Why are those first few miles so dang tough?

When I went into Brooke’s room to get her from her nap she was singing ‘Let it Go’ with her ‘Elsa dress’ (aka her pink blanket wrapped around her).  

Post nap time is my absolute favorite time of the day.  We are both rejuvenated and ready to party hard together.  

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I bought chicken nuggets for Brooke last week at Costco.  If my calculations are correct, I have eaten approximately 30 more chicken nuggets than she has.  Gotta love buying things for your kids even when you know that you are going to end up eating the majority of it yourself.  

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Another example of something that I bought for Brooke but can’t stop eating myself:

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I have been way better about my soda intake but some days just call for a nice cold one;)  I don’t know how my mom knew that it had been one of those days yesterday but she just knew and she showed up at the door with a cup of happiness.  Problems solved. 

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Who wants to meet me at the Diamondback’s stadium to get a bunch of these?!  I can’t think of any better combination of ingredients.

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Also, please don’t forget to celebrate this major holiday tomorrow.  I will be running 20 miles tomorrow which means I will be spending the rest of the day honoring the holiday from my couch with 10 different cereals in my lap.  

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You put your running outfit on along with your favorite pair of running shoes and your playlist is all set to go.  Your ready and excited to get going for your run.  You start and that first mile feels slightly like death.  The second one not much better.  And then you finally start to feel like yourself again, your body starts cooperating and you get into your groove.  This phenomena of what I call ‘those dang first few miles’ feels even harder in the winter months when it is freezing and your body feels extra stiff from the cold air.  You’d think that those first few miles of your run would be your easiest and fastest but I think in most cases they are not.

I always get really freaked out when I am warming up for a race.  We go out running for a mile or two before the race and it is as if my body wants nothing to do with running and everything to do with iHop and some hot chocolate.  During those warm-up miles I doubt my race pace goals because my legs usually feel like lead.  The race starts and I am then able to hit my goal paces and that is because I got those first 2 miles of warming-up/lameness out of the way and my body is finally ready to go race.  

What do I do to overcome the first mile or two of stiffness?!

-Just accept it.  It is part of the game.  Pretty much every runner that I have ever been on a run with experiences the exact same thing.  We all go through it so just power through and before you know it your body will be warmed up and ready to cruise like it normally does.  

-Don’t push it.  Allow that first mile to be slower and be okay with it.  Gradually get your body moving and worry about pushing the pace a little bit later on.  Progression runs are the best because it allows you to start out nice and easy and get faster with each mile!

-Just remind yourself that you’ve done it before.  You know that you have had plenty of other runs that started out stiff and especially hard but you got through that first portion, finished your run and got home feeling like a million bucks. 

And just because this was my favorite running outfit ever.  My 1/2 marathon pr done while dressed as a pirate. 

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How long does it usually take for you to start feeling warmed-up and ready to go?

Kid foods that you love?!

Are you going to celebrate Cereal Lovers Day?  With what cereals?

Favorite time of day?  Please be specific.  

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It takes me 2-3 miles to get warmed up.
Kid food: count chocula!
Fave time of day: early morning coffee before I run. It’s quiet and dark outside:)


I know what you mean about the first couple of miles! Mentally it’s a rough game but it really DOES always get better. Accepting it is the best way to deal I think! My favorite time of day, if I run that day, is the moment I’m done! If I’m not running it’s probably when I sit down to eat breakfast :)


It takes me 2-3 miles to get warmed up.
Kid food: count chocula!
Fave time of day: early morning coffee before I run. It’s quiet and dark outside:)


Usually 2-3 miles before I am really warmed up!

I LOVE goldfish!! I usually eat more of these than my son!

5:30am when the house is still asleep and I can workout in peace and have a few moments to myself to catchup on social media.

I will celebrate! I have a box of cinnon toast crush that’s calling my name :)


I don’t have kids, but when I was a nanny… I ate like all her food. She was 2 and couldn’t communicate right to her mother when she got home. I know…. I know.

I really need to try that whole warm-up thing before races, because my legs DO feel heavy at the beginning!

6:08a.m. My coffee is done brewing.


Depends on the day but usually 1-2 miles to get warmed up. Those are the worst miles and easily the ones where I consider if I should just stop (almost never happens at least!)

Favorite part of the day – when I can get up and not have to rush to go to work. Have hot tea, read a book, etc. The best.

I’m with you on chicken nuggets. They’re pretty awesome. Also, might have to get some Lucky Charms to celebrate Cereal Lovers Day! Woohoo!


Omg you look so young in that pirate picture.!! Yea unfortunately before a race, I always determine how my run is going to go by my warmup, which is dumb to do.!! Because like you said, those dang first miles.

Favorite time of the day is morning time. I am so energized.! But also around 6:30, when I get home and get to see my little one.

That church dog looks sooo gross. Haha


Haha. I meant churro.!! Not church. Lol


Ugh the first half of the run takes so much longer than the second half. I also think nap time is the best part of the day adult or not.

I was so amazed that you PRed wearing that pirate outfit. It shows what a truly incredible athlete you are.


This post came at the perfect time. 2-3 miles for me also – and the mental struggle is so real! Especially in the winter as you said! I really appreciate your thoughts on this, and will try to remind myself of your positive thoughts above on the next run :)

I love the morning time, as long as I have slept a fair amount. If it’s post tossing and turning, morning can make me cranky and (if I can squeeze it in!) afternoon nap time becomes my favorite!

I love cereal in my yogurt. I will be doing that. In college I used to love cinnamon toast crunch and/or lucky charms on fro-yo! So goooood.


How long does it usually take for you to start feeling warmed-up and ready to go?
– I think around the 5k point is when I start to get “in the zone” in a race, even if I warm up before.

Kid foods that you love?!
– Baby food…weird but I think it’s so delicious!!

Happy Friday Janae!! Good luck on your 20 miler :)


I have noticed through marathon training that I really don’t feel “great” until miles 4-5…I guess I am a long distance runner at heart!

I LOVE the hours from when I wake up (as long as it’s not too early) until lunch. Then my day goes downhill and my productivity decreases. I actually HATE the late afternoon hours…I don’t like the way the sun hits and I am always so tired. I like to be dark at 7 so I can have an excuse for just wanting to be on my couch watching TV:)


The first coup likes always feel like death. I think it applies to any cardio really. Those first few minutes when your body’s warming up are always tough!


It always takes me 3-4 to feel really warmed up…that might be why I hate 5k’s, I can never get my groove without a warm up longer than the race!!
I love cereal at night, never in the morning but for mid afternoon snack for sure…today just might have to be one of those days!!!
I am a sunrise gal, when the sun comes up and the world is finally waking…that is bliss. Doesn’t matter what season the earth always has such a glow!! Love it!


It always takes me at least 2 miles to warm up!
Kid food that I love: do M&Ms count as kid food?
I’m totally going to be celebrating Cereal Lovers Day! Ancient Grains Cheerios are my current cereal obsession
My favorite time of day is coffee and breakfast after my run.


I have learned try to accept and deal with the those first few miles, knowing that as bad as they can sometimes feel, I will hit the sweet spot after mile 3 (usually) and it suddenly seems like a totally different run. I usually struggle with the first few miles before hitting my groove on the treadmill. While today’s treadmill run was actually awesome from start to finish, I have started slowing my warm up pace in anticipation of hating the first few miles just to see if that can help alleviate the warm-up miles discomfort. Sometimes it even works!


I WANT A CHURRO DOG asap!! Those sound fantastic! :)


Fav time of day: when I get to lift or run- for sure! I love my kids and all but I crave that stress reliever.
It takes me two sometimes three miles to really get into it. This is why it is so hard for me to get up early to run 2-3 miles but if I’m running 5 or more it’s like christmas morning when I wake up


I had to stop buying things “for David” because then I ate them!! If he buys the junk I stay away…ok a bite here and there, but not all of it :)

My legs are usually poo in the couple days before a race, just to really mess with my head.


About one mile before I settle into my pace. Umm, kids cereal is still a favorite. Hey, that kills two birds with one stone!


I love cereal! I could eat it anytime of the day! I ran a 5k last night and I didn’t start feeling good towards the start of mile 3!


That churro dog looks INCREDIBLE. Also I had a sweet potato for dinner the other night and totally thought of you. I also researched them a bunch and I had NO idea how amazing they are for you. I can see why they’re a staple in you diet. I think they will be in mine now too!

Usually takes me about 3-4 miles to feel warmed up. I ran 5 this morning and after about 2 I felt ok but mentally it was a rough one today.

Also love chicken nuggets. And GUMMY BEARS.

I just ate some cereal today, but I might not tomorrow. I’m doing my long run tomorrow so usually that requires something a bit heavier than cereal…like a peanut butter english muffin. Or have you ever tried putting peanut butter and syrup on your waffles? It’s amazing. Highly recommended.

Favorite time of day is either when I’m laying in bed getting ready to fall asleep. Or the half hour before I get to eat lunch at work :-)

Good luck on your 20!


Every day is cereal day in this house.


I completely agree! It takes me a good mile to two to get into my groove. The thing that bothers me the most those dang first miles are my calves, they always feel so so tight! My biggest problem with those first dang miles is that my favorite race distance is the 5k!


I’d say a good 2 miles at least to get in the groove.
nuggets and pb&j sandwiches cut into triangles!
I’ll skip cereal lover’s day. I’ll wait for national pancake day.
Favorite time of day is actually 8am-8:30am
I’ve showered and had my breakfast and I spend a few minutes commenting on blogs, sipping my coffee and snuggling with my dog before heading to work. It’s the most blissful 30 minutes. And on weekends it’s usually 11am because that’s when I finally get moving. HAHA!


It was just national pancake day on March 3!! I hope you didn’t miss it! Perhaps you should swap the cereal and pancake day, if you did. Just pray the made up holiday gods don’t find out!! ;)


Mmm I love cereal! I just had some for breakfast! haha

Brooke waking up singing like that sounds like the cutest thing ever!


i’m off grains right now as i’m (loosely) trying to do a Whole 30-esque thing, but i could easily eat cereal every day and don’t let myself buy it simply for that reason. i pretty much subsisted entirely on Life cereal and English muffins in college. can’t wait to see what fun cereals you and Brookers choose! btw, i love the “let your light shine” artwork in her room. my mom always sang us “this little light of mine” when we were kids, and i allllmost got “let it shine” tattooed on me last year. still considering. :) kid food i love, hmmm…teddy grahams for the win.


It definitely usually takes at least a mile for me to feel warmed up and ready to go. I can’t believe I used to race 5Ks without ever warming up! Thankfully I wisened up a bit…

I LOVE chicken nuggets and Capri Sun. I also really like fruit snacks and sometimes even Lunchables (even though they aren’t so great for you).

Umm…I am absolutely going to celebrate Cereal Day with a HUGE bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I am excited just thinking about it.

My favorite time of day is probably right before I go to bed. I love sleep. And I love brushing my teeth and getting all snuggly right as my head hits the pillow, allowing me to drift on into dreamland…


I’m with you – chicken nuggets are so awesome! I love to put them on my salads too. Yum! I also sneak some animal crackers when packing lunches :)
Good points about running feeling hard at the beginning. It takes about a mile for me to warm up.
My favorite time is right after the kids go to bed, and my husband is on the treadmill. It’s so nice just to settle in a spend a few moments on myself. I never get half the things accomplished on my task list, but it gives me hope each day!


I really don’t start feeling into my runs until about mile 5. It takes me a while. Those first few are killers.

My favorite time of day is 4:30 in the morning because the house and the world is quiet. I go to the gym which is not crowded and get my run on. It feels so good and energizes me for the rest of the day.

Ironically, I do my morning workouts because you told me a couple of years back that teachers should workout in the mornings before school. You said our kids would thank us for it, and trust me, my students do! I am so much more patient and kind to my students when I run in the morning.


Usually the first 1.5 miles are the hardest for me! By the time I hit 2 miles I am usually feeling good. My favorite time of day is 6am. I usually get up at 5-530 so by 6 I am either running or relaxing with a cup of coffee. I am definitely a morning person!


My husband just showed me that Doughnut/churro concoction. Craziness! I’m sure a food coma would happen approximately .05 seconds after finishing.

Favorite time of day: when I sit down to eat my breakfast…usually around 6:30/7!


I LOVE cinnamon chex! ( they are gluten free and fantastic:) My favorite part of the day is 5:00 am It’s so quiet and wonderful !


Usually the first 10 minutes of any exercise seem very difficult, but then it always passes so quickly!

Kid foods: fruit snacks!, gummies!, mac and cheese, cereal, breakfast for dinner, french toast, oatmeal with chocolate chips, cookie dough–that’s its own food group right?

I will probably make puppy chow/muddy buddies for cereal lovers’ day.


Are those Mickey shaped nuggets? I must have them.
And I would absolutely try one of those churro dogs #yolo


I so agree with this—it takes me a few miles to “get in the groove” and then I am all about it! Thanks for the great tips! I will remember them for tomorrow!!! :)


It’s always weird how tired my legs feel for the first mile or so! And then I get settled in and everything feels normal.

My favorite time of day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner time :) Food + eating with friends= the best


The first 3 miles are usually the toughest for me.

I really like mac ‘n cheese, and of course it has to be Kraft.

Favorite time of day is probably 6:30am. I’ve worked out, showered, and I’m usually sitting down perusing the internet or reading my bible and sipping on coffee.


Feeling warmed up really depends on the run…most days I feel great within the first mile, but when I’m really tired it takes longer. My favorite time of day is in the morning, when I’ve been awake for a few minutes and my coffee is ready. I wake up earlier than I need to so that I can be lazy in my favorite chair and catch up on my favorite cooking and fitness blogs.


I will ABSOLUTELY be celebrating National Cereal Day — thanks for the heads up! Honey Nut Cheerios for me, please.

My favorite time of day is the early morning on a weekend. I just love when I take the baby downstairs to nurse and play and the sun is pouring into our family room. It’s super quiet, kind of dim, and we snuggle. Comfy clothes, a huge mug of tea, and a cuddly sweet baby? Best.


the churro dog?! mind blown.


My kids hate that I don’t buy animal crackers. But I can’t. I eat 98% of that huge ol’ bad all by myself. They are not even that tasty. But I grab a handful every time I am perusing the pantry….which is 4,287x a day. And they taste pretty good dipped in pb, cause, what doesn’t??

Hmmmm. I think I shall have Vanilla chex with coconut milk. No. Wait. Cinnamon Toast Crunch. No. Raisin Bran Crunch. No. Honey Nut Chex. Never mind. Reese’s Puffs. Guess I will just have to have a bowl of each #WhyMakeADecisionWhenYouDontHaveTo


Those first few miles do suck!! I think I’ve probably gotta do 2 miles or so before I don’t feel like quitting…and then I feel like I could run forever. It’s worse on the treadmill too.


I can typically get warmed up after a mile, but it definitely depends on the type of terrain I am running on. If I start up a hill, it takes longer. Running from my house, there is usually a downhill slope, so it is much easier to warm up and get into my groove.

Kids food that I love → Those gummy fruit snacks!!!

Cereal has actually been one of my biggest cravings since being pregnant. I eat a lot of Fiber One (to, ahem, help) and have an assortment of flavors depending on my mood. I’m a mixer so there are some days where I will mix two or three different cereals together. ☺

Favorite time of day – the morning!!!


Not sure if it’s really a kids food anymore, but I love grilled cheese with ketchup. I too love me some chicken nuggets with fries and fish sticks too. Oh and fruit snacks. My favourite time of the day is after dinner, when most of my responsibilities are done and I can watch my kids play before they go to bed.


I think it usually takes me 3 miles to get warmed up, which can be unfortunate during the work week when I only have time for 4-6 miles, but that’s just the way it goes!

Chicken nuggets – a classic favorite of kids and adults! :)


Favorite time of day is EITHER:
9:30am because my run is done and I am on an endorphin high and ready to conquer the day OR
8:00pm because some really good shows like the Bachelor and Scandal start. Running and TV. About right.



Tater tots. Especially sweet potato tots. Mmmm
I’ve got protein cheerios and some cocoa puffs at home. Thinking a big mixed up bowl of both will be delightful for breakfast tomorrow:-)


Sometimes it takes forever for me to feel warmed up. BUT – I’ve had the opposite happen when instead of being cold, I have worn too much and got really hot and uncomfy. There is a difference between being hot and sweaty on a warm summer’s day and having all those layers constricting in the winter.

I love chicken nuggets and hot dogs :-) That churro dog looks amazing!


I usually feel best after the first 4 miles for long runs. Mac and cheese is a kids meal that I LOVE!!! No on the cereal lovers day because I am not a cereal fan…I know, I know…I’m a weirdo! And favorite time of day is late afternoon.


I wish post nap time was my favorite part of the day! It’s still Hunter’s “witching hour” around here. You’d think he’d be happy after an awesome nap, but noooope. Oh well. Morning smiles and snuggles make up for it. ;)

I may or may not steal a few chicken nuggets from Hunter’s stash too. Whoops!


Yep…2-3 miles. Crazy. I would love it if it was a bit faster.

I am not a lover of kid food. But if I am allowed a cheat food that I can’t even eat anymore??? I always liked Fruity Pebbles. My mom never bought them though and I certainly never bought them for my anti vegetable kids. If I did buy them…they burned the roof of your mouth. A side effect I was willing to brush aside for the simple joy of crunching them.

And my favorite time of day is like…5am. Super early, sun is rising, no one is up and the house is quiet.


I hate that warm up period. I know it happens, but I hate it every time.

My favorite time of the day is probably a range of like 7-10 am. I have to get up at 5 some days to teach which is not my favorite, but I feel most productive in the 7-10 am range. After that it feels like the day is going downhill


Love Crunch Granola – most flavors is the cereal I love.

The first mile or two is usually rough on a long run until I get my groove. The worst is when it takes 2 miles to get my rhythm on a short run!

I like mornings, especially when I have time to myself. I like to read and have my tea.


I love, LOVE the clif kidz bars. Especially the oatmeal ones!


i so needed to read this about those dang first few miles, especially from a runner like you )speedy and distance)! thank you!

please try to record brooke next time she channels elsa-too sweet!


2 miles is definitely my warm up distance. Especially in this cold winter!!

Brooke’s nap hair = TOO CUTE. My favorite part of the day is usually right after a run! Every night my mom and I ask each other what the best part of our day was :)


Peanut butter and jelly sandwich from Panera -the best!
And a kid size ice cream cone loaded with jimmies


It takes me at least 2-3 miles to feel comfortable and get my pace. once I hit 5-7 miles I’m like a robot. Fav cereal is Cracklin Oat Bran. Favorite time of the day- crawling into bed at the end of the day and cuddling with my dog. I found him wet dirty skinny and cold hiding under a car and to know that hes safe, warm, healthy and happy now makes me so happy.


It takes me a couple miles to get into the groove too! I usually hate life and running for the first 15-20 minutes and then I love EVERYTHING and want to run for forever. Brooke is just adorable. Now I’m craving chicken nuggets.


My favorite time of day is around 3 or 4:00 p.m. I’m a stay at home mom, and my husband gets home around 3 or 4. I absolutely love how excited my daughter and my husband are to see each other! :)


My husband and I eat those same Mickey nuggets for dinner at least twice a week and we don’t have kids to use as our excuse for buying them!


two miles seems to be the magic break through the agony mile for me.
Favorite time of day= dawn
Favorite cereal= oatmeal or hot grape nuts with brown sugar


It is so true. I think going slow as you loosen up is also a trick way to get negative splits :)


That churro dog looks fantastic! I didn’t know it was cereal lover’s day, but now that I do I may have to celebrate. We don’t have any good cereal at the moment, but luckily I am doing groceries today so I can stock up!


Cereal is the best, but so addictive! Sometimes I think the best is plain old cornflakes with ice cold milk.

And yes, why are the first couple of miles so tough?

Saw this and thought of you….


Ugh. The first few miles. I’ve read that it takes the typical body at least 4-6 minutes to understand what you’re doing when you start running, and you can kind of feel the adjustment happen when it suddenly feels much better…but in long-distance runners that adjustment actually takes longer. Sometimes in a half or full marathon, I suddenly feel ok about ONE HOUR into the race!


Happens to me all the time! My fastest half marathon, I started with 6:50 pace and my last 4 miles were 6:20ish pace! Just last night I wasn’t in the mood to run, so took my dogs for the first few miles then was just going to get a couple more in on my own and somehow ended up running for over an hour! Not a better feeling than after completing a run!


favorite time of day: when I make a cup of coffee or tea and sit down at my desk to start working :) I love how the whole day is a blank slate in front of me! Also I love that brooke’s “elsa dress” is a blanket wrapped around her.. so cute!!!


The first mile is always the hardest for me. Before I became serious about running, it would be painful enough for me to start walking instead. Now I feel pretty good after the first, especially if I’m outside. Favorite time of day: mid afternoon actually. Like 2-3pm. The gym is nearly empty and the roads/sidewalks aren’t busy.


-It takes me about 2-3 miles before I’m feeling good on a run.
– I love chicken nuggets and hot dogs.
– I might have some Honey O’s for lunch later.
– Favorite time of day is “me” time (kids are napping or in bed), snuggling in bed reading books before bedtime, and when my hubby cones home.

I’ll meet you at the D-Backs stadium! I’m 20 minutes away!


One kid food I think I’ll always love is a toasted blueberry pop-tart with frosting! The first few miles always freak me out a little bit…I always have to remind myself over and over that it will get better if I push through.

I know you’ve written a few posts in the past about skin care and frustrations with blemishes. I’m now a consultant for Rodan + Fields so I thought I would include a link for you in case you’re still trying new things in search for something that works well for you. All the products have a 60-day, empty bottle, money back guarantee! Here’s a link to the solution tool which can tell you about the products that are best for you. https://kecahill.myrandf.com/Pages/OurProducts/GetAdvice/SolutionsTool


It takes me FOREVER to warm up. I usually warm up 4+ miles before a race (marathon excluded) because I know my legs will never be ready otherwise. And that’s why the marathon is my fav distance: it allows me to slowly get into a groove and then kill it towards the end.


It takes me a good 5-10 minutes to feel warmed up, and then I feel like it just gets easier after that. I love your costume by the way!!!


I always tell myself that if the first couple of miles didn’t feel hard we would be tempted to run too fast too soon:)
Years ago I used to love that time when my boys would wake up from a nap too!!


I need at least a mile, maybe 2 before I am really into the run!


I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one who struggles with the first mile. Ive learned to accept it and my playlist starts off slow as well. By song 3, it’s My Momma Don’t Dance by Kenny Loggins, and I put it in fast gear! Happy Running Everyone!


Takes me about 2 miles to really get into my groove. Now that I am 29 weeks preggo, sometimes takes a but more.

I think I celebrate Cereal day everyday…Oops lol
Have a great weekend!


The first 2 miles I always feel stiff!! It gets so much better after that :)

Kid food would be chicken fingers!

Favorite time of day: When my daughter is napping and my other 2 kiddos are at school. I brew a cup of tea, re-group, get a few things done and relax a bit. It is awesome!!!

Didn’t know it was cereal day!! It is also my son’s birthday, so maybe we’ll have granola together in the afternoon :)


That pirate outfit is adorable!! It usually takes me AT LEAST two miles to get in the groove. I just accept it and don’t look at my Garmin until mile 3. I adore those bulls-eye caramels with the cream in the center. And now that you mention it, kid cereal is awesome, too. Fruity pebbles drenched in milk takes the win, for me. I wasn’t going to celebrate because I just found out about it, but now that you have informed me of Cereal Day’s existence, I’m going grocery shopping. My favorite time of day is mid-morning after a run when I don’t have to work — I change into my bathrobe, sit down, and savor my breakfast. Nothing like it!


Sometimes it takes me a goooood 3 or even 5 miles to warm up and get the lead/2×4’s out of my legs. This is a challenge when I just run 10k!

favorite time of the day is actually the most chaotic-just home from work and a run, still in my gear, groceries in their bags, cooking dinner while drinking coffee and snacking on the open bag of cashews, listening to music and the various chit chat (and the I’mmmm hungryyyy). My other favorite time is reserved for weekend/holidays/vacations-that cup of hot coffee after a run or ride.

I’m a mixer so granola + rice crispies or chex.

Kid food-dopey fudge stripe cookies, peanut butter, cinnamon toast, and fudgesicles. And goldfish crackers!


I just noticed that Brooke was born on Aug 15. So was my daughter but it was 1987 and now she has 3 little ones of her own. Now everytime I think of my Rachel’s BD I’ll also think of Brooke.


That pirate costume is too cool :) I always feel like it takes me 5km to warm up, and after that I start feeling more normal! This is hard when I’ve had time off though and am only running the 5k distance to ease back in!
I love all kids food, especially my little pony treats. The fact that they look like a pony definitely makes them more delicious.


I have issues with the whole first two miles, I feel like such death I won’t continue.


It does take me awhile to get into a good steady pace. I tend to always get negative splits because I start off so slow at the beginning. I am not one to start fast.


It takes me exactly 2 miles to start feeling great on a run. During the first 2 miles I sometimes question my sanity and by the end I question everyone else’s sanity for not being out here running too!

I love a good Peanut Butter Sandwich!

I celebrated Cereal Day without even knowing it was Cereal Day #winning

My favorite time of the day is around 6:30AM when I have just finished a good workout or run, and sip my coffee and watch the Today show while I get ready for work. It is the calm before the storm of each day!


I just had a day where my entire 4 mile run felt like that dang first mile lol and it was a sprint/intervals day to boot! I just took the sprints kind of easy – clearly my body wasn’t feeling it the way it usually does.

What I do for those dang first miles is usually stop to stretch. That mini break plus the stretch gives me a new “start” to the whole run and most days (today wasn’t it!) I feel totally refreshed and ready for the rest of the run and feel great.

Captain Crunch Peanut Butter = best cereal ever.

Favorite time of day: morning when it’s light out right BEFORE sunrise (the hour shifts depending on the season obviously). I especially love this time of year and finishing up my run at this time. I make some tea and enjoy the feeling of a new day :) dang, that sounds hokey! :p


It usually takes around 3 miles for me to feel “warmed up”

I love pretty much all kid foods – I have the tastebuds of a 10 year old.

We oddly don’t have any cereal in our house right now. Usually there’s frosted mini wheats.


I would say by mile 2 I start to feel warmed up, but I don’t really get into the groove til I’ve hit my 4, and then if I am doing a really long run, there may be some “omg I can’t believe those miles went by so fast” and then some “sweet baby jesus let this be over” miles but no matter what, once it’s done, I feel great for having accomplished it!


Haha, I’m sure if I kept chicken nuggets at home I’d eat them all too!


I always feel bad my first few miles until I hit my stride. Not a fan of that feeling at all.


I just discovered these “Spinach Littles Dinosaurs” from Dr. Praeger’s (sp) for Harlow… they are insanely delish. I’ve had all of her “leftovers”.


It definitely takes me a couple of miles to get warmed up. I am always worried to run a few miles before a race because I feel like I’ll wear out during the race quicker or something. Do you have any advice for overcoming that?

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