My race plans and pizza is good for your soul.

Sure glad that my selfie while on laughing gas made my mom’s day.  I went in to get my temporary crown put in yesterday afternoon and two hours later I was all good to go.   

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PS if you haven’t seen this video yet and you have a few minutes free… It might make you laugh.  PS Ellen had this girl on her show after the video came out and so now they are real life friends:)  I remember being pretty loopy after getting my wisdom teeth out too. 

Okay, let’s go back to the beginning of the day.  I did 2 miles on the treadmill before teaching a spin class and the song of the day for our hill climb was this one:

Imagine Dragons, their music just pumps me up.  

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Right after spin Brooke and I went to Curly’s Kindergarten graduation.  I may have shed a few tears because I am one proud aunt.  

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We celebrated afterwards with some fancy almond butter and jelly sandwiches.  

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Brooke leaves today to go with her dad so we did our normal ‘night before she leaves’ activities—>  Brooke chooses all of the plans for the evening.  

She first chose to hang out at a play place. 

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And then she wanted some purple froyo from the gas station.  I might be/possibly/kind of/a little bit rubbing off on her.  

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She then wanted to watch some cartoons on the floor together.  

My ‘wear every day of my life in the summer’ shoes arrived in the mail and I’m not taking them off.  I had these same shoes like twenty years ago so that just makes me happy.  PS these were my ex-wedding-anniversary presents to myself… online shopping at 2 a.m. the night of my anniversary is dangerous. 

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At about 9 I had my dinner (plus another slice).  A friend came over and ordered pizza for us.  It tasted especially good and will clearly help fuel my 1/2 marathon on Saturday.  The Garlic Butter sauce is actually too good to be true.  

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I’ve had a few people ask me what my race plans are for Saturday—>  to race it or run it for fun?  

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It is supposed to rain during the race (ummm Boston flashbacks?!?) so if the conditions are really bad I am not in the mood to push myself and will probably just run for fun.  If the weather isn’t crazy then my goal is to go out at a 6:45- 7:00 pace and hold onto that for as long as I can:)  Probably not the best plan but I have no idea where I am in terms of speed and for some reason this just sounds like a good goal.  I built up a lot of speed during my Boston training but between the taper for Boston and the race recovery for about a month afterwards I have no idea where I am anymore. 

It will be a great experiment.  I’ll be sure to let you know how it goes.  

I am just stoked to try out a new-to-me course, to be surrounded by a bunch of excited runners and to get my legs moving again. 

SO… if I do push it tomorrow, I will be using these mantras:

-I CAN do hard things.

-PUMP your arms.  (My favorite trick ever for when my legs get tired… Focus on pumping those arms and your legs will follow).  

-ENDURE WELL.  (This reminds me to keep moving forward, smile, relax, enjoy each mile and to embrace the pain… rather than just trying to get to the finish line)

-Dig Deep.

-Not quite a mantra but when I feel like quitting in a race I start thinking about hard things that have happened in life and remind myself that if I kept pushing forward during those times then I can most definitely keep putting one foot in front of the other during a race.  

Time to make a killer playlist.  


Have you had your wisdom teeth taken out?  When?

Any mantras that you are using for your running lately?  

Favorite delivery pizza place?

Divorced peeps with kiddos—>  how often do your kids go with the other parent?

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I always tell myself to have fun when I’m running. It takes the stress of the race away and helps me calm my nerves.

Good luck tomorrow! New courses are always fun.


I also use the race tactic of thinking about tough things I’ve been through, and realizing the race is cake compared to it. I also had shoes like that WAY back in the day! So funny how things come back. Wisdom teeth were taken out about 10 years ago and I had 2 subsequent infections, yuck.


I had my wisdom teeth removed in college.
Mantras: I like “quick and light” and When it gets tough I just keep repeating “I can do hard things.”
Delivery pizza: jets


I actually really enjoyed getting my wisdom teeth out. It was when I was in high school, it wasn’t painful (for me at least), I got an excuse to eat ice cream for dinner and I got out of school. It was pretty well win-win for me!

Mantra lately – I am strong. It makes me feel more positive regardless of how I am feeling. I’ve been through tough things before and came out stronger for it.

I love Curly’s graduation cap, that’s awesome!


Gas station fro yo life.

I get the coffee you get the fro yo.

I always remeber test the majority of the time everyone is feeling the same pain. It’s not like the race is a different distance or course for just me….good luck this weekend Janae.


Love Curly’s graduation hat!

Enjoy your half!!


My wisdom teeth were taken out when I was 15-> I remember I couldn’t chew gum for a week while I had the disolveable stitches. It was so hard! I also had chipmunk cheeks:)

I don’t typically get pizza much, I will buy it at the grocery store. I LOVE Martin’s White pizza with spinach and feta:)


-“mind over matter!” is my running mantra!
-My all time favorite pizza delivery place is Rosati’s. It’s soooooo good!

Good luck with your half! I love half marathons, I think they’re the perfect distance and a ton of fun!! :)


I can’t run 645 pace at all so I am ridiculously jealous that 645 is your smile real big pace! Go Janae! have lots of fun!


Love those shoes.!! Look so comfortable. You should get Brooke a pair. Lol
and I love your racing strategy for tomorrow. I think it’ll be a really fun race for you
I haven’t had my wisdom teeth taken out yet.. and they already came in. So I’ll probably have to in the near future. Not really looking forward to that.
Have a great friday :)


I had my wisdom teeth taken out in high school. I was pretty loopy after and said some odd things, so I can totally relate to the girl in the video!

My running mantra lately (and for a long time) is: “At least one smile per mile.” Sometimes running can be really hard, so if you always remember to smile at least once a mile, it just makes you feel better inside.

My favorite pizza delivery place is probably Pizza Hut or Papa John’s. Pizza Hut has a really good crust I like, but Papa John’s is kind of a staple our family used to have growing up.

Hope your race goes great tomorrow–that’s at least 13 SMILES we hope to hear about! :)


Oh my gosh, I love that: “One smile per mile!”

During my last race, my boyfriend was a spectator, and he saw me at mile 11. He made the comment afterwards that “everyone looked so miserable, but you just looked like you loved running!”

Smiling while racing is important not only for us but also to show the world that this sport is great!


Aww so glad your smiles brightened up that race! :) And YES, I definitely agree with you!


Good luck on your race tomorrow! Curly is so adorable and looks so happy!
I had my wisdom teeth removed when I was 17 and was out for a week. The anesthesia really affected me and then I couldn’t eat real food for almost a week!
Mantra lately: head up, wings out.


I’m a Dominos kind of gal.

For a half-marathon, I start questioning if I can keep my pace around Mile 7, and then just keep saying to myself, “Stay in THIS mile. Don’t let THIS be the mile you look back and say ‘that is where I lost it’, go giiiiirrrrlll” And then I dance in my mind.

PS. You had 9 unread texts and some days I don’t even get 9 texts. You iz popular.


I love this comment. I thought the same thing when I saw the 9 texts. That would be a big deal over here! :)


That wisdom teeth video is great! I had mine out in high school, a little painful, but my cheek bruised afterward so it looked like I had been in a fight!

I just tell myself that “I can do this” when a run or race gets tough. And then I start thinking about everything I am going to drink when I finish the run. I never fantasize about food, but I start dreaming of grape juice or cranberry juice or lemonade!

And papa johns is my favorite delivery place. With pineapple on top!


I got my wisdom teeth out in high school, and I went straight up loopy. When my mom was taking care of the insurance and whatnot, she turned to me, and I was apparently having a staring contest with a plant. Then when we got into the car, I thought the seat belt was a boa constrictor trying to strangle me, and I threatened (or maybe tried…) to jump out of the window. Yeahh…

There’s something to be said about gut feelings and race plans! More power to your feelilng-good-6:45-strategy!



Those race plans sound good. Just listen to your body! I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow and then again on Sunday as motivation for my race!

I had my wisdom teeth pulled in high school.

My mantra is “relax and breathe.” Being calm hlpes me better maintain my pace. Good luck tomorrow!


My current manta is to just remind myself that running is my favoite thing! Even if it’s not at that exact moment because I’m going up a hill/doing intervas/etc :)


Sometimes I go through slumps in my running where I want to bail early. I guess the closest thing to a mantra that I am using right now is : You do NOT quit.

And I don’t. :)


I had my wisdom teeth out when I was like 18…feels like a lifetime ago! Good luck this weekend!!


I had all four wisdom teeth pulled at one time when I was 16! Quite an experience lol…I haven’t had Papa John’s in years but my best friend and I used to order it when I would visit her in Florida and we loved that garlic butter sauce for dipping the crust :)…My son goes with his dad every other weekend but I keep things real flexible so that he can see him whenever works during the week and whenever he wants really. We don’t hold ourselves to holiday schedules – I let my son decide what he wants to do so that he doesn’t feel any tension or tug of war. It works really nice for us and totally limits anything negative in what could be a real unpleasant situation.


Thankfully I had my wisdom teeth out on high school and they never came through so it was easy. I actually love running in the rain as long as there’s no wind or cold. Have fun! We’ll be missing you at Blend this weekend!


I had my wisdom teeth out when I was 19, and I thought I could walk to the car by myself. My dad had to corral me and steer me towards the car because I was not ready to even walk. He said it was like leading a drunk to the car!


This makes me laugh!


I had my wisdom teeth taken out when I was in high school. I was fine right after, but the next day I was quite sore. Overall, it was not a big deal. I had those chipmunk cheeks though!

My mantra lately has been ‘Relax and roll, strong and in control’. Really works for me! It helps me reassess where I’m at in the moment – whether I’m going too fast to remain in good form or need to focus on staying strong up a hill or when I’m feeling tired. And, of course, it reminds me to just chill out and enjoy my run! I like some of these other mantras people have listed, thank you!

We don’t typically order pizza delivery but we go to our favorite pizza place just about every weekend: Sal’s in Mamaroneck, NY. It’s a staple of the town (been around for many, many years) and is no frills or fuss – just straight up awesome pie!

Enjoy your 1/2; it’ll be great no matter what!


That garlic butter sauce is absolutely delicious!!! I love the stuff! I had my wisdom teeth taken out in the summer of 2005- I’m glad it’s over :)


Love the shoes!! I have a black pair and they are seriously amazing. I bought two really expensive dresses when my hubs was in Australia for 2 weeks (again,he goes often) and I was alone with all three kids, in the middle of the night. Stress shopping is good for us,right? ;) good luck on the race!


I had my wisdom teeth taken out my spring break my junior year of college… not the fun vacation I had planned! I LOVE Domino’s pizza it’s so delicious.
Good luck at your race this weekend!!

Are you still working with a coach post Boston?


I saw that video yesterday and I was cracking up! Haha!! Too funny. My husband had to ask me if he acted the same way after his wisdom teeth got pulled. :)


Good luck! The last 4 miles of Boston the only mantra that I could repeat in my head was “Hannah, Abbey, Buzz”… (my daughters and husband) over and over and over and over just to get to those 3 smiling faces. I felt like a crazy person but it pushed me to the finish! :)


My wisdom teeth were small and the dentist was able to just pull them out. I think I was 20.

My local pizza place makes excellent pizza and they deliver. We usually pick it up since it is faster that way.

My mantra is I can and I will.i used to see my dad every Sunday and the. During the week kind of randomly.


The Garlic Sauce from Papa Johns is like liquid gold! Just make sure to buy breathe mints!


Oh my gosh, I saw this video yesterday and it was AWESOME!


Aww Kindergarten graduation! So cute. also, Brooke’s face in that Almond BUtter and Jelly picture is everything.


We don’t order pizza often (there aren’t great options where we live anyway), but we have homemade pizza al the time – really, like once a week!


ahhahha love your dentist selfie!! I love that curly got gum as a graduation present– that’s exactly what I give my nieces as gifts, too! Why do kids love gum so much?!


GOOD LUCK this weekend!!! I love the idea of running like Brooke with a big smile!! Seriously, that pizza made me drool even at 8am. All of my wisdom teeth were impacted, and that oral surgery/recovery was probably one of the worst things ever, but hey at least I don’t have any more wisdom teeth to pull :)


Loved your spin class!!!! And good luck tomorrow on your race!


Clearly YCDHT ;) . Good luck! Smile big!


Would you share your playlist? I have my second half marathon ever tomorrow and am so nervous!!!! Good luck!!!!


I have had wisdom teeth pulled.
Mantra: you are stronger than you think.
My boyfriend is divorced. He gets his girls every Wednesday evening and every other weekend. Plus two full weeks in the summer. For the month of May though he has them almos every weekend including memorial day weekend which is great! I usually leave him alone so he can have his one on one time with them but we do some things together. As a matter of fact this Sunday I will be running a 5k with them. So I need to choose whether to run with the 9 year old or the 12 year old:) they are both athletic. One swims and one is a gymnast.


GOOD LUCK!!!! I have a full marathon this Sunday and I am QUITE excited about it!!! :) :) :) I can’t wait to get out there and see how my legs do! :)

have fun and keep that smile on your face–_YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS!


Oh wisdom teeth…I had mine out in high school and I was swollen & bruised for over a week! I’m a big fan on Domino’s. We also have a local pizza place that is amazing (no delivery though).

Good luck tomorrow!


When running becomes really hard, I think about people I know of who died too young.; friends and family of people I know, a couple of people who went to my school. Many people I never met, but still think of occasionally. It’s so sad. They would gladly feel the pain of mile 21, and I’m very lucky to be alive to experience it. I always try to bear this in mind whenever I have a “poor me” moment. It’s all so trivial in comparison to being alive and healthy.
(Perhaps less a mantra, and more a mental kick up the bum).


I LOVED that garlic butter when we used to get Papa John’s pizza, I was obsessed haha! Good luck tomorrow!


I’m going to be using those mantras for my race tomorrow as well! I always like when people have signs during races that say “there’s beer at the finish line” so I always try to run faster and tell myself that :) (I guess that wouldn’t work for you though)

Congratulations to Curly! She looks so adorable!


I have a half I’m running on Sunday and the weather is supposed to be gross too :(

Also, I just killed like 15 min watching that video and then watching her Ellen video. Good laughs in the morning :)


Hey Erin –

Are you running the rock n roll half marathon/10k in Chicago in july? If you are we should definitely meet up!


I was planning on it but then I signed up for BlogFest in LA which is at the same time! I am running the Chicago Half in September though if you feel like doing another one :)


At 19 I had all four impacted wisdom teeth removed, a horrid recovery…..but thought it was all behind me.

Then at 36? I had to get a 5th one removed.


My life is better for that video. Thank you.

I did have all four removed. I wasn’t nearly that entertaining.


Good luck tomorrow! I haven’t had my wisdom teeth out yet, but these suckers need to come out soon!

My fave delivery pizza is a tie between pizza hut – their pretzel crust is to die for, or Donatos :)


My ex and I have joint custody so my son is gone half the week (we alternate a 2-2-3 schedule.) it’s rough but I know it’s for the best!

I race a 10K the 24th which will be for fun then the 31st is my goal race (despite some training setbacks!) I like to tell myself to just keep moving and to trust my training.

That pizza looks amazing!!!


Papa John’s pineapple pizza with garlic dipping sauce is the best! Have a great race! I know you’ll kill it… even if you run it for fun!


Everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY I know who is divorced has split custody (50%, week on, week off) except me. I’ve got mine Monday-Friday and then Jason takes them every weekend. It works for us because Jason lives a ways away and I live really super close to the kids’ schools, plus I’m at home with the baby so I am able to stay close.


Wisdom teeth out in high school, I had FIVE! The fifth was partially embedded in my cheek bone. Ouch!

“These are my legs, these are my lungs, this is my body and this is my run.”

Pizza is my favourite meal so I have to put restrictions on it, therefore I don’t believe in delivery. I either make homemade pizza (Friday or Saturday nights) or I go pick it up from a place called Panago (in Canada). Or, sometimes I go out (like last night) to a pizzeria called Famoso.


Just wanted to say I LOVE this mantra and I’m stealing it :)


Be sure to share your playlist.

Have a great half. Looking forward to your report of how it goes.


I have never seen gas station froyo before and feel like I’m missing out!

Current running mantra: A couple miles is better than no miles. Helpful especially on those days you don’t feel like doing anything!


I live in my birkenstocks! You make me want to buy the white pair now too! #Pizzaforever


“I can and I will” is my new motto. I’m just starting out running again after a long, long break. I just started a blog to track my progress! Hoping to sign up for my first full marathon in October! It’s the Niagara Falls international Marathon, the only one to cross two countries!


How cute is the graduation cap on your neice!
I’ve been divorced 11 years and my ex moved about a 10 hour drive away 9 years ago. My kids spend Christmas break and 6-8 weeks every summer with him. He visits about 4 weekends during the school year.

I tell myself “you can do this, you’ve done it before! ” when a run gets difficult.

I had my wisdom teeth out when I graduated high school. I can’t believe how young kids are now. I’m seeing 13-16 year Olds getting their wisdom teeth out!


Good luck tomorrow in your half! Have fun and enjoy running on a new-to-you course.

I got my wisdom teeth out when I lived in Logan years ago. I was very lucky and it was a breeze for me.

The only big-name pizza delivery place that my family likes is Paisano’s. If I’m going to have pizza, I’d prefer to go to a near-by family owned brick oven pizza place. Yum!


Mmmm pizza, Papa Johns has a GF version out now that I am dying to try!

Thanks for the awesome new song by the way, I’m a bit obsessed with work this body!

I’m racing on Sunday but also not really “racing” this triathlon is a huge women’s only celebration – I just like to enjoy :)


oh my goodness…brooke’s face in the picture with the AB&J is the cutest ever!!!!

i know need to eat pizza with that dang delicious garlic butter YUM! hope the race goes greeeeat!


You need to read this:


Good luck tomorrow!! I’m running the brooklyn half marathon tomorrow and its going to be rainy as well :( can’t mother nature just ensure that all races have perfect weather?!


I got my wisdom teeth out at 18, and it was so easy! i was eating potato chips and everything like 2-3 hours later.

My mantra lately has been “Even the elites hike parts”. training for a 50 miler and sometimes get overwhelmed with the distance and hills.

I. LOVE. PIZZA. It is my favorite food and if i were allowed to, i would eat it everyday! which i did, for a month and a half, when i was in college. then my friends said ENOUGH. NO MORE.


I had all four of my wisdom teeth out and my mom said I kept asking her for my sister. I don’t have a sister….

Good luck tomorrow! I’m doing a half on Sunday, so I think I’ll have some pizza tonight too :)


Good Luck tomorrow, enjoy every mile :)
-This is too funny we were just talking in surgery yesterday ( im a vet tech and was assisting in an ACL repair) about getting wisdom teeth out. haha Anyway I was 18 when I got mine out.
-Pizza = GF Sonoma flatebread.
-“you had a baby, you can put one foot in front of the other.” I have to remind myself I’ve done WAY WAY harder things in my life :) lol


I got my wisdom teeth removed when I was 14. I had complications after and was still bleeding four days later, but that is okay because all that meant was missing more school :) I do not have any mantras for running lately, I am taking a bit of a break on account of it being way too hot in Arizona to run outside and the treadmill and I are not friends. For the summer I plan on doing cardio the same amount that I was running and getting back into outdoor running in the fall. My favorite delivery place is Round Table, you used to be a Bay Area girl so I know you have tried it :)


Gotta love that pizza! I have read your blog for like ever and I’m just now getting around to letting you know how much I appreciate your positive/humorous/inspirational posts. Also how can I not tune in when food is talked about so lovingly. #ilovefood
Keep up the awesome posts and enjoy those fly sandals.

A fellow pizza lover


I had my wisdom teeth out my sophomore year of college. Recovery was the worst part- I got dry sockets :-(
Favorite mantra lately when my runs get tough is- no grit, no pearl. Its simple and reminds me that nothing worth while comes easy but its worth it! You just have to keep pushing.
My husband is divorced and we have my step-son every other weekend and longer weekends in the summer.

Good luck at your race this weekend! You’re going to rock it!


I had all 4 wisdom teeth taken out a few years ago. My boyfriend at the time forgot to pick me up after my appointment (clearly he was a winner) and I cried in the waiting room, thanks to whatever drug I took. I remember just enough to be embarrassed.
When I’m running and struggling I tell myself to think about how far I’ve come and remind myself to be proud of where I am compared to where I was. It usually distracts and motivates me enough to finish.
Pizza Hut is my favorite delivery pizza but I love that garlic sauce from Papa Johns!


My go-to mantra is “the faster I run, the sooner I’m done”. Feel free to tap into that one on Saturday too! :-)


Pizza. I love but I only eat it once in a while. Papa Johns garlic sauce makes everything better.


Hi J! I actually read somewhere that you should carb load TWO days before the race, so you did the right thing with the extra pizza last night — preparing for your Saturday run! Smart girl! :)


I have never had Papa John’s pizza (& there’s one right down the street!)… curse you for posting that delectable looking pic AND then saying the magic words “garlic butter”. Ugh! Now I’m having PJ fantasies!
Also, I think your “night before” routine you have w/ Brooke before she goes to her dad’s is a fantastic idea on so many levels! I’ve never heard of anyone else doing anything similar, & I think it sounds terrific! Kudos to you, mom!


I got my wisdom teeth out when I was in my early 20’s. Was a non-issue.

I’m divorced and my son stays at his dad’s house every Tuesday and Thursday night and every other weekend from Friday night until sunday evening. So, on his dad’s weekends I don’t see my son from Thursday morning until Sunday evening… and if he takes him out of town ( to visit family) then it might be until monday evening when I pick him up from school :/ It’s hard to not get to be with him 100% of the time. But it sure makes me appreciate the times I do have with him. And I think it helps me keep perspective on what is most important….spending time with family….not more time at my job.


OMG. That video of the girl recovering from surgery…I have never laughed so hard in my life!!!! Thank you for sharing that!!!

Have an awesome race!!!


Ohh I love Pappa Johns! Congrats to Curly on graduating from kindergarten! So cute!


I love those shoes!!! I don’t think that I have any business owning white shoes though unfortunately… I pretty much can’t have white anything at this stage in life :)
You are correct, pizza is good for your soul! I mostly make mine at home because I have celiac disease and can’t trust most restaurants. I use Mama’s Gluten free pizza crust and it’s amazing.
Friend I’m sorry that Brooke has to go again. This must be ridiculously hard for you, I can’t imagine being away from my little guy. I’m sorry. I hope that you do fun things this weekend after your race, you will have earned it!


Wisdom teeth out in high school.
During a race I tell my self ” you are strong” and I remind myself how hard I worked and to leave it all out there!! No regrets.
Favorite pizza: Fresh Brothers

Have a great race tomorrow and Happy Friday!!


I never comment! But I think you’re awesome! I am running Ogden half tomorrow and if I see you, I will be tempted to grab you for a selfie! I am nervous, and if things go badly, I will blame it on having my gallbladder out three weeks ago ;) GOOD LUCK TO YOU!! (and slower, little old me!)


I think I had those shoes a long time ago – Birkensocks? Mine were tan tho – and I think I made fun of them before I got them myself and realized how comfy they were :)

I have stolen your mantra of “i can do hard things” and I also have “endure” tattooed inside my left wrist which I got after my 70.3 so I sometimes look at that. Back story – during my triathlon I wrote “endure” on the inside of my arm with a sharpie and looked at it during the 6 + hours it took me to finish the race. I found it so motivating that i ended up getting it tattooed (although way smaller than I had written!)

My girl friend is divorced and move out of state from her husband. When the kids were younger they would fly back about every 3 weeks for the weekend. Once they hit high school it’s more during breaks (thanksgiving, xmas, spring break – sometimes MLK weekend since there is an extra day off) and then for about a month in the summer.


I did the ex-wedding-anniversary shopping as well! Lol! I have become addicted to Amazon thanks to it.


I had my wisdom teeth out in college. I was awake for it, and watched Monsters Inc while they worked.

I’ve been working on the “run the mile you’re in” strategy. We’ll see what mantras I come up with tomorrow at my half.


Good luck on your half tomorrow! I know you’ll rock it. Can’t wait to hear about it.


I’m actually related to the guy who invented laughing gas…. He was my great, great, great, great uncle. He also discovered oxygen.. True story, although there may be a “great” too many or too little.. As for the running, you will hopefully breeze through the half marathon after all the training for Boston. Enjoy yourself whatever you decide to do. :)


Wisdom teeth out at age 16… still remember it all too well today… and I am 43! ugh!

Pizza- Pan Veggie pizza from pizza hut… Yummy!

Mantra- “you got this”

Good luck on your run! Enjoy!!! I am sure you will rock it!


Good luck tomorrow! I know you’re going to kill it! :)

I have had my wisdom teeth pulled out. I asked my dad to go with me and drive me to and from, knowing full well he’d never make fun of me if I were to come out of it a bit loopy.

I like ordering pizza from Dominos. Tomato and mushroom.

My running mantra is: “you got this!”

And, just so you know, YOU got this!


I also pump my arms when tired! It really works to realign your form AND, unlike other ways to correct form (like lifting your arms over your head), the competition around you can’t tell, so it doesn’t alert them that you’re tired!


Aww. Fro yo at a gas station sounds like a perfect treat! :)


I had my wisdom teeth out. And it was… experience, we will say.
Confession: I’ve never tried froyo, and it is at almost every corner around here…


Yes I had my wisdom teeth out when I was 16. I remember being really really loopy because they put me all the way out (the best way to do teeth stuff).

Janae! You must try Tenney’s Pizza in Provo or in Lehi! They are SO good! They have an amazing Backyard BBQ pizza and then they have this crust that I tried that has garlic butter. OH it’s SO good! :) But I LOVE pizza, and Yes! Papa John’s garlic sauce is SO good! :)

I will have to try pumping my arms the next time I am tired. Or at least focusing on that.


I’m too happy that birks are back “in”- I lived in those puppies in college!


Today has been a sad day because my very good friend’s wonderful father unexpectedly passed away last night :( I have been so mopey but that video completely made me laugh. Thank you!


I had three wisdom teeth taken out between 18 and 20 and the fourth taken out at 40. I don’t have a mantra, I have several written down on my bathroom mirror and on my work computer, but I don’t find that I say them much during a race. I do, however, like to focus on encouraging other people along the way when I’m getting tired and feel like quitting a race. I think it just takes my mind off it and puts me in a more positive place.

I’ve been divorced for 16 years and my son never sees his dad. Dad’s just not interested. Yes, I’m saving for the therapy. My husband has three daughters who live about 2 hours away. He has them at our house every-other-weekend, drives to them and has them overnight every-other-Monday (stays at his mom’s house), splits Spring and Christmas breaks, and has them 5 weeks during the summer.

I love Garlic Jim’s pizza. We have that in the Pac NW. I’m not sure where else they are.

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