Sentence Saturday!

HOW in the world is she tall enough to be turning on and off the lights?!

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I went to bootcamp this last Tuesday and my calves were still crazy sore yesterday…  bootcamp is legit.

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6 mile run followed by one legged-squats, push-ups and side planks all completed while playing finger puppets at the same time.

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The usual morning at the indoor playground and a solid 2 hour talking session with my sister.  

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Brooke wanted mac & cheese for dinner…

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Added some chicken, steamed broccoli and pineapple to the mix.

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Went to see Paddington with the crew:

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And we both thought it was adorable… take your kiddos.  

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These are going to save me on my run this morning:

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Who has a long run this weekend?  How long? 

What is your sentence for the day?

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I’m just doing 12 this this weekend. Pretty low for the long run. It should be in the 50s here though so that will be really nice! Have a great weekend!


This is the first time I’ve ever skipped a long run but I’m letting my Achilles heal. I’m logging 30 hilly hard miles on the spin bike which is so much harder than running!!!
After I bike, I get to meet my run friends for breakfast!!!!


Good news! I’m out of the boot & my ankle is healed! But no running for at least 4 weeks. My therapist has me starting with treadmill walking and stairclimber. I still have to be careful. Let us know how the hand warmers work out for you! Hopefully I will need them soon. Happy Saturday!!!


I don’t have a long run scheduled yet (i’m in my last weeks of my “off season” before training again), but I do have a run scheduled this morning! Just waiting for the sun to warm up the pavement a little more to make sure there’s not ice!


No long run this weekend. Last week of just running. Training officially starts next week. I’m in charge of a church half marathon training group. Super excited for it, it’s how I met my best friends 7 years ago


I’m still in bed and it feels great!

Go get that long run!


50 mile trail race tomorrow! So excited..trail runs are my jam!


WOW!! Amy, good luck tomorrow! You are going to rock it. Let me know how it goes!


Love that kind of mac and cheese. And you are so multi talented. Lol

Sentence for today : groin injury got worse yesterday :/


I think I’m going to postpone my long run for tomorrow since its doing to be 10 degrees ℃ more warmer tomorrow!


Just got done with 5.6 miles and it was 40 degrees! Felt like summer compared to what Colorado has been having. I think you will enjoy the hand warmers. They save me every winter. Happy Saturday.


Oh my, look at Brookes hair, just gorgeous!!


My sentence for the day is: 5am is not an okay wakeup time on Saturday!!

I only have a long run if I choose to! #nottraining :)


I’m doing a 20 or so this weekend. I hope tomorrow but it’s supposed to rain. My calves are always tight or sore…I swear I could live in compression sleeves sometimes.


That’s my daughter’s favorite mac and cheese! Buy it every week :) She will eat the whole box herself if not stopped!


Planking & finger puppets? Multi-tasking mom of the year.

Hitting up hot yoga this morning, then a movie later with the hubs.

Have a great start to your weekend!


Painting finger nails a Plum color right meow and going to see American Sniper tonight!


I tried the Hasselback potatoes and loved them! Thanks for the link to the recipe. Chopsticks worked well when I was using the sharp knife (I accidentally grabbed the dull one halfway through and cut all the way through, but that helped with portion size in the end). Also, no chipotles here in Bulgaria (that I could find) so I used two TB of imported salsa instead for the sauce.


I was just looking at Paddington to take Max to see today


Whew, I should do 11 miles today. I haven’t run that far in a while…like since the marathon in October… o.O

We get a long weekend with Sophia!


Getting together with old friends!!


Did a 15er yesterday since I’m traveling north to see my awesome sis today. Gonna run six when I get there and enjoy some scenery scenery. It’s finally back to the 30s here, after a couple of very cold weeks. Woo hoo!


10 on board in a few hours! not too long, but also been a while since i’ve been in the double digits


Long run done for the weekend! Wish my IPhone could handle the cold temps like I can though — it’s always shutting off and flashing temperature with a thermometer at me!


I’m still recovering from this stupid mystery hip flexor injury, but I have a long(ish) run planned with a couple of friends tomorrow morning for a friend’s birthday. I think we are going to do somewhere in the ballpark of 10 miles then follow it with brunch!


No long run this weekend, but back at them next weekend! Starting the day off instead with coffee and chocolate chip oatmeal pancakes.


My family always eats grilled chicken and macaroni and cheese together, too! It actually is delicious :)


Nine miles on the sched. for tomorrow AND it’s going to be in the 50s/60s in the morning! After many weeks of hot weather I am so excited! :)

Have a great weekend!!


I MAY go outside this weekend for a run bc the weather has warmed up a bit here in Chicago and it will be in the high 30s. Break out the tshirts! It all depends on my motivation tomorrow and how much I would rather stay inside and watch the Packers.

I am going on a long walk all around the city today though so that should also help get some exercise in :)


No long run this weekend, but I will be walking around Costco today so I’m sure I’ll put in a few miles there ;)


Awww… all my big kids are too old to see Paddington, but I get to do it all again once Callum is old enough to go! 16 miles today, baybee. Woohoo. Hope your digits stay warm!


Just a 15k run this morning but it was half trail half road so it was FuNtAsTiC! I’m still sore from my 21miler last Sunday.
Sentence today: Crazy wave and I will crazy wave back.


I ran 14 miles this morning. And I nailed my negative split! :)


Just finished a 16 mile with some good friends.

Glad to be done!


Hi J! By the way, congrats on your mention in the article about inspiring bloggers. It said you used to live in San Francisco. Cool! That’s where I live now. Do you miss the Bay Area? Seems like you’re pretty happy with all your family and friends around now though!


That Mac and cheese looks amazing.

18 miles on the agenda for tomorrow! And it’s supposed to be high 50s–what a treat!


12 miles on the calendar this morning but I calculated a little off and we ended up with 11.6. That makes me a little crazy, but whatever.

Today is run, roller coasters, and date night with the sexiest man I know! I’d call that a good day :)


I ran 10 absolutely freezing miles this morning! It was 9 degrees when we started at 13 when we needed. Little ice cubes started forming in the end of my eyelashes!


10 mile run today down Ocean Blvd with my friend who is doing her first half marathon next weekend! I’ve been training with her so much that I now feel like I should have just signed up to do it too! We had perfect 65 degree weather here in South Florida this morning for our run! Except people down here feel the need to run in winter clothing in anything below 70 degrees which is kind of hysterical. Also I’ve realized that food and coffee after a long run is actually one of the best things in the entire world.


Just normal runs for me this weekend, although I may go a little longer than I have been because it is a little warmer (41 degrees, practically a heat wave!) than it has been. Not having to set an alarm was a nice start to the Saturday–lots to do today, but should be able to do most of it from the comfort of my house. :)


I’m in a rut these days I came here for motivation so I’m gonna copy your 6 mile workout thanks;)
Strength training does hurt me for days after! I don’t likey but I know it’s good for us.


I’m just hoping to get a run in this weekend – my ankle is on the mend so I don’t want to push it.

I need more coffee – and yes, it’s afternoon. I was up late babysitting.


I did nine this morning… it was 30’s and windy but it felt SO warm compared to what it’s been like these past few weeks! Sentence for the day.. running, skiing, work, and birthday tomorrow!!


Hand and body warmers are God’s gift to winter running. If I wasn’t afraid to burn my skin off, I would just attach those babies all over the place.


My sentence of the day: I actually was able to run outside today!!!


It’s a beautiful day and I’m still cold. I need a warm run.

Pineapple sounds delicious right now.
And yes, when did she get so big! I remember when she was just the tiny pair of shoes in the picture next to yours. Crazy fast.


7 miles this morning, done! One degree for every mile!


Running a half marathon so that will be my long run :)


I love Saturdays! We had a walk through on the house that we are building this morning. Too bad it was really cold, maybe 25 degrees, and we have only the wood framing and no roof.

I am hoping to get in 8 miles tomorrow. My husband has a business trip this week and is now leaving tomorrow morning, instead of Monday, so I have one hour to get in my run. My fastest 8 miles was 62 minutes, not sure that I can beat that…


Foam rolling is legit! It’s saving me this year as I heal from an injury!


I can’t believe how long Brooke’s hair is getting!! And also, I really wanna see Paddington. Seems like a such a cute movie.


8 miles on tap tomorrow. Not a super long run but with the cold rainy forecast and my nagging aches and pains I’m hoping I get through it.

Sentence for the day: Never trust a Yorkie with your stuff. I had one lift his leg on my camera bag today while taking photos of a house being put on the market. I guess it could have been worse. He could have peed on the camera itself. AY AY YAIGH!


Was 2 degrees here in NH so opted for 13 on the treadmill. Always wear my hand warmers inside my Columbia Omnitech mittens when I’m out for a cold run.


Skipped a run to go surfing instead, summer here in Australia and making the most of the ocean


I easily eat an entire box of Annie’s mac and cheese in one sitting haha.


have you heard of Hoka One One running shoes, i’d love to know your opinion on them. I got a pair for free in a raffle, but i am thinking I am not a fan, i feel like its running in platform shoes… Just wondering your take?


I have never tried them before but my running partner (Josse) absolutely loves hers!


I remember when my son could reach the light switches and door knobs. It’s been close to a year now but a “almost 3” my son is in the 99th % for height! CRAZY!

My long run today was my first marathon!!! I finished and it was a pretty emotional experience. It still feels a bit surreal :-)


HUGE CONGRATULATIONS RANDI!!! That is so so awesome. Enjoy every second of the post-marathon high:) So happy for you!


THANK YOU!!! I am going to take my kids to see Paddington this weekend! Yay! It looks adorable.
I totally hadn’t heard about it! :)

Not running yet (fingers crossed that I get the okay to start next week!!), but biking (a lot) today.

Happy long weekend!!


We’re definitely planning on taking my son to see Paddington, it looks adorable! My long run this weekend is 3 miles- I know that’s peanuts to most of you awesome runners out there, but it’s the longest I’ve ever done! I’m really looking forward to it (especially the part when it’s all done, lol).


Just finished my long run for the week and I am spent! 18 miler today and it was pretty warm, close to 80 degrees! Nappy time now. My sentence for the day is “keep Pushin’!


WAY TO GO MICHELLE!! Ummmm 80 degree weather? I want to come!


My long run today was 6 miles. It felt good to get outside now that the midwest is starting to thaw out. My 1 sentence for today would have to be, “Chinese food and movie night is a perfect Saturday.”


No really long run today, just 5 treadmill miles waiting for me this afternoon during toddler naptime. My husband has a work thing all day even though it’s Sunday, so my sentence for the day is “come help mommy do all the chores.”


That macaroni looks delicious. I need to make some with my toddler this week… problem is I could eat SO much of it!!! Nice healthy touch with the broccoli :) That’s a good idea!

Paddington sounds like a hit!


My sentence: Slept in way too long but clearly needed it!


I did 20km, which is maybe like 12.4 miles. It felt good!

My sentence of the day is Lazy Sunday with my family. Love it!


Hiked a giant mountain, ate all the food.


I buy those hand warmers by the box at Costco!! Would NOT survive the eastern Canadian winters without them!! LOL


Mmm, mac n’ cheese with broccoli- I could eat a TON of that for dinner!

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