If you are looking to watch something incredibly inspiring, this is the story to check out.  

Kayla has multiple sclerosis and her legs go completely numb when she runs.  When her body temperature heats up it triggers her MS symptoms to return temporarily.  The feeling in her legs start to deaden.  Because she loses the feeling in her legs she can’t come to a complete stop on her own.. that is when her coach helps her and carries her at the finish line.  As her body temperature returns to normal after she finishes her races the MS symptoms go away.  

“I want to make the most of every day.  I do it (running) because it makes me happy.  It makes me feel normal and whole.  It’s difficult to live with a disease where your own body is fighting against itself so when I am running, I feel like I am battling that.  As long as I am running, everything is fine!”

This totally made me cry.  People are so amazing.  

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I started my Saturday morning off early with the Josse.  We did a total of 10.5 miles and ended up stopping a bunch of times throughout the run to talk to runner friends along the trail.  Running hour = social hour.  

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It rained most of the day (except for when we were running) so we were all about puffy coats and hoods.

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While we were at Costco we saw this waffle iron that I need.  It makes TWO waffles at one time!  Such a good idea.  

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Lots of veggies were consumed yesterday.  I always drizzle my broccoli in olive oil and way too much garlic salt and roast it at 400 degrees for 13ish minutes.  

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And I kept everything simple with my kitchen staples.  

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Stopped by the neighbors house to say hello and tackle them…


And then put up all of the Christmas decorations.  

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I said, “YES” out loud right when I saw Candice’s post yesterday:

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Running helps me keep calm:)  


Three things that you are doing today?!?

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I don’t know how anyone could watch the story about Kayla and NOT cry. People are incredible.

I love the Christmas tree! I keep getting reminded that it is time to get mine out too! I think since there was only 3 weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas last year everyone was ready to put up Christmas decorations extra early this year.

Have a great Sunday!!


going for a run/social hour, visiting my sister, and now… think i’m going to have to make waffles #3!


I’m putting up my Christmas Tree today – I already started putting up other things. It’s hard to find everything since we moved this past summer!

That story is amazing – I always cry but love seeing those types of things. So inspiring – and reminds me to appreciate all I’m lucky to have.


Wow, it goes to show the spirit of the runner. Is truly unbreakable. She is an inspiration!


The video is amazing. Thank you for sharing. It reminds me not to take anything for granted.


I’m painting my nails, food prepping for a short week, and going to see mockingjay with a friend!


A little morning jog, seeing friends from Chicago, testing out the side dish recipe I am bringing to Thanksgiving to make sure it is what I want to bring.


I have that waffle iron! And because of it, I always have sourdough waffles in my freezer ready to go.
I love seeing friends out on my morning run. It’s nice seeing everyone start their day off right ;)
We’re heading to church then to my in laws for our turkey dinner with that side of the family. Let the gorging begin!


I love all the runners out in the mornings! People who don’t run just don’t get it:)


Sleeping in! I slept 12 hrs which is unheard of. Going for a walk then few errands to get ready for Thanksgiving feast.


runners are so inspiring. amazing!


PT exercises, homework, and watching football. Hopefully, I can multitask and accomplish the first two while watching football, since it’s on all day.


I cried when I watched that video yesterday too! I found it so incredibly inspiring. What a great motivator for just getting out there and running!


1. TJ’s thanksgiving shopping – I’m hosting 16 people…
2. Taking my girls to a 3 year old birthday party…
3. Cleaning this DISASTER of a house, to get ready for the thanksgiving invasion ;)

Love that waffle iron! That’s the kind we had when I was a kid, don’t know why they stopped making then that way? Brilliant!

Got choked up reading what you wrote about that teenager, will have to watch the video with a fresh box of Kleenex…


Going to the YMCA to get some miles ine
Cleaning my kitchen and dining room
Doing my weekly shopping including the fresh Amish turkey I ordered

I have seen that story about the girl with MS before and it makes me cry too. She is truly an inspiration.


My sister in law has ms. It’s not super bad yet, but it’s already sad to watch her mobility lessen over the years. I admire that gal for not letting something she can’t change stop Her from the things she can change.

Three things today: well it’s Sunday, so church, a cop out dinner of pancakes or popcorn, and trying to spot my mom on the Motab broadcast. Just like every week.


I suppose that eventually I’ll have to get my lazy self out of bed. Then I plan to go row, get organized for Thanksgiving, and hopefully buy a new car since my transmission broke yesterday. I’m quite sad about my car…so many memories in that thing.


I cried through that video too! I love her quote about her own body battling against itself and when she’s running she’s fighting that. I relate to it but because I run to manage my anxiety disorder and it often feels like I’m fighting against my own battle against my body (or mind). A lot of non-runners don’t understand, which is okay. :)


I’ve heard about Kayla before.. so inspiring! I can’t imagine having to go through that!

Today I went to church, I have basketball practice in a few hours, then I have to go to work… not my favorite kind of Sunday. I like to be lazy!


Omg love this story. So inspirational! I am working today, blogging g a little and then getting g a nightly run.


That video kills me. I cried so much and then I made sure everyone I knew on Facebook watched it and cried too.


Church, football, and putting together a picture video for my sister’s 50th birthday next month!


My coach has MS…and I think of him ALL the time when I don’t feel like running. – Saturday I did NOT feel like running (I’m in a slump :/ ) , but I had him on my mind- and I just remembered that he WISHES he could run…even for a minute, and here I am not enjoying every minute of my run. It made me think ‘what is wrong WITH ME?!’ Totally new perspective…just to be thankful that I CAN run. Even with my Crohn’s disease, I am still ABLE to run (even if I have to be near a bathroom ;) ), and I need to remember that.


That video is so inspiring!
3 things for today: brunch with friends, a rainy run, and packing to go home for Thanksgiving!


I saw that video last night! A friend had posted it! So great and inspiring! She’s awesome!
3 things that I’m doing today: being lazy, church, and watching tv/being lazy again… I know sounds pretty fun right!? :)


Bike riding
And probably blogging about my weekend later :)


Wow, that video is so inspiring!

Today I will be….

1) Running
2) Tackling my immense amount of laundry
3) Putting up Christmas lights!


Wow, I am so inspired by her story. Thanks for sharing!


I had to pause the video when I watched it. For whatever reason, I was seriously overwhelmed, and didn’t want to miss any of the story through sobbing tears.

Now I need chocolate!


Today instead of going to church, we’re calling into a “phone branch” for members who live in rural Alaska and giving our talks to them. Should be interesting trying to keep our kids quiet! Haha.

Also on the docket – family dinner!


10 miles on the stepmill with chest and tricep workout (done), starting decorating for Christmas and relaxing ahhhhh.

Inspiring story. We really have no excuse to not be active daily.


I won 2nd overall female today in the Flying Monkey Marathon!!!


Today, I (1) went to the gym for some boot camp (ouch) and Les Milles CX Worx, (2) I’m going to write an essay for school (shouldn’t be too bad, it’s about running!!), and (3) I’m going to get sushi to celebrate my Aunt’s bday and reward myself after my hard workout this morning! Hope you have a great day :)


I love inspiring stories like that. Simply amazing.

Today started with a 9-mile icy run (I only fell twice), followed by a little holiday shopping. Next up – getting cozy on the couch and watching some football! Love lazy Sundays!


3 things:
Spending quality family time
Buying a new running top in the sales!


Cross traing, reading, and playing with my baby!!!! I love that a sweet girl like you gets a kick out of a meme with face punching involved!


A very good friend’s dad’s funeral, then another friend’s mom’s birthday tea and hopefully a glass of wine with a friend while our sons watch a DVD ;)


I had such a bad work year last year. If it weren’t for running i would have either been in jail or fired. I owe my life to running


Brooke’s coat is adorable! Where is it from?


Thank you for sharing Kayla’ s story; she is truly inspiring. I lost my sister to MS, it’s a terrifying, hard to predict disease that catches people in the prime of their lives. I’d ask your readers to support their local chapter of the National MS Society if they feel moved. Funds go to support local people fighting this disease (like providing AC units to keep their body temperature down in the hot summer) in addition to funding research.


I’m so glad to see that Brooke is feeling better!!


I did 11 miles today with my running group :) and cooked Sunday dinner. I have even begun to think about Christmas decorations or shopping :( I’m behind this year


1. Went to church
2. Tried on cowboy boots. I’ve lived in Texas for 6 years, I think it’s time. HA
3. Watched a Christmas movie with the kids and eat popcorn with “slap your mama” sprinkled on.


Thanks for sharing Kayla’s story – she is so inspiring!

Three things we did today:
1. Early Thanksgiving with my family – ate a lot and snuggled all of the new babies (3!)
2. Made lots of play-doh cars and trucks
3. Played outside – briefly – when the rain let up for a few minutes


I love the video about Kayla – it definitely helped me on my run yesterday to suck it up and just go :)


1.) Ran 12 miles (6 of which were with a friend that was willing to do a hilly route in spite of the fact that it was snowing + slick)

2.) Lazed around ALL day watching football

3.) Made a killer tortellini minestrone soup that ALL three children liked (miracle)


OMG that story is amazing!!! Just beautiful she runs in pain like that and keeps going so inspiring the human spirit! Let’s see 3 things: I did a little dance workout today & oh am I feeling it haha, Ate lots of butternut squash(I’m kind of obsessed lol & OMG I roast cauliflower similar to your broccoli hehe), & am trying to prepare for my big sis to come to see me for Thanksgiving(my parents & sister live in Oklahoma & I live in Virginia so she’s coming to spend Turkey day with me. I’m blessed & thankful) :-). Oh & no tree yet lol I should get one I guess lol ;-)


I so agree with that last picture! Maybe that’s why in so high strung lately since I can’t run! Piyo has been a good way for me to chill out though!


That’s such an inspiring story. I can’t even imagine running with that kind of pain. What an awesome coach to be there for her in that way.

I love roasted broccoli!!!! Yum!


Watching a baptism, running and I loved reading Kayla’s story when I first found it. Very inspiring!!


What an inspirational story, amazing!


Tears. Tears. And more tears. Great link. And great timing when I’m involved in a #gratitudechallenge. I am beyond grateful I have legs that will take me anywhere I want to go, especially when it’s on the pavement or beaches of San Diego. Love running in this city :)


Working, running and weighing in at Weight Watchers. That just sounds like a lot of work. haha.


Took a bunch of pictures of stuff I need to sell on “sell n’ swap”, folded a wild amount of laundry, and now that the toddler is napping I’m going to dip some cookies in chocolate (That’s our Christmas gift to my family and neighbors :) )!

That article was beautiful and the girl’s perseverance is inspiring! Dealing with MS is a lot of any person and I’m sure it would be even harder for someone that young :s


Kayla is my teammate at Lipscomb and I can’t even begin to explain how much I have learned just from running with her in one season. She takes every set of every workout at every practice in stride, and seriously embraces every opportunity she is given to run, while finding ways to make light of her condition. She adds a whole new aspect to our team, and I’m so blessed to know her!


Oh and don’t worry….I cried watching it too and I even see her everyday dealing with her MS. Our whole team gathered around a TV with her and watched it when it first aired, and it was just such a fun night!


So I have a random question for you. I have been wanting to incorporate more sweet potatoes into my diet, but I have no idea what to put on them. What do you eat on your sweet potatoes to give them more flavor??

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