We look like a bag of Skittles.

We went out and did our favorite 9.5 mile loop yesterday.  The first 4 miles are on the paved trail and the rest is in the mountains.  I am loving that we are all super laid back with our running right now (no one in our group is training for a race currently) and so we take breaks along the way to chat, get drinks, take pictures and laugh.  

The colors of our tops remind me of a bag of Skittles. 

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Speaking of Skittles, my cute friend Stephanie pulled out her bag of Twizzlers for fuel.  Brilliant.  

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Just running off into the sunset (or something like that).

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PS Josse has some killer jumping skills.

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My parents have their Christmas tree up.  Brooke goes crazy over it whenever she is there so I made the executive decision to go buy one for our apartment.  I love real Christmas trees but a fake one is more realistic for us right now, just need to get some Christmas tree scented candles.  

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And then we went and met my mom and niece at the mall and the girls split a Coldstone.  

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We had success at the mall (thank goodness for my mom being there to help with Brooke so I could actually try on things:).  I have been on the hunt for a new coat.  My friend works at Banana and gave me a killer coupon so I go this one for a great deal (ps everything there is 40% off until the end of today just in case you love this place as much as I do.. pps I also got this cardigan and it is the softest thing ever).

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Megan was babysitting her niece and nephews last night and so Brooke and I joined the Baby-Sitters Club.  

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 We played Disney character charades, ate popcorn (with some Dr. Pepper 10—>  that stuff is real good) and Brooke told some pretty intense stories using props.  

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Who read the Baby-Sitters Club books growing up?  Any other book series that you were really into as a kid/teen?

-ME ME!  I was also obsessed with Goosebumps, Sweet Valley High and of course Harry Potter.

Ever used candy to fuel your runs?  

Real, fake or no Christmas tree?

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I read every Baby Sitters Club book!
I’ve eaten sweedish fish on long runs.
I love real trees but we finally bought a fake one because it’s so much easier. Bonus: its pre-lit so we don’t have to mess with lights!


ditto to all of this!


Great minds think alike!


That pic is hilarious! You do look like a bag of skittles with all the bright colors! Fake Christmas tree is the way. I live in the desert. There’s no way a real one would survive without ridiculous amounts of water and that’s too much work. Scented candles are a great idea!


Harry Potter is the BEST. I just reread the series again! I have a fake tree at my mom’s and a real tree at my dads- the best of both worlds!
I wish I had a big running group like that! It gets boring doing long runs alone. I don’t know how much longer I’ll have to run on the trails… there has been a layer of snow here every morning! Hope you have a relaxing Sunday!


Yes, and sweet valley high! Loved them and read them constantly. You guys do look like skittles, one of my favorite parts of winter running is all the fun colored gear!


I read all those BSC books and had most of them. They were my favorites. Now I look back as an adult and things in the series just don’t add up at all (especially how one girl’s dad made her wear skirts and keep her hair braided… crazy huh?) and it makes me miss my childhood innocence, lol.

It looks like you had fun on your run and yeah, the pic does remind me of skittles :). but that’s one fun part of running clothing, that you can buy super bright stuff you wouldn’t ordinarily wear out. I would want to eat skittles on the run too, haha. Never fueled with candy though.


I loved the BSC. Did you also read Boxcar Children? I think I memorized all of those!

I thought of you yesterday when I hit the treadmill instead of running outside…the cold crept up on me!


Omg I was OBSESSED with the Baby Sitter’s Club books. I read them all and tried to start my own club with my friends … except we were like, 9 or 10 at the time so that didn’t work out so well. I still maintain that you can tell a lot about a person by asking them who their favorite Baby Sitter’s Club character was. Mine was Claudia ;)


Real tree! I always tell my husband if he buys us a fake tree we’ll have fake Christmas with fake presents. Real trees make Christmas better! And yes to candy fuel! Peanut M&M’s are awesome fuel.


Never used candy for preworkouts. You sure look like a group of skittles !


Yes I used to love the Babysitters club!
I tried candy once during a race, someone was giving out Swedish fish and I ate some out of desperation…I found them too hard to chew but otherwise they were ok.
We have a small fake Christmas tree that we have put up in our apartment for the last 5 years. I am looking forward to having a house next year and being able to get a regular sized tree, although I have no idea if we will get real or fake one! We are thinking about decorating for Christmas next weekend.


love skittles!! except I don’t love that they changed from lime to green apple.

I’ve used both candy corn and skittles for fuel before. mmmm

We have a fake tree, but I’m not allowed to put it up until after thanksgiving.


I have to mix the yellow and green ones with a red or purple to make them palatable.

I mean, I still eat them. Duh. But this makes them way yummier. Otherwise, anything yellow, orange or green gets separated and doled out to other fools who came too late to the candy party.


Totally love the BSC books! And sweet valley and harry potter, too. My sister recently found her sweet valley and bsc books – I am having a baby girl in april, so she was so excited that she’ll eventually get to pass them on to her niece! I am excited, too :)


We bought a real Christmas tree our first year married, never watered it because we didn’t know we were supposed to, felt like failure tree-parents, so we just use a fake one now every year :) I always buy a Christmas scented candle too, though!

I split a Coldstone with myself last night. We both really liked it ;)

The views on your runs… I’m moving. I’ll even buy a bright colored running jacket so I fit in with y’all.


When I was in a pinch I used skittles once and it was pretty good. Most of the gels, beans and tummies are glorified candy anyways.

I like that blazer/cardigan. It’s super cute!

We always get a real Christmas tree!


OMG I loved the Babysitters Club! I read them all, including those Super Specials.And I used to watch the television show on HBO lol. The best series ever. I use Trader Joe’s Jelly Beans during my long runs/races.


I loved the BSC! I also loved the tv show. I even re watched them on netflix with my nieces…wow, they were cheesy!
I love a real tree. The first year we were married we got a gorgeous one that I made sure was watered and happy. By the time Christmas was over it was sprouting branches and had new growth everywhere but we had to to toss it in the Christmas tree dump. I felt so bad so we’ve had a fake one since!


We have always had a fake tree so I don’t have anything else to compare it to if I’d like a real tree. I’ve been thinking about putting up our Christmas tree super early this year too. Good call!

Yes, candy to fuel a run is awesome. I’ve usually used gummy candy but Skittles would be good too.

Relaxed runs are the best! Enjoy them before you get into Boston training!


I used to read those books!! A really popular children’s author in England is Jacqueline Wilson and I read every single one of her books until I turned about 13!!

We had no Christmas tree last year because we had just moved into a new rental house, but my mum said we can have a real one this year so I’m pretty excited!! My grandparents have this tiny fake one that they put up every year but last year my grandpa reused to set it up so I decorated on of their plants aha!! I really wanted something to put all the presents under! Hope you’re having a great weekend :)


I’ve used jelly beans before – the Brach’s kind as they are my favorite candy and only available for such a short time (thank god).
Real Christmas tree every year. I usually get it the day after thanksgiving and then throw an annual tree decorating party. All the kids decorate the tree and it looks hideous but they have so much fun doing it.


ALWAYS a real tree. Always.


I am dying to put my Christmas tree up! But the household concencus is to wait a bit longer. I’ll have to content myself with playing Christmas songs on the piano.

Looks like you had a great run! What a blessing to have so many wonderful and amazing people to run with. Improved the body and soul!


Yes to babysitters club!
Just used starburst last weekend.
Love real, but fake is easier so that is what we have.


I also loved Babysitters Club, Sweet Valley High, Goosebumps, and of course, Harry Potter. My mom had Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden series from when she was young which I also loved. That totally brings back memories.
Real Christmas tree all the way. One of my favorite family traditions is going to pick one out together. And stopping for hot chocolate and egg nog on the way home to decorate. Definitely more work than a fake tree though.


I loved the Babysitter’s Club! I feel bad (living in Oregon) sometimes having a fake tree, but it is easier and we get to enjoy it longer. I’m very excited for this Christmas
because we splurged and bought a fancy pre-lit Costco tree last month.
It is just sitting in the box, in the garage. Now, I’m very tempted to set it up today! I already bought some fir scented-wax melts for my warmer, so hopefully it will smell real!


I loved Babysitters Club and Sweet Valley High! I routinely shop at the Dollar Store for books before I go on vacation (there is some high quality reading there!) and before my last vacation a few months ago, they had Sweet Valley Confidential which picks up 10 years later. Let’s just say as a 33 year old woman, I was way too excited to read this book and find out what happened to Jessica and Elizabeth.


Oh. My. Gosh. I LOVED Sweet Valley High! And Harry Potter, of course!

Just today I took three Jolley Ranchers with me to my half marathon. They are the best because each one lasts so long and can really help you feel less thirsty (in my opinion)!


Your trail runs look like so much fun! But brrr, you look cold too! I’ve never used candy as fuel, but I can only imagine how good twizzlers would be during a run. They’re so tasty!


“Harry Potter fo’ life, yo!”
-Me, a super white girl trying to be cool and marvelously failing


I loved baby sitters club, goosebumps, and the full house stephanie and michelle books!

I love candy as fuel…….although I am burnt out on swedish fish………but skittles or twizzlers or gummies of some kind are good.

Fake tree………too many people are allergic!


Not only did I read ALL the Babysitters Club books, I was also a huge fan of the movie and my friend and I had our own notebook and phone we pretended was our own :) haha! HP is the best, hands down. Can’t wait to share it with my kids someday! Never have tried fueling with candy, though I’ve heard good things about using Swedish fish.


Love your Banana haul! And even better with a discount ;)

Much to my dismay we have a fake tree… I love my memories from childhood of picking out and cutting down our own tree every year, and would love that for my daughters – but a few years ago we were handed down a nice fake tree from my in-laws, and I gotta say, there are some huge advantages: it’s already paid for; it’s not a fire hazard; and it’s always ready to go, so we can easily put it up the day after Thanksgiving.

Have a great Sunday!!


I was absolutely obsessed with Goosebumps! Read all the books. Ahh childhood :)


Loved BSC when I was a kid! Also loved Goosebumps (especially the choose your own ending ones) and definitely Harry Potter. Waiting for a new HP to come out was one of the most exciting things ever.

I love real Christmas trees! My parents always had a real tree growing up that we would go pick out, cut down, and then put up. With my husband, we’ve had a real tree 1 year, and fake 2–this year we live in a house, so we’ll definitely be getting a real tree! :)


I was a little old for Babysitter’s Club but used to sneak-read them sometimes at friend’s houses. I loved Sweet Valley High and there was a series The Three Investigators about these boys who were private detectives.
Real tree always! We live in New England and when I was a kiddo my grandfather had a bunch of Christmas trees planted so we would cut one of his.


We have a fake one… But putting up your Christmas tree BEFORE Thanksgiving is a sin to me. My theory is you HAVE to be thankful for what you have before you can focus on Christmas. :)


I have a friend with a really really REALLY tall ceiling. Her Christmas tree is one of those HUGE affairs that to decorate it you have to stand at the top of the staircase to get the top of the tree.
She puts it up November 1st because it’s so much freaking work she can’t stand the thought of taking it down one month later. LOL
It’s pretty gorgeous though. I forgive her for this because of that.


I loved the Babysitters Club, Sweet Valley High, and Saddle Club book series! I think I wanted to be a combination of all the girls in all those books haha.
I’ve never raced more than a half marathon, so I’ve never used fuel. I tried to eat a few sour patch kids during a half once, but it was so cold outside that they were frozen and impossible to eat!


Here’s what’s wrong with me. Real trees are beautiful but they require work. And driving in the cold to get one. And standing in the cold to choose one. And they are killer expensive and we had a military paycheck to pay for one. So we switched to fake.

I saved money, I don’t go out in the cold, I can put the tree up when I get a wild hair which could easily be at 10pm on a Thursday. Life is good. Best decision ever.
Per the childhood books, I’m way older. I lived on Nancy Drew and the Oz books. When I had kids, I read every Harry Potter book multiple times and to this day cannot change the channel when one of the movies is on. Unless it’s the one with Aragon. That giant spider gives me the creeps.
Celiac, my running energy is limited. I love gummy bears but during my race last weekend someone gave me a handful of my beloved Skittles and heads up…they were awesome. I’m totally on board for those suckers again.


I read Goosebumps and Babysitter’s Club too! I had a huge collection. I have only ever gotten real Xmas trees. I can’t just seem to get a fake one.


Babysitter’s Club, Sweet Valley High, Boxcar Children, Harry Potter, Little House on the Prairie – so many great series!

I love real Christmas trees, but the cleanup is a nightmare – pine needles for months afterwards! We have a fake one with the lights already on it. Saves so much drama at setup!


Sweet Valley High books were my favorite! (Lived vicariously through Jess and Liz!) We’ve had a fake Christmas tree for the past 12 years. This year I’m getting a real one! It’s our last Christmas living in Hawaii (military family) and they have these Christmas trees here that are unlike any other. So beautiful! (Expensive! This will be my present from Santa.) Used only jellybellys for my first marathon fuel (water and Gatorade, too).


Babysitter’s Club fan right here too!

I like a fake Christmas tree, but this year we don’t have room to put one up in our new house :( I’ll have to settle for other decorations and some mini trees this year.


I have that jacket the first! It’s the best!


I was a devoted BSC reader growing up! Claudia and Stacey were my faves :) And I use candy to fuel all of my runs, haha!


I love real trees and so far we always get them, but often they don’t smell enough anyway, so we get these icicle looking things from Yankee Candle that you hang on the tree and they have the Christmas tree scent. They are ornaments, but dark green so they blend right in and they smell delicious! As much as I love candles, it’s nice to have this as well so you don’t always have to worry about the flame.


We have a fake tree to save $ and buy a fundraiser wreath from neighbor kid. Sometimes we do buy a small looking Charlie Brown tree cause we have 2 living rooms.
They also have nice smelling wreaths at Costsco.
Sweet Valley High brings back memories!


Christmas trees already???


I loved BSC and Harry Potter growing up! I also love the Nancy Drew books.

As for Christmas trees we’ve always had a real one in my house growing up. We go the Friday after Thanksgiving and pick ours out from the same place every year. However when I went to college I still needed some Christmas loving in my dorm room so I got a 4ft fake tree to decorate but I missed the smell. I found these awesome things…their called ScentSicles. They look like green icicles that has an ornament hook that you can hang at the very base of one or two of your branches and they give off an amazing authentic Christmas tree smell. They come in varying scents like fir, spruce and pine depending on what variety you like best, there are 6 in a pack and they are super potent. I only needed one for my tree and it smelled the entire season long. It was awesome. I got mine originally from walmart cause it was an impulse buy but you can get them anywhere including amazon (http://www.amazon.com/ScentSicles-Fresh-Cut-Fir-6pc/dp/B005VEAWQM/ref=sr_1_1?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1415566055&sr=1-1&keywords=scentsicles+fir) and they are eligible for prime shipping if you have that so they can be at your door in 2 days!!


I LOVED babysitters club and even now my girls watch the cheesy show that is on netflix and they love it! :)
We do a fake tree and I put pine scented things on it!
Candy seems to be the thing that works best for me for fueling! Skittles. I felt bad about it being so not healthy until a friend reminded me that GU isn’t healthy either :)!


Yay for having trees up early. My MIL has hers up and my son loves it so I guess we will be putting up our mini tree this week to hold us until it is time to go get the real tree. Yes, read all of the Babysitters club and also remember reading The Boxcar Children.


I used to read the Babysitters Club books! In fact I kept my whole collection and handed them down to my niece last year. I think most of them are out of print today. I also read the Sweet Valley Twins…which was Jessica and Elizabeth when they were in the 6th grade and went to middle school! Ah good memories!


Yep, I read the Babysitters Club. and the Saddleback Club (I think that’s what it was called??). I also like Nancy Drew – a bit old school!

No Christmas tree for us. We always go to my parents for Christmas, so it seems like a bit of a waste of effort to do the whole Christmas decorations thing when we’re not going to be at home for Christmas. Or maybe I’m just Scroogette.


I totally read The Babysitters Club books when I was younger. I also read Goosebumps, Sweet Valley High and Anamorphs books.

Your new clothes look adorable! I love that jacket!


I loved the Babysitter Club books growing up. I also was a bit obsessed with the Goosebumps books, Fear Street series and Scary Stories books (apparently I was brave back then).

I don’t usually eat candy to fuel my run, but have fueled with cupcakes. I highly recommend this.

My husband and I go out and cut down a Christmas tree every year. It definitely gives our Christmas a little character and is a fun experience!


Swedish Fish!!!! Always for marathons!!!
I have been doing the fake/pre-lit tree for the last few years. It’s so much easier but i do miss the smell of a real one. I’m still curious how my dog would be around a real tree? I wonder if he’d lift his leg on it?


we put up our tree yesterday, we do it super early every year, as my Mr. 7 loves it


I read and watched “Babysitters Club”! <3

My tree is totes fake, but my poor allergies. :(


I loved so many series — BSC, Sweet Valley, Boxcar Children, Sleepover Friends, and The Gymnasts, just to name a few!


I’ve used gummy bears as my fuel before. And for me, there’s just no substitute for a real Christmas tree!


It’s so nice when your running group has the same down time to just chill and ENJOY runs! :)


aaah BSC was the absolute best! I read every single one, so good! SVH was def up there, too. love me some Wakefield twins.


Oh man, I think I read all of the BSC books! And the Harry Potter books. And I think most of the Boxcar Children too… Twizzlers sound like great long-run fuel!


When I was a kid I loved the Nancy Drew books. The whole mystery/suspense genre is still one of my favorites.

You might consider a fresh indoor wreath to add to your decorations? All the smells of a fresh tree, none of the commitment or mess.

Your 9.5 mile route looks amazing!


We almost always have a real tree, but we do have a fake one on stand-by in case the real ones are crazy expensive or we aren’t able to make it to the tree lot. Our fake one is super fake looking but it has a great story so I kinda love it :)

Like the poster right before me, I LOVED Nancy Drew. I loved that series so much that when I was an adult and a local school library had a book sale, I went and bought ALLL the Nancy Drew books so I’d have a full set. They were a quarter each :) I also enjoyed the Betsy-Tacy books and the Great Brain series. I was an avid reader.


My husband and I disagree about the “correct” thing to do for a Christmas tree, so we alternate between real and fake.


I loved Harry Potter, Nancy Drew, the Boxcar Children, and any book by Tamora Pierce :) I love the running tops AND I agree; Josse has some pretty sweet skillage!


I lovedddddd the babysitter’s club growing up! I totally wanted to be a babysitter for life haha


SVH books were the best when I was younger. I am a huge reader and haven’t stopped to think about what I started out with in my YA days. So fun!


We put our christmas tree up this weekend! I love that your parents already have theirs up, too :)


My 11 year old daughter is currently reading all of my old Baby Sitter’s Club books!!! She recently did a book report on one! I’m so proud that she loves them :)

Also, thinking about an artificial tree this year. First Christmas with just the kids and I and it seems like the best thing to do right now.

I’ll also be without the kids for Thanksgiving, so I signed up for a Turkey Trot. Then I’ll pretend it’s just a regular day.


If you want the smell of real tree, try Scentscicles! You hang them in the tree itself. I saw them at WalMart this weekend next to the Christmas trees.
I loved the Babysitters Club! I actually still have my collection and have added it to my classroom library for my class to read. I have a few little girls who are hooked!


Real or Fake?: Always had a fake tree until we had kids…trying to eat it, needles poke their knees or feet. Kids are now 12 & 14 so eating it would be cause so serious concern ;) Now I have 15 foot ceilings so it’s more practical to have a pre-lit super tall tree (real ones that big are so expensive!). I think I’m going to put my tree up tonight!! :)))

Candy: I’ve tried candy for pre and mid run fuel and liked it. Need to look into that more because gels make my stomach upset :(


I looooooooved the BSC books, I think I had all of them haha. And I have a little fake tree I got from Target a few years ago, I can’t have anything bigger in my tiny apartment haha.


Real tree every year! I grew up on fake trees and always wanted real so now that I am the boss we get real!!!!


If you go to the Christmas section at Target, they sell these “ornaments” called ‘ScentSicles’ and they are these little green sticks that smell EXACTLY like a Christmas tree (I think they are about $7.99 and come in a clear plastic tube.) Safer than a candle, and the smell lasts all season. My boyfriend and I bought the balsam scented ones last year, and they were amazing :) Might be a good option to go along with your artificial tree, and I bet Brooke would like being able to hang those, as well as the real ornaments!


Loved BSC books and owned a ton!


Do you remember the BSC tv show???


The fresh balsam candle from Bath & Body Works smells as close to a real Christmas tree as you can get!


Love your banana republic finds! What size did you get in the sweater? It appears to run a bit large.

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