Running—-> Enduring Well.

But first, three things that made me happy and a birthday party.

1.  Some of our Halloween decorations.  It has been fun starting completely fresh in our new place and decorating the way I like to decorate… like a gold glitter skull on the table.

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2.  My friend was right, baking treats for other people is always a good idea.  My apartment still smells amazing many hours later.  

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3.  The amount of joy that Brooke gets from wearing her elmo socks.  

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We celebrated Megan’s bday yesterday at our favorite spot with some ginormous salads.

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Brooke was determined to help the waitresses clean the place.  She is so thoughtful.

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She was just stoked to be out and about with the girls with a blue sucker from one of my friends (and up past her bedtime;)

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Once Brooke was down I had my first cup of hot chocolate this season while reading! 

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I just started reading My Best Race: 50 Runners and the Finish Line They’ll Never Forget.

I loved what Kara Goucher said —>  “There’s a point in a race where you’re on the edge and you’re pushing so hard and you’re riding this line and if you push a little too much you’re going to blow up, but if you keep riding that line something special can happen.”

Let’s talk about endurance running aka what we all kind of love to do.  

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Endurance running—>  or long-distance running, is a form of running over distances of at least 3.1 miles.  Physiologically, it is largely aerobic in nature and requires stamina (source).

Ever since I haven’t been running with people as much as I used to (because I have been doing a lot more treadmill miles now that I moved) it has given me a lot of time to think about a bunch of randomness while I run.  I love having new to me mantras to think about to keep pushing myself. Lately (and especially during my last marathon), I have been loving to think about not just trying to endure through the difficult parts——> but to ENDURE WELL.  

When I think about endurance, I think about the physical part of pushing through the tough spots in your run or race and not quitting.  When I think about enduring WELL I think more about the mental aspect of pushing through the hard stuff to get to the finish line.  I think about how not only do I want to persevere and not quit but I want to do it well.  I want to do it with a lot of positive thoughts and patience.  I don’t want to just check off a tough workout from my training plan but to learn something big from the experience.  I want to push myself to the limits while enjoying it.  I don’t want to count down the minutes until I am finished with the race but to smile at least a few times each mile.  I want to feel gratitude as I am enduring rather than feeling the pain of tired legs.  I don’t want to just be in survival mode to get to the end of the race but to feel strong getting there.  I don’t want to just focus on getting myself to endure but to do it well by cheering on all of the other runners too..  I don’t want to spend the whole race searching for the finish line, I want to make a memory of the race and endure it well.  

This probably doesn’t make any sense but in my brain it is something I like to think about—>  to not just endure the race/hard workout/long run but to grow, stay positive and do it as well as possible… it makes the whole experience a lot better.  And like pretty much everything in running, I am sure the idea of enduring well could probably be applicable to life stuff too (this whole thought process came from a church talk I listened to about enduring it well and it has helped me with my running too:) 


What have you been thinking about a lot during your runs lately?

Any good/new/helpful mantras that you have been using?

What are YOU dressing up as for Halloween?

Yay or nay to marshmallows in your hot chocolate?

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Currently while I’m running my daily three miles I think about how much dry heaving I’m doing. Other then that I general have my most creative periods while working out. I’ve thought a lot about just my figure running plans and goals. I do agree and I think part of pushing through workouts and tough runs is the fact that you want too. It you are not mentally ready or wanting to run, I don’t think you’ll get to wear you w
(Or anyone) want to be.

The woman with the long blonde hair in your photo, please make her do a guest post on how to grow absolutely gorgeous hair like that. I’m super jealous! LOL (not relevant to any part of this post).


LOVE your halloween decorations! I was in the store yesterday, trying to justify if we have the money to buy decorations this year….with a wedding next year, I went with no….but next year!

As for the endure well, I think that definitely makes sense! Being successful in running is all about enduring through the ups and downs of the sport. Some days are good, and those days are a piece of cake, others are bad, and we have to make it through. If you do continue to be consistent through the bad days, you are rewarded! I am grateful for my ability to endure, and you should be too :) I hope you check out my post today, I think you will like it!


I think endurance + speed = the best runner. I have the endurance (not as much as possible!) but I need to work on my speed. I could run forever at an easy pace but make me go fast and I can’t do it as long! During my runs I like to think about what I get to eat when I’m done ;)


I LOVE that mantra and think your idea of enduring WELL makes perfect sense!


I am slowly rebuilding my legs after plantar fasciitis bit me hard. So my runs are pretty short, 3 miles or less. I usually think, “Quick feet, strong lungs” over and over while I run and I think about the example that I am (hopefully!!) setting for my two little girls. Other than that, I just enjoy the fall weather! It’s nice to feel refreshed from running, instead of hot and tired. Fall weather running is the best.


I’m at the point of race fantasizing during my runs lately. Gets me pumped for the rest of my training!


I completely understand what you’re saying. That’s what makes you a great runner that keeps improving!


This is perfect and timely for me :) I have been feeling somewhat burnt out lately and told my husband I want to have a joyful run – not one where just I’m starting and already counting down to the finish!

When I did my half ironman I wrote the word “Endure” on my arm with a sharpie. It was so powerful that I later got it tattooed on the inside of my wrist. Maybe I should add “well” underneath it!


I love this. I have a quote up that says “What you focus on expands” that I think about alot. If I’m focusing on the negative, the negative gets even bigger and has more power. If I’m thinking about positive things, the same happens, but by expanding positivity! Endure well. That’s a great mantra!

Hot chocolate and a good book…there isn’t much better of a way to spend the evening! The bread looks amazing! I bet it did make your apartment smell awesome! My nephew went thru a vacuuming phase where he wanted to vacuum everywhere he went! Brooke has the best smile! She’s a happy little girl!:)


I miss Halloween! Your decorations are so cute! This is the third year in a row I’ll miss it, so I probably won’t dress up. I’m looking for good running costume ideas for a November marathon, though, if anyone has ideas…

I often think about my training plan while I’m running, especially during long runs. Thinking about the work I’ve put in reinforces that I’m prepared to run faster and farther! Towards the end I usually just tell myself “this is hard, but you can do this.”

Definite yes to marshmallows in hot chocolate!


I am in extreme admiration at the amount of marshmallows you fit into your cup, truly taking advantage of all the deliciousness.

Also can’t get over how Brooke looks like a little girl now and not a toddler.


What a great story behind the mantra, I really like that! When I think of “enduring” during a race I think of pushing through when it’s hard, but I love the idea of “enduring well” and pushing through while being positive!

My current mantra is “stronger than yesterday!” It helps me pull through those tough spots because it reminds me to get competitive with myself!


Mmm, pumpkin bread is one of the best parts of Fall. My favorite is adding white chocolate chips!
One of my current favorite mantras (that I got from you!) is pain is temporary. That always helps during races and really hard workouts.


Enduring well- I love it- thanks for sharing.

I’m excited to read everyone’s mantras, as I am running a half this weekend and know I will need to repeat some like every mile!

All the Yay to marshmallows in my ho-cho.


The more marshmallows the better! I’m also not against some whipped cream in hot chocolate :).

I was just at TJ’s last night and didn’t buy that bread! What is wrong with me???


I’ve been thinking about gratitude during my runs lately. It’s one of the few moments I have zero distractions to think, pray and be grateful for all that’s going on.

And yes, I like a side of hot chocolate with my marshmallows :)


Yes for marshmallows in hot chocolate! A must! I’ve been thinking about staying in the moment, not letting something small snowball and to be grateful for all things.


I just wanted to tell you how well you articulated the true meaning of endurance. You defined it perfectly!! I also completely agree that this definition can pertain to anything in life. Your blog is awesome! It brightens my day:)


I have been thinking a lot about how not comfortable does not mean I am uncomfortable. Comfortable = pj’s on couch, and pumpkin bread………just because I am out there pushing it a little does not mean I am uncomfortable and to keep riding that line (as Kara states it)


All about marshmallows in my hot chocolate!

I also recently moved and am loving getting to put my own style into Halloween decorations at the new place. Something about a fresh start makes me inspired to decorate in a new way which has made my new place feel very much like home :)

As far as mantras go, I don’t really have one that I’ve been using recently. Instead I have been focused on the fact that I am able to run. I am working my way back from an injury so every time I want to quit or have a run that feels off (or a struggle run as I call it) I remind myself to be thankful that I am able to run and that motivates me to continue.


I LOVE marshmallows in my hot chocolate! I actually threw a bag into the grocery cart the other day as I told my husband, “I neeeeeed them!”


Well said, Janae. I really like and appreciate your thoughts.

Have a happy day!

xo- Becky


Those Elmo socks made my morning! :)

Can’t wait until it’s cool enough here to enjoy a mug of hot chocolate!


Thinking about racing and picturing the finishing stretch of a race is really motivating while I run! Lately I have been thinking about just surviving my runs, as the first trimester of this pregnancy has been a bit rough on me :)

Not sure what I’m going to be for halloween but I’m thinking my son will be Fix It Felix! Still working on ideas for my costume!

Marshmallows —> LOTS OF EM!


I got doctors orders not to run until my customized orthotics arrive. I have been spending my time weight training, eliptical, and spin. :( I miss running and it’s only been a few days! Always put in marshmallows. The more the better :)


I am at the point in my training where I am over-analyzing every little thing about every run. Even though my training has gone well, I am finding a million reasons why my race could not go well. I need to work on getting in a more positive mindset!


The human brain is fascinating and more powerful than we can imagine. Everyone always (correctly) says that running is a mental sport, so your ‘endure well’ mantra is right on! If we don’t try to pull positives out of tough or discouraging runs/workouts, we will grow to hate the sport. Personally, it would be absolutely tragic for me if I started dreading running! So enduring each and every run & race well becomes crucial :)


I always love having marshmallows in my hot chocolate!! I just signed up for my first 10k on the 1st of February (only my third race all together!!), so it’s going to be hard to keep motivated once it gets really cold but every time I run, I try to picture myself running across that finish line and how amazing it will be. That thought alone keeps me going :)


Lately during my runs I have been focusing on pushing fear and negative thoughts out of my head. Every run has me obsessing about my upcoming ultra and I am really psyching myself out. I know it’s not a good path to go down so I have been trying to consciously stop negative thoughts in their tracks and switch my focus to something positive.


I feel the same way about marshmallows as I do whipped cream in my hot chocolate. Why bother because they melt too fast. :(

When I run I always focus on the fact that I can sustain effort for longer than I thought possible. Aside from an acute injury I have always completed my races and I know my body can handle it and actually it thrives on it. I will never be a sprinter but I love running for hours!


My son has muscular dystrophy and, at 2, is just learning how to walk. When it’s hard I think of how thankful I am that I have muscles that can do such amazing things for me!


Thank you so much Gloria for sharing this.


Glad to share because it’s a happy thought! :) This is my first time posting but I’ve been following you a while. You’ve helped me deal with some really bad runs (like mine today) and not let that derail me! Thank you for sharing everything you do!


I like this a lot. I’ve been really mentally struggling my last couple races and this was perfect to read. I need to work on mentally training as well so I can finish my next race strong!

And the question isn’t if I like marshmallows in my hot chocolate-it’s how much hot chocolate is acceptable in my mug of marshmallows?


During my runs I have really been trying to focus on being grateful. Grateful for having the health and strength to run, to have the financial means to buy the right shoes and warm clothes, grateful to know an escape that has helped heal me and show me just how strong I really am. Oct. 1 I set my 90 day focus on gratitude and appreciating what I have.


I ran a half marathon this past Sunday in Chattanooga. It was awesome. I only have one regret though- walking up a hill at mile 11. The majority of the course was lovely and flat (especially compared to where I run in Atlanta) but I still walked up that hill. I think for my next half in a few weeks I’m going to keep thinking what I thought about the whole race on sunday “THE TIME IS NOW.” and maybe add a “NO REGRETS” in there.

I’m always at a loss for halloween costumes. I’ll be in NYC for halloween actually…I’d really love to be one of Kristen Wiig’s characters from SNL (Doonise or the Target Lady).


Great mantra. I have a very specific situation this will help me with. Thank you!
I’m dressing up as Elphaba and the rest of my roommates are Wizard of Oz characters. :)


I think the mental is the most challenging! I just ran my first marathon, and that was my experience!!

Yes to marshmallows! Have you had the pumpkin spice ones??? :)


How do you train mentally? I am having this exact problem. Just getting through my training runs, another box checked. Any advice? I love the mantra, but my I feel like I need a plan, of course:)


Thanks for sharing this. This was exactly what I needed to read this morning. It’s easy to get brought hard things, but it’s a whole different story to get through then well. Would you mind sharing the church talk you were listening to that was talking about this? I think I could benefit from listening to this also. Im hoping it was some sort of podcast, instead of something you attended in person, so I could check it out also. I know you don’t like to get to much into religion on here, so I understand if you don’t want to share.


This is SO timely, Janae! I have been trying to think about “enduring well” (although I haven’t been using that term) during my runs. Just this morning, I was going up a hill and my butt muscles were killing and I thought ” I am so lucky to be out here and not injured and able to have the rain come down on my and breathe in the fresh air. ” And I smiled. It sounds so corny and sappy but it made me happy. And it wasn’t about forgetting the pain but actually kind of embracing it. I read something or maybe I saw it on the movie Transcend (about Wes Korir) about a coach saying something about the great runners : embracing the pain, enjoying the pain, realizing it is helping them (to a point) and it is a GOOD thing. That has been at the forefront of my runs lately. Great post – thank you.


This hits home! I’ve been dealing with the “non-sweaty” endurance related to distance running. After finishing my last half marathon, I knew I needed a break from serious training. Now I’m learning how to endure through no motivation, lack of drive, and just plain laziness to get back into running. Endurance is so much more than the physical!


I can’t tell you how much I needed this :) I have my first half marathon in just over a week and am nervous and excited and scared. I trust my training but I know it will be hard but I want to finish strong and be proud of of my accomplishment. Thank you!


I love the enduring well mantra. Although I don’t run distances, I feel like I strive to do this is in my workouts and in the group fitness classes I teach. It shouldn’t be an awful feeling, it should feel empowering. Great thought for the day!


I love what you say about enduring well (and I really love a church talk with running analogies). Have you read Elaine Dalton’s book? The entire thing is a running analogy.

Endurance is so important physically and spiritually. It’s easy to get in the habit of wanting new and exciting things all the time, but then we miss out on the satisfaction of mastering and achieving. You’re doing a great job enduring in all areas of your life, and although I’m sure you don’t always feel it. Read grace in the bible dictionary. After all you can do.


i love your positivity! way to keep your head up.


I love your decorations! I’m always tempted at Target/Home Goods but I don’t have the space for them!


Is the book good? You should write a book – you have a gift!


Will you come decorate my house? I pay! I have no time to do those fun things.


I will be dressing up as a runner for Halloween! I will spend halloween at a team in training table at a race expo, and the rest of the night will be resting for my half marathon the next day!


Marshmallow’s YES but I actually prefer a big scoop of Fluff instead. I think it’s a New England thing.
I had a costume party to celebrate my 40th this past weekend and went as Wonder Woman. It was awesome!
My recent mantra has been “just pretend you can do this”. Somehow it works!


I love your glitter skull! I can’t wait for Halloween, I am debating dressing up for a half marathon this weekend that isn’t technically a Halloween race but I think it would be fun!


this is a really good thought. I can push myself but my brain goes crazy when I do it and I want to learn to calm myself and focus when I’m pushing and trying to endure.


I have been thinking about how it will feel to cross that finish line flying down provo canyon, I am torn a bit between booking it down the canyon at full speed and then taking it easy the last three miles, or conserving my energy for the last half of the half :).

My Halloween costume that I will be also running in is Where’s Wanda I am real excited!


I’ve been reminding myself to take it easy while running.
Mantra: quick and light
Marshmallows: of course…yes!!!


I have actually been thinking about that a ton on my runs lately. What is the point of even going out if I am just going to count down the miles until its over? Once I stopped doing that, I realized just how much I was truly *enjoying* the physical act of running! And all of a sudden heading out at dark o’clock wasn’t a punishment, it was a gift. :) Sorry for the cheese fest, but its just such a new and amazing realization!


This is such a good thing to realize and how it does transcend into other life aspects. Reminds me instead of going thru the motions to live in the moment too. I pray each mile for someone during my long races and runs this helps me endure.
I’m going to wear my Dorothy costume while running a Halloween 5k this weekend with my son…my husband thinks I’m nuts lol! 38 year old Dorothy;)
Meagan is super cute with her fashionable peep hole knee pants!! Love your group pic and how you’re all so close.


No to the mallows. I truly only like them in RKT or Smores.

Your whole schpill on enduring well was amazing. I couldn’t agree more and I am going to be focusing on that for sure. Loved all your thoughts.

Ummm I am supposed to have all of our family’s Halloween costumes done by Saturday….and I haven’t even started. Crap bags. Life has been crazy. Annabelle – Alice in Wonderland. Me- Queen of Hearts. Ross- the mad hatter and Felicty – the Cheshire cat. I rrrrreally tired to get Evan to be the white rabbit, but he wanted nothing to do with it and wants everything to do with being The Flash. So the Flash he is. We will see if I can get my act together and get our costumes done.

Holy crap. The picture of Brooke with the megan/the sucker – she is your mini me. I mean, I have always thought she resembled you, but in that picture she is YOU and she is absolutely gorgeous. The. End.


That hot chocolate looks oh so appealing right now! The more marshmallows the better in my opinion.


Great post! As I was running during the Chicago marathon recently, I just kept telling myself “It’s an honor to be here…people have traveled from all over the world to be a part of this…I am grateful my body is capable of this… I am grateful for every single person cheering right now…I am grateful to be running alongside my beautiful daughter….” It made those 26.2 miles a much better experience!


AHHHH you ran with your daughter? That is the coolest thing ever. You are amazing and congrats on Chicago!


I *highly* recommend the book Station Eleven. It’s about not just surviving but, as you nicely put it, enduring well.


So total sidenote .. but is that a Kindle you’re reading on instead of your iPad??


Nope it is my iPad but it just has a ginormouse case on it!


Such a good point that I think goes with all things in life- to not just endure, but endure well. To not just live, but live WELL. :)



Love your mantra! Completed my first marathon on the 12th and my goal was “finish strong” , and I absolutely succeeded met this goal! I heard a lot of people saying things about first marathons like, “I’ll just crawl over the finish line if I have to” .. but “just finishing” wasn’t what I wanted to accomplish. All those hours & miles of training, I was going to RUN over that finish line and have fun doing it! Endure well my friend!


I love it- enduring and enjoying it while you are doing it, could be applied to so much more than just running. Metaphor for life, enjoy it, don’t just go through the motions. love it.


Marshmellows are a yay, it extra sugar is not!


I think my mantra, besides “you can do hard things” has been “GET THE BQ”…Once i kept that in my mind and was able to visualize myself getting the BQ… it seemed like i could through marathon training with no problems at all :)


Wow, that’s a serious amount of marshmallows in your hot chocolate! I prefer no marshmallows, don’t want anything in the way of my chocolate :)

I’m going to be Olaf for Halloween! My husband is Kristof, the dog is Sven, my 4 yo is Elsa, my 2 yo is Anna… Can you guess who picked the family theme this year? I still have to make the costumes – it’s going to be a loooong weekend!

I’ve taken your mantra “I can do hard things” and changed it to “I do hard things”… I have always believed I’m capable of anything – life is about what I CHOOSE to do, not just what I CAN do. The hard part is that then if I succeed or fail is all on me and what I choose to prioritize… that’s still the tricky part :)


Love your blog. Your hot chocolate looks amazing (as do the salad mountains you are always posting photos of – I get severe salad envy!!)!

About the mantras – half marathons are my favourite so far but I always hit a point where it’s just hard and my game plan doesn’t work out, and it was actually a mantra that you previously wrote about that saw me to an unexpected 5 minute half marathon PR 2 weeks ago; “I can do hard things” was the mantra, and for that I thank you :-D


I understood perfectly what you’re trying to say about enduring well. For me, it’s the difference between having fun and not. At this point in my life, I know I can make it through just about anything (mentally, physically, financially, whatever). My goal is to do “it” with grace and a sense of fun and gratefulness.

Love your Halloween decorations!


I’m reading My Best Race right now too – totally inspiring!

I’m in that post-race lost place right now. I need to make myself a schedule/training plan to get myself moving again.

Marshmallows = yes!


No marshmallows for me. Unless the were chocolate, then maybe. I struggle with the mental part of my longer runs. I know my body can do it, I just need to get my head to go along.


Your Halloween decorations are adorable! I have loved Halloween so much since I was a little girl, but unfortunately my husband and I can’t dress up this year. Boo (literally)!

I’m a total yay to marshmallows in my hot chocolate but won’t turn down a cup without! :)


Wow you are so determined on the treadmill, wish i was as determined as you. I have young children and need to do my treadmill running at 5am before my girls get up for school and i hop off to work otherwise i wont do it, but geez at that time i could only do 10kms, i just cant push further or even think positive, maybe i am stuck in a rut, i run with my ipod and watch t.v at the same time so you could say i am spoilt ha ha ha i will have your words in my head for tomorrow mornings run and make my self push through :)


Reading this post is SO uplifting. I am an endurance runner, but I’m going through something much more challenging in my life right now than pushing past a wall during a half marathon or triathlon. I’m on a long journey to get pregnant/become a mother. And I’ve definitely been enduring it, but I’d like to endure a little better – endure well. You’ve given me food for thought. Thanks Janae.


Janae, you are the reason I have become addicted to Candy Corn. It’s lucky I have only been able to find it at one store and only around this time of year in Melbourne :)

Endure well is a great way to think about running, but I 1000% agree that it is also a great way to think about life. When I think about the people I admire most, they have one consistent quality – graciousness. They approach life with humility, respect and kindness. And although they have faced tough things in their life, how they handled these difficult situations is what I admire about them.


Love your Halloween decorations! I am currently wishing that my runs could be among more trees (I live in NYC) so that I can enjoy fall to the max. YES to marshmallows.

I recently bounced back from a running burnout after training and running a half marathon last month. I haven’t experience this type of burnout in a few years, so now I’m just starting back at square one with a couple miles on the treadmill every other day, telling myself “one day at a time”.


I ran the Hat Trick in Bethlehem, PA this past weekend and after coming back from an injury, I really had no goals for any of the races except to cross all three finish lines. I ended up actually racing the 5k and going pretty hard on the 10k but for the half I started with a pace group wayyy farther back than I would have liked and you know what? It was perfect. I finished 20 minutes after my other PRs but this half was the smartest race I have ever run if that makes any sense. I fueled before I was tired and drank when I wasn’t thirsty and I never felt that wall. What you said about really enjoying the race…I totally did. I started with no music and only put my headphones in at the end because I wanted to, not because I needed to. So your running thoughts totally make sense to me!!! And when I heard two women next to me at mile 3 say “ah! 3! only 10.1 more to go!” I had to feel bad. Can we find them and send them this blog post?! Haha


What an awesome mantra janae, thank you for sharing. It’s so important that enjoy and flourish in our journey ( running or life), instead of just getting through it. Time is very precious, and we only get one life. I have been thinking latt along similar lines, about how everything I do should be with a joyful heart, and with gratitude. It’s not worth it to waste one precious moment trudging through anything. Do it well and with joy!
Great message girl, I appreciate you!


This was a wonderful post, thank you.

Everything you wrote made perfect sense to me. I broke free from an unhappy marriage, I have 2 children, have run 56 marathons and 20 ultra’s. Running has always been my go-to happy place.

‘When I think about endurance’…that paragraph is brilliant and I know you are young, but in the future I think you would really love running beyond the marathon distance. I love ultras…you can slow down, (it’s like meditation for me.)

Your post reminded me of Miley Cirus’s song…’It’s the Climb.’


At the moment while i am running i am thinking about ‘why am finding this sooooo hard at the moment’ maybe because i have taken a little break recently!!
I am dressing up this halloween for the first time as an adult as I am going to a girlie weekend and i can’t wait.


Awesome thoughts on endurance that I will be taking with me as I try to transition from biking long to running long. Thank you! Endure well!

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