I can do that and my sale picks.

A Thursday afternoon with my sister?  Sounds like the best kind of afternoon.  

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What she was telling me was more important than smiling for the picture. 

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The girls were all with my mom while we were gone doing some church things and they made us cards while we were away.  My heart melted.  

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PS just in case you ever try to reach my sister via phone calls or emails…  maybe just don’t….  I start shaking a little bit whenever I see all of her missed calls and unopened emails.  

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I’m pretty dedicated to this whole ‘supporting my arches with my footwear all day long’ thing that we talked about yesterday even if it means wearing my Lobster shoes with my dress around the house.  PS my mom sent me this picture and she wrote Yolo underneath.  She is getting way too hip these days.

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Kelly added a super helpful tip in yesterday’s post:  

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Foam rolling is a whole lot more enjoyable when you have somebody to do it with!

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Dinner involved a new to me ingredient—>  purple potatoes.  We had purple mashed potatoes, steak and green beans.  Heavenly.

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And I am already breaking my plea bargain with my body. We walked to get ice cream and the feet felt golden.  We take a lot of summer night walks and I used to wear sandals (with zero support) each time—>  of course my feet were going to hurt.  Dr. B’s advice as far as running shoes go—>  “Training runs in stability shoes for the next month.  Then for hill training and go back to regular shoes for speed and flat runs.”  I can do that.  

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4 miles today.  Things are picking back up again and if today goes well then a long run will go down this weekend.  I can’t wait.  

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The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale STARTS TODAY!!!!  I’ve been late night online shopping (aka therapy) narrowing down to my favorites and I thought I’d share them with you!

The Zella ‘Bees Knees’ Running Capris—>  These are an absolute yes for me.  I love the ‘Live In’ leggings too ($33)

These Frye Boots that I have wanted for way too long.   

This black tote ($31) that will fit the 30 toys Brooke loves for us to take everywhere we go.

Fringed Ankle Booties because you can never have enough booties.  

Stripe V-Neck Pullover ($25)—>  fall will be here soon.  

-Just a beautiful watch.  

-I get a lot of questions about one of my Marc Jacobs bags and the Hobo one )that is very similar) is on sale HERE.  Oh and THIS crossbody one is adorable too!  


Do you rotate through different types/brands of running shoes or do you stick to the same shoe?

What are you looking forward to this weekend?

Got a long run scheduled?  How far?

Favorite store to shop at?

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12 miles tomorrow for my first official marathon training run :) really hope the shoes work for you! I feel like they will, fingers crossed. Have a great weekend!


I have always rotated my running shoes but mainly because, FASHION. LOL

I am taking the day easy today and doing my first long run in ages tomorrow, wish me luck.

My favorite store online is 6pm.com and right now they have pureflow 3’s for 40 dollars and some killer tanks on sale. ;) hint


I used to rotate shoes but then got horrible plantar fasciitis, so now I stick to the Saucony Kinvaras.

I’m looking forward to froyo, sister time and the pool this weekend!!

My long run will be 9.3 tomorrow, which is progress. It’s taking time to get back in shape…

My favorite store to shop at is Target. Hands down. Happy Friday!! :)


Are the Kinvaras a stability shoe?


Sorry–just saw this! No, they are neutral. They’re pretty light weight and great training shoes!


Looks like you sister is doing well! I’m so glad!

Keep up with your plea bargain! You’ll be feeling better in no time! (I’m aldo super guilty of eating too much junk)

I have a 10K tomorrow and I’m hoping for 12-14 miles Sunday!

I hope you have a great weekend!


Thanks for sharing your sale picks! I’ve heard so much about Zella so I have to try something out while it’s cheap. Good luck on your run and I hope everything goes well!

I do rotate different shoes when I’m training. I have a heavier/stability pair for long runs or easy runs, then a few lightweight pairs that I rotate between for faster runs and races. I think it does help to prevent injury, plus I just like trying new shoes :)


I always have two pairs of shoes that I use to train in also. I don’t know that there is anything to it but it has always worked for me!

I can’t deal with unopened emails. I was using my SILs phone the other day and she had over 10k unopened emails. That number is not a typo!

14 miles on tap for me tomorrow morning!


The lululemon warehouse sale has also been going on. I’ve bought a good amount from there. I might do a long run tomorrow before work, we will see where time takes me this evening. I rotate between the Asics nimbus, saucony triumph and Nike Vomero right now. Each of those shoes has a slightly different feel which I like. All of them are very high cushion though!


Those purple potatoes are so odd looking! I’ve usually been a new balance girl but I’m waiting for my new Brooks to come and i can’t wait! This weekend i have a 10 miler, hoping for good weather! I’m glad your foot is getting better!


12 miles tomorrow! I can’t wait : ) And I usually rotate out my shoes as well. Favorite store to shop at is absolutely Lululemon. Which is a problem because they ALWAYS have something I like : )


I love to try different shoes but the saucony kinvara has been my go-to long run/ race shoe for a while!
I’m looking forward to family staying with us this weekend!
Long run: pacing a 15 miler for a training group
Fave store: fleet feet for running. J crew for normal people clothes…lol!


I am not doing a long run this weekend, but I will be running.! After a short break, this makes me super excited :)

Favorite store… Target, love it. I buy almost all of my running clothes from target. And I love to buy my daughter’s clothes there also. Win-win


I’m 100% loyal to Mizunos! I love other shoes for other purposes, but when it comes to running those are my go-to.

This weekend I’ll be looking for a ball gown for my first formal military event. My husband is graduating flight school so we have a lot of fun graduation activities coming up. I’m just nervous about finding something that look good at 8 months!


I have two pairs of Pure Flows I switch between but I want to add another style in there because I’ve heard it’s so beneficial. I have a 14 mile run tomorrow for marathon training. Have a great weekend!


I never used to rotate my shoes but I do now. I have two pairs of Glycerins, one pair of ghost and they are all great. Started buying Brooks runners after reading your blog 2 years ago.

That Brookers is SOOOO gorgeous!!!


And favourite store – Lululemon by far. Spend way too much of my salary there but I just love it so much.


I am a loyalist with running shoes and always stick to the same Brooks Adrenalines! They carried me through my first half marathon, my first marathon and every race in between! :)


I always try to rotate – even if it’s only a newer version of the same shoe. Currently I’m on the Asics Nimbus 16 and Adidas Boost – works great!

Happy weekend!


I rotate different shoes but all of mine are the Brooks pure line. I’m hoping to check out a nearby trail this weekend! Not sure how long my “long run” will be since I’m not training for anything, but maybe 10 or 11?
Have a great weekend!


There is a stainless steel and gold MK watch that I’m loving at Nordstrom. Seems like it would be very versatile :)


If someone hasn’t already told you about Iron Cowboy–I wanted to share with you, in hope that your foot will be healed up and ready to roll by the time he arrives is Utah. I just did a 5k in WI last night with him, and it was one of the best experiences ever. He is doing 50 ironmans in 50 days on 50 states to raise awareness for childhood obesity. Talk about phenomenal and inspriring! Here is the link to his page–they do a fun 5k in every state, it’s free, and for the whole family (his 12 year old daughter has run all 41 5k’s with him so far!!). He finishes in Provo next Saturday :)


Kelli, I’m glad to read that you supported Iron Cowboy last night in WI. I’m a newbie runner. I ran my first 5k with him last month in OK. I’ve been watching him as he travels the 50 states. He is inspiring! ….and beyond amazing….


I definitely rotate my shoes throughout the week – I think I wore three different pairs this week, sometimes I do four but I always do at least two. I noticed a huge difference in how I felt once I started doing this. My favorite running shoes though are still my Adidas Energy Boosts :) Have a great weekend!


You should try Yellow Box flip flops for comfy sandals! They are so cute and the bottom are super cushioned.


I always wear my Saucony Guide 7’s when running. Non running shoes = supportive sandals and shoes. Today was just a nice and easy 5miles. Tomorrow will either be run again or 20 mile bike ride. Looking forward to celebrating my husband’s birthday by going to the Cherry Pie Festival w/ friends on Saturday and a Harley ride on Sunday.


I have ran in Miznuo Wave Riders for years and years. I did not like this update so I just switched to the Nike Pegasus and I am loving it. I also go between the Pure Flow for my speed workouts. I have my long run today and I am looking forward to it very much!


I have been channeling your positive energy for the last 12 or so hours Janae.
Last night on my run I was hit by a cyclist who ran a light at an intersection and he got my foot pretty badly. Thankfully it’s not a fracture like I feared but a severe soft tissue injury. 2 weeks off my feet and off of running (which feels too good to be true since I can’t even stand on it right now) but I’m so so sad. Hopefully it won’t set me back too far in training but I’ve been thinking about your optimism a lot and how it’s ok to take time off now so I’m better later. Fingers crossed the doctor is right. Meanwhile I’ll be doing lots of swimming and ab work. Hope your foot is feeling better ASAP too!


Annie. This breaks my heart. I am truly so so sorry bout what you went through last night. Please keep me updated with how you are doing. I’m always here if you need a email penpal. YES… get in the pool and do that ab work and hopefully before you know it you will be running again!


Online shopping is my favorite store. Ha! This sale is going to be the end of me and my credit card limit. Ooof.

I love your lobster shoes. All of the new Brooks shoes’ colors make me WANT THEM ALL.


Hey! I’ve been reading for awhile but rarely comment. Wanted to ask, though…I have IT band issues that keep acting up and am looking for work-appropriate shoes that will offer support during the day when I am not running! Does anyone have any ideas for something that is somewhat cute/acceptable for an office but also offers good support? Thanks everyone!


Hey Ellie!

Always check with a doc, but consider foam rolling those IT bands fairly often and change your shoes out. For example, I foam roll twice a day and rotate pairs of shoes to see what feels best to me during times of tightness. Icing is good too! Good luck!


Oh and try Tieks flats! They are a little pricey , but I found some cheaper on eBay!


Thanks Jessica! Love the IT band advice…I’m always looking for ways to keep them injury-free! I’ve heard there’s debate on whether or not to foam-roll the IT band itself (rather than just the muscles around it) – do you find that rolling on your IT band helps, or hurts? I’ve just stuck with rolling around the IT band (and ice twice a day) to play it safe. Those Tiek flats are so cute!! I will try the Ebay trick, thanks!!


I HATE rolling my IT bands when ‘m doing it, but I do feel better after the release. My doc showed me that if I bend the knee slightly of the leg I am foam rolling, it allows me to get deeper into the fascia. Good ol’ fashion rest has been good for me too, but that’s harder than foam rolling for me.

I think it’s different for everyone whether or not to foam roll. It’s up to us to listen to our bodies!

Good luck and take care!


I HATE rolling my IT bands when I’m doing it, but I do feel better after the release. My doc showed me that if I bend the knee slightly of the leg I am foam rolling, it allows me to get deeper into the fascia. Good ol’ fashion rest has been good too, but that’s harder than foam rolling for me. :)

I think it’s different for everyone whether or not to foam roll. It’s up to us to listen to our bodies!

Good luck and take care!


The long-term solution to ITB troubles is strengthening the glutes. Foam-rolling does not resolve the primary issue (glutes are weak, TFL compensates which lead to pulling/irritation/stress on the ITB).


I have two running shoe brand favs that I stick to most often. Saucony and Reeboks are my jam. I used to not consider Reebok as an option until the past year or so. They’ve done a nice job with their designs lately! My feet are happy!

I’m looking forward to some me time at the salon and hopefully, on the mat. :) have a good weekend!


I ran my long run yesterday as I have no one to watch Max until at least Tuesday

I used to wear Mizunos, but recently bought a pair of Brooks that I am loving!

I’m looking forward to not marking 100+ assignments a day this weekend!


Last night was my long run. 12 miles, probably seems like a piece of cake to you, because you do long runs all the time. But it was a beast for me. All done though and I finished it!

Funeral this weekend. I hate funerals cause I can’t stop crying. But then Grandpa will be laid to rest and we will have some closure and everything will get back to normal and happy. Thank heaven for running (therapy).


I use one pair of shoes for my street running and then another pair for trails. My long runs are typically on trails.

I am doing a midnight (8.4) run tomorrow while an ultra (24 hour) event is going on its going to be a great time.

The event kind of got in the way of any long run so 8.4 will have to be it.

Yikes I dont shop anywhere enough to have a fav other than Giant grocery store is that sad haha. Amazon is my fav.

I love that blue maxi dress! Check out some crocs to where when you are not running i swear by them and then have ones cute enough for me to where to my office job.


I just ordered that bag in Cognac…so nice! Thanks for sharing. I want the boots too, but my calves are too big for not trying them on.


It is so funny that you posted those Frye boots! I put them in my Nordstrom cart right before I read this post. They are AMAZING! I’m glad you figured out your foot issue. I always wondered how you walked around in sandals all day. My co-workers make fun of me because I wear sneakers to work and then slip into my work shoes once I arrive. They do not understand runners at all, LOL! Have a great weekend, I have 12 miles on deck for tomorrow!


You’ve inspired me to wear more supportive shoes – I love wearing flip flops all summer, so it will be a challenge. I love the anniversary sale – I picked up those bees knees capris in navy during early access – haven’t worn them yet but they are great! My long run this weekend should be 13 miles.


I used to be pretty much all Saucony but I have recently discovered the Brooks Launch 2 and I LOVE it!!!
You would die if you saw my email…I have like 40,000 unopened emails :/…it is just too overwhelming to fix now.
I have 15 miles tomorrow


My half training doesn’t start until next weekend, and that long run is a 5-miler. I will be bike riding this weekend.

I have been shopping the Nordstrom sale all week (early access), but am waiting until my Nordstrom notes come in the mail. Hey, $20 is $20! :)

Have a great weekend!


I love those leggings, might have to get a pair too!

I do rotate my running shoes. I use the same pair for speedwork then 3 other pairs in rotation.

Got my first 13 miler this weekend!


Love your Anniversary Sale picks! I love shopping at Nordstrom! I will be doing that today actually.
I rotate shoes for running- Brooks Ghost 8 for long runs, Saucony Kinvaras and Mizuno Waveriders for shorter runs.
I’m running a 10k race on Sunday
Have a great Friday!


I wear Asics Nimbus all the time, every day for the last gazillion years. I’m getting married on Sunday!


Oh man! Now is DEFINITELY the time for me to stock up on those cute leggings for winter workouts!


I typically rotate through different versions of the same shoe. For example, I have the Glycerin 10, 11, and 12 and will rotate through them depending on the type of workout.

This weekend I am looking forward to my baby shower!!! I have a few girlfriends coming into town tomorrow and can’t wait!! :)

One of my favorite stores is the Lululemon Outlet – it’s always a treat to go there because it is so far away from where I live! I also enjoy Nordstrom and Target.


Way to go on supporting your arches! I’m excited for the sale :)


I am a teacher and had terrible foot pain. I went to the podiatrist and got custom insoles. He told me I could never wear flip-flops, most sandals or cute flats ever again. I was 28. Wah! So now it is always my mission to find cute ‘summer shoes’ I can fit my bulky insoles in. But my feet feel amazing!


I love purple potatoes! I’m thinking happy run thoughts for you today!!


In terms of brands, I stick to New Balance but I totally mix up the shoes that I wear. It does help prevent injuries.


I love purple potatoes!! The first time I used them to make mashed potatoes my kids and hubby were really skeptical (because purple mush doesn’t look super appetizing I guess lol) but once I convinced them to taste it they couldn’t get enough. They’re so much yummier than regular potatoes…


I’m going to a Kid Rock concert this weekend, really looking forward to that!

Hoping to get a 7 mile run in. My foam roller comes in the mail today so I’m praying that it works wonders on my sore calves and quads!

One of my current favorite places to shop is an online boutique, Hazel and Olive (www.hazelandolive.com), their clothes are cute and affordable!


I always rotate between two pairs of shoes plus trail shoes. I had read it was better for the shoes too (gives them more time to bounce back) and I’ve been doing this for a few years. I’ve never had any feet issues, so I’m sticking with it!

This is the last weekend before our first 50k!!! I think we are doing a 14 mile trail run. I’m excited/nervous/anxious and a few other choice words!!


Great sale picks! Just a heads up that I think you need to be more clear that you earn a commission from your ShopStyle links, since you seem to have it buried in your “About Me” section. From the FTC website:

“If you disclose your relationship to the retailer clearly and conspicuously on your site, readers can decide how much weight to give your endorsement.

In some instances – like when the affiliate link is embedded in your product review – a single disclosure may be adequate. When the review has a clear and conspicuous disclosure of your relationship and the reader can see both the review containing that disclosure and the link at the same time, readers have the information they need. You could say something like, “I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.” But if the product review containing the disclosure and the link are separated, readers may lose the connection.

As for where to place a disclosure, the guiding principle is that it has to be clear and conspicuous. The closer it is to your recommendation, the better. Putting disclosures in obscure places – for example, buried on an ABOUT US or GENERAL INFO page, behind a poorly labeled hyperlink or in a “terms of service” agreement – isn’t good enough. Neither is placing it below your review or below the link to the online retailer so readers would have to keep scrolling after they finish reading. Consumers should be able to notice the disclosure easily. They shouldn’t have to hunt for it.”


I just switched to a standing desk and am finding that my lil ol flipflops that I wear (when I work from home) just are not cutting it. So I’ve started wearing my running shoes around the house too — good thing I have multiple retired pairs looking for love :)


Yup, I rotate. 2 road, and 1 trail right now.
Beach and BBQ this weekend :)
Long run 30km/19ish miles – Running Reykjavik (Iceland) Marathon on August 22nd!


I have those Frye boots already and just bought the Vegan Tote in brown as well as the Zella live in leggings. I can’t wait for them to arrive!!


Yes rotating shoes is super important! I rotate between Hooka’s, Saucony, Brooks & Mizunos all week long. Also picking up marbles with your feet (I know tedious) really helps with strengthening the arches of your feet. I do it when I blogging. Multi-tasking!


I’ve been wanting those Frye boots for YEARS. Because of you… I finally decided to take the plunge and I ordered them. They still had my size because I have huge feet!

And currently I’m rotating between the Brooks Pure Flows and the Pure Cadence for my Chicago marathon training. For my last marathon I trained and ran in the same pair of shoes and even though I didn’t get injured (shockingly) I did notice I was getting a hot spot on the bottom of one of my feet. Even though they are quite similar, the Cadence is better for longs runs because they support my arch a little bit more! I love them both!


gah, I swore I wouldn’t look at the Nordstrom sale and then I’m sucked in. Ah well, looking won’t hurt.

I tend to stick to Nike’s or Brooks. I need a wider toe bed and I wear orthotics. I do rotate my shoes.

I think I’m running 7, we’ll see what the hip says.


I’ve always stuck with the same shoes for all of my runs, but that’s a great idea. I’ll have to give it a try!


hahah your mom is so hip with that “yolo” text! Impressive :)


i too am very impressed with your mother’s hipness and also that your sister’s lip can look like billy idol’s! fun family…obviously!

i hope that brooke foam rolls with you foreeeever. it’s too cute!


We are celebrating we just graduated from our Masters Degree!!!


So glad the foot is getting better! I had foot surgery (for a bunion) five years ago, and I still have to wear supportive shoes as much as possible to prevent discomfort. I have found ways to make comfy shoes look cute (or at least I try…), but it’s annoying sometimes to not be able to just slip on flip flops!

Hope you have a lovely weekend! That blue dress is so pretty on you!


i usually rotate my shoes during marathon training. I tend to have trouble with my feet and have to wear only shoes with some stability and arch support. Fit flops have some cute sandals for summer and I’ve found some Ugg sandals with support so I don’t have to wear orthotic or running shoes all summer!


Yes I rotate sneaks!! Especially according to my fitness or workout… For example, coming back to running after pregnancy I was in supportive shoes with a lot of cushioning.. Also long runs I like a stabilizing shoe because towards the end of say an 18-miler my form starts to suffer a bit and stabilizing shoes help me avoid that slump and post run pain and injuries!

Love ur nsale picks!! Nords is my personal favorite! Is the black bag the same as the tan one in the picture with your sister? Both are so cute!


Right now I’m rotating between New Balance 870s and Saucony Guides. Usually I have 2 of the same model shoe that I rotate between, but just decided to give New Balance a try, so they are in the rotation now.
Going to St. Louis for a bachelorette party this weekend!
Favorite store = LOFT


I do most of my running in ASICS GT-2000s (have gone through 6-7 pairs of those) but love Brooks Adrenalines when I’m doing any trail work or easier runs.

Tomorrow’s 12 miles in 90*F heat plus humidity – ahh!


my coworker just told me staples is selling $100 nordstrom gift cards for $90. Not a huge discount, but definitely worth it if you’re hitting up the sale!


My favourite shoes are Brooks’ Ravenna’s any day!! Only ones I wear – with Bombas socks = heaven!!
Long run on Sunday will be 7 miles
Have a great weekend everyone :)


I never roate my sneakers even though I know i should. I’m in love with my Reeboks and they weren’t even that expensive! This weekend I am going to be working lots and hopefully spending some time in the pool. Runs = non-existent at the moment and fave store would have to be walmart.. am I lame or what!


Thanks so much for the shout out! I love your blog and check in daily. So glad you have a foot /shoe action plan and are on your way to a long run!!!


-I only rotate work shoes, which are old running shoes LOL!
-Family time! My daughter and I just spend some QT at our families cabin without my husband so I’m glad we have the whole weekend so all 3 of us can hangout!
-I’m planning 2 “medium” runs Saturday 5 miles, Sunday 6 miles with a running group (first one :) )
-favorite store Runner’s performance! or TJ Maxx :)


How did I never know about these lobster shoes!??!? Thank goodness I have huge feet and there were some left in my size! I just bought a couple maxi dresses from the Nordstrom sale, early access is deadly!! Amazon and Nordstroms basically take half my paycheck each month…..


I rotate my running shoes. I have 6 pairs currently. Salomon for the trails, asics and altra for the road. I am not a shopper. I am not good at it, I don’t like 99% of what I try on. This morning I dropped my kids off to their Dad and decided to go shopping. I picked up something from Athleta (they are currently having a sale), The GAP, and Macy’s. I am feeling very proud of myself and loving the items I picked up.


Hey Janae – Have you considered setting up an appointment with a podiatrist to see what’s really going on? Running on a shoe for pronation when you’ve always had a neutral stride could just make your foot problems worse. I really want to see you succeed and get your sub 3.
You can do hard things, including staying true to your plea bargain! Next time you feel the need for ice cream or froyo, make yourself a frosty protein shake with frozen fruit and milk for calcium with your favorite protein powder. You’ll make your mouth and your body happy ;) You don’t have to avoid treats, just make them better.


Yes, I have Asics cumulus, Brooks Ghost and New Balance 1080s. And I almost always wear running sneakers when I am not running. I have been avoiding my flip flops like the plague.
Tomorrow the boyfriend and I are driving a sailboat 5 hours down to Virginia. He’s selling it to someone from Florida so we’re meeting in the middle. Then we’ll be driving back leisurely with some fun stops to eat and play. Our pooches are coming along so we’ll need to let them out to stretch their legs. And we found a restaurant that’s dog friendly that was featured on Diners Drive ins and Dives so we’re stoked. Can you say Crab Cakes!!!!! It’ll be a whirlwind road trip =)


I’m so glad for shoe rotation-it means more shoe shopping. I’m running in Asics GT 2000’s, 1000’s, GEL Quantum 360’s, and Brooks Launch 2’s. I’ve got an easy, longer run planned with friends out to Snow Canyon in St. George. As long as it’s not hot, it’ll be great. I’m so glad your shoe action plan is working! I’ve been spending quality non-running time in my running shoes. I think the running shoe/dress is officially a new trend. Love it! :)


I don’t rotate running shoes, but maybe I should. Hmm…

And, Banana Republic used to be my favorite store, but lately I’d have to say Nordstrom Rack or Sports Authority.


You look gorgeous in that blue, and I hope you wear that color often on you! It’s one of my favorite colors to wear, and my mom and I have a theory that this color can’t look bad on anyone.


Olukais are the best when you need flop flips that have arch support. My local specialty running store sells them and I love mine. I wear flats most days at work and for those I use the Superfeet 3/4 length insert. Huge difference for me. I also have a full length Green Superfeet and a Carbon Superfeet for everyday sneakers that have a removable sock liner. Highly recommend all the aforementioned!


I only have one pair of running shoes and this is making me think that I should perhaps have more and rotate?


The Nordstrom sale is great! I got a cozy sweater jacket for fall and saw a million other things too haha.

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