Silentish Saturday.

A friend gave me an apple fritter the size of my head.  

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Church stuff during Brooke’s nap!

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I can handle this: 

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Grandma’s house is always a good time.

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Some random mid-day fuel because I forgot to pack snacks while we were out and about.

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Took my everyday meal to the next level and added a layer of feta cheese on before topping it with chicken.  

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As you can tell, Thomas is kind of a big deal around our house lately.

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Some fun facts from Women’s Running Magazine…  I want to be running marathons when I am 91!!! 

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Off to do 17 miles!


What are your Saturday plans? 

What time did you get up today?

Who has a long run!?

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Your sweet potatoes always look incredible! Good luck with the run. Just did 12 and so glad it’s done, I was dragging.


Sweet potatoes are so good. I’ve been to make some and put veggie chili on top. I’ve been up since 5 this morning. I can’t help it. I’m an early girl. Getting some work done then heading to the gym for spin class today. It’s 80’s in Phoenix this weekend. I may have to turn on the a/c. Too hot!


Hope your long run is great. I’m off to meet up with friends for 18 in a few minutes.


I cannot stop giggling at the picture of you and Brooke with the donuts. Brooke looks like she is TOTALLY guilty of something and her body position reminds me Schmegel from the Lord of the rings. Of course, she’s like a bajillion times cuter but still! Just made me laugh :) Have a good day!


Growing up, my brother was OBSESSED with Thomas the train! Enjoy your run today!


I did 12 miles on the treadmill yesterday because of bitter cold and snow everywhere. Enjoy you warm weather! Hope you have a great long run!


I got up at 5 to go to work! Missing my winter racing circuit 5k but will be heading out for a 6-8 miler when I get home! This weather is amazing.


I got up around 7:15 this morning only to do math and figure out I could have slept longer! I have to take my daughter to a sale with some friends at 10am, then come home, run my 6 mile long run, shower change and go to Bible Study at church. That’s from 2-4. Then I just have cleaning and what-not to do when I get home. It’s going to be a crazy day today!
I don’t know about marathons, but I just hope I can still be running at all when I’m 91!!


‘I woke up at my school-day time (for teaching)..4:34 am but didn’t get out of bed until 7.

I usually run errands, then read, and eventually workout:5 miles on the treadmill. I usually plan to clean my apartment… but it never happens. I want to make chocolate dipped caramel-flavored rice cakes today, for next week’s snack. Do you ever prep snacks in advance?


Good luck on that long run!! I work up at 8:00am, but am sneaking around at 9:00am because my daughter had a sleepover and they are still sleeping. Enjoying the quiet :)
Ran 20 miles in the snowy 20 degree weather. Enjoy that 65 degrees!!


22 miles tomorrow! Today I’m off to work and hope to do some easy yoga this evening!


Good luck on your run! I have 12 miles on my schedule.

I went to bed at 8:30 and woke up at 6:15. I needed it!


So jealous of your weather right now! My son never liked Thomas, I never understood why not since all the kids did. At least I didn’t have to build the whole train set! Hope you had a great run.


Was up at 6:30 for my long run. 14 mes today then take a nap, then coffee shop for some work with the husband!


My first time sleeping in in weeks! So exciting!

No run for me yet. I reaggrevated my calf tear. Hoping to run again either Monday or Wednesday this week.


No long run for me today. Heading out the door to go to work. technically I’ll be running around work if that counts?


We were supposed to have a meeting for work this morning but it got postponed. We’re on standby. Basically I have no plans.

I was up a little after 7 this morning.

12 miles for me tomorrow. They will probably be on the treadmill.


The temperature outside is beautiful enough to have a long run today, however there is snow on the ground and I don’t think it’s suitable for running as I’d be slipping a lot. I might go for a walk, though.


Wow you all wake up early! I got up at 7, and will run around 10 miles in a couple of hours. Its my ‘rest week,’ so nothing big…

My plans for the day include cleaning, finishing up some work, and enjoying the warm weather!

Have a great weekend, and good luck with the run!


Happy 17 miles.
Getting a hair cut today.


I got up at 6am to pick up my niece and take her to band tryouts. The best 9th grade alto saxophonist! She is headed in to her audition now!!
So excited for her. #proudaunt


I skipped my long run and went to crossfit instead. Oops :)


Hearing stories about people still running in their 90s is the best! Gordy Ainsleigh is 67 and still running 100-milers! I hope that I’m still running when I get into my wise years!


We’re going to hit the gym before watching a bunch of Once Upon a Time.
I got to sleep until just before 8:00 when I was awakened by kiddo snuggles and coffee. Delightful!


Is that ketchup or siracha sauce on your meal?! I LOVE ketchup but my friends are always nagging me on the amount of sugar. Now I can’t be as liberal with the red stuff boo.

I’m struggling with speed work and long runs but particularly both. I think fuelling properly and nutrition in general is my biggest obstacle. Does anyone know if I make changes, how long before I should start feeling a difference?


I have a long run today………..either 8 or 10 miles. I have not started training for my 1/2 in June yet, but I like to keep myself built up to 8 miles most of the year.

I got up at 7…………working today then moving tomorrow! Only across the hall, but it will be a long day………fueled by some sugar and soda I am sure! Should be a good workout.


Think positive thoughts on your long run!! This morning I’m teaching BODYPUMP and then enjoying a lazy day in the Bay!


I dont have any Saturday plans and it is glorious. I woke up around 8 which was definitely sleeping in for me lately. Good luck on your run!!


My long run is tomorrow. Considering it is the longest since coming back from stress fractures, I am unreasonably excited…


Hope it goes well for you today, Jessica!


My internal clock woke me up at 5 ahh! Went to an early spin class and now my legs are dead. Have a great weekend!!


My son loves Thomas… He’s 18 now. He loves his 1997 Dodge instead. LOL


That sweet potato, chicken, and feta looks SO good!


Good luck with the long run! My f0ot has been bothering me so I decided to sit out on my 9 mile run today and volunteered at the water stops instead. It was fun! Now for an afternoon of foot icing and cereal consumption :)


Just finished pacing my training group for a long run and I’m about to bake some birthday cookies for a friend:)
Woke up at 5am


I am in Arkansas for my sister-in-law’s baby shower! The weather is fabulous here and I ran 7 miles on the trails this morning. I got up at 5:50 this morning but it was really 6:50 in Maryland which is pretty late for me!


I hope your 17-miler is a great one! Can’t beat that weather in February.
My Saturday plans are pretty much nonexistent except for the prenatal massage I have scheduled for this afternoon – can’t wait.


Up at 0600 for the 7 mile long run in my half marathon training group. Might try to attempt a somewhat leisurely bike ride later.
I’m a newer runner. I was thinking about what I wanted to do when I achieve my goal of running the Kentucky Derby Half Marathon. What else is there to do but a full marathon? In your non-medical, experienced runner, (I promise I won’t sue you) opinion, should I rest after my half and then think about a full or just continue on? How long of a rest do most people usually take?


16 cold miles here in VA! I am ready for spring and Boston. I got up at 6 to get the miles done! Now, the hunger is hitting. Time to find a snack….


What are your Saturday plans?
Worked out already, cheat meal already, shopping for some valentine props (dollar store is awesome) to take some photos of my cutie pie for his grandparents. And buying supplies to make our own pizzas tomorrow.

What time did you get up today?
Slept in til 8!

Who has a long run!?
My left hip was super sore/tight, so I just ended up walking at a super high incline. Long run tomorrow. “long” for me is an hour.

Do you ever do posts on makeup or your routine? You seem to do, like, twice what I do in a day AND look pretty in photos. Teach me your ways.

Happy weekend!


65 degrees wha whaaaat?! I just ran a torturous hilly run in Central Park and it was snowing like crazy the entire time. Ouch. I was struggling the entire time…it felt like I was running on empty!


We only got flurries around 10:30 on Staten Island! (and it’s also hilly where I run). I’m glad I didn’t take the ferry over to run along the West Side this morning.


Very nice, I’ve always wanted to run in Staten Island! I think the wind really did me in because the snow wasn’t too intense but trying to conquer Harlem Hill with a constant stream of snowflakes was rough!


The wind has been killer and Harlem Hill is a beast. On S.I. It’s nice to run the boardwalk when the weather is good. I run a few of our parks, it breaks things up to run from one to the other.


Just did my run, fueled with grilled cheese and tomato soup (it sounded good even though its almost 70* out) and now I’m off to work!


I did my longest ever run! 18 miles in rainy London! Feeling pretty great now (post run, with wine)!


WAY TO GO JAZ!!! That is seriously so awesome!!!


I woke up in the middle of the night with a wicked calf cramp, so I ended up getting up early this morning to work instead of run. Bummer :(


Janae!!! Did you hear that Adnan from Serial is getting an appeal?!? Ran on to tell you right after I found out!!!




They might free Adnan?!!! Ok I must go check into this!!
I am on a mini vacation with the hubs. Left the four kiddos at home. First time I’ve left my baby… But decided it wasn’t worth risking measles since she’s not old enough for all her vaccinations. Apparently Phoenix is experiencing a measles outbreak too. Vaccinate your children, people! Anyways, I digress. I slept in until 8, went for a hike, ate a yummy breakfast, and am laying out by the pool! Dinner and a movie tonight.

Janae- I have a song for your playlist. Runaways by The Killers. Great to get you pumped up! I hope your 17 miles was delightful!!


Those sweet potatoes look amazing! I got up around 8 this morning (after getting up at 5 all week it felt SO GOOD to sleep in). No running for me today, but I did an intense 60 minute yoga class at the gym this morning and then walked a mile at the park.


Brooke looks like she’s trying to hide with her donut. She’s so darn cute.

I woke up at 6:18. I think it’s crazy that I was happy the temp was 28 degrees rather than 17.

I did my long run. I’m the only one on my team gearing up for a full so I ran with my training buddy for 1/2 my run. My coach did a mile more and I finished up on my own. (I run to and from practice to extend my runs).


Good luck with your long run! Saturday plans- movie date! Have a lovely day Janae! :)


I really need to try an apple fritter one day


Ran a 15K race today and killed it! Best long run I’ve ever had :)


Monika!!! HUGE CONGRATS TODAY:) Way to go girl!


I got up this morning around 6:30am because I thought I was going to go to a bike swap but then I realized that it wasn’t until tomorrow so I went back to sleep for awhile. YAY for more sleep!


I could write a thesis on Thomas the Tank :)! I don’t think I’ve eaten a apple fritter before but they look pretty yum. Got up at 6.30, ran a slow 10km. Its Sunday here but my plans include soccer registration for the kids and a fancy High Tea in the City. I would love to be running at 90. I read a blog by a lady still running at 85. She is such an inspiration. Check it out…


No long run today. Moved it to Monday. The sore body was just not feeling it.


Love your blog! I enjoy reading your posts and your Brooke is the cutest thing ever! Got up this morning at 6:45 so I could get my 15 miles in and then head to the Mall of America with my girls-husband is gone ice fishing this weekend! I am running Boston too, and have been interested in your training posts!


Hey Heather! Sounds like such a fun day! Way to go on your run and keep me updated on your training! Hope to see you at Boston!


Oh this post is totally making me want a donut :)


You are lucky that you can eat sweets (like giant apple fritters) and not pay the price with your running and weight. I am a lot older than you (42), and my diet has to be “on point” all the time. Highly jealous! Enjoy it while you’re young! :)


Your posts often make me want donuts.

I got up at 7:46 and thought the clock said 8:20. What? I’m glad though. My long run was 11 miles this morning and it was already windy (and a balmy 60+ degrees here in Montana). First half was a head wind and rolling hills. But second half was wind at my back. However, right after I finished my run the gusts picked up to 40 mph or more. So glad I didn’t sleep later.

Not much else today except for Supercross tonight. I love dirt bikes. Have a great night.


22 miles today. I’m wiped. You should keep an eye out for the “Day Out with Thomas” that they do up with the Heber Creeper. My oldest son LOVED Thomas and had a blast.


I got a haircut today – two inches = gone :)

P90X for the workout

Slept in till… wait for it…7:30!! Woo hoo!

Have a great weekend!


Woke up at 5am. Only running can get me up in the early am hours. Should have rewarded myself with an apple fritter. That sounds good.

I hope your long run was awesome today.

Those two hours yesterday were definitely the best hours in my day. Love you!!


How do you like those sport beans?


My nephew loves Thomas too and trains in general!


I love your sweet potatoes and chicken! I need to try that! Yum!

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