newly addicted to long runs on one big hill (mountain). The first half is slow (up) and the second half is always a super negative split no matter how tired I am (downhill)!


What a great motivational quote from your coach there at the end. This weekend I had my first downer run on this marathon training cycle during a 12 miler. I kept thinking ’12 miles is nothing, how can i be struggling this hard and expect to run a marathon?!’ but I know it was just one day/one bad run and I’ll be back on track and feeling positive after a few good runs this week. Rome wasn’t built in a day and you don’t train for a marathon in a day… or something! haha


That bar does look pretty good.

The highlight of my weekend was date night on Friday. It had been a long week with work and school, and I just needed some time to relax and have fun.


Love how you and Brooke are matxhing. Too cute.

And I’m not sure home my body handles high mileage/ speed / hills. Although I’ve been running for a while, I haven’t really been training for too long, so I’m still trying to figure out what is best for my body. Guess we’ll see :)


My running last week was amazing but scary – I’m finally returning to longer distances after my injuries, but I had a little knee pain flare over the weekend, so I’m being outwardly cautious (and inwardly freaking out).

No, we don’t figure it out overnight. And I know – TRUST ME, I KNOW – that it’s easier said than accepted, but running is a lifelong journey where we learn things about ourselves every single day. The fun in marathon training isn’t ONLY crossing that finish line! The fun parts are the training runs, the months of prep, the anticipation… you know, that whole “happiness is not a destination, it’s a way of life” thing :) We’re in this sport for the long run (ha, I’m so punny), and just like race courses themselves, there are high points and low valleys.

You’ll get back there, and there’s no doubt in my mind –> you’re getting a sub-3 soon!


Highlight of the weekend was rock climbing!!
I usually find myself being a lot more run down when I am training at higher milage and with speed work I’m ready to climb into bed at 8PM!


You should get the Miles Post app. Inspirational running quotes every morning :)




Brooke in that little striped dress and that grumpy face. That’s pretty cute right there. Glad your foot is better.


Last week was a good week of running for me, I hit an all-time mileage high of 53 and felt good. I’m still finding how much mileage my body can handle, but doing a 1:1 ratio of speed/tempo/long runs to easy runs helps me not get burned out or injured.
Best part of my weekend was hiking in the Cascades and then enjoying ice cream afterwards!


I think it helps to remember that it is all a journey and we have to thankful for any miles we get to run.
I had my first night time trail race. It was extremely hot & humid but serene at the same time.


I love that quote! SO great to keep in mind. I know how frustrating and difficult it can be to get your body to reach a tough goal (even though mine is a lot different than yours) so I think we can all relate! We’re all cheering for you though and believe you can do it! Now if only your body would cooperate :)

My favorite running quote is by Pre: to give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. I love it for all aspects of my life, not just running!


Spanish Fork City has an amazing trail that goes throughout the city. The best is from Canyon View Park [where the festival of lights is held each winter] by the golf course down to the Sports Park. Check it out! Beautiful.


Highlight of my weekend was playing in the pool with my kiddo!


Remember it is feedback and not failure when we do not reach our goals:)


If it makes you feel any better, I’ve been going for sub-4 for about as long!! :) :)
The highlight of my weekend was playing in the kiddie pool with my little guy and catching up with old friends at a Stella & Dot party!


The runner’s prayer: Lord if You pick my feet up, I’ll put them down.


My running was not so great as well. I’ve been exhausted.

I usually handle speed and hills well. If I get close to 50 mile weeks I get really tired. It’s definitely harder on my body.


I can run 100 mile weeks but as soon as I throw in a track workout or a tempo run, I’m toast.


Remember, too, you are your OWN person. Other people may not be able to reach their goals when they have set backs. We all read the horror stories about training going bad, but you can always reach your goal despite this week! Who says you cannot? Only you. You’re convincing yourself. STAY POSITIVE!!! You are strong.


highlight of my weekend: slip’n’slide into the pool. Yes we are grown ups, I swear.


The heat is really getting to me. I had to take the long run inside. It was not bad but was not what I was wanting. This week it is suppose to be just as hot, not complaining, but I think most runs will be done on the t-mill!


my running week was a little bit rough last week! The heat finally kicked in in Chicago, so it’s a little bit hard to get used to. My body doesn’t handle high mileage speed all that well, but I’m working on it! I much prefer speed workouts that are shorter spurts!


Sorry to hear your training didn’t go as planned. Hopefully your foot feels better soon. Niggling pains are the absolute worst. I love your sailor dress though, that is so cute!


When I read that title, I figured this would be the kind of post I needed to read today. I started my long run in the middle of the afternoon yesterday (like an idiot) and the heat almost killed me. This is not the first time I have learned that lesson. At least this time I immediately acknowledged it as just a mistake and didn’t get too down on myself. I make mistakes in my training all the time but I am also a much smarter runner today than I was when I first started. We definitely don’t figure it all out overnight.


Janae – you are young and you will have many years to put that quote into practice. I think it’s important not to “chase” this sub-elusive 3 hr….put in the work (smart work) and let it come to you. You can’t force it – that will lead to injury or disappointment if you don’t reach your goals. Plus, I believe your last two marathons were 3:12 and 3:08 so work on going from there.

With regards to nutrition, you do a pretty bang-up job. Yeah you eat some sugar – you are not alone. Regretting not making changes earlier? That’s the story of my life. I struggled with serious binge-eating/ED behaviours (while running) for several years of my life….the worst. The hardest part was the regret over not making changes sooner when I knew the difference. It’s still to hard to talk about.


Just read your post about how wearing flip flops all the time was bothering your feet. I have the same problem, and I discovered that Oofos flip flops are THE answer to that problem. :) Super cushy and supportive–I wear them all the time, and my feet feel better when I wear them than when I wear anything else. I even wear them around the house in the winter instead of slippers. :)


I had a tough week of running last week. I was up north the prior 10 days and returning to Florida heat plus sea level caused me to almost get sick on the treadmill the first two days, which has never happened. I could not get my scheduled mileage in and worried I would be going backward. Nope, my body started adjusting and by Saturday my run started to feel good.

I think it is about listening to our bodies but our minds have us on another path, I have to meet this goal or that goal, I can’t fall behind or I will fall back.

I don’t think you have lost your fitness. You have been exercising every day (almost) for the last year. You are in excellent shape. It is your mind that is trying to convince you otherwise. Don’t listen to it and tell yourself, “I am in excellent shape. I ran Boston in excellent time. I can do this. Etc”

I have a theory that stress can impact the body. My husband is training for the USA Worlds Aquathon team, which is in Chicago in September. He has had a lot of stress this last month, last week, and especially Friday. On our outdoor Sunday run his knees were really bothering him right from the beginning. I think it is his stress level.

I read in a Runners World FB comment that one gal rides her bike for most the the marathon training (and does some runs) but it keeps up her fitness level while keeping injuries low. Don’t be hard on yourself. You are not letting anyone down. You are showing the world that training is about getting back up and trying again and moving forward even if it is just in the mind. Things will get better.


My running was also not fabulous last week- I had too much going on and wasn’t feeling well, so I’m getting back on the horse today. I love reading all the positivity in this comment thread!


We’ve been digging going on weekend park walks with our 1 year old and yellow lab. A great way to get us all out and breathing fresh air. This weekend we went to the aquarium and my son Ryan loved it!!


The highlight of my weekend was that my brother was able to fly into town for 2 days. It was a really quick visit and for sad reasons but it was so good to see him!

Right now, high miles are kicking my butt. Hills are usually good for me because I live all around hills and every single run I do has at least one hill. Speed hasn’t happened for a while though because I’ve been working on distance.


My all time fave running quote is,
“Run often. Run long. But never outrun your joy of running.” – Julie Isphording

Your legs will follow your heart, you got this girlfriend!

PS. Love that you’re rocking that dress in errry color. Too cute!


Heritage Park in cedar hills. Go walk/play/ride scooters there now! Such a fun park. It has a stream and a paved path. And a playground. The best.


It’s very true that we don’t figure it out overnight. I’m working on my own fitness right now, though not running related, and this definitely applies there too!


I have a stress fracture in my right foot and I have to wear an air cast for 3 weeks so no running for me lately. Take it easy so you don’t end up injured!!


Oh Dejah, I am so sorry about your stress fracture! That breaks my heart!!! Get better soon!


The last couple of weeks have been rough. This heat/humidity has been so hard on my body! When it reaches 90-100 % humidity (like it has been here) my body wants to just shut down and take a break! It’s made by miles 30-60 seconds slower.
Kind of makes me feel like I’ve lost all my progress through the spring but I know it’s just harder weather conditions. I just have to keep telling myself that I’ll be more prepared than I think I will for fall races.


Last week’s running was great! My body does not seem to handle trying to be speedy or do too many hills or miles so that is why I only run 3-4x per week and keep my mileage around 15-20 and then cross train w/ swimming + cycling. My favorite quote is “I am not saying it will be easy, I am saying it will be worth it”.


Had a running first this weekend – first run in the rain. Actually downpour with thunder and all! This ends my streak of no rain at races. Was a huge fear of mine but I lived through it! Luckily it was only 4 miles and I didn’t quit!


We had an amazing weekend, it’s hard to pick one highlight! I did get to run an awesome new trail that was absolutely breathtaking (literally! ha!).

My body doesn’t handle high mileage well. I can usually do about 50 miles as my top mileage per week before I start to get injured!


I ran once last week, but it was slow and uncomfortable. My husband and I did a 6-mile hike yesterday in the mountains and that felt amazing. I think hiking is a lot easier on my body right now compared to running. Every day is different when you are pregnant. Home stretch!!!

The highlight of my weekend was my baby shower. I seriously have the best girlfriends and they made the day very special for me.

Running quote: “Move forward and find out what happens.” – sometimes we never know what we are capable of…


-Last week’s running was good. The heat and humidity are definitely an issue. But I did some more out of the box workouts that helped with the monotone I am feeling with my running.
-Highlights from the weekend were family time, and running longer runs (for me) 2 days in a row. 5 one day 6 the next.
-I realize I need water more frequently during my runs then I ever thought. Plus NUUN tablets in all my water!!


My body doesn’t handle high. Mileage at all. Even my peak marathon training weeks are 35-40 miles. But most weeks are 20-25 miles. I am slow and steady and accept any pr I can get but have never actually put myself on a plan to try and get faster.
Highlight of my weekend was spending it with my boyfriend. I wish I could spend more time with him. So I cherish our perfect back to back days. :) #cheeseball


Love that yellow dress & that you match Brooke! I’m totally with you on it won’t happen overnight. I’m, experiencing this in a few aspects of my life. Keep your eye on the prize and don’t look back!! I can feel it in my bones that you will get sub-3 this time around ;)

My running last week was okay -> I got some good runs in but didn’t hit all my trainings runs so that was kind of a bummer but it’s my own fault. I’m a big fan of quotes (especially running) too! One of my favorites is “Running. Sometimes, legs feel like rocks. But rocks under pressure make diamonds. Running is power”.


awww brooke’s grumpy face! so cute :) the highlight of my weekend was a mini-road trip with my bf to a few breweries that we’ve been meaning to try! And bbq for dinner. SO good.


I love that you two match in your stripes! And how cute is her princess nightgown!


Brooke is getting cuter by the minute, and I LOVE when you two match!! :)


it is really amazing how cute brooke can be even while grumpy facing! adorable.

highlight of the weekend was some time on the river (where part of it is clothing optional…crazy!) and spending time with my husband!

oh and i also made your s’mores bars for a BBQ and OMG people loved/hated me because they were so good :)


She is just so precious! I’m a heat wuss and have been on the treadmill which I am a-okay with.

I’ve hit the 30 mile/week mark and am coasting there. Now I need to add in some more speedwork! Hoping that a good base now means I can “train” relatively quickly for a half if I decide in the fall.


Running last week was ok–getting back into it after barely running at all during vacation. During the weekend I did a sprint triathlon with my good friend which was a lot of fun!


My running last week was pretty awesome! I kicked off Marathon Training and managed to get all my runs in (balancing being a single mom and working full-time with running can be tough!)

I know that some tough days happen though and there will be hiccups!

Keep working hard for your dreams and you’ll get there!


I feel like more people need to like and appreciate the 7 layer bar. That the treat I requested this year for my bday dinner. Mmmmmm.

Your day sounds relaxing, beautiful and so fun.

And I can understand and relate to you getting down on yourself, but I also feel bad that you do. You work hard. You set HARD goals. They aren’t going to come easy. Sub 3 is no freaking joke so it taking 5years (or more) is completely normal. Josse has been chasing it (and doing allthethings) for a while now too. And it is about balance. Yes, you might have to sacrifice some things to get that sub 3, which is normal, but giving up your life and other things that bring you joy to get it…is it worth it? Do you know what I am trying to say? I just don’t think demanding perfection of yourself is going to make you happy along the way. Don’t let other people (or your own mind) get you down. You’re awesomesauce at running, but at so much more too! Love you girl!


running this week was rather MEH for me, but my wknd was fabulous — spent it at the beach in Montauk with the girls. ALL THE FUN!


“If you think you can’t run, stop thinking.” Not sure who to attribute that to, but I have it up on my living room wall. It has seen me through many injuries!


Highlight of my weekend was the gorgeous weather and an amazing campfire with my family!

Honestly, I have been off running for 2.5 weeks and it is hard to feel as if you are losing fitness but long distance running builds character, more often then not when we deal with injuries. It’s all the attitude!


One of the girls above, (Jenni) said “put in the work, and let it come to you. You can’t force it.” I think that is the smartest advice I’ve ever heard.

Aches and pains and injuries tell us that we are doing too much and we can’t handle it, it’s how our body communicates. Right now I’ve been forced to scale way back on my mileage due to super tight hamstrings, which admittedly I know I created.

You are a strong, dedicated, determined runner. When your body is ready, you will get that sub 3. :)


Love you and Brooke’s matching stripes. And awesome note from your coach. I get down on myself sometimes if I don’t reach my goals. Good to remember that I”m an athlete and it’s all about progress, not perfection. Love this post.


Last week went really, really well UNTIL I got the word that my best friend’s (of 22 years) mom passed away and that popped my motivation instantaneously…I’m still working on getting it back especially after traveling this weekend to be with her.

Because we were in my college stomping ground, I indulged in all my favorite foods and drinks….I’m a little rounder today!

I’m not the best with speed but LOVE hills with a passion, which makes running partners difficult to find hahah.


My running was ok – my weekday miles were pretty rough. For some reason I have been feeling really tired and it is hard to make it through those 7 miles but I push through. I ran 12 yesterday and have started my training for NYC so I hope to start feeling better/not as tired soon.

I’ve got zip quotes – but remember Practice makes progress and you WILL get there – nothing worth having comes easy . . . that’s def someone else’s quote but I don’t know who :/

The highlight of my weekend was sleeping in on Saturday and relaxing all day (I am boring and I love Saturdays).

My body does pretty well with high mileage but I am careful with it – I do get a lot of calf pain though . . . I wouldn’t know about speed (lol) and there are no hills in Florida :/

Good luck, I hope you get back into your groove soon!


If your foot becomes unhappy again, I would recommend a trip to see the orthopedist. My absolute favourite quote is: “try to outrun your shadow- don’t be disheartened if it’s a tie” -bluenosemarathon


My running was decent last week, even though I only ran 3 times. I still managed to get 26 miles in, which is really good for me. I’m glad your foot is feeling better and that you shared that quote. It’s hard to remember that our goals aren’t always achieved overnight.


Something that motivates me is to try and maintain a positive attitude through it all. We have these expectations of how things should go and when they don’t, we get down on ourselves. It’s only natural.

So, in response to that I’ve decided I will not lose my cool when we face trials and tribulations – injury from running being one of them. How awesome is it when we are around someone who is cool, calm and collected when they’re going through something?? I’m always amazed and hope to react that way ALL the time (one of these days). It’s a work in progress but I know I will get there one day.

My motto for today is, a new beginning. Don’t worry about yesterday or tomorrow. Be great today!

Good news – I ran 9 miles SLOW and it felt great! No heel pain! :)


“Don’t let fear decide your future”

I’m a perfectionist. And the fear of not knowing that I’ll be able to do something “perfectly” or at least meet my expectations, can sometimes stop me from doing something. And I hate that. So this quote means a lot to me.

The highlight of my weekend was doing the City Chase event (basically The Amazing Race, in one day, in one city) with one of my girlfriends – such a good time!!


Great insight janae! Highlight of my weekend was time with family and friends :)
My body adjusts grumpily to high mileage. It loves hills and speed work though!


My running was off for me last week too. I have pms/that time of the month to blame but still, it was annoying and frustrating but I knew it would pass. I just took it easy and I am now ready for a new week!


Eeeekkkkk my picture!! Thank you for sharing it!!!!! And the tank really is super soft and comfy!!
That 7 layer bar looks oh soooooo good!! And Brooke does have a beautiful grumpy face!! Sweet girl!
My running has been unfortunately minimal lately, potty training and hot weather. sigh. I do love speed training! Calorie torcher!


My running last week was fantastic! I’ve finally found a running buddy and meeting someone does wonders for getting me up and moving at 5:30!

Lately I’ve been using “It’s All You” to get me through hard workouts and studying for exams. It reminds me that all of my successes and failures are entirely up to me and my decisions. This especially helps when I’m in a procrastinating sort of mood.


Your dress in the swing is super cute! Where did you get it? Also, I’m so glad your foot is doing better!!!! :)


No running last week. I am taking a group of college students to Italy for a summer course, and it is impossible to find some me time. I hope I will be able to get a free afternoon during the weekend.
I love that you match your outfit with your daughter


Great quote! Thanks for sharing


I’ll leave you some of my favorite Park City evening walks:
1. McPolin Farm Trail- This is the trail that wraps around the historic white barn just past the Canyons Resort on Hwy 224.
2. Main Street- Don’t forget to stop at Java Cow for some ice cream :)
3. Rail Trail- Start at Main Street and walk down to City Park. There is a fun outdoor percussion park next to the Bike Bark that I bet Brooke would love.


Highlight of my weekend – Anniversary weekend, and then I also ran 11 miles.


I FINALLY had a good week of running last week!! I’m marathon training myself (just started my 5th week) and had been really struggling through my long runs – which were only 8 and 9 miles! I finally had a really strong 11 miler this last weekend. I needed that confidence boost!

I’ve been slower than I wanted but that’s easier on my legs I think. I’m not sure how I’m going to handle the higher mileage yet! I think okay if I keep doing all the extra stuff (strength, stretching, foam rolling) and keep my pace at a manageable level.

I’m still impressed by the times you put out, even when you’re not feeling up to your best! How do you manage to stay relatively injury free?

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