Run-on sentence per picture kind of a day.

A great Costco trip with my girl after a 4 mile run and 45 minutes of a sports conditioning class that kept my heart rate skyrocketed the entire class.  

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Nothing like taking a 6 lb chicken pot pie to your sister at 11 in the morning.  

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And then eating her homemade raspberry jelly on a mini sandwich.

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Put Brooke down, took a shower (and got into pajamas because why not?) and made lunch… grapes with cottage cheese have returned to my life.

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This week’s ‘listen to on repeat and forget that any other songs exists’ song:  

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I get really happy when gas gets in the $2s… we are sooooo close.  

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Out with the pumpkin and IN WITH ALL THINGS PEPPERMINT.

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We spend an enormous amount of time on Megan’s living room floor.  

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I saw this picture on my phone and I cannot for the life of me figure out why I took it—>  maybe because I thought I just finished a run outside and I was taking a picture of my imaginary garmin?!

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She thinks she is so funny and she is.

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Happy National Donut Day and if only life was this good that donuts were actually vitamins and good for us:


You know I am putting off everything else I should be doing today because I just spent too long going through this slideshow and loved it:

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Give me your run-on sentence for the day!!!

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I had crepes with my husband, ran a hilly/rainy 11 miles with friends, baked 6 cakes for a bake sale, and now I’m catching up on today’s blogs!


I love the T7! I’ve won a 5k or two in that shoe. Fun.

I love all the Christmas pretzel crisps! So delicious! I need to go hunt some down right now!


That song is amazing!!! You truly are an inspiration in so many ways!!


That sneaker slideshow is so awesome! I’m luck enough to run on the same track as No. 19 :) and I got to run the marathon too! NY misses you, Janae! Come back and I will make you another swedish fish sign…please????


I had a great 10 miler today, the trails were beautiful with the autumn leaves, weather was a perfect 55° and I felt awesome…plus I only saw one snake :)


Really want to see that slideshow! Love the mini sandwich – I used to do that for my kids all the time.


Ooooh those pretzel crisps look gloriously delicious.

I have parent-teacher conferences tonight – thankfully I have enough time to squeeze in a group run in between the first and second but this causes me to rethink the breakfast burrito for lunch – AND I’m stressing over what to make for dinner while having a crazy day at work in which my boss is driving me nuts.



All caps, that is how passionate I am about them. My ultimate comfort food. Especially after a long autumn run.


That gas price is funny. I forget how spoiled we are in Oklahoma (gas prices are the ONLY thing that’s nice about this state). We are hovering at $2.69/gallon right now but we’ve been as low as $2.59/gallon.


Gas just dipped into the $2s here… in fact I need to leave work now and go get gas … I hate having to stop to get gas even if it is in the $2s…. I wish I could just run everywhere I needed to go :)


That 6 lb chicken pot pie looks amazing, I wonder if they have those in Canada-land Costcos as I could really eat the whole thing by myself, but right now I’m content eating my potato chips, although peanut butter M and Ms would be wonderful right now.


So excited to go home because it was benefits fair at work today and I’m pooped!

Love the running shoes slide show! Gas here just got down below $3/gallon! I was more excited about that than I have been about anything for quite some time!


Gas prices make me bless my lack of car having and excellent public transportation, even though it’s not always super fun to intimately learn the nose-trimming habits of strangers as I’m stuck staring up their nose.


Bought some popcorn because I couldn’t get it off my mind after your recent post, a whole bag is one serving right, and now this post has me wanting pb and j.


I took my kids to play at grandmas where she spoiled them rotten then when we got home they were stinkers for me and didn’t want to take naps. Welcome to my life :)


I’m having an “I need to eat all things” kind of a day and I don’t know how to make it stop and I have a body fat test in two weeks and I want it to be good. And I’m proud of how run on of a run on sentence that is.


It’s my due date, walked a ton, vacuumed all floors of my house, did three loads of laundry, squats, ate an entire pineapple (and now my mouth hurts!) took a bath, walked some more and still no labour…. I’m not sure what else to try!!


I keep meaning to look at that shoe article LOL. I always am interested in people’s shoe choices…

My run on sentence today: Every post has at least one run on sentence on LOLZ blog because my grammar resembles a 12 year old since I only needed one english class in college. I did go for a nice run today though.


I can’t get chicken pot pie off my mind after recently watching a Good Eats episode about it on Netflix and your post today makes me want to make one even more, because I love simple comfort food that you can stuff lots of veggies into.


I spent all day refraining from sugar. I enjoyed a lovely salad and some soup for lunch and then I remembered my Starbucks gift card and next thing you know I have inhaled three vanilla bean scones. They are so good! But 120 calories a pop. #oops


Gas will never get to the $2s where I live. :( Peppermint = Happy Dance!!!

Following through with one of my goals for November, I ran 12 miles on a new trail this morning and finished in a field of lava rock. It was awesome!!!


Must try artcitydonuts ASAP…..amazingly delicious and I’m not a donut lover. They’re a mobile truck–follow them on insta @artcitydonuts. Ok that was more than one sentence but donut day excused it. :)


So ready for the peppermint!


Thank goodness for this gingerbread latte getting me through a late night of homework (results in bloodshot eyes = looking high at work :/ ) and that my physical therapist said I could still wear the Mizuno Wave Inspire 10’s I bought (instead of getting a hefty motion control shoe).


peppermint peppermint peppermint peppermint!

One of my favorite things about winter — I just bought those same peppermint chocolate pretzels and now I am wishing I brought them to work!


Great minds think alike! I am blogging about that same article tomorrow. I loved looking at all the shoes!


I went to Costco a few days ago and bought five pounds of grapes WITH SEEDS. Ughhhh. It looks like you were wiser than me!


First of all, Brooke looks SO grown up in that first picture..I feel like she has the knowing smile of a five year old!!

Second: I did the same thing..and I goggled Like CRAZY during the race to find out what all those male runners were wearing on their feet!! It wS like orange blurs because they moving so fast!!!


I love Lauren Fleshman and this article really rang true with me. I know you love good running reads and this is definitely one. I’m currently dealing with some shin splints due to building up my confidence but not necessarily my endurance too soon. And now I live in fear and am paranoid that I’m “just going to injure myself again.” Being smart is hard. Especially when it comes to running. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this article as much as I did. It rang clear and true for me.


I’ve been meaning to make chocolate peppermint muffins. Thanks for reminding me! I also saw Costco has the white chocolate & dark chocolate drizzled popcorn. So dangerous though! I could snack on it all day.


I had a super boring day at school, came home, blogged, played cello, and am currently putting off doing my math hw


I’m oddly fascinated by that slideshow.


Murphy’s Law for Runners says: “The rain will start to fall about 5 minutes into your run, and stop about 5 minutes before you finish,” I know this to be true because it happened today except I was 4 miles from home, it may take a few days for my shoes to dry out, but since I am in Hawaii, who am I to complain? I wasn’t the only one caught out in the rain and we all kept running!


That song touched a nerve & brought me to tears. Especially the line that said “I only wanted love from you”. Out of breath, i am left hoping someday I’ll breathe again, how fitting for me right now. Had something similar happened to me & my world was turned around in an instant. Songs like that remind me how far I’ve gotten, how much got torn away, and how much stronger i am every day. Thanks for sharing it. It’ll be on repeat for awhile for me :)


I hope that you know you are amazing! I hope that you are continuing to heal. Thinking about you!


I love putting grapes in greek yogurt which is almost the same thing as cottage cheese except minus the salt which is ok <— how's that for an intentional run-on sentence huh?!? :)


yay! No more pumpkin! I really don’t like pumpkin, but am a HUGE peppermint fan. Can’t wait for peppermint ice cream :D


I’m running faster than I ever have before, and mostly I think it’s because I mentally got out of my own way.

Now I want to find those pretzel crisps. And peppermint ice cream. Yum!


You took that picture because we runners all hit that darn STOP button on accident 203948 times per run.


In that picture, maybe you are taking a picture of your freckle box? =)
Run on sentence: I wish my baby would sleep thru the night so hubby and I could get a good nights sleep and not be so tired during the day when we have things we need to get done with our other 5 kiddos and his job and homeschooling and good grief those peppermint pretzels look good but I bet I cant have any as I cant eat dairy right now while I am nursing but BOOOOOOY am I going to go to town on some ice cream when dairy is a regular part of my diet again!! *whew!*


My poor daughter is currently going through a I-don’t-want-to-miss-anything phase, and she refuses to nap all day long, so needless to say she is feeling a bit grumpy lately, it’s a good thing I still love her ;) Brooke is a doll, and I am all for wearing jammies whenever possible! :)


That slideshow was both insane and amazing all at once. Who thinks of these things?


I got to pace a full marathon in Morgan Hill on Sunday and I also got picked to be an ambassador for a race next March in Modesto and I will also be pacing the 2:00 group for that race!


I love Costco, I need to get there tomorrow.

Love Brooke she makes me smile


Brooke has some winning smiles in this post ;)

I came home to a box at my front door full of Loft clothes I ordered over the weekend and that made me happy and I just ate a Quest bar. How’s that for run-on AND random?


I love november because it’s pumpkin with some peppermint thrown in, and I love it!! I wish spring months had a specific flavor associated with it!


I honestly would have never thought Nike and Adidas would be the top shoes! Shows how much I know about running shoes. I’ve always ran with Mizuno but have been thinking about trying new shoes.


Going on your first date after a bad breakup is nerve wracking!!! Eeeekkk! Hopefully it’s not horrible!


I’m tapering so I’m filling my time with baking pumpkin bread goodness with chocolate chips. Costco gas in San Diego is now at $2.95! I can’t remember the last time it was this cheap…

Please tell me how delicious that chicken pot pie was. I see it every time and drool!!


gah can’t believe I missed national donut day guess that means I will have to celebrate it tomorrow.


Packing for my 12th Ragnar relay and my 14th Relay.


What did you do in your sports conditioning class? I’m going to be teaching one soon and need ideas!


Gas is in the $2s here and it is AMAZING i have to enjoy it while I can!


How many workouts do you do a Day and did you fit that run and the sports conditionning class in back to back?


Gas is $2.57 here in Richmond, VA! I am sure the lower prices are coming your way soon! It’s nice to have that extra money for…food! lol


Yesterday in MI, gas was $2.49, but it jumped up again by the end of the day to $3.09… which is still great! But that’s the part that bugs me… what on earth could make gas jump within hours by that much???


I paid $2.69 for gas the other day! It makes me so happy. :)


I pumped $2.47 a gallon yesterday in Texas! Pretty exciting ;-)


Noooooo, I still want the pumpkin foods!! haha


I paid $2.76 a gallon when I filled my car earlier this week. It was amazing!


I looooooove brooke’s smile in that first picture! She is too precious.


We have something where I’m from called Super Donuts, and they actually are fortified with a ton of vitamins. They used to serve them for breakfast in schools and they are actually really good. Now you can get them at the convenience store. They probably aren’t too good for you (packed with sugar), but hey, they have a lot of vitamins!


Breathe Again and Hold My Heart from that album got me through one of the darkest periods of my life. I would listen to them both on repeat over MONTHS.

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