Late yesterday afternoon I just did not feel super great and my couch became my new best friend (well, it is always my best friend).

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My mom and dad came and took Brooke out to dinner so that she could get out and party for a bit. 

PS someday I will put batteries in my wall clock but until then it will always be 10:15 at our house.

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While they went to dinner I watched one of the best movies ever created.  

Father of the Bride.  

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And then when Brooke came home we watched another one of the classics, Jake the Pirate.  I literally did not move from my couch all night.  I’m just getting cooler and cooler all of the time.  

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Time for some Thursday Things:

-I read somewhere that it isn’t great for your health to eat doughnuts all day long but there is nothing wrong with making your house smell like doughnuts all day long.

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-A funny little article about running:)

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-Dinner of champions.  Just two ingredients bring me so much happiness. 

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-My mom emailed this to me…  

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-I loved Christina Aguilera’s impersonation of Britney Spears!!

-A bunch of people that I run with tie their running shoes a little bit different than normal so I asked Josse to share why they do this:

“The reason for tying your shoes like this is to relieve pressure over your arch.  When we tie our shoes as tight as they can go this can cause all sorts of problems such as nerve pain, poor circulation, foot and calf injuries, collapsing of the arch and uncomfortableness.”

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“You want to skip the middle hole over your arch and then make sure you are not pulling as tight as possible on the laces.  Make a loop at the top and see-saw back and forth to lock the heel in place.”

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-And another fun running shoe tip from Brooks!

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-My biggest voice crush is Dave Matthews.  I honestly will never get sick of his voice or music, it speaks to my soul.  

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-Brooke can already make her own almond butter and jelly sandwich.   

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-I need an outdoor run tomorrow (not going to run today)…  I have logged 27 miles on the treadmill and 0 outside this week.  That needs to change.

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Who is your biggest voice crush?  Any other huge Dave fans?!

What do you think is a common misconception about running?

How many miles have you done inside vs outside so far this week?

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I’m a big Dave Matthews fan too and his voice has helped me through more than a few tough runs and hard times! A common running misconception is that runners run every single day and love it each time. At least that’s what I’ve heard some people think. Love that donut candle!


I hope you are feeling better this morning!

I ran 6 miles outside yesterday and it was glorious compared to the 16 total I’ve done on the treadmill. :-/


Michael Grubbs from the band Wakey! Wakey! I am in love with his voice and never get tired of it.

All of my miles have been inside this week and since the weather here is just getting worse I have a feeling the rest will be inside too!

Hope you’re feeling better!


I was watching “Where the Red Fern Grows” on IFC a few weeks ago. It is one of my favorite books. Imagine how surprised I was to see DAVE MATTHEWS was playing the dad! Check out the 2003 version of the movie…


OH heavens. The book was rough enough. The movie….I would need therapy.


One girl I went to grad school with said it didn’t make sense that runners slept a lot, because running energizes you. She is honestly thought that the longer you ran, the less sleep you need!
15 miles outside so far this week because I was out of town. Now that we’re back in Indiana, it looks like the remaining 24 miles will be on the treadmill.


Hahaha that is too funny!

I WISH that were true, running would be the miracle rug!


0 miles for the last 6 weeks :/ darn ankle sprain (plus waitressing where I daily reinjure it)

Hopefully I’ll get better just in time for spring though!! I love starting over with fitness, and I figure several weeks or a couple months off will make the fun start up phase of running even better :) I do miss the stress relief of running though. Maybe someday ill learn to xtrain and that’ll help with the no running stress increase.


I have a huge voice crush on Matt Wertz. I just love his voice.

I haven’t run any miles outside this week. It’s been miserable on the treadmill, but I am definitely going outside this afternoon–thank goodness the snow didn’t stick around!


I looked up that article and I completely agree with #4- some people think that running will magically help them lose weight, without changing their diet at all. So not true! I disagree with #2 though…I think runners always look cool ;)

I think a big misconception is that running is a cheap sport because “all you need is a pair of sneakers.” I think all runners will disagree with this!

I’ve done 0 miles both outside and inside because I’m injured :( Hoping to get back out there next week but it will likely be inside because of all the ice where I live!


Running misconception: that we can eat whatever we want!
29 outside
10 inside


Awe man avocados are so good.! And sorry to hear that you’re not feeling too good, couch days are nice every once in a while though :)

Common Misconception: that you have to look like a runner. Everyone can be a runner.!

And I’m happy to say that I have done all my miles outside :)


I share your Dave Matthews crush! He’s my favorite. Even his slower songs end up on my marathon playlists…

Misconception about running? Hmmm…that you have to be fast….I think so many people decide running isn’t for them because they thing it means all out as fast as you can or why bother. I enjoy slower speeds and longer distances. (Although my body has been injury prone the last year and it’s messing with my mind about whether I should continue training for marathons. )

Hope the couch time helped get you back to feeling 100 percent.


I hope that you are feeling better!


Hope you feel better, there is a lot of crud going around. I think the misconception with running is you are always preparing for a race. It’s ok to just be a runner, who runs for fun :) haha


I am so sorry you aren’t feeling well, that’s just the worst an I hope you feel better soon!

I’ve actually seen something about lacing your shoes that way before and always wanted to try it. Since we’re snowed in all day, today might be the day haha.

I love the question of the biggest misconception – I think it’s that you either like to run or you don’t. I don’t think any of us liked our first run. You need a little grit to stick it out for a few weeks to accomplish something you didn’t think you could do and THAT’s when you get hooked.


Love Dave Matthews…but The Avett Brothers=my voice crush! I just got married and our first dance was their song “January Wedding” so I’m a little biased..

Running misconception = you have to run long distance races to be a “runner.” I enjoy going on a run every week but have never ran a half or a marathon and don’t really plan to!


I love The Avett Brothers, they are a favorite. Murder in the City. I know, strange. But I love it.


BefOre working at a running store, I didn’t realize how many different ways and methods there were to tying your shoes. It’s incredible how just changing that changes how the shoe fits and feels.

I think a common misconception is that running should be painful. While yes, you should push yourself you should never be in physical pain!


I LOVE Father of the Bride and the second one is great too!!!!!!!
Now I want to watch it.
I don’t tie my shoes like that but I always tie them a bit loose and I move my foot around while I tie them so they are not too tight.
5 miles on the treadmill…..16 outside this week.


Father of the Bride is one of my all-time favorites- best movie for a lazy afternoon/evening!

I hope you find time for an outdoor run. I do all of my miles outside. The treadmills at the university gym are always too full, and I have a great route right out my door.

There are so many running misconceptions that drive me crazy…like it’s bad for your knees. But all of this new research on running and heart problems really drives me crazy, because I have some cross-fit friends who think it is their duty to talk me out of distance running. Did you see this article at Runner’s World?


Awww, feel better my dear!!! Get some rest!!
I have treaded it twice this week and I’m not loving THAT fact!


Dave Matthews is my biggest voice crush too! I’ve been dying to see him in concert for oh so many years. No one comes close to that voice.


I used to lace my running shoes that way too (when I was wearing Asics). Then I switched to the Adidas Energy Boosts and no longer needed to lace them differently! The boosts have a sock-like fit on top and the laces don’t put pressure on my foot. They are the best!


I’m really interested in the Adidas Boosts! The new Ultra Boosts look awesome. Do the ones you have run true to size?


I don’t even want to talk about how few miles I have been running outside lately! Luckily I have been able to run on the Alter-G treadmill in PT which is at least better than a regular treadmill. I hope you can get back outdoors for your next run!


My ex is a huge Dave fan and even got the Dire Dancer tattooed on his side. I like Dave, but not THAT much!


Christina’s impression of Britney was amazing!! And I love that highway to hell graphic. I saw it floating around on FB and it made me laugh.


Amos Lee is my voice crush. Soulful!


Whoa, really interesting about the shoe tying. I often feel like my shoes are too tight so I wonder if switching to this method might help me? Also, I would do just about anything for an outdoor run. I feel like spring is never going to come. Boston is a glacier right now, I feel like if I run outside I am just asking to knock my teeth out.


oh man, how do you light a donut candle and not crave donuts all day because of that!!? Hope you feel better soon!!


Who is your biggest voice crush? Any other huge Dave fans?!
-John Legend! His voice always gives me chills. I also really like Ron Pope’s song “Drop in the Ocean”

How many miles have you done inside vs outside so far this week?
-I’ve actually done all of my miles outside this week, for the first time all year! It’s been a little warmer (double digits) and I got a pair of YakTrax, so I can run without fear :)


my husband showed me that dryer sheet tip from brooks yesterday — brilliant! let’s hope he takes action with his running shoes…


That stinks! Feel better soon!


Father of the Bride is my all-time FAVORITE movie.

All of my miles have been inside so far this week. In fact, I haven’t run outside since 2/14 and that makes me sad. It is warming up though and I plan on hitting the road tomorrow…Today is an off day but I almost want to run because the sun is FINALLY shining!


Hope you are feeling better! Father of the Bride is the BEST sick movie… well, okay maybe the BEST movie period. There are very very few movies I can tolerate watching more than once and FOB is top of the list. Followed by FOB 2.

I think the most common misconception is that if you sucked running the mile in gym class back in the day that you are doomed to suck at running forever. Ya gotta work at it!

My voice crush will always be Justin Timberlake. He’s also my life crush.


I absolutely LOVE Dave Matthews Band. I am also from Virginia so I heard a lot of them growing up. My voice crush is Kenny Chesney :)


All my mileage this week has been on the treadmill because we’ve been snowed inside the house. I am craving sunshine and birds twerping and the sound of my dog breathing beside me. Definitely time for some outside runs!


Hope you are feeling better. I think we all could use a little date night with our couch from time to time. I’ve been watching a lot of Parenthood while curled up on the couch – and now that the snow is coming, I don’t feel a bit guilty. :)

I saw Dave Matthews in concert last summer and his voice is just as beautiful in person as it is on the radio. He is just amazing.

About 95% of my miles this winter have been logged outside. I thrive off the fresh air.

Common misconception about running: That you have to run a certain distance or speed to be considered a “runner.” No one should be allowed to put rules on running. If you get out there and put one foot in front of the other, welcome to the club!


I’m sorry. I forgot everything that was in this post after I watched the video of Christina impersonating Britney. Spot. On.

Maybe Brooke can come make me lunch sometime. I don’t think my kids can make their own sandwich. Granted, they never eat pb and j. But still. I need to start sone serious child labor.

I have only ran on the treadmill this week so far too. Such is life. I will be running outside Saturday.

I hope you are feeling better today!! Please let me know if you need anything!


I hung a wall clock up in November and still have not put batteries in it. It looks pretty though!


I have done most of my runs indoors but when the Canadian weather is -30 C, I don’t have much choice! HA!

Voice crush is Justin Nozuka. :)


I love love love love LOVE Father of the Bride! Do you watch Scandal? It really threw me when Bryan McKenzie was Charlie the bad guy, lol!


SAM SMITH! But Dave Matthews’ “Crash Into Me” makes me swoon.


Zero miles. Zero weight lifted. Zero blog posts written. Zero studying. Bah!
I’ve been sick so my couch relationship has been like yours, only I’ve had to go to work for a few hours each day.


We have all had that week and that is totally okay. Feel better.


I love Father of the Bride! It’s one of my favorite movies, Steve Martin is great.

I’ve done all my running on a treadmill this week. It’s easier than trying to go when the weather is nice (about 50% of the time), and honestly I really enjoy running on the treadmill.


If you love Dave Matthews you have to watch “Because of Winn Dixie”. He plays Otis and he is good! The movie is too! All my miles outside this week even in the snow storm! I only do the treadmill if it is icy out. So far, so good. Hope you feel better today!


That shoe tying business is genius. I think if we had an Oscars for Runners that could win an award.

Feel better soon!


I love that movie! I can watch it over and over again:)

I ran 5 miles on the treadmill and 15 outside so far this week…not looking good for my 20 on Saturday. I might need to make it an inside/outside run. Any tips for that high of mileage on the treadmill?! We have so much snow and ice here it eliminates a lot of routes:(


Marathon on Saturday so I’ve only run six miles this week, all on the ol’ mill. We got some winter weather, so rather than trying to negotiate ice, I’ve kept it safe inside. Hope you’re feeling better!


I love Dave Matthews and Darius Rucker.
Father of the Bride AND You’ve got Mail my two favorite not feeling so great movies.
Hope you feel better very soon, the couch stuff is fun but gets old pretty quickly especially when your body is used to movement.


YES Darius I forgot about him.


I hope you’re feeling better! Feeling under the weather is the worst.. especially when you can’t run. I haven ‘t run AT ALL this week but I did try swimming for the first time – it was so much fun and now I’m set on doing a triathlon!

In other words, I finally published my post on my eating disorder and depression. It’s pretty long but I’m really proud of it. :)


I hope you’re feeling better this morning!

I’m lucky to be logging all of my miles outdoors since our winter here in south Florida seems to be officially over! It’s been in the 80s here all week and next week looks the same.

I think the biggest misconception about running from non-runners is that it never gets easier and that we’re just all masochists who like being in pain all the time! I mean, of course we have to keep challenging ourselves to get better, but running does get easier. I mean, most days I LOVE my easy runs!


I definitely wish I knew about that lacing tip a couple months back! I’m training for Boston right now, but I developed tendonitis on my right foot for tying my laces too tight on a long run about a month ago. I’ve been tying my shoe the new way for the past few weeks, and it is definitely helping, but man it’s been a rough injury!


LOVE ME SOME DAVE! :) he is definitely a sexy voice man. I am logging zero miles since this weekend – recovering from the Disney Glass Slipper Challenge and walking the parks. Running a 15 miler on Saturday! Must force myself to leave the bed on this snow day off from school!


Biggest voice crush (and okay crush in general) is Ed Sheeran. LOVE HIM.


No shame hanging out on the couch for hours…I spent this past weekend on the couch all day watching Father of the Bride and Father of the Bride 2! Sometimes, it’s exactly what you want/need/desire so why not just do it right?!


True story: I proposed marriage to Dave Matthews when I was 17. He said *yes*.:)

Common misconception about running: It’s murder on the knees.

Outside miles = 8, Inside miles = 0 (but with six freshly fallen snow inches on the ground, I’m sure that this will change tomorrow, boooooo!)

I hope you feel better ASAP!


1. I’m glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t replace the batteries on our clock. Mine says 5:30, and has said so for about the last 3 months.

2. I have loved Dave for as long as I can remember!!

3. Biggest misconception about running: That it is bad for you! Lately I keep hearing from different people that I am ruining my knees, or my body is going to regret all of this running when I’m older.

4. Outside miles logged: three. It has been too cold and snowy, and I’m just not that hardcore. I REALLY hate the winter…with a passion…


I have only done one treadmill mile so far this week! And that was only because I couldn’t be bothered to find a new route, but desperately needed something to mix up the monotony. I’m trying to take advantage of perfect running temps in Vancouver, because as soon as I go back to Alberta I will be hit with a winter wonderland. ;)


Dave Matthews was my favorite singer FOREVER, but then I just kind of stopped listening. I definitely still love him, but Im not as obsessed as I used to be.

I have only done treadmill running while taking HIIT classes, so I think a longer run is in order. Not outside though because it is snowing and I am a chicken.


Hozier seems pretty alluring to me–especially because he has an accent.

I have done all inside miles… because Chicago is getting dumped on!

Oh man, I love all of the popcorn that you and Brook eat–popcorn is the best snack for all seasons.


The Father of the Bride movies (both of them) are the best!! I’ve seen them so many times and still love to watch them whenever I see it on tv.

That idea to tie running shoes that way is so smart!! I have a lot of troubles with my arch getting marked up and almost bruised because my feet swell enough when I run (and even walk for a long time) to make that particular area tight. I’ll have to try this out!


DAVE MATTHEWS YES. I’m SO big on voices – they are one of the biggest things that attract me to someone. I always had a thing for Rob Thomas’s voice in the song Smooth. I think Kenny Chesney’s voice will always do it for me too. Will Smith. Ben Affleck. Leo. The list goes on and on… seriously. Justin Timberlake. Omg. Ok I’ll stop :)


Love your blog!!
I do all my running outside (track, street, trails). What are advantegeous of running on the treatmill? Should I also do some of my running on the treadmill? Thanks! Cheers Lisbeth


I just bought that candle last week!! And the Watermelon Lemonade one, they both smell incredible! My two voice crushes are Sam Smith and Ed Sheeran, I’m obsessed with both of them, they’re both crazy talented!!

I think when I started running, I thought I would be running at a 9 mile pace straight away but it’s definitely not like that and I’m still super slow. I know all my non-runner friends seem to think you can jump straight in to it and be super fast, but it takes a lot of hard work!! More work than people realise!


Holy Moly! Brooke looks so grown up in the first 2 photos :)


Totally obsessed with Dave as well. My husband and I have seen him and the Gorge over Labor Day weekend for the past 10 years. 30 concerts later and we are still in awe at every show! I was 9 months pregnant last time and it was quite the new experience!


I was really in love with Dave for a long time. Sort have moved away from him but he’s still ridiculously talented. I like Alexi Murdoch a lot. His voice is so soothing.

One of the biggest misconceptions I feel like people have is that they “could never run x,y,z miles!” Another one that’s big (and that I even had until oh like a month ago) is that speed is a natural talent and “some people just don’t have it.” The mind is a crazy powerful thing.

I’ve run all 24 miles inside this week. Hoping to get outside for my long run.

Hope you’re feeling better Janae!


Hope you feel better soon! I’m also a big DMB fan and have seem the band in concert three times! No runs for me this week outside of teaching BODYATTACK. But I’d rather do them outside for sure.


Thanks for sharing the dryer sheet tip. I’d missed that, but I’m going to try it. I use the deodorizing sneaker balls when my shoes are sitting around, but I love Rocket Pure foot deodorant spray when my shoes and I are active. It helps a ton.


I HAD to go see that video! That was awesome! Did you see the one with Adam Levine?! that was SO good! If you haven’t you MUST see it! When you are having a bad day watching funny videos seems to help! :)

I’ve tried baking soda in shoes before, but never dryer sheets. Baking soda is supposed to help remove bad smells.


Hope you are feeling better soon! That is a very cool tip about tying the shoelaces like that, I will have to try it!


My favourite singer of all time is John Farnham … I’m not embarrassed about that at all. The fact that on some level he reminds me of my Dad means that to say I have a voice crush is kind of weird, so I won’t go there.

I think a common misconception about running is that it makes you lose weight. It can certainly help (if that’s what you’re looking for), but we know that losing weight is all about what you put in your mouth.

This week I have done about 37km on the treadmill, and just a measly 5km outside. But to be honest, that’s more outside than I have done in a long time!


Yep I’ve been a Dave fan for 20 years! Love him. And I’m with you on Father of the Bride too! Steve Martin is perfection!


I hope you feel better soon! I have done 10 treadmill miles this week


I’ll be honest, this week has not been a good week in terms of activity…I have gone to the gym a whopping zero times, and run a whole ton of zero miles. :( I did attempt- not gracefully- a couple line dances last night …does that count for anything?!


One of my favorite factoids I learned from POP UP VIDEOS is that store/advertisement clocks are set to 10:10 to make them look “happy”. I guess it looks like a smile and people are more likely to buy a happy, smiley clock. I’d say 10:15 looks pretty happy too. So, I wouldn’t bother with the batteries. Better to show up late than grumpy.


So I greatly appreciate the little tidbit on the shoelaces!! I injured my foot a few years ago during my first half marathon and had to gimp for 5 miles. It was awful. Turns out it from some serious pressure on my foot causing a pop in fluids (I heard and felt the pop). It was never quite figured out, but I’m wondering now if it was from the shoelaces being too tight! I have my redemption race coming up in May this year so I’ll make sure my shoelaces are on correctly!


Love the card your mom sent you! :D


oh my goodness – thank you so much for the laces idea. my foot got serious nerve damage after i went for an 8 mile walk with my shoe tied too tightly over my arch. It took 3 months to heal! sounds ridiculous but true. since then i’ve been tying the arch part super loose but i’ll try the method in your picture. thanks!!


I’m going to see Dave this Labor Day Weekend at the Gorge for a 3 day long concert! It’s going to be an absolute blast!

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