Back to normal scheduling= I get to hang out with this little face all day.  I like normal scheduling a lot.  

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We had very ripe bananas and ginormous blueberries that were begging to be turned into muffins.  We made Whole Wheat Banana Bread Blueberry Muffins but we also added granola on top.   My whole family loved them and my pregnant sister especially loved them.  She is starting to feel better (she has been pretty sick) and so it is fun that she is craving different foods now.  My biggest cravings with Brooke were bagels, lemonade, donuts and meat.    

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I am more than okay with the fact that Brooke loves feeding me, especially when it involves amazing watermelon.

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Dinner was from my sister’s garden and my dad’s grill.  Summer meals trump all of the other seasons because everything is just so fresh tasting in the summer.

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I love finding Brooke hanging out with my dad.  They have a really great relationship.

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Welp, the 21 days are over and I definitely enjoyed these brownies last night.  I feel like being off of desserts/treats really helped me to start eating a lot more healthier foods throughout the day BUT I am glad to be done.  I missed desserts dearly.  I’ll now be doing the whole ‘moderation’ thing with desserts.  

Will I ever go 21 days without desserts again?  No, unless someone forces me or pays me a million dollars to do it.  

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So, this kind of freaked me out a little bit yesterday:

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I haven’t been sure if I would be able to do the St. George Marathon or not until this last Saturday.  I wanted to see if I could do 16 miles on Saturday and if I could = I would do the marathon.  I did the 16 miles and that gave me a boost of confidence that I will be able to get in 1 or 2 20 milers before the marathon so I should be good to go.  I will be lucky to get my endurance up to 26.2 miles by October 4th let alone my speed so I will just focus on continuing to get strong and enjoy training.  I won’t be worrying about time or speed very much.   

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PS a friend and I were texting about a tough decision she is trying to figure out and I just thought it was funny how much our thought processes differ before a run compared to after a run.

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Moms reading/pregnant readers-  What were/are some of your biggest pregnancy cravings?

Who is doing the St. George Marathon this year?  Who has done it before? 

Who is running a fall marathon this year?

How many times a week on average do you have dessert?

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We also did banana muffins and watermelon yesterday and both are some of my kids favorites :)

When I was pregnant I craved (and had aversions to) different things each time. It was all mostly savory stuff though – grilled cheese with bacon, egg sandwiches, olives, pickles, and lots of bagels! My last pregnancy I didn’t notice as many cravings.

I usually just have fruit for dessert with some coconut or almond butter so no, no, I’m no fun :)


I’m pregnant now and I crave Chili, Meat, and onions. I can’t wait to start running again. I’ve already decided my next marathon is going to be the Utah Valley in 2016!!! I would love to meet you there!


Hey Janae!

Awesome job conquering the 21 day dealio!! I would be glad to be done as well:)

If I’m on vacation with my fam–we have dessert prittay much every day. Woo!
Like twice a week maybe? I don’t keep track–but I think it’s good to satisfy my sweet tooth when she’s singing.
Good luck preparing for the marathon!!!


I craved watermelon and orange juice!

I’m not doing a full marathon this year but have my second and third half marathon (of the year) coming up next month.)

I eat dessert probably 2-3 times a week. I technically have dessert every night after supper but sometimes are more fun than others (aka not yogurt and berries lol!)

Have a great day! :)


I have some kind of dessert almost every day, but I try to make it healthier at least a few nights a week.
I am running a fall marathon (Philadelphia) on Nov 23- I started training today!


You made it all 21 days!! I usually have some type of chocolate or small dessert every day. I’ve been making bite sized cupcakes and having one or two of those is so perfect to eat with a cup of tea at night! I don’t know if I should really call them cupcakes though since I don’t like icing and don’t put that on… I guess they’re more like really sweet muffins lol

48 days until my first marathon!!! :)


I was just going to ask about your marathon! Wineglass is the same weekend actually. I’m kind of in the same boat…will I have an awesome race? Probably not what I wanted but it’s fine.

Nice job on the 21 days. I bet those brownies tasted amazing.


When I was pregnant, I craved Mackinac Island Fudge ice cream in a waffle cone (very specific) and allll the Mexican food that would go into my mouth (I wasn’t picky).


I’m running NYC in November so I am just getting to the bigger workouts now. I swear half marathon training is going to seem like such a breeze after this!

When I was pregnant, I drank a lot of milkshakes!


Have an awesome time celebrating Brooke’s birthday today!!!

I’m running a marathon in 3 weeks!?!?! You will rock at St. George!


I am doing a fall marathon – Chicago! Getting excited and nervous :) And congrats on the 21 days!


Me, too. It will be a great race! :)


I hope you have so much fun celebrating Brooke’s birthday!!

I usually have ice cream once/twice a week. Other than that, I’ll usually just have a piece of dark chocolate or a few swedish fish after dinner.


Woo!! 47 days.. so exciting!!!


I was getting nervous this weekend thinking that my next marathon is coming up too! Mine isn’t until December, but still it’s time for me to get back into some intense training if I want to PR!

I have something sweet probably every day! But a lot of times it is just s square of dark
chocolate, and then on the weekends I go BIG with something really delicious.

Have a wonderful time celebrating Brooke! Can’t wait to see pictures!


I have been throwing around the idea of running a half marathon that I ran a couple years ago. The only thing is it’s a couple weeks before my wedding and with everything else going on I feel like it may be taking on too much.


Were you doing the 21 day sugar detox?

If you like desserts, you can always make sugar free versions of it to keep you sane!


I craved bagels and cream cheese and baked potatoes with (cashew) sour cream!!! But other than that, just loved ALL THE FOOD in general haha!


Happy Birthday to Brooke and hope you enjoy the day celebrating today! Congrats on making it through 21 days!! I’m not sure I could, haha. I eat dessert a few times a week in the form of sweets and baked goods. I always have something after dinner but it’s not always full of sugar ;)


I eat ice cream most days during the summer, but during the winter I probably only have dessert once a week. I probably need to come up with an ice cream substitute for the summer, but it’s just so good! :)


I eat dessert whenever I want…if my body says it needs some chocolate or sprinkles, I listen to it. That being said, I try to not over do it and keep desserts small.

No fall marathon – just a few halves. I am doing the Salt Lake City marathon in the spring though!


I craved orange juice SO much when pregnant. I would go through two gallon jugs week!


This shows real expitrese. Thanks for the answer.


As long as you don’t get injured you will be fine for the marathon!! I know I mentioned this before, but coming back after an injury or time off is probably my favorite :) you have low expectations and no pressure, which for me translates to lots of fast runs that feel great! And once you’ve been in shape it’s really easy to reach that level of fitness.


I’m running St G again this year. I ran it last year – my first ever full marathon. Beautiful course and incredible support. They had more people willing to volunteer than they needed! Loved the independent aid stations with Popsicles. It ended up being perfect weather for the run, but we all but froze at the beginning. I’m excited to try and improve my time this year-even if it’s only by a few minutes.


I can definitely identify with the friends thought process.
My cravings: grilled cheese, granola, fruit, ice cream. First tri I definitely had the lemonade thing, steak, and chex mix.
I feel like I have dessert daily right now. See the ice cream craving.


For the first time in 4 years I won’t be running a fall marathon. But I’ll be cheering my friends on the course at the NYC marathon. So I still get to feel the energy :)

I have dessert or candy almost daily.
Yesterday my guy and I went hiking with our dogs in a state park in New Jersey. Then we went to this amazing local joint and I had Jersey peach pie in a warm flakey crust with opal basil ice cream and blueberry compote. It was probably one of the top 5 desserts I ever had.


I eat a muffin or banana froyo one or the other everyday. Lately I’m completely obsessed with this Lemon Peach Froyo


It’s so funny you say you craved lemonade and donuts! I’m not sure I’ve “craved” anything necessarily, but lemonade and donuts have been my favorite things!! 4 weeks to go!


I’m actually not a big dessert person anymore. It’s funny how our tastebuds can change! But I do consider pancakes dessert, and I have those about 4 times a week haha. Congrats on going 21 days!! That is definitely not easy, especially when you love those things!


I am so glad to hear someone else craved bagels and lemonade while pregnant. I’m 34 weeks and have wanted bagels and cream cheese and lemonade this whole time!
So glad Brooke is back! Have a fantastic week girl!


I didn’t have a whole lot of cravings. That really disappointed me–most of the time I was hungry, but most foods turned my stomach. What always tasted good was lime (real fruit) popsicles!
I have a marathon 10/27.
Lately, I have been having ice cream almost every night. Yum!


When I was pregnant, I craved watermelon and lemons. I sucked on lemons pretty much the entire first trimester. It was the only thing that calmed the nausea.


That’s relatively healthy and lemons are great for detox! :)


When I was pregnant I wanted cereal 24 hours a day with LOTS and LOTS of milk! I’ve always loved cereal but I would easily eat 2 bowls a day. No full marathons for me this year but I do have 2 halfs towards the end of the year. Good luck with the rest of your training, you can do it!!! I usually have dessert 2-3 times a week. Sometimes I’ll eat yogurt for ‘dessert’ but I’m not counting that as a real dessert.


Happy Birthday Brooke! 2 is such a fun age!! I craved roast beef and oranges in my first pregnancy and potatoes, twice baked, baked, skins, mashed, fries, etc in my second. My poor husband. Have a good day!


When I was pregnant I had huge cravings for chocolate milk and cheeseburgers. It had to be fast food cheeseburgers too. Homemade ones just didn’t satisfy the craving enough. We have dessert once or twice a week, but I’m a night-time snacker and always end up eating something while watching prime time tv.


I have dessert every day! If I don’t have a little something built into my plan for the day then I’ll binge like mad.


I totally craved carbs at the beginning of my pregnancy! And dessert is a must for me most days ;)


Those tomatoes look especially delicious!

My cravings depended on the pregnancy, but mostly fruit and cheeseburgers. I don’t even like cheeseburgers now, but for a while there I couldn’t get enough.


I m pregnant now. I had cravings since I was born, so no big difference there :)
I love posts that have many pictures of Brooke!


What’s melted on top of those tomatoes? It kind of looks like mozzarella?


I’m doing St. George this year :) I did it last year and loved it so much I decided to try for the lottery again and got in. I’m really looking forward to it, it’s such a beautiful course, I just hope it’s warmer at the start this year. Last year I was so cold and miserable from the incessant wind while we were just sitting around waiting for the start. I actually had the thought to camp out in a porta potty just for some relief, haha – that should tell you had bad it was!


Hooray desserts! You were very brave to give them up for three weeks. I agree that moderation is awesome. I am planning to run a fall marathon (haven’t officially signed up yet) and I’ve been following a similar method–see how I feel on my long runs before I fully commit and focus on endurance rather than speed. I hope you have a fantastic time celebrating Brooke’s first birthday!


I wanted to do St. George so badly this year, but when we moved to massachusetts the travel got a lot more expensive/time consuming than the 5 hour drive from southern california. BUT my best friend is running it this year and she is going to do amazing!


Good luck with training, and have fun celebrating Brooke’s birthday!


Yay for 16 pain free miles!!!! That is huge!!! I think it is a good idea to not stress about speed and time right now :)!
When I was pregnant I had a major craving for grilled pb&j! :)….it is actually really good! I had it every night for months :).
My fall marathon is Richmond and I am SO excited and slightly nervous!
I actually have dessert almost every night….I make it a small serving. I run so much I just refuse to stress about it. It is usually a small bowl of ice cream :)


I probably eat dessert every other day. I’m losing weight right now, so sometimes a treat fits into the day, sometimes it doesn’t. Yesterday was one of the ones that did, and since it was Sunday, we got froyo. Yum


I’m 28 weeks along and had absolutely no cravings or aversions until last week, when for a couple meals I just didn’t want meat. For some reason but just sounded too heavy and a huge plate of veggies was so much more appetizing!

Congrats on finishing your sugar break! Your treats look most enjoyable :)


When my mum was pregnant with me she craved Mars chocolate bars and now I love them, I thought it was so funny because all my friends hate that candy bar, so I always think her eating it throughout her pregnancy must be why I love them!

I would love to run a marathon one day, the most I’ve run so far is 4 miles but considering I couldn’t run a mile 3 months ago I’m just loving to see how much my body improves with every run! Good luck on your marathon training!


We did a 14 miler on Saturday to prep for St. George Marathon. There will be five of us running it and we are all super excited. I am definitely not doing it for time or speed.. just for the experience. It will be my 4th marathon. My favorite marathon so far has been Huntsville, but I hear amazing things about St. George, I’m excited to run it. I actually drew out for the lottery before for St. George but about a month before the race I found out I was pregnant! So I decided against the marathon because I was super sick. Oddly enough, I never had any cravings with any of my pregnancies at all! Good luck with the training. We have our 16 miler this week!


I’m a vegetarian, but when I was pregnant the only thing that I craved was a hit dog or sausage dog. Idk why but I wanted one soo bad.

Oh and I’m running a half marathon in October. :)


Congrats on completing the dessert challenge, well done!


Congrats on making it the full 21 days :). Inspiring me to maybe try it sometime. Maybe :)


Yay for desserts again! Major props for getting through that girl. I have dessert almost every day. It’s not always super indulgent…usually during the week it’s a small piece of chocolate or small bowl of ice cream. I typically indulge a little more on the weekends – not intentionally…it just kinda happens that way. :)


I am registered for SGM too (as you know).But right now, I have horrible endurance! I stopped running after UVM. I wonder if I can just slowly increase mileage and see how it goes and how I feel. Maybe I can actually run St. George? hmmm but in 47 days? I am seriously doubting it. I also wanted to do it because its on my Birthday :)


How many times a week? Or how many times a DAY? #IMayHaveAProblem


Dessert every DAY. It’s getting a little bad though… I’m starting to have it after every meal :O I kind of want to try a naturally sweetened diet though.. I feel like all this processed sugar isn’t doing very good with me!


1st pregnancy: red velvet cake DAILY; 2nd pregnancy: ICE CREAM!

I was training for a half marathon in October, but I strained my hip flexor and realized I’m more out of running shape than I realized and I might need to increase my mileage more slowly


Oops, it cut off the last part of my comment… I’ll just do the most important part that got missed….

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROOKE!!!! Have so much fun today!


The first photo of Brooke could not be more precious! Those muffins look delish as well :)

I’m so excited for you that you get to run the marathon- I know you will be amazing. Good for you for not putting too much pressure on yourself.

You’re such an inspiration!


My plan is to run my first full marathon in November! It’s called Charlotte Thunder Road and it’s a BQ…not that I think I’ll BQ, but that would be pretty awesome :) Unfortunately it’s a really hilly course (I ran the half last year) but I am used to it because Charlotte is crazy hilly!!

I am so excited that you get to run the marathon! You inspire me every day :)


I craved Frosted Mini Wheats. I had a bowl nearly every night of my pregnancy! Haha :) Those muffins look so good! We have bananas that are going bad, too, and blueberries sooooo I think it’s only right that I make them, also! ;)



I would love to do the St George marathon one day… it’s somewhat close to me. I’ll be doing a couple half marathons this fall.

I’ve never been pregnant but I know I will for sure have cravings, since I already have serious cravings non-preggo.


I have something sweet almost every day, but it’s usually pretty small — typically just a square of dark chocolate. Bigger things like fro-yo or ice cream are much less often — although now that I’m thinking about, I could definitely go for some ice cream! :)


I was going to do the rock n roll vegas with my brother in November, but I’m due with our second in October and I can’t run when I’m pregnant. Hopefully next year! So I have a countdown until I’m allowed to run again. With my first pregnancy I was dying for chocolate. Once I had my little miss I went off all refined sugar for 8 months and lost all of my extra weight in 3 months. This time I would do almost anything for bagels with cream cheese and watermelon. Chocolate is another one, but I try to stay away as much as possible so I won’t gain 50 pounds this time.


I craved sonic gator tots when I was pregnant and it was one of the few things I cld keep down when I had all day sickness. I also craved meat and then twinkles until I looked at the ingredient list! :)

I love something sweet everyday, but have days when it gets out of hand.

I am doing 1 fall marathon (NYC!!), then FIVE winter fulls. I am a little addicted to distance.


I’m 29 weeks pregnant and my cravings consist of anything gummy (fruit snacks, gummy bears, twizzlers, ect), lemonade, waffles, and jello w/ whip cream! I’m glad your sister is starting to feel better, my first trimester was tough too, food aversions are no fun, especially when you’re a food lover!

Dessert if one of my daily food groups to fulfill! After the baby arrives I’m going to cut way back!


happy birthday brooke! so glad dessert is back on your menu for the celebration!


I have dessert probably twice a week. If I had it my way I’d have it after every meal. Happy Birthday to Brooke!


Hope you are having so much fun celebrating brooke’s bday! Did you time your no dessert challenge to end right before her birthday?! if so– SMART! haha!


I am running Chicago this fall!!! Beyond excited for it and just a week after Nike Women’s half in San Francisco – but that’s solely pleasure no tme target race :)

My favorite dessert is actually fruits or cheese :) having those almost every day :)))


Have fun celebrating that sweet little girl!!! <3 Eat some cake, yessssss!!!


New York City Marathon on Nov 2nd!!! Second marathon and second NYCM. So pumped!!!


When I was preggo I craved all things citrus and drank a ton of Arnold Palmers!

I am running the Chicago marathon this year-my first! Good luck with your training!


Yay for Brookers being home! Have fun celebrating and enjoy those desserts, woman! :)


No St. George for me, but I’ll keep trying to lotto!

I’m doing the Boulder Marathon on October 5th. Two weeks later I’m going to pace my sister-in-law through her first marathon in Des Moines (a lovely, forgiving course). I’m finishing out the year in Huntsville, AL in December. Apparently I’m traveling more than I thought.

I’m in awe of your three week abstinence from sweets. Some sort of sweet occurs every day in the form of a bit of chocolate, a cookie, froyo, etc. I try to avoid stuff with too much filling or frosting as part of my claim of “healthiness”. We’ll claim that makes it good.


Wow, congrats on finishing the 21 days! Those sweets are going to taste all thaaaat much better now :) Plus, no more saying “no” to Brooke when you pass by a froyo place, right?
I am such a strange dessert person, and definitely go through waves of eating it and not eating it. So sometimes it will be something like 3 or 4 times a week, or sometimes none at all! I have to admit though, most of my “desserts” are some sort of combination of greek yogurt/protein powder/nut butter. I’ve been loving that one lately!


I notice now and then that I need a little “reset” with my eating habits. I’ll do really well for a while, and gradually, the pretzels and candy creep back in. Last weekend we got home from a trip and Friday I set out for a good 3 days. Today is day 4 and I’m feeling better already- I think I’ll make it a week!


I haven’t signed up for any marathons this fall, I decided to take a break. But I am really excited about being a spectator for one finally! My boyfriend is running his first (and he claims last) marathon in October- Chicago- and I can’t wait to cheer him on!

I try not to eat dessert during the week too much, but if I am really craving it I just go for it. I noticed in the past that when I denied my sweet tooth, I would end up eating a ton of other stuff to try to compensate so I’m better off just having a little bit of what I really want at that moment. However, tragic fail last week when I decided I really wanted some chocolate covered raisins and ate the whole darn container in 2 days. It was a big container, but it was deeeelicious!


I’ve not had a ton of consistent or weird pregnancy cravings. Except egg sandwiches with cheese and sriracha, that’s been the best!


It’s Brooke’s BIG day!! I know how much you’ve been looking forward to it- it is going to be one of the best days ever..I just know it. Looking forward to the recap! Xo


2 gigantic things…Read this =). First, I know it’s not polite to talk about weight/figure/diet etc. with a woman…or maybe its ok, depending on how you ask it. But, just a yes/no answer…for 21 days on a no dessert diet, do you notice any physical changes? Also, my next races through the fall and winter are all fulls… Ventura, LB, LV, Honolulu, PF Changs, Suft City, and THIS ONE -> Phoenix! I know you missed it last year. You don’t wanna miss this one in 2015! I don’t wanna name drop…Trust me when I say… the who’s who of blogging royalty will be there =).


I saw this morning that Zulily is having a Brooks event! I immediately thought of you.

Phenomenal prices on this stuff:|1408390968364


I’m running the Chicago Marathon and The Harpeth Hills Flying Monkey Marathon! I eat dessert (at least a cookie) daily!


When I was pregnant, I lost my sweet tooth and only wanted savory food- lots of eggs, cream cheese, giant sandwiches, pizza, salad…and never really wanted peanut butter. Fascinating, isn’t it?!


I also craved lemonade and meat when pregnant. Also, goldfish crackers and triscuits with cheese. Hope your sister is feeling better!

So glad Brooke is back and celebrating her birthday will be lots of fun!

AND I’m so glad you are introducing dessert back into your life. I felt sad for you these last 21 days : )


Oh my goodness I’m running my first full this fall and have already gotten off track on my long runs BUT I just want to finish it! Hoping to get up to 20 miles slowly mine is in nov. Brooke is adorable. Might I add I love your owls, canisters and plateware super cute I love the creamy soft blue and white…
Dessert lately twice a week and I totally agree everything in moderation! Glad your sis is on the happy hungry stage and not the tired nauseous stage I so remember that with my 3 pregnancies! I craved lays chips and chili dogs yuck!


1st pregnancy-Taco Bell!?
2nd pregnancy-glazed donuts and biscuits with gravy!
3rd/current/final pregnancy-pizza!


When I was pregnant with my first I HAD to have a gravenstein apple every morning. Then there was a two week stretch that I ate steak and spinach every night for dinner (guessing I might’ve needed some iron!)

Running the Marshall Marathon in West Virginia November 2nd!


I have my first marathon (Detroit) on October 19th, and, depending on the day I’m either OMG-excited or OMG-terrified. Ha! Any tips?

The love affair between myself and sweets is an unbreakable bond. I “try” to moderate, but let’s be honest, if I see it, I want it.

Hope your little lady had a wonderful birthday!!!

And — GAH! Utah. We are contemplating coming for our honeymoon to ski and such. Any ideas?


If I were a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, now I’d say “Kuaabongw, dude!”


Hey! Not related to your post at all but I saw yesterday that TJoes had a recall of the Almond Butter. I thought of you and thought you might want to know!

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