My THREE R-words for interval recoveries.

Yesterday’s workout called for some speed. I had 4 x 1 mile (I averaged a 6:45 pace for those) and a 3 minute recovery jog after each one.  There are three things that I do during my recoveries after a speed interval.  I do them as I jog (even though in the pictures I am standing still while doing them).  

PicMonkey Collage

I do these three things when it comes time to recover after an interval:

1.  Readjust= After a speed interval there is always something I need to readjust.  It could be my sunglasses, my ponytail, a bobbi pin that is digging into my scalp, my headphones, my music, my shorts, my fuel belt, my garmin etc.  I take a second to get everything in place again so that I am ready to go hard again.   

2.  Refocus=  During these recoveries I take a minute or so to refocus again.  I think about the upcoming interval (just the next one… I get overwhelmed thinking about doing any more than 1 at a time) and what my goal is for the next interval.  I try to think of some ways to make the next interval even better than the previous one—>  improve my cadence, think more positively, work on my arm swing, hill form etc.  I think about my upcoming goals (ST. GEORGE MARATHON) and chase after it.  

3.  Realign= This one is huge for me.  I tend to start slouching and rounding my back as I get more and more tired during a speed interval.  I love taking a second during the recovery to raise my hands above my head, interlace my fingers and stretch UP in order to realign my spine.  It helps me to fix my form and feel nice and tall again for my next interval!


What the whole workout looked like:

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Try to think about this quote during your next speed workout:

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And just a few things from our world the last few days:

-Brooke practiced all of her killer gymnastics moves the other night for a solid 2 hours.  

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-I partook in the best way to ever spend $8—>  salmon salad from Shoga.  

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-School starts in just a few more weeks and so Brooke requests to wear her backpack everywhere that we go in order to prepare.  

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-Lunch selfie.  

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-I am extremely intrigued by the Sour Patch Watermelon slurpee… has anyone tried it?  Thoughts?  

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-Made this for my afternoon snack yesterday (added some almond butter) and it was delicious.  Just a little hot oatmeal when it is 90 degrees outside… totally normal.  

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-Running trails where I rarely have to see any cars or deal with crossing any streets—>  I love you dearly.

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What was the last speed/tempo/interval workout that you did?  How did it go?  

Do you eat oatmeal during the summer or am I just crazy?

Does your area have some nice paved running/bike trails?

What kind of mood are you in today?

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Wow great workout and I loooove that quote! I did some 400 repeats last week and they hurt so bad but I always try to think about how the more the her the better they will make me. I’m in a great mood today :) ready for a long run after work!


Hurt*** not her — I hate posting from my phone!


I did a few speed intervals this morning, and I tend to notice my form suffers more when I’m running “easy” than faster. I think I’m focusing more on moving forward when going fast, and then get sloppy when I can relax.


I love oatmeal all the time.

And today is a bad mood because blood test, ouch!


I can’t believe Brooke is going to school already!

I was going to do a longer run today, but noe speed work sounds good! The last tempo run i did was last Tuesday.

I’m really tired this morning. I didn’t get enough sleep.


I’m not an oatmeal person in the summer. It’s just too darn hot! I do like a few sprinkles of granola on my smoothies or froyo.


Every so often I crave something hot during the summer. Sometimes oatmeal, sometimes soup. Totally normal.

I can’t think about a whole workout our a whole race without getting overwhelmed, so I break it down, either mile by mile, interval or whatever it may be. Totally understand why you do the same! I often repeat to myself “run the mile you’re in” while I’m racing!


I’m going to the Pan Am Games tonight – so I’m in a super excited mood! Yay!

I have a great path right near my house in Ottawa. It is a KM away – but the path goes on and on for quite some time. You can do an entire 20 miler on the path and never have to see a car. It is also a busy path (but not crazy busy) so you don’t feel isolated. On Sundays in the summer, they close down this stretch of road – so all the bikers go on the road and the runners have pretty much full use of the track.


That sounds like such an intense workout. Congrats! I’m glad it went well. I’m beginning to start track workouts again which I know will help a lot with speed.

I can’t believe that salad was only 8 dollars, that’s fabulous!


It’s so beautiful where you live! Those mountains…!


Wow..that picture…if I lived there I would run every day! Beautiful.

I had a speed workout on Tuesday was 8×200’s. I have some 5k races coming up and after focusing on longer distances, I need some speed in my legs!

Pittsburgh has some great trails. We have a set of river front trails that go along all three of our rivers, as well as a few city parks that have miles and miles of beautiful trails. It’s the best!


I eat oatmeal all year long! Every single day.
Today I am feeling very happy–beautiful bike ride and the weekend on the horizon!!


I had track Tuesday and a tempo tomorrow. It’s been a struggle to get back in shape, but it’s starting to feel good again!

I actually ate that same oatmeal the other day. :)

I’m stressed today but trying to remain positive.


I have to really be in the ‘mood’ for oatmeal. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it. I do most of my outdoor runs on the sidewalk along the road which means frequent stops for cars or traffic lights. There aren’t many paved trails by me, and definitely nothing as scenic as yours! I’m jealous of all of the beautiful scenery you get to enjoy while you run!


I eat oatmeal every day, even in summer.
My last speed workout was a 7 mile goal marathon pace run. Despite wind and heavy legs it went well!
There are several urban trails where I live and I love being able to go for miles without stopping for traffic.


I eat oatmeal every day! It’s my favorite afternoon snack! : ) And I am in an awesome mood today… yesterday I was grumpy supreme but today is much much better !


I have mile repeats today! I love that quote – I’ll think of it when I’m in the part that hurts!


Wow i wish 8 was my recovery pace- that’s my target pace for Chicago marathon and it scares me!! I had 6 x 5 mins at speed yesterday and I had to trick myself that I only had one more to do each time!


My last speed workout was a while ago. I think it was my half marathon really, like 2 weeks ago (due to the little mishap with the cyclist running me over last week). It went well though!

I not only eat oatmeal during the summer, but I eat soup for lunch almost every day, because my office is freeeezing.

Boston has the esplanade along the Charles which is the very best running path.

I’m in an ok mood. Finally feel well-rested but my foot doesn’t feel like it’s improved at all from yesterday which is frustrating. I’ve been lucky enough to be seeing improvements every day, with the exception of today. But at least it’s not getting worse :)


I love oatmeal every morning of the year! Sometimes I eat it cold but lots of the time I eat it hot regardless of the weather. My favorite pre and post run breakfast :)


There is never a time that is not appropriate NOT to eat hot oatmeal. I love Love Grown and I always mix peanut butter in it. :)


My 7 year old tried the sour patch dlurpees and loved it. She thinks sour patch is one of the greatest foods ever! I took a sip…too sour for me!


I’m doing interval training in the morning, on our beautiful local bike path!

I eat oatmeal almost everyday, year round. No other breakfast is as satisfying.


With all my injuries the last 18 months there has been little speed work.
I tend to ear oatmeal in the winter only. But you aren’t crazy. Mood is good because I am off today and getting a haircut but my back hurts so bad and my calves are hurting and I don’t know how I will be able to run and this seems to be my new norm and it’s sad.


I’ve been eating lots of oatmeal the last few weeks for breakfast. If it’s crazy at least we’re crazy together!


Brooke and her backpack! So cute! And I like your three R’s — they can apply to everyday life for sure. And YES to oatmeal any time of year. :)


Brooke looks adorable with her backpack :)

My area has an awesome paved greenway that goes all over the city. It’s fun to ride


I love the strawberries in that salad, looks delish.
I’m in a so-so mood. But probably because today is rest day. So no running today.
Great speed workout.! That’s intense


Great workout! I am not really an oatmeal person. It just sits in my stomach lol. I would love to try that SPK slushy!


I feel like I haven done speed forever. I used to hate doing intervals when I was in high school. But I’m craving them a little now. I love that you take time to stretch and realine your back. I think that would have helped me enjoy the speed work out a lot better.

I hate oatmeal in any weather. I craved it a little when I was pregnant but I couldn’t even gag it down. I don’t like the texture of it.


Are those gel nails? I just got into Jamberry nails because my cousin became a consultant, and I LOVE them! I bet you’d like them, *especially* because they make mini ones for little girls, too, so you and Brooke could match! :) This is my cousin’s site in case you want to check them out:


I’m in an odd mood today and I’m trying to figure out whether I want to go for a run or crosstrain. It’s GORGEOUS outside, but I feel like I should be taking it easy. Oatmeal every single day, 365 days a year. I love it.

I want that slurpee.


Love Brooke and her backpack :-)
I’m going to remember that quote next time my run starts to get tough!
Last speed workout I did was a tempo run.
I am in a good mood this morning- started the day off right with a great run and strength training session! And its my Friday!
Thanks for the three R’s! Good stuff.
Have a great day!


For some reason my bras kept read readjust as “read adjust” and it felt so trippy. Love tour tips as always! That’s salmon salad looks AMAZING.


I’m in a stressed out mood, and yes I eat oatmeal all year long. So good!


Last speed workout: ladder workout on the track.
I eat oatmeal year round but eat more cold overnight oats in the summer!
We have a lot of great paved run paths in Nashville.


Sour Patch Kids Watermelon Slurpee= REALLY good, but REALLY sour! I had to mix it with another flavor so that I didn’t have a permanent pucker! But I really did enjoy it. You should try it!


That oatmeal looks so good! Intervals are tough. You did great though, and that quote makes a lot of sense! I did intervals yesterday on the treadmill and I wrote on Daily Mile that my face was purple when I was done which is a good sign that I worked hard.


Oatmeal stays in my pantry until Fall and Winter! I have been eating a lot of breakfast sandwiches because I usually have -5 mins to get to work so I microwave and eat on the commute.
Good day today – I ran 10 miles this morning, then took a dip in my pool before work. A great cooldown and a great way to start the day! Have a good one :)


I eat oatmeal almost everyday for breakfast regardless of the season–it’s just so delicious. :) We have some nice paved running/bike trails near me…there is a 4 mile loop and if you go the other way it’s about a 12 mile loop. Very convenient. :)


Omg I want to try that slurpee! It sounds really good!


Oatmeal all the time… ALL. THE. TIME. :D


I do eat oatmeal in the summer. A lot of days it’s second breakfast. However, it’s pretty much frigid in my office so it doesn’t seem like I’m eating it in the summer! We have a paved trail on top of the levee which is cool but it’s not really long. We don’t have 7-11 here but we have Icees & the Dr Pepper Icee is AMAZING!!


I did 5 1 mile repeats on Tuesday with .4mi recovery jogs. I paced at an 8:30min/mile which was much faster than I expected. Especially so that it was so hot and humid out.

I live in upper (way upper!) Manhattan so sometimes I run over the George Washington Bridge to NJ’s Palisades Park, they have great biking and running trails over there. Both paved and unpaved.


Seattle area has some wonderful trails (paved or gravel). Personally, my only annoyance with it is that then you are (typically) running on the flats…this area also has some great places to easily get in some hillls, but not usually on the trails (unless you are truly trail running (like in the mountains, trail running).

My last speed workout was the other night and it went surprisingly well. I was so tired (staying up way to late), but I was able to hit the pace I wanted/needed for each interval (even though the interval was only 400m…but hey, it was something). :)

My mood at the moment is “TGIT” (thank goodness it is Thursday) and my workout tonight is “only” a 30-minute tempo (prior to looking I thought it was 45-minutes).


Im a “i craving carbs no one talk to me” sort of mood today. hahaha im at work, so i just put my headphones on and ignore everyone…..


BAHAHAH I’m in the same mood Mary! I hope you get some good carbs soon:)


I’m in a surprisingly good mood today. There are some things going on in my life that I haven’t been sharing w my readers and it left me feeling icky. So I talked about it today and I feel much freer even if my life is a little crazy. I also got in a nice sweaty workout and am ready to take on the day!


That trail picture is absolutely GORGEOUS! Your pics make me want to visit Utah :)

I did speed work Monday (intervals) and it went pretty good. I did do it on the treadmill so the scenery wasn’t awesome but I like the pace control on the TM for intervals. I did a run on a paved trail last night – there are bikers and runners – it is really pretty and there are trees all around so it helps with the heat since it’s shaded!

I actually had oatmeal for breakfast yesterday after a long hiatus from it! I go in spurts with my food :)

I’m in a THANKFUL mood this morning as I got in an accident (had my daughter with me) and we are both OK. Unfortunately, not sure the car is going to make it but that’s OK – cars can be replaced- people can’t.


I am SOOOOO sorry about the car accident but thank goodness you guys are okay!!!

Come visit Elena! You’d love it here:) WAY TO GO on your Monday intervals! Doing it on the treadmill is even better for mental strength too so way to go girl!


I recently read this in the Hanson’s Marathon Method book and use it as my mantra every time I do interval training: Every interval/Speed work you do is like putting money in the bank (Not the EXACT wording, but you get the gist ;) ) happy speed work!!!


I love that analogy… so so true! Thanks Nicole and I hope you are having a fabulous day!


I am intrigued by the sour patch kids slurpee too!! I love paths where you don’t have to cross streets or deal with cars… THE BEST. I go walking with my mom at a nearby lake and every time we go I remember how much more awesome it is to walk somewhere like that rather than my neighborhood!


I still have oatmeal during the summer, but only for breakfast. It has to be under 100 degrees for me to have something that hot! :P


Brooke’s backpack is so cute! I don’t eat oatmeal because it makes me super sick, but that looks really good :)


Love trails!

Just watched this awesome ultra trail running lady documentary and thought you might enjoy it! She is totally inspirational.

Maybe you could do posts on trail runs and ultra running, your views, people who’ve done ultras, whether you’d like to and so on. I’d be super interested in these topics!


YAY – I get to do speedwork tonight… excited……maybe

Totally not crazy to eat oatmeal in the summer. I do it quite frequently, and my family thinks I am crazy for it. I usually make my own in the crockpot overnight.

Today has been a crazy day from the get go, so I am hoping that my anxiousness will help with my speedwork tonight. A quarter mile away from my front door our is a walking/biking/running trail, so I frequent that for a lot of my training runs. It is nice to be able to take the dog with me, visit with/tag along with fellow runners on the trail, and not have to worry about traffic. Plus, Lucky (the dog) loves the wildlife.


-I eat hot oatmeal a few times a week. If its after a morning run sometimes I eat hot oatmeal sitting directly in front of the fan. :)
-We have some great rail trails that are paved.
-I’m in a great mood today!


Oh I like that quote a lot! I did a great yasso workout on Sunday – burned so good! I eat oatmeal sometimes, but it doesn’t keep me full as long as they say I should We have a lot of gravel trails and some paved ones – it’s sunny out today so I’m a happy girl!


Jenae! Have you ever had a stress fracture in your foot or know someone that has? Looking for advice!


OMG i totally wrote about eating oatmeal when it was 91 degrees too! we’re living parallel lives… haha! here it is, if you’re curious! :)


Yep! Love oatmeal any time – doesn’t matter how hot it is :)
I feel the same way about intervals. I like to refocus and get ready for the next one.
We have great running paths here!!
I am in a good mood, but would love to take a nap!


My husband, who loves everything sour, tried the sour patch kids slurpee and LOVED IT. He gave me a sip and I could not get it off my tongue fast enough. It tasted like burning to me. It is so very sour!


There is a paved path near my house that runs along a creek and UNDER all the roads for miles and miles. It’s glorious. I’m generally a trail runner, but I can handle the road running when it’s like that!


Thursdays are track practice with my team…last night’s workout was:
1x1200m on 2 mins rest @ 5k pace
3x400m on 1 min rest @ faster than 5k pace
6x200m on 1 min rest @ faster than 5k pace

By the end, I wanted a lung transplant. LOL. They always hurt but they make us so much faster!!

I am so lucky to live right next to amazing running paths along water!


I’m doing tempo mile repeats for the first time on Wednesday so this post is very timely! Love the advice and will try to implement it, especially the part about taking it one mile at a time.


I try and run on trail paths as much as I can. I ran 13 miles during the week on roads and it felt so much harder on my body. Soft ground is definitely the way to go…


I’d love to try that Hawaiian Punch slurpee next to yours, haha!


I got my shirt!! Woo woo!

I would love to try that flavor! Those sour patch kids watermelons are my favorite! I could munch on those all the time!

I eat oatmeal for breakfast with peanut butter and a little bit of brown sugar. Yum!


I’ll practice these on friday during my next speed session.

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