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-Moving back to Utah was definitely not what my long term plans were back in the day (once we moved to California we planned on staying there for good but when I got divorced I moved back) but now I can’t imagine life any other way.  I can’t find words to explain how much Brooke loves her cousins and living just a few minutes from them.  It makes my heart happy to see them playing and laughing together.  

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-I NEED THIS!!!! I feel like instead of filling the 16 oz drink portion of the cup up with water I would put almond butter in that part and fill the snack portion up with cut up apples.  

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-The only way I can get myself to do strength training at home is to watch The Mindy Project as I do it.

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-This is a picture of a salad bar.  Those are cookies next to the croutons.  I want to be friends with whoever puts cookie crumbles on the top of their salad.

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-I still haven’t switched my clocks in my apartment after Daylight Saving.


-At what age do kids start taking music lessons because I think Brooke is ready for them!

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-But seriously.

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-I have a feeling my electricity bill is going to be out of control until Christmas because brooke insists that the tree lights are on when we are home.  

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Megan and I went grocery shopping today and I caught her just standing under the huge heater with the biggest smile on her face.  Winter is here (yet we still wear our workout shorts).

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-Paige just sent me this picture.  We will be making these asap.  

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Got any tangents for me today?  Please share!

Weirdest thing you have ever put on top of a salad?

When do kids start taking music lessons?

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I’m still running in shorts too and then come home and bundle up like there are 12 feet of snow outside. That’s how I roll.

I love living by family too. It’s such a blessing for my kids to know their cousins well. I grew up next door to cousins and although at times it was so annoying that you could never get away with ANYTHING because someone was always watching I am so grateful that I had so much guidance and council around to keep me from doing anything stupid.


Although it’s not really strange, I went through a phase of putting salsa on all my salads (even when they weren’t taco salads). It only lasted a couple months, but I don’t even want to think about how much salsa I went through in that time.


Cookies on salad actually sounds amazing. Wow. I think I might need to try that.
I can’t think of anything crazy I have put on my salad, but I sometimes put peanut butter on top of my scrambled eggs to get more calories!

Tangent = I am sitting in bed with my heating blanket on while recovering from a few cortisone shots I just had–it is blowing snow and only 25 degrees. BUT this morning on my run it was almost 60 degrees. We have CRAZY weather in Colorado.


Tangent: I’m going to a trail running film festival tonight!
Weirdest salad topping: cottage cheese
I started playing the violin at 4 years old:)


cottage cheese on salad = genius!


I LOVE CC ON SALAD (and on everything else for that matter). Have so much fun at the film festival tonight… I want to go!


I love CC on salad too. On everything Janae? Would you put CC on your sandwich? What about rice cakes? Just sayin.

Maybe I should set a record today with how many comments I can leave on one post.


bahahahahahahah i’m dying right now…. #waldenfarms


Those are the cutest cookies ever! And i want to be friends with people who put cookies on their salad too. That’s awesome. Salty and sweet…that works, right?

Those relationships she has with her cousins are priceless! Plans never seem to go the way we envision, but there is always a bright side regardless!

The Mindy Project = awesome. Love it. Look forward to it every week!

Have a great Monday! :)


It’s been winter in upstate NY for a few weeks now and I refuse to stop wearing shorts for running yet! Shorts with a jacket on has been really comfy though :). Those pie cookies are the cutest ever! And I’m totally jealous of all the cousin time Brooke gets. Kate misses her cousins so much! Obviously you went through a bad situation, but at least some good things came out if it!


That snack-cup looks cool!

I started music when I was 6!


I also have not changed the clock in my car. To be honest, I’m not sure how and am too lazy (busy?) to pull out the manual and look haha!

I put my son in music lessons at 18 months but it was more of a dancing/banging drums type class. He loved it!

I’m glad you’re finding the positive in your divorce. I’m going through the same things and it is sooo tough some days!


I don’t think anyone really ends up where they planned. It’s how you make of the entire situation snd I honestly think you’ve done great. I’m glad things are starting to go hoe you want. You deserve that Janae.


that video!! haha … that end scene, I have that exact struggle EVERY time adjusting the time clock in my car. I’m like wait what? How does this work? Calling Honda…

tangent: went to Trader Joes for the first time in months and fell in love all over again. It took every fiber of my being to not purchase cookie butter. Last time wasn’t pretty.


I started playing the piano when I was 5 (I got a piano for my birthday!). Cookies on a salad?! Genius. I’m actually a big fan of mixing my dessert with my dinner. I take a bite of each and the flavor is awesome.

Tangent: probably having a snow day tomorrow! So far we are up to 8 inches!


Nooooo! Xmas light already?! :P


I wish I lived near my cousins, we all have the best time together and we’re all so close, that I wish it was more than a week at one time. I never played an instrument till I was older but I started dancing at 3 years old and I loved it, I think it’s about finding something that keeps their attention!! I never used to like fruits in my salad and thought it sounded gross but now I love it, especially strawberries!

Tangent: It’s 10:10pm where I live and I really should be going to bed since I have to be at school early but Pinterest is too addicting right now and I can’t stop pinning every recipe I see, I have a problem ;) I hope your Monday is a great one!


My tangent for Monday is that I woke up at 4:30 a.m. to run six miles and it was snowing and pitch black outside, I am not ready for that!!


Love that heater at the store. Also love –>Megan’s legs. I mean, come on.

That IG is hilarious. I still think BJ and Mindy should be together in real life.

You know TMP is how I get through at home workouts. Speaking of, I still need to do mine. Blah. I am all wrapped up in a cozy blanket though so who knows if it will happen. Why does it have to be so cold?

I have always heard 7 or 8 years old when it comes to musical instruments. But who knows how true that is?

Everything I put on top of a salad is normal. But if you are looking for weird food combos, I know your gal….


Oh and my tangent (like any comments I leave aren’t already tangents) did you get Yogurtland’s email about their seasonal flavors? YA. We need to be hittin up that joint weekly from here on out.


BAHAHAHA I think I know her too:)
Yep, Megs legs… ridiculous.
Regarding Mind and BJ–> I secretly think they are together in real life.
Stay wrapped up in that blanket… and take a nap:)
LOVE YOU and what are the seasonal flavors?!? I wrote them an email the other day expressing my concern because they continually take away the peanut butter flavor (aka the reason to go to YL).


That PB flavor is the bomb. If you start a petition and need signatures, let me know because it should ALWAYS be there.
Today starts the first flavor: cookie butter! Other delicious sounding flavors include: white chocolate peppermint, eggnog, fudge brownie and sticky toffee pudding.
No worries. I am obviously still wrapped up in my blanket. I am pretty sure the saying is: ‘be a lazy bum while your baby sleeps’


You better not go without me. Deal. Breaker.


I’m with Candice. I wanna go too. Just saying.
Also…love you all.


I used to teach piano lessons and the youngest I ever taught was 5 :) Younger than that, they could really sit still for that long!


oh my gosh I just saw those cups at Kohls! Do you have that store in Utah? I thought they were so fun and were on sale on Saturday- probably still are for the Veterans Day sale tomorrow!! I started piano when I was in kindergarten I believe but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with starting earlier!


I think the point of my salads is that anything is fair game! My kids haven’t started music lessons yet but some of my daughters friends (7) have been for a year or so.


I had a friend in junior high that put potato chips on top of her salad. It was surprisingly good! I think you should look around and see if you can find someone that would start teaching Brooke! My mom started teaching me piano at 4.


That sounds delicious… I actually might have to try that with salt and vinegar chips:) That is awesome that your mom started teaching you piano at four!


I’m putting up the tree and decorating my apartment tomorrow night and already plan on having some Nutella hot chocolate and watching Christmas movies to make it the BEST NIGHT EVERR.

I never took any music lessons, but you can bet I’m going to make my kids do them! There’s nothing cuter than a kid at a piano or playing the tuba, cracks me up!


I think it’s awesome that you have your Christmas tree up already! Once my carrot cake fell on my salad accidentally. It was delicious! All gets mixed in your belly anyway!


I worked at a music studio where they taught lessons in high school and I think 5 was around the youngest age. Their attention spans are short and their fingers are little, so lessons are hard before then.
Random Tangents:
I may have had a cheesecake brownie and two cookies already today. I’m thinking a nice big salad for dinner. haha
I’ve started watching Seinfeld and I’m pleasantly surprised at how much I like it already.


It’s never too young to start music lessons if she is interested. Not that I took lessons at an early age (I played the flute in fourth grade) but I think it’s like anything else with kids- they absorb like sponges and can do things if shown.


I agree with you, but there is a difference between being interested in truly learning an instrument and being interested in pushing the piano keys. I’ve had tons of parents tell me their kid loves to play the piano, and what they mean is their kid likes the sound of it and pushing random keys. Once the kid starts learning how to read music, proper technique, and the amount of practice time required, they lose interest because it’s not what they thought it was.


Bahaha that Daylight Saving movie trailer is SO FUNNY! I saw it for the first time today and I laughed so hard! “They call it… Arizona.”



I was JUST asking around today about when kids start piano lessons! My mom is giving us her piano!
My neighbor said her kids started the Suzuki method around 4 years old but for a traditional method typically it’s a little older..like 5 or 6 or so.


Goodness, Brooke is just the cutest little thing! She is getting so big and grown up!

I cant wait to put my tree up this year!


Weirdest thing I can think of: shredded pieces of nori. Or is that really weird?

And I’ve been wondering the same thing about the lessons. I’d say go for it if you can find an instructor to instruct. That’s probably the hardest part.


Who puts cookie crumbs on top of a salad?! Eww!!!


Don’t know if it is weird or not but I love to crush up sea salt kettle chips on my salad. Better than croutons :)

Tangent? I got a caramel macchiato from Starbucks today and it was sub par :( #firstworldproblems


Weirdest thing I’ve put on a salad is probably hummus…which may not be that weird since Panera has a salad with hummus on it, too :)


I LOVE that you have your Christmas decorations/tree up! Why wait till after Thanksgiving? As long as its after Halloween its fair game in my book. I think all houses/stores look prettier with some Christmas cheer.

Also, those pumpkin pie cookies are adorable. I’m so envious of people with awesome icing skills.

I’ve put bacon on a salad before… that’s a little weird.


My weirdest salads usually involve leftovers of some kind.
Leftover dinner chopped up + green leaves = salad to me.

For music lessons it depends on the child imo – anywhere from 3 up is fine, as long as they’re able to sit still and pay attention ;) I was 5 when I started!


I teach piano, and the absolute youngest I will take is 6 yrs old, but that’s only if they are a little ahead for a 6 yr old or if they’re closer to 7. I really think 7-8 is optimal. :)


I’m also a piano teacher and I completely agree with you!


I can’t imagine living far away from my family either. My previous boyfriend wanted to move to the south and I just couldn’t bring myself to move that far away from my family. That’s one of the big reasons we didn’t last.


Tangent: I might be a business owner soon!

I can’t think of anything weird that I put on salads. Fake crab is pretty weird…

I took piano when I was 5 I think.


I put hot cheetos on top of a salad and they were so good! My family thought I was crazy ha!


I pinned those pumpkin pie cookies on Pinterest today too! Let me know how hard they are to make, will you?


Tangent: I’m sitting at my daughter’s gymnastics gym in my sweaty workout clothes. I’ve already been to the library in these sweaty workout clothes. I’m simultaneously eager to go home for a shower and dreading walking outside because I know I’ll be freezing.


My sister started bringing her son to music class when he was around 12-13 months I believe and he loves it (he’s 19 months now) ! Great socialization too!


I think kids can take lessons In music as soon as they show interest. It’s going to be finding someone that works with small children that could pose a challenge. I know lots of kids that started piano at 3/4 years old!!


I’m a piano teacher and public school music teacher and I recommend kids start formal instrument lessons no earlier than age 7. I’ve taught kids who are younger and many of them end up being turned off to music because they aren’t ready. The kids who do end up taking lessons at age 5 progress slowly and are no further ahead than the kids who start a little later once they reach middle school.

Little kids need to sing A LOT and work on internalizing a steady beat. Group music classes might be a fun way for Brooke to get started in music without being overwhelming. Moving to music is super important for young kids. March to it, pass a ball back and forth to the beat, clap with it, snap to it, do “action songs” where they tell you how to move, learn simple dances…all of that is a fun way for young kids to develop music skills without taking private lessons!


Fried onions on salad. yes.

Tangent: My hair stayed in a high bun my ENTIRE run…despite the flapping. Felt like a proud, mama bun, mom.


Just teaching my cat how to sit. He thinks he is a dog.

I love putting eggs on my salad. I could pretty much put eggs and bacon on anything and be satisfied.

Yay for sparkly Christmas lights and making your apartment festive!


My boys have Snackeez – they love them!! Found at Rite Aid :)


Tangent: met the most interesting person on a bus today. We talked for the entire hour + trip. My husband and I are invited to his house warming party for his new 10+ acre property in Calistoga.

I like potato salad on my green salad. And I mix dressings. (whatever two or three matches my mood at the moment).


I did not start reading your blog until after you moved back to Utah and I cannot imagine you living anywhere else either. I know your parents and all your sisters (I know all of them but one are really just running buddies.. But let’s be real… They are like family) would never want you to suffer the pain you have, but coming home is the one silver lining for you all. PS. I love your blog and still hope your Sissy starts one someday! You are blessed with an amazing family.


My son started cello at 4 and is now 13 and plays beautifully. My 2nd son started violin at 4. Now 11::same. Daughter started piano at 6 and is doing really well. I have a 4 year old that hasn’t started yet


I started taking piano lessons when I was 7! I “practiced” on a keyboard before then though to get used to it! :)


Stealing that cookie idea, for sure. Just think, you could add pumpkin pie spice to the dough!


I love that sign by your tree! Also that you have your tree up! It’s funny how life works out.


Let’s hang out all the days. K? Free food only please…and all the diet cokes. #hospitallaps ;)


I’m Megan (with the amazing legs)’s cousin. Here is a music program for you to look into: ”Let’s Play Music” is a music and theory program for young kids that gets them ready for the piano and other instruments. Its for ages 4-6. There is also a younger introductory program called ”Sound Beginnings” for ages 2-4. I have a 5 year old in Lets Play Music and a 3 year old in Sound Beginnings. My 7 month old goes with me to my 3 year olds class and she loves it. They all do! They are learning music and its amazing to watch that young! :)


Thank you so much Natalie for letting me know about this! I will definitely be doing this! PS I already love you because you are related to Megan! I hope you are having a great night!


Maybe it’s just me, but I can’t read your blog on my iPad anymore. The jay bird ads run done the entire length of the page and show up behind the text so it’s very difficult to read. It’s not a problem on my laptop, but I rarely use that. I miss being able to read your blog every day.


OH NO!!! I am so so sorry! I will look into that. It doesn’t do that on my iPad but I will contact my tech guy to figure it out. Thanks Angie! Hope you are having a great night!


Life works in mysterious ways. I never thought I would be living where I am currently. Who knows if TN is place is even permanent for me. All I know is home is where the heart is and it sounds like you’ve found your home :)


The lady that made those cookies lives in the same area as me! She makes some incredible cookies, check her out on Instagram!! @doughmestichousewife


Those cookies are adorable!


I agree with Brooke, the lights need to be on! It is a short season, you have to let her enjoy the magic as much as possible


I saw a commercial for those Snackeeze cups the other day! I can totally see myself buying one and then never using it haha


Ahh brooke is growing up! sometimes she looks so much like you, other times she looks just like her dad. (sorry if I shouldn’t say that) She’s beautiful

Its never too early to put a Christmas tree up! I love having the lights and decorations up, It makes everything seem so cozy.

Brooke is lucky to get so much cousin time, I have so many cousins and I hardly know them. sad


STAHHHPPP those pumpkin pie cookies are the cutest thing I’ve ever seen! LOVE IT!


Who says you can’t turn your tree lights on?? “They”? Who’s “they”?? I say if it makes you happy or Brooke happy then turn them on. Maybe that’s my tangent today. haha.


Those cookies are TOO cute!


When I first got married I thought putting cottage cheese on a salad (what my husband grew up doing) was the weirdest thing. Now I actually really like it. :)

Sad to say but I think I would actually like those cookies better than the actual pumpkin pie…


I’m totally teasing you when I say this, but aren’t Christmas lights SUPPOSED to be on while you’re at home? ; )

On another note, I thought of this question when I saw Brooke sitting on the piano bench and saw the Hymns book. Do you think your faith has helped you in healing from your divorce?

Also, I think you should do a q & a vlog!


I’m a muscician I would say you can start group music classes now (singing, rhythm, colouring) but wait until 5-6 for private lessons once she has a longer attention span and greater finger dexterity.
You should check to see if you have a Music for Young Children teacher in your area! I went through the program as a kid and it was awesome. It teaches the basics really well!


It’s nice to know someone else has to watch something in order to pick up weights! haha If only I picked up the weights every time I watched something… ;)


Love the first picture! Too funny!


My daughter started taking piano lessons in the first grade, when she was six. She now goes to a school of the arts where she has taken violin for 6-8 grades. And she is an amazing student academically. Early music lessons pay off!

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