Tuesday Tangents are coming YOUR way and I am SORRY!

I took down this morning’s post because after reading a few comments and looking at the situation from their perspective I realized I was not a great example and that is the last thing I want to do.   I worked out after my root canal because I felt amazing, I felt normal.  I ate apples with Brooke, we played together at the park and I worked on the computer during her nap like I normally do.  I honestly didn’t even think much of it for the entire rest of the day. The dental work did not affect me like it may for other people and I do not want anyone to feel like they need to run if they don’t feel good afterwards. I just lucked out because I did feel great and I just went about my day like I normally do.  I asked my dentist after he was finished if it was okay to run and he said ‘sure, as long as you feel good.’  Thank you to those readers that expressed concern and helped me to see things from a different perspective though.  I NEVER want to spread the message to workout when you don’t feel good.  I am nowhere near perfect but I am sure trying my hardest to post good/helpful information on this corner of the internet but every now and then I most definitely mess up!

Let’s start the day again fresh with what I was going to post this afternoon:)

-Because I like to snapchat while I am on the treadmill.

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-I am pretty talented at multitasking while on the treadmill.  I can even prepare Brooke’s snacks while running at the same time.

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-Playing a little football in Target with your homies is always a good idea:

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-This avocado was $2.  I usually don’t spend that much on avocados but for some reason I just had a really good feeling about this one (I call it intuition).  It was worth every penny.  It was probably the best avocado I have had from a grocery store and that is why I felt the need to write this paragraph about it.   

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-She asks for steamed broccoli as a snack.   Our love for broccoli is in our DNA.  

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-Baby cheeks.  My nephew is the sweetest little man which has been such a blessing for my sister because of her awful back pain lately.  She gets surgery this week, I’m worried sick about her. 

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-Brooke goes through her Disneyland pictures every single day.  I think she is trying out some subliminal messaging on me.

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-My brother posted this picture of my mom on Mother’s Day.  I think she looks so much like my sister here!

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-Sometimes I feel bad that Brooke doesn’t have siblings to play with (and if she does have them at some point it won’t be for a very long time) but then I remember how she has her cousins.  These kiddos are crazy close and treat Brooke just like she is their little sister.  

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-Just go ahead and add THIS SONG to your workout playlist.

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-Feel free to check out my latest Women’s Running Post!

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MEGAN sent me this workout to try last Saturday and I loved it (afterwards… during it I thought I was going to die). 

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You can see all of the moves on this video:

The highlight of the entire day yesterday happened at 8:43 pm.  

Brooke told her first joke ever.  It came out of nowhere and it got everyone in the room laughing so hard.  I am a proud mom.  Now I just need to remember what the joke was.  

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-Neither of us understand how to eat an apple without almond butter at this point in our lives.

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-Cottage cheese and grapes are back in my life and I’m pretty thrilled about that.  

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Got any Tuesday Tangents for me!?!?  Please share!

Cottage cheese—>  what do you combine it with?

Parents reading—> what are some snacks that your kids currently love?

What is your workout for today?!?!

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I got a crown put in and after asking my dentist he also said it was okay to run after dental work, and I did. I think that as long as your dentist says you can, and you feel go, there is no reason you shouldn’t! Of course, now I’m just perpetuating the debate that you took down! Sorry! My dentist is a cyclist and knows how athletes work, so he does a really great job of doing his job to make it safe and possible for you to not miss workouts if he can.


Edit: I got a crown put in yesterday (well, the temporary one anyway).


I had a temporary crown done yesterday and felt yucky afterwards. I think its all the junk you swallow while the work is being done no matter how much they’re suctioning out. I didn’t run afterwards but I did visit my favorite running store a blosk away to stock up on Picky Bars. I have a half marathon in 2 weeks and they are my favorite fuel to use during a race. I hope to have the permanent crown done before the race. It would be my luck for it to fall out during a run!


Did anyone point out that yesterday was actually root canal appreciation day?



Okay, that is just too weird. hahaha what are the odds?


Hi J! Wow! I’m just stoked I beat Sally and Flower in leaving a comment! Winning!


If you felt good, I don’t see the controversy. My son once had a root canal and then I sent him off to camp that afternoon! He was fine. I was exhausted after mine, but probably because I spent a month not sleeping from the pain before facing my fear and had it fixed.


I look forward to your posts each and everyday. I wouldn’t worry about others….you have to do what feels right. If your body felt right to run and workout, then go for it!! I’m a nurse and everyone is different and responds differently to pain and procedures. You’re just one of the lucky ones!! Keep going strong girl!! BTW – I started a Facebook page called Confessions of a Fabulicious Runner to journal my training for my first half marathon in October, please feel free to like my page.


Do yo’ thang. Some people react well to dental stuff. I had my wisdom teeth taken out, I cried (wept, really, like a overdramatic gone with the wind actress) for 2 hours, and then was fine and could eat potato chips. Now, surgeries and stitches? I wait a couple days for that ;)


Three words. Almond Butter Caramel. AMAZING with apples. So delicious. You HAVE to try it!!! :)


haha i’m studying to be a dentist and i didn’t even think twice when i read your post. it was really kind of you to change your post though, especially because it seems a little overly sensitive for others to get worked up over something like that! you are SUCH a good example. you definitely constantly inspire me!!!


I like to put cottage cheese on English muffins and heat it up in the toaster oven…..SO GOOD. and cheesy.

Tonight I’m running a 5K where you have to run with no electronics. Then, you guess your pace. The closest wins lots of running goodies….I am so pumped!

I think it’s pretty hardcore you ran after a root canal.


man I used to do the cottage cheese on english muffin thing and have not done that in FOREVER. IT IS SOOOOO GOOOD! Glad you reminded me ! And Janae-do your thing girl. You’re the best! Have a wonderful day!


That’s so fun! :)


Your sister does look like your mom in that picture! Wow–so, so much.
Nephews cheeks = amazing. Ugh, I want to squeeze them!!


5 mile am running – easy to shake out legs, and then tempo run tonight after work to get some speed back into my training : )


Your mom is so pretty!!!

My son is an only child and he’s really close to his cousins.


I’m in the support group that you do what YOU are up to and what your doctor/dentist suggests. I ran two hours after having all four of my wisdom teeth out. That wouldn’t be possible for some, but for me it was no big deal. It is amazing that this was even a big deal.

Enjoy your Tuesday!!


I have a number of songs from that album on my swim playlist (training for a tri) and they rock! Currently running on the treadmill with the baby monitor in front of me – yay for moms getting runs in! Love your posts about running making you a better mom but fighting guilt at times – exact same thoughts and feelings here!


To each their own. If you felt good to workout, I don’t see why you shouldn’t. Your dentist said it was OK and you felt good enough to do it.


You totally reminded me that I need to get some avocados in my life so thank you for that! I hope your sister’s surgery goes well!!


I saw the subject of your original post this morning, but didn’t get the chance to check blogs until now. I was interested to see your post on your root canal. Unfortunately, it’s genetic to have bad teeth, no matter how crazy well I take care of them (my dentist begs me to eat candy so that he can actually do work.) Due to getting braces at 7, I don’t really have any roots on my teeth – my teeth were be moved all around by the braces when the roots should have been growing. Oh well. And then there’s the genetic stuff. I’ve had a number of root canals due to have my grandma-like mouth… meaning a mouth like my grandmother, not a mouth like a 93 year old woman, as my grandmother now is. My grandma had full dentures by her early 30s, the stars did not align for her, nor many of us. Though we’ve worked hard to keep all our teeth. Anyways, my point is, I’ve never understood why root canals are a big deal. Why cavities are a big deal. Why cleanings are a big teeth. I have super sensitive teeth, not the highest threshold for pain. But, I have always had really good dentists. So, go run after dental work. I do it too – once the anesthesia wears off, I’m not one for “high” running. I wish people understood, as you point out, this is a blog about what works for you, what you do, what your life is like. It isn’t an advice column, ask the experts. It’s your experiences. I always feel bad when friends feel they need to pull down a post due to negative responses. Bummer you had to do it today.


I am one of those weirdos that likes to each cottage cheese all by itself. Sooo delicious!

I am one of those who is super easily affected by dental work/laughing gas. I was puking all day and basically knocked out after just getting a cavity filled, so I wouldn’t have been able to WALK much less run! But nobody knows YOUR body better than YOU. So that’s awesome that you were able to run, we are all different!


Umm.. I was not in the least offended :)

$2 for an avocado is a BARGAIN at my local Whole Foods! They put a big sign and everything – 2 for $4! Where are you getting yours cheaper? I may have to fly from Boston to Utah.

I hope you have a positive day from here on out, Janae!



I find this interesting because my dentist actually told me when I went through the same thing going for a brisk walk or a run is a good thing to get healing started and getting your blood pumping through your body that also helps the Novocain out of your system faster.


I don’t think there is a need to apologize. You did what works for you, that doesnt mean it works for everyone. My brother ate steak after getting his wisdom teeth pulled, I was eating ice cream for a week (that may not have been entirely necessary). I ran 12 miles after giving blood and felt great, others will be wiped out from it. It just needs to be based on personal needs and what works/doesn’t work for individuals.

I hope your sisters surgery goes well and she is feeling better soon!


Brooke and Curly really look alike!


I think you know your body better than anyone else.

Also, I’m now obsessed with that song. I’ve already added it to my upcoming half-marathon playlist!

I love how Brooke sits beside you while you run. London has his own kids treadmill so he’ll run on that, for a few seconds, and then sit down and watch a movie while I finish my workout. It’s awesome to be setting such a good example for them!


I read this morning’s post and I was more concerned about the apple eating than the running. Lol!

I am not a cottage cheese fan. My daughter’s favorite snack is frozen cherries. She loves them and eats them everyday. Yet, she doesn’t really like them fresh. Weird…

I might do a little trail running today. Love it!


I’ve never commented before but feel compelled to do so now. I had my wisdom teeth removed at the same time I got 3 root canals (my nightmare) and I was out for 3-4 days. I was miserable. When I read your post, I thought how strange that you were able to run the same day (compared to my experience), but didn’t think twice about it and kept reading. I’m sorry other made you feel like you had to change it.

I do have to commend you for your attitude. Other bloggers get offended by a someone leaving a comment and they dedicate an entire post to trashing that person. I find that very childish. You, on the other hand, handled it with full respect and maturity. You didn’t have to delete the post but you did so to protect others (not even yourself!). That speaks volumes of you.


Could not fully agree more on your comment! You said it perfectly. Janae didn’t have to take down the post, but she also is not above considering her readers’ perspectives. She truly is a class act!


agree agree agree with above ladies! You did NOT need to take that down or apologize but you are one classy lady, reaffirming why you are my favourite blogger of all time. Look forward to your posts every single morning. I just scroll down my Bloglovin’ till I see HRG and I have the biggest smile. xoxo


Thank you so much girls. Your comments mean so much to me!


I think it’s great that you addressed that there was an issue (even though I don’t see one..sometimes I feel great after getting work done and sometimes I just want to sleep all day…everyone’s body is different!). That’s one reason why you’re one of my favorite bloggers- you aren’t afraid to address sticky issues or talk about personal things in your life. Thank you for always being real with your readers, and keep doing what’s best for yourself!


3 things…first i am thinking about your sister and your family today!
Second, thanks for a site to help find a certified running coach. I feel like there are a lot of people who say they are “running coaches”. Third, i found a great chiropractor in my area and when i need scraping i think of you:)


I have had several root canals and have always worked out after. As long as your endontist/dentist says it’s ok, no reason to be concerned. It’s barely more invasive than having a cavity filled.

In fact, I biked home from my last root canal.


Hi there! I’m a long-time reader, and just wanted to send some good vibes and prayers you and your family’s way for your sister’s surgery! My sister had VERY major back surgery in February. She just turned 26, was a major workout fiend (barre class instructor) but had been dealing with worsening pain since about 18 years old. I’ll spare you all the medical details, but there were major issues with her spine which lead to finally needing a pretty scary surgery. I’m so happy and thankful to report that it went GREAT, and just three months later, she’s already back to light exercise, and recently spent four days in Florida with friends… aka, back to life nearly as usual.

I know with any major surgeries like this there is a lot of fear and anxiousness that goes into it, as well as a ton of doubts and pains (literally) in the recovery… but I know you and your family will be a GREAT support system, and she’ll be back to being a workout buddy before you know it! Feel free to shoot me an email if you want a listening ear (believe me, I definitely needed that before, during and after my sister’s surgery!), or if you want to know anything more or tips on what helped with recovery!

Sending lots of love! xo.


Your sister and mom have the same eyes! I love that picture of Brooke running with the football. She looks so happy! Happy Tuesday girly!


I am an only child but grew up so super close with my first cousins (both girls, one my age and one two years older) that I hardly noticed I didn’t have a sibling :)


Favorite kid snacks..I have 2 teen girls so chocolate and ice cream are big favorites in our house right now.
Today is my second training day for my first marathon. I won the lottery for the Chicago marathon! Trained for a whole marathon that was May 3rd, but 3 weeks before the race i hurt my foot. So now Chicago marathon will be my first.


To each their own!!!! Everyone is different and if you felt good enough to run, that’s awesome! You seem like such a fun Mom – I hope I’m like that once I have kiddos!


I like to put trail mix in my cottage cheese. I mean — it’s the ultimate snack. And I want to go back to Disneyland too.


Nice job Janae. As usual, you handled it with grace.

Love to your family…your sister will come through this with the usual strength and courage that she does everything else with… I have faith.


Got any Tuesday Tangents for me!?!? Please share!
**I GOT NEW SHOES! HIGHLIGHT OF MY MONTH! Brooks Ghost. And usually I don’t ‘treat’ myself, but I really needed them and I am super excited to try them out. I went to my local running store, which I love because it’s full of super nice people, and did a gait analysis, got to try 3 pair and run in them a little to see what I liked. I am in love with my new shoes, and got some feetures socks to go with and I just want to tell the whole world. There’s nothing like new shoes, especially when they are the right shoes for your feet! Yay!

Cottage cheese—> what do you combine it with?
**Vomiting. Ahahaha… seriously, though. No.
Parents reading—> what are some snacks that your kids currently love?
**Cheese, broccoli, bananas, crackers of any kind, he leans towards salty over sweet. Oh and any kind of peanut butter cookie or cracker, he is obsessed.
What is your workout for today?!?!
**Legs day! Lots of squat variations, deadlifts, and core which I hate but I need desperately. :)

Happy Tuesday! I love that Brooke told a joke. That age is so fun, and they do and say new things all the time, I’m sure she keeps you smiling.


If it helps, it didn’t cross my mind that it was wrong (or even questionable) to run after a route canal. You’re a big girl, and you can do whatever you like! I would run if I felt well, and not run if I didn’t (i.e. grab the excuse to dodge running with both hands) and I’m sure that’s what you did.

I hope your sister is okay.

You guys look like you have so much fun!


I hope you remember what brooke’s joke was about– kid jokes are the best!! I love hearing my nieces tell jokes :) Also listening to that song right now, thanks for the recommendation! I like it!!


Just my opinion but this is your blog & if you want to post about running after a root canal you should be able to. Especially since your Dentist said it was ok. I don’t understand people that would comment on something like that.

Today’s workout was a 5 mi. run before work.

I hope your sisters surgery is a success & she’s back on her feet pain free soon!


Good for you for wanting to be a good example. I think that really says a lot about who you are. You care enough about others and your readers to promote health and safety.

I don’t think running after a root canal is really that big a deal especially if you felt good enough to do it.

What I do think is a really bad example is how distracted you can become by taking pictures of yourself, preparing snacks and watching a small child while running on a treadmill. You might be just fine doing it, but is a horrible example of safe treadmill use. I am including a small part of an article because I know people who have been seriously injured doing exactly the things you talked about in your post. Again, you may just fine doing those things but not all your readers will be. Thanks so much for wanting to be a good example! You rock!
Here is part of the article.

Thankfully, though, if you are one of the nation’s estimated 50 million treadmill users, there are a few simple precautions you can take that may help you avoid becoming an unfortunate statistic:

Turn on the machine properly. This means not standing on top of the conveyor belt when you start — but rather with your feet straddling the outside edges of the treadmill’s deck. After the belt slowly starts rolling is the proper time to step on the machine.
Stay fully focused. No texting, no e-mailing, no cell phone use of any kind. Maintaining your balance while walking or running on a moving surface requires your complete concentration.
Attach the control panel’s safety clip to your waist. You’ll be able to turn off the machine instantly if you need to — a potential lifesaver if you start straying too far from the front of the belt.
Stop the machine as often as needed. Whenever you take a sip of water, dab a towel to your face or do anything else that occupies your hands, turn off the machine completely.
Keep the belt dry. If you sweat heavily, stop the machine frequently to wipe off any moisture from the belt.
Stay within your cardiovascular capabilities. You shouldn’t be testing your speed and/or fitness limits on a treadmill. That’s just asking for disaster — as all too many YouTube video clips can attest.
Be sure no pets or small children are nearby while the machine is in use.
Don’t use a treadmill while alone. Though heartbreaking for Sandberg and her family, this may be the most enduring lesson of her husband’s tragic death.


I Must have missed the post you are referring to at the beginning, but just wanted to say I ran 6 miles following a root canal. Felt fantastic, and probably one of my speediest runs to date.


I think you should post whatever you want to. It’s your blog, you don’t claim to be a medical professional, etc. People just like to find any reason to start controversy. I look forward to all your posts and really enjoy reading them!

I put sunflower seeds in my cottage cheese and lots of black pepper! Love it!

I also had all four wisdom teeth out at once and immediately after was eating potato chips—everyone handles procedures differently…… ;)


I’ve always thought of your blog as fun, inspirational, and informative – but never that you were speaking like a doctor/medical professional and telling others how they should do things! I appreciate your maturity and of course kindness in this post though!


You shouldn’t feel like you’re a bad role model at all!! You were just doing what works for you and that is awesome! :) you are in fact one of the best fitness/running role models there is!! I’m glad ur rc cleared up all that pain.

Snacks my 11.5 mos old twins are loving is scrambled eggs– I like too because I usyally eat half of them myself, lol!!


I would give anything for my child to eat a vegetable!! I don’t get it because we’ve always put them on her plate. I tried to give her salad yesterday and she said I don’t like those vegetables! :-/ But she’ll eat zucchini noodles and things like that so I’m not too worried.


My son loves fruit snacks and I try to give them to him only as a special treat… Oh how I wish he loved broccoli!!! He ate a few peas at lunch and I was excited :) Pretty sad!

Don’t worry about posting things that don’t work for everyone – in the end this is YOUR blog and if someone needs medical advice, they should probably go to their doctor instead! Personally, having my wisdom teeth pulled is my only dental-related surgery and I couldn’t have ran afterwards. My cheeks were far too swollen and they probably would have bounced everywhere :)


After my root canals I like to go to all night ravers and swim 5 miles.

Just kidding.

I’ve had enough dental work now that a root canal is nothing and I don’t see why running after it would be a big deal at all.


Yuck! Cottage cheese was only invented so my parents could torture me by making me eat it when I was a kid ;)

Hoping to get in 3 miles after work today…

Have a great Tuesday!!


I don’t feel that you had to delete that post.. it was what you did. Obviously you wouldn’t put your self in danger. you’re a great role model.!! (look at Brooke, come on, you’re her role model everyday)
but anyways…
That avocado looks perfecttt.! good intuition that you had ;) My daughter loves to snack on cheese, strawberries and grapes. They’re her favorites.!


sadly i’m not super lactose intolerant so no more cottage cheese for me (though i’ve seen the ‘dairy free’ ones so maybe i need to try that).

but give me wheat thins and grapes any day and i’m a super happy lady! sorry you felt like you had to take your post down. i think even if people disagree with you, you should be able to speak your truth on your site :)


I love cottage cheese with fruit! Which is weird, because I usually hate when things are topped with fruit. I’ve been having sensitivity to dairy, so I buy the lactose free kind and it’s still super delicious!

I ran Ragnar Cape Cod this past weekend so just some easy recovery runs and foam rolling with a potential race (5k or half) this weekend!

Sorry you felt you needed to take down your original post, I’d be super happy if I was able to run after dental work! Everyone recovers differently, same with running!


I am meeting with a potential running coach today after work so your article is perfect timing! Reading that made me even more excited about finding a coach. I hope we are a good match but I’m not sure how I will be able to tell until after working with him for a while. I’m inspired by the improvements you’ve made since you were already so fast to begin with. I’m hoping a coach will help me avoid injury so I can start living out my potential!


I’m glad I’m not the only one who gets WAY too excited about perfect avocados!

Don’t worry about the siblings thing with Brooke. All of my cousins are like brothers and sisters to me and that’s how we treat each other… it’s just as great as having real siblings!!


Love the pic of your mom! She still has the same beautiful smile. And I’m sending prayers for your sis.


I read your post this morning and didn’t think anything of you running after the root canal, as I’ve had them done and never felt unusual afterward, it was always just a hassle and took a while but that was it. I suppose it would depend on what pain meds they give you, I’m pretty sure I only had local when I had my root canals, nothing major at all.

Also I love when you start seeing your kids’ sense of humor coming through, it’s the best! And your sister really resembles your mom, especially in the eyes.


Prayers for your sister and her surgery. I’m sure she’ll do great.
I also didn’t give your post this morning a thought! If anything, I think it’s great that you felt so well after your dentist visit.
The others are absolutely right – it says a lot about you to apologize, take it down and move on. (Even though you really didn’t need to). You have such grace and kindness about you and I’m guessing that’s why so many people LOVE your blog so much.
Happy Tuesday!
And – cottage cheese and blueberries is just the BEST. Please try it.


I’m behind on my blog reading and so I saw your retraction and then skimmed back through my feed to find the original post. I read and read and read .. and I’m thinking what the HECK is the controversy. So then I went back to the last post and read your details about why you took it town. I thought, SERIOUSLY, people freaked out that you ran after a root canal. How petty can people really be?? RIDICULOUS. I truly enjoy reading your blog and I feel a bit sad sometimes that you probably have to choose your words SOOOO carefully to avoid the hate mail. I’m sorry that comes along with the other stuff. That’s got to suck.


Girl, don’t even worry! You know your body and we all have to listen to our own bodies. I think readers should know that. Glad you feel totally fine!


Well darn, I missed it. But if we’re talking about painful dental work I can relate. 11 days post op for me on a gum surgery and I’m doing no running/exercise/no fun eating still. It really sucks. But, each day getting better… I think :) But of course, listening to your body is key.


I did 3 miles this morning with my husband and he pushed our 1 year old in the stroller. My favorite runs are when I am with them. My 7 year old is loving all the fresh berries that are in season.
I hate dental work and usually take a few days off because it is pretty rough for me. Everyone is different :)


Sorry to hear you had to take the post-root canal post down! But glad you are feeling better :)

Love the avocado bit. They are so cheap here in Mexico, I probably eat one everyday.


I did a barre workout this morning and man were my quads shaking! Hoping to run again next week!


I bought two avocados today and three sweet potatoes and my heart was so happy. Doesn’t take much over here. OH and also a huge bag of Boom Chicka Pow which will be gone….tonight. no, Amanda, tomorrow. …but really, probably tonight.

Family dinner with my parents tonight because they’re the absolute best.

Have a GREAT night!


Please update with the joke if you ever remember it lol…


I think it’s a shame you felt you had to take down your post due to negative comments. It could have fueled some good discussion. You could have always edited it if, in retrospect, you felt the content was inappropriate. I think the majority of your readers would probably agree that if you feel well enough to exercise, & your doc says it’s ok, then go for it. I totally would have been exercising that evening IF I FELT UP TO IT. And if I didn’t, I would have shown myself some grace & taken a rest day… and your blog post certainly wouldn’t have made me feel bad about MY CHOICE.

Prayers for your sister’s surgery!!


My husband had a microdiscectomy for a herniated disc while I was pregnant with #1 in 2011. He’d tried everything (chiro, PT, two cortisone shots, and more), resisting surgery for a year, and the surgery was our absolute last resort. He couldn’t walk upright, shuffled like an elderly man, and couldn’t tie his own shoes. Numbness and blinding pain was his norm. When he woke up from surgery, he felt soreness at the surgery site, but the nerve pain (which had been crippling) was gone. Now, four years out form the surgery, he’s 100% himself. Running, skiing, and moving about his life as a 35 year old should.

Prayers and best of luck that it’s the same for your sister!!


Oh my goodness, people actually complained that you ran after a root canal? Like more than 1 person? Seriously? You’re an angel for actually taking the time to aknowledge it and take it down. You did nothing wrong!!! #trueJanaefan


1 more thought on the root canal thing… I have never had to have one (fingers crossed), but they definitely have a very negative connotation. I know my 1st reaction if ever told I needed one would be fear. Reading a post about you feeling great & going for a run afterwards would most likely change my attitude about root canals tremendously. Ha ha I guess this post has effectively done that anyway! Thx!


Just saw this article and thought of you :)


IT ALL MAKES SENS!! Thank you Lauren!


I never read your blog that way this morning, BUT I completely appreciate why you did. A lot of my readers try to do what I do and I often think they shouldn’t be because everyone has their own boundaries and limitations.


I’ve worked out after a dental procedure. I think raising my heart rate helps shorten the recovery time.


Hi! This has nothing to do with your post today, but I was wondering if you had any tips on getting back into running after having a baby. I had a rough pregnancy and was unable to work out. Thursday is my 6 week check up and I’m counting down the hours until my doctor says I can run again.
Thanks!!! Love your blog by the way


I love it that Brooke’s go-to is steamed broccoli. My kids like sugar. And popcorn. I wish you’d gotten Brooke’s joke on video! When my youngest was 2 she told a knock-knock joke. It was so cute that I posted it on YouTube, hoping it would go viral and generate income to pay for her college. Kidding! Kinda.


I have not had cottage cheese for a long time but you’ve got me craving it. I always used to put it in my smoothies… try it!! It sounds nasty but it’s so delicious! Also I had one of the best avocados of my life the other day and it made all right in the world.


Awwwww good luck to your sis! I can only imagine what kind of pain she is in, and to deal with that with four kids…. she is a strong lady!

And yes, your mom looks just like you and your sister!!
Also, can I take your family to Target, they look like fun :)


No work out for me…. I am pouting! I injured my foot after a sunday long run! Bummer! Feeling better today, but still not able to run! Boo Hoo!

Love the idea of placing avocado on sweet potato! Must try! And, I would pay $2 for the best avocado ever!!! :)

Going to the dentist gives me anxiety! Even for a cleaning!!!! If I had a root canal, oh I would be laying on the coach watching TV…..LOL


Please, please be careful on the treadmill. Only takes one slip to change your life forever. Particularly in the wake of a very public treadmill death, the multitasking comments are alarming.


Thanks Jenn for pointing that out. I pointed it out to Janae earlier in a comment but she deleted my post.
I think she has great intentions for being a role model but this post is just irresponsible. Multi tasking on a treadmill is just dangerous period!!


Thanks girls for the heads up. I actually hadn’t heard about that. And Sarah I didn’t delete your comment… I haven’t deleted any today. If there was a link in the comment then it probably went to spam. Thanks.


Sheryl Sandberg’s husband died recently of head trauma sustained in a treadmill fall. There have been many news articles about treadmill safety.


Thank you for letting me know about this. I honestly haven’t seen any yet, I have been doing the bare minimum on the computer because I have been helping my sister so much lately.


I actually see Sarah’s comment above, so it wasn’t deleted. Still a good message all the same!


Sending good thoughts your sister’s way that surgery goes well, and she back to feeling great and being healthy quickly!


Oh I’m so jealous! I had a root canal last fall and it was pretty rough for a few days following. I actually still have some hot/cold sensitivities (there’s probably part of a nerve still in there.) Everyone’s different. I’m glad you could run afterward and I definitely would have too if I felt well. I wouldn’t ever be offended by someone having such a good experience they were able to carry on per usual. I really do admire how you handle situations with respect and grace!, though! We could all learn from that!


Wow… I’ve been reading your blog for a long time and I have never once commented, but today I find I really want to. Regardless of what people know (or think they know) about your history with exercise, I think it’s tremendously inappropriate for anyone besides you or your doctor or MAYBE a family member or everyday IRL friend to have ANYTHING to say about your exercise schedule. Everyone is different, and everyone’s reaction to pain and medication is different. If your dentist didn’t tell you not to run, then it’s no one else’s place to say otherwise. And it’s DEFINITELY no one else’s place to use references to your child to manipulate you.

I am really sorry people felt like they could just reach on over across that line, and I truly admire the good-natured class with which you handled the situation. I think you’re just terrific, and I love keeping up with your life! Thank you for being an awesome blogger and – clearly – an awesome human being.


Well put and I strongly agree with your entire comment!!


I got a root canal a couple weeks ago, and proceeded to complete 8 miles while the side of my face was still semi numb. In fact the run helped me with sensation thanks to blood flow. Nothing wrong with workout out after a root canal, it’s not a super invasive procedure. At least mine wasn’t.


I’ve had a few root canals in my day and I don’t really get the controversy.

But please be careful on the treadmill. I know you are probably much less clumsy than I am, but in November 2013 I fell off a treadmill and broke my shoulder. After tons of PT it’s still not perfect. My doctor has actually said that the motion of swinging my arms when running keeps aggravating it, but I haven’t been able to swim front crawl with full motion since.


I’ve been following you for months and normally not the type to comment, but feel that I must include a remark. I missed the post this AM, but my response to the dental work and working out is: IF I ever need any dental work other than a cleaning and the dentist says, “no work out because even though you workout regularly, a workout after dental work is [fill in your own issue here]”, my response will be: ” But, dentist, HRG did it, why can’t I?” By the way, I have to take medication before ANY dental procedure due to a heart condition, and exercising afterwards was never an issue as it was up to me and I how felt after the procedure.


Sure appreciate your comment Jaci:) I hope you are having a fabulous day!


Your nephew is adorable.

Brooke is lucky to have such amazing cousins so close. She really gets the best of both worlds: A mommy all to herself and “siblings” that she will likely appreciate even more than “real” ones.

I’ll be sending happy healing mojo jojo to Utah for your sister (and all of her wonderful support system).


my son likes frozen peas right out of the freezer to snack on, we also found these new bear naked layer granola bars that are amazing


I didn’t read the post but I really wouldn’t have thought twice about it, what works for someone most definitely might not work for someone else! Same as when you run an incredible mile time I don’t necessarily think that it is something I should be doing, mainly because at my current running level I would probably pass out ;) anyway sounds like you handled everything in your usual classy lovely way :)
Also your nephew is seriously too cute, I can’t handle it! :)


I just going to admit, I’m super jealous of your resiliency!

I had my wisdom teeth out when I was 19, and I was supposed to be “awake and alert” during the procedure. It knocked me OUT. It took two nurses and the doctor two hours after they were finished to get me to flutter my eyes (meaning I could hear them, but couldn’t actually OPEN my eyes) and they carried me out to my mom’s car to go home… I slept for an entire week. I would not have been running after the procedure, lol. :)


I LOVE that Brooke loves looking at her Disneyland pictures, she is a very smart girl! I think I fall more in love with that place everytime I go. I obsessively read about every detail and do different things every time… it’s the BEST! If you ever feel the urge to go you should let me know, I have an annual pass and i’m always looking for people to go share the joy with!


I love the video!! I also love that you can see the two of you laughing and chit chatting during the planks. Makes the time go faster!


I just had a root canal–no big deal. All the scary stories people tell you are just not true! Maybe it’s worse if you let the tooth get so bad it becomes infected but really, the procedure is kind of like a lengthy, deep cavity filling appointment. The follow up of having to go back to the dentist for the temporary crown, being fitted for a crown, then getting a crown, now that’s annoying:)

I like cottage cheese and grapes (thanks for teaching me!) but I also had some cinnamon raisin Ezekiel toast the other day, piled with cottage cheese and thin sliced Apple and it was great.


This likely sounds disgusting but I really like cottage cheese w/ StarKist tuna. Weird? Probably. Delicious and full of protein? Absolutely.

Try it out!


Do you! If you feel up to working out after a minor treatment, then go for it. I see nothing wrong with running after a root canal. Everyone handles their pain THEIR way and if you feel great, then so be it! You’re an amazing inspiration with your daily posts and I wouldn’t change a thing.


Oh you gotta just love controversies! my husband got
4 wisdom teeth pulled, he felt great and went back to work the same day!! I had a root canal and I was in pain for a week after. It all varies on the person. I’m thinking now that maybe I should’ve ran after… It would’ve taken my mind off of the throbbing. Im glad you’re feeling better and good luck tomorrow!

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