Ogden 1/2 Marathon Recap

My alarm clock went off at 4 a.m. Saturday morning (even though I could have sworn it went off at least 10 times throughout the night because I kept on waking up, jumping out of bed and thinking I was late to the race) and I started getting ready.  I decided to play it safe and wear a long sleeve shirt and capris, I threw on a hat and drove the 15 minutes to where the busses were.  When I got out of my car it felt pretty warm and it wasn’t raining so I decided to change into shorts and ditch my long sleeve top.  Turns out that was a really awful idea because I was practically naked compared to everyone there that actually dressed more appropriately for the weather up the canyon.

I had the awesome opportunity to be a VIP runner and it was incredible.  The best part about the VIP runners is that a big chunk of the registration for this opportunity is donated to the YOUNG RUNNERS program (a nutrition and exercise program to help young people in our community to be active).

I loved that the VIP peeps got to stay on the bus (a super nice one) at the startling line until about 10 minutes before the race started to use the bus bathroom and stay warm.

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They also gave us our breakfast while on the bus which was perfect because I completely forgot to grab anything the night before.  I did make the mistake of eating pb before the race even though I know it makes my stomach hurt a little bit when I run… it just sounded so good on a bagel and I couldn’t resist.

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The 1/2 marathon started right at 6:45 and the marathon started at 7:15!  It pretty much started raining the second we started:)  Maybe Mother Nature was just watching out for us and trying to keep us from overheating while we ran:)  Last thing I will say about the weather—>  It got crazy cold.  I couldn’t feel my fingers or legs for most of the race and I know of a bunch of people that had to be taken off the full marathon course due to hypothermia.

Long story short… I need to wear more clothes.

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The first half mile was flat followed by a 1/2 mile uphill.  For the next few miles we had some rollers next to this beyond beautiful reservoir (sorry the picture was taken while driving by it on the bus).

Runner’s World voted this marathon one of the top ten marathons in the world for a reason… the scenery was breathtaking.  Oh, and the waterfall at around mile 9.  I kind of just wanted to stop and stare at it for 10 minutes.

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The next miles were down a beautiful canyon with the Ogden River running along next to us.  Once we got out of the canyon we jumped on a parkway for a few miles before ending on the streets of Ogden.  The parkway miles were my favorite part for some reason… I liked the little ups, downs and turns that we took.  PS point to point courses like this one are my absolute favorites.  Second place goes to loop courses and coming in 3rd place—>  out and back courses.

I took off fast at the starting line.  I wanted to see if I could get a few minutes under 1:30 for the half but after about three miles I came to the conclusion that my legs weren’t ready for that.  I realized yesterday (for the 400th time) that it really does take me a long time to truly recover after a marathon.  Just because so-and-so is out racing again right after a marathon doesn’t mean that my body recovers as quickly as theirs does.  I just couldn’t get my legs to fire so I decided to just let my body do whatever it wanted to and to enjoy the race without thinking about pace.

Splits: 6:33, 7:04, 6:55, 7:16, 6:42, 7:15, 7:15, 7:07, 6:47, 6:52, 6:58, 7:04, 7:03, 1:56.

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The finish was in downtown Ogden and there were a heck of a lot of spectators out there cheering us in even though it was so cold.

About 10 steps after finishing I ran into my internet friend Kate (we started emailing years ago and finally got to meet yesterday).  This girl is phenomenal… she has triplet boys AND twin girls.  She was so sweet and rocked the 1/2 yesterday with a 1:29!!!!!  She’ll be running St. George this fall too so we are hoping to get in some training runs together!

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After talking for a bit I went over to the VIP tent.  They gave me my bag of clothes and I beelined it to the dressing rooms to change.  Dry clothes felt like heaven.

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And then I dug into the treats that they had for us.

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SUCH a good idea to have gum out for us ha… fresh breath after a race feels really nice:)

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We also got 15 minute massages which really helped to loosen things up.  I think we all need more massages in our life… we run hard and we deserve it:)

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If you are looking for a spring runcation then I think you should come to Ogden.  Hopefully next year the weather will be a little bit better:)

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A few more random things:

-Parking was really easy.  I parked a few blocks away from the busses/finish line which made coming and leaving very convenient.

-Normally I start taking in fuel at about 30 minutes into a half marathon but I didn’t take any yesterday.  I kept trying to unzip my spibelt but my fingers weren’t working because they were so cold.  Hopefully that never happens again because I like the burst of energy that I get from my salted caramel gu.

-Running somewhere new is one of my top 10 favorite things to do.  There really isn’t a better way to see a new-to-you area than in your running shoes.

-Brooke got home last night so I’m pretty much on cloud 9.


Where was the last new-to-you area that you explored in your running shoes?

What half-marathon courses do you recommend for us to try out?

Peanut butter before a race—>  yay or nay?

What was the highlight of your weekend?

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Your splits look great and even :) I can’t really stomach much other than a banana before a race, probably due to nerves. Amazing job on the half considering not much time has passed since Boston, wow!


That VIP race experience sounds AMAZING!

How awesome is Kate?!?! Wow!!


How cool that VIP supports such a great cause, and not bad bonus for you! I love your race recaps- so inspiring!


I’ve done the pouring rain half before. I actually PR’ed and didn’t get any blisters so that’s a WIN!
Highlight of my weekend was running a 5k with my boyfriend AND his 11 and 9 year old daughters. I felt so privileged to experience running through their eyes. And I sort of coached is 11 year old imparting my running wisdom. It was a special day. And hopefully the first of many that I can share with them.


The Sarasota Half Marathon is awesome, views are incredible, you might even see a dolphin or manatee along the course :)

Peanut butter – absolutely not!

Highlight, my Mom is in town! I’m very happy.


I think the most recent area I was able to run (even though I’d been there before) was Chicago. Nothing like running on the waterfront!

Peanut butter – yay! I need it so food stays in my stomach for a little bit longer! I can’t do GU anymore, it upsets my stomach too much! But I am still tempted to try the salted caramel because I keep hearing great things about it!

Love the VIP idea and that it supports a good cause! And it is SO nice being able to stay on a nice bus when its cool outside before a race! Great job on your run! Your splits are incredible!!


Last new area: Boston Marathon course!
I love the Seaside Half in Seaside, Fl. We have a big group running it together next year and I’m already excited!
PB before a race: nay
Weekend highlight: 3 he trail run in the rain with girlfriends!!!


Sounds like a great race! I can’t wait to start racing again post-baby.


I think I’m alone on this but I really like out and back courses because heading back is really motivational for me!

incredible race so soon after Boston – you’re awesome!


I saw how rainy and miserable the weather looked Janae. I’m proud of you for everything you achieved with those conditions as well as being so soon after Boston. I cannot wait to see how you do on your next training cycle.

That VIP section is a really good idea. I can only imagine how nice that was before the race…especially in the rain! We need to do a half sometime…do you have any plans to come out east soon?


I have never run any half marathons outside of Texas–hopefully someday! But I LOVE the Cowtown course. It’s kind of hilly, but it’s one of my favorites.

I definitely can’t eat peanut butter before a race. I usually stick to a banana and Wheat Thins. My stomach would go nuts with much else.

The highlight of my weekend was seeing Pitch Perfect 2 with my sister. It was my first time to a movie theater since 2008!


As much as I love love love peanut butter I just can’t do it. I think it’s too heavy to sit in my stomach for a race. VIP treatment sounds amazing!!! Highlight of my weekend was enjoying some much needed beach time. So happy you have Brooke back ! : )


-Hmm..the last new area was probably during the Rock n Roll Arizona race! I stick to similar routes when training so I don’t get lost and start freaking out :)
-I highly recommend the America’s Finest City Half in San Diego! The course was gorgeous. It finished with a pretty big hill, but once you get past that you feel so accomplished!
-PB is a nay for me. I’ve tried and tried but, just like with you, straight carbs are the only fuel that sits well!
-The highlight of my weekend was throwing a surprise anniversary party for my parents. They had no idea! It was a huge success :)


I hate getting that cold! I have to wear gloves pretty much all year round, as otherwise my fingers just give up.

I’m glad you enjoyed it anyway :)


Great job! The VIP experience looks sweet!! Highlight of the weeken was putting on dry clothes and hugging my sweet boy after a wet and humid half marathon!


Sweet! What an awesome race–thanks for the recap!!I don’t race but I can eat PB before I run. In fact, I do it every day. Highlight of the weekend was a 20+ mile bike ride around a lake in our town w/ the sun coming up! Beautiful. Oh, and going to see Pitch Perfect 2 w/ my husband who was equally as entertained as I was–a very good sequel and we loved it.


Where is your shirt from?? So cute!


I love running in new places! When I was in Chicago last month I ran along the lake and it was so cool. It is my favorite way to explore new areas:)

Peanut Butter on a banana is my go-to before training runs or races. It is enough to fill me but not so much that I am uncomfortable.

I saw Pitch Perfect 2 this weekend-> it was great!


Vip experience would be cool.! You lucky.
And well, wasn’t what you expected would happen, but still looks like you enjoyed your time. And yea, you look cold in those pics. Lol.
Great race Girl.!


Awesome race! I can’t believe you were able to run in that cold! My friends and I ran a half yesterday, next to the ocean. Love the scenery. It was a bit warmer though… We had perfect running weather – overcast with a little drizzle and in the 60s. :-)

Ok I have to say it. If the Ogden Marathon started in 2001, isn’t this the 14th anniversary?

Happy running!


you aren’t counting 2001 as the first year! Races on bigger anniversaries (i.e. 5,10,15,etc..) are usually more fun since they do something to celebrate the anniversary!


I almost always eat peanut butter the morning before a race – either on a piece of toast or half a bagel.

The Indianapolis Monumental Marathon is definitely worth traveling to. I LOVED that race and everything about the weekend.

My weekend highlight was learning how to play frisbee golf. I had never played before and we had a BLAST!


My stomach handles peanut butter well — I always mix it into my oatmeal but don’t overdo it just in case :)…PB2 is great for people who can’t stomach the full fat peanut butter before running, I have used that as well!


Great race! I would love to do a race in Utah. My newest to me running place are the trails in the eastside of Seattle – so beautiful!
I prefer peanut butter after a race/run. It’s too heavy for before!
Highlight of my weekend was taking my puggle to the off leash dog park. Seeing him so playful and happy made me so happy!


I rhmk it should be mandatory to get a massage after every workout. That’s awesome you were VIP!


I always recommend Ottawa’s Army Run to people. Beautiful course around Canada’s Capital and tons of energy. Last year it was pouring rain and the streets were still lined with people.


I could live inthat VIP tent! What more could you ever need?!

I just recently moved (to a VERY runner and biker-friendly neighborhood) so all of my runs lately are in new places, and it’s been so fun!


I like peanut butter on my bagel before a run. What an incredible VIP tent! Those are great offerings for poat-run fuel!


My brother came in from Washington state to run the Chicago Spring Half with me this weekend. It was a great time and even though we both barely trained for it we finished and just have some aches and pains today. I also beat my previous time by 12 min so I’ll take it!


My husband and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary. :)


I think I’d just sit in the VIP tent afterwards and take the cookies and chocolate to the face.

To see 6:33 on your garmin after any race for any mile of it is really da bomb, GO GIRRRRL.

Have a GREAT morning!!!!


I love the race hardware!!! It’s very unique!


I ran the Snohomish Women’s Run (half marathon) yesterday and my quads are SHOT. :) I realized at mile 6 how very important it is to eat right the day before. I’ve always carb-loaded, but was feeling like I probably didn’t need to for half marathons… and then BOOM, hit a wall. What a yucky feeling. Weirdly enough, I was 1 second away from a PR!

Here’s to one day being a VIP runner. What a cool set of perks!


So awesome – congrats! I heard that it was SO cold during the marathon! Mother Nature hates marathons, I swear.


I bet the massage felt great after the race.



Okay first and foremost, are those chocolate covered espresso beans on the fuel table? Because if so, that’s amazing.

Can’t do peanut butter – or any fats for that matter – before a run. I’m strictly plain oatmeal.

The highlight of my weekend was seeing my dad and having his help packing my stuff for my upcoming move!


i never do PB before a run or race. learned that one the hard way :)


I don’t even like running to my CAR in the pouring rain, so I give you SO MUCH props on running a half in it! Great job on a great race with an awesome attitude, as always!


Congrats on your half!
I really haven’t ran anywhere too exciting, but in a few weeks when the fam and I are on vacation I have a 7 mile run scheduled and we’ll be in Mackinaw City, so I’m pretty much looking forward to that :)
That massage looked like heaven!


After a bad 6-week health relapse of my autoimmune issues, I made a come back and ran the Sugarloaf 15K yesterday which was also my bday:) It was a reminder to me to stay hopeful during a health relapse because I always fight to get back on track and eventually I do. The views of the mountain were beautiful and the runners were all super friendly. My husband ran the Sugarloaf marathon in 3:26–his first marathon, so it was a great day for both of us! There was a warming bus at this race too and it was heaven!! Congrats on an awesome half marathon so soon after Boston!


Last week it rained over in San Diego and ran a few miles. It was tough so I can’t imagine running a half. I had a great time running the Nashville Rock n Roll. Best spectators for any race I’ve ever ran! I also like to do this downhill half in Aubrey, CA because it is up in the mountains. There was snow this last time so it was such a beautiful course.


Way to go, Janae! Congratulations on a great race, especially considering the weather! You should run the Moab Half if you never have before – it’s sooo beautiful!


Congrats on a great race! Looks like you had a fun VIP experience. So cool that they had gum for you guys :)


Congratulations on a great race! I’m proud of you for pushing through some tough conditions. I completely under-dressed for the NYC Half, last night, and was freezing the whole time. My race photos basically show me as bright red haha!


Last weekend my hubby and I were down in Long Beach, WA and I got a chance to run on the beach there. It was gorgeous!! My husband had to come rescue me though because about 5 min after I left the beach house, they saw a bear on the path where I had just been! So they hopped in the van and drove down on the sand to come get me. Luckily I still got another 15 min in before they found me – running AWAY from the bear! Lol


Not that the bear was chasing me; I just wasn’t about to run back TOWARD the bear!


Awesome run and the VIP experience sounds like the way to run my next race;) Thanks for sharing! Also, I used to overanalyze my outfit choice for EVERY run and race below 60 degrees (above that, shorts and tank for sure). I started using this tool by Runner’s World: http://www.runnersworld.com/what-to-wear. It hasn’t failed me yet (even for this year’s Boston weather!). I MUST be cool (but not cold) when running and this tool has definitely helped me feel confident that I am dressed appropriately.

Again, congrats! Your recap has sold me on it for next year:)


I last explored Portland when I ran an all women’s race out there a couple weeks ago! I loved it!!

You killed that half girl! Congrats! One day I hope to be as speedy as you are!


Looks beautiful!! (Aside from the cold/rainy weather) … Congrats on the race!!

I am such a fan of peanut butter before a race. Preferably when it’s spread on a peanut butter Clif bar.

I did the Sedona Half Marathon years ago and it was awesome! Running through the Red Rocks was totally breathtaking (it also could have been the altitude)! Earlier this year, I also did the Miami half which was really cool … You run over all these little bridges that connect different islands and get to see all the cruise ships lit up in the ports. It’s at the end of January which is the perfect time to head to Florida!


AWESOME run!!! I had a bagel with peanut butter before my half on Sunday and I did fine, but I didn’t put nearly as much peanut butter on it as I normally would. I’m on the east coast, but your races always look so beautiful. I would love to run out there someday!

Highlight of my weekend: Finished my first half marathon on Sunday!!! I ran 1:54:49, 11 seconds faster than my 1:55 goal :)

I’ve got a lot of work to do to catch up to you!


Hey, you did great especially considering it was torrential rain and you just ran Boston! My favourite half is the Scotiabank half in Vancouver. It’s a point to point along the ocean.


I love that they used a shoe as a flower vase on the snack bar in the VIP area!


The last new area I ran in was the Oregon Spring Half Marathon course…LOTS of farmland and barnyard animal sightings. The manure smell at mile 2 was much easier to deal with than when we passed it again at mile 11.

Bridge of the Goddesses Half Marathon in the Columbia Gorge was a BEAUTIFUL course. Very hilly, but gorgeous. There’s also a Bridge of the Gods half which would have similar views, I just haven’t run that one.

I always eat almond butter and banana toast before a run and it seems to do pretty well for me.

I went up to Seattle and met my friend’s new man over wine tasting and the eating of delicious things. SO. MUCH. FUN.


glad you had an overall good time, despite being frigid! you looked sooooo cold! i felt relief for you when you put on those warm clothes, is that weird? ha!

glad you and brooke are reunited and hope you are still resting up from the race!


awesome job on your half!!! all this running in the rain lately, i’m sure your next race will be perfect conditions! enjoy being back with brooke :)


Wow way to go! I have trouble getting out of BED if it’s too cold let alone running a half-marathon. You are a rockstar!



amazing job! you’re so inspiring. such a bummer about being so cold, though. i ran the Brooklyn Half on Saturday and looooove that race! we also got caught in the rain but it felt good b/c it was so humid!


I did the full and that was the most miserable I have ever been in a marathon! I was just SO numb and after mile 14 or so my muscles were SO tight that I just couldn’t relax and run fast. And my hands went so numb I really struggled to get my fuel open and in! Argh. It was a tough day .I ended up 3:24, which was a good 20 minutes off my goal… I saw the VIP buses at the start and sure wish I was sitting in one of them nice and warm. We sat up at the marathon start for an hour and a half in the cold before starting and that wasn’t the best way to relax before a race. I think the course would have been beautiful though on another day and it was a well done race. Congrats! :)


The highlight of my weekend was running the Tough Mudder!!! Our group did so well and it was a blast! So rewarding to accomplish obstacles that you weren’t sure you could do!


Amazing job, girl! I agree- you definitely deserve that massage afterward!



I am learning that running is SUCH a mental game. And your game is obviously strong!!

Best part of my weekend – watching 4 episodes of SOA and being lazy with the hubs.


I ran the Cellcom Green Bay Half Marathon yesterday, and it was a great event. Was even more memorable because I ran it with my 13 year old son – it was his first half ever :) We will be returning next year for sure.


I ran the Ogden full, which was my first marathon. By the half way point, I couldn’t feel my legs. I dressed worn, but I was soaking wet and freezing by the end. Ogden is my favorite race, it’s gorgeous even in the rain.


Well….the last new area that I explored via running was this past weekend – Winthrop, WA which is a Western-themed down in the middle of rural nowhere.

If any of your readers live in Idaho or Eastern Washington then any of the 1/2 marathon trail races put on by Trail Maniacs.

My pre-race breakfast ALWAYS includes some kind of nut butter and it’s always worked.

I ran my first 50 miler on Saturday….a brutal course (over 8300′ feet elevation gain) + heat….but I finished. I’ve never felt such a sense of relief. And I don’t feel destroyed today! Whoop!


I ran the Ogden Half this weekend too and loved your recap. I ran it with two of my boys and was so happy we did it together, it was their first race. It was INSANE. I had a long sleeve shirt and poncho but everything was soaked. I know what you mean about no finger function…we all had frozen sausage fingers! We came back to the finish line after we changed to cheer on the full marathon runners and I saw so many touching things that it made me cry. I wish I could personally thank every last amazing volunteer and tell every person that kept running and kept going how awesome they were! There was a mom and her adult handicap daughter that crossed the half marathon line around 4:20… it was the most tender thing I cry thinking about it every time and it is something I will never forget. Little things like that make me love running even more.


I’d be bawling watching the mom and daughter finish. Inspiring and beautiful.


Great race, Janae! That course does look like an awesome runcation! And your friend, Kate… WOW. Triplets AND twins?! Plus a 1:29? All pretty impressive :) Way to rock this half so soon after running Boston!


Awesome race!!
Last new place to run: Puerto Vallarta!
1/2 marathons to do: Malibu, Santa Barbara and San Diego!!! Malibu is a point to point, stunning ocean views and a great course! All three of these are great!
Peanut Butter before a race – no way
Weekend highlight: A wonderful family dinner with my Mom and Dad (they are divorced so that doesn’t happen often)

Have a great day!!


oh Janae this makes me so happy! You truly are the sweetest person! Thanks for the kind shout out! Please let’s run soon. My number is 8017069542– text/call me anytime! Doing 16 Saturday


Congrats on a fun race and great finish time! I love peanut butter on a bagel or banana before a race, but I put the tiniest amount on so I don’t risk upsetting my stomach. Yay for Brooke getting home!


Fantastic 1/2 in the wet, freezingness of it all….huge congrats!

I ran a marathon in Montana once and the temp was right around the freezing mark, (you could see your breath), and it poured rain the entire race. I remember not being able to move my fingers or hands and had to ask the volunteers to please open gels for me. You never forget rainy cold races!

Have fun with Brooke today!


Sounds so awesome, I can’t wait to run my second half marathon this summer! My weekend highlight was doing my first run with my daughter in my new baby jogger! What a workout!


Sounds like a fun race! I did my 7th triathlon this weekend and even though it felt tough I had a good time and enjoyed the race. Its the oldest women’s tri in the country and its inspirational. Although we had some bear issues everyone ended up doing alright.

I can’t do PB before a workout – it gives me indigestion!


It looks freezing. I have always loved to run, and I’ve been running since I was 12. I haven’t ever done a marathon but it’s on my bucket list. I got close, I did a relay marathon a few years ago and ran 20 miles of it…on accident. But it was totally worth it. Also, free food and massages after races are the best!


Nice work, J! I need a massage too! I did several hours of group fitness at an event this weekend and would love someone to work that out heheh! Happy Monday!


Congrats on your race, VIP!


So maybe next year I’ll try out the vip- staying in the bus and warm pre race is worth it! I love Ogden and the Huntsville half- those are my utah top 2!


I can do peanut butter before a race, but I tend to stick to smaller, easier things like a banana or granola bar. I can’t eat a lot before a race, I think my anxious stomach says no to that.


Great time, and the VIP tent looks amazing.. Did you mean to run at the 6.33 pace for the whole race, or did you just start too quickly? Maybe you were just trying to warm up… :)


My goal is to run a half marathon in every state. Would you recommend Ogden Half for my Utah race?


dry clothes after a rainy run are the BEST!!


Nice race!! I’m sorry you’ve now had two big races back to back with crummy weather, though :( At least it wasn’t hot…?
I haven’t run in a new area in awhile. I have to get on that. I don’t do many halfers, but you could always come to Rochester, NY next spring for our Flower City Challenge. It’s a neat course that runs through a lilac park and a cemetery. It’s quite hilly.
I used to do a bagel and PB prior to racing, but have found that my stomach thanks me if I skip the peanut butter until afterwards (and any other time 24/7). Something about the dense fat and protein just sits in me like a lump, though.
I worked this weekend, but the hubs and I did do a little gardening, which was fun. Plus, I like my job (neonatal RN), so working isn’t all that bad, anyway :)


I ran the full. I can’t believe how cold it was. Two years ago I ran the half and it rained too but that time I just loved it. This was my first full and it was just as hard as I imagined it would be! My friend ended up walking-running around mile 18 because her IT Band was giving her trouble. By mile 21 she was taken off the course for hypothermia. She was devastated. We had trained together for 18 weeks and had imagined ourselves crossing that finish line of our first marathon holding hands… I guess we have no choice but to try again! Congrats on your half!


Looks like a beautiful race and I love the VIP perks!


No peanut butter before a race for me. My poor stomach just can’t do it!


The VIP experience sounds amazing! We need to discuss your friend, Kate……oh my goodness, triplets and twins AND she’s out there running AND looking like a rock star….you go girl! Seriously, I have NO excuses now :)


Way to go!

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