Just a simple little post–> the most effective plank and 45 years!

Brooke on your back makes planking just a tad bit more difficult.  I am proud to say we both lasted one full minute like this.  

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It was a spin morning.  We were a sweaty mess by the end…. and I wonder why I never get approached by guys at the gym;) 

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Lunch was with our favorites.  I was going to try not eating out for lunch this week and eating at home before seeing our friends but that lasted two seconds once I heard where they were going—>  The Wild Zucchini.

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I can’t possibly decide on one dressing for my salad and end up using both and combining really different flavors together.  

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And some randoms:

Remember when Brooke was just the size of a baseball?  Well, I wrote an article on Women’s Running about why I loved running while pregnant so very much.  

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My parents are going out to celebrate the fact that they met (at an SAT test when they were in high school) 45 years ago today.  Still the cutest little couple you will ever see.  

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And last but not least.  

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People with a significant other—>  how long have you guys been together?

Who ran through a pregnancy?  What did you love about it?

What was your lunch today?

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I love running with no pressure – we put so much on ourselves and so often it’s misguided and has no purpose other than to frustrate us. There is good pressure and bad pressure and sometimes we have to run with no pressure so we can start to distinguish again.

Did that even make any sense? I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to be perfect these days and how to distinguish between righteous pressure and imitation pressure. (Hence today’s blog post.)

Anyway, 45 years! What a blessing to have been born of goodly parents! I’m sure their posterity is just as much of a treasure to them as they are to you!


Your sister looks just like your mom in that photo! Wow! And how cute are they?! My parents have been together for 43 years I think. I can’t even imagine! My husband and I have been together for almost six years now. I can’t believe even that much time has passed!

Lunch in the office today. Tasty, but would have rather taken a break and been at home.

Running while pregnant makes me nervous, if I’m honest. There’s the fear of if I will be able to, how long I’ll be able to, etc. Though I love what you said about not being pressure there, run as far as you want and the pace you want with no feelings like you ‘need’ to be pushing harder or doing longer runs.


Funny I thought she looked exactly like Janae :P


WOWOWOW! That plank is impressive, Supermom!

Congrats to your parents on 45 years! That is so amazing! My guy and I just passed our 10-year anniversary for meeting and will celebrate our 10-year of being together-a-versary later this month :)


TEN YEARS!! WOW!! That is so awesome Kristina:) I hope you are having a great day.


Married for 6 years! Congrats to your parents…incredible!
No babies yet:)
Lunch today: mache rosettes with strawberries (eating light because I have a big dinner to attend tonight!)


OMG they are adorable, and YOU are your moms TWIN!!! She’s just as gorgeous As YOU!!!!!!!!
Best Brooke meme EVERRRRRR

We have been together for five and a half years and we met in a shady hometown bar!!


Together 24 years, married 22 in December.

Didn’t start running into my baby was 8.


i absolutely LOVE that last pic of Brooke!! Made my day!!


My hubby and I have been together for four years now:)

Lunch today was a Bocca burger and green beans in a salad. YUMMY!! (good protein for a vegan)

I am currently pregnant and am 11 weeks. I have been running 6 day’s of week and have been running around 8 miles a day. By the end of the day I am so tired!

This is my first time leaving a comment but I think your amazing. I hope I can be such a good mom like you one day!


Lynnae!! I love your name:) Way to go on your running and congrats on your pregnancy! I am so excited for you. Being a mom is amazing!


I love the photos of Brooke. She always has fun! I would pray for a little girl like her too ;)


We’ve been together six years, married close to two.

Congrats to your parents! High school sweethearts, so sweet.


My lunch was Wild Zucchini…what a coincidence! ;) That picture of you prego is amazing. How you were able to still look cute while pregnant, I will never know. I run while pregnant, but not as much, often or as far as you and that is 100% okay. I wish I could have, but my body told me hell to the no.

That picture of your parents is adorable and awesome! Ross and I have been married 10 years. Which is crazy because I don’t feel old enough to be married that long, but at the same time I don’t remember (or maybe I block out) guys before him. Ha!

That Brooke sure is cute. One day I will win her over. Maybe I will start by making her zucchini cookies for bfast. I hear she likes that.


Brooke told me you will win her over by coming over after she goes to sleep to her house more often at night to entertain her mom.


Your article in Women’s Running was so sweet! I love how to said you spent most of the miles thinking about Brooke. I even made an “awww” sound out loud at work.

My boyfriend and I have been together for about 4.5 years. We met at our old job just outside DC and moved to San Diego together.

I haven’t been pregnant yet but have had a lot of friends run through their pregnancies. The thought of giving running up for 9 months sounds so sad! I really hope I’ll be healthy enough to run through mine.. :)

I had a homemade burrito bowl for lunch- rice, beans, chicken, peppers, corn salsa, and guacamole.


I love Brooke’s quote – that’s flipping adorable :)


I ran a race when I was 10 weeks pregnant but had to stop after because of some health issues. I hope, it I ever have more kids, to be able to run while pregnant!

I recently separated but we were together 8 years.

Lunch was a soup to go and goldfish I raided from my toddler’s snack drawer. Oh, and an apple! All about convenience today, haha!


Hard to believe but it’s been 26 years since my husband and I went on our first date in high school.

I wish I’d been a runner when I was pregnant but I logged many a happy mile in the pool!


Almost seven years! My husband is my absolute best friend. I’m not sure how I ever survived without him. I don’t mean this to be mushy because our relationship is definitely not (neither of us are romantic types) but he’s definitely my partner in crime.

I actually did not become an active person until after I had my three children so no running. I cannot even imagine running pregnant, especially in the last trimester. For someone who has never done it but knows what it feels like to be pregnant, sounds kind of miserable to be honest….

My lunch was one salmon taco + one chicken taco. Afterwards, I inhaled two fun size bags of skittles…..this Halloween candy business has got to stop!


My cat sometimes jumps on my back when I am doing planks, but I’m guessing it is an entirely different experience, haha! You are such a great influence on Brooke. :)

My husband and I have been together 4+ years and have been married 2. I honestly can’t remember much of life before him, even though it wasn’t that long ago.


OMG LOVE that photo of your parents! Quite the dashing couple! My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 6 years (in Jan)! We were BFF’s before that so I don’t even remember life without him :)


My 9 month old daughter thinks its HILARIOUS when I do planks. I try to think its not because my form is that funny! But it probably is.

Lunch was toast with Nutzo butter, sliced apples, and tomato soup. Just had an afternoon diet coke to wake me up a bit! I can’t quit that stuff!

I actually didn’t run at all when I was pregnant. Well maybe like once before I knew. But I felt so terrible for the first trimester that it wasn’t even an option, and after that I just went for hikes and did pilates. It worked out really well for me I think! I’m actually just now starting to get really into running again.


I didn’t run through my pregnancy. In fact, I stopped going to the gym after 8 weeks because the smell made me sick lol. I did what I could on my own with walking regularly and swimming a bit. I knew I would get back to my fitness routine at some point! I like to think if I had another baby I would keep up some running but who knows.


Blessings to your mom & dad. That is amazing! I met Rick when I was 22 and we married 5 years later so we have 20 years of together and 15 years of being married. Lunch today was leftovers. Dinner is BBQ–gotta take advantage of this wonderful CO weather before we get SNOW on Monday (ugh)

I can’t wait to read that article! I don’t have kids but any reason not to put pressure on yourself is just wonderful. I think we all go through life being way too hard on ourselves.

Thank you for sharing….


Wow, 45 years is such a long time! They deserve to celebrate!


My husband and I will be celebrating our 2 year wedding anniversary on Monday! But we have been together for almost 10 years. I can’t believe you planked with Brooke on your back! That is so impressive!


That is such a great article, Janae! So awesome that you ran that many miles while pregnant :) I didn’t run, but I did exercise my whole pregnancy and also rode my spin bike almost every day of it- I loved that there was no pressure, too, and it made me feel so much better!! Yay for working out while pregnant! I’m a huge proponent of it!



p.s. happy (meeting) anniversary to your cute parents!!!


Happy 45 years to your parents!

I LOVED running while pregnant for many of the same reasons you did. :-) I was able to get out of my own head and eat and exercise correctly for the health of my baby girl.


Is Brooke giving us a shaka?!? Love it!

Been married 23 years, met 25 years ago (half my life!) No babies/pregnancies for me.

Lunch was a Subway 6″ black forest ham with avocado, American cheese, bell peppers, cucumbers, olives, and pepperoncinis on honey oat! (Sorry, I know you hate olives, but my grandfather grew them and I love ’em!)


I’ve been with my boyfriend for just over 3 years now. I’m really hoping he proposes right after I run Boston. That would be my dream proposal ;)


Happy anni to your parents! Tell Brookers I hope she has a good day too, and to stay so stinkin cute!


I’ve known my husband for 25 years, married for a truly wonderful 13.

When I was pregnant with my first over 20 years ago, my doctor advised me against running and told me if I ran I’d give birth to a “scrawny baby.” Wish I wouldn’t have listened to her for many reasons 1) I ended up not running again for almost 13 years. 2) I had a 10lb baby. 3) Running while you’re pregnant is just bad ass and I would’ve been in so much better shape after birth.

Congrats on such an auspicious day! Parents’ anniversary, hella hard plank with an interloper, adorable pics, and a tasty lunch. (Mine was a caprice salad from Costco).


Been with my hubby for almost 17 years and married 11 1/2 years! My parents just celebrated their 45 in June! Lunch was a turkey sand on whole wheat bread with guac, spinach, kale, low fat haver ti cheese and a sliced beefsteak tomato with low fat cottage cheese, delicious! I’ve got post marathon blues this week! :( I ran my first one on Sunday!


My husband and I have been together 8 years, 45 seems out of this world! I didn’t run while pregnant due to complications, in fact I was on bed rest with the first and had to restrict activities with the second and third. It was good to take a break from it though and actually not think about fitness and running at all for quite a while.


Awww happy first day they met to your parents!
My parents met in high school as well! It’s crazy how different my experience has been… hello 25 and very much single! If I can ever have a relationship like theirs, even for a short time I will consider that part of my life fulfilled :)


I am so jealous you were able to run that much throughout your pregnancy! I wasn’t in very good shape right before I got pregnant, so it was really hard in the beginning when I started feeling really sick, nauseous, tired, and having GI issues on top of that. I was able to run a little more in the second trimester, but still only 4 times a week, 4-8 miles. At week 22, I started having some pelvic pain after running 2 days in a row. My doctor said it is symphysis pubis dysfunction. I took a week off and my first run after that felt ok, but the second one was painful. Last week I tried running 3 miles and barely made it back home :( I just got a belt like the one you said you used, and I am hoping that will help a bit so I can at least go on an occasional run. I have also been doing some weightlifting and should probably do some yoga and will probably do some biking or something if I continue to be unable to run, but it still makes me sad because I love running so much! I just want to go outside and be free :) I did slow down a ton though, even in the first trimester when I didn’t have a belly yet. Hills became especially difficult from the very beginning – my heart rate would skyrocket like crazy and then later my legs also started feeling like they were on fire after going up hills. It is crazy how much the body changes in 9 months!


I’m starting to think about babies and it gives me hope that you ran during pregnancy and rocking it afterwards. I love running so much and it is who I am. And it stressed me out that I wouldn’t be able to continue or run even post baby. I love it so much so this gives me hope I could come back too. Might need a super treadmill to fit it all in though


We are actually celebrating 25 years of marriage this week! Hubby’s parents are married 52 years now and my parents will be married 50 years next year!
I’ve been running since childhood, but only ran during the early parts of pregnancy. I would say up to 3 1/2 months.


Congrats to your parents! That picture of Brooke is adorable! :)


My lunch was a cool wrap from Chick Fil A, which was just “eh,” but healthy lunch options are definitely limited in college! I had a honeycrisp apple on the side that totally made up for it, though :)


I have been with my boyfriend for a little over 2 years now. We’re house hunting! :)

Lunch today was a giant bowl of granola, yogurt and blueberries. I was lazy after my run and didn’t want to make anything.


lunch today = peanut butter and jelly on whole wheat, carrot and celery sticks, & an apple, eaten while conversing with second graders. sometimes simple is so good!


My husband and I started dating in high school and have been together for 20 years, and married for 16 :-) We have four kiddos, my first pregnancy was a set of triplets so no running for me during pregnancy, and many months of bedrest…but I will say I am in better shape than when I had them (at 22) and these days we run together which is really cool. They run cross country at their middle school, so its fun to train with them and watch them run. We always do a 5k as a family on Thanksgiving morning so that is the next race on our calendar.


Happy anniversary to your parents!!! It’s so inspirational to see such long relationships that continue to flourish. It gives me hope :) My parents have been together for close to 35 years and they continue to be my role models.


Currently single, but my parents gave been together for 37 years!

I love how you ran while pregnant- you were very lucky to be able to do so:)


45 years – wow, that’s incredible! Congrats to your parents! DH and I just celebrated our 16 year anniversary in August, but we have been together for 20 years and have been friends since we were freshmen in high school : )

I had an “irritable uterus” (yes, there really is such a thing) and was on full bedrest for my first pregnancy and modified bedrest for my second, so I wasn’t able to exercise at all other than walking. I so admire the women I see at the gym or out running who are looking strong, happy and sporting a baby belly to boot – so inspiring!!


Hi! I’ve been reading your blog for a little over a year & wanted you to know how much I love it! I had a baby girl last August & your blog helped convince me that my best running days were in front on me and not behind me :) I ran my first marathon three weeks ago and LOVED it – it was the most confident I had ever felt while running a race, which I know came from having my daughter! I’m looking forward to more races. Thanks for sharing your training & your life!


Congrats to your parents! What’s their secret??? 45 years is a looooooong time! I’ve been married for 8.5 years (which sometimes feels like 45 years to me)…

Lunch was steak and veggies (nothing exciting)

I started running last year so I didn’t run during my pregnancy (my daughter is 13), but I also was sick for the entire pregnancy so I don’t think I would have been running much (but who knows!).


You were the cutest pregnant girl!

A selfie during a plank with Brooke on top? I’m impressed! My daughter loves to get on top of me when I foam roll. Ouch!

I couldn’t run much when I was pregnant because my joints did weird things. I did the stationary bike, but it was so hard to stay awake after work.


LOL love the Brooke meme.


My hubby and I have been together for 15 and a half years…and we’re only 31! Crazy.

I didn’t start running until my first born was about 14 months old, but with my second, I ran up until abut 20 weeks and then it just wasn’t comfortable for me (or should I say my bladder…)


Here is a strange question…HOW do you pronounce your name???


Loved reading your article about pregnancy and running. I too ran when I was pregnant with my baby girl, and while I didn’t run nearly as much as you did, it always felt great : My hubby and I have been together for just over 2 years, our anniversary is Aug 3rd. For lunch I had Cafe Rio, so good! Where is the Wild Zucchini place??


wow 45 years- that is a true accomplishment and inspiration! Congratulations to your parents!


My husband and I met over 22 years ago and we hit 19 married in September! Next year is the BIG 20 so hoping to go on a trip. On our 17th anniversary we went to Portland and ran a half marathon through wine country :)

Lunch was spinach and mushrooms sauteed and over rice – YUM!

I wasn’t much of a runner back wheen I was having kids but I was a gym rat. First pregnancy I got pre-eclampsia so couldn’t do much. Second I did a lot of weights and walking – loved it!


Together for 13.5 years! Met on a trip to Italy; it was very romantic.

Ran, and then walked, up until the morning before I delivered. Recovery was much easier with this one than my previous ones. I thank my increased activity level for that awesome recovery.

Lunch was saloup: soup on top of a bed of lettuce. Yummy.

Brooke’s hair is getting so long! Planking with kids and situps with kids is always a whole extra level of difficulty.

You are still so cute after working out! I think the reason guys don’t approach you is because they see how fast you run/how tough you are and they’re intimidated. Psh, you don’t want those kind anyway.


your parents are adorable, you are a good mix of both

I worked out everyday of my pregnancy with V, if I wasn’t at the gym, I was out for a long walk. I ended up walking out of the hospital weighing less than when I got preggo. Now..I had plenty to lose before getting preggo.


It’s been 7 years for us! Congrats to your parents! That’s awesome!! I had left overs for lunch today. Didn’t settle well in my stomach cause I had horrible pains all through my run this afternoon. :( lame! I know!! If those pains weren’t there I would have had a great little run too!!

We don’t have kids yet… :( so my dogs are my kids. I’ve tried taking them with me while I run and they don’t seem to get running with a human… Any tips?


John & I met our freshman year of highschool. We were really great friends that started dating the end of senior year. We’ve been friends for 12 years, together for 8.5, and been married for 1.5. Time flies with your best friend :)

No babies yet! With my luck I’ll be sick through and through :(

Lunch was panang curry. I LOVE thai food! But they were my husband’s leftovers from his lunch outing yesterday, and he didn’t tell me it was so spicy!!!!! I’m a wuss with spice!


My husband and I have been together for just over 8 years, and married for 6 months and 29 days :P

For lunch I had a Lite’n’Easy frozen meal – Fettuccine Alfredo, with a big tub of fresh pineapple because I couldn’t resist it. YUM!


Yesterday was my husband and my wedding anniversary! We married 4 years ago, but met 6 years ago at a Boston Red Sox game.

I ran until 34 weeks pregnant and felt so empowered. I loved the me time (us time, really) and found I felt the most like myself when I continued running.

Lunch was a PB&J! :-)


Congrats to your parents!! My husband and I are together 23 years and I ran through all 4 pregnancies. I loved how I felt so healthy and how I got to think and pray and wonder what each one would be like. I didn’t know the sex until 3 and 4 so that was fun not knowing boy or girl.


Planks are hard on the best of days! But everything’s better with a buddy :)


Oof–looks like a tough plank session with lots of giggling. I should get my little brother to do that with me.


I always end up asking for like fourteen different sauces and dressings when I go out to eat too, I just don’t want to miss out on tasting anything!

And okay, that Brooke picture MADE.MY.DAY.

My husband and I have been “together for 5 1/2 years, and married for six months.


My gosh you look just like your mom when she was young!!


My husband and I have been married for 11 years, and together for 12 years this month!


Wow! I can’t believe how much your brothers look like your dad! I love genes. So interesting!


Thank you thank you thank you for posting this article about running during pregnancy! I am currently 23 weeks pregnant and went from running marathons to struggling with a making it just a few miles. I am putting too much thought it in and continue to worry about my pace and how much slower I am now than I was pre-pregnancy! I may have to start leaving my watch at home and just go with how I feel! My goal is to be able to run throughout my entire pregnancy.

I am due the first of March and I’m shooting for my next marathon to be next October or November. Is this realistic? How was it post pregnancy and getting back to your normal pace? I didn’t run during my first pregnancy so I’m not sure what to expect when I get cleared to start working out again! Happy Friday!


Aw happy anniversary to your parents!


My husband and I started dating almost exactly 4 years ago (on 11/5). We dated for a year, got engaged, then a year later got married. We did know each other before we started dating, so that helped, but I really felt like there was no point in waiting for a long time to get married when I knew I wanted to be with him. We’re coming up on our 2 year wedding anniversary at the end of the month.


There is now a Cafe Rio by house. I experienced it for the first time last night. I now know why you love it.


First things first, guys don’t approach you at gym because they are tools. Also, they are super intimidated by beautiful women such as you. And also…they are tools :-)
I have been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years!! I can’t wait to be married, pregnant and running with a cute belly!


Happy Anniversary to your parents! My hubby and I just celebrated our 3rd yesterday. Seems like we just got married yesterday. We got married right after my husband finished the NYC marathon in Central park. It was beautiful!

I ran right up until I was 33wk pregnant. I came down with a really bad case of bronchitis and sinus infection. I pulled all my muscles on the right side of my body so I could barely move. Sleeping upright for 2wks was awful. Once I could move again, I walked miles and miles until the end.


What a great picture of your parents, congrats to them! My husband and I ran off to Vegas after only a few short weeks of knowing each other – 3 kids and 12 years later we’re still together. I hated pregnancy but loved working out while pregnant because I felt so strong and tough. I felt like I finally had a running buddy with me all of the time. :)


Have you ever thought about posting a video of one of your spin workouts? That way those of us who will never get the chance to take your class could do it on our own at the gym! I’m currently addicted to Flywheel…it’s no joke…but I always wonder what your class would be like!


My son (2.5 yrs) does that to me when I’m trying to plank, too! He calls it a “snuggle wrestle” and it KILLS every time. I swear he’s made of bricks.

I only ran for the first part of my pregnancy, then I had to take a year and a half off because everything was terrible! But now everything is fine, and I run with the kiddo in the stroller all the time.

Congratulations to your parents!


I’ve been with my husband for a total of 5 years but next Tuesday is our 2 year anniversary :)


I have been with my bf for 8 1/2 years!
Someday I can definitely see myself running while preggers!
Today for lunch I had vegetable soup and some 12 grain bread from sprouts.
Congrats to your parents on 45 years of marriage!!


My bf and i have been together for 7 years.. called off an engagement, but working through therapy right now and i’m hoping for good things for the rest of our lives together :)


Keywords used: Buying car DVD players!
wedding invitation cards http://www.vowscard.com

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