Friday Fifteen.

I have fifteen things that I simply must share with you since I feel the need to tell you all of the random details of my life each day.

1-  We had a fingernail painting party yesterday afternoon.  Brooke is more patient about letting her nails dry than I am hence why her nails ended up looking way better than mine.  

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2-  She somehow found a stash of candy in the cabinets that I had forgotten about.  She calls Swedish Fish—>  Sweden Fish and it just makes me happy.

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3-  We are in that stage of never knowing if a nap is going to happen and more often than not we are skipping naps and falling asleep in my arms at 7 pm.  

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4- I put Brooke down for bed at my parents’ house and got to go on a date to Zupas for a mango salad and bbq pork sandwich.  

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5- We then watched some good ol’ House.  I have watched every season of this show twice already but it never gets old to me.  

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6-  I added another race to the list.  I can’t stop.  I am stoked to run this one because I have heard amazing things about it! It is the Timpanogos Half Marathon and it is on 8/1/2015!!!  It is just $60 to sign up and you can use the code HRG15 to get 15% off any Runtastic Event (including the Timp 1/2)  Sign up and do it with me:)  It is definitely a PR course!

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7- Laura sent these beautiful prints for me and the Brookers and I am obsessed.  You can check out her Etsy shop HERE!  

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8-  Don’t mind my ‘I just rolled out of bed and I am trying really hard to flex my arm’ look and let’s just talk about the shirt.  If you overheat/sweat like crazy/need tanks for summer running—>  try out the Versatile Lite Tank.  It is ridiculously lightweight and super breezy.  Our gym has been extra hot lately and the tank helped me from overheating during spin and running on the treadmill yesterday morning.  You forget you are even wearing it because it is so light and comfy.  I’m also a big fan of tanks that aren’t crazy tight but still somewhat fitted.  I think I need the blue one too.  

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9- The week after the marathon= I ate every donut/ice cream cone/piece of candy that came within 50 feet of me and for the last twoish weeks I have been trying to get my sugar intake back under control a bit.   Instead of my nightly 100 grams of sugar, I have been trying out a bunch of different snacks to help me ease off my sugar addiction.  Snacks including—>  cottage cheese with grapes, popcorn, dried fruit (with no extra added sugar), almond butter (that has been happening every night), cereal, toast, chips and salsa, fruit, a yogurt parfait (with berries and granola), greek yogurt pretzels and the list goes on…   These Granny Smith Apples were last night’s midnight snack.   When I don’t eat dessert every single day it makes it taste even better when I do have it.  

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10- SUPER good article about overtraining—>  Here.

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11- A few posts back I had some readers recommend using Coconut Oil as a lip moisturizer.  I tried it out and wow.  Amazing.  You guys are brilliant.  

12-  During the last 5k of the marathon I am usually telling myself that THIS MARATHON will be my last marathon.  My body just feels wrecked, exhausted and like it never ever wants to experience those feelings again…  and then I go ahead and sign up for another one right away.  Strange.  

This article may help to explain why we forget the pain:) 

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13-  You know you should probably just go to bed when you find yourself looking up National Food Holidays on Wikipedia at 1 a.m. 


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14-  I burned my forehead for the 5,000th time with my instyler last night.  It doesn’t look bad (okay, you can’t even really see it) but man, it hurt.  Someday I will learn to avoid this situation.  

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15-  We are pretty excited to hang out with these Cool Cats tonight.  ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND!

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A show or two that you could watch over and over again and never get sick of!?

Favorite food holiday to celebrate?

Favorite type of dried fruit?

Anyone ever felt overtrained?  What were your symptoms?

Any fun Friday night plans?

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Enjoy your weekend and Happy Mother’s Day! :)


I love the article and over training. I had never really considered the outside factors such as work relating to feeling overtrained even if your mileage is lower. it makes sense!

a show I could never get tired of is the Mindy project. Hulu better pick it up I would die if we don’t get to see Mindy and Danny again!!


I’ve seen every episode of Charmed about 12 times. I never finished watching House (despite the fact we share a last name.)


House was my favorite for so long. Haven’t seen it in a while but I’m sure I’d love it just the same! So true about overtraining too – you don’t have to DO anything different to become overtrained, it’s all about the factors that influence recovery. I’ve been there several times and know the signs – lack of motivation, tired and cranky, feeling overwhelmed, getting slower even with easy paces.


I can always watch Sex in the City, Friends, and Big Bang!
Fave food holiday: Christmas because my gran makes the best cookies.
Dried cherries
When I’m overtraining I’m so tired and my legs felt like lead.
Friday night plans: early to bed. Tomorrow will be my first long run since Boston!


National Donut Day?! Awesome!
I haven’t seen House in forever. I could always watch re-runs of Friends and Full House!
We’re going to a wedding tonight!
Have an awesome Mother’s Day!


I love House! I could watch that, Gilmore Girls, Friends, etc. many, many times without ever getting tired of them!

I love dried apricots. Hands down my favorite. Favorite food holidays – probably donuts and froyo. I think I’ll pass on National Escargot day also.

My plans are to hang out at home and watch a movie! Supposed to be storms all day/night!

I’ve gotten to the point where I just need a break. I’ll just get very worn down and unmotivated. Usually a week or so of low or no running cures it and I’m back to normal the next week!

Hope you have a Happy Mothers Day!


I could probably recite every episode of Friends. It’ll never get old.

I’d like to celebrate National Sweet Potato Day <— if it doesn't exist then I'd like to file a petition to make it exist. It would make the world a better place.

Have an amazing weekend!!!!


-I never get sick of Modern Family. That show is great.
-My favorite food holiday is National Pancake Day. Free pancakes at IHOP! WoopWoop!!
-I just love dried bananas. They’re so tasty!
-This past summer I was overtrained. I always felt sore. Always. I was also constantly tired and sluggish. I had to take a couple of weeks off, but I was back to running in no time.
-I have plans with the gym this Friday night :)

Have an amazing day!!


My scalp and forehead always gets burned before anything else. When on my honeymoon it was about the only thing that really burned. Then when your scalp burns it looks like dandruff ha ha. Anyways-

Mango salad has been a home staple lately. I love the taste of mango and could eat it for most meals and not get tired.

I’ve been over trained as well…normally it ends up in injury but if it doesn’t I find I need a few weeks off to recover. Off and away from running


That race looks beautiful! Looks like I need to take another runcation soon! My favorite dried fruit is definitely mango…I love mango in anything. Yum!!


I could never get sick of watching the office or the Simpsons or Roseanne.

I like dried mango and dates. I get into trouble when I have a bag of either!!

I have felt overtrained before! I felt tired and sluggish during every single run and I developed tendonitis in my knee and my foot. Not awesome. I gotptegnant shortly after and that helped me to slow down and heal!


I will never, ever get sick of friends! no matter how many times I see the episodes, I STILL laughing hysterically! All my friends (real life ones) say I need new TV. I’m over it.


I could definitely watch Friends and Gilmore Girls without ever getting sick of either of them. Those shows are just so wonderful. Oh, and SportsCenter, of course.

I will be celebrating the froyo and hamburger holidays for sure! I think it’s funny how many food holidays there are, but I won’t complain. :)

I actually don’t like dried fruit at all. I prefer juicy, normal fruit. I can’t handle the dried out ones.

I’ve overtrained before, and it left me exhausted and with a stress fracture. It’s so important to listen to your body and give it needed REST. Now I make sure I do so, because injuries are SO not fun.

My Friday night plans usually just involve sleep. Maybe someday I will have a more social life (or a dating life, ha!), but for now I’m fine with lazy Friday nights. Hope you have a fun weekend!


Happy Early Mother’s day!

My Friday night plans are to hit up the Dairy Queen for some dinner and then go to a Drive in movie theater for a double feature of the Avengers and Furious 7 with the boyfriend. Friday’s are the best rest days!


Dired mangos are ah-mazing, and my favorite holiday is the 4th of July – BBQs on the beach sign me up! :) My wild Friday night plans include making homemade pizza and catching up on Real Housewives of NYC.


I am also running the Timpanogos Half! That has been one I have wanted to run. Every year I find new to me races. My favorite snack is almonds and dried cherries.


– I could watch Seinfeld over and over again.
-Mango’s are my most favorite dried fruit! and non dried as a matter of fact :)
-Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday food wise
-Friday is filled with my morning run (check) my daughters Mother’s day brunch at preschool. Then off to work for a bit and then getting ready for her b-day party tomorrow!! :)
Have a fabulous weekend, that tank top is adorable!! :)


Seinfeld and Sex in the City I could watch over and over and never get sick of it. Love the article on overtraining. I never considered the relationship to work. Have a great weekend!


Haha love all the randoms. And yes.! That article about pain is so legit.! I think that could be said for child birth also.. Even though I haven’t forgotten. Lol
dried bananas are my favorite.! Mangos are really good too.


I watch Friday Night Lights over and over on Netflix, and I will probably continue to for a long time and never be sick of it :) I love basically all dried fruit, and I think I always get the stuff with extra sugar… I don’t know, but it’s very addicting to me! Your race fever might be contagious!! I am fighting the urge to register for every race possible in the next few months!! :)


I love coconut oil as a moisturizer and as a hair mask! Just put it in my hair now before I go rinse it out :) Makes the hair so soft and shiny.


Lol my due date is on National Catfish Day. Barf. Let’s hope little man comes 9 days early for National Fudge Day or a day late for National Chocolate Pudding Day!

Tonight, my husbands college friends come to visit for one last hoorah before we take the plunge into parenthood! :)


I might think about doing the Timp half! I’ve been looking for one in a few months…

Yes- I’ve had overtraining symptoms, and its the worst! I get restless legs and can’t sleep, lose my appetite, and become incredibly grouchy…I think its a side affect of marathon training while writing my dissertation (and the reason I’m not doing another full marathon until I finish this summer).

I have a busy Friday night- end of the semester party, and my parents are coming to visit, so I’m picking them up at the airport when their late flight gets in. Hope you have a great weekend!


I own the DVDs and now it is on Netflix, and although it went off air before I was born, I have seen every episode of M*A*S*H at least a dozen times each.

I use cococut oil as a head to toe moisturizer, on my hair, make up remover, and I oil pull with it.

June is going to be an amazing food month. Lobster day, I mean c’mon.


MASH is my favorite show of all time. I recently saw the finale again and it made me want to start over from the beginning and watch them all again.


Hmmm that article on overtraining seems to be describing overreaching more than full-blown overtraining syndrome. I’ve definitely been in overraching space, and I think most amateur endurance athletes have been. But it’s very difficult for an amateur athlete to fully overtrain because they’ll fall over from exhaustion and not be able to work before that happens.


National Frozen Yogurt Day sounds amazing!

I am hooked on Parks & Rec right now…but can watch House and Law & Order anytime!

I loved that over training article. I think I have overtrained from time to time. HAPPY FRIDAY :)


I know that House episode! I watched House for the first few seasons, then didn’t like the direction it was going in. I love Scrubs and have started getting discs from season 1 from Netflix, and will get the other seasons too. I don’t want to watch season 9 but 8 seasons is still a lot.


SO many shows to choose from!!
Love Thanksgiving for all the food and family! Also 4th of July foe the amazing summer food – peaches! corn! BBQ!
Dried cranberries and apricots!
Overtrained: My body starts to ache and I feel super tired all the time
Friday night plans: a movie and hang with family!!
Happy Early Mother’s Day!!!!


Ran two hard effort BQ marathons this past season (November and 10 weeks later in January). I think I would have been fine, but then turned around and ran a half marathon 3 weeks after the last full which pushed me over the edge. My hip flexors were shot, my pelvic bones ached (and having had a pelvic stress fracture in 2012, lemme tell ya- I don’t want that again!), and even a 9:30 pace felt like trudging through water. I knew I needed more recovery, but after 6 weeks, I was getting impatient! Thought my iron was low- Nope (169!). Just flat over overtrained. Took 8 more days off completely from all activity and then eased back in. Took me 2 full months to get back to normal! Next marathon in November I will have learned my lesson and take 2 full weeks off before I even think about running! Love your blog!


Believe it or not, I’ve NEVER watched House! But I think I probably need to since it’s on Netflix! Friends and Parks & Rec are the two shows I never get sick of.

Big Friday night plans to meet up with an old friend for Italian food. Unlimited breadsticks = unlimited happiness.


There is a national everything day! haha I love those prints!


I’ve also had people suggest coconut oil as a make-up remover and lotion. But as of now, I only cook with it. Guess I need to make better use out of that jar of stuff from the kitchen! I hate waiting for my nails to dry too, so love to get gel manicures done professionally, which means they are totally done when you walk out of there. Hope you have a lovely Friday! :)


I never get sick of The Office, it just cracks me up. I am not a huge fan of dried fruit, but I do like raisins once in awhile. My husband and I are both done with finals (he is actually in one right now and will be done within the hour), so the semester is officially over. I am excited to get a chance to do something fun. :)


I could watch Boy Meets World forever and ever. I never get sick of it. My favorite dried fruit are the low sugar, no sulfur dried papaya spears. I mean, they are definitely sweet but oh my lanta two spears satisfies you!


For me LOST is the show I could watch from start to finish over and over again, but it’s a huge time commitment! I think I’ve watched the whole series 3 times. Law and Order SVU and 30 Rock are my other go-tos, I never ever get sick of them, even the episodes I’ve seen a million times!


Where did you get your bag, what brand is it? (In the pic where Brooke is napping.) LOVE!

Shows I can watch over and over and over: Friday Night Lights, Gilmore Girls, Friends

Fav dried fruit: apricots

Have a great weekend!


Hey Mary Ann! It is a Marc Jacobs bag and I got it at Nordstrom 2 years ago! AHHHH YES… I forgot about Friday Night Lights… such an amazing show!


The Office, and Gilmore Girls. Over and over and over!


I could watch Friends everyday and never be tired of it! We’re going to Costco tonight for a super fun Friday night! :)…. Just trying to finish up shopping for our Mother’s Day BBQ! Have a great weekend!


Not sure if you have seen this article yet but I read it and thought of you! I know you like a good running article!


Dried cantaloupe! And I don’t want to read the article about overtraining because I’m in denial and I’m not ready to face the fact that I might be overtraining. Ha! Hmph.


Seinfeld + Sex and the City are shows that I find myself watching over and over!
Favorite dried fruit = bananas. I suffered from an exercise addiction for about 7 years so was always over-trained. Life is much better w/ balance and moderation and it makes me sad to think of all those years I was pulled under by this compulsion. Friday night plans = make a steak dinner and open a bottle of wine and relax w/ my husband.


Shows I could watch over and over: LOST, Parenthood, Breaking Bad.

Favorite dried fruit: just Mango from TJs! It is literally just dried mango. No added water or sugar. So good. Especially when paired with pistachios for salty or chocolate covered pretzels for sweet.

Friday night plans: being reunited with my husband after he spent a week working in NYC!


I’ll never get sick of Friday Night Lights, The OC, and One Tree Hill. I feel like they just take me back to high school and I love it.

I’m so excited about June 1st and June 5th… my two most favorite foods in the universe celebrated in the same week!! I can’t wait.


I could watch Parenthood and never get sick of it along with King of Queens. That show just makes me laugh.
Favorite food holiday would have to be froyo.
Favorite dried fruit is cranberries! Love them in salads, parfaits and trail mix.
My Friday night plans are TBD- nothing crazy though- I have a long run followed by an 8AM hair appointment!

I also have battle wounds from my curling wand so I can understand that it doesn’t always look like much but it hurts!


I could never get sick of Friends, Gossip Girl, or Grey’s Anatomy (early seasons) re-runs! My favorite food holiday would be National Chips and Salsa Day or National French Fry Day (are those real?). My favorite type of dried fruit is easily the dried mangos at Costco..yum!! I am working tonight until 630 and then do not have any plans the rest of the weekend except to grab a bag of chips and watch everything on my DVR! Can’t wait :)


Oh man I used to watch House all the time. I should check that out again!

I have my first two personal training clients tonight so I am pretty excited and nervous about that!


Gilmore Girls!!! I have every season on DVD that I have watched over and over again- yet when it came out on Netflix I had to watch because obviously it’s completely different on Netflix ;) Since it came out on Netflix last year I’ve watched the entire show twice…awkward. Definitely a show you and Brooke need to watch together when she’s older!

Tonight I’m picking up my baby sister and cousin from the airport! Both are coming home for Mother’s Day :)


I am also running the Timp Half. I have heard fabulous things about the course. Have a Happy Mother’s Day!


I never get sick of Friends and I recently started re-watching Gossip Girl on Netflix! I think I will mark national Hamburger day in my calendar since it’s quickly approaching and sounds delicious :-) After running my first marathon, I said never again and I found myself back on the same race course a year later. I think it’s similar to going through childbirth. You forget the memory of what it was like until you’re faced with having to do it again.


I could watch Friends over and over and never get sick of it, and probably The Office. NATIONAL PEANUT BUTTER DAY. Hands down. I love dried cranberries! My overtraining symptoms = stress fracture :( First week back running and did 10 minutes today… hahaha woot!

Friday night plans = watch hockey and make pizza. Sounds like a fun time to me ;)


random question, but do you notice that your instyler breaks your hair a lot? I used to use mine all the time and then I noticed all these little hairs near my scalp/forehead that were breaking off. I want to go back to using it! I’ve also been known to burn my forehead a time or twelve…


Hey Kati!! I actually haven’t noticed that happening… I usually put on some product on my hair before using it and maybe that protects it!?! PS your time or twelve comment made me laugh:)


I could watch Gilmore Girls over and over and over again, and I have! I love Thanksgiving and the 4th of July. Nothing like a hot dog to make you feel American!


May 11th is my every day.

I want your jacket in the first picture. Will you give it to me? Or tell me where you got it from? Or give it to me? And your jeans.

Your looking rrrrreeeal skinny in the picture with your new tank on. Is it time for us to get a fro yo date on the calendar?

I have felt over trained before. It feels like my muscles are exhausted. Not sore. Just like they cant give anymore. No bueno.

My favorite holiday is my birthday. That is a thing, right? I would say Halloween is 2nd, now that we usually have themed costumes (so fun…and we already have this years picked) but 4th of July is a close second.

I could never ever tire of Friends. Arrested Development, 30 Rock and Better of Ted are others I can watch multiple times and still laugh.

I hope you have a great weekend, Janae!


I am known for overtraining. I currently have a cast on my leg and get a 2 month break from running.


and national vinegar day!? WHAT! i feel like we could come up with some much better ones, jeeeeez.

glad you are getting the sugar intake back under control, i need to do that too but then i’m like “ohhh i should make brownies” and it all goes out the window :)


I love friends, I have watched it so many times I know all the lines! I also just got into Parks and Rec. and have already went through the seasons a couple of times, it drives my husband nuts how I can just watch the same shows over and over!

I don’t know about over training but lately I don’t feel fresh when I start a run – I am battling the dreaded shin splints and I think that has something to do with it. The balance of being careful with your body but still achieving your goals is tough!


Happy Mother’s Day!!!!


I watch How I Met Your Mother over and over – it’s always good.


J where’s that stripey dress from??


That Timp 1/2 looks awesome!


Gilmore Girls and friends will never ever get old for me.

I always finish a marathon and say “never again! I hate this” and then I end up doing it again. I’ll never learn!


I loved the Gilmore Girls and I’ll watch it over and over.

I could really get behind National Peanut Butter Cookie Day. National Ice Cream Day would also be delightful.

I like dried mangos, no sugar and no sulfites added. Especially with a sprinkling of chili powder.


I’ve watch The Office more times than I can count.

National Eat what you want day sounds pretty good to me!


Do you think burnout is the same as overtraining? My mind is completely burned out, even though I have no physical symptoms of overtraining. I have run 70 miles per week for roughly 1.5 years straight. I feel guilty if I take time off, yet I hate getting out the door for my run. I am in a rut. With my music, with my route, with my paces. I have a marathon a week from Sunday, but after that I will take some time away from running.




I watch Laguna Beach/Hills DVDs WAY too often… like, seriously it’s a problem, haha!


The magic words: “I’m never running again. Oh look, a race!”


bahahaha SOOOO true!


I could watch Downton Abbey again and again without getting sick of it, and several Disney movies :)I actually don’t think I have ever celebrated a food holiday ha! I need to change this! :) I have tried a few different kinds of dried fruit, but have never been a fan. :/ My favorite night will be spent at home with my poor, sick baby :( This poor girl can’t seem to get better.


Downton Abby is my favorite. I own all the seasons. We didn’t feel over-trained last year but we did feel race burn-out. That’s when the Hubs and I decided to take a break on racing and just veg. It really helped and we were excited to start up again in 3 months.


Love the Brooks Versatile Lite Running tank. I wrote about it too, and have it in blue and orange!

It’s the best! Super light.

I will be celebrating National Cheese Day on June 5th and that’s a fact :)




Seriously such an awesome tank! Okay, you convinced me… I need the blue one:)


A show or two that you could watch over and over again and never get sick of!?
*House is a good one! I have all the Magnum, P.I. seasons on dvd, I love them. And on Netflix I watch Friends and Alias a lot, depending on my mood.

Favorite food holiday to celebrate?
**Besides the big ones, I like Mother’s Day. Chocolate day (that’s a thing, right?) Anything celebrating a food seems like a positive to me.

Favorite type of dried fruit?
**Berries and cherries, I usually add them to cereal.

Anyone ever felt overtrained? What were your symptoms?
**After my son was born, I was doing p90x and training for a half at the same time. Missed a period for the first time EVER and was really sleepy all the time.

Any fun Friday night plans?
**Writing. Cake and ice cream since we are celebrating Mom’s day tonight instead of Sunday. :)


I’m over trained right now:( I got a Charlie horse last night and I’m still sore. I went to PT because I race in the morning. “Run like a Mom” in Tempe, AZ. Tonight I’m making tacos & resting. Happy Mother’s Day to you all beautiful running moms!


I can watch The Office and The Big Bang Theory over and over!

I often burn my head just above my ears with my flat iron. :-(


#6 makes me happy!


Put a comb between your styler and your forehead when your getting close. It will save your skin. :-)


Brilliant! Thank you Angie, I will be doing that for now on!


I could watch Friends every day and not get sick of it! Chandler’s jokes never get old :)
I’m running a half marathon in the morning and going for a new PR! Hoping the rain will hold off and the wind is at our backs :)
Have a great weekend!


Thanks so much for sharing the prints! I’m so glad you are enjoying them :)


Sitcoms. Friends. Seinfeld. How I met your mother. New Girl. I could watch them all, over and over. I have actually watched the first few seasons of Gilmore Girls several times but never the last season. I don’t want to know how it ends. Maybe because I’m still not ready for it to end, even though it’s been off for like 10 years now.
Enjoy your weekend with your family.
Be careful with your in styler. Safety first!


You look sooooooooooo much like Brooke in your “burnt forehead” pic.


do you think it’s healthy to have a 2 yo eat candy? I’m about balance but junk is junk. I’m all for the odd ice cream cone, but donuts and candy is just garbage when a kid is growing


Happy Mother’s Day!


I ran a 5k this morning with my sister! She did awesome even being sick! Then I ran 2 more miles at the gym because it was raining and I wasn’t feeling like being even more cold and wet!

My happy place is comfy on the couch with a blanket over me and either reading a good book or watching tv.


and I just realized I commented on the wrong post… hmmm….


Bought an instyler today. You’ve changed my (hair) life. :-)

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