I love absolutely everything about the racing scene—>  A million runners everywhere, people accomplishing their goals, everyone cheering each other on and a ridiculous amount of different running shoes/running outfits for me to covet.  

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So inspiring to see all of these incredible runners.  Sara and I spectated where the half marathon and marathon runners separate and this guy was in the top 5ish (I think) for the men.  

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There is an out and back stretch in the Big Cottonwood Marathon that is about 7 miles long.  Candice was not looking forward to this section so I ran it with her and talked her ears off and tried to keep her distracted.  She did incredible and BQed despite such a short training cycle after coming back from her stress fracture.  

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I love that you can see the whole valley from this road but I am not a fan of out and backs in races either.  Point to point are my absolute favorites.

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The crew all together.

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Jason’s Deli closed in our area so when Sara and I remembered that we were close to one after the race we had to go.  Living the dream.

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And then we went to the mall and she introduced me to the world’s absolute softest/comfiest sweatshirts in the world (Sara’s and mine).  I will be living in this baby all winter long.  Heavenly.

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Fast forward to some park time (both of us were grumpy because Brooke wasn’t there).

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And for dinner some friends came over for the classiest of meals.

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We were craving brownies like crazy and I didn’t have any boxed brownie mixes and driving to the store would just take too much effort.  SO we made homemade brownies for my first time ever.  THESE were SO good.  Definitely a new Janae Staple.

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BROOKE COMES HOME TODAY.  I hope your day is an awesome one too!

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That pan of brownies does look super good. I approve LOL. I actually haven’t ordered pizza in a while. Tim and I normally order pizza once a week but I’ haven’t ordered any since he has left…by the time I try to finish an entire pizza, it would be bad ha ha.

Enjoy your time with Brooke! :-)


When is your race? For some reason I thought it was this weekend. Looks like you had an amazing time and friends too!


Hey Megan!!! It is in 20 more days ahhhhh! I hope you have an amazing day!


I could eat a brownie for breakfast.
Chris and I have been jogging Sunday mornings together so that always starts the day off right.
Enjoy seeing Brooke later today. YEAH!


I love that you guys are doing that together! Sure miss you!


Ooooooooh those brownies look good…. :)


So happy that Brooke is coming home today! Get as many naps as possible today.


I had little caesars last night too. Lets hope it makes good running fuel today :) I feel like it could go either way ha.

Love pink sweatshirts but do not love how overpriced they are so I have to wait for sales.


Jason’t deli was the second best thing to happen to my life this year.


The first best thing must have been pretty amazing;)


I read about this Jason’s Deli too often and wish we had one here in NY so I could experience the fun too!


Both of those sweatshirts are super cute, I like yours the best, may have to buy it! Those brownies look delicious, homemade brownies are the way to go! Have fun with Brooke :)


Homemade brownies are so much better! I’m trying to use up all of the boxed stuff in my pantry so I can start doing everything from scratch :) I love PINK sweatshirts… just not the price!! Hope you have a relaxing Sunday!


Homemade so much better than boxed! I can’t wait until we have permanent sweatshirt weather here. Yay for Brooke coming home :)


Wow, way to go Candice and Heather!

Are you going to do any races before your marathon in a couple weeks? I am thinking about signing up for a 5K next weekend otherwise I won’t have any races before the Portland Marathon. I wish I could have done a half during training but unfortunately Florida is just too hot and down where I am the first half marathon of the season doesn’t take place until November, a month after my marathon!


Homemade brownies > boxed brownies.
Oh, how I love me some crazy bread (dipped in ranch dressing).
Have fun w/ Brooke today!


I was seriously so so sad that I didn’t have ranch dressing last night because that combo is the best ever. I hope you are having an incredible day!


Those sweatshirts are incredibly soft.
Glad your time is flying for Brookeness.


I am hooked on the pretzel crust pizza from Little Caesars! Best $6 meal (for two!) on the planet. I get it with pizza sauce though and cheese sauce on the side. The cheese sauce on the pizza is too much for me.




Wow, a 15 minute personal record?! Maybe she hasn’t timed herself in a while, because that’s really good! For myself, that’s almost…unheard of!


She improved that much just since her marathon this last June! She is a machine! Hope you are having a great day Linda!


Thank you for the sweet comment! Yesterday was a good day! You and Sara are so so sweet for coming to pace me and Candice! That meant so much to see Sara and you and megan at the finish! You have no idea! So glad you got some Sara time too :) Jason’s deli, we must drive back up soon and go! Those salads look perfect! :) and thanks to Linda @ fir fed and happy for the sweet comment! It really makes me sad that I missed my BQ by 7 minutes but she’s right, and you are right, a 15 minute PR just from June is huge! I am happy. Especially because yeah that out and back was no joke. I knew it would be, but it was so much tougher yesterday 15 miles in. Glad Brooke comes home!! Loved seeing you times a million yesterday! And need to try the brownie recipe too :) love u!! Xoxo


I am going to make pita bread today (it’s actually really simple) to have some homemade donairs. Live in a “rural” setting as in minimum 45 mins highway drive to get to the closest fast food restaurant. No delivery here! It’s probably a good thing ;)
Had my first awesome feeling run (cardio, foot, stride, rhythym) for almost 10k in over 2.5 months since developing plantar fascitis. Lots of icing and massaging. I’m finally letting myself get excited for a race coming up in a month after missing all of my favorite races this summer. Better to heal and get healthy though.
Happy running!


Pita recipe please?


Here is the recipe I used.


I am so so happy that your plantar is getting better and that you had an awesome run! Enjoy your upcoming race and that pita bread!


I’m keeping my fingers crossed for my foot. Getting ultrasound on it soon! Homemade pita bread = amazing! And pretty simple too. Good luck with your marathon


I’m with you on out and backs in races – just no.

I made brownies this weekend too! I put a scoop of PB in it – freaking delicious.


I must have run right past you. I was trailing the first place marathon runner and saw him make the split to go down Wasatch. Way cool of you to pace your friend. Lots of marathoners were unhappy about the out-and-back. It sounds like it was quite a challenge.


AHHHHHH I wish I would have seen you:) I hope you had an amazing day Anastasia!


What a great time, for EVERYONE!

My face hit the screen at the sight of the pan of brownies.

HOORAY! Welcome home, Brooke!


I’ve never done an out and back race (except for 1.5 miles twice in a small duathalon event). I don’t know if I would hate it or not since most of my runs are out and back. I like the turn around point because it’s like getting to start over with a whole new distance, only shorter. Lol


I love race-day too, it’s just incredible. Although I’ve been discovering that I’m really not loving training right now – crazy schedule, injuries, lack of motivation to run :( So I’ve changed my race plans, and been focusing on cross training instead – I’ve been loving my spin classes!

I’ve been needing some new sweatshirts & hoodies, I think I might be buying those, they look AWESOME!

Gonna try out a power yoga class today, and the rest of the day will be spent in sweatpants cleaning the house – fun!!

Have fun bringing Brooke home!!! What a great day!


VS Pink DOES have the comfiest sweaters!! Mine is similar to yours and I put it on every day after work.

Your face in the pic with your nephew. I make that exact face every time my husband reminds me we must stay within our “budget”.


That brownie recipe looks easy enough for me. Almost so easy that I may not have to resort to a box mix like I usually do! ;) I’ll definitely be trying it out.

So happy for you that Brooke is coming home today! xo


I, too, am now craving brownies! Happy Sunday:)


Ohhh I think I will be making those brownies very, very soon :)


What a fun day! Yay for homemade brownies and I love watching races- it’s SO motivating and inspiring!



Oh I’m impressed you had all the ingredients! I’d love recipe!
Yesterday I wasn’t going to do my long run but did it anyway 15 miles then watched soccer for my sons who won!
Church today then watching Raider game that my hubby is at.
That is amazing your friend prd by 15 min! So awesome of u to help your friend out! I so wish i had a runner friend!!


Ok I just realized u did give recipe! Thanks!


I loooooove Jason’s Deli. There’s one across the street from me. Their pasta salad is addicting.


I had an awesome day so far. Ran a 5K and had a PR and 3rd overall for women! Thanks for the inspiration.


WOW ADRIENNE!! HUGE CONGRATS!! That is so so so so awesome!


I love that photo of the man running with the sun behind the mountain! It’s perfect.

I’ve been thinking about volunteering at a race lately. I’ve actually never been at a race other than to run, and I think volunteering would be a lot of run and a great way to meet people. I’m starting to get into the trail running/ultra running community here, and I know there are a lot of smaller ultras, so maybe one of those?

Random thoughts but they were inspired by your race spectating.

Have fun with Brooke!


your nephew looks like he’s almost as tall as you now!!
Making brownies from scratch.. is that even possible?!
You make me want to move out to the midwest a lot…
P.S. my parents are in Salt Lake City for 2 weeks, can you recommend a running trail with great views?!


Hungry Runner Girl, You are sort of my running guru (I am a slower, older runner, who reads your blog with my coffee every morning). I had my first fall while running this weekend. I blogged about it on my website, which is more about food and travel, but a little about running. I need your advice. Any suggestions on how to avoid a fall, or is it just part of the territory? If you have time to read my post about it, I would be tickled. Keep writing! You have a great voice and I love your blog!


This might be too personal, but does Brooke fly all alone, or does someone buy a round-trip ticket to take her home/there? My daughter is 21 months and I couldn’t imagine her doing that flight alone!


Agreed. Love everything about races. I keep trying to convince some friends that once you run your first race, you will be hooked. Just the excitement and energy alone is enough to make me want to keep signing up. This week was not a good week and we ended up with 2 pizza nights. Easy, fast, and always tasty. You can never go wrong with homemade dessert!


Yesterday was a good day! You and Sara are so so sweet for coming to pace me and Candice! That meant so much to see Sara and you and megan at the finish! You have no idea! So glad you got some Sara time too :) Jason’s deli, we must drive back up soon and go! Those salads look perfect! :) and thanks to Linda @ fir fed and happy for the sweet comment! It really makes me sad that I missed my BQ by 7 minutes but she’s right, and you are right, a 15 minute PR just from June is huge! I am happy. Especially because yeah that out and back was no joke. I knew it would be, but it was so much tougher yesterday 15 miles in. Glad Brooke comes home!! Loved seeing you times a million yesterday! And need to try the brownie recipe too :) love u!! Xoxo


homemade brownies sound awesome! I love brownies…I have the pans that allow you to make mini brownies so all of them have corners (the corner pieces are my favorite). Soooo glad Brooke comes back today!


Wow, looks like yesterday was a great day to race in Utah!

OH man. Now I want brownies! But I refuse to go to the store again so I’m going to have to figure out how to make do with what I’ve got.


So glad Brooke is coming home!!! Those brownies look great too. I’ve only made homemade brownies once, so I will need to try your recipe :)


That race course looks like a dream, such beautiful scenery! Have fun reuniting with Brooke!


I love races too! The energy, the camaraderie, its all so exciting!


I ran this half marathon yesterday! It was very hard for me but I still mangled to PR by 6 minutes. When I passed the pacer holding the 2:00 sign I cried like a baby and worried I could keep up till the end. I struggled the last 3 miles and really had to dig deep to keep going. I left it all on Fort Union. Needless to say, I’m very sore today and have a huge blood blister on my little toe. No regrets, I loved it!
Best wishes on your next race!


Way to go on a 6 minute PR! Those last three miles are killer (especially mile 10/11). I’m sore in places I never expected! Ha ha.


Thanks! I know right?, mile 11 almost made me cry. I knew if I stopped i would never be able to run to the finish. I’m still icing my calves today! Haha


That Brownie looks amazingly good. My eleven year old whipped up a Lasagne last night, she is the queen of Lasagne, she makes an incredible one.

So great that Brooke comes home to you :) i know i feel lost without my girl when she is gone, i know that it is for the best but my heart stops beating till she is home again with me.

Have an incredible day, i have two days off from running, my head is feeling blahhhhh about it but i know my body will thank me. mwah xxxxxx


P.S Janae i am surprised a modelling agency has not snapped you up, not only are you beautiful on the inside but you are so gorgeous on the outside side and Brooke is alittle version of you, soooooooooooooooo cute :)


I absolutely love races too! It looks like this race had some beautiful scenery. Can’t wait for my next race now. Got all excited :)


Haha, love how your laziness made you make homemade brownies, rather than the usual other way around! ;) They look delish!


The Big Cottonwood Half is amazing! I want to do it every year. I’m so impressed by all those full marathoners. That out and back section is a killer!


VS Pink are seriously the best sweaters ever! I own more than I would like to admit, but I wear them ALL the time. I’m that weirdo that is cold all year around ;) I’m glad Brooke is coming home!


It’ѕ very simple to find oout any topic on web as comparted to books,
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I also love races – as a runner, spectator or volunteer! I find them to be perfect when I’m in a rut with my running, they’re so inspirational!

Your brownies look amazing. Now I want one!


Jason’s Deli salad bar is THE BEST!


Out and backs are the WORST! I try to avoid them at all costs!

My best PR record was shaving 10 minutes off my half marathon times spaced a year apart! I was pretty excited about it!


I love your pictures! This looks like a gorgeous race! I’d be sad about being away from Brooke too!


I wish I was your neighbour so you could do my hair for me every day.


You are making me hungry with all these good food pics! :)


Mmm, brownies!


Hey lady,
I have a question about a race, and I don’t know who else more qualified to answer it than you.
I’ve spent the last five months running, and training for a half marathon this Saturday (in 4 days time). About two weeks ago, I rolled my ankle on a training run, and it hasn’t been right since. I saw the doctor. Iced, heat padded, bound, and even braced it for the last 14 days, but it still feels a little creaky, and I haven’t run since i rolled it.
If it continues to feel better, and is pain free on friday, I am really inclined to run the race. IS THIS THE WORST IDEA EVER?
I’m seriously torn because I really really really want to run the race I worked so hard all summer for, but I am terrified of tearing my muscle, or something even worse if i try running on my ankle after two weeks of recovery.
Please tell me if you’ve ever had a similar experience, and whether you think I’ll be able to do this on Saturday. Thanks so much, you’re opinion really would mean so much.


Email me please!

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