10 facts from yesterday:

1.  A friend that brings you homemade crescent rolls and homemade strawberry jam is the best kind of friend.  

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2.  The absolute best time of day in our house is right after Brooke wakes up from her nap (ps when do kids usually stop taking naps?) because she wakes up extremely happy and ready to party.

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3.  Brooke received ‘the second I get home I have to put my slippers on’ gene from me.  It’s in our DNA, my mom and grandma are the same way.   

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4.  This was heavenly.

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Precut butternut squash drizzled with a little bit of melted butter and brown sugar.  Roasted at 400 degrees for 40ish minutes.  Amazing.  Had it on top of spinach with some grilled chicken and above rolls.  

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5.  Whenever it is snowing or raining outside, Brooke makes sure to take advantage of the free water.

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6.  Just like I always take advantage of the free candy.  

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7.  Seasonal candy (no, it is not too early to be buying Valentines Day candy) always taste better than normal candy.

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8.  I don’t know why I watch the Bachelor but I do and I can’t stop.  

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9.  This picture isn’t from yesterday but it is still a fact.  The sister is having her baby soon and Brooke makes sure to ask me daily if I have a baby in my tummy too.  

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10.  I am addicted to coloring my hair.  My friend whipped up a bowl of color for me last night.  

My mid-life crisis has been going on for about 1.5 years now.

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Who is watching the Bachelor this season?  Are you a fan of Chris?  Any of the girls that you are liking?

What is the most ridiculous tv show in your opinion?

Anyone have a January bday?  What day?  How old are you turning?

Share one of your facts about today!

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Love love love butternut squash roasted! I usually make them into fries and they’re always amazing. No Bachelor for me! That might be the most ridiculous one in my opinion, it’s either gotten worse or I’ve gotten old!


My guilty pleasure is the real housewives…all of them!
This crescent rolls look amazing!!
I ran track with friends this morning and I can tell that my Achilles is healing!!!


I live in Australia and am addicted to the Housewives too. I often think, I can’t belieive I’m watching these but I can’t stop and love them too. Sometimes you just need some good trash after a day at work and long run!!


I completely agree!! I just recently saw the Australian version and it was SO good!!


I do watch the Bachelor. It’s semi-embarrassing at this point, but I do love it. I watch it while I’m on the treadmill. Sometimes its fun to watch the trainwreck. I do like Chris, he seems like a genuinely nice person. Waiting to decide which of the girls I like though. Too early to tell right now.

I love butternut squash! I’ll have to try it roasted with brown sugar, looks so good!

I’m in love with my slippers too, I definitely have that gene!


I want a friend who brings me home made rolls too…! Yum!


A fact: wall sits make your legs S.O.R.E.! I just recently started doing them and they absolutely kill my legs way worse than squats! I am hoping to make my longs super strong for when marathon training begins for me in a few months so even though I want to quit them I will keep on doing them.

The Kardashians is the most ridic. show to me, but it is also a guilty pleasure and I end up watching way too many episodes in a row when I catch it!


*my legs super strong (not my longs lol)


I love Valentine’s Day candy. What I love the most are the cute small serving sizes they come in. Perfect portion.

My daughter is two and still naps. Thank God! I think probably until they are three or four. Then the naps probably slow down.

Ps those crescent rolls are delicious with the jam rolled right into them and baked :)


15 Facts About Me on the blog today. Perfect timing for your question! http://skinnyfitalicious.com/15-facts-liebster-award/


My Strange Addiction!!! That show is crazy weird!!

A fact about me is I hate the absolute pitch dark. Just asked my boyfriend to put in a nightlight for me at his house. I was so embarrassed because his 9 year old didn’t need it. Just his 41 year old girlfriend. Lol.


Ha. It’s okay. I don’t love the dark either. Hey…we carry a big load being all…awesome and everything. So it’s okay if we prefer a nightlight so we don’t get injured! Go with that…it sounds good. ;)


I watch the Bachelor even though it’s ridiculous. Is it me or are there more crazies than usual this season???
My birthday is on Thursday and I’m turning 36!!!


WAY MORE!!! We were all talking about all of the train wrecks this season. HAPPY BDAY ON THURSDAY–> have the best day ever!


Can’t stop with the Bach either, what a train wreck but I can’t look away. Britt is so cute, she’s my current fave.

One time I tried to color my hair and it turned orange. Not the cutest look.


I don’t think it is still on, but years ago I was at the gym and flipped on the TV and it was on that Snookie one… Jersey Shore, I think? I was stabby in about 3 minutes. Those people are ridiculous.


I think I went through a few year period where I stopped taking naps in high school, but I never fully grew out of that phase. I love ’em.


Ha! :)


I don’t wear house slippers, but I wear flip flops around the house all the time. I don’t like bare feet very much, but I hate closed shoes, except for running. Can’t stand “The Bachelor”– sorry! Shows like that drive me crazy!! And I read that squash label as “Courage Butternut”, which then made me laugh at myself. I thought, “Wow– inspirational squash– I love it!”. :)


Hi Janae!

I have a January birthday! I’ll be 25 on the 15th :)…my friends won’t stop reminding me that in 2 days until I’m a quarter of a century old haha. And you know your obsessed with running when all you talk about is a Garmin watch hoping someone in your family hears you and gets it for you as your gift haha it’s all I want!’
Ugh I don’t know why I watch The Bachlor either haha! Ummm I cannot believe he picked that crazy girl at the end!. But I really do think Chris was the perfect choice for this season!


don’t feel bad I’ll be 55 on the 27th. Keep hearing double nickels….UGH
Oh well, I am still fit and healthy and the alternative isn’t a very attractive option. :)
Butternut squash is awesome jut the way you made it.
I am currently loving spaghetti squash!
LOL feel pretty “stabby” about most “reality” shows. Never seen , or wanted to, the Bachelor. Is that my age???? LOL


HAPPY ALMOST BDAY:) I hope you have the best day and get an amazing Garmin!


LOVING the Bachelor. It is SO over the top this season. Loving Jack girl and Onion, she is all kinds of crazy.


The onion girl from the bachelor is all kinds of crazy and I love it.


i lovebutternut squash!! it is sooo yummy!!!

fun fact about vday candy…i made my husband PROMISE me he was NOT going to buy me any candy for VDAY…after I received about 9 lbs of candy for Christmas—i made a vow to have NO MORE CANDY!!!!


I wear slippers all winter too, and I just can’t stop. I leave them right at the door so I can put them on as soon as I walk in the door.


I have to agree with you on the seasonal candy. I don’t know what they do to it but they have to do something! It is just better!
Oh and all my kids stopped taking naps at around 3.5-4 years old, but still loved to cuddle when they were tired for the longest time.
I miss those days…little people are the best!!


Of course I like silly TV like the Bachelor! I haven’t watched last night’s episode yet…I do really like Chris. Anyone is better than Juan Pablo!
Today I’m excited to go skiing!


I love butternut squash! Ive been using it in all sorts of recipes lately but I also love it just roasted in olive oil!
I’ve never really been into the bachelor but it seems like i just keeps getting more ridiculous!
Lately I have been putting my slippers on the second I get home too!


I also watch the bachelor, and don’t really know why… I’m not sure how I feel about Chris, or the girls yet… I need to watch a little bit more before I decide.


I haven’t watched the Bachelor in years but last night I turned on the TV and caught the middle/end of the “rose ceremony”…..Now I remember why I haven’t watched it….Gawd, the drama!!!

Nope, don’t need that in my life. All the girls are so pretty and educated I honestly don’t see why they put themselves out there ~ just saying there must be a better way to find that “special person”. Oh well, to each their own.


At this point American’s Next Top Model has gotten quite insane ; it’s basically a parody of itself at this point.
And yet I keep watching.


Oh my, so true! I just can’t stop watching that trash!


I know a lot of people love this show but for me it is a guilty pleasure, Pretty Little Liars. I need to know who A is and now they are saying that there will be a season seven, I may have to stop watching it.


Me too!! I don’t have any way to watch it right now because I don’t get the channel anymore and I am freaking out because I know it came back last week!


I have been roasting every vegetable I see lately! My face so far is broccoli and sweet potato. Those crescent rolls look amazing!

Most reality shows are fairly ridiculous ;) Not to say that I don’t like my fair share though!


Brooke’s little slippers are too cute!


My Birthday is today! 32, but I stopped counting at 30…..

I’m really into Ultimate Survival Alaska on Hulu!! It makes me feel better about my winter runs. I guess I shouldn’t complain when it’s above 40 degrees :)


I found myself watching 90 day fiancé on tlc for a while. It was so ridiculous yet I was getting addicted!


I am obsessed with 19 Kids and Counting! Their lives are so interesting to me!


I LOVE Farmer Chris!! I watch every season of the Bachelor/Bachelorette, but I always watch the first episode and then google the spoilers to see who wins :) I’m a “read the last page first” kind of girl.


I just started watching the Bachelor this season, thanks to my friends, and now I’m addicted! I like Chris, but my favorite girls so far are Britt, Kaitlyn, Whitney, Kelsey and Megan.


Brown sugar is the best… especially on sweet potatoes too.

Bachelor is ridiculous. I am not sure that I like Chris. He seems to be won over by fake aesthetic-qualities and drunk people.

My half-birthday is this month. I want some french macarons…


I completely agree with you about Chris.

Girl, you better get some french macarons to celebrate your 1/2 bday:)


Yep, yep. Me! January 7th, and I turned 37. It was the worst birthday I have ever had. I’m not gonna lie. Once life settles down a bit, I think I may go buy myself some cake.


Oh Suzy… I am so so sorry that you had an awful bday. That breaks my heart. Come to Utah and I will take you out for all of the cake and froyo you want!


Roasted butternut squash is so good! We put maple syrup (the real stuff) and cayenne on ours – sweet and spicy!

Fun fact – today is the official start to my training plan for my next half!


I’ve never watched an episode of the Bachelor/Bachelorette or any of those shows – not my cup of tea at all.


Definitely agree with you about the holiday candy – I think the Easter seasonal candy is the best, although I do love those little candy hearts with cute sayings.

I am watching the Bachelor this season – always do. I feel like it has actually been working better the past few seasons (minus Juan) and gives me hope that Chris will find his match. I always get cute fashion ideas from the girls at least. :)


Girl, you are too young for a midlife crisis. If anything, your quarter life crisis ended 1.5 years ago ;) and now you get to be yourself.

My fact for today: I am late for work.


Valerie—> your comment made me smile so big. I think you are 100% right. I hope you are having an amazing day… even if you were late;)


I stopped watching for a few seasons and this year I started again only cause it’s Chris…

I really like Britt (even though she’s so soooo skinny!) and the girl with the short brown hair, Kelsi perhaps?


My child will be taking naps (or at least having quiet time) until they go to preschool … mostly for my own sanity! ;)

I ask myself the same thing about The Bachelor. I didn’t really have plans to watch this season, but I have been getting sucked into it the past two weeks and now I obviously have to keep watching despite the fact that it gets more ridiculous with each season. Chris is alright – not my favorite Bachelor, but not terrible. I was pretty bummed Kimberly went home. I thought she was beautiful and seemed pretty down to earth and not super dramatic. I still can’t believe he chose to keep that Ashley chic – she’s craaazy. And I love Britt so far! There’s my thoughts for the week. ;)


Hey Janae!

I’ve been following your journal for some time now and finally worked up the courage to say hello! I’m so jealous of the beautiful scenery you have on your runs.

The most ridiculous show is Jersey Shore but I still watch reruns of it every now and then ;)


If you don’t take advantage of free food and free candy you are no friend of mine LOL.


Friends who bring food are the best friend!


Oh man, that butternut squash looks SO GOOD. And that crescent picture makes me want to whip up my nutella filled crescents soon!

I’m not watching the Bachelor this season, mainly just because of how much time it takes up, and I hate to watch unless I can REALLY commit. But I love hearing everyone’s recaps and fun opnions! PS – I love your beanie in that picture!


I can so relate to the first one. I have a friend who brings me hard boiled eggs. uh, YUS!



The Bachelor used to be my favorite ridiculous show. These days, I’m busy with baths and bedtime just when all the TV shows are on! By the time everyone is asleep, I’m so tired that I collapse. Haha! If you’ve never read Lincee’s blog (ihategreenbeans.com), it’s a must for Bachelor/Bachelorette fans. She’s hysterical. Every now and then I’ll read it even though I don’t know who she’s talking about. :)


Fun fact about today: I just ate my mid morning and mid afternoon snack…which will probably make this afternoon hangerfest 2015 haha. Have a great day!


your food pics always make me hungry haha :)


I’m watching the Bachelor again. They almost lost me on the 3 HOUR season premier, but I will hang on because I really like farmer Chris. I have only seen the first one, so no faves yet.

Roasted butternut squash=deliciousness!


Omg those crescent rolls look amazing!

I don’t watch the Bachelor, but I do love just about everything on Bravo haha.


My daughter has the same slippers. Except in pink.!

And I eat my sweet potatoes that way, but butternut squash would be just as good. Yummm.


My sister watches Bachelor and I am sucked into joining her on some of it. Chris loves kissing all the girls. So much drama on the show I get so embarrassed for the girls.


Well, the most ridiculous show that I watch, has got to be RHONJ. I was able to stop my addiction with the Bachelor, but I just moved on to The Real Housewives. I’m down to JUST Jersey wives. And it really IS ridiculous. And I really AM addicted. For some sick reason, I like watching other people’s drama – as long as drama stays out of MY life! LOL
I didn’t realize you could buy cut up butternut squash! I need to find this. Did you get it at Costco? I really need a membership there too…they just built another one near me and it’s SOOOOOOOO much better than Sam’s. I had Sams for a while and it just expired and i’m SO ok with that. Hadn’t been there in over a year anyhow…haha


I forgot the Bachelor was on I watched football last night…and guess what I made for dinner?! Your moms crockpot BBQ chicken in wraps and a side of sweet potato chips (again your recipe) so keep postin!
I love the candy bar and popcorn idea for a ladies night!
Fact: I must clean my kids playroom today while two of them are in school. Out with old toys and in with new Christmas things. I need to learn to be organized (my New Years reso)


Love that butternut squash! I do garlic salt (Trader Joes!) and pepper and olive oil and a little bit of dried rosemary. Delish! If I have it for dinner I put it in my scrambled eggs the next morning for breakfast – double yum!


That sounds amazing! I know what I am having for dinner ASAP!!! Thanks Amanda!


I’m so glad that you mentioned hair color because I’ve wanted to ask you for ages what you use? Will you share the color info??


AHHH let me ask her! I use something different (and usually somebody different) each time!


I definitely love to slide into some slippers when I get home too! :) I’m trying a new workout today at a new gym. Woohoo!


I have a January birthday. It’s tomorrow the 14th and I’ll be 35. Kinda depressing…:)

I’m watching the Bachelor but haven’t seen last night’s episode yet. It’s absolutely crazy but hey, I watch the craziness.

This morning I went 10 miles on the spin bike in 26 minutes. I didn’t do a class or anything, just on my own. It felt super nice!!


Birthday twin! I’m 34!


I seriously think almost everyone who watches the Bachelor says “I don’t know why I’m watching it but I am” hahaha. I just can’t stop! Last night’s episode was ridiculous — the girls are SO SLOPPY! That’s the only word I can think to describe this season. I just bought cubed butternut squash like that and I seriously can’t wait to eat it — it’s so, so good!


I used to watch every Bachelor (Trista and Ryan! The wedding! OMG that was so long ago, I have watched it since then :)
I am burnt out on it now, and that is definitely the most ridiculous show.

Today’s fact – it is hard to motivate to get the workout in when all three kiddos are sick and not a good night’s sleep (desperately need a nap)

Love the slippers! We are the same in our house :)

PS: 7 and 4 year old both napped till right before they turned 4. I have a ways to go with the 23 month old!


My bday was this month on the 2nd :) and I turned 24! I always thought I would know so much by this age, but I was wrong haha! I’m excited to see your hair :)


Haven’t started Bachelor yet this season. It’s sitting on my DVR, but I know once I start, I’ll be hooked. Again. It’s such a train wreck.

I watch “The Soup” which — if you haven’t heard of it — is a great “recap” show where they make fun of all the ridiculous reality TV each week. It’s on E! and is hosted by dreamy Joel McHale. Anyway, it is hysterical and makes me glad I don’t watch more reality TV. The worst looks like the Tori Spelling show. The clips make me cringe like nothing else.

One of my favorite clips recently was from one of the kids cooking competition shows. They asked this 8-year-old girl what she would do with $100k if she won. She said, “I would save it to go to college someplace really good, like Hawaii or Disneyland.” So adorable.

I feel like I’m writing my own blog on here today. So, why stop now? :) January birthdays: My son turns 17 at the end of this month (30th)! He’s already 6’5″ and still growing!

I may try a spin class for the first time ever. Kinda intimidating. Will it be obvious how to adjust the bike for my short legs? Do I need special shoes?! I just need to find a bike in the back where no one can see and pretend to know what I’m doing.


I am a bit obsessed with The Bachelor. I watch every season and my girlfriends and I have a little ‘Fantasy League.’ I was a big fan of Chris when he was on Andi’s season and I hope he makes good choices. The previews worry me a bit, but we all know it never happens the way they make it look.

Who are your front runners?


I have The Bachelor DVRed but have not watched it yet! I’ve been hearing good things though so I’m excited. Most ridiculous TV show (but also currently my favorite TV show) = Vanderpump Rules. OBSESSED. Love my trashy TV. Fact of the day: I will never stop being obsessed with banana flavored Greek yogurt or banana flavored things for that matter. Also, I hate that I can’t differentiate between nutrition facts of whole fruits/veggies vs juiced fruits/veggies. Anyone know how I can add up calories and such for my green juices?


Oh and I totally own a pair of Koala slippers #noshame


One fact about today: I’m going to visit a friend who just had a baby with some health issues. He is a little miracle and was born healthier than any of their doctors predicted. I can’t wait to hold that little bundle of joy.


I am so so happy that he is doing so well! Enjoy every second of holding him!


Watching The Bachelor is one of my guilty pleasures also! It’s so absolutely ridiculous that I just HAVE to see what happens next for some reason!


I’m not super into the Bachelor but I have to watch this season since I’m from Iowa and all the buzz is about Chris…lots of insider stuff about him…ha!


AHHHH give me some of the inside details!


I have some kabocha squash that I need to roast bc it is the best squash ever made, but when we moved my olive oil froze and defrosted and now it smells weird. So I have to buy more olive oil and my squash is taunting me. Soon!

My friend is obsessed w the Bachelor and wants me to watch it but I don’t. It’s easier bc she lives in a different state and can’t come over and force me to.


Yes to slippers (or more like comfy fuzzy socks!) right when I get home!


When I was at the grocery store yesterday they already had Valentine’s day candy out. While I know I shouldn’t be surprised it definitely feels too early for it.

I’m like that with my slippers too. My shoes/boots come off and my slippers go on.


i am in exactly the same spot with regard to #8.


It’s currently 3 degrees this I’ll be hanging with the old boyfriend… My treadmill…

But I must have my iced coffee regardless of how cold it is! Why?!


Those rolls! Wow they look amazing. This is my first comment, just wanted to let you know i’m additcted to your blog and aspire to have the same love for fitness that you have lady! Brooke could not be cuter and I think its perfect she is all over your blog. Food/Fitness/Family- what in life is better?! Keep up the amazing work :)


Tabitha! I cannot thank you enough for your sweet comment. I hope you are having an amazing day and I love hearing from you!


Oh and slippers- ALL DAY EVERY DAY :)


Butternut squash is so good! I love roasting it with salt, pepper, and olive oil, or making a puree out of it and using it as a pasta sauce (it makes a great healthy mac and cheese).
I’ve never watched the Bachelor, probably the most ridiculous show I’ve watched recently was Four Weddings when I visited my parents (since I don’t have cable). Those brides are crazy!


My husband and I both love the bachelor, but he will never admit it. I like Britt! Chris seems nice but I’m a little disappointed with some of his choices. It makes you wonder if they are told to keep a crazy around for ratings.


I think that the shows from the Bachelor franchise that air in the summer (Bachelor Pad, etc) are THE most ridiculous…and yet I totally watch them.


I’m a Downton Abby fan! I have tea and cake while I’m watching it to make me feel like royalty at the castle. :) Today is sunny so my fact is I am running right after work today.


My birthday is on Sunday —> 16!! Finally I will be able to drive to the cross country ski trail by myself instead of making mom do it :)

What color is your new hair? It looks dark brown!


I’ve started watching Pretty Little Liars on Netflix for my treadmill entertainment. Maybe I should start DVRing the Bachelor!

Random item – my alarm, which is set to radio, had either the volume turned down, or the station got bumped, because instead of waking up at 5:15 to get my 8 mile hill workout done, I woke up at 6am! Not a great way to start the day. Hats off to my hubby for picking up the slack and getting the kids ready for school so I could get 7 miles done!


Let Brooke nap as long as she possibly will. After that, do quiet time–at least one hour by herself in her room. Keep that going until 5 years old.
Wanted to tell you that you will like This American Life podcast if you liked Serial. You should start with “Dr. Gilmer and Mr. Hyde” This public radio show is completely addictive and one in a million.


THANK YOU FOR both tips—> the quiet time and the podcast:) I can’t wait to listen to it!


I don’t watch the bachelor but I DO watch dance moms, which is just as ridiculous. :)


your friend can just whip up hair color?! that’s impressive. hilarious that brooke keeps asking if you have a baby in your tummy too!

nope, don’t watch the bachelor but YES it’s my birthday month! i shall be turning 28 (though i feel 17) on january 25. hip hip hooray!


I have been wanting to color my hair for awhile now but I am hoping to donate my hair in the next month or so. What color did you decide?


Those crescent rolls look AMAZING! What an awesome friend :)

The most stupid shows on tv at the moment in my mind are Geordie Shore, Come Dine with Me, and – soon to start – Gogglebox. Which apparently is a tv show about people watching tv shows. What the???


I am taking a cue from you and roasting broccoli for the first time ever tonight! I can’t wait to try it




Yummmmm the pumpkin looks delish, i am going to try this recipe, yummo. I love the Frozen cup Brooke is holding in the above pic, my daughter has the same one here and we live in Australia lol.

A fact of today, hmmmmm i am taking my girls to watch ‘into the woods’ :) it has just come out here in Australia, cant wait.


I’m a bit late to reading this post but have to say those crescent rolls and jam look sooooo good! And the candy… and wearing slippers…

Most ridiculous show ever: that “Honey boo boo” show on CMT!

And something a fact about yesterday: My son and I have been staying with my parents this week and they had a house fire last night. Everyone is safe but the house is a goner :(


Fact: I had a sonogram done today and baby girl is measuring at about 9lbs. TIME TO COME OUT BABY GIRL! Ahhh! Due in 1 week!


AHHH I am seriously so so so excited for you!


I can’t wait for your sis to have that baby..she is so pretty, that boy will be so cute! She also looks amazing..looks like she is so healthy


Bachelor watcher here! Its such a train wreck and so predictable, but that’s what makes it awesome. Other than the super crazy ones, I can’t tell any of the girls apart at this point.


The bachelor is such a guilty pleasure! So far I’m a fan of Britt and the widow with the short brown hair (no clue what her name is). I can’t believe Chris has held onto crazy eyes! Though she sure is entertaining! And the drunk chick tweaking!? So hilarious.


I have a January birthday!! I turned 29! I feel young, but feel old at the same time. I really wish my birthday was in the summer!! There’s so much more to do during the summer than winter. Oh well. I love snow shoeing now. It’s officially a yearly tradition for me.


I have a January birthday. I turn 30 on the 22nd!


ahem ahem, let’s call this a *quarter-life crisis* =] (because i just died my hair red, too, and i am convinced i will live past 100!) haha

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