Somewhat Silent Saturday #58

Representing Utah the best way we know how.

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I’ll take this as a sign that it is spring and that I need to put all of our coats and sweaters away in storage until November. 

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Cousin time is the best kind of time.

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Just hanging out with my homies on a Wheaties box.  

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Walk with the sissy and the sweetest 6 week old on the planet.

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A classy dinner of mac and cheese and a turkey burger.

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A night out with friends…

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To see a movie while sitting on a recliner that also has heated seats.  I don’t think I can ever go back to normal seats again.  

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Long run time!  Just a few more of these until it is marathon time.  This training cycle has flown by!


Three things that you are doing today?!

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Pacing a group for 18 mile long run.
Cheering on friends as they finish a trail 50k.
Spending some quality time with my husband!!!


Hope you have a great long run! Today it’s eye doctor, mall, then movies :)


Run, watching the Big 12 Tournament and cleaning. I’m hoping we don’t have another freeze because we have plants blooming here too!


Love that spring is here! Today is a rest day. I’m going for a walk this morning then retail therapy and grocery shopping.


I feel like this entire year has flown by. I think I said yesterday it feels like October….how are we already into March? Excited to see how you do in Boston! :-)


Hoping to find some coffee, celebrating my birthday with my family and running a St. Patty’s 4 miler this evening which will be immediately followed with a green beer :). I can’t believe you’re so close to Boston already!!


Happy birthday!


Happy happy happy birthday Jenn! Sounds like a great day. Enjoy every second!


Thank you, both!!! I got the best comment from my 3yr old after the race which was, “I want to be a runner just like you, mommy!” Perfect way to end the day!


I need to find this theater!

Going to a Paddy’s Day party!
Going to a Chicago Fire Soccer game!



Gym, rowing and spin class
Spa, massage and facial
Date night, dinner and movie.

I love Saturdays.


I’m so happy spring is finally here! Today includes spending some quality time outside with my husband and our puggle and making pie for Pi Day!
Hope you have a great long run and a wonderful weekend!


I keep wondering if Colorado has seen the last of winter. I hope so!
Today = workout (done), movie + lunch. My favorite date w/ my husband.



Saturday perfection.


Doesn’t get any better than that!


I can’t believe Boston is just over a month away!!!!
Three things I’m doing today… Cleaning, running, resting


What an awesome movie theatre!! Today: waitressed, waitressed, waitressed :) Saturday’s are busy! :)


Hmm. my three things today — long run on treadmill (why did it have to rain so hard this morning?!), out for lunch and hitting the mall.


Sipping hot tea in my hotel room waiting to head out for my 2nd half marathon. We’ve been traveling since Tuesday (Montana to Seattle and back) and this is the last part of our vacation. We leave here today to drive the rest of the way home after my race.
I love that you got a Wheaties box with your picture on it!


I am retouching some headshots for a client.
Then i head to my boyfriends to hang and then we go to my brothers house for dinner.
But most importantly I am packing all that I will need for tomorrow’s nyc half marathon. I haven’t run more than 7 miles and missed a whole month of training due to knee issues so I will probably walk a good portion. But so excited anyway.

You and your sister make a beautiful selfie.


Making quiche to celebrate Pi Day.
Experimenting with making almond flour chocolate chip cookies.
Hitting the gym BEFORE eating lots of chocolate chip cookies.


Today… I’m going for a run in this beautiful weather, checking out the St. Patty’s day festivities in my neighborhood, and then going to a wedding!
I LOVE the theaters with reclining chairs! SO amazing!
Good luck on your long run!!


Heated seats?!! Sounds amazing!


You and your sister are BEAUTIFUL. She is glowing as a new mom!!!
I hope you both look in the mirror today and believe you are beautiful. You know how it is, when we look back at old pictures and say…man i was hot!!! Even then we didn’t believe it~it takes time…believe it today!~ That picture just reminded me of that…..gotta love sissys!


Thank you so much Marnie!


I feel like this training cycle has flown by for you because you have been ROCKING IT! Seriously…I don’t know what your planned runs have looked like vs. what you actually complete, but your total mileage, types of runs and paces are just incredible. And that’s all I’ll say because I don’t want to jinx you before the race, but keep it up!

Today I’m running, eating and going to work at 3! It’s a cutback week for me so I’m only doing 6 miles!


Wow, thank you Sherilyn! I hope you have a good day at work and that you eat some delicious food:)



Real fun Saturday over here!


Meeting a friend for coffee, baking cookies for my mum for Mother’s Day tomorrow and having a movie night with my best friend! That shirt is so adorable, I want one too!


1. Teach Spin
2. Do 135 squats as per my March squat challenge!
3. Go to work!


Have a great run!

I’m doing a long run this morning, taking my puppy to the park, and then going out for dinner. I love weekend!


It’s long run day for me too, Boston really is getting CLOSE!!!!!
Good luck with yours :-)


1. Going on a Run today.
2. Cleaning House
3. Baking and cooking

I love Brooke’s Utah shirt. It’s really cute!


What movie did you see? Have an awesome long run!!!

Today is an exciting day for me because I get to find out whether we are having a boy or girl!!! Shopping and game night with friends.




AHHHHHH so so so exciting Kristen!!!! Sounds like the perfect day:)

We saw Cinderella and it was incredible!


you can’t leave us hanging Kristen!!!


Wait a second, a movie theater with heated seats? Why don’t we have one of those? I’m so jealous. Hope your long run went well!


Oil change– typing up a new blog post– laying out to get some sun!!

Looks like spring in Utah is beautiful!!


I love that kind of mac and cheese :)

And three things for today. Run, work and Malia :) it feels like that’s all I ever do nowadays. Lol


I am packing, having my friend come over to fix some electrical issues, and visit more friends before I move tomorrow. :(


Cleaning, visiting the Under Armor store and relaxing. I was hoping to run but I have knee pain so it’s a no-go.


Those movie seats look amazing. I am so jealous!!
Today I’m just resting! Recovering from the flu


Cleaning/laundry. Run. Making stepping stones with the girls with their handprints in them (youngest got it for her birthday and it makes 2 so she’s sharing :)


First ever crossfit class, work, relax


I just got a car with seat heaters, and I don’t know how I lived without them before!! hahah! Cute pics! Hope your run goes well! :)


It’s my birthday today so I’m:
1) sleeping late (did that already, my friends from high school all compete to be the first to wish each other a happy birthday so my phone was buzzing from midnight to 2am).
2) eat cupcakes (I moved a few months ago so I’m going to the four top rated cupcake shops in my city to taste test).
3) out to dinner (I already read the menu and know exactly what I want to order… Appetizers and dessert included).


HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLAIRE!!! Yay for sleeping in, cupcakes and dinner (I do that with menus too;) Have an incredible day! Let me know which cupcake was the best!


you & your sissy are so gorgeous! :) hope you’re having a great long run. take your nieces & Brooke to go see “Cinderella”…stat! I took Rissa last night & we thoroughly enjoyed it. pretty sure we even clapped at the end!! xxoo have a great weekend!! I’ll be seeing you soon!!!! #Boston2015


Pool running!!
Going to see the movie Cinderella!
Working on St. Patrick’s Day crafts with my kiddos!!

Love Brooke’s Utah T-shirt! I need to find a CA one for my kids :)
Have an amazing day!!


wow it looks like spring for sure, we are still melting the snow piles here in Chicagoland


1. Running on the treadmill during Callum’s nap
2. Going to a memorial service for a friend who took his life :(
3. Going out with my Irish husband and his family for green beer


I’m jealous of your recliner seats at the movie theater! I went to a dine-in theater last night with SUPER comfortable seats but they didn’t recline. Which movie did you see? I saw Cinderella and thought it was really well done! Helena Bonham Carter as the fairy godmother was great!


Running my first half marathon tomorrow…any last minute advice?!


HEY JULIE!!! Good luck! You are going to rock your first half! Trust in your training, don’t go out too fast (or worry about time… just go for completion:), rest and recover afterwards. You will do great. YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS!


Thanks for the advice! 1:56!!! :)


Brick workout = 1) Run then 2) bike.
3) Peanut butter/banana/spinach smoothie


1. Watching them dye the river green outside my building here in Chicago
2. Teaching my graduation class at the studio I will be working for
3. Going to a family dinner at the website I just started writing for!


Hope your long run went well! I agree – Boston will be here before we know it! I did an 18 miler with 14 at marathon pace yesterday. I did the 14 too fast and was toast by 18. oops. I’m happy it’s a rest day today!
1) resting – stretching with some yoga
2) making a cake. Even though it’s Pi day!
3) watching a movie with the family tonight


Just finished my FIRST marathon!!! Woah baby, 26.2 requires a lot of mantras. I counted people out loud at one point….maybe rude?!? ;)


AHHHHHHH way to go Amanda!!! You are amazing!!!!! HAHAHA… you are supposed to count people in your head;)


Today I ran an 8K St. Patricks themed race so much fun :)


Way to go Linea! Holiday themed races are the best!


The picture of you and your sister is beautiful. It’s great that you get to spend time together. I’m recovering from knee surgery so I’m laying low this weekend, but I may go out to dinner or see a movie later. Something that doesn’t involve being on my feet. I’m living vicariously through running blogs right now.


Heated theater seats? that sounds AMAZING! Three things I’m doing today: Went to hang out with a friend at 7:45 this morning, then came home to do my long run (I did it in this order since it was pouring out this morning), and made delicious taco salad for lunch!


3.1415926535 things I am did today:
1. Made a peach apple pie for Pi Day
2. Had Pizza Pie for lunch!
3. Went to a baby shower at Veda Tea House
.1415926535 snow


HAHAHA your comment made me happy!! Sounds like you are really enjoying Pi day:)


I did my first 18 miler.
I worked earlier in the morning.
Making Chocolate covered Katie’s deep dish chocolate chip pie


Way to go Nina!!!!! And I am going to need some of that pie!


thanks, I was really proud. The pie is healthier and the recipe sounds weird but it is really good. Come to NYC and I will share. :)


Ohh I want a heated seat recliner! How nice!


Today is a muddy run, helping put race swag bags together, and hanging out with my guy and our pooch :)


Ran a 5 mile race!
Shopped at Costco!


Love Brooke’s shirt!

I went to my first spin class ever today! SoulCycle was really tough but a lot of fun – I can totally see why you teach it, the instructor was super positive and motivating!


Yogurt Yeti
family time :)
Have a wonderful weekend!!


It’s my mom’s birthday this weekend so we went on a river boat cruise, ate tons of yummy food, and now we’re vegging out on the couch <— our favorite thing, ever :)


1. Hit the 28 week mark of this pregnancy!
2. Ran a family 4-miler – I was thankful to have a break from the jogging stroller while my husband pushed it for me :)
3. I really want to eat a few Sour Patch Kids before bed.

Have an awesome long run and a wonderful weekend with Brooke!


Love that pic of you and your sister with the new little man. You two are SO gorgeous (inside and out).

Ran 32km or 20 miles for the first time ever. Then had a big froyo to celebrate. heading towards my first marathon and excited and nervous!!


Today is long run (although I have a race next week, so my run is a bit shorter than normal), washing and Sunday set up!


made chocolate chip pancakes and dutch babies for the kiddos
Bike ride with a coffee pause
St. Patty’s potluck with friends-desserts! ;)


I did baptisms for the dead at the temple yesterday with the hubby! It was fun to do family names. :)


That Wheaties box is super cool1 And, Brooke’s outfit! OMG! That is one hip chick! :)

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