-2 months post marathon and I am finally feeling like I am running like normal again.  Those of you that can bust out race after race after race are my heroes.  2 marathons a year max for this girl.  

I did a progressive run this morning for 8 miles starting with a 8:15 mile and finishing with a 6:55 mile with an average pace of 7:35.

I don’t have any pictures from today’s run but I do have two from last week’s trail run straight up a mountain.  

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-Loving the holiday parties with my favorite date.  

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-She wasn’t so sure about hanging out with Elsa.

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-The next two pictures are from the Trader Joe’s Instagam.

Something that they did so right:

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Something they did so wrong (in my opinion)…  Beets.  Not okay.

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-I had my first mini Ghirardelli and the mini ones are the PERFECT ration of chocolate to caramel.  Because they are mini you should eat as many as you want.  

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If you are looking for a super easy way to track your workouts… running-log may be your answer!! My aunt just told me about it so I am going to give it a try!  

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-Last night I was being pretty hard on myself about some lame stuff and I found this quote and it helped me sooooo much.   

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-My boring but favorite lunches lately.  Rotisserie chicken from Costco on spinach and my favorite orange thing in the world.  

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-Came across this picture the other day of my girls (8 months pregnant with Brooke and two of my sil’s not pictured) but it just made me really happy.  

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-The man gets here on Thursday night and so I am pretty stoked about that.  Okay, I am really stoked about it.  Doing the long distance thing for a bit longer and then he will be in Utah!

-DON’T forget to enter my Winter Running Accessories Giveaway!!!


What are some of your Monday Matters?

Ever done the long distance thing?  How’d that go?

How are you tracking your workouts lately?

What have your lunches been lately?  Boring or exciting?

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I have been cleaning all day from this weekend’s Christmas party.
U track my workouts with the Believe Taining Joirnal.
I eat the same boring lunch of strawberries and Mach most days. I never get tired of it!


I really need to get that journal asap!


I have bought myself the Believe Training Journal for Christmas! So looking forward to opening it on Christmas morning!


I have the Believe Training Journal and it is wonderful!


I love roasted beets but beet hummus sounds way strange! I had a long distance boyfriend in college and remember getting really excited to see him. My husband and I were apart for about a month early on but that was it. Enjoy your time with him :)


Okay, so how do you roast your beets? Maybe I would like them if I roasted them??? Thanks so much Michele!


I have the easiest method ever and it’s with the slow cooker! I wrap each beet, skin on, in foil and put them in the slow cooker on high for 2-3 hours, depending on their sizes. Once they cool, you can slip the skin off really easily and use them in salads or whatever you want. Couldn’t be easier.


I made the mistake of wearing heels to work today. It was an orientation day which means I’m moving around alot. Bad idea. Flats all the way.

I keep a notebook on my workouts and it generally does work well for me. I have a thing with using paper for lists/workouts, etc. Some of that is because so much is blocked at work that I can’t utilize it all the time.

We are our own toughest critic, I have to remind myself of that quite often when the perfectionism in my tells me I’m not good enough.

Have a great Monday!


Oh heels… I am so sorry! Make sure you get a foot massage after work:) I hope you are having a great day Sarah!


Minus my heel mistake, I am having a good Monday. I’ll tell the husband that a foot massage is required! :) I second Jen above with the Believe Training Journal. I have it too and its awesome!


My lunch today was a lean pocket and a TON of m&m’s. I have post-marathon ravenous hunger like crazy today and eating Christmas m&m’s is distracting me from how CRAZY sore I am!

I just got Lauren Fleshman’s Believe training journal and I can’t WAIT to start using it at the beginning of the year! :)


You keep eating those m&m’s… you just ran a marathon! CONGRATS! I hope the soreness goes away soon!


My boyfriend has to go away every summer for internships so the longest we’ve gone without seeing each other has been 12 weeks. Usually it’s not so bad – though we definitely have our moments where we really miss each other and wish we didn’t have to be apart like that! We use lots of email and FaceTime to keep each other updated on everything!

I’ve been using Garmin Connect to track my workouts. Keeping it all online has been nice lately :)

Recently my favorite lunch has been…breakfast sandwiches! I like to get to eat cereal for breakfast and more breakfast food at lunchtime!


I did do the (semi) long distance thing for almost a year back in 2005 and I am happy to say we celebrated our 10 year anniversary this November :) It’s not exactly fun, but it totally works as long as you’re in a relationship with someone you completely trust and who always makes time for you! It also helps when you have a countdown going and know it will end, I guess. I know that kept me going! So happy that your guy will be in town to celebrate Christmas with you (or at least it sounds like he will be)!

I’ve also done the other long distance thing… you know, the marathon :) There I was also happy to have a countdown and to know the end would come eventually!!! haha


I bet Brooke expects Elsa to be the one she met at Disney Land so she knows the rest are imposters!

My go to lunch for work these days is diced sweet potato, tri colored quinoa and chicken. On the weekends my DH and usually eat out so it depends on where we go.

Usually I track my workouts in my WW app.

Have a great week, Janae!


Ok, where has that ice-cream been all my life?! I’m now super excited to visit my dad in the States this February, that’ll be the first thing I buy! I’ve had super busy Monday and it’s 10:25 in the UK so I’m finally going to bed :)

I’ve never done the long distance thing but I can imagine it can be tough, especially in the beginning but I’m so happy for you that he’ll be in Utah soon!!


Monday Matters: my baby boy has a cough/cold so I had to run out and find a vaporizer for him… that little cough is so sad to hear!

I have done long distance with my husband a few times, once for 2 months while we were engaged and once for 2.5 months while we were married! It was THE WORST but the separation part while we were married resulted in me running my first marathon! So I guess something good came out of it :)

I’m tracking my workout on Google Calendar and of course my Garmin.

My lunches have been okay, mostly leftovers or I will eat some hummus and pita with carrots, fruit, cheese and nuts! I actually really like that lunch so I guess it’s not that boring to me.


Wait. Thursdat night? Ummm will that interfere with other plans? Cause I know where your priorities lie (and I am okay with that)

Beet hummus. Gag. That ice cream though? Ya. I need that in my life.

Who tracks their workouts? That requires more work and I am lucky I even did a workout to begun with #solazy #thatsme

I poured m&ms in my pb jar and ate them with a spoon for lunch. Seriously. I need an intervention. Like 2months ago.


Okay I don’t know you but I like you (and your lunch) a lot.
#bestcommentaward #goestoyou


Agreed! Hilarious and that sounds delicious!!


And you just made my day. Glad someone thinks I am funny ;)


Ewww beets are so yucky. I’ve been loving sweet potatoes lately too. My latest combo is sweet potato with shredded cheese, garlic salt, old bay & pico de gallo. Sounds weird but it works for me!

Is your boyfriend moving to Utah just to be closer to you? That would be terribly romantic! :)


I have just been using my planner and my Garmin, but I just ordered my believe training journal and as soon as that comes in I am excited to give that a try!


Monday Matters- I’m wearing a ridiculously hideous sweater for our company’s ugly sweater party this afternoon. It’s bad. Real bad.

I did the long distance thing with my current boyfriend for a few months. He moved to San Diego first and then I followed once I found a job I was happy to move for. It’s not so bad and its great knowing it won’t last forever. You can do it! :)

Totally nerdy and lame but I track my workouts with excel worksheets. I like to document what I ate and I how felt in addition to mileage/pace.


Yum that ice cream and agree on the beet hummus. That’s a big fat no. Some things just are wrong. My Monday consisted of being in the ER for the inflammation in my ankle that no one can figure out.


Do you bake a bunch of sweet potatoes ahead of time and then just reheat them? I would love for you to do a “making lunch” video! I love how you throw things together and they always look so good! What are your secrets for grocery shopping and what do you always have stocked?


I bake off 3-5 sweet potatoes every Sunday for the eek and have them ready in the fridge, so easy for lunch and dinner :)


My husband and I did long distance for three years and across three cities: Valpo, IN (near Chicago) to Detroit, Dayton, OH to Detroit, and Dayton to Valpo! It was hard but we drove to see each other on the weekends. I think it helps because when it’s longn distance there’s automatically more commitment!

I use a journal to record my runs. I want the Believe journal and keep dropping hints to my family!


I thought I was your favorite orange thing :(


Best comment. Ever.


AHHHHH!!!! That’s so exciting that he’s moving to Utah so you guys can be closer together! Congrats!


Today’s lunch was leftover homemade chicken and spinach pizza. That was a pretty exciting lunch.
I have this little notebook that I tape my workouts into and mark off what weights I used etc.

Monday Matters: all the #illridewithyou are making me cry.


Long distance running…how long are we talking? The longest I’ve done was 18k and I don’t think I’ll be attempting that again anytime soon. That was crazy for me!


My husband drinks a huge bottle (like wine bottle size) of beet juice before his race (both running and triathlons). He SAYS it makes him faster lol.


So do I! Who knows how much it actually helps, but I’ve PR-ed in every marathon so you never know! Haha


I can’t even imagine doing this.


Cookie butter ice cream? What the truck I’ve never seen this! Yum!!


Long distance can be tough! I’m happy for you that there’s an end in sight!!

I track my workouts in my Nike+ app and, also, in my agenda. Yes, I’m old fashioned like that hahahaha!

My lunches consist of a lot of pizza (I work with all guys) and salads LOL!


I’ve never been in a long distance relationship but I’m thankful for facetime and skype to stay in contact with friends and family especially now that I have a 17mo. I AM so happy to hear that your man is moving to be closer to you! I look forward to reading more about him later.


Beets. So not friendly. ::shudder::

Rotisserie chicken and sweet potatoes sound amazing.


I’ve been doing the long distance thing for the past few months…it’s been okay, but I don’t think it’s sustainable long term (which is one of the reasons why I am currently packing to move across the country.)


I’ve been tracking my workouts on an app called Cardio Trainer, where I can include all my workouts. I think I have about 3 years worth of info in there now! It’s nice to consider how I and things have changed in that time.

I’ve been loving a standard lunch the last couple of weeks – 90 second rice (I’ve been using a quinoa and rice mix), and then I throw in some cherry tomatoes, mixed beans, corn kernels, sugar snap peas, half an avocado, and a small tin of tuna – I get tuna in flavoured olive oil (like garlic and soy) so I don’t need to add any other dressing. YUM!


I guess I’m new enough around there that I didn’t know there was a man! I want to know more! :)


Monday Matters?: scheduled vet and grooming appointments for my dog. He is gonna be 6 in 8 days.

I’m not doing the long distance thing but the boy (interesting that you say the man and I say the boy. Especially since I’m probably a good 10 years older than u lol) has kids and so we only see each other one weeknight and every other weekend. Sometimes when holidays or weekends switch we have larger gaps. 10 days without seeing him and I get really sad.

I use RunKeeper for most of my tracking. I have the garmin vivofit which tracks my daily steps. I push for 10,000 or more daily.

What have your lunches been lately? Pathetic! I had fruit and cheese and a latte from Starbucks today. And pizza yesterday.


I thought I was the only one who liked putting ketchup on a sweet potato ;) Woohoo!


My husband and I were long distance for most of our dating relationship. It was so hard, and I used to cry like a baby all the time. Oh well, it worked out because we made it work! :)


Progressive run.!! Good idea. I haven’t done that in forever.

My lunches have been boring. Just some junk food. Lol or a cofew

Yay.! Happy for you and your guy :)


I love Gordon!


I used to just start a separate google calendar for my running but then i got obsessed with it and had to calm it down a bit. Im interested to see how that one works out.

That lunch looks pretty delicious to me. I just heated up some soup so it’s definitely better than that!


Long distance can be so hard! I did it for over a year with my current bf, then he moved to Denver for me a year ago! We still technically were doing long distance thang for another few months afterwards bc I had to travel for my job every week, but thankfully I’m not travelling so much anymore so we are finally in the same state/city! It stinks to not get to see the other person every day… but it *usually* means a strong foundation in communication!


I’ve been gawking over that Trader Joe’s cookie butter ice cream every time I’m in there (aka every day). They also have cookie butter cheesecake! My dream is to have a slice of cookie butter cheesecake topped with cookie butter ice cream topped with cookie butter cups, crunchy cookie butter, and crumbled speculoos cookies. One day.


My husband and I dated long distance for almost a year before we lived in the same city. It was tough but I think it just makes your relationship stronger!
That ice cream looks amazing!


Ok I may overdo it a bit, but my second favorite thing after running is tracking all my running data! I use the Garmin connect website for viewing individual runs, reports, and monthly totals, I use an excel spreadsheet to plan my whole training season, weekly mileage, and also to log runs, and then I write in a daily log book with deets on each run. phew!


I call Sweet Potatoes exciting even though I eat them literally every day too, AND I agree they are best with a little BBQ. Long distance can be tough, BUT if he is the right one no distance will matter. Good Luck and have fun! It’s true what they say “distance really does make the heart grow fonder”


Hmmm… I got a raise at work today so that is my Monday Matters!

I track all my runs through the Runner’s Log app that can connect to dailymile. I love it, its free and simple.


I”m intrigued by that beet hummus. I love beets and I love hummus… But together? Hmm. I think I need to try it for myself.

We need to see a picture of this man stat! ;) I’m so happy for you. xo


Jared and I did long distance for 16 months before we were married. It was tough, but made the times together THAT MUCH MORE SPECIAL! We’ve been married for almost a year and a half now! That also include more long distance because he travels a lot for his career! So, we are keeping up part time long distance I guess. haha. It still makes time together special! Have fun and Hang in there! :)

Also, we just found these Sundried Tomato Wraps and FANCY spreadable cheese that have made our lunches even more awesome!!!


When do we get to “meet” him? How did you meet? I have so many questions because I’m SOOOOO excited for you!!!!!! Big hugs!!:)


Please please try beets roasted!!! Super sweet and super yummy!


I’ve done the long distance thing and it definitely made us enjoy our time together. It ended up not working out, but I’m glad I learned a lot from the relationship. I do a terrible job of tracking my workouts, so I am going to check this out!! For lunch I normally have a salad with chicken, with yogurt dressing and bbq sauce. I am so going to try a sweet potato with bbq sauce now though! I have been wondering what I should put on them :)


Monday matters have consisted of studying for my last final in graduate school!!! Yiiippeee!!

Currently doing the long distance thing – met my guy last year around this time. I am in Fayetteville, AR (for my masters program) and he is in Dallas, Tx (my hometown)! Luckily, it really hasn’t been that difficult – we visit each other quite a bit! Very thankful for that. I will be done with my program in the spring and then I will be moving back to Dallas so no more long distance – so I can imagine your excitement :)

Unfortunately, I have not been able to run lately – I’ve had some odd shin issues that I cannot figure out so I am taking a couple months off. Since I can’t run, Ive been doing these workouts from the app Nike Training Center, which is pretty awesome!! They range from getting toned, lean, strong and have beginner, intermediate, and advanced workouts that range from 15-45 minutes. They’re actually pretty tough and kick my butt!

I love reading your posts everyday! Even though I can’t run and get down about it, you give me the motivation to not give up on it! Trying to stay positive and make smart decisions! Thanks for being so awesome!


Cookie butter ice cream!? Excuse me, I need to go to Trader Joe’s!

I took my mutt on a run today – he lasted 3 miles, a record for him!

My boyfriend travels for work, so he’s away from home sometimes for several months at a time. It’s hard, but it makes it so much better when he’s home! :)

I’ve been tracking workouts on Daily Mile mostly. I really want to have an actual paper training journal though. Maybe someone will get me one for Christmas!


I try to track my workouts in my head. Then, I forget about them a couple of days later. Fail.


My husband and I met on New Year’s Eve in Las Vegas (true story, complete strangers!) my last semester of nursing school. He lived in LA and I was in San Francisco. We took turns visiting each other every 2-4 weeks, and then the weekend after I graduated I moved in with him. :)

Hope you’re long distance is going well ;)




What?! I was just barely introduced to Cookie Butter this past weekend in San Diego and now that I’m home in Alaska you’re telling me they make it in ICE CREAM? How am I supposed to wait until my next vacation to try that?

I don’t track my workouts other than on Garmin connect. But in retrospect, I really wish I would’ve tracked my runs all along. I’ve been running for like 15+ years now and I really wish I had those records. Now after reading these other comments, I want the Believe journal!


I did long distance for three years. I remember the butterflies in my stomach before he would come and visit. Glad there is an end date for the long distance. Makes it so much better!


Did the long distance thing for 10 months with my ex – me here in Australia, and him in California. That one didn’t work out.
But the love of my life turned out to be just down the road, well, two and a bit hours down the road, but we made it through that little long distance for two months and we’re just about to celebrate out two year dating anniversary and we bought a house!
I’m so happy for you that you have found someone who makes you excited about being in a relationship again. If he lasts through the scared out of your mind times then he is a good one to have around.
Also, I love your Christmas Traditions with Brooke! I can’t wait until we have little ones to start doing the same thing (just give us a few years alone in that new house first!).


My Monday consisted of housework and stretching out from Sunday’s long run. Feel ok today!
I like to mix up my lunches – soup or salad or a sandwich even porridge
I have bought the Believe Training Journal for myself for Christmas and it is wrapped up under the tree! I can’t wait to open it Christmas morning and start using it! I think it will really help me with the events I have planned for next year.
Seasons greetings to everyone from England xx


I love steamed yams and chicken. I usually eat that for lunch or salad. I’m pretty boring!


Long Distance = No Fun. I feel you. We’ve been long distance for a little over 3 years while both of us finish up grad school. We have less than 2 months until we live in the same city and I CANNOT WAIT!

I use Daily Mile to track my runs and I have a paper log from Runners World that hangs on my fridge for motivation. I’ve had the same one for 5 years and I love being able to look back through them and compare. I can’t seem to move away from the paper version because I love flipping through it.


I cant wait to see a pic of this MAN! only when you are ready and willing of course! no pressure wink wink.
have fun, enjoy life and the day given to us, be positive (as you seem to be very much so now:)) and ever forward. Truly, you deserve it Janae! I’m very happy for you and Brooke.


Beet hummus, what the heck??

I am mainly tracking my workouts through Runkeeper. I sync my Garmin with Runkeeper when I use my watch. There are some days when we run intervals that it is just easier to track with Run Keeper.

Lunches are usually a veggie wrap, pita chips and hummus, and an apple. I pretty much each the same thing every single day.


We went to the American Country Countdown Awards on Monday! That and work of course, blah.
My husband and I dated long distance for three years. It was the hardest three years of our relationship, but it taught us how to communicate very well and distance really does make the heart grow fonder :)
I use Map My Run to track my running and I log everything else into my Fitbit app.
I’ve had boring lunches. Chicken wrap with hummus and green pepper. Not filling or very yummy. Boo!


We made your mom’s taco soup last night for dinner. It was so delicious! I actually have left overs for lunch today. :)


I’m SO HAPPY for you girl. I might have to go long distance soon since BF is going to grad school in another city. The sad part is that I know we can totally work this out but he’s not sure about it. Such a bummer :(

I use athleticore.com to log in all my workouts and I love it!


I’ce been using the training log online at RunningAhead. I highly recommend it! I love getting reports of mileage, pace and all that techy data. Especially the recap of how many miles I’ve run this year :). Almost 1,700. My highest mileage year!


Yes the mini Ghiradelli chocolates are so good!


I love that quote. It is perfect. :)


I agree with the comment above that you should write about how you make your lunches! they always look amazingggg and if they’re quick too then I definitely want to replicate them for myself! :)


tried TJ’s Minestrone soup for the first time today after seeing it on here so much(the closest TJ’s to me is about 2 hours away :( and I am blown away. I also got the tomato and brie tart from them and it did not disappoint either


I literally just got butterflies in my stomach when I read that your man is coming on Thursday – sooooooooooooooooooo excited for you!!!

I did the long distance thing for a long time…it had its pros (it was ALWAYS so exciting whenever you saw each other) and cons (there were so too many times when you couldn’t see each other). I think it can be done though…as long as there is an end in sight!

This is what I’m going to try next year in terms of a running log:


Speculoos ice cream?!?! yes pleaseeeeeeeee


I met my bf while visiting a friend on Amelia Island (she introduced us) a little over a year ago and now I live down here with him. We did the long-distance thing for months while I was still in Atlanta. Its works!!! I couldn’t be happier!!!


Have fun with your man!

Hope it last and then you can share all about him :)


I did long distance for over a year and it was good and bad. Well, the bad was him. :) He didn’t even have to text me when he decided to break up with me – he just stopped all contact with me so there’s that. Haha. Otherwise it was great! And it was fun to leave OKC for Denver every now and then. Best of luck to you! You deserve a great guy!!


SPECULOOS ICE CREAM?!?!?!!?!??! I need to get to TJ’s right now!


Hi Janae! I’ve been a long time reader, but never commented. I just adore your blog and pass it along to anyone I can. You inspire me in a lot of ways and you and your little Brookers are just both so beautiful! Speaking of Brooke, where did you get her long sweatshirt in your most recent post? She is always dressed so cute and I would love one for my daughter.

Lets see if I can answer all of these:

Monday Matters: Both my husband and oldest son have the flu so I’ve been trying to take care of them and keep them away from other kids so it doesn’t spread during this holiday season. We’ve been cooped up at home for a week and I’m desperately missing my early morning (did I just say that?!) runs with my girls!

Long Distance: My husband and I did long distance when I studied in Spain in college for 6 months. It had its moments, but we made it and the moments we saw each other were that much sweeter :)

How do I track my workouts: I use My Fitness Pal app and Runmeter on my phone, but I also do the old fashioned planner too.

My lunches lately: have been an english muffin with a buffalo chicken spread from Whole Foods (can’t remember the brand, but its delicious), tomato slice and a hard boiled egg, some sort of fruit on the side, as well as 356 tortilla strips. I love sweet potatoes, but how do you cook yours? I usually need a lunch that I can make quickly with 4 kids running around.


Lol I did the mini-distance thing after I graduated college and my boyfriend still had an extra semester. We were only 25-30 minutes apart but it still sucked a lot. I was working full time and studying to take the GRE, and he was obviously still in school. Wimps. But we made it through :)

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