16 miles. Reuniting. Bacon.

Candice and I have spent a ridiculous amount of time pool running together but yesterday was our first day running outside together.  She is doing the Big Cottonwood Marathon in 27 days and so she wanted to do part of the course for her long run.  This canyon was insanely beautiful. 

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View for a few miles…  Just running next to a beautiful little river.  NBD.

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And the view for the entire run…  Gorgeous Utah mountains.

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We had the best water girls every few miles.  The water was so cold and very much needed.  

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They even had chocolate milk waiting for us at the end of the 16 miles.   I am hiring them for every long run.

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The last 5 miles of our run was the only time my stomach didn’t hurt.  It was the weirdest thing.  I would be okay if that never happened again;)  The rest of my body felt great for the run and I am loving working with Dr. B and sticking to my strengthening exercises!  

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I think it is a good idea to go to CPK for salad and pizza with bacon (bacon just tastes so good after a long run) 1.5 hours after you finish you along run.

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And then the Brookers came back to me and it all feels so good again.  

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After Brooke went to bed Addie came over for some raspberry eating and movie watching.  

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PS I am sorry to some of my friends out there for offending them on Instagram by saying that running with Candice > donuts.

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Ever have your stomach hurt when you run?  What causes it for you?

Do you use chocolate milk as a recovery drink after a long/hard run?

Prettiest place that you have ever been running?

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I used to have terrible stomach issues while on long runs and it took some big diet changes to fix it but I’m a lot better now. So far with my training my stomach has been a-okay!

Those views are amazing and the water girls so cute – that would totally brighten my spirits on a long run! I don’t love chocolate milk but a lot of people swear by it for recovery! And I agree bacon is awesome after a long run :)


I have definitely had stomach issues running before! That is the worst. Usually it.is caused by eating something my stomach doesnt like before I run…actually it is really sensitive to what I eat before a run. I have just come to accept it.
Not a fan of milk after a run (or really in general)….please dont unfriend me :)
Prettiest place I have run is a trail that runs past a farm. Beautiful!


Congrats on the 16 miles :) I’m just about to head out to do my own 16 miles… thank you for the inspiration!


I use to get an upset stomach when I would go on really long runs. I worked out that it was dairy food that upset my stomach. I am not lactose intolerant, however dairy food in my stomach and running do not work for me. I now have to make sure I stay away from it before I go running.

I have never had chocolate milk as a recovery drink after a long run, however I have had chocolate protein shakes after a run and they are good.

The prettiest place that I have ever been running is along the beach in Fremantle in Western Australia. I normally ever go running near the beach but I was on holidays and I was going to make the most of it. The beach was beautiful and was a good distraction from the heat and all the miles! It was also nice to dip my feet in the water after my run!!


Yes i totally agree with you, i used to live in Freemantle, Western Australia and my runs were always so scenic, i miss it so much :(


If I eat too soon before I run I have issues, but I am pretty good most of the time. I LOVE CHOCOLATE MILK AFTER A RUN. LOVE IT.

The prettiest place I have gotten to run is through the hilly country roads in Leipers Fork, TN……….beautiful!


Your long run looks like it was amazing! I need to do some running in Utah! (Althouh I am used to running in Illinois and would probably die with the hills/elevation.) I’ve definitely had my stomach hurt on a run. I think sometimes if I start running before my body really wakes up that will do it, but also I think what I eat the day and night before has a huge effect. Glad you are reunited with Brooke! Enjoy the rest of your weekend with her!


my long run was hard yesterday on the dreadmill, my belly wasn’t happy


Brooke’s hair is getting long! And wavy! Cute.
My stomach kind of chronically bothers me when I run. I CANNOT eat before a run (I will for a marathon, but I get up extra early, and even then it’s risky). What I’ve found helps is being well-hydrated pre-run. I think of myself as aways pretty hydrated (I drink a lot of water out of habit), but since I run early in the morning it’s the least hydrated I am all day. I started drinking a full glass of water pre-run and that has helped a lot. The problems never go away totally, but this is an improvement.


Yay for Brooke being home! I love chocolate milk all of the time!

Prettiest run…PA in the fall. :-)


Yes sometimes my stomach hurts. The other day I thought it was a brilliant idea to eat a burger before a run….

But I also cannot have anything with sorbitol in it otherwise major problems. Took me a bit to figure that one out :-)


Rarely does my stomach hurt when I run…but I have really not found any fuel that I love and my fueling is iffy at best. I can do chews ok but don’t like to eat enough of them to get enough calories and so far the only GU I can take it salted caramel…but my stomach still doesn’t love it. I did 16 miles yesterday to with 1/2 a GU :).
I almost always drink chocolate milk after a run!!! That run looks so pretty!!!!!!!!


I don’t think I could run with a stomach ache! I give you a ton of credit. That could not have been fun….Prettiest place I have run would probably be by the beach. The early morning views are amazing…Oh, and running through Hershey Park is sort of a special memory too!


Stomach pain whil running is the worse! It happens to me occasionally. Those mountains are incredible. I’d run everyday with that view.


Stomach problems while running are the worst — hope it doesn’t happen often for you!


Yep, I definitely get tummy troubles sometimes. It is almost always related to what I eat that day before I run, and usually only hits during runs happening after noon or in the evening. I’m in a run club now that includes two evening runs per week, so I’ve had to figure out some eating patterns that work for me, and I think I’m finally there. I basically can’t eat protein beforehand, and have to stick to less sugar, fats, and oils. Fruits, veggies, grains all day, and then I get to eat a big dinner when I get home.


Prettiest place is the path running through Teton national park.

Have you been eating more fruit at night instead of something doughy and carby? The later always soaks up the tummy acid for me.

Yeah for the reunification!!!!!!!!!


I have definitely dealt with stomach issues before. They are the WORST on long runs so I am always really careful what I eat the night before. Looks like a beautiful run!


16 miles? Your strength and endurance is crazy that you are already comfortable running that distance after your break!! I’m impressed!! Fortunately I’ve never had stomach trouble while running. We bought chocolate milk for the purpose of using it as recovery one time but then I drank it all. :) Cape Town is the prettiest place I’ve ever run, but I’m looking forward to getting to run in Chattanooga, TN next month!!


The most beautiful run I’ve ever taken is on the beach by my parents’ house in Maine, early in the morning when the mist is rising off the sand.


Prettiest place I’ve run is along the beach at my parents place, where I grew up, in White Rock.

I have got stomach pains a lot but I have Crohn’s disease so they’re common!

And yes… Chocolate milk is soooo good after a run!

Yay for Brooke being home!


Crazy long gorgeous hair. Amazing

So glad she is home


I am actually grateful to the owner of this website who
has shared this enormous article at here.


I ran the Cottonwood marathon last year. The views are just incredible. It was very easy to lose yourself in the scenery. My kind of race.


My stomach hurts if I have too much fat or dairy before I run.

Best run of my life: New Zealand. Imagine a mix between Ireland and Jurassic Park. Plus there are like 57 people in the entire country. Amazing.


I love your running route. It looks like my favorite long run route. Welcome home Brooke. Have an awesome Sunday.


Prettiest place I’ve run is door county, Wisconsin.


If I drink or eat too close to the start of a run, my stomach definitely lets me know! No fun!


I have IBS along with a multitude of other stomach problems… So stomach pain is wayyy too common on runs! ‘Tis not fun!

Lactose intolerant over here… So I think chocolate milk as a recovery tool would be painful! Chocolate protein smoothies on the other hand… ;)

Prettiest place I have ever run? Sag Harbor! I haven’t traveled many places haha!


That salad and pizza look amazing. So does the view from your run. The picture pretty much solidified that I want that race to be my next marathon. Now to just get to the starting line without injuries!!

My stomach was no bueno when I ran the Utah Valley Half last year. For a few miles I kept thinking how I needed to stop and walk and then it finally went away and I could finish the race without having to stop. Thankfully.

And your friends who were upset about the donut comment…I can see where they are coming from…but they obviously don’t know Candice ;)


My stomach always hurts when I run, but I suffer from some pretty bad acid reflux so I have kind of just learned to live with it. Congrats on your run and seeing Brooke again!!!


I think the steamboat springs marathon wins for prettiest run for me. :)


Fun fact!

Drinking body temperature water is better than cold water when you are trying to save energy because your body does not have to work in order to get it back up to body temperature… So even though cold water feels good when you are hot, it actually will cost you more energy! Learned this from my bro who’s a Marine :) xx


I can’t stand bacon plain but the only way I will eat it is on pizza!

I love chocolate milk and I’ll be having it after every single cross country practice because we got a grant for it!


Stomach aches are the worst :(

I have IBS so really anything can make my stomach upset. Definitely nothing with too much spice or flavor the night before a long run.

My fav is running along the beach but we had a great view during our 1/2 yesterday of farmland and horses.

They actually had ice cold chocolate milk at the end of our run yesterday! It was pretty awesome!


I’d have to say the Big Sur marathon course was the prettiest place I have run. The PCH offers such beautiful views of the Pacific.


Nice job Janae and I’m glad you have Brooke back.

I used to get huge stomach cramps when I ran but figured out it was from too much coffee. I don’t (gasp) drink coffee before I run and it seems to have gone away.


I love chocolate milk after a hard workout – goes down easy and perfectly balanced recovery drink!

Nice to see you have your side kick back – I can’t wait what’s in store for her belated birthday celebration!

On a side note, I finally decided to start my blog after being a long time reader here and a few other spots – it’s been an exciting weekend!


so funny you are posting this today. I am training for my first marathon- Chicago- and i did 16 miles today. I must have taken in too much fuel, gels, what have you, cuz at mile 15 my stomach cramped and I had to go to the bathroom. BAD. i had to run in the woods. that has never happened to me before on a run. but then again i have never trained for a marathon before. I need to learn the right way to fuel for these long runs!! any advice!????


I can’t believe you’re back up to 16 miles already! I ran 17 yesterday for the first time ever :)

I used to get stomach cramps when I thought I needed to eat right before a run. Now I try to leave at least an hour between eating and running. It’s hard when you do a morning run and have to get up extra early just to eat, but I think it’s worth it :) Also I think liquids are gentler than solids you know? A good smoothie works really well for me before a run.


i used to get frequent stomach aches (not just when running) until i started taking probiotics. they have really helped my stomach A LOT!

maui wins as the absolute prettiest run for me :)


Awww cutest little water girls EVER!! :) And what a gorgeous place to run!



I need to find someone to bring me chocolate milk as soon as I’m done running!

I’ve run in some really beautiful places the past five months while traveling; running in Switzerland with the Alps in the background is a top contender for the prettiest!


Sounds like a wonderful day! That chocolate milk took me back to when I was in elementary school. I would always have those on road trips to keep from asking how much longer we had every two minutes. Have a great Sunday Janae!


Gorgeous! What a setting!


My favorite running location is near Las Vegas, a place called “6 tunnels”. It’s an elevated running path that used to be a railroad track. The railroad would bring the Hoover Dam workers their supplies back in the day. You run through the mountsins through all these tunnels. It’s also overlooking georgeous Lake Mead. It’s super neat!


Stomach issues during a run are the worst. I tend to run before breakfast when I can, but then if I go over about 12 miles I get too hungry, so I do need to learn some food to eat before.
Wow those views are incredible! A few years ago I went to Hawaii and I did some running there, it was just beautiful.


Nutrition while running has been a learn-as-you-go experience for me and I have had a lot of painful stomach runs. Big breakfasts (aka a bagel) are too much for me and cause my stomach to hurt, as well as too much acidic fruit leading up to a run (aka 24 hours before).

Prettiest place to run = BANFF. Forever and always.


First time my stomach hurt was in my last marathon this spring!!! It hurt that much that I had to walk… (Still PRed a lot at 3:11:46 :) ) I thought it was because I have taken too much nutrition, because I have never had such a pain – much worse than side stitches… But I got it again actually few weeks ago and it was definitely because I was too hungry, went for an easy 10 miler and did not want to eat to close to epit, but was already little hungry when I started running. And boom exactly the same pain, I had to walk and breathe through it again. So in my race this spring I guess I actually took the nutrition too late…

Most beautiful running scenery? I just arrived to Italian Alps for a high altitude training… It is gorgeous here! Check out my Instagram :) @barborkaontherun


You are so insanely fast, Janae!


I’ve gotten a stomachache here and there while running before – sometimes it’s from drinking too much water beforehand, or it’s something I ate right before running or the night before if it’s the morning. It’s so frustrating when that happens though!!


I hae a question for Janae and others: how do you fuel on your long runs? I ran 10 miles yesterday and after mile 8 I just felt like I had no energy. I did finish the run but the last two miles were not pretty. I ran in the morning and had coffee before the run and 1/2 an english muffin with butter. Should I eat more? I ate nothing along the way but did stop for water a few times. I would love some hints. Do I just need to get in better shape ? Or should I just be running slower? Or should I be eating GU or something else while I run?
Thanks to anyone who can answer!


Hi! I saw your comment as I was typing mine below. Fueling is really personal and you will have to find what works for you, but maybe you can try having a little protein before you run- like putting peanut butter or almond butter on your English muffin. As for fueling during your run having something when you have been running for about an hour of running could certainly help you! There are all sorts of gets and other things that you can try and see what you like. Products like Gu recommend that you have one every 45 minutes. Good luck:)


That run looks gorgeous! I have had stomach issues on a run when I eat something I shouldn’t the night before, or eat too soon before I go out running. I love chocolate milk after a run!


Looks like a beautiful run!


Good job on 16 miles!! And so glad you’ve got your little sidekick back at home with you :-)


Gosh you’re speedy! I did 16 miles today also, but about 20 minutes slower than you! :)

I get stomach cramps when I get too dehydrated or if I have Gu or something without water. Too much sugar like that all at once is a shock to my system I think. If I drink Gatorade I have to water it down too.

I love chocolate milk after runs! It tastes so good when it is ice cold! After longer runs, like today, I’ll usually have something more substantial like a smoothie, but I drink it after shorter runs for sure!


Are you ever scared of losing your way running for that kind of distance?


Usually when my stomach hurts while I run it is because of what I ate the night before. Or because I have to go to the bathroom (unfortunate running consequence, I guess).


Janae you have the most prettiest runs, wow, i would see why you love your trail runs so much, you lucky gal. I am so glad you got your Brookers back, how adorable :)

I actually love cold water after a long run, so refreshing, pushed myself on my run this morning, hurt like hell but i feel ontop of the world now, a feeling i always try to remember when running hurts.

Take care xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Wow….that running course looks insanely beautiful! How fun for you. It is good that Brooke is back with you. It looks like that she missed you too. BFF’s together again :)


Gorgeous run! Prettiest place I’ve ever run is probably the waterfall park in Greenville SC!


Before I knew I was allergic to egg whites, even eating a slice of bread with almond butter hurt my stomach and I couldn’t figure out why! Helps to keep a food journal if you are having tummy issues. I am also sensitive to gluten and as long as I avoid those 2 things….I have a happy running tummy!

I totally need to hire your water girls!!! I never feel like drinking chocolate milk after a run but when I do it is so good and I am glad that I did.

So far my favorite place I have ran is on South Beach in the Miami Half Marathon, I think I will run that race every year until I can’t run anymore!

Glad Brookers is home!!!


I have to say that one of the prettiest places I have ever been running is in your neck of the woods. I loved the antelope island while we were in Utah for hubby’s Wasatch 100 race.


Scenery looks gorgeous. And I’ve definitely become a fan of choc milk after a hot summer workout!!!


what a gorgeous course!


Brooke’s hair!! Oh my goodness, it’s so long! How many more days with no fruit???


Much of our health is determined by the way we live our
lives, and nutrition choices are a huge part of that equation. You can be relaxed just by consuming
food and drinks. Not much research has been done to prove that this is the case


Been on vacation here and am looking forward to doing more long runs this motivates me! Love chocolate milk after a race. Brooke is too cute! Glad u have her home.


I have yet to be able to find something truly beautiful about any route I’ve ever run, whether on a lovely trail in Northern California or through a pretty park in Philadelphia or between a highway and industrial waterfront area. I can’t pick a “most beautiful” running place. But the real reason I’m commenting is because you had 69 comments posted. It made me giggle. Because I have the same lame sense of humor as a middle school boy. Now you have 70


That run looks gorgeous! Congratulations on your return to the pavement. I hope you’ll continue talking about the strength work you’re doing!


The mountains look beautiful. Can i hire out your water girls? i could defo have done with them on Sunday, that and a wind break!
Maybe your tummy hurt as you were anxious to see your beautiful Brook.
Enjoy party time now. :)


my stomach hurts sometimes if I take in too much water or fuel at once, or if I hate something that bothered it the night before/morning of. And YAY BROOKERS!


How did you manage to finish 16 miles on exactly an even number?! This eases my OCD heart.


My stomach has hurt from both gi issues like lack of fueling properly to actual stomach and intestinal pain. If it’s the latter- and I’m not saying this is your issue cause you seem to be on it- it usually means I’ve been lax about my ab exercises or just general fitness loss after a break. It’s like the rest of my body is putting added effort into my leg muscles that it can’t afford to support my stomach walls and my inner organs get too bouncy from lack of core engagement. That’s just me tho:)


Տome wonderful images. Incredible shades.

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