Talking about rest, our first tradition for Christmas and injured knees.

It made my morning (hence the even cheesier than normal smile on my face) that I got to run next to Jess on the treadmill for a bit.  She is my favorite trail running buddy but had to have surgery on her knee two months ago and so I have missed our runs together.  She is killing it with her recovery and using the run/walk method to get back to her good ol’ running self. 

I did a few miles on the treadmill and then pumped some major iron (aka I went to a pump class where I mainly used 8 lb weights and thought my arms were going to fall off). 

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PS I had Jess do a little write-up about what happened with her knee in case any of you are struggling with knee problems:

My knee pain was gradual. The more I started running and weightlifting the more it started to hurt. It started out where it hurt the worst right after lifting or a long run. Then it gradually started hurting while I was running and then got to the point where it hurt all the time regardless of what I was doing. When i would walk up stairs I would hear crackling sounds and when I tried to do certain exercises it would feel as though my knee would just lock… kind of gave me the heebie jeebies. Ha, don’t know how else to describe it!

I took ten days off from all exercise and iced it and that helped until I started exercising again and I was right back to where I started. I knew something was wrong and not exercising was NOT an option. I went to a physical therapist and we worked on strengthening exercises and form for a couple weeks and it just wasn’t changing for the better. That’s when he said he would recommend a knee surgeon to look at it.

I went to the surgeon and told him all my symptoms…pinpointing to where the pain was coming from. Then he took and x-ray and that was really the tipping point. In the knee-bend position my knee caps tilted toward the outside of knees. This suggested that the ligaments on the outside of my knee caps were pulling too tight causing the patella to tilt and rub on my meniscus…which was causing the pain.

I was scheduled for a scope…which just means they were going in to look around…and then possibly clean-up the meniscus and stretch the ligament. When he went in there was a lot of clean-up with the meniscus and he determined that the ligament was too tight and that if it wasn’t stretched the injury would just keep reoccurring.”

She had Lateral Compression Syndrome with Chondrosis.


Fast forward through the day because I really don’t remember what we did…  That’s what happens when I don’t take any pictures to remind me of what we did.

We went out to celebrate with sandwiches for dinner.  Megan finished her last project for her Masters degree last night!!! Congrats girl!

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And the Brookers and I went to do our December 1st tradition together.  

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We go to Barnes and Noble and she chooses out a Christmas book on Dec. 1.  We then get a donut and read the new book at home in our pajamas.

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And from 2013.  I hope she will at least still want to do the donut part of this tradition with me when she is a teenager.


A little bit ago I asked if you guys had any questions and thought I would start off with Becky’s question!

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This is something I am constantly trying to figure out.  During the weeks leading up to the St. George Marathon I did such a good job at getting enough sleep each night but now…  Let’s just say I am writing this post way too late at night.  Some weeks I sleep great and then some weeks I just don’t.  Naps do help big time when I get really tired and all I need is a solid 20 minutes or so and that makes me feel so much better.  When I run with friends in the morning (usually twice a week) I get up at about 5:30 and the other days I get up between 6:45-7:15.  Also, whenever I wear my Jawbone (fitness tracker) it totally motivates me to get in bed earlier because it tracks all of your sleep!

It is interesting to me because I try so hard to take care of my health by exercising daily and eating lots of fruits and veggies etc but I let the whole sleeping thing slide even though getting enough rest is so extremely important for our health.   Nighttime is also when I get most of my work done because Brooke is asleep… I guess I just need to work on that whole balance thing.   Or maybe we all just require a different amount of sleep depending on what we have trained our body to do? I do know that during this next marathon training cycle I am going to really need to be more disciplined about my sleep.  

What is a good night’s sleep to you?  Do you have a pretty normal sleep routine?  Do you have some weeks where you just don’t sleep very well?

What is an area in your life that you are trying to improve in regards to your health?

What are some of your favorite December traditions?!?

Who has had knee problems?  What helped? Was it from running or another type of exercise?

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I am absolutely AWFUL at getting sleep, which never makes sense. On the days I run my 20 mile progression runs, I often cannot sleep after, same goes for hard workouts. I always was confused by this, as they say if you avoid all the things that prevent sleep (which I do), and exercise every day, you should sleep like a baby. Yet I do those, and run 80-90 miles a week, am exhausted, but still can’t sleep!!! You are really tempting me with the jawbone though, I have been thinking about that for a while……hmmmmmm

So jealous you have early morning workout buddies!


Hi Tina! I can totally relate to this. During my last marathon training session, especially on long run or hard days I would sleep worse than on easy days or rest days and I would feel most exhausted on rest days! Now that I am not training as hard (resting up to start Boston training in a couple weeks!) I am sleeping much better. I think our bodies are so pumped with adrenaline during those tough training periods that it affects our sleep patterns. You are not alone! :)


Wow that sounds so intense about the knee problems, glad to hear Jess is doing better. I had some knee pain once and it was the worst (and I know for a fact it was nothing as serious). I’m glad to hear she is doing better though, seriously, injuries are awful no matter what (from blisters to stress fractures).

I need at least 8 hours of sleep. I don’t deal well with minimal rest…some people can but I know I need more sleep to function. I can’t daytime nap very well though so I know if I don’t get enough sleep throughout the night I’ll just be tired the rest of the day.


Awww I LOVE the book tradition! My parents raised me to be a book obsessed nerd and it really paid off (in terms of doing well in school.) I think she’ll continue with some variation of that tradition as she gets older!


I’ve had tendonitis in my knee and it is now pretty much cleared up, it was never severe to begin with but rest has helped. I have to be careful about not doing tough or long runs too close together and always replacing my shoes.

For me 7 hours a night is enough, I usually get 6-8 depending on what’s going on.


I have tendinitis in my post tibial tendon and it feels like I’ll be doing PT exercises for the rest of my life! Thanks for the good advice on spacing out runs and replacing shoes. Good luck with your knee!!


Actually I also had a major bout of posterior tibial tendonitis a year ago that is completely healed now thankfully! I had to take a full 2 months off of running and the process was slow, but it has been completely gone (no twinge!) for over 6 months now. It’s always something though!


That sounds promising! They have me on a run/walk plan now to return to running, so hopefully in 6 months I can say the same :)


I usually get about 7 hours of sleep per night and wake up feeling refreshed!

In regards to my health I am trying to eat better so I can run faster! It’s been two years since I went through recovery for my ED and I finally feel ready to tackle my nutrition in a responsible way rather than just trying not to think/obsess about it.

I’ve started working with a registered dietitian and am really enjoying it so far. She’s a marathoner so she totally gets it!


I’ve always had sleep issues — I’m a total night owl but also an early morning exerciser…those things do not work well together. I finally figured out a bedtime routine that works for me pretty well though (no laptop or computer right 1 hour before bed, read a book, think about how awesome sleeping is :)


I’m the same with sleep. Some weeks I sleep great, fall asleep right away and don’t wake up until my alarm goes off. Other weeks I can’t fall asleep, I don’t stay asleep and I just toss and turn and get frustrated because I’m not sleeping (but I’m tired!)

I’ve been working on not snacking when I’m not hungry. Something will look good so I’ll have it, even though I’m not hungry.

I have a list of Christmas movies that I watch every year. I like to be able to just enjoy the season and look at Christmas decorations and not stress (so much easier said than done though!)


Glad to see your friend is back on the treadmill! I tore my ACL and it was zero fun, but now I’m able to run painfree. I’m pretty good about not JUST running though. I strength train and use my spin bike often, gotta switch it up to avoid more injury!

Love the last year/this year pic of your Christmas traditions. Can’t wait to follow along this month!

I am definitely trying to better my health by watching what I eat. This is new to me! I wasn’t a terrible eater before, but didn’t care to read the content of my foods and how it could affect me. I’m excited where my food journey may take me :)


I have a lot of nights where I wake up at 3 or 4 am for a while. A good sleep to me is 11-7 so 8 hours or so. I very rarely get that through factors like chatting in bed, getting up early to run etc.

Im trying to improve my eating habits.

I like the tree decorating tradition. Even though my parents are now separated I will be going over to both houses to decorate the tree and house.

Ive had knee problems! I did a really nasty laceration which then lead to years of ITBS- both the original cut and the ITBS were running caused! You can read about it here: but warning there is a gross image!


A good night sleep is 7 hours but I wish I could get 9 as that’s when I feel the most rested! I have a two year old who is teething and waking me up a lot. Broken sleep is tough!

I am trying to improve my rating but not eating lunch out, with my coworkers, every day! Lol!

My favourite tradition is getting my son a new ornament every year and then the plan is to give him them when he moves out someday (like my mom did for me!)


I just started wearing a jawbone up too. I rarely get enough sleep but it’s definitely motivating me to get in bed earlier so I can meet my goal.


I’m a good sleeper, and I keep senior citizen hours…usually 10-5.
I’m trying to eat less sweets…the struggle is real!
I had a cranky knee after the Chicago marathon. It didn’t like the flat course. I did some ASTYM after and it really helped.


What a great tradition! I love to drive around and look at lights on trees and in downtown.


I used to *need* 8 hours of sleep. It’s amazing what having a child will do to you, though…now I feel awesome if I just get 5 straight hours!

I’m trying to improve on eating my fruits and veggies…it can be such a pain to get good, fresh produce (and eat it before it spoils), but I’m working on it!

My favorite December tradition is my husband making chicken and waffles on Xmas morning!

I hurt my knee a few years ago wake surfing, and after multiple doctor appts and an MRI, the only thing that ended up making it better was a LOT of rest. It was miserable, though! I hobbled for a while! ;)


I am a huge reader … at any time my Kindle is never far from me. I read when I do my treadmill running, while dinner is cooking, etc. (all the time!) Sometimes it gets me into trouble with my sleep schedule because if I have a good book, I’ll let myself stay up until the wee hours to finish it or get to a point of exhaustion where I HAVE to put it down. I shoot for at least 7 hours of sleep, but if there is a good read in my hands, it’s a lot harder!

My favorite holiday tradition is “Friend-ivus” – where my husband and I get together with two other couples that we are really close with. This shindig wraps Thanksgiving, Christmas and sometimes New Year’s into one celebration. It’s a TON of fun and we get to just eat, catch up and relax with each other!


I crank out all of my work in the morning, so I like to get up at 5am! As soon as I get home from work, I have my PJs on in .02349 seconds and all I want to do is cuddle up and watch TV. I try to go to bed by 10pm, but I also just listen to my body!


I am trying to improve the spacing of my eating. I don’t think I am eating enough (cause just not hungry earlier in the day) and then from dinner on it is like I opened the flood gates.

December tradition: Baking cookies with my lady friends on a Saturday afternoon and then taking some of every one’s home.


This is so me! During the week I’m so much better because I’ll plan my breakfast and pack my lunch for work. When I plan more healthy day time snacks I am so much better off. Otherwise once I get home from work, it’s on lol.


I’m trying hard to opt for 9 hours of sleep but recently I’ve only been getting about 7. Time to hit the pillow earlier!


I’m glad to hear she is on the mend!!!

I would love some speed tips on how you got faster! :) :)

Our CHristmas traditions are that we always put up the tree the weekend after Thanksgiving and we always watch Polar Express while we do it ..and drink hot chocolate, of course!! :)


I am running a 10k in Feb (the Cowtown Marathon race) and it is in Fort Worth. It is so much colder there than what I am used to. What would be some great cold weather gear that I could pick up without breaking the bank?


When I was young we never had a real Christmas tree, it was always a 3 foot tall fake thing. So now that I have my own family, we always go and get a REAL tree! The kids get to run around the tree farm and pick what one they want! It is tons of fun for all of us!!!


I think for me, since I have always naturally been an early morning person, I collapse come evening and need to rest. I don’t always sleep all that soundly (certainly not since my son was born 11 years ago! I swear you never sleep as deep again unless it’s an accident), but I do get into bed at an early hour most nights of the week and easily get the average 8 hours a night (sometimes more, sometimes less).


I love cute family traditions and that is a very good one! Keep it going :)
I like to get at least 8 hours of sleep because I don’t have time in schedule to take a nap. I always sleep better when I have gotten in a good run
What is an area in your life that you are trying to improve in regards to your health?
I NEED to improve my nutrition. I am constantly negating all the hard work I do by eating crap. That’s going to be my new year’s goal.
My favorite tradition that we do is our Christmas Eve fondue. We fondue chicken, beef, and weenies in either oil or broth and it makes for a long dinner with family and talking and laughing.
I have *thankfully* never had knee problems. My dad has bad knees and that led him to cycling. It has strengthened his knees to the point that his doctor says he no longer needs surgery. He still can’t run, but he enjoys the cycling!


I LOVE that tradition! I wonder if I can steal/modify it and do something like that with Sophia (Harry’s seven year-old that we see twice a month, every other! <3

I rock sleep, man. It's actually one reason why I don't like going to the movies at night — I WILL fall asleep, no matter how action-packed, no matter how fantastic the plot. If you give me a relatively comfortable chair in a dark room, it is on like Donkey Kong. I am pretty much in bed by 9:00-9:30pm, and I wake up around 4:30-5:00am. It's pretty solid for the most part, unless I get hot (summer nights mostly).


I’m one of those people who needs at least 8 hrs of sleep or else I fall off the face of the earth. I’ve just always needed a lot of sleep. I have long commute everyday so when I get home I eat and typically go right to bed. I hate that I never have any time except the weekends for myself.


She may not want to carry on the tradition here or there but, just do it….she will be thrilled you did in the long run. (No pun intended! ha!)

I have had knee issues/scraping noises for as long as I can remember….I walk up the stairs and the kids can hear my knees coming before they actually hear me…no use trying to surprise them my knees always give me away. (Family says I got grandma’s knees ~ and her varicose veins ~ and her pear shape ~ and her love of ice cream ~ and her attitude!!! Thankful for grandma everyday!! ) ;-)


Thank you Janae for writing about my question!

I am a good sleeper. lol I’ve never had a problem getting to sleep at night and start to get tired early. I’m a morning person and cannot sleep late! I try for 8 hours a night, sometimes less and try to have a routine about the general time I wake and go to sleep. I can definitely tell a difference when I haven’t slept well or enough. And I don’t nap, unless I’m sick or something. I believe that rest is super important in your overall well-being, your exercise regiment, and just your productivity so I TRY to make it a priority.

I am trying to drink more water. I just bought a new water filter for my fridge and a pretty big water bottle. :)

Have a wonderful day!


I need at least 7 but preferably 8 hours of sleep a night. If I start getting low on sleep my body will express it’s displeasure loud and clear! Migraines, stomach issues, catching colds…

My favorite December tradition is our annual trip to Santa’s Village. It’s a North Pole themed amusement park that stays open during the holidays. Going on rides in the mountains of NH in the winter is freezing! I usually hate being cold but it’s so worth it for the experience.


I tore my ACL and meniscus in high school, and the biggest things that helped my recovery were quad and hamstring exercises. Those muscles support the knee, and I noticed a HUGE difference when I was intentional with lower body exercises.

I need about 7.5-8 hours of sleep to feel my best. I’ve learned to get by just fine with a little less than that as a mom, but I can’t do it over and over again. I love my sleep! ;)


An ideal night of sleep is 9 hours, but I’m happy with 7. I am pretty good about going to bed early since I get up so early :)

Some of my favorite December traditions are loading up our Suburban with our kids and their cousins and looking at lights (with hot chocolate of course!), the Christmas Parade, we do an advent devotion for the month, handing out food baskets & gifts, and maybe my favorite of reading “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas” before tucking them all in on Christmas Eve.

I take MSM regularly and that helps my achy knees.


Love Christmas traditions! We try to be intentional on having an advent calendar with verses that we read each day. And sugar cookies!! Last night we had our first annual “brinner” to ring in December. I try to get 8-7.5 hours.


I feel physically best at 5hours of sleep. I don’t know why, but if I sleep more than 6hours, I end up with bad headaches. My normal hours are 11:30 to 4am roughly. Days that I get a double workout in I try to force myself to bed at 10:30, but for the most part 5-6 hours and I’m good.

Since getting my Polar Loop, I actually get some feedback on my sleep and it typically is 93-95% restful, so it seems that I just fall fast and hard and get solid sleep.


I sleep around 6 hours. My baby still gets up at night! I also had lateral release surgery on both knees years ago. Sometimes a long downhill bothers it but other than that it’s perfect!
I want to build muscle. That’s my huge goal for this coming year! Strong legs help prevent injuries!


I’m trying to get better with strength training. It’s a losing battle.
I like to choose December 9th to decorate my tree. It was my late husbands birthday and seeing the twinkling lights always makes me think of him and smile :)
I just started having some inner knee pain for the first time ever within the last few months. Hoping it is just tight surrounding muscles and not anything serous.

6-8 hours for me. I need sleep!


I’m not great at getting to sleep on time. Even though I know how important sleep is for basically everything health-related, long term and short term, it doesn’t seem to apply at 12:30 am where there’s just the most interesting article about why cats rub against your legs.


A good night’s sleep for me is 7+ hours, though I’m lucky to get 5 or 6. Less than 5 and I am a mess. I’m trying so hard to go to bed earlier, but it’s difficult because after the kiddo goes to bed, that’s my time to get things done. One of my New Year’s goals is to get more shut-eye for sure!


Seven to eight hours of sleep is perfect for me, and these days I’m usually nodding off by 8:30, so it’s not hard to get my rest in. 20-minute late afternoon naps are the best.

I’ve been battling some serious health issues which have left me run-free for at least 18 weeks out of the past six months. I’ve been starting back at it slow and easy, working on rebuilding my strength and endurance, and focusing on remastering my form and cadence. I’m AMAZED at how much of it really IS mental…given how quickly I’m bouncing back, I have no other explanation for where this ability is coming from. As one of my favorite quote says, “What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” :-)

The donut and book tradition is awesome, and I’m sure you’ll keep it alive for her for many years to come. Our traditions are watching Jim Carrey’s version of The Grinch (WhoVille makes me ridiculously happy and I want to live there), The Polar Express, and The Family Stone. Baking cookies, singing/playing Christmas music, going to see the Oglebay Festival of Lights, praying for a white Christmas, staring at the Christmas tree with the lights out…the list goes on. I LOVE the holidays!

I used to have knee pain that ended up seriously impacting my first marathon, but after adjusting my running form and landing (overpronator), and some chiropractic care, I haven’t had any issues since.


I’ve had a really hard time sleeping this fall, which is annoying. One thing I need to do better at is turning off my computer and phone earlier in the evening to help me shut down!


I get about 7 hours usually, but when I’m REALLY tired, I can sleep for ten! But it’s impossible to get that much during the work week. If only there were about 4 extra hours in a day! :)

My favorite December tradition is my family’s Christmas eve. We all get together for a tamale Mexican dinner and then open presents and watch A Christmas Story! Can’t beat that!


i loooove love loveeeee to sleep (can i stress that enough?!), and on nights when i don’t have anything to do, i am happy to be in bed by 10. i get up early to workout before work and i like to have at least 7 hours if possible (although i’m running on 5 while writing this, go figure). unless i’m home visiting my parents upstate — then i tend to sleep, um, 9-10 hours a night. and love it.


I love the book tradition you have started with Brooke. What special time and memories for you to share.

I feel as though I sleep pretty well most of the time and get at least 7 hours of sleep every night. My schedule is fairly routine, even on the weekends. I need my sleep and will even throw a nap in my day if need be.

One of my favorite December traditions is going out with a cup of hot chocolate and driving around looking at Christmas lights. I also like xc skiing out to one of the shelters and enjoying lunch or dinner next to a warm fire.


I have had knee problems my whole life. I messed up hamstring muscles young in martial arts but got runners knee when I started running in my 30’s… its a booger. Always flaring up. Always an issue. It’s just a life of ice & KT Tape…


Oh my goodness! I LOVE that tradition and am totally going to do it when I have kiddos. My favorite tradition from when I was a kid was that the “elves” would visit every night and put a piece of chocolate in our Advent calendar for my sister and I to find in the morning. It was always fun to race downstairs and see what was there :)


I LOVE the 2014 donut/christmas book picture! I believe that if donuts are involved, she will want to continue this tradition well into her adulthood years. I mean, if my mom wanted to do this tradition today, with my 35 year old self, I would totally be up for it!
I’ve had knee problems off and on for years. It started during my first marathon, 10 years ago, and I ended up in PT. It helped, so now whenever I get knee pains again, I go back to all the knee exercises they gave me & so far, (knock on wood), it helps my knee out every time and I never have to give up working out!


First of all, I LOVE Which Wich. Seeing that picture reminded me that I need to find one in Chicago and if they don’t have one I may cry.

When I was using my Fitbit, I realized that I only need around 7 hours of sleep. I thought that I got a lot more, but that seems to be enough for me. I can still sleep in with about 9, but if I need to be up, 7 is usually good.

I did have a knee problem and had to cut back my running for awhile. I worked at a PT clinic and had access to their expertise (and Leukotape). I had to run with my knee taped for some months, but was able to run a half with it. Yay!


Training for this ultra I have gotten into a pretty serious sleep routine. I can get away with 6 hours every now and then, but through this training cycle, I have consistently found myself needing 8+ hours of sleep a night. I usually go to sleep by 10 and wake up sometime between 6-7. I have been known to go to bed at 8.


Can I just say, it makes me soo happy to see that big cheesy smile on your face again :) Havent seen you look so genuinely happy in a long time. It makes my wart happy that you are so content finally :) I wonder if that might have something to do with Mr. Cali ;) so happy for you!


I’m lucky if I get 6 hours a night…and it’s not enough for me, so it’s something that I’m working on. I work at night, so I can’t get to bed much earlier…maybe more naps during the day?! I need at least 7 while training, so I REALLY need to figure out a better system soon :)

One of my favorite December traditions is watching National Lampoons Christmas Vacation over and over…I DVR’d it yesterday, so it’s just sitting there, waiting to be watched!!


I have a hard time getting to bed on time, but if I don’t get at least 7 hours of sleep, I just feel awful. I really prefer to get 8. I feel so lucky that I haven’t had any knee problems (knock on wood!). Yay for December and the holiday season. :)


I’ve been really bad at going to bed at a reasonable time lately. I usually need 8+ hours of sleep but I also seem to work best in the evening/late night and I get most of my homework done on my computer before bed, so I usually am up until 11 finishing it! I’m trying to cut out all the sugary junk foods but it’s difficult!

I had to stop ballet at 14 because my knee was giving me too much pain, I was gutted but I think it forced me to slow down and realise there was more to life then dancing ballet from 4pm-7pm every night! Thankfully it hasn’t bothered me for a year or so and it seems to be fine when I run, so crossing my fingers it doesn’t start hurting again :)


Can I just say that you win best mom award for that adorable tradition with Brooke? You guys are too cute!

Sleep is the one area that I am super weak in. I like being ALIVE too much that it is hard for me to want to sleep, but I am working on getting it from 7 hours to 8 hours a night.


I know it doesn’t make much sense six years later, but when I lost my dad and then my son’s accident happened I simply lost the ability to get a good night’s sleep.

The irony is my Celiac which makes me fall asleep at the counter. Maybe they are balancing themselves out.

We have many traditions for the holidays and I think yours with Brooke are very sweet. She’s going to remember them and count on them. Good thing you have a good record of them via the blog. ;)


I’m a seriously solid sleeper. I’m usually in bed between 9:30-10 and up at either 7:30 or 5, depending on my work schedule.

When we were kids, my mom started a tradition where she gave us a new ornament every year for the Christmas tree that represented something that we did/accomplished that year. I started doing it last year with my boyfriend and look forward to continuing it on with my kids. I love it!


I’m 33+ weeks pregnant right now so good sleep to me is only getting up twice a night to use the bathroom and sleeping for about 6-8 hours.

I’m feeling really lucky to not have any problem sleeping right now! :)


A good night’s sleep would be 6+ hours.

As far as health goals go, I’m trying to quit diet coke. It’s so hard. I love it so much. It gives me short bursts of energy and then I crash later and feel completely fatigued. I think it slows down my running as well. Trying to quit! :)

Great post!


I do the best with 7-8 hours of sleep. On weekends I usually have a “catch up” day where I get 9 or 10 but our bodies aren’t like banks and you can’t have one really good sleep a week to make up for the nights of 5.5-6.5 hours! I haven’t fully found the balance to get a good night’s sleep especially because blogging usually happens before I sleep so if I don’t get to sit down and blog until late then I don’t get to sleep until late but I am learning and I always notice the days I am sleeping really well I am rocking my workouts… why must I continue to learn this the hard way? ;)

Your traditions with Brooke are adorable!! You two are so cute!!
Oh, and congrats Megan!! I am currently working on my masters and hats off to you!!


Great post – thanks for sharing! I think we’re always trying to improve, I love it!


Sleep is so important and I know I need more. I was up early to teach a group fitness class this morning, so I didn’t get more than 7 hours last night. I think 8 hours is my sweet spot, but that doesn’t happen but a couple times a week.

Love the book tradition!


Sleep is really important to me – so I make sure I get enough. I never get to sleep in, so I cannot ‘bank’ some time on the weekends or anything. I try to get at least 6 hours of sleep a night – but ideally 7. I do hear you about getting things done after the toddlers go to bed – Max doesn’t go down til around 9ish and then suddenly I am all “bedtime for me too!” – makes getting certain things done hard!


I am just an occasional commenter, but I love your blog & couldn’t not say how freaking ADORABLE that picture of you & Brooke is! She is so precious. I don’t have kids yet, but I look forward to starting traditions like that with them one day, hopefully!


I go through phases where I sleep amazingly and then I will have phases when I cannot sleep at all.
Health goal: not eat so many sweets. I just love baking and then taste-testing everything!
Favorite December tradition: baking with my mom. No matter how old I am, I love going to her house and helping her bake! (this makes it hard to reach the above goal)


I’m having knee issues right now that are stopping me from doing a lot of the types of exercise that I like to do, like running. My doctor said it was quadricep tendinitis but I’m doubtful that’s really the issue because it doesn’t seem to be getting any better which is sad. I need to go to another doctor for x-rays and an MRI to see what the real issue is but I’m worried.

As for sleep, I’m working on figuring this out too. I’ve been beyond exhausted lately since I’ve stepped up my workout routine, so I think I need to up my sleeping too.


I have had knee issues where I had to stop running for a few months to let it heal and rest it. Now when I run it feels so much nicer and easier, less stress too :)


I’m usually a pretty good sleeper and sleep from 11pm – 6:30 or so. I use to workout in the AM so I was in bed at 10 and up at 5. I go through spurts though where I wake up several times a night and sometimes can’t get back to sleep. Luckily these usually last less then a week – it’s generally if I have some big “life thing” on my mind!

I’m trying to eat less snack food that comes in a bag – pretzels, chips, etc.


i love your december traditions with brooke! i’m sure these will become memories that she will always cherish :)


What a lovely tradition for Brooke! The Rudolph book and the movie were my kids absolute favorite! Our traditions are Advent calendars, Christmas songs and movies… (I LOVE The Drummer Boy.)

My knees crackle and pop walking up and down stairs but fortunately I have never had to have surgery on them (yet). I really have to watch my mileage and intensity though or I’ll have pain.

I love your huge smile, you look so happy!


So weird that you posted about sleep today because I’ve been spending my morning (at work, ha) trying to research oversleeping. I seem to have the opposite issue of everyone here. I started going to bed earlier when my fiance moved in because he needs like, 9ish hours of sleep. I was used to 6-7 and figured that getting more couldn’t hurt. I’ve been feeling more and more “brain fogged” and like I couldn’t really wake up throughout the day. The past two days I’ve gone to bed later and gotten less sleep, and I feel so much better mentally. I had no idea I might be getting too much, so I think I’ll be going back to 6-7 hours.


Rachel, that is precisely the same as me.
I feel better mentally and physically when I sleep 5-6hours versus a 9hour night like most. My husband sleeps 9pm to 6am and it has been quite the adjustment on how to co-exist (12yrs.) Find what works for you physically and mentally, for both of your sakes.


I love Christmas traditions. One of our traditions is that I wrap up 24 Christmas books and our son gets to open one each night starting on December 1st. They are the same books every year but they seem more special because they are only out at Christmas time.


We all have our own reasons and excuses, but this is a REALLY great article that breaks down the importance of sleep to all elements of our life, both now and in the future:

I’d love to hear your thoughts on it! It definitely made me think….


Awesome December tradition – especially the donut and book choice! The clay-mation version of Rudolph is my favorite :) Reminds me of being a kid…

A good nights sleep to me is when the toddler doesn’t wake up at 4:00 am and when I only have to get up to use the bathroom once! I’m only in the second trimester and the middle of the night bathroom trips are already hitting me.

When I was a sophomore in college, I had knee surgery to remove a plica from my knee – I had a few too many hits to my knee playing ice hockey causing inflammation and “things” (technical term for whatever knee parts they were) to rub on each other and wear.

My knee is 100% now, but my sport of choice has changed drastically too. Ice hockey to running :)


I’m loving this buzzfeed about hot cocoa!
I can’t wait to try some of these!!


I had the lateral release surgery a few years ago. My knee was so swollen… I actually had to have it drained twice. After 3months of pt, and a return to running plan… It is as good as new:)


Before I was vegan I had really bad insomnia. Like, chronic. It was bad. Now I sleep pretty regularly 11-7.

Diet, staying hydrated, learning to heal things like breakouts internally, through diet and getting the right nutrients. The body is fascinating – and hard to figure out sometimes. :)

We just started an Advent Calendar tradition with my son this year. Every day we read a bit of the Christmas story and talk about what it means, who Jesus is and all. For the last 5 years or so, we all meet at my brother’s house (usually still in pjs) for Christmas brunch. It’s pretty great.

No knee problems. Hips sometimes, but it’s not from the running, it’s from either shoes being too worn or trying to go to fast on treadmill. YOGA is a lifesaver for me. Not just after it hurts, but preventative as well.


I have managed to become a morning person now and get up early to exercise but I am still very bad at going to bed early (says the girl getting up in 5h45)… Not sure this is sustainable in the long term. I also need to sort out my sleeping habits.


A good night’s sleep to me is about 9 solid hours. I work nights though, so there’s always something interrupting my sleep… I’m always struggling to keep a normal sleep schedule, I’m jealous of people who have a normal daytime schedule!


I find that my sleep is worse during certain times of my cycle. Try tracking the nights that are hard to sleep, write down when and what is going through your mind that you can’t get out


Hi, im recovering from injury and wondering what running plan should I follow. I am after femoral hip fracture. do you guys have any experience with that? I can slowly start running but would appreciate some help! Justyna


I love holiday traditions! I can’t wait to see all of yours!


I’m glad your friend’s knee is doing better!

I would love to have that book + doughnut tradition now, and I’m 32! haha


I get horrible sleep. Insomnia is insane. Sleep doctors have done 2 sleep studies. When not injured I run 30-40 per week. I have the best running BBF that meets 5:15 am every Thursday rain or shine in portland, or. Some how I function on 2-3.5 hours of sleep at night, work full time and take care of 6 animals, run , hit gym and play as much as possible. I hate not sleep. Hypnotherapy may be my next resort :)


I really hate the sleeping question! Ha. People always just give me so much crap because I am always exhausted, and I get plenty of sleep. I don’t know what it is. But I wish I had energy and didn’t need so much sleep!

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