Monday Matters!!!

Sit down, grab a snack (I’m currently munching on beef jerky and an apple) and discuss with me some Monday Matters.  

-Nothing wrong with combining 2013 & 2014 Christmas pajamas.  Actually, I think I prefer this combination.  Isn’t it the trend to wear all sorts of different patterns all at once or something?!  

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-Speaking of pajamas….  I did my long run, showered, got back in pjs and then went to cafe rio for food.  

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-If you are looking for some ways to work on your mental game—>  THIS is your article.  Loved it and just what I needed to read!

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-I really want a matching Utah shirt for me and Brooke.  I keep seeing these awesome shirts popping up all over instagram and wanted to share them with you.  Gotta have a little bit of pride for your state.

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Megan refuses to get a swirl cone like a normal human and creates layers of ice cream for her cone instead.

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-WHO WATCHED THE PARENTHOOD FANALE!?!  I haven’t yet (I know… it is my favorite show) but I know I will be crying like a baby the entire time.

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-I really don’t know what is going on here.  Tanks in February?!?

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-DON’T FORGET to go get free froyo at Yogurtland today from 4-7 pm!  Menchie’s is celebrating NFYD with free froyo too on 2/6 from 4-8!  Yes, I pulled over to the side of the road to take this picture so that I could remember to tell you about it.  

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-Kids Who Lost The Fight Against Sleep.  This made me smile.  It also made me want to take a nap.

-Just one more picture of the new little man in my life.  I bought this jacket for him when my sister first told me she was pregnant… time flies when it isn’t you being the one pregnant.

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-Remember my friend Sarah that I stayed with in Thailand?  This Mario wall that she found on a run helped her to keep going.  

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Absolute favorite show currently?!?  Did you see the Parenthood finale?

Tell me about some of your Monday Matters!

What have you been snacking on today?

What’s your home state (or country:)?!?

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I watched the last two episodes of Parenthood this weekend. Cried thru both of them, it was awesome. I think they ended it perfectly!

I haven’t been snacking as much lately. Not sure whats up with that. I’m sure it’ll hit again and I’ll be munching like crazy soon.

I’ve lived all but three months of my life in Kansas!


Been snacking on some blueberry almonds by Blue Diamond. They are perf for my sweet tooth addiction.

CONGRATS to your sister’s lil boy, he is too flipping cute!

Parenthood seems like a show I would watch and love and cry every episode in. Perhaps it’ll come to Netflix?!

I mismatch my workout outfits every day, but not because its trending, I just struggle real hard.


It is on Netflix!!!


I don’t think it’s on Netflix streaming is it? I think you can get it on disk from Netflix, however.


No, you can stream it.


I’ve been snacking on salt & vinegar chips…I blame pregnancy cravings! :)

SO jealous of your tank top weather…here is my home state of PA we just got more snow…and it’s quite cold. I’m looking forward to spring for sure!

I’d be with Megan on the ice cream….I like the flavors one at a time….not swirled together!!


Come on over and hang out in Utah. Ummmm I had that same craving too! I will let Megan know that she is not alone.


You’re so lucky to have tank top weather! It’s cold here and everything is covered in snow! Today’s snack was Greek yogurt with frozen blueberries, but I also keep snacking on chocolate chips that I keep in the freezer (frozen candy is so good!).
I’ve never watched Parenthood but I keep hearing about how good it is! My absolute favorite shows currently as Parks and Rec and Supernatural.


I am SO sad that Parenthood is over. I loved that show!
Monday matters: just a regular day…gym, grocery, laundry, and I’m about to start dinner.
Today’s snack: popcorn popped in coconu oil
Home state: TN


Awww I clicked over to the state t-shirt site and they don’t have Florida yet! Tanks in February is regular life for me. The high was 86 degrees today here in south Florida! Too hot if you ask me! I’d like a couple more runs in the 60s before we start our 10 months of summer ;)


That wall is the COOLEST! And I actually mainly snacked on wheat thins today. I brought them to work thinking I had hummus up at the office but I was wrong so it’s been plain wheat thins for me! However I actually bought ice cream and cones at the grocery store for the first time EVER yesterday so I’ll be having ice cream cones for dinner:)

I’m a couple seasons behind on Parenthood, which I’m grateful for because I’d HATE for it to be over!

Texas is my home state! :)


My favorite show currently is probably suits. I love it.

What a cute little man! Brand new babies are the best!


I did watch the Parenthood Finale – I was fine until the last ten minutes and then :’-(

I’m from Ontario! Yay! Woo?!


Fave shows: House and Parenthood.

Snacking on ‘Nilla Wafers after my weird trio of workouts today (run, XC ski, Ballet)

Homestate is Oregon!!!! But currently claim Germany as home. We love it!!!

Your nephew is adorable! My goodness!
…and ps-there’s no such thing as mismatched jammies. They are all cute and cozy.


Why is there not a Cafe Rio in Omaha? This makes me sad. :(


We live in the same area! And I agree, I would LOVE to have a Cafe Rio here! We should start a petition =)


All your posts are good but many things spoke to me today :) First, I WANT one of those t-shirts now!! Massachusetts! Second, I’m with Megan. I don’t have a problem with mixing flavors but I prefer one on top of the other rather than swirled – I want a separation of tastes. And YES, last episode of parenthood is on my dvr – watching when I get home. Have a great afternoon!


I love Modern Family… and I will never get tired of Friends.

I snacked on an apple while at a nutrition seminar about “unmasking super foods,” and it was really interesting!

Alberta, Canada!!!!


I used to swim with the woman who wrote the motivation article! She gets to chat with so many awesome people for work.


I snack on everything. Haha. Classic is popcorn.
I’m from oregon. Looove it


I’m a big fan of Justified on FX. Love it! Very dramatic and suspenseful, especially now that it’s in the final season!

Snacking on too many things lately! I need to put a stop to that! (But I may have just discovered the most glorious chips ever… Terra chips Sweets & Beets. Just saying!)

And I’m a Missouri girl, born and raised!


Congrats to your sister and family!!! He is so adorable!!!

1)THE MINDY PROJECT!!! I can’t stop watching and re-watching it on Hulu+

2)I missed out on a run this morning, but I’m going to make it up with some speed work on the track tonight.

3)I just discovered that Chic fil A has chicken tortilla soup!!! It’s really good, I had half of a large bowl at lunch with a salad- just ate the other half for an afternoon snack. (

4) I was born in Louisiana but I have lived in Texas the majority of my life. I consider myself a hybrid :)


Yesterday it snowed a foot in Chicago. No bueno. At least they are very proficient in clearing the streets. The sidewalks were a little rough this morning, but I survived.

Now that I keep seeing everyone talk about Parenthood, I may need to to check it out. My husband and I are currently watching Suits, House of Lies, and are waiting anxiously for House of Cards to come back this month.


Thanks for the tip on Menchies! We don’t have Yougurtland bit we do have Menchies ;)

My 6yo thought the kids sleeping was just the funniest thing she had ever seen! Your nephew is such a cutie!! Congrats to your sister!


I started watching The Mindy Project lately and am almost caught up! I’m also a big fan of Scandal.

My home state in Indiana. I lived in Pennsylvania for 2 years and just moved to Kentucky over the weekend! We have one more move in 2015 and then I think we will finally be settled.

My snack of the day is Cheese-Its and I’m looking forward to Girl Scout Cookies later this week!


I’m so sad that Parenthood is ending! I’m a season or 2 behind, but I haven’t been wanting to catch up since that means it’ll all be over.

Megan’s ice cream method is brilliant! When I eat ice cream like Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked where vanilla and chocolate are swirled together, it mostly just tastes like chocolate ice cream (still delicious, but the vanilla gets canceled out).


Lately, it’s The Mindy Project, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and TNG.
Also can’t wait for House of Cards to come back. Just a few weeks!



addicted to blue bunny birthday cake ice cream sandwiches before bed

loving Sons of Anarchy on netflix


I must be the only person on earth that didn’t care for the show Parenthood. I’m weird!
I’ve never looked that good on a run as you guys do in the tank top pic! I’m sort of a red faced, sweat drenched rat!
Your sisters baby is beyond adorable!!!!


I loved the ending of Parenthood!

I snacked on popcorn today:)

I am from Ohio!!!


Love the state shirts! I’m in my and we got slammed with snow! So I’m jealous of ur tanks!
Today was 100%devoted to fun in the snow!


Girls (too funny)
Chocolate – always chocolate
Monday Matter – Running on a curve treadmill for the first time! Have you been on one of these?


Parenthood was amazing! They did a great job with the finale.
Our Yogurtland was closed today due to weather :(
New York!


Thanks for the article on motivation! That’s exactly what I need right now! :) Monday matters involved a tempo run and a blizzard from Dairy Queen! So good! :) home country= New Zealand!!!!! I love my home country just a little bit in case you can’t tell ;) come visit and run the misty mountains one day!


So, I just started watching Parenthood yesterday!! I’m on season 1, episode 7 already. I don’t know why I waited so long to watch this. I LOVE Lauren Graham! (Love Gilmore Girls!!) And I forgot how much I like Craig T Nelson. Such a great show!!


All I could think of while eating dinner tonight was how proud you would be of the size of my salad (taco salad). Also when you’re in Boston you should consider coming up to Portsmouth, NH. (Google Chicago tibune, Portsmouth). I could show you around too. (I’m not crazy, I used to live in SJ and we are friends with Nate and Elisabeth Schmidt)


Today’s snack was a new favorite: plain Greek yogurt with honey topped with a scoop of peanut butter and chocolate-covered pomegranate seeds. YUM. Try it. You’ll love it.

Home state is California. We’re in tank tops, too! (In fact I made the mistake of going out in long sleeves today and immediately regretted it.)

Happy Monday!


You’re the prettiest. But now I want froyo, so I’m kind of mad at you. Only a little, though.


Congratulations to you Sis! Your nephew is handsome! What is his name?

Snack of the day: popcorn.

I only just caught onto Parenthood when I heard the last episode was coming up. Binge watched all the season before the finale. Sad it’s over. Have you seen the Americans on FX? Loved Kerry Russell from Felicity. Couldn’t miss her in this series where she plays a Russian spy.


Ohhh my. Your little nephew is SUCH a doll! How precious!!! Congrats to your sis!

Wish I lived near the free froyo place! Sounds soo good after a stressful day like today!


Monday Matters this post-> Stop The Mean Girls Cycle-
…3 Ways To Build Up Other Women. I’m trying to spread this message about women supporting each other instead of tearing rav other down. Help spread it!


I made some air popped popcorn this afternoon. It was pretty good, probably because I haven’t had it in a long time.


Home state is New York. I still live here. 41 years so far!
It’s a love hate relationship. :)


Christmas pajamas are always a good choice! And I can’t believe I haven’t gotten any FroYo today. Darn!


Oh my gosh! I LOVE that t-shirt site. I’ve already been shopping!!
Your little nephew is so adorable-how precious. Congrats to your sister and her family!
I have been snacking on ‘break and bake’ choc chip cookies for the last couple of days. I’ll bake a 1/2 a package then my son and I will eat every last one of them.
I live in Ohio but grew up in Louisiana and it will always be my home state.
Parenthood is one of my favorite shows but I haven’t watched ANY episode from this last season. They are all on my DVR. Every time I go to watch it I’m just not ready for the emotional roller coaster I know it will take me on.


Your hair looks fab in your walking pic. Can you just do mine every day for me? Thanks.

Your sister’s baby=perfection. Ugh. That stage is so hard, but so amazing. It goes by so quickly and I miss it.

I snacked on cuties and cottage cheese this morning… And fro yo for this afternoon. Snack. Of. Champions.

My favorite show is probably New Girl or Brookline nine-nine. But then I started watching the bachelor with this group of girls and it kinda took it up a notch and mde it even more amazing.


I need to start watching Parenthood, like yesterday. Everyone raves about it and one of my girlfriends had me watch a random episode and I loved it. Time to invest…

My favorite show on right now (just started again last night) is the Blacklist. I get sucked in every time. I also like Survivor (yay for a new season starting).

I was just snacking on a few Now & Laters. I had cake for lunch. My sweet tooth is definitely out of control today.



I’m currently watching “Burning Love”, a Bachelor parody, on Hulu. And now I’m going to watch the actual Bachelor.

Kansas is my home state.


PARENTHOOD was my favorite. I am so sad without it… and Sam JAEGER. What an amazing look man!!! Not to mention Peter Krause. But SAM JAEGER, roar!

We had 19 inches of snow in Chicago. Therefore, I snacked on a gluten-free brownie and Trader Joe’s Chicago Mix popcorn. YUMZ, before 10 miles…


I don’t watch much TV at all but the shows I do watch are The Pioneer Woman and Modern Family! But seriously… TANK TOPS?! So jealous!! If I only have to wear three layers then it’s a good day for me! So sick of these cold temps!

I’m feeling like those kids today and going to bed before 9 o’clock. I’m so tired!


My home state is Ohio but I live in Kentucky … I’m actually visiting Utah for the first time this March (SLC) and thought of you! :-)


My home state is Michigan but I currently live in Georgia where I ran in shorts last week! But today was kind of cold (40) and SUPER windy so wind chill was 30. But Michigan has a foot of snow as does Iowa (where I lived before Georgia) so even 30-40 seems good to me :)

My favorite show currently is Fixer Upper on HGTV! I love Chip and JoAnna – they are ADORABLE! Plus their designs rock :)


I am from Rhode Island but haven’t lived there since I was 5 :).
I LOVED the season finale of Parenthood and yes cried and cried…it was SOOOOO good. I do not recommend watching it on a treadmill!!!
I love snacking on goldfish :)
Your nephew is so cute :)
That wall is awesome!!!


My favorite show right now is the Big Bang Theory. I actually haven’t watched Parenthood yet, I think I saw one episode a few years ago.

I’ve been snacking on popcorn and devils food doughnut holes today – super healthy.

Well, I was born in California, but I only lived there until I was 5, so I really count Oregon as my home state – I lived there from 5-14


Snacks: chocolate and almond butter. always!


Ohio! Love that idea for the shirts. So cute. And absolutely *so cute* is your new nephew. Sweetness!!!!


Damn! How did I miss free yogurt day?! I am bummed. Adding the menchie’s one to my calendar : )

Congrats to your sister! Your nephew is adorable!


Thailand has the most fun street art I’ve ever seen!


I have not yet watched the last several episodes of Parenthood! My fiance is in boot camp through next week and he made me promise I wouldn’t watch it without him. It has been difficult, but I’ve held off…! Congrats on more aunthood!


I too love Parenthood! And I refuse to watch the last FOUR episodes because I know it’s all going to be crazy sad :(. One day…

Love the idea of matching state shirts – will have to start looking for my Indiana one!

Cheese and pepperoni is currently my go to snack. There’s nothing remotely healthy about it, but it hit the spot every time!!


Yep. I watched Parenthood just yesterday. I loved it. In that ~I cried AGAIN when I watched Parenthood~ kind of way.
What an amazing program.
That boy is just already so sweet. Stealing hearts. <3


I haven’t seen the finale of Parenthood but I keep hearing it is a tear jerker. I am a total snacker. I like to snack on beef jerky, rice cakes, fruit, and popcorn.


Home state is Ohio, but I have lived in California since I was 15.

Snacks – definitely popcorn, raw almonds and I love snacking on fruit (berries or an apple).

I am behind on everything – Serial and now Parenthood! I need to catch up.

Mondays Matters – worked out, regular kid stuff/family stuff, errands…

Your nephew is so, so cute!!


That little baby boy is SO cute in that sweet little jacket! I love the elbow patches!

Snack is popcorn and I live in Canada.


My favourite is the kid sleeping in a plate of spaghetti


I cooked dinner for a friend last night – great way to start the week! I’m English – home is Gloucestershire but I live in London (where we now have the first snow of the year!)


I’m Australian. Currently loving summer, can’t imagine what it is like to run in snow. I’m enjoying your Boston training updates as I’ve qualified for 2016. It will be my first international marathon, can’t wait.


The Parenthood finale was perfect. I cried (as always in every single episode) but not nearly as blubbery as some of the other episodes. My state is Florida and my snack today is cut up bell peppers and hummus! :)


I don’t watch a lot of shows, and honestly they have to be 30 min shows or it’s not going to happen since I don’t watch TV until the littles go to bed and I have to be up at 4 :) That said, I really like New Girl and Big Bang.

My fav snack lately has been peanut butter pretzels and I was born and raised in Cali and unless something crazy happens, I will be here until I retire.


Ugh, I can’t watch Parenthood yet, either!! And we got free cheese bread today at work and I can’t stop munching on it! Haha!


Current favorite TV shows: The Mindy Project, Grey’s Anatomy, Vanderpump Rules, The Bachelor

Last night I discovered the amazingness that is Hot and Spicy Cheez-its and got slightly addicted. But normally during the work day I snack on fruit and string cheese and skinny pop :)

Texas, born and raised.


Just read this today, but thanks so much for sharing that article. I had one of my worst runs today where everything felt heavy, I wanted to stop every five minutes, couldn’t concentrate, etc etc. Feels good to get past them, but boy are they tough!


Oh. my. goodness. Parenthood. I am SOOOO sad that it is over but I thought they did such a nice job of wrapping things up!


I am so behind on this season of parenthood, but I can’t wait to watch!!! Your new nephew is absolutely adorable!! :)


When I watch TV, it’s usually reruns of America’s Next Top Model or American Ninja Warrior. I guess I’m all about America ;) My go-to snack at the moment is popcorn and chocolate chips, and I, too, rarely wear anything except running clothes or PJs. It’s hard to decide if I’m more jealous of your froyo, or your weather — I’m thinking the weather!


Sometimes I feel like the only person in the world who doesn’t like Parenthood! I tried to get into it several times but the only characters I actually liked were the contractor dad Joel? and the main character adam? lol

Parks and recreation is my fav show! the first season isn’t amazing, but keep watching and it’s hilarious. I’m so sad its ending this season. Brooklyn nine nine is also great, love andy samburg

recent snack obsession is those mini rice cake “chips” in cheddar flavor, I eat way too many…

I’m from Pennsylvania & there’s no t shirt for it yet :(


My current favorite shows are Naked and Afraid, Vanderpump Rules and Married at First Site: The First Year. I guess I’m just a little addicted to reality tv! I watched the Parenthood finale and didn’t end up crying as much as I thought I would. I’m still sad it’s over though!


Mmm, I want some of that ice cream now!


My current favorite shows (yes, not just one)… Doctor who, White Collar, and Once Upon a Time.

I had rice cakes and now eating lunch.. :)


He’s precious! Also, I’m jealous I’m traveling and away from my Menchie’s today for free yogurt day!

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