Cancer free and 5 random things!

This is one of my favorite people ever and she is the strongest girl I know.  

We first met 6 years ago when I was teaching spin in Provo and she would come to all of my classes.  We recently reconnected (hallelujah!) and she came to my spin class today.  She was diagnosed with breast cancer and went through intense chemo over this last year and kept her positive attitude the entire time.  She is now cancer free but still has 6 more treatments left until she is all done.  She is back to exercising again and talking to her for just 1 minute is guaranteed to put you in the best mood.  

It is amazing to me what some people go through and how well they handle it!

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Next on the agenda—>  my mom, Brooke and I went over to my sister’s house to hang out for a bit.  Her husband made us blueberry/spinach/mango/yogurt smoothies and they hit the spot.  He also made us some wonton soup (he is a keeper!!)

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The girls loved their smoothies too!

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And 5 random things I need to tell you about:

1.  I cannot stop eating these.  These taste like candy.  

In my world, 9 clementines = 1 serving of fruit.  

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2.  Our mountains were looking extra cold this morning.

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3. Yes and yes hungrymotherrunner!!!!

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4.  There isn’t a lot out there better than a head massage.   My sister and I are known for constantly switching off giving each other head massages whenever we are together.  Another reason I will never move away from her again:)

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5.  The only person that will still hug me when I am sweaty after a workout. She does always make sure to put her blanket in between us when I am sweaty:)

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An avid runner and racquetball player reader emailed me yesterday asking:

“I was wondering if you have ever known anyone who has ever suffered from a condition called haglund’s deformity/pump bump?  It’s just a bump on the back of your heel really and it has gotten to the point where I need to have the bump removed.  I am just wondering if other people with this problem have elected to have surgery for it.”

Anyone experience this problem?  Can anyone help her out?


I haven’t heard anything random from you lately… YOUR TURN!!!  Tell me the random stuff in your life!

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Congrats to your friend for beating cancer! I’ve lost two family members to cancer in the past year and I know how terrible going through chemo is. Your friend is a beast!


There is *nothing* like a good head massage! I love going to the salon and getting the shampoo, ahhhhh. I would pay for someone else to wash my hair every day if it was more convenient! hahaha

Random: I may be getting a retired greyhound from a rescue group! They are super calm dogs who apparently take their retirement very seriously and sleep up to 17 hours a day! haha I am hoping I can teach him to run with me at my pace, because his pace of 40mph is a little too fast for me ;) I might have to name him Usain Bark LOL


I have had several retired racing greyhounds as pets and they are the best!! A little different than other dogs because they weren’t raised in a house from a puppy but well worth it. They’re soooo sweet and laid back.


I’ve been reading all about them for the last month and am really excited!

Were you able to get your greys to run distance with you?

From what I’ve read you can usually get them to run 2 or 3 miles max…. although one forum I found had a couple of people who got their greys to run upward of 5 miles! I’m hoping my guy will be willing to do that! :) If not though, that’s okay!


I have a retired racer. Distance running doesn’t happen with him, and running in general, even a mile or two is too much. They also don’t do particularly well outside in temperature extremes, which makes runs more different if you’re in a temperate climate. He’ll go for walks but if you’re looking for a running buddy I’d definitely look at a different breed.

He’s an awesome, awesome dog, BTW :) Just a lazy, awesome dog.


My last one could do 3 mi runs with me pretty consistently until he started getting a little arthritic in his old age. I never tried to get him built up to distances past that. They are very temperature sensitive and I live in the South so I would usually do shorter runs or just walk with him during the summer.


When I ran the Pittsburgh marathon in 2013, the greyhound rescue group had some dogs that people could run with for a half mile or so. My friend and I each grabbed a leash. Definitely one of the highlights of the marathon!


Wow…I’m always amazed when people get cancer so young, it shouldn’t happen ever, but when its so young it just blows my mind. Good for her for keeping a great attitude and a healthy lifestyle!

My random for the day…I just signed up for the Wisconsin Marathon in May! WooHoo!


Congrats to your friend! I have a friend who was diagnosed two months ago with lung cancer and is going through chemo. It’s so hard to watch.


I am thinking about becoming a spin instructor or a personal trainer haven’t quite decided!!

I love a good head massage!


Wow that is such great news to hear she is cancer free. Congrats! I cannot even imagine how amazing and great that must feel.

I think deep tissue massages are the best but I bet scalp massages are pretty relaxing too. Glad to hear everything is going well for you Janae.

Random about me…we are getting wood delivered to our house tonight for fires and I think it could be the most exciting thing of my week.


Random: I got a job teaching SPIN!!! I was certified in the spring but haven’t taught a regular class yet. I start in January and plan on stealing all of your playlists ;)

Mandarin oranges are like crack this time of year. They just keep disappearing from my kitchen!!


So glad your friend beat cancer! Praise the Lord!

My husband has those bumps on his shoulders from doing heavy squats. I don’t think they bother him but it is a little awkward.


Head scratches are the BEST. Seriously.

HAPPY DAY for your friend! CANCER FREE! That made me smile. Very inspiring.

:) Happy Thursday, Janae!


YES!!! I have had haglund’s deformity/pump bump!! Please have your reader e-mail me…[email protected]


hi janae!! it sounds like your day is going well :) i love the blanket-as-a-barrier thing haha! i do that with my friends and family and couch :) lol.

my days are going alright now, i’m studying for the GMAT so that eats up most of my time -_- and still going to a lot of yoga classes which I’m happy about! but it’s hard for me to find a good balance between work, study, fitness, and friends/dates. I’m still working on it but i feel like one always suffers.


My life is all about random and weird. So Portland is the best place to do that and I’m heading there this weekend. I promise to scope out hot dudes with the most beautiful beards sporting serious amounts of flannel. Bonus points if they ride by on their bike with a box of donuts in hand.


If I were reading this blog for the first time and didn’t know you, I would think Curly and Brooke were sisters. They look identical sitting together at that table!

Also, I love a good head massage. Can we add that to our next girls night?

This comment sounds totally normal and not creepy AT ALL.


I thought the same thing about the girls!


My mother had pump bump several times – once when she was 18, and then it came back again in her early 40s. The key is to get a good doctor – the doctor who removed it when she was 18 did a poor job, and as a result she had to return when she was 40 (it had been slowly growing from her early 20s again). She is now 54 and there is no sign of it at all :)

One suggestion I’d have is: do not wear heels OR flats, any shoe that rubs constantly on the back of your foot and doesn’t provide support will likely contribute to the return of the bump. Unfortunately, most supportive shoes aren’t quite as nice looking on feet.

Good luck to the reader who asked the question!


Congrats to your friend for beating cancer! That is absolutely amazing <3


What amazing news to know your friend beat this awful disease. She is a fighter!

Randomness- I had an amazing run this morning with my husband and son (in Bob) but being 16 weeks preggo I now feel like I ran an Iron Man. So tired? Yes i am growing a child but it’s crazy how much it takes it out of you.

Have an awesome day!


Congratulations to your friend…that’s incredible news!!
I’m heading to Memphis tomorrow to run the St. Jude Marathon as a Hero. Her news is the perfect reminder of why I raised money and why I’m running!!


My husband had a ganglion cyst removed from his ankle bone. I’m not sure if that’s very similar but he was up and back to his normal activity in just a few weeks.


Random: I just raised enough money to get my personal training certification, so it’s off to order that and let the studying commence!


Congrats & God bless your friend!! Halos are my absolute favorite!


Cancer free!!!!!!!! That is awesome!!!!!!!!!!

Random: for some reason my husbands phone syncs all his photos with my phone, and apparently my daughter and him had a photo shoot!!!! The pics are hilarious so of course I can’t keep them to myself and will be posting some tomorrow!!!! <— I get wife of the year for that right???


Yay for your spin friend. My best friend had breast cancer and completed her treatment too!
Random is I drove out to my brothers house to drive my niece to jazz band practice because her parents had a dinner to go to. I love that my niece had basketball practice first and came home with only 30 min to eat and shower. She is full of life just like me. :)


Whoa that picture of the mountains is beautiful! Here’s something random about my life: I just bought so many bags of Philz coffee to bring back to Boston with me that they gave me a free coffee + cookie as a thank you (I guess all of the stores are competing to sell the most Tesora coffee for the holidays and my major purchase was a big help.)


Your friend has the prettiest smile! And that picture of the smoothie gave me the chills because I can’t bring myself to drink smoothies in the winter, but that soup sounds great!

Random – I am craving a greasy fast food taco LIKE.NO.OTHER.


Ive always thought Brooke looked like your older niece (who I think looks just like you lol!) but Brooke looks just like Curly is that last pic!

Congrats to your friend on being cancer free!!!


Tell your friend she is strong and beautiful! My mom was also a young survivor of breast cancer. I can’t even begin to understand the battle these women have been through. So glad she is healthy now :)


Random – My little mini dachshund brought me my running shoes this morning while I was still sleeping! He’s never done that before and I was super impressed.


That is amazing!!! Big High fives of congratulations to your friend!!!!:):)


Yay for your friend being cancer free :D
I, too, eat at least five clementines and a time because it’s like candy!


I am currently eating frozen grapes, they seriously taste like candy!


I’m in need of a head massage!


Congratulations to your friend on being cancer free! So happy for her!

Random: I was looking for a leg strength video on Youtube to do after my run today, and I found this this weird 90’s video, complete with leotards. It was really entertaining and actually ended up being a good way to do strength training haha!


I’m so happy for your friend! What a trooper. Also, she looks like Kate Middleton! Goodness.
I can’t get enough of those Halos, either. I couldn’t find them at the grocery store today and I almost had a fit.


Yay for your friends good news!!!


Oh my goodness, I didn’t know my heel thing had a name!! I have a large bump on the back of both heels. It has always rubbed holes in my shoes, running and non running shoes. They are almost always red, and calloused. It sometimes hurts if my shoes are at all snug. I’ve had it my whole life and am used to it, but I did just think I had odd heels. Nice to know I’m not the only one and my special bumps have a name, lol.


Sam here Beth. I just thought mine were normal. I am an equestrian rider and constantly have riding boots on and many times they give me blisters on the back of my heels so I thought that the little bumps were a build up of scar tissue to protect my heels. Ill have to do some more research as to whether or not I want to get those removed.


I have haglunds – didn’t know that was an official ‘thing’! My foot doctors years ago told me I would have to have mine removed. I never have (I’m 32 now). I ran in college and my dad, an orthodontist, sent me a drill because he would drill holes in my shoes where my bump would hit. That’s my sign for getting new running shoes – when the backs of my shoes wear down…time to get new ones! They don’t hurt…so I’m just going with the flow till they cause me problems.

Good luck!!!


YES! I’ve had Haglund’s deformity on both my left and right heel. I had the surgery on each. I had the surgery on both. First on the right (the left wasn’t a problem yet) and then the left 4 years later. Recovery was pretty quick. I was in a walking boot for 3 weeks. Once I was done with the boot I stuck to open-heel shoes (both times my surgery was in the winter…yuck!). Get back slowly into your workout – I hit up the elliptical a lot for a good range of motion with my Achilles. I would also walk on the treadmill (in Birkenstocks, HA!) for 15-20 minutes to walk while my Achilles was loose. The Achilles tendon will have a tendency to tighten for a while after this surgery until range of motion is back to normal. I had the second surgery and was training for a marathon 6-9 months later. Totally worth it. The “bump” can actually grow and calcify against the Achilles tendon, which is why I elected for the surgery. Feel free to email me with any questions!


Hi Sarah!! I’m not sure if you will see this but I would love to talk to you more about your recovery…I’m about to have to surgery in 2 weeks (the winter as well…yay)! My e-mail is an.swallow@gmail if you could shoot me an email :)


Congrats to your friend for beating cancer! That’s amazing :) And I totally agree with the Barbie photo on instagram!!


I started wrapping Christmas presents today, the tree looks better. It makes me really excited to get closer to Christmas – I can’t wait to see my boyfriend unwrap his presents! :)


Congratulations to your friend for now being in the clear :)


I had a pump bump on my left heel, I changed shoes and the pain went away after several months, although the bump is still slightly visible


That bump is also known as a “pump bump” because women used to get them from wearing heels all the time at the office. It’s generally considered only a calcification, and isn’t necessary to be removed unless it’s affecting movement and your quality of life. The reason is that the surgery for this is a ROUGH one. They’ll go in, scrape the heel (scraping that bump off), and the recovery time is a little rough. But you gotta do what you gotta do, so if you need the surgery, go for it! Hope this helps your reader!


I had a bump on my thumb knuckle that made it painful to bend it, or to try to open a lid, it actually went away one day…after we had a very physical weekend.

yay for your friend…so happy and proud of her


I am a college freshman and recently just ran my first half marathon :D. Anyway I am a little scared that all the stress of college and not being able to get proper nutrition due to the lack of healthy options in our cafeteria will keep me from staying fit and progressing with my running. I was wondering if anyone was a avid runner through their college years and if they have any tips about how to keep up a healthy lifestyle?


What college do you go to?
I am graduating college in about a week and I ran through all three years I was in college. It was a magnificent stress reliever!!! Plus, a great way to connect with other people. My college had a running club that would meet for 3-5mile runs. :) You might want to look into that at your college.

I also had to eat in the cafeteria at school and what I found was that I made my own meals. My cafeteria had stations, like a wrap station, omelet station, salad station, and a grill. So, many times for breakfasts- breakfast sandwhich with eggs, cheese, and sausage, then I would bring my own protein powder in a shake cup and use the milk machine to make a shake. Lunches- Wrap with a whole wheat wrap with lots of meat (I mean you are paying for it), and veggies gallore. Dinner- I always, always, always got an omelet. They could even make an egg white omelet for me if I wanted. Many times as well, if they were grilling chicken breasts, I would get one then take it to another station to add it to a wrap, or an egg, or even a salad!
Key? Get creative. Think about what your cafeteria offers and create your own meals. You are paying to eat there so take advantage of what they offer. You can always request certain foods as well. My cafeteria recently opened a Vegetarian/ Vegan station due to popular demand. Look into that too!
If you have any other questions, I would love love love to talk to you more about surviving college with running, email me! [email protected]
Hope this helps!!


haha if that’s how you should look after a workout.. I’m right on point!


Random. I made homemade peanut butter salted caramel a few days ago. It is AMAZING on apples. No more deciding between peanut butter and caramel in my apples! :)


That sounds like the best thing in the world. I NEED!


Either you can come to Oregon and try some of mine or I can send you the recipe. ;)


The Randoms: On my way to San Diego for a vacation without my kiddos. I thought I would be so excited but I’m sad to leave them. :(


I got my first Golden Tote order the other day (after I saw it on your blog!). As someone who hates to shop, this seemed like the perfect thing for me. I choose navy skinny pants and the rest was a surprise. I absolutely love the pants! They fit perfect and are adorable with all my brown boots. I also received a shirt. When I first opened it I was scared- it was a patterned shirt and I normally don’t venture far from solids or stripes. But I tried it on and now it’s a favorite! Golden Tote is very affordable… and saves my from having to go to the mall :) Thanks for the recommendation!


I just ate 6 clementines in a row and don’t feel bad AT ALL.


Good job to your friend for kicking cancer’s booty! So happy to hear that!
That smoothie looks ah-maze-ing!
Your daughter is so precious.
So happy it is Friday!


Random: I’m making 6 quilts as Christmas gifts and I’m not finished…. Yep, freaking out a little bit!


That’s awesome about your friend
She looks so young to be having breast cancer. I hate cancer! I’ll say a prayer for her. :)


Great news about your friend!!

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