Pictures with Captions Post #2

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What Pandora stations are your favorites?

What is one of your running pet peeves?

How did you spend your Saturday night?

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Running pet peeve: Fellow runners who don’t greet back on a run. Booooo!


I second this!! :)


Really? I don’t always greet back on a run…but it’s not because I’m trying to be rude or stuck-up. Usually, I’m thinking through all sorts of things, good and bad, on a run and can get lost in my thoughts. It’s my only solo time. It’s not about YOU, it’s more to do with the fellow runner and what they’ve got going on. Just a thought :)


I really get upset about this too! Basically, any person who doesn’t say hi back.


Yes! I totally agree! So mean!


I can’t stand having hair in my face when I workout. I have a lot of hair and it goes up in a really big bun. Last night I made chicken lentil soup and stayed in. Feeling a little under the weather. Hoping to get to the gym this morning. Feeling better after a lot of sleep. Enjoy your Sunday!


I’m with you on hair in my face, it’s the worst. I wear a hat or a headband all the time for that reason. Reading in bed before I go to sleep is the best way to relax! We spent Saturday night with one of my best friends for dinner and old episodes of Modern Family!


I don’t do pandora but I love listening to the bobby bones show on iheart.
Running pet peeve: runners that don’t say hi or smile or wave when you pass them!
Saturday night: I had a lovely big family dinner at my grandparents house:)


I love listening to the Beyonce and Iggy Azalea station when I run-=> ALWAYS makes me run faster!

My running pet peeve: When my hands hit the wire from my ear buds and pull them out of my ear or whenever they just fall out! Guess it’s time to switch to wireless? :)


yep. WHAP! Every time.


Yes and it hurts! I’m nervous for wireless if they don’t connect at a race.


OMG! My running pet peeve has to do with other people. I run mostly on trails, and it is hard to hear people running behind me. Trial etiquette states that you announce “On the left” as you pass, but runners don’t do that, so I get the bejeezus scared out of me. Please be kind when you pass other runners and let them know you are passing.

On another note, my Saturday was spent typing my blog on Check me out!


I can’t stand hair in my face or hair sticking to my neck when I run, so it’s braids and headbands every time for me! That and unplowed paths are my biggest pet running pet peeves.
I listen to the Taylor Swift and One Republic Pandora stations all the time.
Saturday night: cooking with my husband and watching Heroes on Netflix. Lazy Saturday nights are nice after a long run!
Hope you have a wonderful rest of the weekend!


I used to listen to Pandora all the time, but I have switched to Songza and Spotify. It seems they have more playlists (a ton!) so each day can be different. I love some 90s throwbacks, though! Saturday night was diner pancakes, target, and modern family with a side of oreo brownies!


I also hate hair in my face while running and that braid looks so cute! If only I had the time and coordination to do that before a run!
I love listening to the Billy Joel Pandora Station- they play so many songs that I grew up listening to!
I spent my Saturday night going to church, eating crock-pot chili, and drinking red wine on the couch. Exciting night huh?:)


I never really got into pandora, I make my own running playlists on spottily though. I can’t run without music!

Hair in my face, or hitting my neck, is a huge pet peeve for me as well. I usually do headbands… but your braid is super cute!! I think I might give that a try instead today.

My Saturday night was spent camped out on my living room floor, eating mac & cheese and watching Disney Channel with my girls. My favorite type of night :)


I hate having things bounce in my spi belt. I usually spend the first tenth of a mile adjusting it to the sweet spot where it’s secure and bounce less. And I really hate my headphone wires. I’m ready to try wireless ones.

Last night boyfriend and I watched A movie and chilled on the couch. It was quite relaxing after we hiked 6.5 miles in the snow earlier in the day.


Running pet peeves are definitely hair in my face, sun in my eyes so a hat helps out with both of those! I also still haven’t found the perfect running underwear (thinking about this morning) so that is a pet peeve as well.


Raffi was one of my favorites when I was little!!! One of my running pet peeves is having my handheld water bottle leak all over my hand! I just had to go buy a new one because of it.


I love Pandora when I run but lately my stations play whatever they feel like – the Pitbull station has been giving me lots of Chicago slow songs! Not that I totally mind but when I am running fast, listening to sappy love songs doesn’t always do it for me lol.


How you can run 10miles the day after running 16, I will never know. You kind of amaze me.

Brooke’s swimsuit!!! So stinkin cute.

I decided if there is 1 dessert item, I can say no. But when there are 45 billion (like at my parentals last night) I just want to eat every single one. And that is what I did last night #imakegoodchoices #muchadult


I spent Saturday night cleaning and putting a 3 year old to bed – who promptly decided in the middle of night to remove his diaper and pee in bed – so more cleaning :-D

I don’t like hair in my face either. I usually have a headband or hat on. I also don’t like clothes that ride up or bunch up!


yes!!! the front part of my hair is ALWAYS in braids while exercising! it totally works and oh so stylish;)
happy sunday!


Bethel Music Live is great for my morning yoga sessions at home. I also really like Madilyn Bailey station… I hear a lot of new, beautiful voices… they typically sing famous songs a cappella, or with their own twist.

Pet peeve… my Garmin taking a day and a half with its mother trying to find my location. When I have my mind set that I want to run, I wanna run! And become so impatient if my watch takes too long. I need lessons in patience.

Basically all of my Saturday was spent watching movies and laying around…. rained outside all day, but I needed some rest and relaxation. Perfect!


Putting your hair in braids is such a good idea. I wear a visor to keep my hair (and the sun) out of my face, BUT if it’s windy out I end up looking like a crazy person with a ton of fly-aways by the end of the run. They just stick straight up since I am wearing a visor and my hair is in a pony!!! It’s not a good look, haha! Maybe if I braid my hair it won’t get so loose like it does in the pony tail!


My running pet peeves are jingling keys and the sound my hair makes when it hits my coat in the winter. I like your braid!

I had a quiet Saturday night since I moved my long run to Sunday this week…we made a healthy baked pasta and watched birdman.


Pet Peeve- Garmin not finding location fast, and runners (mostly walkers, though!) who I say hi to and can’t even say hi back! Love the gummy candy. I think I need to get me some!! Sour Patch Watermelon Pieces are my favorite!


I always wear a glitter headband b.c they’re fun! Check them out…www.bling-it

I spent my Sat. Night watching movies with my chihuahuas. I also did some research on the Garmin 220 and 620 running watches. I have 3 Garmin running watches right now…but I do like the new one.


i also can’t stand hair in my face when i run. little whispy hair pieces drive me crazy!


Running pet peeve: Clothes that ride or bunch up

Pandora Station: Reggaton! I don’t speak Spanish, so I have no idea what they are saying, but the songs have a wonderful beat to run to.

Saturday night: eating Moose Tracks ice cream while watching The Little Mermiad with my daughter


My pet peeve is having hair in my face too! Especially when I’m running (I always wear a braid too) or when I’m at home and my hair is up but little tiny loose strands get stuck in my eyelashes arrrggghhh!

Gummy candy has been and always will be my favorite but I gave dessert/candy/sweets up for Lent and it’s been a struggle :(


Saturday night I finished House of Cards and now I have nothing left to do with my life this weekend. I think I might go hit up the treadmill today actually so that will help counteract all the sitting I did yesterday.


I worked from 5-9 last night so when I got home all I wanted to do was go to bed! Earlier yesterday I volunteered at the Special Olympics which was a really rewarding experience. I didn’t have a chance to run though so I felt a little bit off the whole day! Now I need to suck it up and get out today!


What Pandora stations are your favorites?
-pitch perfect (great throwback music) and piano guys (classical versions of pop songs..what I listen to at work!)

What is one of your running pet peeves?
-people running in groups who take up the whole sidewalk and don’t move when you’re running at them! Drives me crazy.

How did you spend your Saturday night?
-icing my knee…it was bothering me :(


I have a few running pet peeves, but I think my number one is drivers who clearly see you there in the crosswalk and still turn anyway, making me stop mid road and give them the death glare ;) I agree with everyone about other runners or walkers not waving back. I wave at everyone!

Saturday night we had a light supper at home and watched Horrible Bosses 2. It was pretty funny!


Oh gosh!!! Hair in my face is the WORST! I’m really weird when it comes to running…the slightest thing can set me off, and if it does my whole run is shot. And for that, I now run with like 8 bobby pins holding everything in place. And also, they make me look really cool! ;)


Ugh yes- hair in your face is the worst!


My favorite Pandora station is ed sheeran. I love all of the other artists that pop up there. My running pet peeve is when something is wrong with my socks, like if something is stuck in my sock or its not sitting right against my shoe. It annoys me way more than it should.


Sweat in my eyes while running is the worst! And when I tried wearing a headband to try to fix that it made my head too hot haha. I guess I just need to find a more breathable headband or hat.

Last night was spent on the couch watching chick flicks on TV – He’s Just Not That Into You and my all time favorite Clueless :) I was exhausted because I ended up knocking out 11 miles – yay!


Running pet peeve: when the city turns off the water and locks the bathroom at one of your refuel/ bathroom stops! The weather has been nice and I headed out for a long run on one of my usually routes and the water fountain wasn’t working and the bathrooms were locked! Not cool!


Yess. Hair in the face is the worst.! Also I hate getting wedgies.! Comfort underwear is the most annoying thing while running.

I spent my Saturday night celebrating my daughters 2nd birthday.!!


I can’t stand hair in my face, I wear mine in a pony and I love your braid! I also can’t stand getting a rock in my shoe! Having to stop and take your shoe off to get it out – and you can barely see it but it felt like a boulder!

Brooke disciplining you is hilarious!


Oh wow, you just gave me huge Raffi music flashbacks. We used to listen to Raffi on repeat ALL DAY LONG. He was my kids favorite and I still know all his songs by heart.

Spent Saturday night chatting on the phone with a friend with wine in my hand :)

Have you tried Sour Punch candies? Soooo good and better than Sour Patch kids imo. Never thought I would say that.


My husband and I both had Down by the Bay stuck in our head this afternoon. Can you guess which Pandora station is on the most in our house? Thank you Raffi! ;)


I love yoga radio at home but during a run, I put together my own play list. My biggest running pet peeve is probably when a biker doesn’t tell you he/she is coming up behind you. It usually scares me to death when I don’t hear them. Saturday night was with our BFFs and we really needed it after a stressful week.


I love the country fitness and the modern country stations on Pandora, oh and the Boyce Avenue station :) I hate when ponytail rubs my neck constantly when I am running, or at least when my back isn’t covered enough, or when my headphones always feel like they are falling out because I am so sweaty ha! Saturday night was spent at Olive Garden with friends and then back to our house to watch Maleficent. It was so fun :)


I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas…
Yep, that is a favorite Pandora station in our house! Along with the Disney station, Jesus loves me station, classical during down time and lullaby at night :)

Pet Peeve – when I think my shoes are tied tight enough and they aren’t! So I have to stop and re-tie.

I also wave to all runners!!! :)


Running pet peeve: cars that park on the sidewalk. Makes me irrationally mad. I live in a mid-size city and running on street isn’t always an option.

Sat night: Chinese takeout with my family and a few episides of House of Cards Season One with my husband after the kiddos went to bed. Pretty perfect in my introverted opinion:)


Mmm, I want gummy candy now!


I don’t listen to Pandora.
I spent Saturday night painting.
I don’t have a lot of running pet peeves though my socks scrunching down really bothers me so I am picky about socks. And those headphone issues for sure.

Brooke is a climbing maniac…;)


Looks like a great Saturday for you and Brooke!
What book are you reading?
Ehat kind(s) of bbq sauce do you love?


I have a Summer Hits of the 90s station on Pandora. It’s pretty great.

Running pet peeves: definitely hair in my face, and wearing too many layers. Can it be spring now? I’m tired of all the layers.

I spent my Saturday night babysitting and watching Big Hero 6 – really cute movie.


I can’t stand having hair in my face too. I will usually put it on a braid or high bum with a head band to get the flyaways.


What really bothers me when I’m on a run is when people don’t say “on your left” when they pass me. :(


I hate having hair in my face too when I’m working out! I love your braid ponytail! It’s so cute! I really hate it when people spit when running when I am RIGHT behind them and almost get hit with it. So gross and annoying!


super cute hair! My running pet peeve is when one leg of my shorts rides up higher than the other. I had to stop wearing loose fitting shorts and opt for the spandex.


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