I have been a fan of NOW Foods for a few years now and I am loving my latest batch of stuff!

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What we got going on here:

Personal Care

Arnica Cooling Relief Gel – great for post-run/races to sooth sore muscles..  this stuff feels so good!

Natural Bug Ban Spray — 100% natural!

 Sports Nutrition

Sprouted Brown Rice Protein Powder —  All natural ingredients and great for people that are allergic to whey/soy/egg protein powders!

Dutch Chocolate Pea Protein Powder – Just tried this in a smoothie and it was great!

MCT Oil — You can use this as a substitute for oil to cook with or use in salad dressings… great fatty acids.  

Electro Endurance — an awesome mix of carbs (simple and complex), protein and electrolytes which is all awesome for recovery after a hard workout!  I just add it to my water!


-Gluten-free, allergy-friendly line, including: Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Mix and Organic Chocolate Fudge Brownie Mix. Brooke and I tried the banana bread mix a few weeks ago and we really liked it and I was skeptical of it at first because it is gluten free and I haven’t ever really tried gluten free products.  

Sugarless Sugar – Our one-to-one sugar substitute with 1/3 calories, great for baking!

-Variety of BetterStevia natural sweeteners, including Liquid Coconut – the coconut is my favorite one and it awesome to flavor water with!

Triple Omega Seed Mix — LOVE this on my yogurt and once it is cold again and I eat oatmeal all of the time I will be putting it on that too (hemp, chia and flax seeds—>  great source of protein, fiber, omega-3 and omega-6).  


Probiotic 10 — Been hooked on probiotics after my run in with Ghiardia and I was put on a ton of antibiotics.  

UC II – Joint support.. WE RUNNERS NEED THIS!

Brooke wanted to be in a picture with everything and I was trying to hide my head as I was lifting her up and clearly it worked out really well.  

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One lucky ready will win ALL OF THE ABOVE ITEMS (worth over $300!!)!  

********To enter the giveaway just leave me a comment on this post about what one of your healthiest habits is or you can tell me a story about something random or just tell me and Brooke and hello!

Giveaway ends on 8/4/14!


We had one heck of a birthday party this morning for Mischa (in the purple top)!  It hurt every fiber of my being to get up so early because I have been sleeping in a lot after the marathon but it was 100% worth it and I just love this girl so much.  I met her 9 years ago in a spin class and we have been super close ever since.  

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Class was 1 hour (I haven’t done a spin class that long in forever.. usually they are 45 minutes at my gym) and it was a killer workout.  Lots of hill climbing, lots of sprints and some great tunes.  I love group exercise classes.  

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Mischa brought a basket of her favorite things to the class and she gave US presents… I know. 

Her favorite lip gloss, this was like Christmas morning for me because I am so obsessed with lip gloss.  I put it on at least once an hour and even before I go to bed:)  I get addicted to things easily.  PS people ask me what type of lip gloss I usually use and I use THESE ONES (punchy is my favorite one)! 


And the sweetest Macy sent this for me and Brooke to put up in our new place.  I can’t wait!  8 days until moving day (ps mom and dad, you will still be seeing me and Brooke daily… you can’t escape us:)

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Now go ahead and enter the NOW Foods giveaway!

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I think my healthiest habit has been learning to love healthy choices. For me trying to eat healthy isn’t “healthy” for me, it has become “the normal”. And that is what I love about it! Slowly I swaped frying for grilling, sodas for water, artificial sugars for natural sugars, etc. I don’t think about whether I am eating healthy or not anymore because I have completely transformed my tastebuds to crave “the healthy” stuff…


My healthiest habit is staying properly hydrated all the time. If I get even the slightest bit dehydrated (or maybe I just don’t realize HOW dehydrated I really am?) I get a headache right behind my eyes, and it’s pure agony. I like water. :-)


My healthiest habit is that I am finally in a really good routine where I easily wake up every morning at 5 (well, most mornings!) to get in a workout. Even if it’s just a walk with my dog, it’s nice to get out & active in the morning.


One of my healthiest habits is getting to sleep as early as possible. It is amazing what some extra Zzzs will do for your running and mood overall. So shut off the TV, grab a book, and get to bed ladies! You won’t regret it.


My healthiest habit is making sure I bring breakfast to work every day! I work with mostly men on a financial trading floor, so lunches/snacks are abundant and I can never say no. The best thing I can do is make sure I bring in a green smoothie, overnight oats, or hard boiled eggs to start my day off right … because it might go south from there!


I use coconut oil for pretty much everything, and have been trying to replace diet dr pepper with water!! Does Brooke come with the giveaway???


My healthiest habit is doing some meal prep Sunday evenings. It helps so much to have prepped veggies and snacks on hand to grab before I get hangry!


My healthiest habit is my salad a day habit. The more random the mixture the better!


Hmm.. I think my healthiest habit is my consistent cycling. Not only because it’s good exercise but because I love it and it makes me happy!


My healthy habit has been to rehydrate, and stretch properly after every run! Trying to make it injury free year!


Hey Janae and Brooke!!!! I wanna win that awesome prize!!!


My Healthiest habit is getting enough sleep. Ever since becoming a parent/SAHM I make sure I get 7-9 hours of sleep every night! Nothing is worth me being cranky and dealing with the shenanigans of a the tot!


HELLO BROOKE!!!!! My healthy thing is that I drink plenty of water every day – I don’t understand how people don’t, maybe I’m just always just so thirsty!


Hello to you and Brooke!! That picture is SO cute because she looks so incredibly happy! :)


The healthiest thing I am doing right now is nursing my daughter, I know it is super good for her and good for me too!


Morning walks with my boys. Fresh air and those smiling little faces. Nothing better


I drink alot of water, run at least six days a week & trying to get more weight lifting in so that i can prevent injuries! Now if you were to ask my un healthy habbits the list would go on and on. I eat way too much pizza and eat alot of sugar. I WANT TO WIN!!! :-) :-)))))


Hello, Janae and Brooke.
My Healthy habits include: 1. Positive thinking! 2. Eating health balance of proteins and fats, and carbs; including lots of fresh foods. 3. Keeping track of what I eat (amazing how those calories, fats, sugars add up, even when eating healthy!). 4. Supplementing my diet with nutrients to create a balance of vitamins and minerals. 5. Accountability (friends sure help keep me on the right track!).


HI!! You are both too cute! Erm… a healthy habit…. I take my vitamins! :) Also I’m a huge fan of brown rice protein, I have issues with other protein powder so that looks awesome!


Yay free food! My healthiest habit is probably making sure I exercise consistently. This helps motivate me to eat better and relieves stress so it seems like an all-around good thing!


My food choices and frequency of being active are my healthiest habits!


Drinking a ton of water is my healthiest habit. I used to drink almost no water and now I drink a gallon a day!


My healthiest habit is definitely getting up every morning at 5 to go run or take a barre class!


My healthy habit is drinking lots and lots of water!


I think one of my healthiest habits has been to always put greens of some form into my smoothies!


The healthiest thing I am doing right now is eating more salads and veggies and trying to drink more water along with running some more miles for marathon training


My healthiest habits are drinking lots of water and getting plenty of rest (even with a 3 month old)!


My healthiest habit is not eating processed foods, soda, or a lot of sugar. I went through a long phase of soda and junk food everyday and my body/health suffered for it. Thanks for the giveaway! Looks like some awesome stuff.


My healthiest habit is always packing my own lunch so I don’t eat processed or junk food.


Hmm, my healthiest habit? I always wear my seat belt. I know, it’s not food related, but it’s definitely my healthiest habit. Food-wise, I guess my healthiest habit is that I eat breakfast every day.

Can’t wait for you to move in! How are you going to go to the movies and hang out at night if no one is home to watch Brooke?! I’m been living vicariously through you, since it’s practically impossible for me to go out without paying a million dollars for a babysitter!


My healthiest habit is prepping my lunches on Sunday evenings so all I have to do is throw a healthy lunch in my bag on my way out the door.


My healthiest habit is CrossFit followed by a foam rolling session and a bottle of Chocolate flavored Zico Coconut Water. Delish!


My healthiest habit is food prepping. I prep and cut veggie and lunches, so I have something to already made up when I am starving!


I love NOW! I am currently working on my healthiest habits and trying to sharpen them :)


I have gotten into a routine and mindset that I have to work out or do some sort of activity once a day. I feel weird without it! It’s no longer a chore – it actually makes me feel better!


my healthiest habit is having a green juice/smoothie every morning! i got a nutribullet in january and it has been life changing. i feel so good having one of those, and can definitely tell a difference when i haven’t had one. kale/spinach/chard, pineapple, mango, banana, and coconut water is my favorite combo.


Have went organic 2 years ago have lost over 130 pounds, feel like a different person now will never go back to junk food.


My healthiest habits… drink lots of water and always take the stairs!


Great Giveaway!! I need some of the natural bug spray for my kids.


My healthiest habit is getting some sort of workout in every day, and also drinking a ton of water. I feel so my better when I’m properly hydrated and I have endorphins running through my body…haha. This is an awesome giveaway!


Hello! I just love your blog. I’m currently training for my first marathon. I struggle with ITB issues a lot also. Thanks for hosting the giveaway :)


eating carrots and ketchup everyday for snacks!


My healthiest habit is taking a rest day every week.


I drink a green smoothie for breakfast and eat a salad for lunch. It’s my daily goal to stay raw and vegan until dinner.


One of my healthiest habits is eating six small meals a day, which include plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains!


I love to see that gluten free items are becoming so easy to make and find. I have a soy allergy so finding foods I can eat has become a lot more complicated. I try to just avoid gluten as so many items with gluten also have soy. Thank goodness for summertime fruits, they’re pretty much my entire diet right now. Got to love natural sugars :-)


I couldn’t find the bottom of the comments LOLZ. Even though I’m extremely unlucky all of these look amazing. I’ve actually been looking for a joint pill. I would love to win, it looks like such a nice bunch of things! Also the protein powders because I’ve been looking for protein powders as well as a joint pill.


I work out and occasionally eat healthy. Those are my only healthy habits. Now if you want to talk about unhealthy habits, that is a totally different story :)


Hi Janae and Brooke!!!


Hi Brooke!!!! My healthiest habit is probably just getting as many fruits and veggies as possible into each meal…and adding chia to just about ANYTHING!


Good morning Brooke and Janae:)


Hey Brooke and Janae… I hope y’all have a great week!


My healthiest habit is cooking at home and making alot of foods from scratch (muffins, waffles, granola bars, breads) in order to avoid processed foods/additives.


My healthy habits are regular excercising and eating lots of vegetables and fruit.


My healthiest habit is making sure I get more than enough fruits and veggies in my diet and also trying to work out for at least 30 minutes a day. I took a bit of a run break this month so I couldn’t begin to resent running (I started to get a bit too hard on myself, which lead to a bit of burnout, unfortunately…) but I am now feeling the itch to begin training for something new–like a fall half marathon!


One of my healthiest habits is getting up before work to fit in daily exercise! I start my day off on a great note and nothing else interferes with getting the workout done. Would love to win your giveaway, thanks!


My healthy habit these days is going for mid-day walks (1-2 miles) at work. I have a fitbit that tracks my steps/distance so it keeps me motivated to get up and move after sitting at a desk for 8+ hours. Even if I do walk to starbucks… ;)


I found your blog when I was pregnant with my 3rd child and I’ve been an avid reader since then! My children are 16, 14, and 7 months and they are the loves of my life. I am a runner who loves trails and I am training for my 3rd ultra marathon this October. I appreciate your honesty, sense of humor, and running tips and advice. Thank you for the heads up you have given on certain products, as I have purchased many of your favorites and I love them as well. God bless and best wishes for you and Brooke in your new home!


Hi Janae and Brooke, I’m a new reader and love your blog! I’m training for my first half marathon (in 3 weeks!!) and just registered for a relay from Skagway, Alaska to Whitehorse, Canada. I’m proud to say that I have been sticking to my training plan and am excited to push myself on both race days!


My healthy eating habits: drinking lots of water all day, bringing lunch to work, and completely avoiding fast food places.


Hey Janae and Brooke! Looks like you’re having lots of fun getting ready for the new apartment! I’m moving soon and have been planning and scheming for my new one as well. Fun stuff.

My current healthy habit is running HILL SPRINTS – they’re a short, killer workout but they make me feel so strong. Who doesn’t feel epic while sprinting up a hill? It’s easier on joints than sprinting on flat ground plus it ups the intensity and muscle building. Pretty sure they build character too :)


can flossing count as a healthy habit? i’ve also been pretty good about exercising daily (and switching it up!) and drinking tons of water so i’m proud of that.


My healthiest habit is that I gave up soda when I was in high school (8 years ago) and I have maybe one small can every couple months now! I drink WATER WATER WATER, and the occasional hot cocoa… It’s cold here in Michigan and you gotta have the warmth sometimes ;)


I drink green tea all day so I don’t get bored with water. I also buy fizzy water and add green tea bags to that for hot days.


My healthiest habit is lots of water and always foam rolling after runs!


I just started reading this blog because I just started running! This is an all new thing for me (the year 2014 is the year of getting healthy!). Also – I’m always hungry. And I’m always running now (I just signed up for my first 1/2 marathon!). And. Well, I’m a girl. So I am also a hungry runner girl.

My healthiest habit right now is RUNNING. 4 days a week. And learning how to x-train. And rest. Resting is hard. :)


Healthiest habit, weekly appointments to see the chiropractor/ message therapist also making. Sure I get my Dailey vitamins in.


My healthiest habit is making sure my son stays (and wants to stay) active. I had a sedentary childhood and even at 41 years old, I need constant vigilance to look for the active option. Settling for the couch is still so stupid easy and easily rationalized.

It’s encouraging to see someone like you who naturally gravitates towards active with Brooke, your friends, and your family.


my mom and i go for a walk after breakfast together every morning! we have the best relationship and i love talking to her about anything and everything. I know you and brooke will be the same! i love your cute happy style brooke! x


All those items are amazing! I like to run and practice yoga a couple times a week plus drink tons of water!


My healthiest habit is drinking tons of water and keeping track of my steps!


Healthy habit… eating Greek Yogurt loaded with extra fruit, in place of ice cream at night.


I have to say my healthiest habit is having an at home veggie and herb garden (even though it is just in the summer months). It not only forces me to eat wholesome veggies but to eat a variety of them and cook at home more often!


My healthiest habit is to have a huge salad for lunch everyday. I always keep plenty of chopped veggies on hand, so all I need to add is some protein and a little dressing. I started this habit recently, and now my body looks forward to the deliciousness in the middle of the day!


That print is so cute!! I’ve always loved the you are my sunshine song. I don’t have any specific healthy habits. I just try to eat healthy 80% of the time!


My healthiest habit is getting out and taking a walk every morning.


Healthiest habit — eating a nutritious and satisfying breakfast nearly every day!


The healthiest thing I am doing right now is making sure I am hydrated. Its so hot here this summer. I am as well stretching daily, something I haven’t done on the regular for a while.


My healthiest habit is to bring lunch to work as often as possible. Saves a lot of money too.


My healthiest habit is working out ~5 days/week (sometimes more, sometimes less) and eating healthy 90% of the time! :)


my healthy habits are exercise and eating well 60% of the day and sleeping well 100% of the time!


I think my healthiest habit is that I try and just eat and do what makes my body feel best! Nothing too complicated :-)


Hola, Janae & Brooke!



Love the NOW products. It can be so hard to find healthy supplements and food for athletes! So many mainstream products are loaded with junk like dyes, preservatives, gmos, etc.


My healthiest habit is eating LOTS of fruit!


Aloha Janae & Brooke!

A few of my healthiest habits are making most meals at home, drinking tons of water, and exercising 5-6 days a week.


I’m really good at always drinking tons of water allllll day long!


Ironically, I think my healthiest habit is that I have no guilt about eating junk food when I want :) I went through a few years where I tried to eat 100% “perfect”, and it did nothing except make me miserable. Sometimes mental health comes before physical health!

That sounds like the best birthday party ever, and I love the wall decal :)


I would LOVE to win this! I’m training for my first half this Oct. and could use the healthiest food/nutrition supply possible! Hi Brookie!


I want to win this prize! My healthiest habits are exercising daily and drinking a lot of water.


My healthiest habit is running 4 times a week and drinking water like crazy!


My healthy habit is to meal prep a huge veggie stir fry on Sunday night. I put half in the freezer so it stays fresh for when I’m ready for it.
I wish someone would invite me to a spin birthday get together! so fun!!
I really hope I win the food giveaway!


Hi Janae & Brooke!! Pick me!!


Hethiest habit….running and drinking tons of water:)


My healthiest habit is identifying when I am actually hungry or eating out of boredom and knowing when I’m full before I hit the food coma.


One of my healthiest habits is taking my water bottle everywhere I go! I have to say, you inspired me to start a sugar detox (just for sweets, not fruit or anything), and I am two days in! I’m aiming for at least a week. So hard! Hello to you and Brooke as well! :)


My healthiest habit is drinking lots of water and dancing daily with my baby boy.


My healthiest habits are positivity and self love. I always try to eat healthy but every now and then I have slip ups, everybody does. I don’t punish myself for my slip ups but instead just learn from them and still love myself!


My healthiest habit is regular exercise…all kinds. :)


My healthiest habit is probably how much I walk. Working in Manhattan will do that!


Hello! Healthiest habit is switching from soda to water, lots of water! Coconut oil and making small changes to my overall diet.


My healthiest habit has been learning to accept me for who I am flaws and all. I have been really critical to myself in the past and thought the number on the scale would dictate me. I know this may sound petty to some but for me the healthiest thing was getting my mind right and loving every part of me. Now that I have I am way more happy and more active! not too mention physically healthier :)


Hello From Georgia.


Probably a toss up between exercising and drinking a ton of water!


My healthiest habit is regular exercise, but the one I’m most proud of is drinking water regularly…because…I think my body’s natural dehydration alarm system, i.e. thirst, is broken. I absolutely must consciously work at staying hydrated.


Oh man!! This looks amazing! I would love to win!

I actually had my own issues, not with Ghiardia but something else… they are not totally sure and to be honest i am not sure i am healed 100%… but it is bearable.

But i think it came from eating a bad chicken salad :( everything i ate went through me and made my stomach turn, even water. i dealt with it for 9 MONTHS till i gave in, went to some doctors who kept shoving ‘depression’ pills on me….

after 6 months of doctor stuff. I went to a health store and they suggested a few things. I started taking digestive enzymes and charcoal pills, and those seem to do the trick most of the time! It would be awesome to try some of this stuff to see if it can cure me forever!

I hope you have a great day!! thanks for always sharing your life with us!


My healthiest habits are making sure I always get a serving of vegetables every day, and not drinking soda. It was hard to quit soda, but I am so glad I did!


Random story: I’ve been dealing with tennis elbow for the last couple weeks. I used a cheapo grocery store wrap thing but it broke yesterday so I finally bought some KT tape. I’m thinking this taping thing would be a lot easier if my injury wasn’t on my right elbow!


Wow that all looks amazing! My healthiest habit by far is making sure I exercise before I start my day. It gives me so much energy for the rest of the day and I never miss a workout because it’s always the first thing I do in the morning.


Great giveaway! Some of my healthy habits are making a healthy smoothie for breakfast and drinking lots and lots of water during the day.


You know, I consistently work out 7 days a week. Run every other day and weights elliptical the other days. That’s my most healthy habit. But MAN my eating lately hasn’t been stellar. It stinks because I know its key- but its so hard- Im at 40mpw and Im just always hungry!


My healthiest habit is working out in general. I love all aspects of exercise and would love to do it for a living. However duty calls……..Project management and Software Analyst is what pays my bills.


Not sure I have a real healthy habit. I am a sugar addict but have been trying to be better to set a better example for my daughter. But it is so hard. We try to drink a lot of water and always have a pitcher of water out on the table.


Healthy habit: balance! I rest when I need to and listen to my body :) there are days that I’m lazy and I can identify and push through that, but there are days I’m exhausted and I honor and respect that by taking a step back and resting completely or just getting some mild activity – depends which is more appropriate based on the day and my mood ;)


Like you, I love sleeping in! However, running/exercising in the morning really sets the tone for the entire day. Since starting this a couple years ago, I find that I eat healthier meals, have more energy, and am overall an easier person to be around :)

And hellooooo to you and Brooke, so excited for your new beginning!!


healthiest habit…making sure I get some kind of workout in 4-6 days a week


Healthiest habit is making sure I’m properly hydrated! I struggled in the past with dehydration and now it’s a high priority! I love me some water!


I’ve heard such great things about NOW foods. What an exciting assortment of goodies!!!!


I’m fortunate enough to be surrounded by people who support me, believe in me, and make me laugh. Nurturing those relationships is probably the healthiest thing I do.


Hi Janae and Brooke!!! I think the healthiest habit I have been working on is adding more water daily and cutting back on the sugar…that chocolate is hard to resist!


My healthiest habit is drinking lots of water!


My healthiest habit would have to be getting enough sleep. I value how much sleep I get over things like how much time I put into my hair/makeup/etc. :)


What an awesome giveaway! Hope I win :)


Hi! A friend told me about your blog and I have had to tell her thank you a hundred times. I think that my healthiest habit it running- not as much the running but the friendships that have come along with the running. Best therapy ever! So excited about your new place! Can’t wait to see pics.


My healthy activity is waking up super early every morning before work to get my exercise in! It always sets me up for a good/healthy day!


Healthiest habit is staying hydrated! HI BROOKERS, HI JANAE :)))


Healthiest Habit—good sleep habits!


I really enjoy and appreciate Now Foods. The company really has a great philosophy. Anyways, my “healthiest habit” is that I think I am currently maintaining a good “exercise” program (hiking, yoga, lifting weight…within reason). Also, although I’m certainly not “perfect” at it 100% of the time, overall, I strive to eat healthy stuff 80-90% of the time, but always include indulgent treats 10-20% of the time. No food is “good” or “bad” for me. Some are simply more nutritious and nutrient rich than others. The “treats” are there for “emotional” health. :-) Including both with this ratio seems to be keeping me and my body happy and healthy.
I hope I win this Giveaway!! I’d love to receive their (Now Foods) products!


One of my healthiest habits is eating lots of greens throughout the day! They give me so much energy!


Hi Janae and Brooke! Never commented before, but love your blog. I have also never tried Now Foods but this would be great to win so I could!


I drink lots of water and try to get enough sleep.


One of my healthiest habits is making good meals with my boyfriend. Our first date was making a dinner together and since then we’ve made dinner together at least once a week. We both are active and like to be healthy so we challenge ourselves to keep our dinners “clean”. Our most recent dinner was chicken and veggie kabobs on the grill with pineapple and grilled corn on the cob on the side. Yum!


One of my healthiest habits is getting enough sleep at night (okay, doesn’t always happen, but it’s a good goal to have)!


My healthiest habit is not eating processed foods or meat. I also try to get enough sleep. I notice such a huge difference in how I feel if I don’t!


sometimes the healthiest thing I could do is to not overtrain.


Brushing my teeth before bed is my healthiest habit!!!


I am expecting baby #2 so staying healthy is tougher but also more important. I’ve been eating more veggies & protein and focusing on hydration.


After I went running this weekend, my 2 year old son said (and repeatedly for the rest of the day). “Mommy go running. Yay Mommy (while clapping).” Makes me feel better about getting out for exercise.


My healthiest habit is that I eat a ton of fruit! It’s nature’s candy!


I love that picture! You and Brooke are so cute.


I would love to win.. My healthy habit is to increase my exercise to 4-6 times a week and to increase my protein intake while watching my calories


I, like you, have a sugar addiction – so the healthiest thing I try to do is avoid it as much as possible… It’s really hard most days, but the longer you go without it, the easier it gets to avoid it!


I keep telling myself I need to refine my habits to make them healthy, so in the meantime I’ve made a really strong effort to increase my water intake each day!


My healthiest habit is drinking at least 64 oz of water per day. I have a 32 oz bottle at work and drink one before lunch and one before I leave work. Which reminds me, I need a refill. :)


Sleep! That’s my biggest healthy habit! Also, lately, I’ve been really trying to dial-in to what my body NEEDS in terms of food…..Soup in the summer? Okay! (Maybe I sweat a lot at the gym that day and my body needs some sodium?) Do I need a crunch? Etc. (My friend has helped me with intuitive eating and body image in the last few months…’s been good!)

Hello Brooke and Janae! Love the “Sunshine” print!


I’m working on getting back into the healthy habits I used to have so right now that means getting up early to exercise before my kiddos wake up! I’m learning that it’s so worth it!


Trying to come up with a healthy habit to share is making me realize that I need to start forming some healthy habits! I just ran my first full marathon on Sunday in San Francisco and I am going to start training in a couple of weeks for my first 50k…seems like a good time to start reinforcing healthier behaviors!


First: Brooke is HUGE! When did she grow up? So beautiful…

And speaking of beautiful, I am in love with that print. So special.


My healthiest habit has been walking the dogs in the morning and lifting weights 4 days a week. I have so much more energy when I’m consistent .


One of my healthiest habits is biking to work. I love how it wakes me up in the morning!

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