Google searches that brought people to my blog.

Google searches that brought people here and my replies:

“Hungry Runner Girl Sister’s Arms”

-It is ridiculous, she is 6 months pregnant and still has perfectly ripped arms.

“How to run without getting tired?”

-The second you find the answer to this question please email me asap.

“Images of women that are 2 weeks pregnant”

Here you go:


“What happened to Hungry Runner Girl’s marriage?”

-It exploded.


-Thanks a lot… now I can’t get the idea of a delicious pack of dunkaroos off of my mind.

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“Eating a cheeseburger before running a 5k”

-Ouch.  This reminds me of the episode of The Office where Michael eats fettucine alfredo before his 5k.  It doesn’t end well.

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“Why is the elliptical machine so boring?”

-Because you aren’t running.

“I get hungry in a huge way”

-Welcome to being a runner

“Hungry Runner Girl fall in a pot”

-I don’t remember that happening but I am sure at some point in my life it did.

“Does Hungry Runner Girl have a job?”

-3 and I love them all—>  1.  Brooker’s mama.  2. You’re looking at it;)  3. Spin instructor.

“Endorphins are a girl’s best friend.”


“Fun ideas for Friday nights with a baby”

-If we can’t find anything else to do, we just go walk around Target and that is always a good time.

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“Don’t eat sweets before running”

-I do not understand how that search brought them to my blog.

“Best Running Blogs”

-Once again, I do not understand how that brought them to my blog.

“Why lift weights”

-I ask myself the same question multiple times a month.

“Bagels with avocado before running”

-Never tried that but now I really want a bagel with avocado.

“Marathon on period”

-I am so sorry.

“Bangs Friend’s blog”

-I miss her.


“20 nice things to do for your sister”

-Sissy, is that you?

“What should I tell my boyfriend I want for my birthday”

– Lots and lots of running shoes and gift cards to J Crew.  At least that is what I would ask for.


-Well, now I am just curious.

“I am worried my eyelash extensions are making me lose my real ones”

-Yeah, me too.  Good thing I didn’t have many to lose in the first place.

Can you eat frosted flakes with braces?

-I do not see why not but probably stay away from caramel apples… I learned that little tip the hard way back in 2001.


Did you have braces ever?  For how long?

Anything that you have eaten before a race that didn’t go over so well?

What would you tell your boyfriend/husband/significant other that you want for your birthday?

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This just made me laugh out loud. Man, I freaking adore you. Nuff said.


So I’m late to the party in finding your blog and this post but I absolutely love it! I must say the compilation is VERY random. And Frosted Flakes?


Ha. My favorite blog entry to date. I love looking into the randomness of strangers. None of those are mine as I have your site bookmarked. But, these made me laugh.


Hahahahaha this made me lol so much. I always enjoy reading what things bring people to my blog as well. A lot of runderwear search terms…which could be good or bad. A lot of just LOLZ too.


Haha, this is awesome! Please do this type of post every so often :)

PS – I ran my first 5k in over a year (darn shin injury!) and when I got tired, I thought of your motto – “pump your arms faster, and your legs will follow”… It worked!!


Janae, I just laughed so hard I almost peed!

Here are a few of mine:
“hot runner chick” – well, thanks, I guess.
“who gets columbus day off in california” – I have no idea, but I wish I did!
“runners winter training” – good luck finding that here because it’s 72 and sunny year round in San Diego.
“funny dog sayings” – no idea.


Ha! I love this post! I get strange searches to my blog too, but since I think my mom is the only one who reads it it doesn’t get nearly as many as yours. (Just kidding. I don’t think my mom has ever read my blog so I am my only reader.)

Also, I envy sissys arms mucho.


Hahahahahahahahaha this was HYSTERICAL. “Hungry runner girl fall in a pot” – probably my favorite.

I had braces for two miserable years! Yuck – wouldnt’ want to do that again!


Hahaha! those were hilarious! But, personally, the one that brought ME here was the “Best Running Blogs” one. Have been reading every day since.


These are too funny!!! haha And I love your answers to the searches!! You’re fabulous


“Marathon on period”

-I am so sorry.

HAHA!~ How about ANYTHING on your period? Ugh.


bahahahaha!!! Oh man these are hilarious.
I love that HRG’s sister and Bangs Friend are their names and are in Google searches now. Fantastic! Maybe some day you’ll get “HRG’s friend who shows up in pictures at Cafe Rio every few months” and you’ll know they were looking for me ;)
I just looked at my searches and my favorite one for October is “hot elf costumes”. I have never once dressed as an elf…weird…haha!


Giggle fit over here! Loved this!

Yes I had braces from age 13-15. It was a good look.

I told my husband I wanted a pet pig for my birthday a few weeks ago. Still waiting! Ha!


This is hilarious!


Oh man. I am laughing so hard right now that my kids are looking at me like i am a crazy person. I freaking love you. ..and dunkaroos.

The period one -‘I’m sorry’ was my favorite. And also ‘it exploded’ Best…and maybe the nicest 2 words you could have used to describe that ;)

Braces–> 2 years ages 13 & 14
Oatmeal before a race = no bueno. It was so heavy in my belly.


These are great, please consider updating them every so often. Someone found me by searching something like “watch tv while working out.” I hope they did it.


So funny! I get a kick out of looking at what people googled to get to my site. Some of it is downright scary! Before I realized I was intolerant to gluten, eating a plain bagel before a race made me really sick :(


I have never had avocado on a bagel. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. I remember dunkaroos!!! MY goodness, what a throwback!

Braces are happening as we speak. 26 years old girl with braces. UGHHHHHH.


Hahaha. This is great. Love your humor and realness here. :) xoxo


Fabulous post!! Love this idea. Thanks for putting a smile on my face during the 2:30 low energy period at work :)


This made me laugh out loud. LOVE!


You are sooooo cute!!! Love reading your posts!!


Hilarious! Now I really want some Dunkaroos. Mmm I wish I could find them somewhere now! Also I love that episode of the office. One of my favorites.

I was lucky enough to never have braces! My sister had braces though and one time things got a little too crazy on the Razor scooters (we were “offroading” down little dirt hills) and she totally crashed and it ripped her braces out! Ouch.

I don’t usually eat before I run. Unless it is a long run, but I am lucky enough to not have too much tummy trouble while running!

I would love to get a new Nikon for my birthday! I hate that they are so expensive, dangit. I probably won’t be getting one any time soon.


HAHA! This is awesome, you should do this more often. Your responses were hilarious. Also.. “it exploded”. I have no idea why your marriage ended but I’m going through a break up myself and I’m pretty sure that’s going to be my response the next time someone asks.. ha!


Hahah!! Oh my goodness! These are so funny! I like reading what google brings to my blog too! It’s so random! I really like the dunkaroo’s one- that used to be my fav. snack as a child I liked fun ideas to do on a Friday night with a child…although, I don’t think you have to have a child to have fun at Target! :) And of course, you have one of the best running blogs! -Duh! :)


You made my day. You win the internet today!


thanks for the laugh!


Ohhhh my gosh this made me laugh so hard.


This is awesome. At least “some” of the search words and phrases are somewhat normal. There are some seriously messed up search words that direct people to my blog. I don’t even know how it’s possible.

My husband knows he can’t go wrong with getting my a gift card to lululemon, Athleta, Brooks, and SOAS sports. I prefer shopping with him so he can witness all of the fun. Yes, he actually enjoys it. I scored big time.


When I first started reading your blog a little over a year ago, it was because I googled “Best running blogs”. Seriously the best Google search I’ve ever done!


Your responses are fantastic! I now also REALLY want some Dunkaroos!!


hahaha my friend just sent me here and I laughed out loud reading some of these! It’s crazy how people find things on the internet!


I am said friend… yay for afternoon laughter at work! ;)


This was hilarious. “It exploded” and “Sissy is that you” were the best.


I love you. Hilarious.


This is amazing.


This post cracked me up! And it made me remember how awesome DUNKAROOS are…I’d totally forgotten about those. I need some ASAP! Oh and I would tell my husband to get me a night in a nice hotel by myself. I love him and my daughter dearly, but I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in almost 16 months. :)


HILARIOUS LOL!!! I had braces from middle school till the junior year of high school (but I had some sort of orthodonture (word??) apparatus in my mouth since the 5th grade- adorable right ;) ). I would ask for a Nordstrom giftcard or running clothes!


Just looked at google searches today for my blog, and they are fantastic (and interesting). Too funny!


No braces:)
I once ate hummus before a race…never again.
Birthday: a trip to the beach!


Ha I love this! The google search terms are always hysterical! I did have braces and now I relive it with my son and his braces…If someone wants to get me a gift, I will take a gift card to Bloomingdales, I could use a new handbag, a new bracelet would be lovely or just some chocolate covered somethings. Chocolate is always the way to my heart.


Omg these are funny! I have no idea how you know how people searched for your blog this way though???


Oh my gosh! These searches are hilarious!! And your answers are even better!! HAHA!!!


Awesome!! I just read this in te car on my phone and actually laughed out loud a few times (don’t worry, I’m not driving!) love it!


Ha!! Was just looking in the mirror wondering if I should take a break on the eyelash extensions…but I’m afraid of what my real ones will look like!


This is too funny! I have had some random search terms directed to my blog but nothing like this!
I had braces for a year when I was in 5th grade. Then I had a permanent retainer put in, which broke, my teeth shifted and I needed to get braces on again a few years ago to fix it. It was only for like 3 days and they made them really tight and it was so painful!


This is hilarious! How do you find these out? Google Analytics?


I loved this post so much!

And totally agree, grocery shopping is a great time :)


I love this post! You should definitely make this a monthly feature :)

I ate a big bowl of pasta before a race when I didn’t know I was celiac …. the morning of the race my stomach was a gigantic mess! I’m glad I now know why and can avoid that situation happening again!!


You made me laugh.. I need a friend like you!


Some of those are hysterical.

One night before a marathon I decide to carb load at a Mongolian BBQ restaurant. (noodles) The veggies looked so good I couldn’t help myself and I didn’t just have a cute little sampler pack of veggies, but enough to feed a family of four. Yeah. Really bad idea.

I almost always ask for something running related for my birthday.


I love reading the funny search terms that bring people to someone’s blog! And your responses are perfect :)


I always love these posts.

Maybe “fall in a pot” is a meal…


This was incredible. Laughed out loud through the whole post.


This was hilarious!

I bet we could re-create dunkaroos – animal crackers and funfetti frosting! :)

I had braces for at least a year. I also had a scary contraption that widened my upper jaw when I was like 7. Torture.

My boyfriend knows he’s safe getting me anything running related :)


I told my husband that I wanted to go to Whistler for my birthday. We did! :)


hahaha oh my gosh these were awesome!! Love you!!!!


Oh man, this post was hilarious.

I actually found you from searching “best running blogs” and now I’m hooked!

Thanks for the laugh! :)


Omgosh you are so funny I love it! And yes you are the best! My google search was running moms when I first started running 3 years ago and I’m blessed to have found you!


HAHA these are glorious. I like your responses :)


This made my night! Thanks :)


This is hilarious!!! Love it


this made me laugh so hard. love!


I found you from “Best Running Blogs”!

I have NO idea what people google to get to my blog. I didn’t even know you could check that. Ha! I hardly ever blog anyway. I just read yours.

Love that Brooke is your FIRST job!

I ran my first Marathon on my period… just so you know. :)


I’ve had some crazy Google searches on my name too. Bodypump blog is one & I’ve never done a post on body pump or taken the class. The other is how to get into a pool with crutches. That one makes a little more sense. The first. I have no clue.


How do you find this? This is absolutely hilarious!


Hahha, this is such a fun post!


Too, too funny! Sissy’s arms ARE awesome, she’s got some guns!
I had someone searching for “will college admissions know I have drug arrest” … HOW did that get my blog?!


You are great… Thanks for the laughs!!!!


hahahhahaha this was amazing. your attitude and responses are spot on, sista. xx


This post is hilarious. I completely forgot dunkaroos existed but now I want some.


Do they have Brooke’s parrot sweater in my size?


This is beyond hilarious! You must have so much fun looking through your website analytics….I’m truly laughing out loud and my husband wants to know what I’m reading


Im a spin instructor too and love it! I tell my husband to get me workout equipment like Dumbbells or kettles bells as well as new workout cloths it shows. He’s got it easy if you ask me :)


hahaha! These are all hilarious! I vote you share these every month or so because they’re the best


Ok, these questions are too funny. And I love the way u answered every one of them.
It’s just missing one search question; “hungry runner girls smores bars” i always google search it because when igive people your recipe, i always link them to your post. By the way, Your brothers s’mores bars won me first place at the ward party last night.
I make lots of friends with those things. So please thank your brother for world peace ;-)


Ever since I saw that picture I can’t stop thinking about Dunkaroos! :-P


these are the absolute most random things ever and probably one of the greatest blog posts I’ve ever read.


LOVE this post!! So funny!!!


This post is hilarious! You are by far my favorite running blog, and actually one of the first blogs I had ever read! I love that being Brooke’s mama is your #1 job – caring for a toddler full-time takes it out of a person!

Just tell my husband I want a 1. Race entry or a 2. Gift card for running shoes/apparel for my birthday. Best gift ever!


Great post! And I love your responses to people’s searches! Really made me laugh. :)


Oh my gosh, i’m DYING. I think I’ll be bursting out in random laughter all day tomorrow thinking about this. This is great. I’m curious about the 99999 too. My lists: workout clothes, running shoes, gift cards to Dicks. I’ll love you forever.


I am all about getting new running shoes and workout clothes. I gladly accept gift certificates for thus stuff as well.


LOL these are funny!!


I google your chicken chili recipe ALLLL the time hahaha! Love this post! Happy Thursday!


Okay, maybe I’m just really dense…but is this an announcement?!?!!?! How exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Okay I think I am dense. NO one else seems to think that was an announcement, so I’m pretty sure that’s your sis in the pic. Ignore me!


It is me but it is from when I was pregnant with Brooke! You are not dense!


Awesome post. Thank you for making me laugh. :)


Loved that!!

Braces + headgear + frizzy permed hair + functional glasses = my life as a tween. I’m sure the words, “sweet spirit” were uttered in conjunction with me several times.

Answer to last two questions = chocolate


Soooo funny! Love it :) .


I love this. I need you to come back and talk to me all the time.


Haha…This was seriously an awesome post!
(Enough for me to comment even ;))


This is too funny. I’m so glad you owned up to “Hungry Runner Girl fall in a pot.” Most people would have too much pride. ;)


HILARIOUS!!!!!! First thing I read this morning and it made me laugh! LOVE your blog!!!!!


These searches are hilarious!
I had braces for about 9 months from 3rd to 4th grade and I got them off pretty quickly (obviously) :)


Perfect, perfect Friday post Janae!!! Loved this so much, I grinned the whole time. I especially like “fall in a pot” hah!!!


These google searches are too much!! Haha!

I had braces from 5th-7th grade, right smack in the middle of the awkward phase. Think glasses, braces, and poorly cut bangs..! Thank goodness for contacts, straight teeth, and a good hair cut nowadays!


Your response to marathon on a period was so perfect. I snorted my morning tea. Thanks!


I read daily but don’t comment often, but I have to for this. Your answers to these questions just made my day! Love you and your blog Janae. Thanks for bringing some awesomeness to the world :)


This was hilarious, you should do this monthly!


This post was so great! Thanks for being so real and funny and positive. Love, love, love your blog.


This is hilarious! Like I needed any more reasons to love you!


I absolutely loved this Janae!


“Best Running Blogs” was me. You were on a list! Just looking for runners to keep me motivated and enspire me. Winter makes it hard to keep moving in MN when it gets cold. :/


Hilarious! Also…”I ate more fettuccini alfredo and drank less water than I have in my entire life.” :)




Oh my goodness these are HILARIOUS! Thanks for sharing, Janae!


haha you are hilarious! =)


You just made my day! Hilarious!!!


this was hilarious!


OMG dunkaroos! I forgot about those delicious//gross things!


Funny stuff right there! Ha Ha!! Great post. :)


Haha what a mostly random list, love it!


I just love you! Thanks for the laugh :)


These are great!

I had braces on and off for 7 years. Not awesome.


“Best running blogs” brought me to your blog 3 years ago janae!!! And I’ve loved reading you everyday since then! I used to save your blog for my middle of the night up sessions with my baby. I’m thankful for you. Anyways, I had braces when I was pregnant with my son at 30 years old and they made me look like a pregnant child! And I missed crunchy and chewy things very much especially since I was pregnant!!!


This is soooo funny!!!


This actually made me laugh out loud. Keep posting these. It’s highly entertaining!


That’s a good post!


Best blog post ever. Thanks for the laughs.


This post cracked me up!


Dunkaroos. Evidence that all CAN be right in the world.


Oh my goodness, I don’t normally comment on your blog, but I was cracking up during this post. Almost peed my pants at work.


This is the best blog post ever!


I LOVED your responses! How fun!! LOL
Never had braces but looked into invisalign (btw….its verrry pricey….my sis is a dentist). I had a huge salad once (it was soooo good) then went for a run. Not good. My birthday is actually coming up next week and my hubs is buying me a nice new pair of running shoes (he’s done that in birthdays past too!….he know what I like) and told him IF anyone else asks (and they will) I’d like gift cards to our local MC Sports.


Freakin’ hilarious!


You get so many comments from so many awesome people, I don’t know if you even have time to read them all. But if you do, this is one of my favorite blog posts I’ve ever read. How do you find out what kind of searches bring people to your blog?

Yes, I had braces for 2 years. My dad’s a dentist, so you can imagine how breaking a bracket off went with that. Let’s see, there was corn nuts, sugar daddy’s, and I think maybe I broke one off chewing on a sucker? He wasn’t all that thrilled with me on any of those occasions.

As for eating something that didn’t agree with me running, a huge subway sandwich. Bad, bad idea.


I found this entry while looking for your fall in a pot chili recipe!!! It’s my most favorite dish to make ever and especially during the fall and winter months!


The theory: When you follow this plan, your body burns “trapped” fat.
A large number of people require a little help in getting back to
their healthy preferred weight. Men and women get into
a ‘maintenance’ level just where they’re able to take in exactly what they need while watching their bodyweight.
These foods should be all natural and also hormone free.
All reputable and reliable company will be there to solve all
your problems.

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