Back at it again and lots of randomness.

Josse and I are back at it again.  She is coming back to running after dealing with plantar fascitis and it has been way too long since that last time we ran together.  We had a wonderful 6 miles together in the early morning (Brooke and I slept at my mom’s house) and then I did 4 miles afterwards.  

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Another friend came with us too that is currently training for a 100 MILE UTLRA.  Someday I want to tackle a 50 miler but A HUNDRED… WOW!

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I feel really good about my lunch salad combination today—>  peaches, chicken, feta, almonds and poppyseed dressing.  

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I tried to find a way to tie together all of the things I wanted to tell you about today but it isn’t possible so like usual, I will just give you the randomness.

1.  These were just purchased and will be here on Wednesday.  Megan and I will be cross-training with these babies a few times a week.  Feel free to join us if you are in the area.  Now I just need to get some knee pads.  


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And Megan just ordered this which will make it even more fun.  Get ready for some awesome blading soundtracks on HRG.

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2.  Brooke and I both swing our arms all over the place when we run:)  Lately I have been trying to focus on not wasting energy by swinging them across my body like I normally do and to drive the elbows back.

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Here are some arm form guidelines!!!!

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3.  SUPER GOOD ARTICLE—>  Like An Investment, Training Gains Build Over Time

A great running analogy that makes a lot of sense!

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4.  My kitchen table came today!  Brooke is going to be so excited when she wakes up.  

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Who has had plantar fascitis before?  What did you do to get over it?

Something random that you have been thinking about lately?

Ever been rollerblading?

I need to make a dessert for a group of people later this week and I need some new ideas (because I always make the same things)!!! Any good ideas?  Recipe links?  THANK YOU!

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I have the same table! How funny; nice choice. :)


Where is it from?


I got mine from a furniture auction, but I’ve also seen the same one at Costco (in Canada).


I have never been roller blading EVER! I was a very apprehensive roller skater as a kid. Just slowing making my way around the rink without holding the railing was an accomplishment. Obviously I am a dare devil when it comes to fun activities! :)

100 miles!! That’s awesome! I am always so impressed by people who can do it. I want to do 50 too, but 100 requires a totally different mindset I think. It would take me more than 24 hours and I can’t imagine not being able to sleep! I bet it’s the most awesome experience when it’s all over though!


This is*amazing*. I make it a lot and none of it ever comes back home with me. It is SO good.

I used to roller blade a lot when I lived in Minneapolis! I don’t know what ever happened to my roller blades, but I’ve often thought of getting another pair.


I’m excited to hear what people have done to get over plantar fasciitis since I’ve been dealing with it on and off the last few months! Rest seems to be the best help while the most frustrating:(
Love rollerblading! The 90s kid in me leaps for joy when I see someone crusting on their blades:)


I need rollerblades in my life immediately.


One of my favorite recipes is a Sprite-Berry-Cobbler, could NOT be easier:

1 (12-ounce) can lemon-lime soda
1 box white cake mix
2 (16-ounce) bags frozen berries

Serves 12.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
Place both bags of frozen fruit into a 13 x 9-inch baking dish (do not thaw).
Sprinkle the dry cake mix over the top of frozen fruit.
Pour entire can of soda over the mixture.
Cover with foil and bake 20 minutes.
Uncover and bake an additional 40 minutes.
Let cool and serve.

One note – DO NOT USE DIET SODA. Some diet websites will suggest using diet sprite – aspartame is bad enough, but heating it up is even worse for you!!


Pistachio cupcakes! They are soooo good! I don’t know the recipe but I’m sure google can supply one ;)
I have the same issue with my arms…working on it


Woohooo Josse’s back! But seriously… 100 miles?!?! Crazy. Hopefully that will be me someday!!
My dad dealt with plantar fascitis a few years back and he says it was terrible. He couldn’t walk without pain! I haven’t been rollerblading once this summer.. need to change that! As for dessert… your smores bars? Haven’t seen those in awhile! I wish I could help but I don’t post many dessert recipes on my blog! And starting today I am going sugar free… only a week though :)


Random: I took my kids berry and peach picking today to the place you went last year. This is our second year going so it’s now a tradition!!


Ahhhhhhhh that makes me so happy! Thank you for reminding me of that place so that Brooke and I can go!


I think I had Plantar fascitiis or some sort of form of it in July. A mix of a cortisone shot, deep tissue massages and rest got rid of it.

It’s funny about roller blading…in upstate NY there is a park called Onondaga (syracuse) where they roller blade more than run. I was shocked the first time I ever ran there!


I feel like we should go to that park together!

These are a winner!! Chocolate chip cookie dough brownies! Mmmmmmm!


Those look and sound amazing! Thank you so much!


JANAE!!! Roller blading is be BEST!! I love blading!!! Please post any fun tricks/tips you do. My friends and I have some!


That makes me want to roller blade! I think I have done it once or twice in my entire life but whenever I see people doing it, it just looks so fun!! I love the new table – good choice :)


Puppy chow.. or muddy buddies… whatever you want to call them.

Salted caramel bars.


Hey Laura! Thanks for adding my salted caramel bars to the mix! That was super sweet :-)


I am dealing with plantar fascitis right now. It has been really bothering me over 6 weeks but with 3 weeks completely off running, lots of icing/massaging with a golf ball and calf stretching seems to be relieving it. Ran 3k yesterday and 5k today since I was still pain free. Crossing my fingers.

How did Josse get rid of it? I was going to ask you if you had ever dealt with it and this post came up.

Loved rollerblading. Where I live the condition of the sidewalks/roads are not safe for it and it’s very rural so there are no facilities any closer than an hour away.

I like coconut lime rice pudding. You just make it like normal and replace milk with coconut milk, put lime zest in it and toasted coconut on top. Simple and yummy!


I’m dealing with plantar fasciitis right now too. :( It’s no fun. It started the beginning of this year, but was somewhat tolerable (except those first steps out of bed each morning), but the last couple weeks, it’s become almost unbearable. I’m in the middle of marathon training, so I think between the long distances, speed training, no arch supports, and lack of stretching, it was bound to get this bad. ALTHOUGH! last week I started using the golf ball, icing a lot, stretching a LOT, and I got some inserts the other day (haven’t ran in them yet though, just wearing them around to get used to them), and I ran a half marathon yesterday and felt GREAT! My one heel is a little sore today, but I’m just sticking to my routine and will run in the inserts on Wednesday for an 8 miler. I’m not going to stop running right now, so I’m just doing everything I know to do…ugh.


I stopped totally for 3 weeks, and watched the video with the golf ball on the link in the post above. Really started working it and realized that I probably could have healed this a lot sooner. Amazing the difference just in a few days. Still going to see a physiotherapist just to make sure (benefits of living in canada, no cost out of pocket :) ) and just crossing my fingers and keeping any plans open. Nothing is worth risking something like this becoming a permanent injury. I want to be healthy enough to run forever!


I used to roller blade all the time! I need to find where I put them…


Love the kitchen table! Where is it from?


I had plantar fascitis many years ago-seems like it took me forever to get over it. I even had to wear one of those lame boots for a while. Hope her healing goes better!
I LOVE your table! And I LOVE Brooke’s hair in braids!
I’ve never been roller blading or ice skating-I’m not sure my balance (or lack thereof) would allow me to do those sports-ha!


I have been thinking about my Disneyland race this weekend!!
One of my favorite dates with the hubs is rollerblading, which he is much better at than I.
My fav dessert to bring to stuff is this vegan chocolate cake. I swear you wouldn’t know it was vegan unless I told you. It is amazing!


I’ll be training for a 50 miler this winter (Heartland 50). I’ve heard that ultras tend to be easier on the body – the emphasis is less on competing and more on finishing. Therefore, most people go way slower and there is A LOT of walking / hiking. Additionally, they are on surfaces that are kinder to the body than marathons. You could probably do it! I’m scared of the training process because I live in North Idaho where winters are LONG and can be brutal. I don’t mind running in the cold but ice is my achilles – I’m already clumsy enough, I don’t need ice messing with my stride. And I cannot stand the treadmill and if I ever have to do more than ten miles on mine, I will literally die because the torture will be too much to bear hahaha


Love the table! Youre also so lucky that your apartment has such pretty light fixtures! Ours are pretty drab :/

I’ve been completely obsessed with Neiman Marcus bars lately. I’ve had probably too many over the past few weeks, and there are so many yummy variations too!


I had a severe case of plantar fasciitis- I would wake up in the middle of the night from it. I live in Texas and went it Airrosti and they got rid of it in less than a month. They aren’t in Utah but ART and Rolfing techniques are similar if you can find a good pt who does them.


Margarita cupcakes! Vanilla cupcake filled with lime curd topped with a tart lime buttercream and a sprinkle of kosher salt. Every time I make these people go nuts over them. And no alcohol needed. :)


Lollycake! You have to give it a go once in your life, no baking required just melting some butter. Randomly I’d really love to learn how to Skateboard (with helmet, elbow pads etc). Rollarblading would be fantastic here where I live we have a nice 10km flat pathway for cyclists, walker/runners etc.
Have an awesome day.


I did have PF years ago and it took about 6 months to finally go away. But I did hear that once you get over it that it should not come back.

I think you mentioned how good the peaches in UT are right now. Same for CO so the other day I made a baked peach crisp and it was EASY and YUMMY.

Topped with vanilla ice cream and you feel like it is a bit of heaven on earth.


For plantar I used frozen golfballs and rolled them under my feet for LONG periods of time several times a day. ANd lots of stretching and some strengthening (“grabbing” a towel with my toes). Went away after a few weeks or so and never came back, I’m convinced the golf balls helped the most :)


I had plantar fasciitis twice. The second time it just would not heal. Tried graston, taping, cortisone shots, night boot and wearing shoes all the tie with custom inserts. I ended up having a minor surgery called TENEX. It takes the scar tissue out via small incision and ultrasound. Worked miracles!!! Pain free and back to my full running schedule (with some physical therapy) within a year.
Have your friend check out Dr. Preece in SLC. He’s amazing!! Podiatrist.


Love the new table!


I had plantar fascitiis before and it sidelined me for a long time. I had to stop running until it was completely gone because if I started too soon, it would flare back up again in a bad way.
I’ve not had it for about 4 years now and feel very lucky. I think changing the shoes I wear (more cushion) and not increasing pace/distance too quickly has helped me from getting re-injured.


BTW – Brooke is just too cute for words! I love her look of pure joy!


I use to love rollerblading!!!! It was amazing and a great workout!

Few dessert suggestions… Pb pie on Oreo crust, choc cupcakes with raspberry buttercream frosting, and a 6 layer snickers cake!!!!


1. I would so like to know what her daily running routine is like!

2. Whats the difference between roller derby’s and roller blades? More or less the same thing?


I’m kind of obsessed with rollerblading!! I swear you smile the entire time. Seriously, try to frown while rollerblading – I’m convinced it’s impossible.


I had planters last year after the Chicago Marathon and then Nike Women Half the week after. Because yes that was a good idea. I used KT tape (Youtube shows you how to do it) and a compression sleeve on my calf. For me compression helped, not shoe lifts, not ice, not massage. But that’s just me….


oh yes and stretching helps too


I’ve been suffering with plantar fascitis since January this year. It comes and goes. I roll with a golf ball and that usually clears it up.


Dessert for a group–Peach shortcake–in season and EASY!


Here are some of my favorite desserts!

If you want something with LOTS of butter (aka deliciousness) :

If you want something lighter but also amazing (if you haven’t had pavlova try it NOW, it is like a meringue cake):

Or a classic favorite of mine:

Good luck!


I LOVE that salad. It looks amazing!


Those roller blades look like a blast! I’d love a pair, but I’m trying to think about where I could blade without dying in this city…


Link to the table please! Love it…RC Willey??


Plantar fasciitis was my very first running injury in 2006. At the time I had orthotics made but I don’t wear them anymore. When I studied abroad in London I bought some rollerblades and went skating around the park there! It’s such a good workout!


I’m trying to deal with plantar fasciitis right now. It’s getting better, but it’s not gone yet.

I used to rollerblade all the time in junior high. I’d just moved to a new city and I remember exploring our neighborhood on them.


My husband had planters and he just had to rest it for a while to get over it! Rollerblading was my all time favorite activity when I was little!! Such a good workout too!! My favorite party dessert is s’more bars where you basically make Rice Krispie treats but use Honey Graham’s instead and mix in chocolate chips!! sOoOoO good!


Excellent table! Brooke’s running photo is the best! :) I am so happy to hear that your friend Josse is back to running!!! I follow her on IG….that sounds a bit creepy, LOL.


I’ve had some PF issues. Sadly, rest really is the cure. However, I found the Feetures foot sleeve helps a lot (good for me since I’m not good at rest).

On the inline skating thing- as part of the best birthday present ever my husband signed me up for the Wheels Off half marathon and he’s doing a full, inline marathon! It’s the same course as Grandma’s Marathon. So, if cross training goes well, new goal?

Also, best recipe ever: strawberry rhubarb crisp. Only one dish used in the process.


Woohoo on the kitchen table, it’s been so long! Love it!


I had plantar fasciitis in both feet and fought it for at least a year. It was awful. I tried pretty much everything I could find out about or got recommended to me. The main things were foot/ankle circles or “writing” the alphabet with your toes to warm up your feet before getting out of bed; foam rolling; rolling feet on frozen water bottle or lacrosse ball (used both, just at different times); compression socks after running (or being on my feet for extended periods of time); and ice baths. I tried all of those things for quite awhile and didn’t necessarily have a lot of relief- until I added what the Sock Doc talks about in his video (link at bottom of his post Adding that in made the most difference in the shortest period of time. I didn’t stop doing the other things, but got better much faster when I added that in. Also- I got new shoes. I tried 3 or 4 different pair, but had troubles with those. Finally found a great pair that I haven’t had troubles with. I think I’ve been PF-free for almost a year now!


I should mention, I got the new shoes when I was able to start running again toward the end of that year. I still do the foam rolling/using The Stick/lacrosse ball for those harder to get into spots.


Your new table is fabulous – where did you get it?


Chocolate Eclair Cake :) SOOO good :)


I just made this cake for a Book Club and it was deemed the best cake they have ever eaten (or so they told me =))… []

Random thought lately on my runs: “Please enjoy the fact that you are wearing shorts and tee shirt and didn’t put on 230498 layers this morning…because soon enough the winter is coming back.”


I love the table!


I had plantar fasciitis early in my running…and it was awful! I could badly walk (not good for a teacher). I did a lot of stretching, massaging, ice, and taping it (found some websites). It took me about 3 months to heal, and even now, if I push too hard or wear the wrong shoes, I can feel the pain creeping back.


I developed plantar fasciitis in both feet when training for my first marathon. I did some pool running while I sorted it out and was able to resume road running within two weeks. My top three tips — plantar fasciitis sock (Strassburg or I have a link below to a no-sew homemade one), KT Tape Pro, and calf stretches (NOT a negative heel stretch).


I have had PF. I’m not sure a person ever recovers from it 100%. At least I haven’t. I have to take very good care of my foot or it flares! Very irritating!


a 100 miler is ridiculous — i cannot even begin to imagine it.


Roller skating is one of my absolute favorite activities! I spent way too many hours at it when I was a kid.


I had PF in my left foot for over 2 years. Most of the time it was manageable, and I was able to run with it (only had pain after running). It finally cleared up when I took 8 weeks off for another injury (go figure!). There doesn’t seem to be any tried and true method of getting rid of it–different things work for different people. Mine felt better when I rolled with a frozen water bottle and took Tissue Rejuvenator by Hammer Nutrition, but the only thing that cured it was that long time off.


PF woes – switched back to my trusty Newton Motions (I had switched to the Distance because I liked the color better), rolled on a lacrosse ball and frozen ice bottle. and a visit to a podiatrist who had me get a specific show insert. Took about 3 months and now if I have a twinge in my foot I just roll it on a lacrosse ball and that takes care of it.


My husband is amazing at rollerblading, so we went a few times while dating (and early in our marriage). We hope to keep it up when little baby L can do it too!

LOVE your table!


My coach in HS used to say “Cheek to Cheek” when we needed to get our arms in check. It keeps them in line and is a funny thing to remember ;)


I love all the advice for PF! Mine happen first last September, cleared up and reappeared full force in March and can’t get it to go away. Thanks ladies!!

PS Janae, beautiful table!!


You must, MUST make these deep dish oatmeal fudge bars…seriously UNREAL!!! Made them this weekend for a picnic concert and still dreaming about them –


for some reason you aren’t show in my blog roll, I found you aren’t included, I tried to add you and it was rejected. I need to figure this out. :/

I am having issues right now with my feet. I haven’t been diagnosed except by me.

I love the table. I am so far behind you in the furniture department. We have still been living in dorm world


I haven’t gone rollerblading in years, but it sounds like a blast! Love your new table!


Great table!


Raising hand to the PF. The only thing that works for me is a night splint. Taping is a waste of time. Icing and rolling are equally painful, frustrating, and strangely satisfying. But for me, the night splint is the only true fix.

For dessert? Peach cobbler, of course.


Ahhh I feel like this post is my wheelhouse! 1. I LOVE rollerblading and my friends think I am crazy but it’s so fun! I actually totally wiped out because my front wheel flew off (pads are key!) and had to walk back home (3 miles) with just socks on and roller blades in hand. Consequently…late for work with my rollerblading to blame.

2. I actually resumed rollerblading in my post college adult life because of PF!!! The break from the pounding of running helped so much. I missed running but at least the rollerblading was some good cardio. Other things that helped: magnetic inserts in my shoes (random, but my father in law swore by it and I really think they helped) and the golf ball rolling. It was excruciatingly painful to do the golf ball but I would roll it under my desk while I worked and I also think it helped. Also, runners world did an article on some strengthening exercises to help PF…google it! I bet it’s posted somewhere!


If you want to change things up try a gluten free dairy free dessert that doesn’t taste like either of those things :)
Here is the link:
My site also has other gluten free desserts such as pumpkin pie and cinnamon rolls! Enjoy!


I’ve never had plantar fascitis and don’t like roller blading…Random thing I’m thinking about…I wish I had some more of my birthday cake cookie. It was rather awesome!


Plantar faschitis– this is what worked for me! Any time I feel it coming on I go back to these as well!

1. Strasburg sock– it’s the worst in the am so the sock helps keep everything feeling good while you sleep.
2. Roll frozen water bottle under foot after runs for 5 minutes
3. Roll golf ball and/or tennis ball under arch
4. Let it heal. I ended up running through mine unless I literally couldn’t some days. I think the sock (as goofy as it is) makes the biggest difference!


Your new table is gorgeous! Love it! And the clouds on your morning run look like they would have been amazing to see in person. I had plantar fasciitis last year and for me the keys to recovery were keeping the arch supported with good insoles, massging the bottom of the foot, stretching and massaging my calves and ankles, and wearing higher heel-toe drop shoes.


I’ve been wanting to change out my kitchen table we have a high one and only has four chairs got it before we had a 3rd baby. We have a big formal dining table in our front room we only use for parties. I love how yours fits six! Where is it from? And easy to wipe down seats.
I want dessert now!


I love these cookies and cream cake mix bars —> they are so easy to make and taste freaking amazing. I used to always bake them for fundraisers at my High school and everyone adored them!


LOVE the arm swing tips — thanks!

my PF started w/i the last month or so – a real bummer! i rolled my foot on a baseball, “wrote” the alphabet in the air w/ my foot, and took some time off – it still comes and goes, esp after longer runs, but it isn’t as bad as it was a few weeks ago! it’s nice to read all of these other helpful tips!

i once made strawberry shortcake kabobs for a family get together, it went over well! got the idea from pinterest! :) perfect light dessert for summer!


Aw man, I uses to roller blade ALL the time growing up! I may need to start that up again!

Make Oreo balls!


Everything is very open with a clear description of the
challenges. It was truly informative. Your website is very useful.
Thanks for sharing!


Pioneer woman’s apple dumplings. They are super easy and taste amazing.


Oh man, I totally miss rollerblading! There’s actually a guy in my mom’s neighborhood who rollerblades, while pushing a jogging stroller.. insane.

I just made hot cocoa cookies…. super good!


Rollerblading – tried it several times….couldn’t figure out how to stop and hills scared the crap out of me….gave away my roller blades!

Your table – LOVE IT!!!


I love your table! Where did you get it? :)


This just made me beyond stoked. Blade or die!!!!!!!


Hi there!

I had plantar fasciitis for over a year. I kept working out through it all but just modified what I was doing. I do either jazzercise or fast walking every day. I didn’t want to get an injection, wanted to try and work it out on my own. I used inserts in sneakers (which I wore just about every day!) that I got at my Podiatrist. They were not custom, just gel like. At night I wore the Dorsey brace and after working out, I iced using a frozen bottle of water and I also use a golfball and rolled it around under my foot. It finally went away on it’s own. I don’t walk around barefoot anymore or wear completely flat shoes or sandals.


I love and miss rollerblading so much! I haven’t done it in YEARS, but it is such a fun and effective exercise! :) Have fun! (And wear your helmet and wrist guards!)


I LOVE the table! Where is it from??

I just bought a house, and I have been hunting for the perfect dining room table.


oh my gosh, I NEED that Jammypack!!!!


I developed plantar fasciitis when I was pregnant and on hospital bed rest. Since it’s usually an overuse issue don’t ask me how I managed to develop it while strictly horizontal! I was in a teaching hospital so had osteopath students working on it daily, which seemed to help.
S’more’s Dip is always a crowd pleaser and can be put in one of those little crockpot dip thingies. There’s lots of recipes online, basically it’s chocolate chips, marshmallow fluff, and sweetened condensed milk. Serve with graham crackers and whatever other options you might want.


Plantar fascitis – yup. It took a long time to get better, and sometimes I still feel a twinge here and there (it has been over a year). I’m actually realizing that it has been a compound injury caused by weak glutes and overcompensation by the piriformis….so I’m working on all that now. But I managed to deal with the plantar fascitis by stretching, stretching, and stretching again. It’s not an option to not stretch my calves out after a run (or any day), because the pain in my feet WILL flare up if I don’t.

And rollerblading is awesome! I still have mine from high school! When I didn’t feel like putting in the work I used to take my dog out for a walk with them and she was super fast so she would pull me all over the neighbourhood!


The table looks great! I’m cracking up imagining you Rollerblading with that patriotic fanny pack haha!


Girl, my mom made these recently and I am obsessed! Cheesecake-covered strawberries! Ahh om nom nom! You don’t really need a recipe (dip strawberries in cheesecake batter), but here’s one anyway: Good because it’s mostly fruit, so in summer it still tastes super fresh (and trust me, I can put the hurt on some sweets). Enjoy! xx


Yes, where did you get your table from? I love it! That is pretty much exactly what I have been looking for for our dining room :)


I’m so sorry for any of you dealing with PF right now, it’s excruciating (both mentally and physically). I’m sending out healing thoughts to you all. Ice, massage, rest, but most of all patience! I’m using the strassburg sock for achilles tendonitis now and have heard it’s great for PF, although I have a hard time sleeping with it on. I think I need custom bed sheets with a little hole for my toes to pop out. Maybe that should be my invention so I can retire and run all the time!

And I think you should make a peach crisp with all your yummy peaches.


hahaha I cannot wait for pictures of you guys rollerblading!


Fruit pizza is a great dessert for a group of people! Instead of making one big fruit pizza (which is just as yummy), I do individual pizzas with individual sugar cookies and let everyone pick their own “toppings.” (Recipe on my blog: but you can find fruit pizza recipes anywhere) :)

Yum, after looking at all of the rest of the comments, now I want dessert!


Chocolate zucchini cake is one of my favorites. The zucchini just makes it really moist, but I feel “healthy” eating it (even though it’s full of chocolate chips).

Here’s one similar to what I make (though I don’t put walnuts in it).


Is this how you run? LOL!


I’ve fixed PF for both DH and me with trigger point therapy.

I usually find a knot in the calf muscle belly. Get that muscle loosened up and the PF pain goes away.


Hips to Lips is what my high school coach used to say! I now tell my kiddos that!

2 Favorite and quick dessert recipes: Gooey Butter Cookies & Cherry Dump Cake. YUM!

1 stick of real butter
1 tsp vanilla
1 egg
1 8 oz package cream cheese
1 box of butter recipe yellow cake mix
Powdered Sugar
Beat the softened butter, egg and softened cream cheese together until light and fluffy. Mix in the dry cake mix, chill the dough for 30 minutes, preheat over to 350, spray cookie sheet with PAM, roll walnut size balls of dough into the powered sugar and place on cookie sheet.
Bake for 12 minutes or until lightly golden brown.

Grease a 9 X13 GLASS PAN.

Dump undrained pineapple in bottom of pan and swirl it around to fill corners. Dump cherry pie filling and push it around so it is mixed with pineapple .Dump in dry cake mix and make sure it covers all of the fruit and is even in depth. Pour melted butter all over the top of the cake. Sprinkle nuts over mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.



I have an awesome dessert for you to try. It is topped with strawberries so it counts as a healthy dessert. :) It’s one of those things I saw on pinterest, thought it looked better than it probably tasted, and was pleasantly surprised to find it is divine!

Those six sisters know their food:


I love your table! It looks awesome :)


I used to do a lot of rollerblading to help me lose weight. I lost about 80 pounds by rollerblading! …well, and changing my eating habits. :)
I love running, but one of my favorite things about rollerblading is being able to see a lot of my town in a short period of time. :)


The Feetures foot sleeve helped me too when I had PF. Also, I use the Wharton Stretch Method it’s awesome!


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I usually find a knot in the calf muscle belly. Get that muscle loosened up and the PF pain goes away.


I’m so sorry for any of you dealing with PF right now, it’s excruciating (both mentally and physically). I’m sending out healing thoughts to you all. Ice, massage, rest, but most of all patience! I’m using the strassburg sock for achilles tendonitis now and have heard it’s great for PF, although I have a hard time sleeping with it on.

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