Where I have been slacking and my new favorite running quote!

Hey guys! I hope your week is off to a great start!

Brooke started her week off by doing something she loves to do at my mom’s house—> by running laps around the rug.  I think she is trying to replicate what she saw me doing at the track last week.  

She makes sure to high five me after each lap and my mom and I count out loud to her how many she has done.  She has a huge smile on her face the entire time.   

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Speaking of smiling while running, this may be one of my new favorite running quotes! (From the Brooks Instagram)

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I feel like I am doing fine in the speed and endurance portion of marathon training but I have definitely been slacking when it comes to hill training.  I do so much of my training on the treadmill and all of my speedwork on flat roads (or the treadmill) which means that I haven’t been climbing much.  I decided this morning that I still have 5 weeks and that is plenty of time to start challenging myself a bit with some ups and downs.  

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5 miles of lots of hills on the trails with a friend.  I think one of the biggest reasons I did better than I thought I would at the St. George Marathon last October was because of all of the trail running that I was doing.  Those trails get you strong.  

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This climb burned real good.

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5 miles was all that my legs could handle (plus, I needed to pick up Brooke) on the trails so I finished off my workout on the treadmill for a total of 10 miles.  

And then this fun little workout that makes me die a little bit each time.  Prisoner Squats are pure evil (if you click on the picture below it will take you to an explanation of each exercise).    

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Brooke was extremely impressed by my Mickey Mouse salad for lunch.  

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2 fun things to share:

*** The LA Marathon men’s results—>  I SPY 3rd place from someone in my area!!! Way to represent, Jared.  Also, a 4:58 mile… I wish I could do one of those let alone 26.2 of them.  Amazing.

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**** Feel free to check out my latest Women’s Running Article HERE!   My 25 reasons that I run!

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In what area of training have you been slacking a bit?  In what areas have you been excelling?

What did you have for lunch today?

Who ran the LA Marathon yesterday?  Was the heat killer?  I want details!

Give me a few of the reasons that get you out the door for your run!

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I have been slacking in my core work. I don’t do hills much either (because we don’t have many in my area!), but fortunately my next race doesn’t have many either, so I guess that works out! I’ve been really good at sticking to my training plan and not making excuses!

I know what my goals are for this year and that helps get me out the door. If I want to accomplish them, I need to do the work!


I was so excited for Jared and to see an American podium at a big race like LA!

I seriously cannot imagine running one sub-5 minute mile, but to see Limo gracefully run up to the finish was so impressive. After crossing the finish line he looked so calm and cool!


I’ve been slacking at speed work—it has just not been my friend lately and I cut my speed runs short or don’t go as fast as I could. At least I’m doing well tempo and long runs! I always feel I could do more hills, they’re like speed work but better.

I run because: it makes me happy, it keeps me gracious, it gives me confidence but also teaches humility, I can release my competitive side, and I get to be outside!


I’ve been slacking on my speedwork. Going to the track holds very little appeal for me right now.

I seem to be skipping lunch today. Very unusual.

I’m in awe of the LA marathon folks to have run in that heat! Congrats to all!


AHHHHH go get lunch ASAP!!!


I was too busy being enthralled with your blog! :)


Roasted green beans and rotisserie chicken. I usually have about .5 seconds to think about and prep lunch.

Running outside is just relaxing, liberating, rejuvenating and exhilarating all at once. Nothing better. Well, maybe watching Brooke run laps around the rug is pretty close ;)

Less than 5min miles. For 26.2 miles. My brain seriously can not comprehend.

Your going to do awesome at Boston! I am so excited to see you crush it.


I am glad I make you cook lunch for me every now and then when you have so little time at lunch. I’m a real great friend. GNO… cannot wait.


I had a pork chop and a huge salad for lunch.
I totally need to foam roll and stretch more #brokenrecord


I’ve totally been slacking in speed work, as in just not doing it! I’m actually not planning to start either, I think I just need a break :)


Good for you for giving yourself a break when you need one Michele! I am stoked for a break from speed after Boston:)


In what area of training have you been slacking a bit? In what areas have you been excelling? I’ve been slacking on hills too. You make a great point and I need to get out there and run hills. My half marathon is 4/19 in Central Park and there will be plenty of hills there whether I’m ready or not!

What did you have for lunch today? Mushroom and onion quiche left over from Pi day

Give me a few of the reasons that get you out the door for your run! I try to remember that not everything that’s good for me is always fun. And usually by the time I finish my run I’m happy and endorphins are flowing and life is great!


Your lunch sounds amazing! Yep, Central Park has some great hills! Please let me know how your half goes in April! Love what you said about remember that not everything good for you is fun–> work is the best thing for us!


26 sub 5 minute miles is the craziest


I have been slacking in my running in general lately! I have been strength training a lot and have not been brave enough to face the ice we have had on our trails lately. I just got a new training journal though and am ready for spring to arrive so I can get back out there!

Lunch: chicken cup from costco, 1/2 avo and a pudding cup. Not super exciting but I didn’t cook this weekend so Ill have to get that going tonight!

Brooke is such a cutie and has a wonderful healthy role model to look up to!

I run for fun, Im not fast nor very competitive but I love just getting in the groove with some good music and cruising.


I’ve been crushing speed work and slacking on hills. I guess I didn’t realize it until this post. Better hop to it!


HI! I’ve been sick for a couple of weeks, so I’m excelling in rest? HAH.

I had the biggest, bestest (oh, that’s a word, allright), greenest salad of my life for lunch!

Running = funning (another non-word word I’m totally throwing in this comment box). My nerves are less on edge with it, I feel better about myself (confidence-wise), and it’s my favorite thing to do by myself.


Slacking a tiny bit = core work. I need to be more consistent about at least 5 days of core work!!
Those hills look fierce!! :)

Lunch – grilled cheese sandwich, strawberries and apple slices + popcorn! :)

I get out the door to run – because I am a happy, cheerful person afterwards. Plus I know if I do the work, I’ll see the results with a great race!!

I didn’t run the LA Marathon, but I was there and it was awesome!! Those runners were so brave and strong and luckily it wasn’t as hot as Saturday.

I also got to meet… Deena Kastor (so awesome!!), Bart Yasso and the Editor of Zelle! It’s on my blog today :)

Have an amazing day!!


I have been slacking on my rest while I heal up from plantar fasciitis- the weather has been too nice to not run. Wrong attitude, I know–but it’s been so nice finally! I doubled up on stretching so… that helps, I guess?

I run because it’s awesome to see where this body of mine will take me next!


I’m just trying to build back strength after being injured so long. It’s hard work! I think I’d like to go back to being injured again. Those trails look awesome. I haven’t done any trail running. I’d really like to try some in AZ once I’m strong enough.


Janae, where is that trail? Is it near south fork? I want to go run on it.


I’m interested in this trail too! I’m newer to Utah and will be running Ragnar but don’t know of any trails to train on. Help!


ive been slacking on my core and muscle training . I’m going to have to start doing my crunches BEFORE every run to make sure I get them done.


I loved that article that you wrote Janae.!! I even talked about it a little on my blog. couldn’t help it.. ha
and oh gosh 4:58 mile.! that is killer. ha yea I would die, doing one. I watched the LA marathon. :) on tv though. lol

and I feel like I’ve been slacking in the speed department.. but I hope to improve that soon.


I ran the LA marathon yesterday! It was hot but not too bad for the first half but the second half got pretty brutal. I had stomach issues starting about mile 10 and they lasted until about mile 23! I think I drank too much Gatorade in the beginning hoping to hydrate myself enough and it just caused stomach distress. I persevered through though and finished with a a slower time then anticipated but with the heat I figured I did awesome to be able to finish strong. I saw people collapsing everywhere and so many people layed out at the finish line. Now time to rest and recover so I can move on to the next marathon! :)


Any finish is a good finish! Congratulations!


I always slack on core work. But I have been taking some fitness classes lately that force me to work on it so…. progress….


I’ve just been struggling with getting out of bed early enough to get my workout in before work! And that means I’m struggling with consistency in my training, because as the day wears on, my motivation wanes.

For lunch I had a couple of sandwiches that were provided during a work training session – I had salami, chicken and tuna.

See above comment re getting out the door for a run … I’m blaming it on daylight saving being almost over, and it being super dark in the mornings.


eh, i feel like i’m always slacking in one area, and it’s totally okay. i mean, if you go all out in all areas (speed, strength, hills, long runs) then you’ll probably fail at another important category: rest and recovery. i usually do hills in the winter, speed in the summer. i can’t find time to do it all without getting injured.


Ha! I just posted the other day 25 reasons why I love running! Too cool! For lunch I had the PB without the J, an apple and a cheese stick. I would love those trails!


I love how Brooke picks up on your habits. She is such a sweet lil ball of energy and happiness!
So, I cannot avoid hills if I tried. There are NO flat areas in my town. It’s a blessing in disguise for marathon training. Hill repeats are my killer workout.
I’ve been avoiding speed session for quite some time…I once pushed myself so hard at the track I got physically ill! It was NOT FUN. Since then I will just do fartleks when I’m feeling saucy.

My lunch was cabbage crunch salad (white & red cabbage, green onion, spinach, & sesame seeds topped with tofu and edamame, with spicy avocado hummus. And kale chips. Yours looks yummy (and fun!)


I have been slacking on any exercise this week (surgery recovery), but I am excelling on the exercise of chewing and putting food in my mouth ;)! My lunch today was a TON of brussel sprouts and a mango (with the skin). It was an odd day. Lol

My number one reason to run: The moment you look up into the blue sky while taking in a deep breathe to realize the world is beautiful.


I’ve been slacking with all parts of my training. I haven’t really been pushing myself but now that I have races coming up and it’s nice enough to run outside I’m feeling better and tried to push my pace during my first couple kilometres. I’m doing a trail run in May and I’m really looking forward to it!
I had a grocery store salad from the salad bar. I decided to hold off my grocery shopping until closer to lunch so I could get a giant salad without having to do all the cutting and chopping myself.


I have totally slacked on tempo runs. I do a weekly track workout and long run, but haven’t been doing my tempos.
Lunch: mâché rosettes and strawberries
I reallywant run LA next year.
Reason to run: it helps to have a set time and place to meet friends for a run! I also run first thing on the morning before I have time to think about it.


I watched a little bit of the LA marathon yesterday, I was in awe per usual of watching runners, love it!

I had a homemade turkey burger and sweet potato (which I started eating after seeing you eat them and now I’m hooked!) and a pear

I love my alone time. My “me” time running. Especially when I can get outside and find my groove. It reminds me of my great grandmother (Nonnie) who was a walker. She walked every morning, and each night after dinner. When I can get outside and feel the sun and hear the birds I feel like she is with me and watching down, which always makes me smile :)


Hahaha… I love that brooke is already running “track.” :) Like mama like daughter.


Running, running, running… ok enough of that. What I had for lunch! And bonus: 100% trader joes! Large piece of sourdough toast spread with chèvre goat cheese, topped with pea shoots, sliced beets, prosciutto, and crushed hazelnuts. I think it may be my new favorite.


Hola Chicas! I haven’t been slacking but just focused on speed, core & upper body. I incorporate any incline in my runs like bridges & driveways. I need to do a long run though, which is 5 miles plus for me. I’m 44 and according to my husband I have the body of a 25 year old so that gets me out the door! I had a salad & hummus for lunch, boring. But just few minutes ago I joined my son with a hot chocolate. I had a 1/2 cup of a hot chocolate in 90 degree Phoenix. Now I have a sugar buzz now & sweating, lol!


I have been slacking on running– oops! I’ve been going to the gym with my boyfriend and doing actual workouts with weight (!!!) which is huge for me. usually I like running better but I am actually having fun working out with him!


I love that quote! It’s important to remember tht we run because we love it!
My motivation to get out the door right now is the fresh air and warmer weather…love it!
Karen @karenlovestorun


You are so determined! Keep it up! And I have been a little light on the weight-training lately. I like to get in three sessions a week and have been hovering at two. This week will be better! :)


Hi Hungry – I’ve been doing what I need to do, but it will be a challenge once some more challenging workouts start in a few weeks. So you’re running Boston but haven’t done much hill work – I would focus on that for the next few weeks. Also, don’t forget, the first 10 miles or so are net downhill, and if you aren’t prepared for that, it can shred your quads before you even hit the uphills. On the positive side, you are getting in the long runs and intervals, so you’re fitness should be excellent. Keep focused, the taper will be here before you know it. Geezer recently posted…http://oldguyrunning.net/wp/?p=64


I ran my first marathon this weekend so I have been basking in the guilt-less week off post marathon :).

Lunch was a HUGE sweet potatoe topped with broccoli and some ketchup. Sounds gross, but was oh so perfect. I eat weird things at home because people in public judge my salad mountains :).


I am definitely slacking in core work and hills. I haven’t made it outside much, though the snow is finally melting, so hopefully I’ll hit some more hills soon. I’ve been doing pretty awesome with my speedwork though, which makes me feel pretty great :)

Lunch today was leftover pizza – just cheese and banana peppers, and that’s all it needed!

Upcoming race goals are the most motivating thing to get me out the door. Disappointing myself is the worst!


Three of my friends ran the LA marathon this weekend, and THEY ALL PR’D even given the heat! We had one 3:26 and two 3:19s (they paced each other).


I have been slacking on the weight training lately….and I have nagging injuries because of it! Ugh. Working on it!

Favorite lunch –> Greek yogurt parfait. I usually do some greek yogurt, granola/cereal, berries, honey, anything else I want to throw in…

Getting me out the door lately is my sanity ;) need those runs to keep me level headed


For lunch today I had a California Turkey bagel sandwich for American Bagel. Yum!

I have been running a year now and I still don’t do speed work. I do hills because I live in a neighborhood that has many. But I learned at this weekends half marathon that I need to do more. The first 3 miles we uphill in a headwind. I wanted to die. But the rest was pretty much downhill and I love those. I PR’d big time (14 min), so I’m glad I stuck it out through the pain. LOL!

When I was a little older than Brook, I used to run the rug track too!

Running is my return to sanity time. That is motivation enough to get out the door most days.


Congratulations on your PR! ;)


I am starting this week to slowly get back to running. So I have been slacking in everything! I have a race in about 11 weeks so I have to get going. This weekend I am running hills.


I can’t wait to get back to running! It’s been so long! My daughter is 8 weeks old tomorrow. I am just starting back into exercise this week!


I love your Mickey Mouse salad! Tortillas are yummy!


I was at PT for the first time in 5 weeks yesterday and I felt that absence. I had to lower the weight just a touch but still did all my reps.


Do you ever run with Brooke in a running stroller? Wouldn’t that kill two birds with one stone… child care and endurance/strength? That way, when you ran without it, you’d feel like a million bucks!


Im trying out a meal prep service to review on the blog, so I have butternut pork tenderloin to have for lunch today. All I have to do is pop it in the microwave and it is done. Delicious!

I have actually been pretty on the ball lately so Im going to give myself a pat on the back!


OMG, yes, when I looked at the pace of the winners I laughed because it’s same pace I run…but in km/min!! LOL!! A girl can dream…

I slacked on my strength training and have paid the price…tight glutes/TFL and ANGRY hammies as a result. Sigh.


i ran the LA marathon and it was a nice start and then once I hit the halfway point, it got hot hot hot! I was feeling fine until mile 20 and my calves gave out and I was done. I had to walk the rest of the way and got treated for dehydration at the finish (even though I drank a lot of fluids on the course!). I think my body did not like the warm fluids I was given and could not get back to normal. Oh-well:always next year!

however when I was done, I was checking results and so happy to see Jared place 3rd!


You crossed the finish line!!! Congratulations;)


Hola Chicas! I don’t feel like I’m slacking on anything but just focused on speed & my core. I actually have a strained stomach muscle because I was doing sit-ups everyday and not letting my muscles rest. Live & learn. I do need to get back to long runs. Today I was spoiled by my Comadre/BFF, she made me green chicken enchiladas & rice! I had 4 servings and it was worth every calorie. I run to eat and also because of health reasons. I’m 44 and my husband says that I have the body of a 25 year old so that’s another reason I run!


First, I want to say how much I LOVE your blog! I found it about a month ago, half way through my marathon training and you have inspired me immensely! Thank you!

I did run the LA marathon on Sunday and it was brutal! A few weeks ago I actually had expectations of potentially doing it in 4 hours. Then when the forecast grew grim with heat, I changed it to hopefully 4.20, but the reality was that I did it in 5.09!! I couldn’t believe how challenging the course was and how much the heat truly affected me. Luckily we had cloud cover for a good chunk of the race, but when the sun came out, it was relentless. The thousands of spectators were amazing and truly motivated each runner to keep going! They gave out ice, water, pretzels, oranges, all kinds of good stuff! I’m really happy that I did this marathon and my training definitely prepared me, but, unfortunately and fortunately, all of my long runs were on gorgeous, perfect weather days, so I was not ready for that heat. This was the last year of that particular course, so I’m glad I got it done!

My reason for running is that it keeps me healthy and strong for my 2 young boys and I feel it’s such a gift from God that I can actually do it, so I never want to give it up!


No slacking here, but no excelling either. Newer to hard workouts and heavy training. I guess I excel at stretching and ice.
Lunch today was a 2 egg/ 2 egg white omelet with onion, mushroom, cheese and a side of broccoli. Mini mint patties for dessert.
LA Marathon- nope, I’m back in Michigan. Will be doing the Ann Arbor one on the 29th (my first).
Reasons to run outside- air, openness, freedom, and alone time. Like it so much that I did one run a week outside this winter.


Your trail runs look so beautiful!


I have been slacking all around due to a respiratory infection, definitely a bummer! Did a fun color run 5K with my son today and it was a blast and made me more excited to get back at it…. cough a few times with jogging, but cough is fading! YAY! I love you blog! Motivates me! I am a middle pack runner, but you make me want to push myself! :) AND, my favorite is trail running! The trail you posted looks AWESOME!

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