Boston training week #1, three things from Disney and the beach.

Just three more things from Disney:

1.  I found my favorite meal at Disney—>  Baked potato + bbq chicken + coleslaw.  We first saw it on this list of the best foods at Disney!  I could eat this daily.

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2.  Dressing comfortable is very important to me when at Disney (actually it is extremely important to me at all times).  I found these heavenly pants that are actually sweatpantish but they look like real pants HERE.  Also, my shoes were ridiculously comfortable walking all around.  

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3.  It is one of my traditions to always get a bag of these while I am there:

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If you are in the LA area anytime in your life, I think you would really love to go to More Than Waffles.   Our spinach and goat cheese omelet was amazing but the real star of the show was the waffle with berries, kiwis and walnuts.  PS all of the omelets come WITH a waffle.

They also have a waffle there that is dipped in dark Belgian chocolate, with strawberries, ice cream & topped with whipped cream.  I will be getting that one next time.  

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Brooke decided yesterday that she preferred to drive around town with the blanket on her head.

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Before leaving California we had to stop at the beach for a bit.

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Running on the sand always makes my calves burn like crazy but Brooke seemed keep going and going and going.  

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I am pretty sure I listened to this song on repeat for an hour straight.  Amazing.

Boston Week #1 Training:

It was so nice to escape the cold for the week and train in Arizona.  I am thinking I may have to get back down there for one of my 20 milers or something:)

Monday:  10.3 miles.  7:56 average.

Tuesday:  8 miles @ 7:35.   10 x 1 minute sprints!

Wednesday: 7 miles @ 8:50 pace in rain.  Listened to Serial and just zoned out.  Loved it.  

Thursday:  8.25 miles @ 8:00ish pace

Friday:  14.2 miles @ an average of an 8:12 pace.  Stayed pretty consistent with the pace throughout the run and finished last .2 sprinting:)  

Saturday:  Walking a bajillion miles at Disneyland

Sunday:  OFF and lots of driving… forced recovery;)

47.75 miles for the week!


Do you have a favorite breakfast/brunch spot?  Where is it?

Favorite potato (sweet potatoes too:) toppings?!?

How was last week’s training for you?  What was your favorite run?

I am stressed about the fact that I have almost finished Serial—>  I NEED SOME PODCAST RECOMMENDATIONS!

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I love that duet. I sent it to my boyfriend saying we need to do something like that together. So beautiful.


That omelette looks way too good right now, and I just ate! I love all potatoes but white sweet potatoes and Japanese sweet potatoes are my two favorite and make great fries!


Last night I topped a sweet potato with some of your cream cheese chicken chili. AMAZING! I’m not training for anything right now, but on Saturday I ran 10 miles for the first time in awhile… it felt great to get back into double digits! And finally, that waffle place. OMG. It looks so good!! I’ve been meaning to make a big batch of waffles to throw in the freezer for easy snacking!

No school today because of a snow day! :)


I LOVE brunch! My fave Nashville spot is Margot.
I love sweet potatoes with brown sugar, pecans, and cinnamon…basically dessert:)
Last week’s training: I’m nursing a tight Achilles, so it wasn’t great.


We have a bbq food truck here that does a baked potato with bbq pork and cole slaw, it is amazing!

I’m excited to start Serial, I keep hearing great things about it!

Training last week was good. I’m just working on building my base up again. So far, so good!


I’m listening to a ton of podcasts right now while I’m on the exercise bike recovering after surgery. Right now I’m listening to the British History Podcast, the History of WWII, and the History of the World in 100 Objects. On a history kick right now!


That waffle looks amazing! I’m Disney bound in February, but I’m headed to the World, not Land.

My favorite run this week was a short and easy trail run with my best friend. My training this week was a bit off since I’ve been dealing with a tight hamstring. I’m hoping to keep it easy this week and have things be back to normal in another week or so.


I’ve found that traveling allows me to recover too. It sounds like your Boston training is starting off really well. I couldn’t be happier for you.

Those photos of Brooke are so adorable.


Omelettes WITH waffles?? I like!!! :)


I love almond butter on my sweet potatoes — weird but awesome. You should check out Jillian Michael’s podcast! I wasn’t really a fan of her until I listened to her podcast and now I love her.


How fun! Looks like you had so much fun!!! The beach looks gorgeous!! There’s something about that blue water that’s so magical.

I found a great fall baked sweet potato, it’s a baked sweet potato topped with brown sugar, a tsp of butter, pecans, walnuts, craisins with brown sugar and cinnamon. YUMMO. It’s so easy and so delicious.

Ps those gummies are my absolute favorite. Disney knows how to get gumnies right :)


Cinnamon and butter on my sweet potatoes-love love love. And marshallows. Gotta have marshallows.

Runners Academy podcast may interest ya. I listen to all the nerdy nutrition podcasts though.

Achieve your Goals by Hal Elrod is a must for the whole world. He’s awesome.


Good luck with Boston training!! I too am obsessed with that mash-up video!!


I just finished week 1 of training for the Phoenix 1/2 and it went great! I’m excited to keep going!

I definitely want to take my little guy to Disney someday. People say to wait until he’s older but I’m not sure. He’s 2 1/2 now!


I actually tried Yolk and Wildberry’s this weekend- both in Chicago for brunch. I was in heaven and wish I could have that every single day for breakfast, except my pants wouldn’t like me so much ;)


I am pretty sure all my favorite food places are at Disney World. Delicious and Magical! Can’t go wrong.


Have you ever listened to “The Ricky Gervais Show” podcast? They’re pretty freakin’ hilarious. Totally different than serial but if you want to laugh, I’d definitely suggest.

One summer after freshman year–I worked in a library archiving books–besides being able to find some AMAZING summer reading, it was pretty boring. The podcast got me through!


Sweet potatoes all day, every dayyyy.

So what do you think???? Did Adnan do it?!?!?!


I dont really like white potatoes but for my sweet potato- which i lovvve i always mix together 1 tbsp plain greek yogurt, 1 tbsp pb or other nut butter and a dash if cinnamon and put that on my sweet potato! ;) its so yum!


Andddddd as far as podcasts: try npr’s “this american life” they are free online and not one story like serial but they are all fascinating/ entertaining and true!


I love visiting Southern California! Oh, to be warm! Plus, Disneyland!!

Looks like you had a great weekend and your first week of training went well!


My favorite brunch/breakfast places are Mary’s in Virginia Beach and Lincoln’s Waffle Shop in Washington, DC. Both have delicious pancakes!!

My favorite baked potato toppings are cheese, chives, bacon, & butter. :D


My favorite breakfast spot is a tie between two places- Maureen’s Kitchen and the Premiere Diner — I get baked oatmeal at both places and just can’t decide which is best!


My favorite breakfast place is Honey Jam Cafe back home in the Chicago area. Although, any non-chain breakfast place is one of my favorites :)
I like salsa on regular potatoes. But sweet potatoes I keep it sweet (brown sugar, butter, and cinnamon).
Last week’s training was kind of rough due to soreness. However, I got in the 7 mile long run that I needed. That ended up being my favorite run because I was proud of myself for doing it.


Great week! Sweet potatoes are my favorite…especially in the form of fries:) I am so jealous that you guys got to see the beach…I miss the ocean!


You’re rocking your Boston training already!

My favorite way to have sweet potatoes is to slice them into rounds and roast them with a little cinnamon, salt, and olive oil.

I love that your brunch place includes waffles with all omelet orders. Brilliant :)


I love all breakfast foods!! We have this cute little diner in Chapel Hill called Elmo’s Diner (no relation to the red character lol), and it has some of the best pumpkin bread I’ve ever tasted :) The beach looked amazing, as did your first week of Boston training. I just started running again today and it was slow, yet awesome. Have a great week!


I love topping sweet potatoes with guacamole! :)


I am sitting here thinking I wonder what my oatmeal would taste like in a sweet potato? Brown sugar and walnuts on both. That could be filling and sweet. I think I am gonna try this.
I’ve been off from running for 2 weeks. I’ll start back up on Thursday. 16 weeks until the NJ Marathon. :)


No one makes breakfast as good as me. I’ve never been a fan of eating breakfast out. Bad coffee, unhealthy meals are not worth paying for. I’d rather whip up something healthy and nutritious at home and save money too.


Love your pants!

We very rarely eat out for breakfast, but my favorite thing I cook for brunch is an overnight egg crockpot casserole thing and of course cinnamon rolls!

Favorite potato topping: bbq pulled pork and slaw

Last week’s running was just okay. It finally got cold here in Cali and my body is having to majorly adjust to the cold.


In arizona we ate at a BBQ place with bbq chicken on baked potatoes- amazing! Next time your out there go to NYPD pizza. They have the best bread and their white pizza is amazing.


Podcasts I love: This American Life (the obvious), The Moth, Snap Judgement, and one of my faves, Radiolab. There is this great free app called Stitcher that lets you put in your interests and it gives you suggestions for podcasts/radio shows, you can even make playlists to download onto your “listen later” list so you can play them in offline mode and not use data (or listen when you don’t have service…this was a godsend to me training for an ultra on trails in CA where I often didn’t have service.)


Running in sand is the worst idea ever. I hate that my kids love it so. I keep telling them it’s the worst ever. They don’t buy it.

I love sweet potatoes with a crushed up black bean burger, avocado, and sour cream.


THAT WAFFLE. i must have it!


love that mash-up Janae thanks for sharing!! :) that waffle & omelet looks yumm! I’ve never heard of that place but, if we’re in the area we’ll have to make a stop. :) our family favorite breakfast spot is a little local café called “fantastic café.” simple homemade food. “Corky’s” comes a close 2nd…pancakes the size of your face!! :)

great week of Boston training!! can’t wait to see you in April! if I’m lucky I’ll see you sooner. :) love & miss you my friend! happy to see you’re enjoying life my friend. OH, the baked potato, coleslaw, bbq combo is my favorite treat at Disney!! :) so good!!


The omelettes come with waffles! I need to go to this place.


YES to that video! I had it on repeat last week!

Yay for an AWESOME first week of training! My half-marathon PR training starts this week, and I’m so excited!

It’s truly impressive how clean and white you manage to keep your Chucks!


I listened to that video a lot too, pretty much my absolute FAV song right now :) looks like you guys had an amazing time @ Disneyland!


I just sent out a facebook plea for post- serial suggestions! I’m going to check out the ones commenters have suggested plus check back later for more.

Baked sweet potato topped with pulled pork is one of my absolute favorite workday lunches.


Very little training last week – vacation and away at my parents

I like sour cream, chives, cheese and bacon on my baked potatoes!

I really want that waffle!


In just finished Serial! What do you think really happened?!


Sounds like you had a great week overall :)

No Disney for me, but all of my runs were solid, and my 10 miler was my favorite because at one point I couldn’t get in the rhythm but I really pushed myself to find it


All that food looks amazing! And so does the beach. I need to get to So Cal!

Favorite brunch spot is either Ruth’s Diner or Eva’s Boulangerie, both in SLC!

Random fact about me: I used to love to top my baked potato in nacho cheese. The thought makes me want to vomit now but in high school it was the best!

I’m not training for anything right now but I have been running for fun, so every run is good!

I wrote about my favorite podcasts here:
But as an overview: Stuff You Should Know, 60 Minutes, NPR!


Good choices~ But really…there’s no replacing Serial. We have to settle for the imitation cheese. :(


My favorite brunch spot is Bear Paw in St George. Mmmmmm. But that chocolate dipped waffle sounds heavenly. I think I might vomit if I ate it for breakfast though. I guess there is only one way to find out.

Sweat Potatoes with coconut butter and cinnamon and sugar. Hello dessert I pretend is healthy.

I have never heard that mash up before and I am kind of in love with it, so I will probably be listening to it all day. Muchas gracias.

My favorite run was on Saturday after Annabelle’s baptism and after the craziness ended, I went for a run and I felt like I was flying! 7:35 min/miles were hit and it felt good (and reassuring) to know maybe some speed is starting to come back I won’t be a slow poke forever. Now if I can just go longer than 8 miles without upsetting the hamstring so I could train for a marathon, that would be great.


White Converses are the best! I bought a pair and cannot wait to start wearing them again after the dirty NYC winter ends.


We have a lot of yummy breakfast options here in Bend. My favorites are Chow and McKay Cottage. I rarely go out for breakfast, so it is always a treat when I do.

I am definitely more of a sweet potato type of girl and can eat them cooked and plain. It’s always good to sprinkle a little salt. If I am splurging, I add a little sour cream and bacon bits.

Favorite run last week was in the snow with a friend on NYE! No better way to spend the last day of the year.

I am starting the Serial series today. Let the addiction begin.


We listened to Serial on our way back from San Diego and boy is it getting good. We also listen to The Moth Podcast. It’s just stories from people all around the US. Some are pretty interesting. I did only one run last week but a while bunch of cross training workouts. My favorite was snowboarding! My body is still sore from that!


Great training week! My favorite run was a fast five miler in my new Pure Flows :)
Sweet potatoes are my favorite, I love them as fries, baked with sea salt and garlic, or topped with chickpeas and feta. Yum!


Runners Academy podcasts. There are over 100 of them and they are all interesting and easy to listen to while running.


I think Blank Space is my favorite song of all time. I love that video, but watching it only led me down an ugly path of watching about 754 other youtube Taylor Swift mashup videos. Good thing I wasn’t going to accomplish anything else today :)

My favorite breakfast place is Snooze in Denver. They have pancake flights there (including a sweet potato pancake!). And tacos with hollandaise sauce. Ok, now after this post and the chowder in the last post I’m officially starving… :)


Those sour mickey heads are most for me as well. Whenever someone goes I request a few bags. My parents just brought back 3 bags for me last week. I refuse to share them!


The Moth podcast is really good, they have really inspiring people on their show. I also love This American Life.

After your recommendation I LOVE BBQ sauce on my sweet potatoes!


My weekly mileage always needs to end in a zero. I’m SUCH a neurotic spaz like that. Your Boston training looks like it’s going to go well! Excited for you.


Just finished week 1 of training for my second half and it was great! I definitely want to go back to Disney Land some time this year when I go visit my best friend in LA (and now I want to try that waffle place too!). I like eating my sweet potatoes plain (I’m boring) but I did copy your idea for covering them in coconut oil before baking! Worked like a charm. Favorite brunch place in Dallas is currently The Original Pancake House which sounds super chain-y but the food is simple and amazing and their french press coffee is to die for!


Serial is AMAZING!! I love listening to The Village church podcast. Matt Chandler is pretty awesome.


I love that mashup, thanks for sharing.


Regular baked potatoes I usually put sour cream, green onions and garlic salt on them. Cheese is good too :)

Last week’s training was the end of a 50 day run streak – my favorite run was a new years day run with my running group – I love running with those guys!

I’m still lost post-serial. I am so bummed it’s over!


Seems like you had such a wonderful vacation! Also, while you are a BRILLIANT running inspiration, you’re breaking my bank with all these phenomenal clothing finds! Bambas, Bucketfeet, and I NEED those sweatpants! Bad influence :)


My crazy impressive ultrarunning friend introduced me to Ultrarunner Podcast and it has become one of my absolute favorites!


Ok, so I just started listening to Serial yesterday for my 10 miler run…I wasn’t feeling music and since approximately 39047983642034893 running blogs have recommended it, I gave it a shot. I thought it was going to be really creepy to listen since I run alone 100% of the time, but its not, its SO fascinating!


Favorite sweet potato toppings = butter and either peanut or almond butter, plus cinnamon
My husband just started listening to Serial, but I’m too scared to start it! I feel like I’ll be crazy over it and have to listen to them all asap or I’ll get really freaked out.


Awe, looks like you made a great road trip and glad you had some awesome company for it ;)


BRooke should meet my littlle bro Jeremy–they’re both playful and I have a feeling theyd get along so perfectly!!


I love sour cream, cheese, black olives and broccoli on top of baked potatoes! And my running training involves starting to run again! Haha I ran a week ago, I ran Saturday and I ran this morning! My goal is to get up to 8 miles/week… haha which I guess from several months of 0 miles/week isn’t bad. Hopefully I can up it more if/when the weather improves in the spring (knock on wood!).


Headed to Boston? Me too. First time as a runner, though I know the course well from years of spectating.


Any advice for pushing through with tired legs? Also, This American Life, The Moth, and Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me are excellent podcasts.


I was thinking about this this morning! Check out the next post:) Thanks for the recommendations, can’t wait to check them out!


Yum that breakfast looks awesome!


Great week of training! You’re starting off with high mileage (at least that’s high for me!). My favorite run last week was 4 snowy miles outside with our dog. This winter has been a cold one and I’m usually on the treadmill. Outdoor runs are so refreshing!

Coffee shops are usually my favorite breakfast spots – a cappuccino and oatmeal is my favorite. Though, I’ve never been to that waffle place before and I have a feeling that would be my new favorite! And omelette AND a waffle… nice!!!


I was just checking out the training 10 X 1 minute sprints.
Does not sound hard maybe to a non runner- but doing stuff like this I can see how dedicated you are to getting ready for Boston.

That is some tough 10 minutes of work.

Thanks for sharing your training info


Hi J! I will eat just about anything on a sweet potato. Nice work on the runs! :)


Girlfriend you were so busy this week! How AWESOME!? Brooke is too cute and all that food looks amazing. I need to look into food recs for Disneyworld for the princess half next month asap after seeing these eats. I am obsessed with sweet potatoes and BBQ sauce!


Check out this blog post for great podcast ideas!


I love a baked potato with just about anything. that sounds so delicious. And I don’t like barbecue. But I might learn to…


I need those pants.


I love “stuff you should know” and “stuff you missed in history class”. There’s years of both, so lots of old episodes to listen to! I also just started listening to “totally married”. It’s a married couple that talk about life and their family and give advice to listeners about relationships, friendships, etc. it’s really good and funny! It’s sparked some really great conversations between my boyfriend and I.


If the place serves crispy bacon, I’m good! :)

I LOVED mashed potatoes…creamy…with garlic…and I also will not turn down sweet potato fries!!

Costco had to die for jogging pants (straight leg, fleecy) last week and I bought a pair..and then next day went back and bought 4 more. I live in them when I’m at home!!


What a fun trip! You are such a good momma!! Good luck with your continued training :)


I’m all about the bbq baked potato… shredded pork, cheese, green onions… so good!


ooooh I’m always looking for podcast suggestions too!! I was so sad when serial ended :(

Also: baked potato + bbq + cole slaw sounds like the most brilliant thing EVER.


Super personal question….but are we going to be introduced to the man anytime soon? :)

Favorite sweet potato toppings: barbecue sauce, breaded chicken and jalapenos!! YUM!


Ahhhh this is quite a dilemma for me. I want to but I also feel bad exposing him to the negative side of blogging too—> there are some weirdos out there:) I think soon though!

Ummmm I need that sweet potato right this second!


But that dilemma doesn’t apply to your toddler?!


Over the years of blogging I have learned that people are absolutely ruthless towards other adults that I have put on my blog, especially people I am dating. They go to the point of contacting their place of employment, posting their addresses and finding ways to attack them via other social network channels. It is disgusting.
I have noticed that people have not been cruel to any of the children that I have posted (Brooke and nieces and nephews). As kids have gotten older (i.e. my nephew especially) I have posted less and less about them which I plan on doing for Brooke also. Luckily, the cyber bullies have not stooped down to the level of making fun of children yet but they have no boundaries as far as adults go.


Yikes! People actually try and contact their place of employment?! That is crazy. I know that blogging comes with some negative feedback, but I never knew it was that bad. That is ridiculous.


totally fair. I’ve been told I’m pretty borderline weird. :)


I totally recommend the Another Mother Runner (AMR) podcast! They are mother runners and anyone with kids who loves running can relate to them, plus they have a lot of guest experts that come on the show. Here is the link to their website:


We wear the same running shoes (Flows) and I took your recommendation on the Glycerin 12s and fell in love as well. So I was completely surprised you like those Converse. I ordered a pair just before Christmas for an upcoming cruise vacation and absolutely hated them. I sent them back after a 30-second try-on. I guess we don’t have the same feet after all.


It looks like Brooke had a ball on the beach.

My favorite breakfast foods when I go out are either pancakes or french toast.


Pool running both Sat and Sun for me :)
Love, love sweet potatoes
Favorite brunch spot is Coast Beach Cafe here in Santa Monica
Woo hoo on your first week of Boston training!!


i love the chalene johnson show on podcast!


I need to get me more comfy pants like that that look like real pants. For the past two months I have been heavily rocking my fleece lined leggings that I got at Walgreens. Super stylish.

I am planning to run 3 half marathons this year and since I am visiting VA I was able to get back to running outside yesterday. It was also unseasonably warm and 60 degrees which was amazing. My knee felt a little off (it has bothered me in the past), so Im really hoping that it doesn’t flare up into anything serious.



I saw a friend share it on Facebook and it was already WAY past my bedtime. Then I was so in love with it! What a beautifully made video and even more gorgeous voices! :)


Omg podcasts.. I have tons that I listen to on long drives and runs (and walks and doing dishes and getting ready in the morning and and and…)

Mainly running and nutrition shows – here are a few recommendations:
Trail Runner Nation, The Running Lifestyle Show, Marathon Training Academy, Runner Academy, Ultrarunner Podcast, Balanced Bites, Endurance Planet.

Another one you may be interested in is The Chalene Show. Chalene Johnson is a fitness trainer, but also a personal and business development coach and motivational speaker. Her topics range from fitness and motivation to building an online presence and social media productivity.

Good luck! The world of podcasts can certainly suck you in. Btw, I loved Serial and really hope they do another series soon!!


Nothing like a winter break to some place sunny! We’re from Seattle and we have really rocky beaches here. I took my son (same age as Brooke) to Venice when we were in California, and he had the most confused look on his face. What’s all this brown stuff? Who moved the rocks??


I am going to Disneyland today and I can’t wait to try some of these goodies! My boys have promised to share so that we can try every one (minus the alcohol, they are still young


So jealous of your mileage. I keep saying that my legs can’t handle it, but maybe it’s more mental. Either way, I could definitely bump it up a little and see where it goes!


That song is SO pretty! I don’t know how they can sing different things at the same time without getting distracted though! Now that’s talent! I just can’t stop listening to Taylor Swift and remakes of her songs!


My fav breakfast place is called Maple Street Biscuit Company….only in FL and TN…they make the best biscuits with a hint of maple syrup!

I love sweet potatoes with chicken and bbq sauce!

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