Favorite things today!

– We got a little bit of snow.  Snow isn’t my favorite but it made Brooke happy and that makes me happy.  

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 -Gas was $2.22 per gallon yesterday.  Now that is just amazing.  

– These individual packs of guacamole from Costco.  They taste amazing on top of a baked sweet potato (okay, pretty much everything tastes amazing to me on a sweet potato).

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– Colbie Caillat’s Christmas album. I listen to this song on repeat.  

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-Sara brought over some Protein Balls and they are the perfect little snacks!  I had one right before teaching spin for an energy boost.

1 cup quick oats

1/2 cup almond butter

1/4 cup of honey + more depending on if they are sticking

1-2 scoops of protein powder

Whatever add ins that you want —>  coconut/nuts/pb chocolate chips/chia seeds etc.

You can also add in whatever extract flavors that you want!

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-I opened Brooke’s Christmas present to me early and she sure knows my taste.  I fully understand that I have a weird (and probably unhealthy) obsession with shoes.

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-Salads from Wild Zucchini.  They contain more toppings than lettuce.  

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-This text from Monica.  I hope that many people are reminded of me every time that they think about donuts.   

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-My sister’s baby bump.  We’re getting closer to meeting the little man!!!

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-Harry & David pears on my mom’s kitchen counter.  When these are ripe they actually taste better than candy.  Coming from me, that means a lot.

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-Megan D’s (from the comment section) Christmas present for me and Brooke.  She knows us too well.  

Chocolate chip pancakes 4 life.  

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-The fact that Brooke calls Megan—> Aunt Meg:)

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-I get to see BANGS FRIEND ON SUNDAY!!!!!!!

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-The best part about winter—>  Hot chocolate.  All day.  Every day.

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What is your favorite part about winter?

Hot chocolate—>  with or without marshmallows?

What are you most looking forward to this weekend?

Random question for the day—>  on average, how long does it take you to fall asleep?!

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I just hate shoveling snow but if it’s just a dusting I love it! I was also really excited to see gas prices so low yesterday, I got 2.29 which is pretty much unheard of. Really looking forward to celebrating Hanukkah with my whole family tomorrow! Have a great Friday :)


I only drink hot chocolate FOR the marshmallows.


Definitely with marshmellows! This weekend in looking forward to a good run and leg workout. I have a magical time that if I hit it and go to bed immediately I’ll fall right to sleep, if not it takes me forever!


Hot chocolate, No marshmallows, Add Whipped Cream! Heavenly!


YES! I am so down with this combination for my hot choc!


Those pears are the best! I bought a box for my parents a few weeks ago….and then shamelessly stole one. :)

I have a race(5k) this weekend and I’m looking forward to that.


I prefer my hot chocolate with whipped cream, but if I can’t have that, then marshmallows are a necessity. It can’t be naked.

I’m excited to go pick my sister up from the airport! I only see her a few times a year, so this is the best part of my week!

Favorite part about winter – I like clouds and snow, so I get pretty excited about that!

Have a great weekend!


I’m looking forward to being DONE with Christmas shopping and wrapping, so I can get my baking on!

Takes me prob about 15 mins to fall asleep.

Hot Choc with whipped cream!


I haven’t really had any hot chocolate this winter – that needs to change today. I tend to go without marshmallows though…they just melt anyway.


This weekend I’ve got my last race of the year — a 5K. WHY are 5Ks so intimidating?! I wish I was running a half this weekend instead! :)

If I ran during the day I can fall asleep in seconds! When I don’t run it takes me much longer to fall asleep.


I can go along with loving winter until the football season ends… after that, it’s just a countdown to spring!

Marshmallows in my hot chocolate for sure!

This weekend, I’m most looking forward to an hour and a half massage. I actually put off scheduling it for awhile just so I could anticipate it. Talk about crazy.

I can fall asleep… the trouble is staying asleep. Ugh!


My favorite thing about winter is snow! Plus cute coats and boots. Winter fashion > summer fashion

I’m a hot chocolate purist. No marshmallows. No whipped cream. Nothing.

Have a wonderful weekend!


I love snow and snow sports. So winter is welcome because I can ski and snow shoe.
I am picky with hot chocolate. I don’t like the powdered version. I will only melt my own chocolate and add hot milk. Marshmallows aren’t necessary.
I’m looking forward to my annual holiday run with my friends tomorrow. We meet at 6:30am in NYC and run past all the Xmas windows and the rock center tree and then go to whole foods for breakfast. :)
I can fall asleep in less than 10 minutes almost always. Every now and again it will take an hour or two.


Marshmallows, um…..yes!! I love making hot chocolate though, so much better than the packaged stuff!
I am running in a 50k Trail relay this weekend! It is going to be amazing!
It takes me forever to fall asleep, I lie down and start thinking, then get up. Repeat! Until finally I get everything done and can sleep!


I need those guac packets. I can never eat a single serving!
I love winter soups.
Hot chocolate WITH marshmallows!
Our family Christmas party is this weekend:)
It probably takes me about 30 mins to fall asleep.


I love putting mini peppermint flavored marshmallows into my hot chocolate all winter! YUM!!


I like the warm tea and coffee on a cold evening. That’s my fav part of winter
Why would you even do hot chocolate without marshmallows and maybe whipped cream?
I’m looking forward to going home for the holidays and letting our dog play with my mother-in-law’s dogs. He’s going to be so happy!
I’m out like a light when I hit the pillow. It scares my husband sometimes.


Looking forward to a little break from work, a ton of family, a lot of fires and red wine. Woo! Oh, and I should probs train for my marathon in there somewhere too ;).

Have an awesome day!!


Our costco gas in S Jordan was $2.16. They were even announcing it as you walked in the door!
I’m so happy you get to see Bangs! I always loved her as your friend! <–that makes it sound like I'm watching a TV show and I get to see an old character. Ha!


I take ambien regularly. While I fall asleep faster than a drunken toddler, I may try to eat a stick of butter or lick my husband’s face before I do. Thankfully, he’s good at not letting me eat the butter.


I LOVE Harry & David Pears! And it probably takes me about 10 minutes to fall asleep tops. Granted I usually get in bed and watch TV on my laptop or read first. How far along is your sister!?!? So exciting!


I love a good snow storm when I don’t actually have to be anywhere. There’s nothing better then sitting on the couch in a blanket reading and watching the snow fall :)

Hot chocolate without marshmallows for sure!

I usually fall asleep after 15 minutes or so. My boyfriend knocks out almost immediately, but it takes me a while.


I scored gas at Costco day before yesterday at $2.09. I thought I was dreaming!! I’ll drink hot chocolate either way —- not picky!
Usually, it takes me about 3 minutes to fall asleep, but I’m also pregnant with a toddler, so that doesn’t help. In normal circumstances, I’d say 10-15 minutes?


I love getting little out of the blue texts from my friends. This week I’ve actually sent out a few just to let them know I am thinking of them. I love this holiday season because of the colder weather, people seem to be nicer, and the Christmas lights.


I fall asleep within three minutes these days. Doesn’t mean I stay asleep all night but I am out like a light as soon as my head hits the pillow…The price of gas has been exciting me too! We are at about $2.79!


I am NOT a fan of Winter at all, but if I had to pick a favorite thing I guess it would be wrapping up in big fluffy blankets on the couch watching Christmas movies.

I love Hot Chocolate. The only time I like the marshmallows is when they are in the hot chocolate mix, not a huge fan of fresh ones…

Growing up, the weekend before Christmas I would stay at my Uncle’s house and make cookies and hang out with my cousins. For the last 7 years I have had two of my cousins come over to my place to make cookies and watch movies. This year my youngest cousin wants me to teach her how to decorate a cake (just took a cake class this fall). She wants to grow up to become a chef/baker, so I am super excited I can show her what I know.

It generally takes me 20-30 minutes to fall asleep. I have a hard time shutting off my brain.


I never thought about guacamole on a potato! Great idea!
It takes me forever to fall asleep. I think it’s because I always have so much on my mind!


Love those ankle boots!! Definitely with marshmallows! I think my favourite part would be waking up on Christmas and actually seeing it snow outside! I don’t think it’s going to happen this year but I really hope it does! I used to fall asleep in about 5 minutes but now it usually takes me 30-60 minutes at the least :(


I love just a little bit of snow and running on a perfect winter day where its cold but not too cold and not windy!
I prefer my hot chocolate without marshmallows, and this reminds me that I haven’t had any hot chocolate yet this season! I did have a peppermint mocha from Starbucks, if that counts!


No marshmallows!

I’m looking forward to my track meet and sleeping this weekend!

It takes me anywhere from 2 minutes to an hour to fall asleep


I love those ankle boots! They are my new fav trend!!!!


Gas here went under $2 yesterday! Amazing! I love marshmallows in my hot chocolate–so good. I have a final today, and then the semester is over, so this weekend I’m looking forward to not having class work to do!


Gas has been pretty cheap lately, I’m not complaining! Those protein balls–can you eat them raw? Without cooking the oats?


I crash when my head hits the pillow. I think food is one of the best gifts ever especially when the person is a foodie and appreciates it.


I like a little hot chocolate with my mashmallows :) And I think it takes me about 2 minutes to fall asleep.


Hot chocolate without marshmallows (I am going to be in the minority on this one)
I really just don’t like winter much at all. I guess if I have to say something It can be pretty to see the snow as long as you don’t have anywhere to go. And I guess I like the arm and core workout I get from shoveling….but I really just LOVE summer!!!!!!
I take about 15 minutes to fall asleep….my husband on the other hand, 15 seconds!


I love Coby Calliat and the song she did on her holiday album with my man Gavin DeGraw…LOVE HIM


Love saldas that have more toppings than lettuce! It usually takes me about 30 seconds to fall asleep, not kidding :)


Might be a dummy question, but for these protein balls, do you just mix it all together with your hands and shape into balls? Store in fridge? Thanks!

Maybe you should try them w cookie butter. Just sayin’….


I am glad you cropped me out of that picture. I can only imagine what face I am pulling…and only you get to enjoy those pretty faces of mine ;)

Hot chocolate – no marshmallows, but definitely not without flavored creamer.

I don’t like the snow (even though, yes, it is pretty) or the cold, but I do love the clothing associated with winter – sweaters, cardigans, pants, boots. And I am kind of in love with your boots from last night. Kinda surprised I didn’t steal them right off your feet. Even if I would have to stuff the toes of the shoes with paper to make them fit. #worthit

It takes me 4.5seconds to fall asleep. Probably cause I need more sleep. If it takes me longer than 5min I get a little upset and start to wonder if that is what insomnia feels like. Hint: I am sure that is nothing like what insomnia feels like #IAmJustReallyDramatic


what lip color do you use?!


My favorite part about winter is having two weeks off with the fam bam!

Hot chocolate should always have marshmallows!

The hubs and I are headed to San Francisco this weekend! Woohoo!!

I can fall asleep in about .02 seconds :)


On average, it takes me as much time for my head to hit the pillow for me to fall asleep! :)


Man, Brooke ROCKS the pigtails! :)

I’m usually asleep within 10 minutes of my head hitting the pillow, sometimes less!

I’ve been overdosing on hot cocoa like a mad woman, pretty sure I’ve got chocolate running through my veins!


Harry & David pears = the BEST! They’re like candy…mmm!

Love your new shoes!! I’m just a tad shoe obsessed myself…the lack of room I have to store them is becoming a problem!

Have a great weekend! Enjoy your time with Bangs Friend! Yay!


It is easy for me to fall asleep, I just lay down and close my eyes and within minutes I fall asleep.
I love winter for the cute clothes that I finally get to pull out and wear, but after that I can’t think of anything else. I am a warm weather girl.


What is your favorite part about winter? Christmas. Then it can go away. I’m not a fan of the cold or snow.

Random question for the day—> on average, how long does it take you to fall asleep?!:
Depends.. before or after I’m done Instragramming for the day? lol. I probably fall asleep 45 minutes after I get in bed, but probably 35 minutes is on Instagram.


P.S. I really love those shoes. Brooke has great taste! I’m trying this new thing to save money where I have to run 1 mile for every $1 I want to spend on unnecessary things… Do I think they are worthy of 100 miles? hmm… Actually I think they might be a NECESSARY thing so maybe I can just buy them right away :)


I like your idea about $1 per mile!


I have six kids, so it takes me just as many seconds to fall asleep once my head hits the pillow.


Favorite part of winter-being in my warm house and looking out the window at the snow. Hot chocolate definitely WITH marshmallow. Best thing about the weekend- my son is coming home from college for winter break. It usually takes me less than 5 minutes to fall asleep (I get in bed with my hubby at 9–he falls right to sleep and I’m usually on my phone for an hour.)


Oh gosh. I think I am typically asleep before my head even hits the pillow. Except this week. Working 2 jobs has left me with insomnia the last couple of weeks.
You mean people have favorite things during winter?! Um, I guess my fave would be hibernating with fuzzy clothes, blankets, comfort food, and Hulu. Sounds like I’m gonna 2 gym memberships come spring! LOL
Excited for this weekend for: a new pizza joint with my friend, Rachel, and an interview for a personal trainer position!


Love Brooke’s present to you! That’s a cute idea :) And that wild zucchini salad looks delicious right now…

We are flying to CA to visit family tomorrow! Problem is our toddler has been throwing up this morning :( I’m hoping this passes fast and we don’t all get sick.


That salad looks delicious!

Marshmallows. Always.


I love cheap gas! Ha! And my favorite part of the Christmas season is seeing my family and going to fun holiday parties :)


My future in laws got me Harry and David pears and they are the absolute best pears ever. Brooke does have great taste..must take after you. ;)


The price of gas seriously shocks me every time I pull into a gas station! The gas station attendant (we don’t pump our own gas in Oregon) always says something about it.

My favorite part about winter is the snow, all of the colorful lights at night, and the CX skiing!!

I like a mix of marshmallows AND whipped cream on my hot chocolate. The more the merrier.

This weekend I am most looking forward to seeing the movie Wild (a majority was filmed around Central Oregon – so I’m excited to see familiar territory) and Seahawks football!


I agree with the whipped cream and marshmallow combo too! heavenly…simply heavenly :)


Is it bad if I think chocolate shavings are the best hot chocolate topping?

This weekend I am most looking forward to going to a pet adoption event at a local shelter! My husband and I have been conaidering getting a second dog so Charlie can have a friend. Even if we don’t get another dog we’ll still get to play with a bunch of puppies!


I love the look of snow, but not the cold part. :) Hot chocolate-with, without, any which way. I love hot chocolate!!

We have a fun weekend planned, so I am looking forward to all of it! Christmas crafts and wine tonight with a couple of girlfriends, ex-roommate Christmas with my 2 old roommates tomorrow night, and then a cookie exchange with a big group of friends on Sunday. So much celebrating!!

We don’t keep a tv in our room, so usually we go to bed when we are tired. I think I take 5 mins max to fall asleep. Is that weird?


I’m so excited you get to see Bang’s Friend! That sounds like a great day right there. #missingfriends

Um…I love winter clothes and boots SO MUCH. I get that obsession. For sure.


WITH MARSHMALLOWS!! Preferably half a bag of marshmallows! I just made the hot chocolate cookies you posted once upon a time that have the marshmallows on top and they are amazing – thank you!


Hi! I’m new to your blog and love the site! :)
My favorite thing about winter… the last couple of years my husband and I have made a tradition to take a weekend trip up north to NH or ME for a little getaway around the holidays. I love the decorations and warm cozy feeling of being in an Inn in the middle of the mountains!
Hot chocolate without marshmellows please!
Looking forward to a cocktail party with friends and getting dressed up fancy tomorrow night!
And it usually takes me about 15 minutes, give or take, to fall asleep.


I can fall asleep pretty fast – maybe 10 minutes tops. I’m jealous of your snow, because I’ve never had a white Christmas. And I surely won’t this year, as I head to Florida tomorrow for a week!


It’s actually been taking me a long time to fall asleep lately so I’ve been laying in bed reading a lot. Hot chocolate is definitely one of my favorite things during Christmas time! I’m about to pick some up now on the way to work!


Gas in parts of Dallas is now under $2.00! Crazy.

I’m looking forward to Christmas shopping this weekend and trying out workout routines from my new personal trainer #getmotivated


Favorite part about winter: the magic of Christmas with a kiddo.

Hot cocoa with a big scoop of marshmallow fluff please! I think this might just be a my family thing. Or maybe a New England thing (since we’re the region that eats fluffernutters after all.)

It proably takes me about 20 minutes to a half hour to fall asleep. Maybe less if I’m exhausted.


For this weekend, I’m looking forward to the Christmas service at our church. All of the ministries prepared songs/skits/videos, so it’s going to be fun :)


Mini marshmallows are a must.!! Yum

And sorry. I’m gonna be a hater. I love guacamole and sweet potatoes.!! But together sounds gross. Haha. Might be the texture.? But I guess I can’t hate if I’ve never tried it


The best part about winter is all the candles I get to burn! Those scents just dont work in warmer weather. Also baking. All the baking.

Once it gets cold I start craving warm sweet potatoes and squash so I just bought a whole bag yesterday.

I am usually out within 5-10 minutes, if that. I loves me some sleep.


I love the snow (if I don’t have to shovel it) and the snuggly clothes in winter time. Not to mention all the holiday treats!

Hot chocolate: There should be marshmallows. Always

I am looking forward to getting my grab bag from pro compression this weekend – that’s not weird, right? ;)

It usually only takes me around 10 minutes to fall asleep, or less. I’m a good sleeper.


Heart melted.
UGH I miss you guys already and it’s been about 3.5 seconds. I hope your week is SO FUN AND I CAN’T WAIT FOR YOU TO GET HERE!!!!!!!
I hope the caps show my real excitement. K? K.
Snaps for days until then.


Love snow if I don’t have to drive in it. It’s 3 straight miles downhill to get on the freeway. I white knuckle it all the way down!

Wait, what about hot chocolate with whip?!

If I diffuse doeterra lavender and it knocks me out in minutes and sleep like a baby! try it!


The comment about donuts making people think of you is perfect. I had actually just copied this link to come over and drop off when I saw this new post. This made me think of you!


My favorite part about winter is wearing warm, fuzzy socks!


Did the boy come yesterday??


Fav part of winter right now is wearing scarfs! Hot Chocolate WITH marshmellows of course! Looking forward to shopping for an outfit to wear to a Christmas party. Answer to the random ?: About 10 minutes! Thankfully usually don’t have any problems sleeping.


I LOVE the snow!!! And we get lots up here!

I would PREFER to have marshmallows (the small ones) but definitely wouldn’t turn hot chocolate down if there weren’t any!

I always read before I go to bed…once I turn out my light it, on average, takes about 1 minute to fall asleep!!


Just tried sweet potato with bbq sauce last night (per your suggestion)
Where has this been my whole life?


My favorite part of the winter is when it snows in Texas! So fun and such a rare treat!
It usually takes me 15-30min to fall asleep mostly because my mind races when i lay there.
This weekend I’m looking forward to Christmas shopping and my baby sis coming home from college!


I have to agree with someone above that said ‘I only drink hot chocolate for the marshmallows.” That is the only reason I drink hot chocolate lol. I have had whip cream on top as well and that is a really good time. Basically fill my cup up with all of it and I’m very happy.

This weekend I am looking forward to the Annual Patterson Tacky Sweater Christmas Party. I love dressing up in ridiculous outfits and this one will be no different.


My cousin has 200+ pairs so I doubt you are up to her level of obsessed!


Oh those booties are so cute…why does my budget fly out the window when I am anywhere near the Nordstrom shoe department???? :)
My favorite part of winter is going to Mexico with friends over President’s day weekend – this is probably our 5th year running.
Marshmallows – yes…..
This weekend I am looking forward to seeing friends and family – its been way too long. I am celebrating the end of my work travel season (for at least a couple months anyway).
Happy weekend!
I can fall asleep pretty quickly.


Favorite part about winter: hot drinks! Coffee, tea, chocolate!
Cute shoes janae!!!!! You have great taste in footwear!
Looking forward this weekend to spending time with my husband and baby!


Hello, I love your blog!! I just started mine a couple of weeks ago, and I would love if you could read it! I was wondering how to get my blog noticed??

I am a college student writing about anything and everything. Thanks!!


I’m actually not a fan of hot chocolate at all. I’d choose coffee or chai over it any day. I feel like apologising!

This weekend I’m looking forward to having a bit of down time. Christmas shopping is done, and I don’t really have any plans! My husband’s mum has just arrived to stay for next month, and I’m looking forward to spending some time with my family :)

I fall asleep really easily! Once I’m horizontal, it’s only a few minutes until I’m out. It helps that I get up at stupid o’clock (ie. between 4 – 4:30am).


not a fan of hot chocolate? what’s happening????? I am a big coffee fan also and although I only had chai once I really liked it when I did. There is sometime about winter and hot chocolate though… :)


Hot chocolate with marshmallows … especially if it’s candy cane flavored! :)


I completely agree with you about Harry & David pears. Those things are amazing!!


Hot Chocolate WITH marshmallows!!!!!! “without”?…is that even a thing? Has to be with (double underline, bold, and italics)
If I’m really tired it takes me less than 15 minutes to fall asleep. But if it’s the night before a race forget it..I toss and turn all night :(


Yes! Marshmallows. Lots!
Do people really say no to that?
Favorite part… all of it! Sweaters, boots, cuddling, holidays, a great excuse to go to sleep at 8:30 pm…I love it!!!
I usually fall asleep within a few minutes unless I’m.stressed or worried about something. Then, I might be up all night. That’s the worst.
Do you say aunt or auntie there in Utah???


I live in Alaska so I love the winters for the most part – my favorite part is probably sledding, ice skating and skiing!

It takes me about 2- 10 minutes to fall asleep :)


Looking forward to seeing my step daughter this weekend and I need to know where your little Brooke got those boots? She’s got some really great taste in shoes! ;)


Whoops…missed the link!


I like my hot chocolate without marshmallows. I might be the only one!


Right now my favorite part of winter is Trader Joe’s Candy Cane Green Tea. It smells and tastes AMAZING and it’s decaffeinated so I can drink it all day long without feeling too guilty. Also, in the UK, they drink their hot chocolate with marshmallows AND whipped cream – I’ve always had it either/or, but the two together blew my mind!


Our Costco doesn’t have the individual packets. So sad! I bought the three tubs though and it’s AMAZING!


Love those booties, too cute!

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