My trail runs always include a fall and Tradition #6

I was pretty excited that my shirt matched my shoes.  

The boy is in town this weekend so we started things off right with a 10 mile trail run.  

53 degree weather (I am loving this December weather!!!!)

(Yes, I still like him even though he is wearing Kinvaras instead of Brooks;)

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It was a tough run because there was a ton of uphill but as always, my body feels so much better on the trails.  

On the way down I took a pretty bad fall after tripping on a tree root.  My face was the first thing to hit and I have no idea how it didn’t get bruised or cut up.

It is unusual for me to not fall on the trails.  I guess I should attempt to lift up my feet a bit or something.  

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That evening we drove up to Salt Lake City for a little basketball watching and to see my brother-in-law’s dunk team perform during half-time.  

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And then we went to do our Christmas tradition #6!  The lights at Temple Square.  

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An absolute must if you are within 200 miles of this place during December.

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We then walked to meet up with a bunch of friends for dinner and I love whoever thought to add salad to a pizza.  This combination makes it so that the pizza is actually extremely healthy for you;)

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Just the way that any Saturday night should end—>  a frozen treat of some sort.

Cookies ‘n cream and chocolate gelato!

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Gelato fan?  Favorite flavors?  Best gelato you have ever had?

What has been the best part about your weekend so far?

Any other chronic trail running fallers like me?

Who wears the Kinvaras?

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We have an awesome gelato shop called legato gelato in Nashville!
Weekend highlight: I had a PR in the st jude Memphis marathon!!
I always fall on the trails!
The kinvara 5 is my favorite shoe! I raced in them yesterday!!!


Love that run outfit and photo of you! And seeing the lights must have been so fun! my son who’s 3 doesn’t remember the holidays last year so it’s all new for him and so cute to watch their reactions.


I have that top in blue – it’s definitely a must have!

looks like you’re having a great holiday season so far Janae! I’m so happy for you :)


I am glad that salad pizzas are extremely healthy because I have noticed they don’t make good leftovers due to the dressing making the dough soggy so you really have to eat the whole thing right when it comes out! :) It’s basically a necessity!

I love your matching outfit!!! You look great in that top!

I’m jealous that your guy will run 10 miles with you. My guy will run a 5K with me but that’s about it!


Best part of this weekend was putting up our advent calendar as a family. A little late but that means we got to catch up on the chocolate! Permission to buy a new lulu define jacket was a close second :)

Love your blog and check it religiously every morning. Your runs motivate me to get running in the mornings. (And you’ve given me a sweet potato addiction, lol) Thank you!


I’ve heard from so many people about the lights at Temple Square, I really want to see them!

We don’t have trail options around here but the few times I’ve been on trails has proven to me that I’m a caller as well.

Best part of the weekend has been having nothing planned! Being able to relax is nice!


Salad pizzas are delicious! Those were super popular in Germany when I studied abroad, as was gelato. I really like gelato and any chocolate flavor is my favorite.
Best part of my weekend is lazy Sunday pancakes with my husband this morning. I also got to photograph a 5K yesterday which was lots of fun! Runners are the best and kindest people.


I haven’t discovered any trails in Phoenix yet mostly because I’m scared of mountain lions and rattlesnakes. Too much wild life for me. I used to wear Brooks but they’re not cushy enough. I like my Saucony or Mizunos. I need the padding especially with having foot injuries.


I’m really happy for you Janae!

My highlight: doing Christmas early and watching my girl open presents from Santa.

I’m a frequent faller- who needs trails for that? ;)


I am a notorious faller on any type of run! One time i fell because i caught whiff of donuts, got distracted, and then ate pavement.


This weekend has been a good one just because its been really laid back and relaxing! After a busy few weeks and the holidays approaching I really needed this!
Ive never tried the Kinvaras- Ive been wearing Brooks for years!
I don’t run on trails but I still fall when I’m running anyway:)


Ouch, that fall does NOT sound fun!

But that pizza sure does. :) looks like some sort of salad/pizza combo.


Ouch! Glad you didn’t get hurt! I’ve never run trails but I imagine I would take some good spills. Ran a 12k (weird distance!) yesterday! Loving the Christmas traditions!


I have Kinvara’s but I really can’t run in them. I can if I have to but they aren’t my favorite. I usually save them for walking the mall or somewhere I need to wear sneakers but won’t be running and don’t want to wear my favorite running pair.


I think I went to that pizza place in SLC when I was there for Blend – SO good!


Running with the boy, nice :) very very happy for you!

I’m actually not a gelato fan. I prefer froyo first and foremost, closely followed by classic ice cream of course!

Happy Sunday!


This weekend was good watching all the football division playoffs! Anxiously awaiting my new Brooks!

Have a great day!


Now that I think about it – I don’t think I’ve ever had gelato. I should probably change that!

I’m so happy you got to run with the boy. I love running with my guy. I don’t have a lot of trails near me so there aren’t many opportunities to trip and fall.


The best part of my weekend so far was Thankgiving part 2 at my parents. My mom’s stuffing is the best!!

I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one who trips and falls on trails. I still have a bruise on my knee from a fall on Thanksgiving.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and your next tradition!!!


You look the CUTEST on your run!

I love Talenti Sea Salt Caramel gelato that you can buy at the grocery store. It’s SO delicious! They also have one called Caramel Cookie Crunch that’s amazing, too.

I’m a chronic trail faller. I’ve fallen on the EXACT SAME ROOT on the same trail twice in about 2 weeks. My poor knees hadn’t even recovered from the first fall yet!


I’m a Kinvara person! I love that shoe!
My favorite gelato is rum raisin (really, it’s good, I promise), and we have several excellent options close by, including Sucre (fancy schmancy dessert restaurant), and Angelo Brocato’s, an old Italian gelato spot that survived Katrina.


Your night sounds perfect. Still gonna need to hear about it all in person though ;)

Are you at setebellos? I love that place and their gelato is muy bueno. I like to get half chocolate and half coconut.

I trip and fall on the treadmill, so ya, the few times I have gone trail running I have tripped. I have always caught myself before I have fallen to my death, but my luck will surely run out.


I’m not so sure I’ve ever had gelato??? But that chocolate looks delicious!
I’ve been sick all weekend and the weather has been nasty so this weekend has been a big ol’ #fail.
I do fall a lot on trails, but I fall on concrete too :)
Brooks fan all the way!!!
Glad you have a running partner-I really wish and hope a very happy life for you-you deserve it!
Those Utah Jazz use to be the New Orleans Jazz and even though Utah has had them WAY longer then we did, it still stings-lol!


So happy for you Janae !!

Love reading your blog every day – makes me start the morning on a happy note :)
Yay for running and holiday traditions ! My favorite part of the weekend is an early morning run followed by a lazy breakfast – hot chocolate and croissants in the winter ! Looking forward to doing that again once exam season is over :P


Kinvaras right here! He must be awesome!!!
That whole day seriously sounds perfect from start to finish! We went to Temple Square on Monday night and was fun, not too crowded and my kids had a blast. And it was gorgeous as always!


Your post made me realize that I have never tried Gelato before. Guess I will have to change that!


Janae you look so happy in your photos. I did my second half marathon yesterday in 1.55 not fast but fast for me 7 mins faster than my last half. Then I went to a baby shower straight after the race. I love trail running in the summer luckily I haven’t had an injury from it but I’m always worried I will fall before a big race and not be able to run it!!! Love your blog it really gives me encouragement to keep running.


I wore Saucony til I discovered pureflows. Clearly, Saucony is the second best running shoe. So I still think he’s a keeper :)

I want your trails. Our “trails” here are paved not dirt. Boo.


I love gelato! My husband and I went to Italy for our honeymoon, and I insisted on eating it literally every night! The best part of my weekend was taking my little girl to meet Santa for the first time!


Aw, I love all the traditions that you have! It’s such a great idea and I must keep in mind for the future! :)


I currently wear saucony but the guides! Hehe I have a lot of near falls but that’s bc I sadly stare at the ground bc I’ve had so many ankle sprains/ankle rollings. I love running with my guy, too! That trail looked absolutely gorgeous and the Christmas lights were wonderful. I want to make Christmas traditions now! I’ve never had a salad on pizza but now I’d like to try it! There’s a tie for the best part of the weekend currently- my long run which felt great and going to an amusement park- knots scary farms with work! There will be a new best part of my weekend if I get all my school work done. One more week, then I’m done forever!


Chocolate chocolate chip gelato for sure!


Janae! I feel lost! Who is the boy? Where is he in from? I read everyday, how did I miss such an important tidbit of information that there is a boy now!?! :) YAY!!!!!


Chris and I had the BEST gelato in Germany. We walked from our b&b to this place to get a scoop, ate it as we walked back, actually even got back to our room, looked at each other and said “lets get another scoop” We repeated the walk.


Oh no, falling on the trails is no fun! I am notorious for tripping over thin I feel ya lol! And funny thing- I have never tried gelato before. I’ve always heard good things, but haven’t actually had any!


I trip no matter where I walk or run. My 10 year old daughter always holds my hand and says, “I’ve got you, Mommy!” every time I stumble.

I’ve never had gelato. Is is better than ice cream/frozen yogurt or just different?

I ran 8 miles in 64:12 this morning! Finally getting my speed back and the longest I’ve run in a few weeks, because of our new puppy.

Exciting that the boy is visiting. Did he meet the family and do they approve?


My husband used to but I convertes him to Brooks! Now he has a few pairs!


In Florence, there’s this plaza at the top of a huge hill and they had a gelato cart at the top. Best gelato and best view there ever was :)

My weekend is just starting! I did go see a friends band play last night though and that was pretty fun!


I switch between kinvaras and wave riders. Love them both, but bc the kinvaras are so minimal I tend to wear them on shorter distances and wave riders when I need more support!


I’m glad the boy came to visit, even if he doesn’t wear Brooks!

I love gelato – all of it! :)

The best part of my weekend so far was the dessert table at the fancy dinner we went to last night – cheesecake, mini treats, AND ice cream, why yes, thank you I’ll have some of everything.

I don’t fall too often, I am a chronic tripper though. I always ALMOST fall. I have had a few good falls and cut up my hands/knees pretty good.


The best part of my weekend was taking my little guy to see Santa at Gymboree this
Morning :) he didn’t freak out too much and he had lots of fun playing!

I also had a great run yesterday during my kiddos nap!


That’s why I don’t run trails. I am a klutz and I have osteoporosis so I try to minimize fall risk. BooHoo. My guy is handicapped so he doesn’t run but he is great support for my goals. We are going to zoo lights tonight. On of my favorite traditions. Monday we have our annual holiday historic house tour which my daughter and I do together each year. Fun (flasks & schnapps)


We did a Mediterranean cruise in 2011 with multiple gelato stops! Best ever is found in Italy.

We are on Oahu for next week’s Honolulu marathon. So many bests this weekend. Toys for Tots Biker Caravan, Pearl Harbor Day and parade, and amazing friends!


love that your new guy runs too!

I can’t wait to hear more about him..

It looks like you are having a great holiday season.


That pizza and gelato looks sooo good. Your new guy sounds like a keeper :) Best part of my weekend was my workout yesterday and movie night with some friends! I can’t be trusted running on trails, I’m too clumsy haha.


It looks like an amazing, fun filled day and evening.


Ah, I really want to get out for a trail run this week! I Have a trail 50k on Saturday but it’s been a long time since I’ve done a training run on a trail. I am not working so it’s a possibility, however it’s going to rain all week AGAIN so it will be a mudfest.

That gelato looks so good!!


What a fun weekend!! Sounds perfect. Heck yes to gelato! It’s the best. Have you ever heard of/been to Frost?! THAT is the best gelato ever. If you’ve never had it, I’m taking you the next time you visit Gilbert.


I fall even when I’m not on trails! Today I bit it on some ice and got a massive bruise on my leg…I sometimes wear kinvaras for shorter speedwork. I have a different pair of Saucony’s for longer runs.

Gelato is one of my favorites! I love pistachio and cinnamon.


Yay! I’m so glad that your guy is in town to hang out with and to run with you :) I would love to go and see the temple lights, my hubby and I are planning to take our daughter sometime next week :) The best part of my weekend was going to see Comedy Sportz on Saturday night! So funny!!!


Okay I love that your new BF runs! Also, Settebello’s is amazing, isn’t it?! Best pizza and gelato in Utah!

Best gelato I’ve ever had was in Italy. It was at a place called Old Bridge, right by the Vatican. The flavor was ricotta + pistachio and I have been dreaming about it ever since!

Best part of my weekend: hanging out with family who came to town!

I never fall on my trail runs but I have a lot of trip ups.


Hey Janae! A few years ago, I actually broke my left hand after tripping on a branch running on a trail! I had to have surgery and everything! I’ve also fallen multiple times running on treadmills and flat land too :) At least we can laugh at ourselves!

Have a great Sunday! You look beautiful and Brooke and your nieces and nephew look adorable as usual :)


I went bowling with my husband this weekend! It felt very teenage date night, and was lots of fun. Although my forearm is sore today!


Die hard Kinvara fan here. Your boy MUST be a keeper;)


Ouch Ouch Ouch!!! Sorry for your fall but also glad to see I’m not by myself!! I’m not a trail runner but I have fallen a few times!!! And yes drew blood with every fall !! It’s always a little trip on something. My hips, knees, and Achilles are taking a beating!!! So I’ve cut back my mileage to ‘heal’!!
Anything chocolate is my favorite gelato!!
I was fitted for Brooks running shoes but love my Asics too!!


What top is that? It looks so cute!! :D


Looks like a great time, minus the fall – I’m glad you didn’t seriously injure yourself!


so fun you get to run together!


Brooke’s face in that picture of the two of you is priceless! She is just the cutest.

The best part of my weekend was the big long nap I took after my last weekend taper run before marathon next week! :)


So awesome that you have a “boy” to hang out with some! I hope that the weekend with him was great!!!
I have the exact same pair of Brooks that you are wearing!


I dont have a favorite gelato, but I just came across Jeni’s ice cream last night. After being convinced by a stranger at Whole Foods to drop $13 on a pint of ice cream, I will say that it was money well spent. Theres an actual store not too far from us and I can’t wait to eat all the ice cream. The flavors look incredible!


My Kinvara’s are my favorite! I was fitted at my running store recently and got a new pair of Brooks Glycerin’s. They are super comfy- but they almost feel too bulky for me. My Kinvara’s are still my go-to on race day. And they are a super sharp blue design :)

Best part of my weekend was exploring a ghost town near me and then going to the movies!


I love gelato! I just had some cinnamon gelato with pumpkin cheesecake on Thanksgiving. I think it’s my favorite I’ve tried.


I wore the Kinvara for a little while – I think when I was working for Fleet Feet the Saucony rep seeded me a pair, and I really liked them. The NEW Kinvara is evidently amazing, one of my old co-workers told me!


that pic of her by the tree— how precious!


I’ve had the real deal- gelato in Italy! We went for our honeymoon last year, and I required one every day haha. But since that’s too far away, we get our gelato fix from the Costco ~1mile away. They have it in the food court! $1.50 for way more gelato than John and I can eat, or you can buy a whole quart for $5 to take home. It’s amazing because all things Costco are bonafide delicious.

Lucky your boy runs with you! I hope you had a great weekend together with the boy:) Brooke is adorbs, as alwaysssssss.


I have had a few really close calls on the trails lately! I will be testing myself on a trail race that is supposed to be very technical on the 20th so I am crossing my fingers to not eat dirt! The race I did Saturday was half paved and half trails, I managed to only almost fall 2 times so I called it a success!!!
I love Gelato….all flavors!! It is not as good as frozen yogurt but next in line for me.


looks like a great day!


I’ve tried coffee flavored gelato at a local restaurant and it was pretty delicious.

The best part of my weekend was completing my first half marathon, yay me! I’m feeling very proud :)


Yay Melynda! You have every right to feel proud! Congratulations!


Well. The best part of MY weekend, was passing my personal training test through NASM! Woohoo! Now I can throw out the 1000+ note cards that have been weighing my purse/luggage down for the last couple of months!
And salad on pizza is a win-win. I mean, ANY pizza really is a win in MY world. :)
P.S. It makes my heart smile to hear you have “The Boy” to run with. :)


Best part of the weekend?! Trip to NYC to see the tree at Rockefeller center and all the Christmas decorations.

I always eat pizza with a handful of greens. It justifies eating another slice!


best gelato ever is frigidarium in rome or mi amor in cinque terra!!


YAY! I love “the boy” talk. How exciting!


Hold up – I read daily and somehow missed that there is a “boy” now?!?! :)


Mmm, your food pictures make my mouth water! I am super stocked to try Altra shoes next round, I feel like my toes are always squished in running shoes. But I am a brooks fan through and through and have the closet full of old running shoes I cant seem to part with to prove it!


Hi. My name is Doni and I’m a chronic trail tumbler.

Fell so hard one time that I had to have stitches. But, what I must also admit, is that I’ve also fallen on the road. I’ve come to believe that there are these little running gremlins that jump up every once in a while and grab a hold of my ankle. I swear I hear them giggling every time.

Love the light pics. Such a pretty area. I haven’t yet had the chance to see it in December.


5 things about this post –

– you are frickin’ adorable!
– love your pink running outfit :)
– love that grey/black-white sweater/cardigan/wrap in your pic with Brook at the temple lights
– sorry about your face-plant fall – two days in a row I tripped at the EXACT same spot on my run so I feel you on knowing to lift your feet up. You think I would learn from running that same uneven stretch! :p
– the picture of the kids with the Christmas lights: Curly’s face! lol


I am a trail runner and frequent faller with scars to prove it! I don’t really love anything (except chocolate) more than my trail runs so it’s worth the fall. Gelato is amazing and my favorite flavor is hazelnut which they call nocciola in Italy where I ate it three times a day erryday:) Thanks for sharing all that you do on this blog, I love how I can read a post and relate without even knowing you!


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